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Question Answer

1. wat organzation r we in?

d mission statemnt shud addres 3
2. hu r our clients
important issues
3. wat good o srvice wil we ofer?

r guideposts n defining standrds of wat d

organzation shud acomplish n providng objectives
dirction & motivation

1. provding dirction
objctves improve d efectvenes of an
2. srving as standrds 4 evaluating
organzation by producing 3 major
3. motvating mmbrs of d organzation

clearly defined objctves specify an end

objctves provide drection
result 4 d org

1. specificity
2. measurability
charactrstcs of soundly conceived 3. time specific
objctves 4. emphasis on result- sound objctves
focus on results, not actvties
5. attainability

ds r plans whose tymlines r betwen

those of strategc plans usually betwen 1 medium term plan
to 3 yrs

1. identify major tasks 2 achieve

strategic goals
2. assign persons responsible 4 tasks &
4 stages of tactical plannin
prepare specfic plans
3. allocate resources
4. set performnce standards 4 each task

1. policies & programs

tactical planning tools 2. quantitative plans
3. technical plans

s a verbal, written o implied statemnt

dat guides decision making

s a list of interrelated projects &


cash flows, budgets, financial projections quantitative plans

program evaluation & review techniques

(pert)/critical path method (cpm),
technical plans
architechtural & engineering systems &
procedures, etc

s a method by wc conflicts, delays &

interruption n a project r mnimizedd by
coordnating d various parts of overol job program evaluation & review techniques
n order 2 complete d projct on chedule. (PERT)
cnsidred as d mos popular network

procedures used for d duties of

administratve personel, finance oficer,
headquarters procedure
desk oficer, radio operator, jailer,

1. frame of reference
2. clarifying d problem
3. colecting ol pertinent facts
4. analyzing d facts
5. developing alternative plans
steps n police planning
6. selecting d most appropriate
7. selling d plan
8. arranging 4 d execution of d plan
9. evaluating d efectvenes of d plan

s based on d review of d maters relating

2 d situation 4 wc plans r being frame of reference

1. ident d problem
proces of planning 2. frame of refrnce isolation &
clasification of d problem
3. colection & analysis of pertinent facts,
data & opinions
4. developing alternative plans thru
ident & evaluation
5. selction of d mos appropriate
alternatve & subsequently
6. selling d plan 2 prsons concerned 4 d
arrangemnt of 8s execution & evaluation
of 8s efectvenes

1. know ur situation
2. know wat u want to do
3. breakdown ur goals
4. wat r d resources neded
5. anticipate problems o changing
fundamentals of police planning cndtions
6. implement ur plan
7. monitor results
8. evaluate d plan
9. document d experience
10. report ur experience

1. clearly defined objctves o goals

2. posibility of atainmnt
3. flexibility
4. provision 4 standrds of opration
characteristcs of police plans
5. economy n terms of resources needed
4 implementation
6. antcpated effect of effects on future

1. protction of prsons & property

2. presrvation of d peace
3. prevention of crym
4. repression o supresion of crmnal
5. aprehension of crmnals
execution of police plan 6. en4cemnt of laws & ordnances &
regulations of conduct
7. safeguarding of publc health & moral
8. prompt execution of crmnal writs &
proceses of d courts
9. coordination & cooperation w ader law
en4cemnt agencies

1. primary
2. secondary
categorization of duties & responsibilities
3. admnstratve o managerial
4. field oprations

line o opration tasks wc include ptrol,

invstgation, trafic, vice & juvenile cntrol.
d acomplishmnt of ds primary tasks shal primary duties & responsibilities
achieve d main objctves & mision of
police org

r auxiliary o srvice tasks wc nclude

recrds, property, jail, crym lab,
transportation, & comncation. ds tasks
secondary duties & responsibilities
shal asist & efectvely suport d primary
tasks n d acomplishmnt of d objctves &
mission of police org

r tasks wc include prsonel, intelgnce,

inspction, planning, budgeting, training
& publc relations. ds tasks shal assist & admnstratve o managerial tasks
efectvely suport d primary & d secndry
tasks n d attainmnt of objctves

shal b directd by d police comnder & d

subordnate comndrs & d same shal b
field oprations
aimed @ d acomplishmnt of d primary
tasks mor efectvely & economcaly

1. protction of prsons & proprty,

presrvation of peace
2. prevntion of crym
duties of patrol 3. supresion of crimnal actvties
4. aprehension of crimnals
5. en4cemnt of laws & ordnances
6. regulations of conduct
7. prforms ader task as dircted

cmprise d mision-critcal aspcts of a

police org. 8 rfrs 2 actvties cndcted n d
field by law en4cemnt ofcers as dey police operations
"srve & protct", ncluding patrol, trafic
'vstgation & gnral cols 4 srvce

LISTEN to learn & understand, not to take turns & listen fo FACTS &
CHALLENGE or PERSUADE FEELINGS. (Both are important.)

1. scanning d problem
2. analysis-lerning d problem's causes,
scope, & effects
SARA problem solving
3. response-acting 2 alleviate d problem
4. assessment-dtermining wder d
response worked

a policeman mus stand hs ground

bcause unlyk a cvilian hu can run 4 hs cowardice
lyf, a policeman cannot

1. intent of d suspect 2 harm d

2. d capablty of d suspect 2 harm d
wat r d elemnts of imminent danger?
policeman o ader prsons
3. acesibility o d proximity of d suspect
n harming d policeman & ader prsons

1. intent of d fleeing suspect 2 harm d

policeman & ader prsons
2. d capablty of d fleeing suspect 2 realy
in firing upon a vehicle, d ff parameters
harm d policeman o ader prsons
shud b considered
3. acesibility o d proximty of d fleeing
suspect n harming d policeman & ader

d police unit wc has teritorial jrsdction of

d area of d armed cnfrontation shal
imediately undertake d necesary
invstgation & procesing of d scene of d
encounter. d SOCO team condcts Crime
Scene Processing upon request

