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Text for questions number 1 – 4
Once there was a young Inca boy. He had no family except for an old llama. Each day the boy and his llama
walked many miles, looking for a home. Each night they curled up together and slept. But one starry evening,
the old llama died. The boy buried his friend next to an icy stream. Then he sat under a tree and cried. What
would he do? He had no family and no home. The boy cried for a very long time. But there was no one to
comfort him. There were only the stars in the sky.
Suddenly, the sky filled with bright light. The boy held his breath. He was afraid to move. One bright star fell
to the ground. Slowly, the star took the shape of the old llama. She bent her head and drank from the stream.
She looked at the boy and smiled. As she jumped back into the sky, bits of llama wool fell.
As the Sun began to rise, the boy picked up the soft, warm wool. It glowed in his hands like starlight. He
carried the wool to the city and sold it. With the money, he bought a house. He bought two young llamas. He
never forgot the star llama. And he was never lonely again.

1. Why does the boy cry when the old llama dies?
A. because he is afraid of the dark
B. because he is always sad
C. because the old llama is his only family
D. because he is lost
2. What happened BEFORE the old llama died?
A. The boy bought two new llamas.
B. The boy and the llama walked many miles looking for a home.
C. The boy collected the wool and sold it in the city.
D. The old llama fell to the ground in the shape of a star.
3. “One bright star fell to the ground”.
What does bright mean?
A. old C. new
B. shining D. clean

4. What happens at the end of the story?

A. The boy buys a house and two llamas.
B. The boy buries the llama next to an icy stream.
C. The boy and his llama walk for many miles.
D. The boy cries for a very long time.
Text for questions number 5 – 7

20th April 2005
Dear Ghea,
My brother and I are in Bukittinggi now. We arrived here on Sunday morning at five. It was already busy,
probably because of the holidays. We went directly to the remains of ‘De Kock Fortress’ and found a lot of
people jogging along this area. We took a rest here, sitting under the tree and enjoyed at the fresh air.
It was almost 6.30. We went to a famous “warung”, called “Pical si Kai”. Here we had coffee, “pical”, “ketupat
gulai”, etc. Because all hotels had been full, we rented a room in a house nearby. The room was quite nice. The
bathroom was clean enough and the rent was not too expensive.
At about eight we went to “Sianok” valley. It is such a very beautiful valley. On the bank of the valley there is
a long cave, called “Japanese cave”. It is very long. It goes deeply into the ground with an entrance at one end,
and an exit at the other end. The people here said that a long time ago the cave was used by the Japanese army
to protect them from the Dutch attack. At that time it seemed that there was nothing in the ground. Both the
entrance and the exit were covered by plants.
Well. That’s all about our first day in Bukittinggi. We are going to visit “Lake Maninjau”, “Lembah Anai
Falls”, etc. the next day.
Hope to be here someday with you.
Bye for now


5. Indri Mostly talks about … in the letter.

A. Ghea’s journey to Bukittinggi
B. Indri and Ghea are in Bukittinggi
C. some place of interest in Bukittinggi
D. “Sianok”, the very beautiful valley
6. Where did Indri go first?
A. To a famous “Warung”
B. To Sianok valley
C. The Japanese Cave
D. To the “De Kock Fortress”

7. Why did Indri stay in a house nearby?

A. The rent of the house was not expensive.
B. The bathroom there was clean enough.
C. They didn’t have enough money to stay in a hotel.
D. They couldn’t find any vacant rooms in the hotels

Text for questions number 8 – 10

 150 gram of butter
 150 gram of dark chocolate
 300 gram of flour
 and 4 eggs
 600 gram of regular sugar
 1 tsp vanilla extract
1. Melt the chocolate with the butter
2. Stir the eggs with the sugar and the vanilla extract
3. Preheat the oven at low temperature
4. Combine the mixes you made
5. Add the flour stir with a wooden spoon
6. Grease a brownie tin
7. Add a little flour to cover the tin
8. Add the brownie dough
9. Bake for 10 – 30 minutes
10. To check the brownies, put a knife in the mix. The knife must be moist
11. Eat them 15 minutes after you took them out of the oven

