Tropical Mesoscale Analysis

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878 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW An Experiment in Tropical Mesoscale Analysis: Part 1 C.L, Surm, E. J. Zxesex,' S. M, Daccurary,? anp L, SarP National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colo. 80303, (Manuscript received 14 March 1975; in revised form 4 June 1975) ABSTRACT Vorome 103 In Part { of the two-part paper, we present an analysis ofa portion of a tropical wave in the BOMEX Phase IV ship network on a much smaller scale than normally atterapted using conventional observations and data from a numberof research aircraft. The result indicate the existence of trong mesoscale cyclone with a Hfctime of let than 12 h within the synoptic-cale wave, At the time of maximum data density, ‘the analysis time, the system was near its maxinoum intensity. 1. Introduction During the early morning hours of 26 July 1969, purticipating scientists of the Barbados Oceanographic and Meteorological Experiment (BOMEX) viewed the latest Barbados radar pictures with fascination. An area of echoes 75 to 100 km northeast of the radar site hhad developed marked spiral banding. Although the ‘passage of a weak synoptic-scale wave in the easterlies, hhad been anticipated, now it appeared that there was a small, highly organized weather system embedded in the larger wave trough. Strongly suspecting the pre- sence of a closed cyclonic circulation, the scientists sent 1a short-range aircraft to investigate the system at low levels. They also modified the flight tracks of the long- range aircraft already in the air south of Barbados, s0 that all aircraft would be in the suspected cyclone area by local noon. As it happened, the three-hour period ending at local noon witnessed spectacular explosion of the targeted small-scale cloud system (satellite photographs, Figs. 1a and 1b). ‘This study capitalizes on a rare coincidence: a tropical synoptic wave containing a strong smaller-scale system, and the opportunity for observations appropriate to those scales. Of the six aircraft in the area, three auto- matically recorded data continuously on magnetic tape. ‘These three research aircraft made possible an explicit, description of the mesoscale system. The larger scales are well described by all the aircraft, and especially by ship and island soundings. "Temporarily on scientife leave from NCAR at Imperial College, London. Now at Atmospheric Environment Services, Dynamical Pre- diction Research Division, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. “The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Scence Foundation Cantilo and Fernandez-Partagas (1972), Martin and ‘Suomi (1972), and Hasler (1973) have also investigated the BOMEX 26 July 1969 tropical disturbance. Cantilo and Fernandez-Partagas used radar echo motions exclusively in their analysis, while Hasler employed. ‘only satellite cloud motions. It was Martin and Suomi who established for this system a correspondence be- tween radar echo and satellite cloud-brightness regions. By the inclusion of all other data sources comprehen- sively treated, this investigation complements and extends previous knowledge of the system. 2. Data a. Analysis area Figure 2 shows the BOMEX rawinsonde network in ‘operation on 26 July 1969, Also indicated on this igure are the flight patterns of the research aircraft dying at 150, 1500, and 3000 m, the area of analysis com- prising the bordered region, and the inner 10° square box designated as the ares of computations. Mesoscale analysis was attempted in a small area north of Barbados where observations by all three research aircraft were concentrated, 5, Data sources Data sources used in this study include observations from rawinsondes, commercial ocean vessels, aircraft, and geostationary satellites. Aircraft fights were of two types: reconnaissance and research. Data obtained from military reconnaissance flights consisted of “spot” ob- servations at specified time intervals. Research aircraft ‘were operated by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and the Environmental Science Services Administration/Research Flight Facility Ocroner 1975 SMITH, ZIPSER, DAGGUPATY AND SAPP 379 Fio, 1a, ATS3 satellite photograph enlargement at 1300 GMT 26 July 1960. ‘Dot within triangle indiates the island of Barbados, Fro. tb. ATS satellite photograph enlargement at 1600 GMT 26 July 1969, which when compared With Fig la ilastrates the rapid cloud development that took place within a 3 h period Fic, 2. BOMEX Phase IV rawinsonde observing network, ‘multiple research fight patterns of airraft flying at 130, 1300, ‘and 3000 m, area of analysis, and the area of computations out Tined by the inner 10° square, 26 July 196. (ESSA/RFF), now the National Oceanic and Atmo- spheric Administration (NOAA). Table 1 specifies the observing platforms, the plat~ form altitudes, and the constant pressure levels to ‘which the observations were adjusted for analysis. (See Appendix for adjustments of observations to reference levels and a discussion of data accuracy.) ‘The research aircraft in Table 1 are identified by an asterisk, Their flight patterns on 26 July are shown in Fig. 2. The flight patterns of the military aircraft may be found in NOAA BOMEX