1. GOA
2. Patrol shoes
3. police field cap
4. blue web belt w skeleton buckle
police proper uniform
5. leather pistol belt
6. nameplate
7. authorized raincoats n case of
inclement weather

1. side arm/long FA
2. PNP truncheon
3. handheld radio for foot patrol
4. base radio 4 mobile patrol
5. marked vehicle 4 mobile patrol w
yelow rope 4 police line
police complete required equipment for
6. flashlyt 4 nyt patrol
7. notebok & bolpen
8. handcuffs
9. whistle
10. ewd
11. first aid kit
12. jungle nyf

1. make patrol plan

*area coverage
*orgtional detain of prsonel
*standby points
*route plan
2. designate dstrict & station patrol
duties of ptrol supervisors
3. inspect d mmbrs of d patrol
4. conduct briefing b4 dspatch
5. rnder hourly report tru radio o
telephone 2 HEADQUARTERS
6. rnder after patrol report duly signed
by detailed prsonel
7. strictly obsrve "buddy system" during
d patrol operations

1. obsrve precautionary measures

2. dfensive driving
3. select routes wc provide best visibility
4. b obsrvant
5. use fact & persuasivenes wen cndctng
spot inquiry
6. wen requiring an indvdual 4
identfcation nver handle d wallet o bag.
let d indvdual remove & hand dem 2 u
7. b famliar w knwn crmnals & exconvcts
8. be on alert 4 loiters
9. obsrve juveniles
patrol guidelines
10. obsrve d practice of "shaking doors"
of unguarded busines establishmnts
during nyt. check 4 signs og intrusion
11. b prepared 2 use srvce FA. flashlyt
shud b held away frm d body
12. kep watch unocupied homes
13. avoid loitering n theaters, restau o
pblc places.
14. get 2 know as many pepol
15. look out 4 vices & ilegal actvties
16. informed urself of d places 2 help a
stranger n locatng a place

1. take notes
2. avoid reckles driving
3. manner of aproach. stealth o n haste
4. cnsder many fctors
5. exercise extreme caution
6. stop d car some dstnce away
7. atend imediately 2 injured prson
guidelines & procedures wen responding 8. make efort 2 ares crmnals
2 cols 4 police assistance 9. dtrmne d type of crym
10. do not atempt 2 arbitrate & resolve
conflicts btwen neighbors
11. f riot. request adtional asistnce
12. never treat cols o cmplaints of loud
noises, drunks as not imprtnt
13. wen responding 2 beer houses, bars
request d owner 2 put d lyt on 1st

1. arrive as soon as possible, record tym

of arival, weather cndtion & stuation of d
crime scene & f posible take
photographs of d scene
2. establsh police lines
3. avoid touching o stepping on anything
dat may represent evdnce
protecting & presrving d crime scene 4. lok & protct adjacent areas 2 d scene
wer fyrarms, fotprints, droped artcles &
blodstains cud b found
5. lok 4 d presnce of blood stains & ader
body fluid. dey r easily ignored &
6. turn over ol intial n4mation & evdnces
gathered 2 d respondng invstgation unit

a qualfied ofcer hu shal coordnate acros

d dept lines der rcrds actvties & shal hav
d respnsblty & cntrol of ol d rcrds holdng rcrds custodian
of d agency n her/his posession &

ds rprt shal b acomplished by d

invstgator 2 cver ader angles of d case o
d techncal staff whose asistnce hs ben
techncal rprt
requestd 2 cndct labrtory examnation of
evdnce specmen gathered, 2 suplemnt d
findings & reprt of d invstgating ofcer

ds rprt shal srve as d invstgation rprt of

d ofcer hu nvstgates d acident. 8 shal b acidnt rprt
prepared 4 each vhculr acident

d ff r d dferent types of invstgatve 1. case report-for prelmnary nvstgation

report 2. suplemnt/progres/final reprt- f case s
n a pnding status
3. cntnuation rprt
4. techncal rprt-
5. acident rprt
6. wanted prson rprt
8. daily rcrds of evnts

1 to PD
wnted prson rcrd shud b acomplshed n 4 1 to CPNP, camp crame quezon city
copies. 1 to NBI HQ Manila
1 to b dsplayed n d rouges gallery

1. arrest report
d ff r d types of arrest & booking rcds 2. booking report
3. prisoner's proprty receipt

howevr, f d ares s n obedience 2 a

one o mor crmnal chrges may b placed
warant o warants, seprate ares reprts
on 1 arest report
wil b made 4 each warant

d numbr series of arest shal strt on #1

calendar yer #ring system
on d frst day of each yer

8 fcltates acounting of prisoners @ d end

booking report
of each shift. aranged alphabetcaly

1. fingerprint record
2. crmnal fingrprint
d ff r identfcation rcrds 3. cvilian fngerprint
4. alien fngerprint
5. crmnal specialty "MO" file

1. prsonel rcrds
2. corespndnce file
d ff r admnstratve rcrds 3. memornda, order, policy files
4. asignmnt rcrd
5. ader files

a ____ proces shud b establshed 2

provde d deprtmnt w a means 4
report review
scheduled review & cntrol of ol polce

1. state of feling safety

2. freedom frm wory about posble los
3. somethng gving asurnce
secrty s
4. protction against atack
5. precautions 2 maintain safety
6. guards

scrty measures r inevitable o necesary 4

d atainmnt of d goals & objctves of a
crtain indvdual, group o organzation. 8
necesity of scrty
folows dat wen an ndvdual o organzation
s exposed 2 hazrds, der prodctvty s
advrsely afectd.

cndtions dat may cause damage 2

prprty, njury, o los of lyf. exposure 2 d hzrds
chnce of los o njury.

earnest o cnstant applcation 2 work o

busines, o a spcial brnch of prdctve industry
work, o d captal o wrkrs employed n 8

pertaining 2 o engaged n industry. industrial

1. scrty education prgrams

2. scrty invstgation
passive measures n scrty 3.fyr prevntion semnrs
4. safety drils
5. prsonal scrty chcks

