The Shape of Crime - Criminology Anthropology Biology

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QUICK TERMS OF CRIMINOLOGY present by Rachel Lynne Sakhi, 2018/March, DeVry University: Justice Administration, U.S.A.

Schmalleger, F. J. (2014-01-01). Criminology Today: An Integrative Introduction, 7th Edition.

[Bookshelf Online]. Retrieved from
Brief Summary & Perspective (Sakhi, 2018) on Key Terms from Schmalleger (2014-01-01) (Pp. 95)
Relativity -- "Born Criminal" Theory (Pp. 85). Concepts of Atmospherical Factors:
1) Freedom of Choice, No Choice of Options, 2) Freedom to Choose, No Options in the Criminal's Favor,
Controlled Options with Constitutional Freedom of Choice (Lynne Sakhi, 2018, and Schmalleger, 2014-01-01).
Freedom of Choice.
4) Solutions:
Adoption of Legislative Bills based on Alternative Medicines prescribed for
humans 'designed' by societies interpersonal sociological pressure points
and automated applications to coerce the commission of criminal activity with a bet of at least 95% success
to yield the financial gains expected as well as anticipated for another's bread & butter.
The legislative bill could potentially grant the rights if not able to alter or change the environment,
to ease the agonizing pain inflicted intentionally as a corporational business activity,
of enslavement throughout the duration of the journey.
The journey has been designed to capture healthy individuals,
place them into isolation cells (a makeshift uterus)
with environmental placenta
that nourishes the bloodstream with every antonym of hate,
breeding the perfect criminal ever to get designed
in any globalized society existent (Sakhi, 2018/Mar., and Schmalleger, 2014-01-01).
Los Angeles, California, United States of America.
Criminal Anthropology Pp. 85 Using science to discover association of body measurements to crime.

Eugenic Criminology Pp. 89 Selective Human Breeding ('Lab Rats') Designed to Become Criminals:
Genetic Engineering (Sakhi, 2018, and Schmalleger, 2014-01-01).

Biological Theories Pp. 80 The idea that many aspects of psychological motivation to violate is genetically inherited.

Eugenics Pp. 89 Genetic Engineering (Sakhi, 2018, and Schmalleger, 2014-01-01).

Italian School of Criminology

Pp. 85 CRIMINAL ANTHROPOLOGY: Professional opinions or perspectives on criminal activity.
Born Criminal Pp. 85 Criminality Theorist: Cesare Lombroso: Relationship of anatomical & criminal tendencies.

Ectomorph Pp. 87 Just as an eckocardiogram fluctuates, the thin electrical line monitors a nucleal organ
hemispherical transitters to the sun & moon are fragile.

Endomorph Pp. 87 Just like planet earth, overpopulation of fatty cells causes a softening of the core in the end.

Phrenology Pp. 83 According to Schmalleger (2014-01-01) can tell a criminal by the shape of his or her skull.
According to Schmalleger (2014-01-01) German physician Johann Gaspar Spurzheim (1776 to 1853)
presented PHRENOLOGY to the U.S.A.
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

Image Source: "The Human Skull: Anatomical Art™ Series by Orthoflex®", Microsoft Office 365 Student Suite
for Education: Online Pictures Illustration Tool, Creative Commons Only via Bing Search Online, 2018/Mar.
Citation: Bing. (2018). Bing Search: "Anatomical Skull": Creative Commons Licenses 600 x 800. Retrieved from
Constitutional Theory Pp. 87 Personal factors that influence the way the individual is characterized in criminality.

Supermale Pp. 89 XYY Chromosome Structure: Scottish Prison Clinical Studies Results of Identifying
the extremely 'violent' male (Jacobs, 1965, Schmalleger, 2014-01-01).
Sociobiology Pp. 91 Controlled observations on the biological chemistry that
steers interpersonal behavior (Lynne Sakhi, 2018, and Schmalleger, 2014-01-01).
Mesomorph Pp. 87 Just as a buildup of matter to the hemispherical lining of the
earth to the gravital pressure zone: 'O'
Paradigm Pp. 91 A control model applied to sociology, psychiatry, biology, anthropology, etc. An example.

Traits Pp. 81 Altruism (Pp. 92): para ejemplo, i.e., Passive Traits of the selfless dormant shadow helper,
born this way (Schmalleger, 2014-01-01).
Heredity Pp. 88 Inherited habits, not genes from a parent to an offspring:
Behavioral Genetics by Western scientist Galton (1822).
Gene Pool Pp. 92 Genetic Engineering: The project house versus the private condominium in Beverly Hills.

Juke Family Pp. 88 Are you a 'Smooth Criminal'? (1822 to 1911) (Pp. 88): What size and shape are you?
Family Tree Researchers
Kallikak Family Pp. 88 Sir Francis Galton (1822 to 1911): Criminal Families and The Shape of Crime (Pp. 88)
Family Tree Researchers
Altavism Pp. 84 TIS: Tis the season to be jolly Fa La La La La La La La La…Sound Familiar? It's a Christmas Carol!
TIS: The Italian School
Army Physician Lombroso: Invented a human body
measuring system of identifying the likeness of criminals to executed offenders, for
future use in identifying suspects, murderers, etc.
Somatotyping Pp. 87 The act of segregating humans into social compartments based on physical looks.

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