Field Observations and Basic Data Inventory (1971). The aircraft maintained the indicated altitudes for their entire fights with the exception of the Queen Air which made one short climb to 1200 m. 6. Analysis time ‘The NCAR Queen Air departed from Barbados at 1313 GMT, the first rescarch aircraft to enter the dis- “Tamex 1. Observing platforms. Platform Pressure altitude level Platform (im) (mmb) Commerical ocean vetels Sle ~9 1000 NCAR Queen Aiv® 1501000 Navy WC121 401000 ESSA/RFF DC-6* 1500850 ESSA/REF DC-4* 3000700 Air Force WB-47 ‘000500 ‘Air Force WC-130 9500 300 ‘ATS. Satellite (vectors from ~12000 200 film Joep 1300-1600 GMT) * Indicates research aircraft, MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW Vouome 103 turbed region, and returned at 1632 GMT. The other two aircrait, the ESSA/RFF DC-6 and DC-4, vertically stacked at '1500 and 3000 m, respectively, departed Barbarlos at 0910 GMT heading south. At 1320 GMT. their flight patterns were modified to investigate the vortex sooner than originally planned. ‘Their mission ended at Barbados at about 2000 GMT. ‘The analysis time was chosen to be 1600 GMT, when all three research aircraft made their closest approaches to the vortex center. The time of all rawinsonde observations was 1200 GMT. In this study, the following criteria were considered as analysis guidelines, although data limitations pre- vented strict adherence. As a general rule, observations {in the tropical large-scale flow may be considered repre- sentative for a period extending 3 h prior to an observa- tion time and 3h afterward. For the mesoscale flow, the ange of representativeness is reduced to about Ih prior to the observation time and 1 h afterward. A review of all data, including radar information, indicated that the mesoscale cloud and vortex system embedded in the synoptic wave had a life span of approximately 10 h, i.e, from 1000 to 2000 GMT. This time interval can be separated into three periods; initial development (1000-1500 GMT), maximum intensity (1500-1700 GMT), and decline to disappear- ance (1700-2000 GMT). This study deals almost exclu- sively with the period of maximum intensity; for- tunately, the data that best describes the mesoscale system were centered in that short period. 3. History of the large-scale disturbance Based on time cross sections of rawinsonde data, Frank (1970) documented the system under study. It passed Dakar on 19 July 1969, classified as a disturbance analysis at 700 mb showing the ‘overall dimensions of the synopticscale Wave approaching the ‘Lesser Antilles 1200 GAT 26 July. Octonex 1975 SMITH, ZIPSER, DAGGUPATY AND SAPP 8st Fic, da, ATS satellite photograph 1300 GM 26 July. Fig. 1 is an enlargement of this photograph. in the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ), reached Barbados on the 26th as a tropical depression, and San Andres on the 29th as a wave. Aspliden et al. (1965) have described similar systems which moved south of ‘west between Africa and the South American coast, then north of west to finally assume an approximately westerly course in the Caribbean. Daily satellite photographs (ATS-3 and ESSA 9) between 23 July and 26 July indicated a northwestward movement of a segment of the ITCZ (as defined by the cloud field only) near the east coast of South America. More correctly, the segment that was moving north- ‘westward possessed an additional pivotal motion about the South American coastline so that the axis orienta~ tion, which was nearly east-west on 23 July, changed to northeast-southwest on the 26th. Rawin time cross sections (not shown) of ship stations Mt, Mitchell and Discoverer provided evidence of a wave passing those stations between 1800 GMT. fon the 25th and 0000 GMT on the 26th. The cross sections did not indicate the presence of a low-level vortex structure embedded within the wave. The distance between the Mf. Mitchell and Discoserer sta- tions was about 400 km, so a small-scale vortex could have passed between them undetected. The first direct, evidence of this type of structure came from observa- tions made by the Barbados Island radar during the early morning hours of 26 July. Alter 26 July, the system continued westward as a wave. Thus, except for the small-scale events that will be described, the synoptic-scale wave within which they took place was not at all remarkable. Its track and Fie. 4h, ATS3s MT 26 July. Fig. 1b isan enlargement of ths photograph. ‘The outlined box in Fig. 4b corresponds to the ares of computations (Fig. 2) which is algo indicated fon Figs. fa and 1b. 882 Larituve rw) LonarTuoe em) Fro, $, An illustration of the northern cloud mass expansion between 1300 (cold boundary) and 1600 (dashed boundary) GMT. 26 July. Sold dot indicates 1000 mb vortex center at 1600 GMT. general behavior conformed to that thought to be normal for a large class of such systems, and its strength, ‘was average. A large-scale 700 mb chart (Fig. 3) shows this typical wave on the morning of 26 July. 4. Description of disturbance on 26 July 1969 4, Satellite description 1300-1600 GMT Figures 4a and 4b are ATS-3 photographs for the times 1300 and 1600 GMT of 26 July, respectively, ‘streamlines superimposed 26 July: (A) 1300, (B) 1400, ‘and (D) 1600 GMT. The etter A,B, and Con the chart respectively, the primary echo band, the cyclonic banding nea? the vortex center, and the echo cluster in the trough near the cot point. