Questions For Grower's

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Questions For Grower’s

I. Personal Data
1. Name of the grower:
2. Name of the village:
3. Education qualification:​ • Primary • Secondary • College •
4. Age:​ •Below 30 • 30-40 years • above 40- years •

II. Level of Knowledge about Pesticide and

Purchasing behaviour
1. Do you use pesticide for your crop ?
● Yes
● No

2. How frequently do you use ?

● Once in a month
● Once in a quarter
● Once in a year
● Other ____

3. Which crop do you grow ? How much area of the land do you have ?
● Vegetables ? Which one ________
● Fruits ? Which one _______

4. How do you identify that crop is infected ?


5. Which product do you use ? Why ?

● Unbranded
● Branded

6. Who recommended you the said product ?

● Other growers
● Word of mouth
● Friend
● Doctor
● Dealer

7. Who purchases the product ? (If you buy the product what are the factors do you

● Quality
● Price (Discounts)
● Availability
● Credit policy
● Discounts
● Relationships with seller
● Word of mouth
● Others

8. How important credit policy is for you ?

● Very important
● Important but quality is first priority
● Not important

9. Have you heard about naya savera ?

● Yes
● No

10. Have you ever used their products ?

● Yes
● No
11. Are you still using it ? ( If no, why not )
● _________________________

12. Are you satisfied with the result ?

● Yes
● No

​12. After your bad experience did you went again?

13. What was the factor that encouraged you to use the product ?
● Quality
● Price
● Customer service
● Brand conscious
● Credit policy
● Any other option is not available
● Other ________

14. What changes naya savera should do to improve their products usage ?
● Quality should be improved
● Price should be affordable
● Credit policy should be offered to growers.
● Availability of the products should be assured in all the places.

15. What brand comes to your mind when you think about pesticides ?


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