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ATEXT BOOK or . TENSOR CALCULUS Pubihel by F.C. Mond Cleats Publishers 14 Ramanath Majumdar test Catet700 008 8 | AS ao © © capiernnt te ater a hho wor may {eas ren persion fom he Autor ene Rates | msn «2 19014 9 eice: Raper Siaty Only q nee ear, ae Laser compo by ef ‘Caleata Computer {4 Ramanath Majumdar Sret Caleta 700 008. Pred by: Mada Enterprise GIAIIS Belaghats Main Road aleit-700 010 | | ‘SYLLABUSES OF TENSOR CALCULUS. A./B, Se, Honours Courses CCALCUTEA UNIVERSITY (Revised Sabu): Paper VIL (Hons) A tenor a a generalised enncept ofa vector aa Eutean space £,- Tb geterale the Hea in an n-dimensional spe Definition of, Tansformation of coordinates ia, (n = 2,3 ‘5 examples) "Summation conveation. Conrvatiant_and vortant nestor, nvarons. Contavarant, evarsnt spd med temo The Kronecker dela. Algebra of tensor Syme ad SNewsyminctric tensor. Audion and scalar muito, fonteacton, outer and iancr product of tensors. Quotient I Reciprocal tensa. Riemsnnian space, Line clement and. metric tenor ‘Reciprocal metric tensor. Rang and lowering of indies withthe hcp of mtr tensors. Assocs tensor, magne of eto Inclination of to. tector: Orthogonal vectom. Crate smbolsand their aw of wnsformation ‘Contin diferemiation of vector and tensors. Disergenee ‘The Mcaitiesg,,= 4", 8, =O Invi deca Curvature tenor, Ric ensr, scalar curature, The ‘enue satisfied bythe earatre Legon Flt pace Space (CALCUTTA UNIVERSITY: Paper V (O8Sylabus) Space of mimemions. Coordinate transformations. The sumotaoaeoeention Contarant aod. covarat eto Invariants Conemartan, covariant and mol ton. The ‘Kronecker deka. Smmetic tn skews tens, Ao, subtraction, cuier produc, cantacton, inner mulipato, ‘Quotient ow: Remon spose. Thine men ad the metic temor. Christel symbols and thet ws of tasfornation, (Cvariant diferetstnn of tors ar! emer im TRUPURA UNIVERSITY Same as CALCUTTA UNIVERSITY; Paper V (OM Sys) VIDYASAGAR UNIVERSITY: Paper VI Space of dimensions. Teansformation of coordinates CContrvrant and vat vectors. Seals (invari) ‘Contrarian, cvaran and mixed tenors. The Kronecker dl Symmeric and skewsymmetric tensor. Addition and Imuliplstion of tear. Contraction. Composition of tenor ‘Quon nv. Riemannian space. The line element and metic tenor, Conjugate or reciprocal feo. Chrisofel symbol and thet Le of tanstormation, Coarantsiferentiton of vectors ‘nd tenors. Covarant differentiation of sums and products Divergence of a vector Laplcan of sale. Curate tensor tnd Ribs tenors Covaran caratire tensor The Bich ‘ent. Fat space, ‘VISWABHLARATI: Pat I Pape TV ‘stor an! Teor Anasi—Nark 50 Tensor Anas ‘Space of dimerions. Tansformation of coordina CContenavant tnd” ‘cvarat sectors. Seles (vast ‘Contec, covariant and mised cmon. The Kroner de ‘Smmetic and. skewsymmstric tensor. Addition ad mulipiction of tenon Coneacion Compson of tens ‘Quote iw. Chitty and thr of arsformtion. Govananilrentation of sectors and tenors Covariant ‘erento of sue and prods: Daerenee a vein KALVANI UNIVERSITY: Pape {Group B--Marks 0 CCurvilnear coocdinues. Natural bai and its reciprocal CConiacant ind variant vestons Gone 1ensor. Teanormation lows. Metric tensor Covaant ilerentaton, ow ‘Temsorial representation of gradient, cur divergence and Liplaan. Sphere polar cordate and jodie) polar ‘conviautes. Expression of Laplacian in these cooriates. M.A./M. Se. Courses (CALCUTTA UNIVERSITY PURE MATHEMATICS (Reve Splahs) Paper V—=Group B Riemannian and Buclilean spaces, Metric vmsor,elatve texan, Int diferente, RicmanayChritflel symbol, Pall vector fk Cusine coordinate in Eetidean pace 5 CALCUTTA UNIVERSITY : PURE MATHEMATICS Paper I (Ol Slabs) noun to esr algebra and tens caus times spice “ansfomaton of somites Contract ecto, ‘Sharan wero: variants eeore of ite der, Algebrn of ‘eros. Quotient law. Coojuste symneiic tenor, Relatve temor: Riemannian space ‘The metre tensor. Mapitude of + ‘ctor. Angle,Covatintdfereation. Intisiediflereatiaton, ‘ictann Christoffel symbols [BURDWAN UNIVERSITY: Paper Il—Tensor-—Marks 20 ‘Tmo algebra. Riomannian metic. Christo symbol. Covent dferetnton. Geometic interpretation of cova ‘sd conrvaiant enor and of ovarian deen cuvinest ‘ordinates in Enlean space. Reger base mens. IADAVPUR UNIVERSITY = Part, Units Diflerentil Geometry (including censor) “Teasors: Tasfomation of cordinats. Contavriant and covariant vector. Tensor algebra, Symeticandskewsymmetic | ou tensors, Conjugate ymeus esos the second order: Metric tensor Christel symbols. Covariantdiferentition. Riemann tenor, Ris tena, [NORTE BENGAL UNIVERSITY : Paper ‘Ror ani. Cristoflymbol and he tansformatos CCovariantdifereniaton of trae, Riemann-Chrtofel tear tnd its properties. ic! tensor. Bianchi ets aod Eincin tensor. Theesstems and general Kronecker dels, Intisie Serve EA.S. (Main amination): Paper Mahomatic. “Tensor anasis: Definition of tenor, Tnsformtion of coordinates. Conravaiant and covariant vectors Adon tnd ‘mulpcaton of tensors, entation of emer nner product Fnimentl tensor, Crsofel ybob Cova deena Gradient divergence and curl in tener notation. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION In this eon two new chapters named chapers V and VI have been added of which the former teste inary see talsi + Salimensional Evcldean sce E, relered 0 ‘nicl pole and sphere polar coordinate systems andthe laer deals with Tensor ana in Breered to carlinest ‘ordinate sytem. Further, some amount of new material as ‘eon aad in chaper IL Thee ations became nese 10 sake the bok a suitable textbook forthe present BAB Se (Hors) ad MAMSe. courses of Indian Uneris. Besides these addons, te numberof worked examples md rapes of th exercises his eon considerably ipeteased incluing some {pls de tothe shor aken from his esearch papers ‘all dccced mispns a he fst elton ve Boe corte, 1 should eto thank specially two ofa fret pup, De Purnia Chakraborty apd Dr. B. Chai fo supiag me with ‘ome materia pooded to prepare the manasrp of chapiers V fn VI and for tendeig eer valuable atance. 1 dase (0 thank alo De. A: Kona and Dr. U-C: De oth Readers of the Dept of Mathomate, KalyniUnieriy who read. the ‘manuscript of chapters V and VI and olfered some valuable Sagetions Tay record my appreciation tothe Pblsers and Printers forthe excellence of ther work ‘Chic and suggestions for the improverent ofthe book willbe patty acknowledged. Caleta M.C.Chaki Jane, 1994 PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION “This book intended 1 area 2 text ook or he present [BA and BS. Honour soins of Indian Unerse Ieconst fine chapters named chapters 0, Il, It and TV, of wich Chapter 0 proves an informatie infrodacton concer the igi nd nate of he eo concep td the peo esce ‘Ssh whe hoptr dea ome premises oe the etme he mn nth sing chapter InCaoper 11 mor Algcra has teen developed nan erin specs ile chapter an imerkonal Riemannian pace a es ‘honen forthe development of Teor Caan Chapt TV bit Shove Nv sme noon era ordanty etrer anbe Acted fom appropiate ruts Ia the Yor eae of Seinen! Remannianspace Ts done int the powcr tenor ete Prey fot hasbeen made to et he jet materia an snanbiguusy clear and igor manne. Tenure cay of sndtsening dead explanations have been given wherever thought netsh. The oueous noes tobe found athe et fe designed to Bep the reader o hie 8 frm gasp on he ‘aerial an are aso med at preventing ale impressions snd ‘htonadcomcepn rth nd oech chop, ep caper Trg nonber of problens of aor per ne toon Completed andere containing erty graded ad ici ped ta ths Bok wl ve wel ot ont he Honours stents ut aot the post gadate students the Universes where Dierental Geometry taught with he lp of Teme cla, 10 the sant of EpnctngClegs and tothe canine for some competitive examinations T shou ike to thank De. (Ms) Banana Baru, Reade of the Department of Pore Mathematics Caleta Unbersiy far ling some valuable sopgestions forthe improvement ofthe took dst abot thank Mis Manjshe Trad, ectarer of thesume Department of Clit Unive ea the ete Imani and fered some valable oto Lh Tih torso my apprestion othe Pubser and Printers or their cae and ffs ning ot ths bok Cities sogetos forthe inpronemest of he took ‘wl be erate scknowige Caleta September, 1987 MC Chais contENTS ‘compres Paces tateoction 1 Some pecininaies 719 “enor slgehrn in mensional space 2075 ‘Temeor cael na Remaaaian space 76183 ‘emoreau in Simensional ualiean space 9 Vind pola abd spherical pote ‘Soorinate sens in Elem space E, Sand rina veetoe amass in his space felesred to these stems so Vi Carvligeae