8. Hoe much flour do you need to make brownies?

A. 150 gram
B. 300 gram
C. 600 gram
D. 1 tsp

9. The knife must be moist. The underlined word has opposite meaning with…
A. Dry C. Damp
B. Wet D. Cool

10. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To give instruction of how to preheat the oven
B. To grease a brownie tin
C. To tell the readers about how to check the brownies
D. To tell how to make Brownies

Text for questions number 11 – 13

Last summer holiday, my family and I spent one night at the countryside. We stayed in a small house. It had a
big ..(11).. with lots of colorful flowers and a swimming pool.
In the night we made a fire in front of the house. Then, we sat around the fire and sang lots of songs together.
After that, we came into the house and had ..(12)... Next, we sat in the living room and watched a movie.
Finally, everybody fell asleep there.
We woke up very late in the morning and had breakfast. In the afternoon we went home. We were all very
11. ..
A. Garden
B. Roof
C. Rice field
D. Room
12. ..
A. Lunch
B. Breakfast
C. Dinner
D. Brunch

13. ..
A. Sad
B. Delight
C. Tired
D. Exhausted

Text for questions number 14

Dear Pucy,
Thank you very much for inviting me to your 14th birthday party on 12th Desember 2010. I was relly looking
forward to it, but sadly I wiil not be able to come. I am scheduled to see the dentist. I hope everybody has a
great time.


14. Why can’t Dira come to pucy’s birthday ?

A. She must see the dentist
B. She is disappointed
C. She will pick up the dentist
D. She has her 14th birthday party

Text for the questions number 15 – 17

I can’t believe that my time in Valencia was a perfect ending to my perfect ..(15).. abroad. After listening one
last time to my Spanish friends play the guitar, having lunch with Anna (a wonderful Spanish girl who I ..(16)..
Spanish with), saying goodbye to my ...(17)…roommates and other friends I met here. It’s inevitaablethat I will
miss Espana and all the experiences I have had there.

15. …
A. Adventure
B. Chance
C. Risk
D. Treatment

16. …
A. Performed
B. Expressed
C. Practiced
D. Explained

17. …
A. Wonder
B. Wondering
C. Wonderful
D. Wonderfully

18. Arrange these sentences in a good paragraph

1. In Los Angeles, we had a great time in its most famous district, Hollywood
2. In Cleveland, I watched Cleveland Cavalier basketball match
3. I visited some great places; Cleveland, Los Angeles and New York
4. Last summer, I had a fantastic holiday
5. Lastly, I went to the statue of Liberty and Manhattam in New York
6. In Hollywood I had a chance to know the world – famous film industry

A. 4–2–3–6–1–5
B. 4–3–2–1–6–5
C. 4–2–6–5–1–3
D. 4–3–1–2–6–5
19. Grey – is – mouse – a – animal – a – small
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

A. 7–6–5–4–3–2–1
B. 3–7–5–6–4–1–2
C. 4–5–6–7–3–2–1
D. 6–3–2–4–7–1–5

Text for questions number 20 – 22

Black Beauty
Farmer Gray was the kindest master in the word. He was proud of me, and called me Black Beauty. I had a
white spot on my fore head and one white foot. He trained me to pull a carriage. Then I learnt to wear a saddle
and carried a rider on my back.
One day, Farmer Gray said, “a good horse like you don’t live on a farm. So you will going to live with Squire
Gordon and his family.”I was very sad to leave my mother and my home.”
However, when I saw my master I knew I would be very happy with them. They lived in a big mansion and
welcomed me warmly. Mrs.Gordon was pale and ill, but she smiled when she saw me.
The groom who looked after the stables was John manly. He loved horses. He introduced me to Merrylegs, the
children’s pony, Ginger, and old mare. She was not a bad horse, but had been ill-treated in the past.

