Makeham, W. M. On The Law of Mortality and The Construction of Annuity Tables

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On theLaw of Mortalityand the Construction of AnnuityTables.

By William Matthew Makeham, Esq., of the Churchof
England Assurance Institution.
MOST writerson the subjectof lifeannuitieshave had occasion
to lamentthe paucityof tables available for the performance of
calculationsinvolvingtwo or more lives. The late Mr. David
Joneshas done much to supplythis deficiency by thepublication
of completesets of tablesfortwolivesat variousratesofinterest ;
but,beyondthis,it is extremely improbable that, underthe pre-
sentsystem,any considerableprogresswill be made,owingto the
multiplicity of the different
combinations whenthreeor morelives
are concerned, and the consequentmagnitudeof the task involved
in theconstruction of completesetsof tablesforsuch cases.
It is scarcelynecessary,I presume,to enlargeto anygreat
extentupon the advantagesof a readyand expeditiousmode of
computingaccurately thevaluesof annuitieson threeor morelives,
accordingto a certainpredetermined table of mortality,in pre-
ferenceto the usual methodsof approximation at presentadopted
for the purpose of avoidingcalculationsof,formidablelength.
Althoughthe values deduced by such methodsof approximation,
in manyinstances,are, perhaps,as near the truthas the values
correctlydeducedwould be, yet it is generallyfelt that,having
assumed a certaintable of mortality as the basis of calculation,
it is desirablethatthe resultsattainedshouldbe strictly consistent
withthatbasis- in short,thatour conclusions shouldbe in accord-
302 On theLaw ofMortality [Jan.
ance withourpremises. Grantedthatsuch a rateof mortality and
such a rateof interestwill obtain,thensuch a sum,and no other,
is thevalue of the givenannuityor othercontingentbenefit. To
thisveryproperregardforlogicalconsistency, whichis the founda-
tion of mathematical science,we owe the constructionof tablesof
annuitiescertainto fiveor six decimalplaces; forit cannotbe pre-
tendedthat anyassumedrate of interestrepresentsthereal value
of moneyso exactlyas to rendersuch extremeaccuracyat all
necessaryto the abstractjusticeofthe case.
The chiefobject of the followinginvestigation has, therefore,
been to finda formulawhichshould represent withsufficient accu-
racythe resultsofobservations on thelaw ofmortality;and which,
at the same time,should be adaptedto facilitatethe construction
ofcomplete sets of tablesof annuitiesinvolvingseverallives.
Part I. - On theLaw ofMortality.
It seemsto be generallyadmitted,that the theoretical law of
mortality propoundedby Mr. Gompertz,althoughby no means a
perfectrepresentation of the actual law, at the same time is so
nearlyborne out by facts,as to renderit highlyprobablethat
further progressin the investigation willbe madein thetrackthus
opened up; in other words, that practicalimprovements in the
construction of mortalitytables maybe lookedforin somemodifi-
cationofMr. Gompertz'sformula.
As the subjectis moreconveniently the
theoreticallaw in question may be definedby stating that the*
logarithms of theprobabilities of livingoverany givenperiodpro-
ceed in geometricalprogression.
To see howfarthis theoretical law is supportedby experience,
let us examinethe following data, derivedfromthreeof the most
approvedmortality tables:-

1. Carlisle Table. 2. Experience. 3. GovernmentAnnuitants.

Log. of Log. of Log. of

Age. prob,of Log.» Prob,of Log.« Prob,of Log.»
Living of Differences.
Living of Differences.
Living of Differences,
over20 same. over20 same. over20 same.
Years. Years. Years.