coordinate stem i Euclidean ‘Spare By an tensor ana in, relertd to such eboney, i Pll vector felds m2 SUBIECT INDEX asad Dr. MC. Chali former Sir Asutosh Bith Centenary Professor originally ame Haring Profesor) of higher tmnthematis and Head ofthe Dep of Pte Mathematics, Clea Unversity. A "TEACHER OF EMINENCE’ of Caleta Universi, he ta member ofthe Eto Stall ‘ofthe ineratonaliy reputed jouraal ‘TENSOR’ and the Stor of age number of esarch papers and several txt tools for undergraduate course. A goometer of Imernational fame heat present the sensrmost ative ‘mathenatican of lia, CHAPTER O INTRODUCTION ‘01 Tensor: The method of Genera Differential Calas ‘was eee by Onis, Rieann, Cistol and Ric. To this Yencral cakules Rich give the name ‘Abolue Diferentil ates Te fist memoi on ths subject was publabed by ‘Rice and bi student Lev Chit in 1901 "The grat ental physist W. Voigt of Gitingen dicovered tensor enti thm aad gave dem his amen is remarkable teatse’A Text oko Cyt Pic polished in 1910, The Gast ‘arp of temor which was recognise n Phys waste stem ‘Sttetom (teas) of defomed soi The ame tense reals {hsorii te, the word mor comes om he word ewsion "The teen enor and ow analjs were itrodved in the study of Aout Different Cel smltancowly wih the {reat ofthe general theory of relat and were proposed by ‘Boscia and Gras fa their oat menoi Introduction £0 General Relativiy Theory’ published in 1916 “Tenor i a generation ofthe erm vector and Tenor Caeuus or rather Tenor Ana generalization of vector nabs. (02 Vector of ew-dimensonal Euclidean space F, Intissextionwedcut how the term era mayo cosiered ‘sa enwralzaton ofthe term vector For this we sar witha twe-dimensonal Eilean space E, provided witha stem of ‘estanulr Cartesian coordinates. Let and Pe wo pont of with (x) and (9) a the espectve coordinates (See Fig). For convenience we tke the coordinates of point as (Ge, x). thoogh is conventional take them 8 (9) a te a ch pn, Nace 4 Roa Sai omar, ei 4 Yamae en eye | ene ort fhe ce ne sept 7, of i ‘the vector FQ, ae (4,-¥ | % a | Desoag 2-3 and 45%2) 2y~yy by 2, and 2, respec I 5h Sci vy,¥2) Feary eras cto inestrmnion Senedone apenby Denote by 4)» Gy 9 the coordinates of Q and Pin the now cordate tem. Then the coordinates ofthe vector Pin the new coordinate ‘yslem ae GJ, J). Denote of and, by, andz respectively. Then the eoorinates Rbeanbecrprencdanz = 2 eh ‘Now, fom (3) we hve 2 n= as+b) 2 2 Face, SEERA TSE Me ome Ye et goss (4) can be written as oy 8 22585 0 1 fom orve meas) “The ahove equation shows thatthe coordinate of a vestor [FB OLE, ransom sording to acetal gen by (0, whe ‘eleed toa new coordinae te. This was fit pointed out by Fal Klein in 1872 I iow of this observation a vector of E, may ‘erogaded as an object hich i deteminod ina given coordinate Sse by ast of components wtih rantorm according 0 the iim pen by (6, when refered to anew coordinate stem. “Thc importance of the above dt af wet sin the fac tat the conse of tensor my be taken a generation tf that of vector nen wet defined inthis manner. ‘We nex show tha in E, there ext otber objects which ate etemined in given coordinate system by ast of components ‘thick ras scsrding to bet laws when referred 086% ‘stem of eons. fe ture, unless otbervise stated, a vector of E; whose components in pten coordinate stom ae A, A, shal Be vwren ar vector 4 Anojec arising out of wo vectors: {Ut and be to vectors FE a et an objet have ‘AB ABs AsBy. AB ss ts components in certain sstem of coordinates. Denote soriates ihe component of 4, a Bla another stem by and respectively, Then by (3) we have Fin EayA, and B= Fa B, kretz Hence 3,B,= Batre Bi = o we denote A,B, by, and, by Zhen we cam expe oe Gyn BaMiCa ele, a we2EEc, — © mol Thave te ht terete wit compones Gy xan ef cordon wt sim era the ieeghoniy(@)shenstenedrance om feces ‘abc aria et of the veces Ncw esreoe dB a, of E,Letancbet 3 ABC AB,Cs, ABC ABC, ABC. 4:B,C,, ABC, ABC, 1 is componcns i a cetinmytem of eordinats, Denote bya. BG thecomponcntso a. B,C, hen referred o anew stem of eordnates, Treaty () we ne Hy= Bid, B= 3a). 8, and T= 34,6, bmp= 1.2 Hence, 4. 