Mehran University of Engineering & Technology Jamshoro Sindh Department of Mechanical Engineering Strength of Material Practical Test-II Section (A)

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Mehran University of Engineering & Technology Jamshoro Sindh

Strength of Material
Practical Test-II
Section (A)
Time Allotted: 15 Minutes_________ Date: 22-02-2018_ _Maximum Marks:05
1 If a material is tested for hardness, under the pressure of 1500 Pa, for 15 seconds its BHN
value is 200. Chose the correct code for this test.
(a) 1500BHN200/15 ((b) 15BHN1500/200 (c) 200BHN15/1500 (d) 15BHN200/1500
2 By applying the tensile test on ductile material, neck occurs at_______________
(a) 45o ((b) 35o (c) 40o (d)14o
3 During hardness test the indenter is usually a
(a) Ball (b) Pyramid (c) Cone (d) All of these
4 Modulus of Rigidity is the ratio of:
(a) Compressive stress and tensile strain (b) Tensile stress and tensile strain
(C) Shear strain and Shear Stress (D) Shear stress, Shear strain
5 The property of a material that resists penetration or indentation by means of abrasion
or scratching is known as
(a) Strength (b) Hardness (c) Toughness (d) Brittleness
6 Which of the following set of pair has same dimension?
(a) Stress, Strain (b) Area, Moment of Inertia
(c) %Elongation, %Reduction (d)Shear Modulus, Elastic Modulus
7 Which of the following is the hardest material?
(a) Brass (b) Aluminum (c) Mild Steel (d) none of the above.
8 Polar Moment of Inertia defines?
(a) Size of Specimen (b)Shape of Specimen (c)Both (d) Material Distribution
9 Steel ball is used as Intender in which of the following test?
(a) Brinell hardness test (b) Rockwell harness test (c) Vickers hardness test (d) A.o.T
10 Define the following terms:
(a) Yield Stress=

(b) Shear Modulus=

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