<-> _ (-) _ (-) -

20 07918 2-89862 -074272*87081 -101541-00664
+ •25968 _ +-29936 _ + -17159
40-14398 115830 -147971*17017 -150741-17823
+ -60690 _ + -63111 _ + -55518
60 -58237 1-76520 -632821*80128 -541271*73341
I860.] and theConstruction
of AnnuityTables. 303

Now, if the Gompertziantheorywere strictlytrue,the two

termsin thecolumnof differences wouldbe equal; but,insteadof
thisbeingthe case,it appearsthat in each of thethreeinstances
the seconddifference is considerably greaterthan the first,which
shows that the logarithmsof the probabilities, instead of pro-
ceeding in uniform geometricalprogression, increase (numerically)
in a fargreaterratioin thehigherthanin the lowerages.
But althoughthethreetermsin the firstcolumndo not obey
the law assigned,yettheymaybe.madeto do so by the additionof
a certainuniformquantity(x) to each term,such quantitybeing
thenumericalvalue ofthe following expression, in whichthe three
giventermsare denotedrespectively by the letters a, b, and c :-
_ W-ac
a + c-2b*
The additionof thisquantityto the logarithms of the proba-
bilitiesis, of course,equivalentto multiplyingthe probabilities
themselvesby the numbercorresponding to the quantityadded,
consideredas a logarithm ; and the definition of the law of mor-
becomes - " the of increased ordiminished
tality probabilities living,
in a certainconstantratio,forma serieswhose logarithmsare in
geometrical progression."
I proceedto describethe methodof deducingthe rateof mor-
talityat everyage accordingto the law last defined, and to exhibit
theresultsin comparison withthose derivedfromactualobserva-
tions,and also with the resultsdeduced by means of Mr. Gom-
Let Ttxdenotethe probability of livingone year at age x, and
of livingn years at same age ; then the three
itj^ the probability
quantitiesin thefirstcolumnsof the foregoingtablewillbe repre-
sentedby log. TTao^,log. wA^', andJog. w^l Further: let a80
standforthe quantityby which7r2020l, and w^, are to be
multipliedin order,that the law of geometricalprogression may
prevail,and let q^ be the commonratio of the threeresulting
terms. Now,
lOg. 7T20^=lOg. 7T2o + 10g. 7T21+ . . . . log. 7T39
log. (a209r2oŽ01)=log.(aír2o)+ log. (a7T21)+ .... log. (a7r39);

and, by the assumedlaw of mortality,

log. (a7T21)=log. (a7T20)X q
log. (a7T22)=log. (a7T20)X q2
&c. = &c.;
304 On theLaw of Mortality. [Jan.
log. (a207r20^)=log. (a7r20)+ log. (a7r20)X ^ .... + log. (a7r20)X £19
=log. (a7T20)X

.". log. (a7r20)=log. (a207r20^) X

and havingfound,by thelast equation,the firsttermof the series
the successivetermsare obtainedby therepeatedaddi-
log. 2(cnrx),
tionsoflog. q, and the serieslog. irxis thendeducedby the simple
subtractionof log. a fromeach termoflog. (aTr^).
It remainsnowto test the proposedformulaby its application
to actual observations,forwhichpurposeI select thewell-known
Experience"mortality amongstassured lives. In thiscase, the
data for the ages between20 and 80 is by farthe most important
in comparisonwiththe rest; first,becausethe observations on the
ages not includedbetweenthoselimitsare madeupon numberstoo
smallto givemuchweightto the deductionsmadefromthem; and,
secondly,because the greatmass of the calculationsof an Assur-
ance Officewillbe but slightlyaffected by errorsin estimatingthe
rate of mortalityat the excludedages. For these reasons,the
followinglaw of mortalityhas been deduced entirelyfromthe
observations on lives betweenthe ages of 20 and 80, leavingthe
remainingportionsof the table to be constructed on the assump-
tionthat the law so deduced maybe taken to represent the true
rateof mortality- say,fromthe age of 10 yearsupwards,to the
extremity ofhumanlife.
The data derivedfromthe Experienceobservations gives
- -07427=«,
Addingto each of thesetermsthe quantitylog. a20,deducedfrom
the formula,
7>2 ar

we have
log. (a8Oflr2oáõ')= -01321 log.=2-12091
+ -81815=log. q™
-08691 log.=2-93906
log. (a2O7T4o2"ö1)='-
+ •81815= do.
log. (a2°7r602Ol)=---57176 log.=l-75721
I860.] and theConstruction
of AnnuityTables. 305
whencewe obtainthefollowing valuesof the constantsused in the
22<>=6-578850iog.= -8181500
?20_1==5.578850 log.= -7465447
£=1-098772 log.=_-0409075
?~1= -098772 log.=2-9946338
a20=M50959 log.= '06106
a=l«007054 log.= '003053
log.(a7r20)=~ -000233883 log.=4-3689987.
The followingis a specimenof the actualprocessoffindingthe
logarithms the adjustedprobabilitiesforeach age :-
log.2(a7T20)=4-3689987 log. (a7r20)= '000233883
•0409075 --000023100