1. trnsmsion scrty
cmponents of comuncation scrty 2. cryptographic scrty
3. physcal scrty

a type of scrty aplied 2 busines grups

ngaged n ndstries lyk mnufcturng,
indstrial scrty
asembling, resrch & dvlpmnt, procesing,
warehousing & even agriclture

major dvisions of industrial scrty 1. physcal scrty

2. prsonel scrty
3. documnt & in4mation scrty

praetorian guards of ancient rome

mameluks of egypt

swiss guards of vatican n rome

n 1748, author & mgstrate ____

proposed a prmnent, profesional &
adequately paid scrty 4ce. hs most
henry fielding
valuable cntribution was d "foot patrol" 2
make d strets safe & mounted ptrol 4

d ____ wc contnded dat labor was d

source of wealth; & 8 was by freedom of
laisses faire
labor, dat pblc wealth wud best b

n 1850, ___, a cooper frm scotlnd & d

chicago pd's frst dtctve estblshed d allan pinkerton
oldst, private scrty 4ces n d US

final signing of prsdnt frdnnd mrcos of

june 13, 1969

d HQPC isued ____ creatng d PC scrty &

invstgation agncy suprvisory ofice staff memo dated august 4, 1969

aftr barely 2months PCSIASO was

renamed to PCSOSIA. on june 29, 1970,
8 was again renamed as PC
hwevr, d sprvsion ws later on trnsfred 2 SOSIA & on jan 1, 1995 8 was renamed
d NICA. svral PDs wer isued such as as PNP SAGSD
PD11 isued on octobr 1972, PD100 on
jan17, 1973, prmts d PC to deputize any
private scrty 2 asist n cases of
emrgncies, dsastr & calamties

1. natural authorty
*d highest law s d law on self
2. constitutional authorty
*art2sec4 1987 constitution
legal basis of indstrial scrty n PH *art3sec1 "
*art3sec9 "
*art3sec2 "
3. statutory authorty
*act 3815

snce each instalation s dferent, each wil

hav dferent problms 2 overcome. d scrty
each instalation s dferent
procdures wil not b adequate 4 ol

1. mnimum scrty
2. low level scrty
levels of physcal scrty 3. medium scrty
4. high level scrty
5. maxmum scrty

s a system designed 2 mpede

unauthorizd xtrnal actvty such as smple mnmum scrty
ntrusion 2 armed atack

s a systm designed 2 mpede & dtect

some unauthorzd extrnal actvty such as low lvel scrty
on smal retail store, storage warehouses

s designd 2 mpde, dtct & ases mos

extrnal actvty & some unauthrzd ntrnal
actvty dat rnges frm smple shoftlftng 2
cnspiracy 2 comit sabotage, ds includes
medium scrty
1. use of advnce intrusion alrm systm
2. estblshmnt of prmtr briers
3. use of an unarmed guard
s designd 2 mpde, dtct & ases mos
unathorzd xtrnal & ntrnal actvties of
crtain prisons, dfnse cntrctors,
pharmaceutcl cmpanies & sophstcatd
elctronc mnfcturers. ds ncludes d
utlzation of d ff
1. close crcuit televsion high level scrty
2. permtr alrm system
3. high scrty lyting
4. hyly traind armed guards
5. cntrol designs
6. coordnation w local law en4cemnt

8 ncludes d aplcation of d ff
1. sophstcatd alrm system maxmum scrty
2. on-site rspnse 4ce

elevatd prts of d land ner d perimtr

barier dat provdes aces 2 areas w/n d
sidewalk elvator
permtr bariers & shud b locked &

a cler zone of 20ft o mor shud exist a cler zone of 50ft o mor shud exist
btwen d permtr barier & exterior btwen d permtr barier & structures w/n
structures, prking areas & natural o d protctd areas excpt wen a building wall
man-made features. cnstitutes part of d perimtr barrier

1. 7 fet material excludng top guard

2. 9 gauge o heavier
3. mesh opnings r not 2 b lrger dan 2
inches per syd
4. twsted & barbed slvage @ top &
specfcations 4 chainlink fences 5. 8 shud b screly fastened 2 rgid metal
o reinforced cncrete
6. 8 mus reach blow srface enough on
soft grounds 2 cmpensate 4 shftng soil o
7. 8 mus reach w/n 2 inches of hard
ground o paving

1. stndrd brbed wyr s twistd, double-

strand 12 gauge wyr w 4 point barbs
spaced on equal dstnce apart.
2. brbed wyr fencing mus b frmly afixed
specfcations 4 using brbed wire 2 posts high excludng top huard
3. brbed wyr fencing shud not b les dan
7ft high exclusing top guard
4. d dstnce btwen strands wil not exceed
6 inches & midway btwen parts

d mos secured systm of perimtr guard

employmnt s @ mutualy suporting fixed
posts. ds system wud require each
guard 2 b vsble 2 each ader & wud yes
provde d posiblty 4 d area btwen 2 b
undr surveilnce of either guard. howevr
ds type of employmnt s expnsve

a guard system dat canot b checked on

s not a secured guard system

1. even iregulr routes, n tym, tend 2

bcome regulr n der iregulrty
n cndcting ptrols, d guards shud b 2. d use of iregulr roving ptrol s made 4
instructd 2 travrse an inregulr route, d economy of prsonel. d economy
providing dferent intrvals btwen vsual o feature s usualy carried so far dat even
actual cntact w any gven point on d fnce d iregulr route ptrol fails 2 srve d
howevr, n prctce, der r obsrved purpose.
dsadvntages of roving patrol, to wit: 3. 8 s dfcult 4 instalation cntrol prsonel
2 dtermne dat d roving ptrol s actualy
carying out 8s functions

