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Common  impurities  in  MDMA  and  their  respective  effects  in  the  body  
Since  the  late  20th  century  the  global  consumption  of  synthetic  “club  drugs”  has  increased  
annually.  Of  these,  3,4-­‐methylenedioxymethylamphetamine  (MDMA)  is  perhaps  one  of  the  
most  common,  and  is  commonly  known  as  “ecstasy”.  Ecstasy  is  usually  found  in  the  form  of  
powder,   tablets   or   capsules.   However,   most   MDMA   on   the   market   occurs   with   various  
impurities,  which  can  have  various  side  effects  to  the  detriment  of  the  partygoer  (Jalali  et  al.,  
2016).   Examining   samples   for   impurities   can   also   help   determine   their   origin   in   criminal  
investigations  leading  to  the  seizure  of  clandestine  laboratories,  thus  improving  public  safety  
(Weyermann   et   al.,   2008).   The   most   common   impurities   found   in   MDMA   pills,   and   their  
effects   in   the   human   body   will   be   addressed   in   this   report,   with   data   obtained   from   two  
separate  sources.  
The  first  source  is  presented  in  Table  2  in  the  Appendix.  The  quantitative  data  results  from  a  
combination  of  quantitative,  qualitative  and  subjective  analysis  with  a  large  sample  size.  For  
this  reason,  it  may  not  be  the  most  reliable  information,  however,  it  gives  a  good  rough  idea  
of  the  contents  commonly  found  in  MDMA  pills.    
The  second  source  is  summarised  in  Table  3  in  the  Appendix.  MDMA  tablets  were  profiled  for  
impurities  using  capillary  gas  chromatography.  This  table  provides  qualitative  information  as  
a  result  of  quantitative  analytical  techniques,  however  with  a  smaller  sample  size  of  52.  
Many  of  the  impurities  identified  in  Tables  2  and  3  occur  as  a  result  of  the  chemical  production  
of  MDMA,  with  some  having  significant  effects  in  the  human  body.  For  example,  piperonal,  
safrole  and  isosafrole  are  used  as  precursors  in  the  production  of  MDMA.  Other  impurities  
mainly  occur  as  byproducts  of  these  reactions  (e.g.  MDxx),  in  the  process  of  tableting  (e.g.  
diethylphthalate)   or   as   adulterants   intentionally   placed   in   MDMA   pills   to   elicit   different  
effects  to  pure  MDMA  (e.g.  caffeine,  DXM,  mephedrone  etc.).  The  main  impurities  as  listed  
in  the  data  in  the  appendix  and  their  respective  effects  are  summarised  in  Table  1.  Effects  are  
also  dependent  on  dosage,  and  vary  from  person  to  person.  Information  is  taken  from  the  
U.S.  National  Library  of  Medicine:  Toxicology  Data  Network.  

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Table  1:  Common  impurities  identified  and  their  respective  effects.  