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW Vorume 103 showing a band of cumulus convection oriented NE~SW extending from the South American coast to a position ‘east of the Lesser Antilles. The two photographs show approximately an equal amount of cloudiness. However, enlargements (Figs. 1a and 1b), identically processed to resolve only the brightest elements, indicate that most of the clouds in Fig. 4a were low and middle clouds. The large structured cloud mass in the mid- Adlantic was Anna, which became the first hurricane of the year. ‘The principal object of our investigation was the northernmost cloud mass, best seen in Fig. 1b, which at 1600 GMT was located about 250 km north of Barbados. A southern cloud mass was located about 100 km northwest of Trinidad. The latter cloud mass was not observed by radar‘ nor was it investigated by aircraft. A satellite film loop made from ATS-3 photographs for the period 1300-1600 GMT by Hasler (1973) cover- ing the approximate area of the two above-mentioned cloud clusters greatly assisted in determining their character. Relative to the northern mass, the film loop showed! a solid, rapidly expanding cirrus shield in close association with a eyclonic vortex defined by spiral banding located slightly to the southwest of the shield, Although more spectacular in the movie loop, the dramatic expansion is easily seen in the satel Jangements of the analysis area, Figs. 1a and 1b. ‘The expansion of the cirrus cloud boundary between, 1300 and 1600 GMT, and the plotted vectors of the expansion obtained from the 3h film loop, are illustrated. in Fig. 5. The initial and final planimetered areas were 3150 km? and 28 600 km*, respectively, representing a fractional rate of change in area was 2.7 per hour, or about an order-of-magnitude areal expansion in three hours. Note that if this rate were to be maintained for an additional four hours, i., to 2000 GMT, the area covered by the shield would be about 5° longitude in diameter. This is not far above what actually occurred. ‘The character of the southern cloud mass, Figs. 1a and 1b, as seen in the satelite film loop, was difficult to interpret. The cirrus expansion, which was primarily to the north, proceeded 50 rapidly that patches of clear areas were left behind. No low-level vortex structure such as that associated with the northern cloud mass could be distinguished. Because a search of available “The Island radar, AN/MPS34 of 3.2 cm wavelength, was located along the edie of Hackleton’s Clif, St. Joseph's Parish, fn the east coast of Barbados. The antenna altitide was approx ‘ately 310 m above mean sea level The antenna was maintained ‘at approximately O° for areal surveillance, which permitted detec- tion of targets st ranges of 325 km and greater (Hadlow, 1970). ‘However, the antenna program called fora rise in elevation angle (of T for approximately a 100° azimuth sector in order to protect, ‘sland residents from the possibility of being subjected to excessive doses of microwave radiation. This antenna program resulted in ‘a loss of data to the south and west of Barbados. Therefore, the tmetoecale structure of the southern cloud mass eould not be de- fined in thie study at low and middle tropospheric levels. Ocroner 1975 SMITH, ZIPSER, DAGGUPATY AND SAPP 883 sible ee 3 ca ar LovorTuse (rv) ig 7, Barbaclos Island radar echo display 1700 GMT 26 July with 1000 mb streamlines superimposed, ‘The Lesser Antilles island surface and low tropospheric rawinsonde observations suggest the future ‘movement and decline of the cyclonic vortex subsequent to 1700 GMT. See text, island surface observations in this area indicated no squall passages, the expanding material was therefore considered to have been high-level cirrus produced by ‘cumulonimbus, b. Radar description 1300-1600 GMT Figure 6 shows the hourly development of echo organization’ of the mesoscale disturbance viewed by Barbados Island radar from 1300 to 1600 GMT on 26 July. The streamlines suggest the relationship be- tween low-level wind direction and radar echo banding. All analyses, after appropriate displacement with the center, are the same as the 1000 mb analysis of Fig, 8, presently to be shown, The col region of the disturbance, accompanied by convective activity, moved through the vicinity of Barbados between 0900 and 1300 GMT. ‘Because of ground clutter at 1300 GMT, echoes corre- sponding to this activity could not be properly defined, For convenience, the echo band organization has been divided into three parts: the primary echo band (A) associated with the major confluent asymptote located northeast of the vortex center; the cyclonic banding (B) jin the northwest quadrant which extended from the primary band (A); and the echo cluster (C) in the At fall recsver gain, southern portion of the vortex circulation near the confluent asymptote of the col. In general, during the Sh period, the dimensions of the primary echo band (A) tnd the amount of cyclonic banding (B) near the center increased. The intensive convective activity responsible for the cirrus outflow (Figs. 1b and 5) occurred in the primary band (A) immediately northeast of the vortex, center. ¢. Radar description 1700-2000 GMT. ‘The synoptic wave during the 24h period prior to 1200 GMT on 26 July was estimated to have been moving at a speed of 6.2 m s-* on a heading of about 510°, During the period 1300-1700 GMT on 26 July, it ‘was possible to estimate the track of the embedded vortex by radar. It took a more northerly heading (approximately 330°) with a slightly faster speed @2ms"). Figure 7 shows the Barbados Island radar echo display at 1700 GMT. The streamline analysis is the same as in Fig, 8, Note that the primary band (A) has now decreased in size and that the echo banding (B) has disappeared. Echo displays subsequent to 1700 GMT show that the primary echo cluster (A) moved straight north but by 2000 GMT largely disappeared. 