scrty lyting systm mus b reliable &

designed w overlaping ilumnation 2
avoid creating unprotctd area n d event
of indvdual lyt failure. 8 mus b easy 2 yes
maintain & 8 mus secure 8self against
atack. poles shud b w/n d barrier power
lines & d swtch box mus b protcted
1. lyting neds dpend upon each situation
& d areas 2 b protcted. evry instalation
requires careful study 2 provde d best
vsblty prctcable 4 such scrty duties as
identfcation of badges & pepol @ d
gates, inspction of vhcles, prevntion of
ilegal entry, dtction of intruders outsyd
& insyd d buildings & ader structures, &
inspction of unusual o suspcious
2. wen mprctcal, adtionl scrty
basic requiremnts for scrty lytings
posts,ptrols,sentry dog ptrols o ader
scrty means
3. shud nt b usd as a dterent only.8
shud b usd on a prmtr fnce line only wer
d fnce s undr contnuous o priodc
obsrvation. not necesary wen using
4. desrble n snstve areas. prking areas,
pier & docks, storage areas, vlnrble
cntrol points n comuncations,powr &
watr dstribution systems.

1. protctve lyting usualy requires les

intensity dan wrking lyt, excpt 4
identfcation & inspction @ authorzd
portals & in emrgncies
2. lyting neded may vary bcause each
area of an instalation o fclty presnts 8s
prtculr prblem based on physcal
layout,terain,atmospherc & climtc
cndtions,& d protctve requiremnts
3. data availble frm d manufcturers of
charactrstcs of protctve lyting lyting equipmnt wc wil asis n designing a
lyting systm.
included n ds data r:
*dscrptions,charctrstcs,& spcfcations of
various ncndscnt,arc,& gaseous dschrge
*lyting pterns of d various lumnaries
*typcal layouts shwng d mos eficient
height & spacing of equipmnt
*mnmum protctve lyting intensities
requird 4 various aplcations

1. redction of d need 4 scrty 4ces

2. prsonal protction 4 4ces by reducing d
advntages of concealmnt & surprise 4 a
protctve lytings' sgnfcance 2 scrty 4ces
dtrmned ntruder.
3. relievd scrty 4ces cud b used 2 beter
advntage elsewer

d width of d lyted-atop cn b cntroled &

controled lyting
adjstd 2 suit d scrty needs

smilar to continuous lyting but n turned

on manualy o by special device o ader
stand-by lyting
automatc means, wen der s suspicion of

8 produces yelow lyt low-presure Na vapor

8 produces very bryt lyt quartz lamps

1. floodlyts r used 4 outdor scrty lyting

ncludng d ilumnation of boundaries,
fences, & buildings
2. street lyts produces difused lyt rader
types of lyting equipmnt dan dirctional beam. wydly used n
prking areas.
3. searchlyts r incndescnt lyts dat
provide a type of crime-relatd lyting

wat s dtction zone? area beyond d fence

floodlyts r used 2 cast a strong lyt on d

walls of buildngs so dat intruders r vsble
either n silhouette "outline" o by d
shadows wc dey cast
s an aural o vsual sgnal gven by d
protctve alarm

s a vsual o audble sgnaling dvice, wc

initiates cndtion of asociatd crcuits

d dsadvntages of photo-cel nclude d

beam sc b bypased by crawling
undrneath o climbing over 8, 8s
requiremnt of a rgid base & prmanent
instalation, 8 s not fit 4 extrnal o outdor
instalations bcause fog, smoke, dust,
rain & ader vsion obstructions can
interupt d lyt & triger false alarms

ds systems drive der oprating princple

usually frm a physcal phenomenon knwn
as "dopler efect". constant sound waves
space & motion dtctors
n a cubcle dstrbed by an objct wil cause
chnge of frequency & wave motion derby
causing an alrm 2 triger.

8 s an elctronc fnce consstng of 3-5

strands of wyr spaced frm 9-24 inches
above one anader wc srves as antena, a
montor panel, & an elctrc circuitry. wen
power s put on, an elctro mgnetc field s
set among s wyrs frm d top 2 d intruder about 2 ft frm ds penetration of an electon o elctromgnetc
field wil triger d alrm.d fnce s zoned 2 fence
pinpoint areas of intrusion 2 a monitor
locatd n d opration rom of scrty. ds
systm s sugstd 2 b locatd nsyd d
chainlink fncing 2 mnmize nuisnce alrms
caused by anmls, dbris blown by d wind,
& hrmles trespasers

1. infrared rays
2. passive infrared-invsble
3. actve infrared-projcts beam
4. ultrasonic-uses ultrasound 2 dtct
motion. a trnsmiter sends out of a
gnraly, motion dtectors operate thru any frequency dat s too high 4 d human ear
of d ff: 2 hear
5.microwave-doppler efect
6. video- dtcs changs n ambient lyt, o
lyt dat s nrmaly presnt n space. d
motion dtctor's cmputr reads d pixels, o
d tiny pcture elemnts.

a cigar shaped microwave beam s

establshed btwen a trnsmiter & a
receivr. range s theortcaly up to 200m linear mcrowave system
btwen units but n prctce s 100m to

aka buried cables, 2 coaxial cables r

buried about 2m apart. radio frequency
s trnsmited along 1 cable & leaked thru
aprtures cut n d cable 2 smlr aprtures n radiating cable system
d receiving cable. dstrbnce of d radio
frequency field by intrusion causes d
alrm sgnal

a capsule encloses a smol Au plated

suprtd on d elctrcal cntact pins. vibration
inertia switches
causes d bol 2 lft off d contacts,
producing an alrm

a phezo-electric crystal compressed by

vibration & produces a current causing crystal vibration sensor
an alrm.