20. What did Black Beauty learn from Farmer Gray?

A. Working in a farm
B. Running in a farm
C. Carrying a rider
D. Pulling a carriage

21. Why was the horse sad to leave Farmer Gray?

A. Farmer Gray didn’t love it
B. It loved Farmer Gray
C. It couldn’t stand living on a farm
D. Farmer Gray hated it

22. “He trained me to pull a rider on my back”. What does the underlined word mean?
A. Taught
B. Learned
C. Studied
D. Imitated

Text for questions number 23 – 24

Paul Cristanto
Congratulations on your success to pass the examination.
May today's success be just the beginning of your long-life achievement and happiness.
Remember the challenges are waiting for you in the coming senior high school, However, I believe you can do
your best as you used to be and become the best of all again.
Good luck!
Your best friend,


23. What is the writer's purpose to write the text?

A. To ensure one's happiness.
B. To have a good time.
C. To congratulate his friend.
D. To entertain someone.

24. The text shows that Paul Cristanto has just finished his ... school.
A. Junior high C. University
B. Elementary D. Senior high
Text for questions number 25 – 27


To all students of SMP Tunas Bangsa, in the frame of National Education Day the student Organization will
hold some interesting programs. They are English Speech Contest, Debate and Class Wall Magazine
The program will be held on May 2nd 2013, started from 8 a.m until 1 p.m
All class must take in this programs. For further information, please contact Mr. Andi as the coordinator.

25. What is the announcement about?

A. A student organization
B. An English Speech Contest
C. A national Day Celebration
D. A national Education Day Ceremony

26. Based on the announcement above we know that…

A. The programs will last for 4 hours
B. The programs will be held in the morning
C. There are two competition will be held
D. Mr.Andi is in charge to organize the programs

27. What programs that students can do individually?

A. Debate
B. Interesting program
C. Wall magazine competition
D. English speech contest

Text for questions number 28 – 29

28. Who is this sign meant for?

A. Drivers
B. Children
C. Teachers
D. Kids

29. What does the notice mean?

A. We will be die slowly if we pass the school entrance
B. We must drive faster in front of the school
C. We should keep the speed driving
D. We can drive as fast as we want

Text for questions number 30 – 32

Do it with 2, 3 or 4 others (Relatives can join),No age limit.

1. Pick up a form from this Glory Supermarket counter.
2. Complete the form
3. Drop the completed form in the box labeled *TALLENT SEARCH* at Glory Supermarket
4. Box will be removed a forth night after the date given below.
APRIL 24, 2007

30. Where will this announcement be put up?

A. In all schools
B. In all parks
C. At the shopping complex
D. At the Glory Supermarket

31. “No age limit”. What does it mean?

A. Aged man is not allowed
B. Those who are under age are forbidden
C. Age will not be considered
D. Only those who are over sixteen years of age can take part

32. The announcement is about … .

A. A talent show C. Entering a contest
B. Family members D. Resident of Green Park

Text for questions number 33 – 36

Joan got home late from work today, and she was very hungry. When she opened the refrigerator, she was
upset. There was nothing to eat for dinner. Joan sat down and made a shopping list. She needed a head of
lettuce, a bunch of carrots, a quart of milk, a dozen eggs, two pounds of tomatoes, a half pound of chicken, and
a loaf of bread.
Joan rushed out of the house and drove to the supermarket. When she got there, there wasn’t any lettuce. There
weren’t any carrots. There wasn’t any milk. There weren’t any eggs there weren’t any tomatoes. There wasn’t
any chicken, and there wasn’t any bread.
Joan was tired and upset. In fact, she was so tired and upset that she lost her appetite, drove home, didn’t have
dinner, and went to bed
33. What happened to Joan after going home from work?
A. She was very angry. C. She sat down.
B. She opened the fridge. D. She was very hungry.

34. What did he find when he opened the refrigerator?

A. She did not get anything.
B. She did not get nothing.
C. She got lettuce, carrrots and chicken.
D. The fridge was broken.
35. What does paragraph two tell us about?
B. Joan was very tired and felt hungry
C. Joan was very upset since she found nothing in Supermarket
D. Joan bought many ingredients in Supermarket
E. Joan
36. When she opened the refrigerator, she was upset. The underlined word has opposite meaning with…
A. Tired C. Disappointed
B. Satisfied D. Fail