Impurity   Effect  in  the  Human  Body  
Class  of  drugs  similar  in  structure  to  MDMA,  thus  similar  effects  (usually).  E.g.  MDA  
MDxx   &  MDEA.  MDA  overdose  similar  to  amphetamine  overdose.  MDEA  similar  to  MDMA,  
though  shorter  acting.  
Possibly  carcinogenic.  Expected  to  induce  vomiting,  shock,  cyanosis,  nausea,  vertigo,  
hallucinations,   stupor,   aphasia,   convulsions,   circulatory   collapse   and   respiratory  
depression.   Shown   to   inhibit   human   neutrophils,   compromising   oral   antibacterial  
health  (Hung  et  al.,  2003).  
Asthma,  headaches,  nausea,  vomiting,  diarrhoea,  lethargy,  tremor,  incoordination,  
muscular  weakness,  urticarial  and  vague  ocular  disturbances  (acute).  
Main  effects  include  narcolepsy,  acute  CNS  stimulation,  cardiotoxicity  (tachycardia,  
arrhythmia,   hypertension   and   cardiovascular   collapse),   tremor,   restlessness,  
agitation,   insomnia,   increased   motor   activity,   headache,   convulsions,   coma   and  
hyperreflexia  among  many  others.  
Opium  alkaloid  derivative  which  mainly  causes  ataxia,  central  nervous  system  (CNS)  
stimulation,   dizziness,   lethargy   and   psychotic   behaviour.   Seizures   and   respiratory  
depression  may  occur  in  high  doses,  as  well  as  vomiting,  nausea,  constipation  and  
Mild   psychostimulant,   sometimes   anxiogenic   (antagonism   of   A(1)   and   A(2A)  
receptors).  Effects  dependent  on  genetic  polymorphisms  of  the  individual.  
Tachycardia,   hypertension,   pupil   dilation,   restlessness,   change   in   perception   of  
time,   muscle   tension,   trismus,   bruxism,   insomnia,   hyperthermia,   dizziness,  
confusion,   depersonalisation,   hallucinations,   paranoia,   GI   discomfort,   nausea,  
vomiting  and  skin  rashes.  
Small   therapeutic   window   –   toxicity   occurs   easily,   can   result   in   death.   Induces  
feelings  of  warmth,  promotes  communication  and  empathy.  Higher  doses  induce  
PMA  /  PMMA   hallucinations,   agitation,   delirium,   hyperreflexia,   seizures   (caused   by   CNS  
stimulation  or  hypertension-­‐induced  cerebrovascular  haemorrhage),  hyperthermia,  
agitated  delirium.  
Similar   to   methylone,   with   painful   joints,   euphoria   and   mild   sexual   stimulation.  
Shorter  duration  of  action  than  MDMA,  leading  to  repeat  dosing.  
In  conclusion,  impurities  in  ecstasy  pills  may  arise  via  the  chemical  reactions  in  the  production  
of  MDMA.  Adulterants  may  also  be  intentionally  added  to  lower  the  purity  and  hence  lower  
the  cost  of  production,  or  to  elicit  different  effects  when  the  pill  is  taken  (of  which  may  be  
desired  or  not).  As  well  as  smaller  scale  experiments  performed  in  toxicology  labs,  there  is  a  
large  collection  of  data  made  available  online  by  consumers.  This  data  was  used  in  this  report  
to   identify   common   impurities,   thus   illustrating   the   value   of   the   public   domain   in   the  
application   of   science.   An   online   database   was   also   used   to   find   information   of   these  
impurities,   further   outlining   the   importance   of   freely   available   information   in   the   public  
domain.  From  the  information  obtained,  partygoers  can  predict  whether  or  not  their  drugs  

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contain   lethal   impurities.   Statistical   analysis   of   the   occurrence   of   different   impurities   in  

samples   may   also   help   officials   locate   clandestine   laboratories   and   stop   the   production   of  
illegally  produced  ecstasy  pills.  
Hung,  S.,  Chen,  Y.,  and  Chen,  Y.  (2003).  Effects  of  safrole  on  the  defensive  functions  of  
human  neutrophils.  Journal  Of  Periodontal  Research  38:  130-­‐134.  
Jalali,  A.,  Hatamie,  A.,  Saferpour,  T.,  Khajeamiri,  A.,  Safa,  T.,  and  Buazar,  F.  (2016).  Impact  of  
Pharmaceutical  Impurities  in  Ecstasy  Tablets:  Gas  Chromatography-­‐Mass  Spectrometry  
Study.  Iranian  Journal  Of  Pharmaceutical  Research  15:  221-­‐229.  
Jagged  Little  Pill:  Examining  the  contents  of  27,000  ecstasy  pills  (2017).  Available  at:­‐little-­‐pill/  (accessed  22  September  2017).  
Palhol,  F.,  Boyer,  S.,  Naulet,  N.,  and  Chabrillat,  M.  (2002).  Impurity  profiling  of  seized  MDMA  
tablets  by  capillary  gas  chromatography.  Analytical  And  Bioanalytical  Chemistry  374:  274-­‐281.  
TOXNET  (2017).  Available  at:  (accessed  22  September  2017).  
Weyermann,  C.,  Marquis,  R.,  Delaporte,  C.,  Esseiva,  P.,  Lock,  E.,  and  Aalberg,  L.  et  al.  (2008).  
Drug  intelligence  based  on  MDMA  tablets  data.  Forensic  Science  International  177:  11-­‐16.  
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Table  2:  The  contents  of  MDMA  and  impurities  found  in  23,500  ecstasy  pills  in  5  different  countries.*  