884 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW Vouuwe 103 Lanune ow Bic, 8 One-thousand ml streamline and isotach (Kt) analyses 1600 GMT 26 July. Winds from the NCAR Queen Airave plotted at 5 min intervals, See text. It is possible that its diminution was due to range limitation; however, Hudlow (1970) cites echoes on this day at the 300 km range in this sector with tops equal to or greater than 12.200 m, Tn an attempt to deduce the movement of the small- scale vortex after 1700 GMT, some island and ship surface wind observations, and pibal and rawins when available, have been plotted in Fig. 7. Also plotted are observations made by the Navy aircraft flying at 460 m. ‘The echo mass (C), which had been in the col region, moved northwestward, passing over Martinique at approximately 0000 GMT on the 27th. Surface observations at Martinique and at Dominica indicate a weak cyclonic wind change at 0000 and. 0300 GMT ‘on the 27th, respectively. However, there is no evidence of the strong southerly winds that had followed im- mediately behind the system on 26 July. The critical observations come from the next island to the north, Guadeloupe. Here, where one would have expected to see a sharper cyclonic wind system if the small-scale vortex continued northwestward, both surface and rawinsonde data show only weak changes which indicate only the synoptic-scale wave passage. Morning Iow-level aircraft reconnaissance on the 27th revealed only a broad trough in the wind field with light speeds in the region west of the Lesser Antilles and south of Puerto Rico. Tt was concluded that the mesoscale vortex circula- tion which was closely associated with the cyclonic radar bands and rapid cloud development continued toward the north-northwest but became extinct shortly after 2000 GMT on the 26th. The larger-scale synoptic wave continued toward the west-northwest, but ‘weakened in the northern portion after 0300 GMT on the 27th 8. Description of wind, temperature and humidity fields 2. 1000 mb streamtine and isotach analyses ‘The 1000 mb streamline and isotach analyses, cover- ing an area of approximately the northern half of the 40° by 10° computational grid, are shown in Fig. 8 For illustrative purposes, research aircraft data repre- senting 60 s averages were plotted at consecutive § min, positions. The streamline and isotach analyses used as the basis for computations, however, were based on original plots of 60 s averages at each 1 min position. ‘Triangles placed near the observations identify half hourly positions of the NCAR Queen Air, which flew ‘lockwise around the vortex. A military aircraft spot” observation (Navy WC-121) is identified by a box with its observation time (GMT) placed nearby. ‘Ocronen 1975 SMITH, ZIPSER, DAGGUPATY AND SAPP 885, Fro. 9. NCAR Queen Air wind observations in the region of the 1000 mb shearlin, with partial isotach (Kt) analysis (1450 to 1585 GMT 26 July): and ESSA/RFF DC-6 wind observations (1600 to 1655 GMT 26 July). The sampling ate of both alcraft was 171 Observations were averaged over 8 0's period and ploteed at each minute postion of the aireratt, Tnastauich as the Queen Air reached the disturbance prior to the ESSA/REF aircraft, it was necessary 10 account for an intervening space displacement in com- bining analyses for vertical consistency. It was assumed that there should have been no slope of the system from the 1000 to the 850 mb level. Therefore, the adjusted position of the 1000 mb vortex center at the 1600 GMT analysis time, 14.75°N, 59.8°W, was determined from the observations of the ESSA/RFF DC-6 flying at 1500 m. All 1000 mb level aircraft observations shown, in Fig. 8 were analyzed and the vortex center det mined. This analysis was then displaced to coincide ‘with the 850 mb center position. The total displacement ‘was 33 km to the north-northwest, which represents a time displacement of a little more than one hour and is in excellent agreement with the radar-derived move- ment, Independent evidence of both the center location and displacement was provided by the reconnaissance report, Navy BOMEX Eleven (from the WC-121 aircraft at 460 m) which carried the following appen- dage: “Wind center estimated near 14.8°N, 59.6°W at 1630 GMT. Max, wind 30 knots. Minimum SLP 1012 mb.” The disturbance wind field at 1000 mb was clearly asymmetric. A sharp shearline extended northeastward from the vortex center to a major confluent asymptote, and a maximum wind speed region was located south and east of this line. ‘Approaching the shearline from the west prior to its first southward pass, the aircraft encountered relatively strong northeasterlies. About 40 min later, approaching the shearline from the cast on the second southward pass, the aircraft encountered easterlies in the same region (compare GMT observations at 1455, 1500, and 1505 with those at 1535, 1540, and 1545), Two possi bilities may have accounted for the conflict of data, One, the storm’s motion between the time of the first and second southward traverses obscured space rela- 886 Fic, 10. One-thousand mb relative streamlines and isotachs (kt) ‘and Barbados Island radar echo display 1600 GMT 26 July. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW ‘Vous 103 tionships. Two, both sets of observations were real but represented motions on smaller time and space scales than could be analyzed, Figure 9 shows that portion of the Queen Air flight near the shearline and within the ioner square having yensions of about 1°, The flight track was re- navigated with respect to the fixed center at the analysis time (1600 GMT) in order to remove the storm motion. It can be seen from this illustration, however, that the conflict of data was not entirely due to apparent storm motion. Therefore, both sets of observations were considered valid but representing motion on a smaller scale. It was concluded that the northeasterles frst en~ countered by the aircraft represented a smaller-scale outflow from the area of heaviest rain and hence were iven less weight in the analysis. The areas of heavy rain, lightning, and severe turbulence were primarily to the north and west of the shearline. However, the low-level air in and flowing out of the rain area at 150 m-was not much lower in equivalent potential tem- perature than the surrounding air, nor was there any obvious organization characteristic of squall downdrafts. ‘The larger square of about 2° in Fig. 9 includes a portion of the ESSA/RFF DC-6 flight track between 1600 and 1655 GMT. Note the RFF observation of mammatus overhead at 1600, GMT which indicated anrvoe Fig, 11, Hight hunded-ffty mb streamline and isotach (Lt) analyses 1600 GMT 26 July Ocroner 1975 SMITH, ZIPSER, DAGGUPATY AND SAPP 887 Lovato anne io. 12. Seven-hundred mb streamline and isotach (kt) analyses 1600 GMT 26 July mid-tropospheric dry air as the aircraft approached the vortex center. Later comput: Part 2 will show not only dry air but small regions of sinking at this location, especially in low and middle troposphere. Acommonly employed method for visualizing regions of inflow and outflow is to remove the motion of the system, yielding the relative winds. It is believed that the synoptic-scale wave was in a near-steady state, but not the mesoscale system, The relative streamline and isotach analyses are shown in Fig. 10.° In general, the low-level air passed through the echo area south of the vortex center from northwest to southeast. But the major area of echoes associated with the explosive cumulonimbus growth, so dramatically seen on the satellite pictures, and observed by the aircraft to be cone of copious precipitation, is being fed by low-level inflow of 5-8 m s* from both sides. Particularly interesting is the implication that air originally to the north and west of the rain area did not enter it directly, but circulated quickly around the west side to enter from the south. At 1600 GMT, the air approaching the shearline from the south had the highest equivalent "This figure was derived by subtracting the synopticscale system motion, 310° at 6.2 m s~, from the 1000 mb wind at each Point in the computational ged, and then analysing the result bubjctvely. The ged is discussed in Prt 2. potential temperature. But it must be remembered that. the mesoscale system was not in steady state. 8, 850 and 700 mb streamline and isotach analyses Figures 11 and 12 represent the 850 and 700 mb streamline and isotach analyses, respectively, for the same region analyzed at 1000 mb. Data plotted were the same as for the 1000 mb analyses except that addi- tional minute position vectors were entered near the disturbance center to define structure. The flow at the 850 mb level was basicaly similar to that at 1000 mb, with the major difference that the cyclone was greatly reduced in dimension, being re- placed by a broad trough. There was little indication of inflow into the very much reduced center, although as later computations will show, there was still substantial convergence to the northeast of the center. The maxi- mum wind speed region at 850 mb coincided with that region at 1000 mb but the former was somewhat more extensive in area and had speeds about 2.5ms~ greater. ‘The transitional character of the wind field at the 700 mb level was apparent from the observed light winds. In this tropical region the top of the trade inversion is often near or below this pressure level and it is not unusual for winds to change through the inversion, The fact that the DC-4, which was stacked above the DC-6, passed very near the vortex center 888 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW Voruste 103, Lanune ma ic, 13. Two-hundted mb streamline and itotach (kt) analyses 1600 GMT 26 July. Sold dot indicates 1600 GMT location of the 1000 mb vortex center. See text and Fig. 5 for discussion of the mesoscale disturbance outflow region gave credence to the interpretation that the top of the ‘cyclonic vortex terminated in a cusp at or near the 700 mb level, . 