2 = Bay, ABC, 0 Denote BZ, by, 2064, B.C, Yd ‘Then 9) can be empresa et = Batata dy % 5 dy = re ee, 3 «9 ‘Thus we sc that there exis a objet wth component, Ins certain tem of coordinates which tansorm aeoeing i the law ghen by (10), when tefeted Io" new stem of oordinte. init by considering vectors we can show tha there eis smobjeetwitheomponentsD, ,-,inacartincoondnse sien which ransorm acoring othe lw a Hak w Bin" 2 aaah ~ OD when referred to new system of oon From (8), (10) and (1) follows tht besides vectors there cis in Ey her objec such ae thee with components Ci hag By ei 9 seta pte of cooutnates which teonaform according to the laws gen by (8) (10) and (11) respetvely, when referred to anewsystem of enone. ‘Athough, at fist sigh thexe ttc laws soem oe diferent from the fra vectra ite reflecton reveals the following foal inary al he lowe under eonsration, (9 inne eco on ne tem atom os {neach term of the summation expressing the corresponding law Gh cae ctarsipe cid compet Coron tn he rm 5 cra sch rt ston Sarees TD hres Sc cl comms nc re 444 ‘the ole 6 wrt £8 Syed Pe Ge ee cen notes Perret eter pom 5, sek Sacer ce ree Bert ta sn eh congue Crt Oy (ora te heel mass en i ty eile i en ass ote tonto mp Tnacegclsm its anand ah component Cy din jy, o 4 aed tensors of rank 2.3, mand 1 respectively. Coasequealy a vector ofE, maybe called a tensor of rank 1 In other words, tensor of E, may be regarded as «generation of vector of E, defined irom the ‘eaatoratin standpolt. Sometimes the word arr is wed in ic of the word am 'A tomar of, eth obtained hy coniering cxthogonal teantormtion of cordinate sus. Sach a Tensor bs theretore filled Cartan tem Siri a Cartesin eso OE, ay De btn asa generalization of veto of E, Te coir a genera pace instead ot E,, then a genera eyur of such 4 space may be obtained by coserng gener transformation othe coresponding space. general nso sal recalled a tes. ‘Regarding the concept of tensor the following pins should be noted {@)_ itisan ott of » space and depends onthe ature cof trsformation of coordinate system andthe nature ofthe Iw scerding to which ix components in one stem are Htasfored when relered to another cordnae stem. {Thc components of a ensor ay be chosen arbitra, in ny stem of crores, Is components in an other ate fe then uniquely determined by the coresponding lw of ‘tunformation 16) "The components describing tensor generally change width change of surnam, Bu the once of 4806 Uocenot change withthe change of coordinate system, a) A troor representa mathematical objet which exits cava poids a ore represents a pial objet which ex it poi {08 "Tensor feld and Tensor Cac Tea tewor i delint at enery pot space, we sy thal we sve aoa fl ve he space "Tensor Calas i coneened essen withthe stay of sensor ils "To Tenor Cale A. Souten gave the name RisiCals ‘The names ~- Gener! Diller Cale Atsolste Dire (Catalan Rice! Cael ae now rarely sed. Thee names se nw been lady the name Tensox Cass: ‘Pyscland getmctri facts have the peculiarity tht atthough they maybe estabisnodby wingeoorinae stems thet ontents ar independent of such systems. This psi is abo fpowesed by fem, alhough coordinate systems ate wed ‘Dasernc enor thc properties areindependent of coordinate ‘ute orth reson ters calla sande on for thesia ‘St geometal and pia abject. CHAPTERI SOME PRELIMINARIES. 10 Inthischapor we shall ntrde the notion of tems of igen onde asl cose some comeatons andsymbol apd ‘Gin sls on mace and determin whch wil be Gequeny ‘sed ater on. LA Systems of iterent orders ets comic two qonties. Then they maybe denoted by ‘ayey orby asa (0. Inthe former ease they may be represented ty the notation and inthe later ease bythe potation where {Uke vest and we conser fou quai then thy may Pe ‘ented in any fhe allowing was i faye as et o @ ah ah a a ‘So they may be repent bythe di oan 9, espotvely, wher each of the nes takes values 1 and 2 Tn such caves, expresons 0, a”, and a ae called _ysems, Each of 4, ad ois called a simple tem o ter of ot onder of whish 4 a dae called thee respecte component Each of te expresionsa,. aa scaled double ‘Sue or a tem ofthe second order of which the rexpectve omponents ate yyotivdiavtys ata" aa) and itieatat.a¥ Inasasar manner we can get atom then tier cyt tat the numberof emponents of tem ‘Epes on dr tl the mmber of vals which sis an {ake Ta ifthe index reach of he ints stem ca ake ‘les 1 and 2 then te number