log.2(a7T21)=4-4099062 log. (a7r21)='000256983

•0409075 - -000025384

log.2(a7T22)=4-4508137 log. (a7r22)= -000282367

•0409075 - -000027889

•0409075 - -000030645

&c. &c.
The differences of the serieslog. (airx)are here takenout,and
the value of log. 7r20
being foundby subtractinglog. a fromthe
firsttermof the series (viz.,log. a7r20),the successiveadditionof
givesthe severalvaluesoflog. rrxthus:-
the differences

log. (a7T20)=- -000233883

-log. a=- -003053000
- -003286883=log.7T20
A = - -000023100
- -003309983=log. tt21
&c. &c.
I now beg to direct.the reader'sattentionto the following
table,showingthe annual mortality amongst1,000 personsenter-
ing upon each year of age from 20 to 80 ; first,fromthe actual
experience of the 17 Offices; secondly,from the Actuaries'
Adjusted Table based fromthe formulaherein
upon it; thirdly,
described; and,lastly,from Mr. Goinpertz'sownformula.
306 On theLaw of Mortality [Jan.

Annual Mortalityper 1,000.

-. Actuaries' ■«•„, Gom- « M Actuaries' XTott Gom-

20 12-38 7*29 7*55 3*74 50 16-30 15*94 1599 21*10

21 10*95 7*38 7*59 3'97 51 17*20 16*90 16*87 22*36
22 5*95 7-46 7'66 4*20 52 18*95 17*95 17*85 2364
23 8*51 7*56 7*71 4*46 53 18*52 19*09 18*91 2506
24 6*74 7*67 7*78 4*72 54 18*12 20*31 2008 26*51
25 767 7*77 7*87 5*00 55 24*92 2166 21*34 2808
26 7*15 7*89 7*94 530 56 24*46 23*13 22*76 29*74
27 8*94 801 8*05 5*61 57 22*01 24*68 24*29 31*48
28 7*71 8*14 8*14 595 58 2398 26*39 26*00 33*30
29 5-27 828 825 6*30 59 30*10 28-25 27*86 35*28
30 7-19 8-42 8*37 6*68 60 30*13 30*34 2989 37*32
31 7*65 858 8*51 7*07 61 3283 32*61 32*12 39*52
32 609 8*75 8*67 7*49 62 3164 35*12 34*55 41*81
33 9*48 8*92 883 7*94 63 35*30 3784 3724 44*24
34 8*88 9*10 901 8*41 64 48*20 40*83 40*18 4683
35 10*57 9*29 9*19 8*91 65 45*29 44*08 43*40 49*55
36 9*55 9*48 9*42 9*43 66 4781 47*61 46*92 52*43
37 10*08 9'69 9*65 10*00 67 4493 51*47 50*77 55*44
38 9'95 991 9*92 10*59 68 57*35 55*63 54*98 58*67
30 9*57 10*13 10*19 11*21 69 6205 6009 59*61 62*05
40 11*61 10-36 10*51 11*88 70 75*53 64*93 64*64 65*63
41 10*80 10 61 10*85 12*58 71 70*72 70*16 70*13 69*41
42 10*56 10-89 1124 13*33 72 67*20 7580 76*15 7336
43 10*61 11*25 11*65 14*11 73 7936 81*88 8272 77*58
44 11*75 11*70 1213 14*95 74 91*82 8847 89*88 8203
45 1217 12*21 12*63 1586 75 100*54 95'56 97*68 8667
46 10*99 12-84 13*18 16*76 76 102*35 103*18 106*16 91*59
47 1306 13*52 13-79 17*78 77 10208 111*47 115*41 96*79
48 16*56 14*26 14*45 18*79 78 134*55 120*44 125*44 102*26
49 14*85 15*06 15*17 19*92 79 134*69 13006 136*35 10801