  %Reported  per  Country  

Suspected  Contents   All   U.S.A.   Canada   Australia   U.K.   Netherlands  
MDMA   33.4%   34.7%   20.2%   22.1%   34.0%   70.5%  
MDxx   19.6%   19.3%   12.9%   26.8%   20.8%   8.8%  
Unknown   17.6%   16.0%   18.7%   24.2%   21.1%   7.4%  
MDxx  +  Amphetamine   8.9%   10.4%   9.3%   8.6%   3.7%   1.7%  
Piperazine   4.6%   4.7%   3.9%   2.4%   8.6%   3.5%  
Amphetamine   3.8%   2.5%   18.4%   3.2%   2.0%   1.1%  
MDA   2.4%   2.6%   2.2%   3.3%   1.2%   0.3%  
Piperazine  +  Another   1.4%   1.5%   2.3%   0.5%   2.2%   0.4%  
Other   1.2%   1.2%   1.5%   1.4%   0.6%   1.0%  
MDxx  +  Unknown   1.2%   1.4%   1.1%   0.6%   1.1%   0.3%  
2C-­‐B   1.2%   0.9%   2.6%   1.4%   1.4%   1.7%  
MDMA  +  Piperazine   0.8%   1.1%   0.5%   0.2%   0.6%   0.9%  
DXM   0.7%   0.6%   0.8%   1.3%   0.2%   0.1%  
MDxx  +  Ketamine   0.7%   0.8%   1.1%   0.4%   0.4%   0.1%  
Methamphetamine   0.6%   0.5%   2.7%   0.3%   0.0%   0.1%  
Methylone   0.6%   0.8%   0.1%   0.3%   0.2%   0.0%  
PMA  /  PMMA   0.4%   0.1%   0.4%   0.9%   0.8%   0.9%  
MDEA   0.4%   0.3%   0.4%   0.9%   0.5%   0.2%  
Ketamine   0.2%   0.1%   0.2%   0.6%   0.4%   0.1%  
Ketamine  +  Amphetamine   0.2%   0.2%   0.3%   0.3%   0.0%   0.0%  
Mephedrone   0.1%   0.0%   0.2%   0.1%   0.2%   1.0%  
Opiate   0.1%   0.1%   0.3%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%  
5-­‐MeO-­‐DiPT   0.1%   0.1%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%  
  =  Highest  %reported  for  the  5  countries  
*This   data   was  published   on   the   website   for  an   article   with   the   title   “Jagged   Little  
Pill”  and  is  an  amalgamation  of  reports  published  on  the  website  on  the  contents  of  
ecstasy  pills  purchased  in  the  U.K.,  U.S.A.,  Australia,  Netherlands  and  Canada.  The  drugs  were  tested  
via   a   combination   of   gas   chromatography-­‐mass   spectrometry   (GC/MS),   reagent   testing   and/or  
consumption  of  the  pills  (to  experience  the  effects  of  the  pill  to  subjectively  determine  their  possible  
contents).  The  data  presents  the  results  of  testing  the  contents  of  23,500  pills  purchased  between  
2006  and  2014.  The  numerical  values  refer  to  the  occurrence  of  a  particular  drug  being  mentioned  in  
a  report  as  a  percentage  of  the  total  mentions  of  all  drugs  in  all  reports.  
**  The  pills  analysed  were  52  samples  of  MDMA  seized  by  French  Customs  officials  between  1999  and  
2000.  This  table  (on  the  next  page)  was  taken  from  Palhol  et  al.,  2002.  

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Table  3:  Impurities  found  in  52  MDMA  samples  seized  by  French  Customs.**  

Name   Type  of  Impurity  

Amphetamine   Amphetamine-­‐like  drug  
Methamphetamine   Amphetamine-­‐like  drug  
N-­‐Ethyl-­‐amphetamine   Amphetamine-­‐like  drug  
Safrole   Precursor  
Piperonal   Precursor  
Isosafrole   Precursor  or  intermediate  
3,4-­‐Methylenedioxy-­‐N-­‐methylbenzylamine   Byproduct  
4-­‐Methoxy-­‐N,  α-­‐dimethyl-­‐benzeneethanamine   Byproduct  
4-­‐Methyl-­‐5-­‐phenyl  pyrimidine   Byproduct  
3,4-­‐Methylenedioxy-­‐phenyl-­‐2-­‐propanone     Precursor  or  intermediate  
3,4-­‐Methylenedioxyamphetamine  (MDA)   Amphetamine-­‐like  drug  
3,4-­‐Methylenedioxyphenyl-­‐2-­‐propanol   Byproduct  
N-­‐Formyl-­‐amphetamine   Intermediate  in  amphetamine  synthesis  

N-­‐Formyl-­‐methamphetamine   Intermediate  in  methamphetamine  

Diethylphthalate   Binder  for  tableting  
N-­‐Ethyl-­‐3,4-­‐MDA  (MDEA)   Amphetamine-­‐like  drug  
N,N-­‐Dimethyl-­‐MDA   Byproduct  
Tetradecanoic  acid   Lubricant  for  tableting  
Dibutylphthalate   Lubricant  for  tableting  
Caffeine   Adulterant  
Lidocaine   Contact  impurity  
N-­‐Formyl-­‐MDMA     Intermediate  in  Leuckart  synthesis  
Palmitic  acid     Lubricant  for  tableting  
N-­‐Acetyl-­‐MDA     Byproduct  
Heptadecanoic  acid     Lubricant  for  tableting  
Oleic  acid   Lubricant  for  tableting  
Stearic  acid   Lubricant  for  tableting  
Cocaine   Contact  impurity  

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