efits components 2, 2 or 2! “Enwingas iio the fn second othe dird ner. In genera the [nso acm cn ke vols 1,2 3. then the umber of components sm? scoring a i ofthe fl, second ‘idorsr ce, ona someting ey Nee Toe pe andlor tof yt ak sf conor nd courage. Tse sem be x8 the arc soto se ej ke coer esgh een ale comer ee, ed ‘cot nent ae. mt om. 12 Semmation Convention Letuconideriesum $ o,,2-Inorder to avoid such enovard way of expresion sing sgmas (2s) we shal make se ‘fa comenon wed by A Einstein which i according) called “Enis summation convention Before stating thas conventon we explin what meat by 2 tury index as ree index in an indexed exreson. ‘Bom index: When na indeed expession an index ous ‘one sr aiwer inden agi aa. upper idee then he nex tale ry, Tein he eres 4 thence and inthe expetion a,x" both tends and kar dum. ee Index iin an indexed expreson an index no damn, then itis ealled ie. Thu nthe expeson a, tbe inde many, wie the index ee “The summation convention my now be sated as follows Win an dened expression a dummy index ocur, then the ‘exprstion ha to be eonered a sum and the expression 0 tevumed by ging the index ll he ales ica ake. “Thus the expression 41 in which dummy index / ous, ‘wi according this comeaton mente sum prcereer ra 1 the index 1 cn tke al the valet ffom 140 m Simla, according 10 this convention the sum $F axe can be writen a8 rx? Besa la this expression two dummy indies and occur. Deeb aed he nine uy tse xen aly copes antes Oe anf Ta ‘cum te ay ere ayer 0 a ued, 1 be cay remembeed a fa m rein 0 uc ico ee ina a dnd sone See ee issemmereaasimncan i ee ela cert hay a tt Soe yn See sree men inept oe aay aah comely er oALNC sw re pevaueas 1a Kemer et pact gat incacltije enon oaed itt) Sige ee sc appen atl nmol pots pe eed Ite'\x" x" ae independent variabes, then El cto. ae ee Following irtcin convention we got Yn ieee te: Agsin, a! Hens 3a! = 8 tea Simic, fo =a 070 Hence, = oo Siar, ae, = 4 as) Now, au 8044 Bn Hence Saye Biay aay #8, hag =a foralk Simiy, 80, = One By ty OR 3 () a Sa ca Iasi manor ean be shown hat eee” on od Yall on oe Farm 14) (15) (14) (18° (17,017) at om ate ple ne lt er Fer ce, 8 irene wa epi ee ene ten HE ae feos fe (Se 13) Far teen td Mace ipnen es ie Bnayng ry Tos, = tori sj = 0fories Aen, = Lori =Olori ei ‘These stems ne ako called Kronecker symbols or Kroneche das, Lt esystems Tari eztion we hl consider four particular stems 40 of whith re ofthe second orer andthe athe 0 ae of the third Tre, They are represented by ¢,.€! an yy, respecte Th the former two cues the indices take vals 1nd whe inte ltr tw eases they tke acs 23. Thence th numberof componens of each of the former two ‘asad hat of each the remaining 0 827 (See). “Thesatems ae defined solo cpeQ eget tye th ege=l ik as) C20, a0 a aad (10) fe tam e= eee" fa=—l Fs ay and the remaining 21 components ae 29 Parad al Saad ent % (12) nin remaining 21 components ae 22 Fee nem areca east of second and third oder pee. Moy mone ofthese tere andthe Kronecker dela, proot of a meuhor of properies of determinants are considerably Sill Tey areal weal for weting down bit itlerent ‘Scions important inthe theory of determinants. ‘Neal mesh ne rel wsingetes ofseuond and tide ‘ystems of cond order: = eje{a4 (18) [eysmmationcomeation) Simi, ican be shown that a9 ‘Let ws now conde the expression 68,4 where the indies pandg are free andeanbe assigned values { and 2a wil as) : (116) jajeneagy (133) systems of third oder: twetake |} ] can be shown an cas of (1.13) (114), (1.17) nd tha the following results hol . (119) : (120) aay a2) Note 1. Tae above dein fesse of eu andi re an int beeen idee eaplemsof monde, andet'—' imohingniroet (019,439 0.2) an 120 ot Note 2 Te prot shoe eerie Rocher seta nt ede tat ‘Thue! anc ee roid Konrad wend ty mesymeas and 1 apes, obvi at wenn nds un en 103, te owing Daigegattoneo mens = jon Shen) ae gar era tte ane tere k= +1 ot scrdagasy enews frm te oo frees py Ts aso den 0 48-0 LS Some results om matrices and determinants of ystems ‘ot second order tis known that if the range ofthe indices of « tem of second order is fom I tom, then the number of is compongatsis 1 (See 1 1), A sjtem of second order can be of three types, namely. 