ds alows a door keeper o guard 2 gve a

covert wrning dat he s under attack o
threat of atack, by oprating a push
prsonal atack alrm
buton, kick bar o "panic strip". ds device
continues 2 sgnal an alrm until releasd
by a key

d piping has water w presure, & d water wet pipe system

sprinkler wil operate wen head s opened
& water wil continue 2 flow until shut-

d pipes r filled w air undr presure wc

hold d water @ a valve locatd n a room.
wen sprinklers head goes n2 opration, dry pipe system
air s released, trapping d dry pipe valve
& alowing water 2 flow thru d system

ds contains a smal radioactve source 4

ionizng d air molecules btwen a pair of
elctrodes, prmiting a vry smal curent 2
flow btwen d pair. f smoke prtcles frm a
fyr enter ds space, dey reduce d flow of
ionization device o radio-active device
current sets off a buzzer o ader alarm.
ds dvice cn also dtct d invsble &
poisonuous gases n a fire long b4 vsble
smoke, flames & elevatd tmpratures cn
b dtctd

ds uses a photoelctrc cel. n some of ds

dtctors, smoke dat entrs obscures a
steady beam of lyt; n oders, d smoke
smoke dtctor
scaters a lyt ray frm a diode so dat d cel
cn dtct 8. n either case, d change sets
off an alrm.

cheapest scrty invstmnt dat cn b made locks

a portable & detachable lock having a

sliding hasp wc passes thru a staple ring padlock
o d lyk & s den made fast o secured

also caled as wafer locks disc tumbler locks

dey hav flat metal tumblers w open

cnter fited nto slots n a plug dat s n turn
fited nto a lock case. wen d plug s
disc tumbler lock
turned, 8 actvates d cam. d key s
removable @ 90to180dgres & may b
rotatd either left o ryt.

1. recrds of ol keys isued & names of

holdrs shud b meticulously made rgrdles
of d size of d establshmnt
2. storage key s imprtnt. duplcate o
spare keys shud b stored n a securely
locked cabnet n a secure area
3. mster key shud b n mnimum.
4. regulr checks shud b made n
employes w keys isued
pointer for efctve locks & key control
5. isuance of key & locks shud b carefuly
controled, & isuance shud b on a real
neding proces.
6. periodc rekeying shud b cnsdred as
esential scrty safeguard jst as cmbnation
of safes r changed frm tym to tym
7. a key depository shud b provided n a
big plant. supervisors taking keys shud
regstr n a rgstry book

wer to file aplication for LTO a scrty to d ofice of d CPNP thru PNPSAGSD
agncy? using SAGSD form 01-94 & 02-94

1. fulname of d aplicant
d aplication for LTO a scrty agency shal
2. dhs age, cvil status
3. residnce & location of busines

1. PSAs w tmporary LTO hving 200 o

mor but not exceding 1000 shal b isued
a regulr LTO good for 2 yrs
2. New PSA shal b isued a temporary
LTO good for 1 yr
graduated scale for licnse to operate a 3. PSAs w temporary LTO hving pstd
scrty agency 100 guards o mor but les dan 200 shal
upon expiration of such LTO shal b isued
an extension priod of 6mos. however,
upon expration of d extension priod, no
extnsion shal b grnted unles d PSA shal
submit a crtfcation 4 adtional 50 guards
postd for a 150 guards total
4.PSAs w temporary LTO, upon xpration
stil fail 2 cmply w 200guards
requirmnt,shal b grntd anadr 6mos
priod. howevr, failure 2 comply shal srve
a basis 4 d isuance of cease 2 oprate
5.LTO of PSAs w les dan 100 guards aftr
1 yr shal not b renewed
6. PSAs w cnceled/revoked LTOs shal
cease 2 oprate & w/n 7 days aftr hving
ben duly ntfied of such cease 2 oprate
order, shal imdiately dposit ol 8s FA w
FED 2 d nearst CSFD ofice 4 evntual
turnover 2 CSFC HQ Attn: C,FED camp
crame,QC. FED shal cnduc invntory of
surndred FAs

1. dshonorbly dschrged frm AFP/PNP

spratd 4 cause frm any govt entity govt
owned o cntroled crpration
2. mntaly incmptent
3. being physcaly unfit
4. adctd 2 d use of narcotc &/o prohbtd
drugs &/o substnce
5. habtual drunkrd
6. bummy of any foreigner
7. elctve o appointve govt ofcials &
dsqualifcations to establish a scrty
employes hu may b called upon on
acount of d functions of der rspctve ofce
n d implemntation & en4cemnt of d
provsions of RA5487 & any prson relatd
2 such govt employes by afinity o
consanguinty n d 3rd cvil dgre shal not
hold any interest, drctly o indrctly n a
scrty guard o watchman agncy on
acount of d fnctions of der rspctve ofices
n d implemntation & en4cemnt of

1. d money cnsdration 2 b paid by d

client 2 d PSA
2. # of hours of srvces per guard per
scrty srvce contrat shal contain
3. guard's salary 2 b received frm d

8 shal b co-terminus
1. expration of contract
2. revocation of licnse 2 exercise
3. cnvction of crym nvolving moral
tenure of scrty prsonel
4. loss of trust & confidence
5. physcal & mntal dsablty
6. any ader violation of d prtnent rules &
regulations of RA5487

1. name of scrty guards aranged

alphabetcaly & #d consecutvely wc shal
b signed prsonaly by d payees only after
d receipt of d amount indcated
2. separate payrols 4 dstant
payrols of PSA, CSFs, & GSUs
dtachmnt/posts shal b prepared
3. payrols shal b filed w d main ofic w/n
15 days aftr pay day
4. 8 shal b in acordnce w d standard
format as provided by law

1. veterans & retired o honorbly

d ff ned not undergo pre-licensing dschrged mltary/police prsonel.
training 4 scrty guards 2. ROTC advnce/basic graduates, &/o 8s
equivalent n d AFP" PNP, CAFGU/CHDF

1. atleast 30 for psas w 100 grds.

howevr aftr 6mos, d PSA sn procure
firearms n proportion 2 d # of guards
mnimum # of firearms of scrty agencies
2. 4 regulr licnse 2 oprate. atleast70
pieces of FAs
3. use of FAs for private dtctve s

