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Chapter # 10

Q. Define thermochemistry.
Thermochemistry: It is the branch of chemistry which deals with the study of heat changes in chemical
reaction is called thermochemistry.

Q. Define Exothermic and Endothermic Reaction.

Exothermic Reaction: An exothermic reaction is the chemical change during which heat is given out or
released. The change of heat is represented by ∆H and it is shown by negative sign.
C + O2 ----------> CO2 ∆H = -393.7 KJ/mol
Endothermic Reaction: Endothermic reaction is the chemical change during which heat is absorbed or
taken in. The change of heat energy is represented by ∆H and is shown by positive sign.
H20 ------------> H2 + ½ O2 ∆H = +286 KJ/mol
Q. Define Enthalpy.
Enthalpy: The total heat content of a substance is called Enthalpy of reaction.

Q. Define Heat of Neutralization.

Heat of Neutralization: The amount of heat released during a neutralization reaction in which 1 mole of
water is formed is called as the heat of neutralization.

Q. What is change in enthalpy and how does it help to identify the type of chemical reaction.
Change in Enthalpy: It is define as the amount of heat absorbed or released in a reaction carried under
constant pressure. It is shown by ∆H.
Identification: It help us to identify the type of chemical reaction, if ∆H is positive then it is Endothermic
reaction and if ∆H is negative then it is exothermic reaction.

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