4, anda’ ‘By matrices of systems of second order we mean the matrices Tec eae Jeg op aaa] fate az aad fae ee each of which san ncn matrix ‘We shall now establish the felling resus op matics and are the components ofa 229) ty @19) From G3 fie Ase he compe mance) ieee oer etch dBc hou of eos sod dic enk hig hn tt each of emo ih sits the pron by ch her Teaniatioar ns ents pane one Teron 28 fa B= ot dha = acme 0 eee rate ete ei cect cee zo ten equi" "ee xg steerer ype tres 9) Fee ese compe by wing (222) and prosesting cay neue mane incr ofthe above eh eae Meters be pelo maton ita | cent apna eo engl othe “fs cprno olen very wf, because sting ih 8 | santero. 0, sine cata en ‘arn, aby mung toa we can form eso of her er } Taal BCD. Ti proves ww an ety metodo forming ems of niger nk ano ay vain 0 om) 1a og te cond core me prone the Glowing vests Tei ia mid temo ofp (23) the the quanis ‘Aol repling the lower nex yt oper inn dritig rommaton oe ae te componcats of temo of oe (3} ‘elation canbe ween 5 tamer (2) Tomer ee eee nied cae mn of ce a cen vache cae Se pee or carb et tt Sees Se a eat Den monn 9 WAL} we te mpm eso peony nt gone genta tiny rE ay crm rb ee eee re cma owe we ont Siesrele gett as ante hve Ee eS ooemmenrtee one ireamene reece et nrreee reas eases cea Cerio coaeeanee alent Sei aleetecensenee Bae erence ike tye owes Contin om atc ene ote 9) 082 ee ite are ei Ter se en ar ocr Eno fing pens peo FO ENS, um’ Sine) sore) sae eaten 8) ‘ete ants) cnmorion pote mgan steer eeepc aed te Tn Ast Pee rane en pers we cones wh EO wnesonepan 12 Ener mliplieation There another operation on tensors cilled ner malin. is ot em operation but seals acombination ‘outer mulipeation and contcton. Ian outer product of wo temorbe contacted wih expect tan upper index of one ft Adler index ofthe other, then a tensor obtained which called an imer produc ofthe two tensor. “Ths the outer product 4B ofthe easrs A and 8", when contrat forthe indi and, produes the tensor, which fof ype (1,0) This tensor an inner prodct ofthe tensors, and BY. Another iner product 4,8 can be obtained by oneatng forthe indices and in the pods A,B ‘The outer product A,B" ofthe vectors A contacto the indies and prodvesthe tensor A, Bo ype (0.0) namely a sealer. This tamer produc sealed the scalar Produc ofthe vector 4, and Because itis scale. Isto be ‘ote that in, the slr prot of wo vectors defined for ‘wo vectors of patie variance. 13 Quotient Law of tensors From setons IT ad 112i known that the product of wo tenors i again & tensor. We now rae the following uestion: Hi known that he product of stm of quantities and temo abeaye pes tensa, canit be conloded thatthe system of ‘quits form the component of ene? "There caste ern by wich an alfimative answer wo this _quton maybe bland. This rtevon & cl the quot tick laa important ein Tensor Cle ni picts “The mame quotient lw isin 4 cetala sense appropriate because the aplication of dhs law produces a tens rom (60 femora the operation of division of wo numbers proses 2 number, namely ther quodent ‘A ir we shalstat and prove thi nw fr tensors of rank 1 nd 2and then ge the same in is genera formulation 1) Statement of he Quotient for tensors of yp (2: I reaive 10 every gstem of coordinates there bea of urcions B, GYR) 4c that AB, san Invariant for ony tensor of ype (10), the wil form the components of tensor ofope 0,0). Prot.” Acsoning othe gven condition, for any wo ystems “ot coordinates (2) and (2') we have ABA=AB, ~ x) elation (232) an be thereon 232). Siocoy (218) we haved = 5, (pacing he dy latices and by and rexpecive) witen 915.2? 258.=7" Hence, - (232) Since, the equality (2323) must bold for any vector Ai fotows that = 8, ‘om (233 tolls tat are the components of onarant sector. tensor of ype (0,1) Tisgompletes the prot (ly Statement of he quotient hw fr tensors of pe (0): IPrelave to vey sytem of coordinates there Be 2t of funcins A i= Yon) 4c tat AB, i a inven for ary tensorBof (1) then Awl orm the components ofa ensor of ope (0. Pron. Similar wo that case () ‘ierow conser tenses of rank 2 (i) Statement of the quotient aw for tensors of type (0,2): I relaive to eer tom of coordinates there Be a set of functions, (ok = eon) 4 tha Bis an iver for fany contovariant vectrs A’ and BY thn, wil form the components ofa tense of pe (0.2). ‘root According othe