1. acquisition of high powrd FA shal b at

d expnse of d PSA/CSF cncrned
wen a PSA/CSF s oprating n areas wer 2. b4 d FAs r isued, d same shud b
der s an upsurge of lawlessness & rgstred w d PNP-FED
crmnlty. excption s grntd by CPNP o RD 3. d scrty prsonel hu wil use such FA
of regionl police ofice undr d ff cndtions: shal 1st b gven adequate training n d
care & use derof wc wil b under d
suprvsion of qualfied ofcrs & men of PNP

1. durng hs tour of duty wen n proper

unform w/n d compound of d
establshmnt, wer he s asigned
lmtations n d carrying of FA by scrty
2. except, wen he s escorting big
guard only
amount of cash o valuables, & upon
prior coordnation w d nearest PNP

psa o csf detailing scrty prsonel on

duties under d crcumstnces mentioned n
d preceding sction o wyl scortng big
duty detail order
amount of money o valuables outsyd 8s
jrsdction o area of opration, shal isue an
apropriate DDO using sagsd form 12-94

1. turnover imediately 2 d nearest PNP

dsposition of confscated firearm of scrty unit/station hu shal imediately turn over
guard. d law en4cemnt ofcer hu cnfscatd d same 2 d CSG dstrct ofice
d FA shal nform n CPNP thru CSG w/n 2. wen d confscation s by order of d
24 hours aftr such cnfscation. court, d same shal b turned over 2 d
court cncrned

8 shal bb filed w d FED thru d SAGSD &

CSG dstrct ofice 4 regions outsyd NCR n
acrdnce w d firearms laws &
implemnting executve ordrs &
rgulations. n adtion, d ff shal b submted
1.duly aprovd LTO
2. crtfcation of sfety vault ownrshp as
prscribd by d chief, FED
3.40psos surety bong pr FA 2 b dposted
thru d PNB & a FA crtfcate of dposit shal
b secred prsuant 2 sec.887 of RAC
how to file an application for firearms for 4.swrn statemnt of d mnger o oprator of
PSA/CSF? d agncy dat 8s scrty prsonel shl b rquird
by d mngemnt 2 undrtake d ff n case of
mpndng stryk
*rprt 2 nerst PS
*2 exrcse ncsary dlgnce n d colction &
safekepng of FAs n vault
*2 insre dat ol FA & ammo shl b colctd
frm striking guards
*2 asume rspnsblty n d propr hndlng of
FAs n ordr 2 prvnt msuse of d same o
dat no non-mmbrs shl b alowd 2 hld said
FAs isued o licnsd n fvor of d agncy

1. failure 2 sbmit any isued FA 4

verfcation as rquird by sec.897 of RAC
2.carying of FAs by scrty prsonel wo
apropriate DDO
3.wen 8s serial # s duplcatd o using d
SN 4 mor dan 1 FA
revocation of licnse 2 poses FAs for scrty
4. carying of FAs outsyd d place statd n
d permit as requird by EO o carying FA n
places prohbtd undr d law
5. cnvction of d oprator o mnger of d
agency of any crym nvolvng morl
6. wen d FA s rportd lost

amuntions shal b limtd 2 reasonble

no scrty guard o prvate dtctve shal use quantty dat suits d need. subjct 2 rgulr
unlicnsed FAs n d prformnce of hs duty, inspction by CPNP represntatve. shal not
nor b alowed 2 use w duplcatd serial #s exced 50 rounds. indvdual isue shl not
exced 25 rounds per SG.

use of handheld radio s optional for PSAs yes

1. head gear 4 daily wear-pershng cap
wc s fast navy blue w gold strp,blck
visor,octagonl nylon net top & prscribd
SAGSD metal cap dvice. 4 ceremnial
purposes,use 8 w blck strap
2. srvce bush jcket
3.srvce shirt
*srvce unform
*field unform
*gala unform-prshng cap,blouse"tailored
uniform for male SGs as an open coat",longsleeves,shl hv
shouldr straps & ofcrs w shouldr
bords,buttons"4 big brass butons & 4
smol butons 4 pockets",shirt"wyt
longsleves",necktie"color of
*srvce trousrs-fast navy blue,straitcut
*srvce belt-leather 4.5 cntmtrs n width
*footwear-black leather w ruber heals &
*ruber rain bots

1. fast navy blue 2 ply cap wo piping but

w regulation cap dvce
2. srvce shrt
*fast navy blue,lyt blu o wyt,thick fbric
shrt sleves,shouldr straps,2 breast
pockts w covr flaps & navy blu front
butons,tucked n
3.srvce trousers-fast navy blu thck
fbric.strait cut w slnted syd pocket & 2
uniform for female SGs back pockets wo cover flaps.
4.srvce skirt-"optional" navy blu _-line
skrt w 2 front syd pockets.
5.srvce belt.leather & 8 shl b used as
pstol belt measurng 4.5 cntmtrs width
6. fotwear.
*srvce shoes-plain blck shoes,low
cut,ruber soles & heel "max 5cm" & blck
*ruber rain bots

1. scrty mngemnt staff

*scrty drector-agncy mnger/chief scrty
*scrty executve drctor-asst agncy
mnger/asst chief scrty ofcer
*scrty staff drctor-staf drctor 4 opration
& staff drctor 4 admnstration
2. line leadership staff
ranks & positions for scrty agncies
*scrty suprvisor 3-detachmnt comnder
*scrty suprvisor 2-chief inspctor
*scrty suprvisor 1-inspctor
3. scrty guard
*shift in chrge
*scrty consultnt s optional

rspnsble 4 d entyr opration &

admnstration of d scrty agency & dirctly
agncy mnger/chief scrty ofce
rspnsble 2 d agency
oprator/owner/board of drctors

d field o area comnder of d agency.