200 mb streamline and isotach analyses Figure 13 shows the 200 mb streamline and isotach analyses covering an area of the same longitudinal ‘extent as the analyses previously presented, but shifted somewhat southward in order to encompass essential rculation features. ‘The disturbance outflow centered near 15.1°N and 59,3°W was determined from vectors (represented by arrowheads) obtained from the satelite film loop (1300-1600 GMT) of Hasler (1973), and mapped in Fig. 5. The 1000 mb vortex center is indicated on this chart by a dot, ‘As analyzed, the disturbance outflow represented an intrusion or blocking of synoptic-scale southwesterlies associated with the mid-Atlantic trough which lay west of Puerto Rico. The following anticyclonic cell centered near 11.5°N and $6.0°W had good past and future ‘continuity. A 12-hourly time cross section (not shown) of Barbados rawins (3-hourly observations were made at Barbados but only up to the 400 mb level) suggested that the smaller anticyclonic cell centered near 12.5°N and 61.0°W moved toward the northwest somewhat. south of that station several hours prior to 1200 GMT. ‘This movement would have been in accord with that of the low-level trough. This cell may have been recently built by the disturbance outflow. At 0000 GMT on the 26th the 200 mb wind at Barbados was from the north at 10 ms“ In addition, outflow from the southern ‘loud mass centered near 11.5°W, 62.0°W undoubtedly played a role in the development of the anticyclone, ‘The height of the disturbance outflow represented by the satellite vectors was not measured and therefore ‘open to question. Range-height instrumentation on the C6 indicated that radar echoes in the disturbance topped at heights greater than 9000 m. Personal observation by one of the authors resulted in an estimate that the cirrus outflow was principally at or above 12.000 m, Finally, the high-flying photo-reconnaissance aircraft passing nearby gave estimates that maximum tops were in excess of 15 000m. Although arbitrary, the decision was made to consider the outflow measured to apply to the 200 mb level. 4d. Temperature and specific humidity fields Figure 14 shows the analyzed temperature fields at ‘the 1000, 850, 700, and 200 mb levels for the 10° by 10° crower 1975 SMITH, computational area (see Fig. 2). To the nearest degree Celsius, the dashed isolines are the July West Indies monthly means from Jordan (1958) While at all analyzed levels values were not far from tropical normal, temperature gradients near the vortex center were resolved by the aircraft observing systems at the three lowest levels. Particular reference is made to the 1000 mb analysis. Near the center, warm areas ‘occurred on both sides of the trough and @ strong gra- dient existed between the castern warm arca and a colder rain region to the north. A region 1.5° to 2.0°C, above normal was observed near the vortex center at the 850 and 700 mb levels. ‘The temperature field at 200 mb was based on rawin- sonde data and consideration of the large-scale wind field. No attempt was made to model the mesoscale temperature field in the disturbed region. sure 15 shows the analyzed specific humidity fields ‘at 1000, 850, 700, and 500 mb for the same computa- tional area as the temperature fields. To the nearest 4 kg, the dashed isolines are the July West Indies monthly means from Jordan (1958). Moisture gradients, in the disturbance region, where the specific humidity reached maxima approximately 5 g kg above the ‘mean, were resolved by the aircraft observing systems. 6. Concluding remarks A synoptic-scale wave in the easterlies was moving toward the west-northwest through the region of analysis, It had a long history, and was to continue as, an entity for several additional days. On the day of, detailed analysis it was of average intensity. Penetra- ic. 14. Analyzed temperature felds (°C) 1600 GMT 26 July (A) 1000 mb, (B) 850 mb, (C) 700 mb, and (D) 200 mb. Dashed isolines correspond to Jordan’s July West Indies monthly means to the nearest °C. ZIPSER, DAGGUPATY AND SAPP 889 Fro. 18, Analyze epeciic humitidy feds (g kg“), 1600 GMT 26 July: (A) 1000 mi, (B) 850 mb, (C) 700 mb, and (D) 500 mb, ‘Dashed {solines correspond to a derivation ftom Jordan's Joly ‘West Indies moisture means tothe nearest g kg. Cross-hatching fon chart (D) indicates region of intense ral echo return whieh was analyzed fora constant value of g kg. tions by research aircraft revealed the presence of @ smaller-scale system of considerable strength within the wave. Indirect evidence is strong that the mesoscale system began to decline within an hour or two of the sircraft penetrations, and that its total lifetime may have been less than 12 h, Without doubt, its period of intense development was far shorter. Characteristics of the mesoscale system were a closed circulation about 2” in diameter with intense convection in an are around the northern half, half a visual eye, and warm apparently sinking air at the circulation center. In addition, there was a degree of organized low-level inflow into the mesoscale system which was, not contaminated by air of low equivalent potential ‘temperature, and in the upper troposphere a large-scale anticyclone was present. APPENDIX. 