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1. Discuss how you would size samples that beyond the assessment range of one particular method. What would be
the possible problems?

2. As has been discussed already, our main interest is in the study of a system of particle than an individual particle
and thus we are more interested in size distribution and table below gives an example a sample that has been sized
in test sieve.

mass (g)
size (μm)
2000 243
1400 473
1000 112
850 31
710 35
500 30
300 32
0 44

(a) Use this table to plot the density and cumulative size distribution of the sample

(b) Find the geometric mean of each size fraction

(c) Assuming the geometric mean as the representative size of material sitting on screen and given that the Sg
(density of material compared to that of water) of this ore 2.8, estimate the number of particle on each screen and
plot the number density distribution curve

(d) Estimate the surface distribution of particles on the screens.

3 A conveyor belt is conveying 10 tons/hr of ore whose size distribution can be described by the equation 1- exp(-
(di/100)3). This ore is being fed to a double decker screen whose specification is specified in the drawing. Given that
the volume of the collector bin is 10 m3 and the Sg of the ore 2.8 but has a voidage of 40%, thus making its bulk
density far less, calculate how long it takes to fill the bin. State any assumptions if needed to solve this problem.

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