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ART 452A : Graphic Design III


Complete the questions in Acrobat, print, and include this document in your Personal Process Binder
which is due at our final exam meeting. If you need extra time you may email me this completed form no
later than Friday, June 10 at 9:00 am, but the binder still must be turned in at the final exam.

Karan Victor Kumar
List YOUR contributions to your team project:
-Sakebomb name
-Ideas for deliverables
-Knight: pencil sketch and idea
-Web banners

Rate YOUR Overall Performance

Excellent Good Average Fair Poor


Working with Others

Design Effectiveness



Justify the above scores:

Overall, I believe i was an act and contributing member to the Sakebomb team. We as a group made every
deadline and made sure to spread the work equally. In the beginning i had the lead but eventually Thomas took
over after his medical leave. I enjoyed working with others and believed we had one of the best teams in the class
as we all got along and worked good together. I even went to 826LA to take photos and wanted to shoot a video
for them.
Thomas Hernandez
List THIS TEAMMATE’S contributions to your team project:
-Roman warrior: idea and sketch
-Organized calendar

Rate THIS TEAMMATE’S Overall Performance

Excellent Good Average Fair Poor


Working with Others

Design Effectiveness



Justify the above scores:

Thomas was an active and contributing member of our team. He took on the role as the leader and helped guide
the team towards our progress dates. He helped organize the slide shows for the presentation and designed much
of the ideas needed. He mainly designed the brochure and contributed towards the other designs. Overall, Thomas
was an excellent person to work with and i enjoyed having him on the team.
Jon Halili
List THIS TEAMMATE’S contributions to your team project:
-Viking: draw and sketch

Rate THIS TEAMMATE’S Overall Performance

Excellent Good Average Fair Poor


Working with Others

Design Effectiveness



Justify the above scores:

Jon was a good teammate. He was also friendly and gave good feedback. Jon was always on top of his due dates
and always asked what more he could do for the group. He gave positive feedback to much of the designs and
pointed out flaws we had to work on. He looked up most of the pricing for the objects and was better able to see
what deliverables we could afford with the budget. Overall, Jon was good partner and I would love to work with him
Angel Huante
List THIS TEAMMATE’S contributions to your team project:
-Illustrations for all posters
-Samurai: drawing and illustration

Rate THIS TEAMMATE’S Overall Performance

Excellent Good Average Fair Poor


Working with Others

Design Effectiveness



Justify the above scores:

Angel was a very excellent teammate, i believe without Angel's illustration, our team wouldnt have the same look
that we have now. Angel is very skilled at illustration as shown in his drawings of the "Homework Warriors". He
made an excellent effort and was very easy to work with. His designs for the buttons/stickers were done well and
displayed nicely with the rest of the designs.
PROCESS NARRATIVE: Write a one page narrative (approximately 500
words) detailing your group’s process this quarter. Discuss the effectiveness of your process and
decisions. Be sure to cover successful moments and also things you would do differently if given the
opportunity. Remember, your comments are kept confidential.

Our group came up with the idea of the "Homework Warriors" group of warriors from across time that help
volunteers find information about 826. We came up with four warriors: a samurai, a knight, a Viking, and a
Roman. Each of these warriors is holding a "weapon of knowledge" such as a pencil or a ruler. Our design
process was flushed out in the beginning so we were able to illustrate our ideas and come up with a proper
theme for all of them. We each took a warrior and designed the pose while Angel finished the illustration. After
angel was done we each took the complete designs and applied them to the deliverables. Jon made
bookmarks, I made web banners, Thomas made a brochure, and Angel made the buttons. Our design process
was rather simple and to the point with the work split up equally. I also added photography and wanted to make
a video however due to to time constraints, i wasn't able to complete this task. Each presentation, we showed
the class the progress we had made along with an explanation of our goals. We received positive feedback from
our classmates and from 826 themselves. This pushed us in the right direction and gave us a solid foundation
for the quarter. Some of our ideas were scraped such as making a movie poster or using two faces combined as
one to create dramatic effect. Another scrapped idea was to combine two "warriors" one from the past and one
from the future. This idea was turned down due to the composition and we eventually settled on one warrior.
Our team worked very well together and we had fun and cracked jokes at each other all the time. We had a
group text where we would communicate and a Google drive for uploading and updating our work. Each team
member did their part and contributed to the group. We each held out weight and did our parts when they were
due throughout the quarter. We were never behind and always tried to give a thorough presentation. Feedback
from other groups was very helpful and constructive. Hearing what our peers said about our project gave us
guidance as well as frequent feedback from Professor Lang,. Overall, i had a great time working with the
members in Sakebomb, I usually dislike group work but I feel this was invaluable experience for what many
designers face in the real world.

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