1. Data accuracy The wind, temperature, and humidity observations made by rawinsondes and the research aircraft were examined with a view, if possible, to correcting random and bias errors. High-frequency random errors in the aircraft data sampled at the rate of 1s“ were eliminated by averaging observations over a 60 s period. A bies in daytime humidities measured by the U. S. standard. radiosonde was first. positively identified, during BOMEX (Teweles, 1970). Aircrait carrying optical dewpointers were flown close to ascending radio- 890 MONTHLY ‘Taste 2. ESSA/RFF DC-6-DC-4 intercomparison (1945-1955 GMT), CRE Pion gee ene ERR Bes Mean 1959 Ws ts wo io sondes. The dewpointer values were found to be higher than those associated with the radiosondes. The nature of this problem, which has to do with heating of the hbygristor element by the sun and inadequate duct ventilation, has been investigated by Morrissey and Brousaides (1970). For this study, a correction to the specific humidity calculated from a sounding was made only if sky conditions indicated that the instrumenta- tion might have been adversely affected at a particular station, All rawinsonde/radiosonde data used were Ao or “uncorrected.” With the exception of Barbados, all rawinsonde stations sampled. the large-scale flow. Corrected data, not yet available at the time this study was initiated, would, it is believed, contribute only in a minor way. Discovery of bias in the aircraft sensing systems was aided by examination of the following records: 1) Accuracy tolerances of the sensing instruments. 2) Flight logs and other communications about the state of ground calibration and of instrument. failure encountered during that mission, 3) The results of comparison, if made, between two or more aircraft 4) The results of comparison between two instru ‘ments sensing the same parameter on board a single aircraft Some of the more important points in this listing are discussed below. The logs of the ESSA/REF aircraft indicated that there were no temperature or humidity calibration errors for their respective flights. Both aircraft carried the APN-82 as their standard Doppler navigation and wind-computing system. All winds in this study volving the ESSA/RFF aircraft were derived from this system. For short periods of time the DC-4 encountered tape transport problems and failure of the navigational radar, resulting in some loss of data, ‘A systematic error in wind computation was dis- covered on the NCAR Queen Air flight. The error was, attributed to the use of improper calibration constants WEATHER REVIEW Votante 103 applied to the original aircraft tape. Some differences resulted, thereby, between the winds used in this study and those shown in the Interim Scientific Management Group publication Experiment Design Proposal for the GATE (1972), On this multi-aircraft mission, no research aircraft made a comparison with a rawinsonde station at a scheduled observation time. The absence of such com parisons made it difficult to couple data from aircraft and rawin/radiosondes into unified analysis fields. During the mission the ESSA aircraft were the only ‘wo to make an intercomparison. Table 2is a summary of 60 5 averages of wind direction, wind speed, Vortex, and Rosemount temperatures for each aircraft during the period between 1945 and 1955 GMT. The mean wind direction for the DC-6 was 195.9 and for the DC-4 188.6°, a mean difference of 7.3°. The mean wind speed for the DC.6 was 4.8 ms~! and for the DC-4 6.0 ms“, a mean difference of about 1.2m“, Friedman et al. (1970) specify accuracy tolerances for the APN-82 system of -£15.4° for wind direction (using an average inter-comparison wind speed of Sm s~) and 1.5m"! for speed. The system accuracy for the NCAR Queen Air has not been determined. However, Foote and ‘ankhauser (1973), in a study of a Colorado hailstorm, discussed Doppler-aircraft wind accuracy. They found that for wind speeds of at least 5 m s~* the mean-value differences were less than 1 m sin wind speed and 10° in wind direction, and that for higher wind speeds these differences decreased. A close examination of Table 2, however, reveals that at the beginning of the intercomparison there were large differences in wind direction between aircraft; these differences gradually became smaller toward the end of the period. The standard deviations show that the sample populations, for wind speed at least, were not identical. In summary, although an uncorrectable wind speed bias existed for at least one ESSA aircraft, the ee eo TEMPERATURE TIME (GMT) Fro. 16. NCAR Queen Air one-minute temperature averages, 26 July: (A) Reverse Flow, (B) Rosemount: and one-minute ‘eve point averages, (C) Bendis. Ocronux 1975 SMITH, ZIPSER accuracy tolerance specified for the wind-computing system was not exceeded. AILESSA/RFF and NCAR aircraft carried more than one instrument to measure the same parameter. The selection of which instrument to use for data analysis ‘was an important decision. Figure 16 is a comparison of 60 s averages for the entire fight between the Reverse Flow (curve A) and Rosemount (curve B) instruments carried by the NCAR Queen Air. While the records