detachmnt comnder
detchmnt shl contain sveral posts

shal b rspnsble 4 inspcting d entyr area

chief inspctor
covred by d detachmnt

s rspnsble 4 d area asigned by d chief

scrty inspctor
inspctor o d dtchmnt comnder

rspnsble 4 d entyr dtaild scrty

scrty guard 3 o post-in-chrg
ofcer/prsonel w/n a crtain estblshmnt

rspnsble 4 d scrty ofcrs hu r scheduld n

shft n chrge
a crtain shft 4 a prtculr priod

1. teritorial power
powers & functions of SGs
*shl not go byond proprty excpt
a. wen requird by clientele n acrdnce w
d terms of der cntrct 2 escrt big sums of
money o valuables
b. n some cases, n hot pursuit of crmnal
2. arest

turn over d prson arestd 2 d nearst

peace ofcer, police outpost o
duty of SGs making d arest headquartrs 4 custody &/o apropriate
action, o he may wo delay & w/n d tym
prescribd by art.125 RPC

as a scrty agncy proprietor my fndmntal

duty s 2 srve d interest of my clientele &
my scrty guard; protct d intrest of d
govt; adhere profesionaly n d cnduct of
scrty agency oprator's creed
my busines wo prejudices & cmpromises
2 humn ryts & uphold cnstantly d law &
abide d rules & regulations set by d govt
n d conduct of my busines

as a licnsd PSA/CSF, 8 shl b 8s prime

cncrn 2 share w ader lcnsd agncies &
cmpany scrty forces, d brden of
rspnsblty n uphldng d intgrty & trust of d
private scrty profesion @ ol tyms. n
dschrgng ds rspnsblty,8s ofcials shl:
1.endvor 2 fulfil der profesionl duties n
acrdnce w d highst morl prncples,always
cnfrmng 2 d precpts of truth,fairnes &
2.cntribute 2 d natl welfare by scring &
ethical stndrd for scrty oficers presrvng indstrial fclties of d
country,thru cmptnt guardng srvces
3.promte d wel being of scrty guard thru
adquate wages & ader emolumnts
4.w faith & dlgnce,prform der cntrctual
oblgations 4 d protction of lyf,limb &
5.cnstntly endvor 2 raise qualty stndrds
of privte scrty srvces
6.cntnuously wrk w & asist d law
en4cemnt agncies n d presrvation of
peace & ordr n d country

1. fire prevntion prgrms & drils

2. clmty dril
types of scrty education 3. coordnation w scrty dept
4. proper waste dsposal
5. regulr n srvce training

1 clas 1- comercial rcrd safes designed

for fire protction
2 clas 2- comrcial money safes designed
categories of storage containers for robbery & burglary protction
3 clas 3 scrty cabinets designd 2 meet
spcfcations 4 safeguardng clasfied

ds s d elimnating o removng d risk totaly

frm d busines, govt, o indstrial
envirnmnt 4 wc d risk mnger hs risk avoidance
rspnsblty. a good exmple of ds s d
proper dsposal of inflamable sbstnce

ds s d dcreasing d risk by mnmzing d

probablty of d potential los. d redction of
crmnal oportunty s often acomplshd by
stuational crime prevntion stratgies 2 risk reduction
dscourge, deter, o deny crmnal incdents.
a good exmple s d cnstrction of fences &
smlr physcal bariers

ds s d spreading of risk thru

cmprtmntation o dcentralzation 2 limit d
inpct of d potential los. ds cud b done by
risk spreading
using numerous vaults o safes 4 d
safekeeping of valuables such as
documnts & paper bils
ds s d moving d fnancial impact of d
potential los ovr an insurnce cmpny. ds s
done by availing of proprty & lyf risk transfer
insurnces. hiring scrty agncies s also a
good exmple of ds

ds s a planed asumption & acptnce of d

potential risk by making a delbrate
mngrial decsion of doing nothing about risk self-assumption
threat, o setting asyd resources 4 use n
case of a spcfic los incdent

1. risk avoidance
2. rick reduction
risk alternatives & strategies 3. risk transfer
4. risk spreading
5. risk self-assumption

those prsons n wc trust of der felowmen

s an abiding instinct, & hu cnsder
demslves a defnite threat 2 efectve faith
scrty, 4 d entyr training an enmy s
aimed @ deceivng ds type of prson.

8 s d desyr 2 satsfy d ego o impres

someone, provides d enemy agent w hs
best source of in4mation. an ndvdual conceit
may unconsciously dsclose snstve
n4mation 2 unauthorzd prsons bcause of

ds r comon causes of indscretion.

anyone hu s truly intrstd n hs job finds 8
dficult not 2 talk & wryt about 8. d
foreign agent &/o crmnal elmnts by
enthusiasm & pride
touchng upon d indvdual's pride n hs
unit o mision cn lern much about d
equipmnt, training opration, prsonel, &
8s strength.

many prson cmpromise vital n4mation

smply bcause dey do not realize 8s
value & do not know d methods by wc ignorance
intelgnce agncies & indctribation, one cn
combat ds

ds s d set of policies, procedres & rules

& regulations designd 2 reduce 2 an
absolute mnmum d posiblty of
scrty system
espionage, sabotage & compromise of
clasfied n4mation of an ofce o a whole

1. prelimnary planing
2. initial briefing "entrance conference"
3. escort personel
scrty survey procedure
4. prelimnry exterior & interior check
5. analyzing existing scrty
6. final briefing "exit confrnce"

a step n scrty srvey 2 asure as much as

posible d sucesful completion of a scrty
srvey, a chronolgcal plan of action s
dveloped. d 1st action taken by d scrty prelmnary planing
srvey agent s 2 prepare 4 & cndct those
prelmnary courses of action dat precede
d actual cnduct of srvey

aftr cmpletng d prelmnary stage of d

scrty survey, d spcialist s prepard 2 vsit
d ofice. 8 s 2 b recalled as mentiond
previously dat contact of establshng a
intial briefing "entrnce cnference"
tym & date 4 d intial briefing of d ofice
head. 8 wud b ideal 2 hav @ ds cnfrnce
not only d ofce head but hs entire staff &
ader key prsonel of d ofice

