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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Kirayan National High School
Naulid, Miagao, Iloilo

Trends, Networks and Critical Thinking in the21st Century

I. Identification
1. It is the degree of attraction that a fad or a trend causes on people.
2. It pertains to the impact of a fad or a trend.
3. This is the structure that enables a fad or a trend to be sustainable.
4. It indicates the extent of the influence of a fad or trend.
5. The source of the sovereign power of the state and the ones who rule the democracy.
6. It’s the freedom of participating citizens to represent themselves or elect their representatives.
7. It what a democracy always tries to achieve.
8. This form of government is ruled by the people.
9. It is the heart of any democratic government.
10. The tools and processes to access, retrieve, store, organize, manipulate, produce and present, and
exchange information by electronic and other automated means.

II. True of False

1. Direct democracy is also referred to as pure democracy.
2. Indirect democracy is also called representative democracy.
3. Modern democracy has 6 fundamental elements: rule of law, separation of power, basic right and
freedom, suffrage, freedom of speech and pluralism.
4. In a direct democracy, the citizens gather together to debate and vote on issues concerning the state.
5. Indirect democracy, the citizens elect representative in the government.
6. Democracy comes from Greek words “kratein” the people and “demos” to rule.
7. A trend is something that people are highly interested in for a relatively short period time.
8. The development of ICT began with the invention of the abacus – an ancient tool used for computing
more than 5,000 years ago.
9. The advancement of ICT have naturally resulted the digital divide.
10. Mass media refer to the means or technology used to communicate to a large # of people.

III. Enumeration

1-6 Elements of Modern Technology

7-10 Dimensions of Democracy
11-17 Mass Media
18-20 Effects of Advancements in ICT

IV. Essay
 Role of ICT in your studies (5 pts.)
 Disadvantages of Mass Media (5pts.)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Kirayan National High School
Naulid, Miagao, Iloilo

Creative Writing

I. True or False
1. Writing process is a series of basic steps that led to an organized communicated to a reader.
2. Book reports and research papers are examples of academic ranking.
3. Poetry, prose and drama are some of the popular genres of creative writing.
4. The use imagery appeals to how you see, smell, hear, taste, touch and feel the things that you are
writing about.
5. Narrative writing paints a picture in words that communicate an overriding impression.
6. Descriptive writing appears mainly in all kinds of fiction and has a definite sequence of events.
7. Story telling is a basic human activity that dates back to the beginning of time.
8. The Hare and the Tortoise is a Parable.
9. Novelette comprises words more than 20,000 and below 75,000.

II. Identification
1. The characters in this are anthroporphimized animals or natural forces or animals or natural
forces with human traits or characteristics.
2. A brief narrative with realistic plot that teaches a moral usually taken from the Holy Bible.
3. A short narrative that is handed down from the past containing strange and wonderful events
without detailed characterization.
4. It is a German term of “novel of growth or development”.
5. It is a basic human activity that dates back to the beginning of time.
6. A story telling of a happening or a series of connected events.
7. A brief artistic form of prose fiction which centers on a single main incident and intends to
produce a single dominant impression.
8. An extended comparison between 2things.
9. An extended prose narrative, a book length story written in prose usually comprising 75,000 to
100,000 words.
10. A series of imagined facts which illustrates truths about human life.

III. Enumeration (10)

Basic Tips in Effective Writing

IV. Essay (10 Pts. each)

 Narrative essay about your mother

 Descriptive essay about your favorite teacher

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