. Text for questions number 37 – 39

A post office made easy to mail my letters to all other towns or cities. Also, I could buy envelopes, stamps, and
post-cards. I always got letters from my relatives and my friends, who worked and lived in other towns. Then, I
was interested to start collecting the stamps of the letters.
Time went on, technology has changed rapidly, especially, the development of technology information and
communication. It has changed my hobby. I preferred communicating by phone to by letter. It could be both by
home phone or phoning in telecommunication service.
Recently, the development of cellular phone has changed how I communicate with someone in different far
places. Some high-technology-facilities are available on my hand phone. It makes communication easier and
more enjoyable.
37. What is the main discussion of the paragraphs?
A. The history of cellular phone
B. How communication changes the life
C. Post office and telecommunication service
D. The development of communication technology

38. How does the writer communicate with someone in other different far places?
A. By letter
B. By home phone
C. By hand phone
D. By phoning in telecommunication service

39. Recently, the development of cellular phone… (p3). What is the similar word of recently?
A. Past time C. Future time
B. Nowadays D. Next time

Text for questions number 40 – 41

From : +62815556165
Just to inform you that the meeting will be cancelled for tomorrow Mon, 23rd May 2009 at 10 a.m as the
principal will arrive from Singapore tonight.


40. The sort message is written to…..

A. Tell what has happened in the meeting
B. Inform the cancellation of meeting
C. Say that the principal won`t come to the meeting
D. Inform that the sender has just arrived from Singapore

41. When does the message send?

A. On 22nd May
B. On 23rd May
C. On 24th May
D. On 25th May

Text for questions number 42 – 44

Mr.Anto Harjono
Senior Accountant
Harapan, Tbk
9 June 2013
Place Event
9.30 a.m Adisusucipto Airport Arrive in Yogyakarta
11.00 a.m Garuda Hotel Meet Mr. Dimas
12.30 p.m Lembar Kuring Restaurant Lunch
14.45 p.m Indomarco Co.Ltd Present new accounting package
20 June 2013
Place Event
10.00 – 12.00 a.m Indomarco Co.Ltd Meet senior partners/discuss software development
12.30 p.m Jayakarta Hotel Lunch with Mr.Dimas
16.45 p.m Adisucipto Airport Depart to Jakarta

42. What does the table describe?

A. A meeting time table
B. A client meeting program
C. A person’s daily schedule
D. A senior accountant’s monthly program

43. Which of the following activities is not true about Anto’s activities on June 19?
A. Having lunch
B. Leading a discussion in Jayakarta Hotel
C. Presenting new accounting package
D. Meeting with Mr.Dimas
44. Meet senior partners/discuss software development.
The underlined word has similar meaning with..
A. Decreasing
B. Quality
C. Invention
D. Progress

45. The – man – is – hungry – three – noodle – of – bowls - ordering

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

A. 1–2–3–4–9–5–8–7–6
B. 1–4–2–3–9–5–6–7–8
C. 1–4–2–3–9–5–7–8–6
D. 1–4–2–3–9–5–8–7–6

Text for questions number 46 – 48

1. Do not store the phone in the hot areas. High temperature can damage batteries, and warp or melt certain plastic.
2. Do not store the phone in cold areas. When it warms up (to its normal temperature), moisture can form inside, which may
damage electronic circuit boards.
3. Do not drop the phone. Rough handling can break internal circuit boards.
4. Do not paint the phone. Paint can clog the moving parts and prevent proper operation.

46. The text tells you about … a mobile phone

A. The tips to buy
B. The steps to activate
C. The descriptions of
D. The procedures to maintain
47. Which part of your mobile phone will likely be broken if you drop it?
A. Electronic circuit boards. C. Moving parts.
B. Internal circuit boards. D. The battery.

48. Why shouldn’t you keep your mobile phone in a cold area?
A. To set a broad network.
B. To conserve the battery life.
C. To get a good connection with others.
D. To maintain the electronic circuit boards.

Due to the high sensitivity of our fire alarm sensors, we would be grateful if you could please close the
bathroom door during and immediately after taking a shower

49. What does the notice above mean?

A. The fire alarm sensors are just inside the bathroom
B. If you don’t close the bathroom door when taking a shower, the fire alarm might sound
C. The fire alarm sensors can only sound when there is fire inside the bathroom
D. When you hear the alarm sounds, you should immediately close the door

50. “…we would be grateful if you…”. The word grateful means that the owner will be very …to the customer.
A. Thankful
B. Pitiful
C. Sorrow
D. Sad

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