8 s often desirble 4 both d specialst & d

ofce dat an escort acompany d espcialst
durng d srvey. preferbly, ds escort shud escort prsonel
b d scrty ofcer of d ofce o hs
represntatve. n any event he shud b a
prson cnvrsnt w d scrty prctce &
procdures employd as d ofcer

1. define d invstgatve problem

2. colection of relevant data
systematic approach 2 an nvstgation 3. analysis & verifcation of d n4mation
4. drawing d conclusion

a type of barrier designed nrmaly @ d

entrnces of d building against threat
vehcle o car bomb. ds requires some
active barriers
action either by pepol o equipmnt 2 b
raised & lowrd o moved asyd 2 prmit
vehcle ingress & egress

n d hstory of england, n ____ period

"1066-1199" admnstred by wiliam of
normandy brought about such prsonalty
Norman period
as "shire reeves" hus duties r drctd 2wrd
presrvation of peace & order w/n der

yer wen d bow street runers 1748

1st mountd polce on ptrol & 1st polce

bow stret runrs

hu creatd d metropoltan plce? robrt peel

new scotlnd yrd foundr rbrt pel

yr of mtorcycle ptrol n ph 1909. . . side car

mypd used bicycle ptrol 1939 .. .abolshed n 1980

hrse ptrol orgnatd n london

agresve ptrol tctics nvlves stoping pepol

& vehcles n an atempt 2 find evdnce dat
unformed tctcal oprations
dey may hav comtd a crym o may b
comting a crime

freak crym acidnt eror n personae

d many info d big probablty of truth &

gameplan theory n patrol

type of arest mayb a crym false arest

f 3 polce cars respond ol siren

backbone of polce dept ptrol bcause lrgest sgment of dept

advntge n ptrol n urban area mobile ptrol

crym prevntion s a duty of? public

ranks, waiver, attrition, retirement,

new provisions n ra 8551
disciplinary mechanism

2 only. 20 administrative & 20

# of NSUs

barge 2 file action due 2 previous

res juditata

extended a 5 yer reglementary priod for


f 2 yrs no resolution hs ben made.

no promotion for PNP prsonel f he has a except wen d case invlves violations of
pending case human ryts o punshed w reclusion
perpetua o life imprisonment

ra9708 took effect on august 12, 2009

clas name of d 1st PNPA graduate MAHARLIKA

_____ s instaled on actv entrnces 4

pdestrians & vehcles 2 fcltate cmplete
inspction of pasengers, cars, trucks & gatehouse lyting
freight cars as wel as der contents &

establshmnt of Main/branch ofices of 1. ol agencies shal maintain a main ofice

PSAs n der rgstred adreses
2. branch ofice-atleast 10 guards during
d 1st yer of opration
3. 30 guards n d 3rd yr of opration
4. dat branch ofces shal b rgstred w d
CSFC dstrct & regional PADPAO "f any"

easy ident of ofncrs s an obvious

REASON for unmrked plce car

8 s a conscious proces 4 slcting a course

of action o dsposition frm 2 o mor
dcsion making
propositions o options 4 d purpose of
acomplishng d desird result.

8 s d dsposition o position of a
comndr/head of ofice/suprior/ledr/mnger
cncrning a crtain issue o prblem dcsion making
cnfrnting hs org, unit, group, ofice o
prsonel ncluding d resources.

1. choices "options"
elemnts of dcision making 2. consciousnes "knowldge"
3. orientation "exprience"

1. programed dcsion
2 kinds of dcsion making
2. unprogrmed dcision

1. prepare
3 phases n decsion making 2. decide
3. act

1. haphazrd/careles/inapropriate dcsion-
2. dealng w d symptoms rather dan
causes of a prblem
erors n dcision making
3. biased & prejudiced, prtiality &
factionalsm, & pride
4. imoralty, coruptions, mis-mngemnt,

1. divine wsdom
2. education, training & exprience
guidnce n dcsion making
3. profesional comtment
4. culture values

politeia s a greek word politia s a roman word

constable & patrol r french words ys

a prson hu cnducts crmnal nvstgation &

royal jsge
gves punshmnt. pnshmnt fits d crime

s d foreruner of d wrd town. undr ds

systm ol male residnts r requird 2 guard
d town & to presrve peace & order, 2 tun policing system
protct lyf & proprty frm harm o

1. stable & efctve police undr govt cntrol

2. absnce of crym s d bst prof of
3. fast dstribution of news 2 pepol s
4. propr dstribution of prsonel accdg 2
5. s best qualfcation of peace ofcers s
robrt peels princples
cntrol of temper
6. propr slction & training s d basis of
7. polce canot fnction proprly wo
wholehertd suport of d pepol
8. evry police mus sel hmself 2 b people
9. polce ofcrs mus go out of der way 2
help o assist d pepol

laws wer enctd upon d demand of d

knights of d round table & forcd d king 2 magna carta
sign d same.

one wc s rspnsble n pasing jdgemnt, wc

d traveling jdge
ws taken frm d shire-rieve
ds was d position, wc gives a prson d
power 2 ares, pursue & impose justce of peace

a spcial court wc try ofenses against d

d star chamber court

was den d adutant of d PC wen 8 was

capt. george eastman currey
creatd on August 8, 1901

date wer proclamation 1081 was passed sept 21, 1972

1. breaking an elctrcal crcuit

wat r d basic principles of opration of 2. interuption of lyt beam
intrusion dtction system? 3. vibration
4. dtcting change n capactance

1. direct wire system

2. circuit prty systems
3. multiplex system
d alrm sgnal cud b transmited 2 any of d
4. dgtal comuncator
5. telephone dialer
6. radio sgnal transmision
7. video verifcation

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