It will be seen,by inspection,

that the numbersin the third
columnfollowveryfairlythe originaland adjusteddata in the-first
and second; while the last column,obtainedby the applicationof
Mr. Gompertz'sformulaunmodified, exhibitsso little conformity
withthe originaldata,as to renderit totallyunfitto be adoptedas
a substitute.
I proceed,in the next part,to showhow the methodof con-
structionhereinproposedmaybe made of considerableutilityin
forminga completeset of annuitytables involvingtwo or more
Part 2.- On theConstruction of AnnuityTables.
It willbe convenientto abandon thelogarithmicformhitherto
adopted,and pursue the subject with the aid of the characters
The followingequationsare deduceddirectlyfromthe assumed
as «defined
law of mortality in thefirstpart.
I860.] and theConstruction
of AnnuityTables. 307


a^»+r-i=(a7rn)?r"1 ; ^_1

whence a7TnXa7rn+1X. . . Xa7rw+r_1=ar7rn;:l==(a7rn)g"1
1 __ 3 qr
Let B„=(a7rn)í-1>and we haveaVnrl=-~.

consequently,if ď be the value of £1 (certain)due r yearshence,
the value of £1 contingenton a life aged n years survivingthe
termof r yearswill be W.^f- = %^sr (putting- =*). The
'aj X5n J5n a
value of an annuity,payable in advance,on a life aged n years,
be represented
will,therefore, by
. . adinfin.) [1];
^(Bn+B,**. + Bn*V+Bn*V.
and, similarly,the value of an annuityon two joint lives aged
m and n, by
~jJBmBn+(BnBnyi+(KKf^+ ) [2],
wheret= - .
In seekingfora suitablemodification oř Mr. Gompertz'sfor-
mula, it is, of course,highlydesirableto avoid introducingany
unnecessary intricacy. Now, it will be observedthat the addi-
tionalconstant,a, entersin the formulapreciselyin the sameway
as the elementof interest,whichmayalmostin practicebe said to
forman inseparablepart of it; and consequently, that, for all
practicalpurposes,the proposedmodification does not alter the
formofthefunctiondeducedby Mr. Gompertz.
If the twolivesbe of the sameage,p, the value of the annuity
(¿■{WH (BÍ)*/+(BÜ*V+ J [3].
Comparingthiswith the formula[2], it will readilybe seen
thatthe value of an annuityon the twolivesaged m and n willbe
the sameas the value of an annuityon the twoequal livesagedp,
providedthat BmBn=B^. The same property,of course,holds
good foranynumberof lives. Thus,the value of an annuityon
threejointlives,each agedp} is
fô){(K)+m*+(Kf*i+ },
308 On theLaw ofMortality [Jan.
whichis also the value of an annuityon any othercombination
threelives,aged respectivelyi, k, and /,provided

The propertyin question,as I shall nowproceedto show,gives

the powerofconstructing a table of the correctvaluesof annuities
for any given number of lives (accordingto the law of mortality
beforeexplained),witha considerably less expenditure of timeand
labourthanis requiredin constructing a completeset oftablesfor
twolivesonlyaccordingto theusual method.

Takingtheq'h powerof each sideoftheequationBM= (a7rn)g"1,

we haveBgw=(a7rn)g~1; but(a7rn)?=a7rn+i,
wherefore Bqn=(cnrn+i)q~l
= Bn+l, and, generally,Bgn'=Bn+,; consequently,(Bm.Bn)qt=
Bm+¿Bw+¿,and (Bp)qt=Bp+t ; from which it appears that if
B p= BmBn,thenB2p+i = Bm+¿. Bn+¿; and,therefore, havingfoundp,
the commonage equivalentto m and n,the commonage equivalent
to (m+ t) and (n+ t) will be p + t. Now, let m be theyoungerof
the two ages m and n, and let p-=-m+ d>thenp + 1= (m+ 1)+ d ;
thatis, the additionwhichmustbe made to the youngerage m,to
give the equivalentcommonage p, is the same whichmust be
made to theyoungerof any othertwo ages wherethe difference is
the same,viz.,n-m.
I annex(Table I.) an extractfroma table of annuitieson two
lives of equal ages, accordingto the proposedlaw of mortality,
constructed in the usual way,but havingthe valuesof everytenth
part of a year'sdifference in age insertedby interpolation.The
latterprocessis renderedcomparatively easy,by the factthat the
values of annuitiesat consecutiveages are nearlyin arithmetical
progression. The further subdivisionofthe ages, whennecessary,
can be performed by the aid ofthe columnof differences.
Beforethe table so formedcan be used forfindingthevalues
of annuitieson combinationsof unequal ages, we must have a
table showingthe addition,d, to be made to the youngerof two
ages whosedifference is k>in orderto givethe equivalentcommon
age. Assume the youngerage=o, then
BJ=B0B*.-. (Bf)2=B0(Bf ),
or B^=B01+îj, whence 2qd=l + q'