were compatible, i, they registered the same trough and peak features with the same amplitudes, the Rosemount instrument read approximately 4°C lower than the Reverse Flow ine strument. A Bendix dewpointer was the only humidity measuring instrument carried by the aircraft. If the Rosemount temperature observations were to be used in the analyses, itis apparent from Fig. 16, which also shows the 60 s average Bendix dewpoint record (curve C), that humidities of over 100% would have occurred for a large part of the fight. A qualitative comparison with the 1200 GMT 1000 mb level rawinsonde tem- erature at Barbados lends further support to the Reverse Flow observations, which were selected for use in this study Figure 17 compares 60 s averages between the Rose- mount (curves A) and Vortex (curves B) thermometers carried by the DC-6. Figure 18 shows this comparison for the DC-4, For the DC-6, while the Rosemount and Vortex thermometer records were compatible, the former instrument read throughout the flight approxi- mately 2°C higher than the latter. On the DC-4, the records of the Rosemount and Vortex instruments were not compatible. From Table 2, the mean temperature of the intercomparison period for the Vortex instrument on boaed both aircraft was 17.3°C. But the mean tem- perature for the Rosemount instrument on board the DC-6 was 18.9°C, while the mean for the same instru- ‘ment on board the DC-4 was 13.0°C, a mean-diflerence of 59°C. Therefore, for both the’ DC-6 and DC-4 30 a Al 25 TEMPERATURE (°C) Seeee e282 8 e Fie, 17, ESSA/RFF DC6 one-minute temperature averages, 26 July: (A) Rosemount, (B) Vortex. DAGGUPATY AND SAPP sot TEMPERATURE (°C) 2222228288 3 8 TIME (GMT) Fro, 18, PSSA/REF BC+ onesinate temperature avenge 26 Jy: (9) Rossman (8) Wares Aight, Vortex measurements were selected for analysis, (The Vortex thermometer is the standard of RFF.) Humidity records (not shown) of the infrared hygrometer and the Cambridge dewpointer carried by the DC-6 were found to be compatible and without bias. Since the former instrument was the standard of RFF, only those observations were used in the analyses. ‘The DC-4 carried only the infrared hygrometer. 2, Adjustment of aircraft observations to reference levels Winds from all aircraft were applied directly to the pressure levels indicated in Table 1. Temperature ob- servations were adjusted from fight to reference level using a lapse rate of 0.577°C per hundred meters. Dew- point observations were adjusted in proportion to the amount of adjustment made in temperature. That is, the dew point at the reference level is equal to the dew point at the fight level plus the difference between the ‘temperature at the reference level and the temperature at the flight level. Adjustment of temperature and dew point observations made by the Queen Air to the lowest reference level, 1000 mb, was not attempted Aclnowledgments. The authors wish to thank A. F, Hasler for making available the satellite data used in this study, R.A’ Madden for his assistance in the preparation of Figs. 1a and 1b, and D, Bundy for her help in the reduction of the aircraft data. Also, the authors are appreciative of the performance of the pilots and crews of the research and reconnaissance aircraft which made this study possible. REFERENCES Aspliden, C.1,,G.A.Dean, and H. Landers, 1965: Satelite study, ‘tropical North Atlanti, 1963, Pare T, surface wind analysis, July 26-August 31. Final report to Met. Sat. Lab, U.S. Wea. Bur, ESSA, Grant No. WBG 32. Cantilo, L. M.'H., and J. J. Fernander-Partagas, 1972: Analysis of topical depression based on radar dats, J. ppl. Meter. 11,298". 892 Foote, G. B., and J. C. Fankhauser, 1973: Airflow and moisture ‘budget beneath northeast Colorado hailstorm. J. Appl Meter, 2, 1330-1383. ‘Frank, N. 1970: Atlantic tropical systems of 1969. Aon. Wea. Ren, 98, 307-314. Friedman, H. A., JD. Michie and J, D. McFadden, 1970: The NOAA Restarch Flight Facility’ airborne data collection program in support of the Barbados Oceanographic and Meteorological Experiment. NOAA Technical Report ERL- 198.RFF4, 178 pp. ‘Hasler, A. F., 1973; Objective analysis of geostationary satelite ‘loud motion fields noar BOMEX clued clusters, Talk pre- sented at Eighth Technical Converence on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology of the American Meteorological Soctty, HEI? May 1973. Hadlow, M. D,, 1970; Weather radar investigations on the MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW Vorome 103 BOMEX. U.S. Army Research and Development Technical Report ECOM.3329, 106 pp. ‘experimen dvgn props forthe GATE, Report No, 1, Jordan, CPi, 1958: Mean soundings forthe West Indies Are, J. Meteor, 18, 91-97. ‘Marti, D. W., and V. E. Suomi, 1972: A satelite study of cloud, ‘clusters over the tropical north Atlantic Ocean. Bull. Amer, Meteor. See, 53, 185-156. ‘Morrissey, J. F, and F. J. Brousaides, 1970: Temperature in need errs inthe M476 humidity da. J.pH Medeor, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administeation, 1971 BOMEX field observations and basic data inventory, 428 pp. ‘Teweles, Siney, 1970: A spurious diurnal variation in radiosonde humidity records. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc, 51, 836-840,

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