ges contin, we have, AD = 04 iS as) are the components of enor prot From (235) follows that. of type (0,2). This complete (U0) Statement fhe law for tensors ftp (2,0) I rave 10 every sytem of coorlinaes there be a set of Junctions (k= lou) such that A,B isan invariant for farina covriane veces A, and B,, then a will frm de components of tensor of pe (2.0) Pron. Sarto that fee (i) (0) Statement ofthe Quotient law in genera orm: ‘relate to every stem of cocmnates arb at of functions of 8, lockof teins asf 10 ch a sien bekiinan tease bone Ai BBS espssa) then the fnctons oF wil form the components of tenor of pe (a @) re Tan complet na manne the foreoing cae. tote. hintaan <,2,eaee ope wy Se OLED Ala ad BM Aine pode oie and ine prnset cui seem tei ees ie (0) Alena stato of be Qt Tier of ekg an ne rot of ren to facts ih printer aia he on Ee me cen fg ta lt LEE SERS ee ae es ra tena al nae epi teem otc ww ay spice Ge pean provi a ty mens a wih 8 sametie ewe tO Go)may be Sind rom anmmeticiomar pe (2) is Lenard nts atin LA Reciprocal tensor ofa tensor ete, heasymmetic tensor of ype (0, 2)satshngtheconion Jejeo % 236) We dena by he cofactor of, in | 2, died by |, | asm Hence, 4,8!"= 3} 3 38) ‘Let D' be an arkiary contraveriant ator and et B, = 0D. “Then by HLI2 Kolo that a vetr. This vectors arbitrary ects Dit so Now, 88" 4,D!t*=Dia,8"=D'% 238) =D Appin guint Iw inf aeratve form (1) 10 the cquation 8,8" =D? we concude that a contrwvaint tenor of ype 2,0) "The tenor 8s symmetie because a so. Thus rom the symmeire tensor, of pe (0,2) we et asymm tensor of ‘ype 0) Thier called the proc two of Smart canbeshowa that om a meteor of pe (2.0) stating the conon |<” | 0 we ean pt» smmetc tenor 9p (02) wich cle the cpa tear a. Dis the rejprocal tensor of, the question arses wheter asthe reciprocal tensor of Iti proved below that the tower fo this question i aiematve. From (238) flow tha feo d= 1d (020) “1 Lenape opeettomummat ino frosts in tha Be a ne ng oat Hen, [| 20 cofactor of in|! ‘ Le Se e 239) Then 6,0" =1whenk=) hen Heme, 6° =a - eo Mpg thse of 2.40 by, ee a= {by@38)and(16) i091 ie gna, - en Since the reipocl tensor of Bit olows rom (241) the reciprocal ioe 0 That we ave proved that i ‘isthe reciprocal tensor aa, then the eipocl tensor of 1, Hence, we may say tata, and ae mutually ejrocal ‘tensors the elton (2.8) satis. sro or oncom to i eed Mata seal teh ae somes ced muna Ne Theresproemortatners shred the fed ine se tac er hole xe inte eng ‘uci acento eles Saree oes rong tee espero ee Tate mci onater aunt eye: yp 3) stiches es penn he notre Pt SE ots Stcounaa tse gene 1h te 29 ob cg i ee, sre hans biscuit pose eae ogo nT LIS. Crass producto vecoeprodact of ro vectors: [Let and 8, be two covariant vectors, We pel = ea) s ea) Iwan Ase EAB, aM From (244 i follow that 4. &temor of type (0, 2) Simian 4,8, tensor of type (02) Hence by Note 2 of theorem 291 fiw that 4.548 moro pe (02) hich sewsymmcicin ite of 248) Ths skowsmnetie {enor eale the er prcO te vectrprac o the vectors, and, ‘She’ the maxinun umber of arithmetical dieret components a's skewsyameu cro of pe (0,2) i 3.8 JOD See Ex 7 of Exerces 2) he maxi number of arithmetical dierent components of A, is fm¢n—I, This umber > nent >3 Bat orn =3, hi mamber i ao el {3:ThaninSythe macnn mar of sabe Gert component ofthe cross pdat of to coin eos 3. ‘Agte n She aumber ef eompocent of ett ao 3.1 ico ths ht that cross prod of to vst aS suns Speci importance. natn 19 wl be shown that der eeainconiton he ros ro to sora et Sina be represented y «ver inthe same spc. The wos protic two covariant eto detned ove, may tere fe omndered a2 generaleaton of the cre prot ff ‘cto ina -dinenonalEackcon sac Hence, 2B, ‘WORKED EXAMPLES 1 The components 4’ of @ contaaraat vector in a ‘coordinate system (are taken a follows A= fre fan atbiay fenton of the! "sand A= 0, {j= 2, Shom ha the components in any other sem ) tween by wey yee us wenme a= Bia! f edt Err Inthe presence "= f.A*=A? = eA Heoce (aks he orm Fin Baa, 2. the slain 8», ecor show that =O. ‘Th ve elation can be writen as biv.a diese a byy, 20 0 Since abitay, we can ose it at wil Fist we tke v8 (1,0,-0) Thenv = 1,y,=0,n-¥, =0.Heace from (I) weet b}=0 @ ent we take v2 (1,00), (00,100) = (00,041) Then fom (1) we =0-bs=0 : ° Fon ani bs at 2. If the relation a,v'v!