qd= -y-, orlog.q X cř=log.

I860.] of AnnuityTables.
and theConstruction 3Ö9

by which formulathe valuesof dxin the annexedtable havebeen
In a similarway,it maybe shownthat,in the case of three
lives,if k and /denotethedifferencesbetweentheyoungestand the
othertwoages respectively, in orderto findtheequivalentcommon

age we mustadd to the youngestage the quantity = .

To calculatethe value of this expression foreverycombinationof
k and / wouldbe a workof considerable labour,but by meansof a
table of the valuesof qx {videTable II.), the quantityin question
maybe easilycomputedin any particularcase. The annuitytable
forthree,or indeedany numberoflives,would,of course,be found
preciselyin the samewayas the tablefortwolives,and wouldre-
quire,in its construction,
the same amountoflabour,and no more.

Table I.- TwoJointLives(Extract).

CommonAge. Annuity. Difference.CommonAge. Annuity. Difference.

(-) (-)
39-1 13-4751 229 39*6 13*3601 232
39-2 13-4522 229 397 13-3369 232
39-3 13-4293 230 398 13*3137 233
39-4 13-4063 231 39*9 13*2904 233
39*5 13*3832 231 40* 13*2671 234

Table II. {Extract).

x. log.qx. qx. dx. x. log.qx. qx. dx.
11 -,4499825 2*818270 6*865 16 -6545200 4*513568 10*766
12 -4908900 3-096635 7*612 17 -6954275 4-959381 11*591
13 -5317975 3*402495 8*376 18 -7363350 5*449229 12*429
14 -5727050 3*738566 9*158 19 -7772425 5-987458 13-280
15 -6136125 4-107830 9*954 20 -8181500 6*578850 14*143

I concludewithan exampleofthe actualprocessof determining

fromthe tablethevalue of an annuityon two jointlives,and also
ofthe equivalentcommonage in a case of threelives. The corre-
spondingannuityin the lattercase would,of course,be found
fromthe table of three lives in preciselythe same way as the
annuityon the twolives.
310 On theRationaleof certainActuarialEstimates. [Jan.
Example1.- Required the value of an annuityon two joint
livesaged respectively30 and 45.
Here, #=15 and (Table II.) ¿15= 9*954; wherefore
the equiva-
lent commonage=39#954. By Table I. we findthevalue of an
annuityforthe age 39*9= 13*2904,and the corresponding differ-
ence forone-tenthof a year= -233. Therefore,
233 x -5 =117
233 x -04= 9
Example2. Requiredthe commonage equivalentto thethree
ages, 25, 40, and 45,
Here, ¿=15, /= 20.
3 11-68668
3-89556 log.= -59057
log.£= -04091
•59057 ,, Jft/i

and commonage required=39*436.

On the Rationaleof certainActuarial Estimates. By Charles

Jellicob, Actuaryto theEagle InsuranceCompany.
[Readbefore ofActuaries,
oOME threeor fouryearsago, I submittedto the membersofthe
Institutea fewobservations on the valuationof property held for
life and in reversion,and on the due apportionment of it when
questionsarise betweenthe life tenantand the ownerof the fee.*
I wasinducedto bringthissubjectunderthenoticeof the members
fromobservingthe greatdifference of opinionprevailingin regard
to it generally,and especiallyin the discussionson the subjectof
church leases and of otherpropertysimilarlycircumstanced - in
* See volumevi.,page61.

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