=0 olds for an arbitrary contravaran vector show that, +4, = 0. ‘The left had side ofthe given relation contains * terms boca the number of components of the sjstem a, ism? (Gee 11), [nm of these terms i andj te equ such a8.,,7'V", 4.29 ee. Hence inthe rmsning m1) terms and) are erent sch asa,,¥!'v',a,0' ete ‘So the gvea elation canbe writen as 9 tat Ha tag a0 (1) Terme Since v' i arbitrary, me can choot it at wil. Fst we take 1.0.0). $0, v'n y= 0,.9%20 Hence fom (1 we eta, =O ~@ 140.0) 0,0,1) a aera} From (2) and (3) we have a= 0 (4) for = j. We now shoot ya (1,1 0), $00" ym 2.7 =O. = 0 Hence, from (Jwertareaea e Next choosing a (10,10. 0) ein cesion, in ach ‘ue tw components beng andthe emining being sro om (Wrereten tay.=0, 464 06 Thus 4, $4, = 0. () for. Combining (4) and (5) we ts aye! ty omc ee tr 4 Mayy'y! = byo'v! fr an aber contrarian vector then show that +2 = by + by ‘The gen relation can be wena ev'vi=0 o where jty-by = @) By example 3 foto fom (1) hat eyte,n0 be ay-byt0y-by.= 0 [by@)] Heme, ay 44 =b, +b, S. I the equality ajy,0y, holds for every covariant eto, wheres salar, bow that ajynod). eee po accateane (9) eae o eben @ sere b= a-08} a Dyenmple i lon rom 2 ta bee le quotjeb Iwo ene, d=e3 TE Bsa Ay where Ay is cont emg, ow tat fie eo en cy war 4) ea) From (follows that, isa evant tensor of order 2 1. Ais 2 covaiant vector, determine whether Mt Sizes comint wi weve aA Bo) itranig both sis of) hep owe et Fy ae, (Aaa!) at ewe (etal e From (2) it follows that “44 is not a tensor due to the presence of the second term inthe righthand of (2), Ifa, saskewsymmetictensor, prove that @}8149)894,=0 Wena :31+813)4,=3}844, +3844, ati, + 848%0,, = 8tan +840, twa) Be a= a) (yao) [- a, jsskeweymmetc] wehmeT.=T. "{bythecondtionet —symmety) cata [Tt skewsymmety) Ste Ft symneta] sty TT show symmet STAAL ar jest ymmety] aT ft steweymmety Heree, 27,20" on, Ty. =O, 10. Show that in an n-dimensional spoce a symmetce variant tensor of second onder hs at men #2412 Arent components Let Tbe » symmetric covariant tensor of second frder. Then the total umber of it components in (See Lt. These compo: rents are of 40 pe (@) those in which the Incest andar the same and (i) thie in wich he indices and se irene 7)" e madmum numberof dint components of ype () 2 (ce the components slong the diagonal in Fg 2). Hence the n= n(n aunber of dint components of pe ()s = (ce the componenis store and below the diagonal in Bip 2) “Therefore, the tenor T, has a mot n-+ 82 gerent componentste, 40+ giferent component 1. Prove, by aplyng quotient law, that 3 is tensor of ‘ype (td Le bam arbitrary covariant vector. ‘Thend/A, = © tas [Now spying quotient law othe equation (1) it flows that isa tersr of ype (1 [See 1.13, Alternative statement (4) 12 Wa. (#0) ae the conpoacns of covariant tensor of cider 2 such that ba + ca, = O where band ¢ are non zer9 Scala, show that either 6'=¢ and a, is skew-symmetric or wehne ba, ==, © Mkiphing both sds of (1) by, we st Baj=—bea,= ~€(b,) sree) mor on e)ay=0 Hence, #=c = 0 because Therefor, b= £6 ‘Wen b = i fons fom (1 that cay =~, 4-4, ) “sich means that skew-emmetric. it flows rom (1) that © ero) sich mean that, symmetric. 13. tra, and b, are two symmetic tensors and u're components of two coniwarant vector sting (y-Biat = 0,(@j-K Dv =O j= 1ank = K, show that byulv!aO anda ui! =O. Malin both ies ofthe fit condition by v/and those of ‘te second condition bya! we et (yoko yay OF and (ey -k'b uly @ ‘The elation (ean be writen as yt -bbya'yl =O o Sine a and re yma ayuly' ke wy! ad Replacing the dumay indies and by andj respectively we we cane (2) a pteyuly ke byulyao = @ ‘Now subtracting 4) fom (3) we have (ebb july! a0 o Sine kom () follows that byuieta0 Henge fom (4) e gta yay! = 0 1M. Show tha the determinant of tensor af ype, 1) san Tet be sensor of pe (1) a 4s E84; saw) ‘Then seme.) (23) — 0 wo Be cece esas er Seas mers ae, = [45] By theorem 2.1, bostuse/ = =~ @ Kul-k From (2) follows that [4 an ivaint (by (26) 15. IB, ate componenis of covariant tenor of sxond ‘ter and CD! are components of wo contravait vetors, show that 8 C' Dis an invariant. ani’ Ba the compen of emor of ype (2), we myers) Pyar)

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