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Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing and Systems Development

Unit number and title Unit 33: Data Analysis and Design

Assignment due Assignment submitted

Learner’s name Assessor name

Learner declaration:
I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged.

Learner signature Date

Grading grid

P1.1 P1.2 P1.3 M1 M3

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Assignment title Understand data models and database technologies

In this assignment, you will have opportunities to provide evidence against the following criteria.
Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found.

Assessment criteria Expected evidence Task Assessor’s Feedback


LO1. Understand data models and database technologies

External schemas

Conceptual schemas

Internal schemas
1.1 Critically compare
different data models and Object-based data models
Record-based data models

Physical data models

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1.2 Critically discuss the Traditional file-based approach
benefits and limitations of 1
different database Database approaches

Bottom-up approach
1.3 Analyse different
Top-down approach 3
approaches to database
design Other approaches

Assessment criteria Expected Evidence Feedback

(note on Merit/Distinction if applicable)
M1 Identify and apply 1. Effective judgements have
strategies to find been made.
appropriate solutions

M3 Present and 1. An appropriate structure

communicate appropriate and method has been used
findings and technical language has
been accurately used to
present the findings.

2. Communication has taken

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place in familiar and
unfamiliar contexts

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Summative feedback:

Assessor’s Date

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Task 1:
A. Traditional File-Based approach:
This approach identifies with utilizing the document based framework to oversee information
and store it in records. The framework has numerous projects used to complete clients'
prerequisites and additionally mange the particular information.

Confinements of this approach:

- Separation and disengagement: It is exceptionally hard to oversee or get to information

when the information is isolated and contained in numerous documents.
- Duplication: The information can be copied and conflicting. Clients can include any
information with no approval to ensure that the information is one of a kind.
- Program and information reliance: There is a firmly connection between the
information and the program. Each sort of information is overseen by a particular
program. In the others, a program is utilized to deal with its own information. Through
that program, the information will be exhibited by a particular structure with the
assistance of tab, comma or semicolon. Accordingly, it is difficult to change the
structure when you change the extent of a field or include numerous qualities into a
- Incompatible record arrange: Programmers utilize distinctive programming dialects to
compose a program. Therefore, it is conceivable that two projects written in two unique
dialects will make two distinct structures of two documents.
- Fix inquiries: The document based frameworks are more productive than manual
frameworks, however they totally rely upon the developers who compose questions to
meet the things that clients require. Accordingly, if clients need to change the
necessities or include another one, you have to settle the questions or compose
another program.

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- Proliferation of utilization programs: Nowadays, the information turns out to be
increasingly broadened because of numerous reasons like expanding the measure of an
organization, and clients require more capacities for the framework. In this manner,
software engineers need to compose more projects to meet clients' prerequisites.
Additionally, for complex projects, it is smarter to make the new projects than settle the
- Security and honesty: Normally, in this sort of framework, security or respectability are
not upheld. Despite the fact that you can set a secret word to secure document, you
can't set a particular expert for clients.
- Atomicity: In this framework, when programs stop all of a sudden, there is no real way
to recoup the information that clients have recently input. Furthermore, you just utilize
projects to ensure that the way toward embedding, refreshing or erasing is effective.
- Access: There is just a single access to similar information in the meantime. Numerous
clients get to similar information in the meantime, which can cause off base

B. Database approach:
A database is a gathering of information that identifies with each other legitimately. In the other,
a database is a gathering of data which is sorted out sensibly so clients can get to, oversee and
alter it effortlessly. Additionally, the information of an organization or a school, and so forth will
be put away in a database rather than numerous records. Therefore, clients can get the
information in spite of the fact that they are in various divisions. The database likewise contains
the information word reference with the goal that clients and software engineers can
comprehend the database structure.
A database administration framework is a product that enables clients to work with a database
like creation, upkeep, and so forth. Typically, the database or information structure is

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characterized with the assistance of information definition dialect. The information can be
embedded, refreshed, erased and recovered by methods for information control dialect. The
product additionally enables clients to control who can get to and what they can do to the
Different types of DBMS Technologies:
 CODASYL is short for Conference on Data Systems Languages. The CODASYL systems which
use CODASYL model are considered as the first generation of data management systems.
 Relational data management systems are considered as the second generation of data
management systems. The data is store in tables including rows and columns.
 Object-Relational data management systems and Object-Oriented data management are
considered as the first generation of data management systems. It is more useful with the
complex data.
 XML database is used to store information in the XML format. We use XQuery to query the
data. It has two types. XML- Enabled database is similar to the relational database, while
Native XML database uses container format to store the data. With XML, the data can be
moved between databases or between databases and programs.
 NoSQL is short for not only SQL. NoSQL databases are a kind of the database which has
different way of storing and querying data, which compares with relational databases. It has
a higher performance and is easier to scale.
Advantages and disadvantages of DBMS:
 Advantages:
o Control of data redundancy: You can limit the duplication of the data, so it is less
redundant. Some attributes like students’ name, birthday and gender are not necessary to
be duplicated. However, the duplication is still acceptable, but it is little as less as possible.
You only need to duplicate the necessary attributes like students’ code in order to present

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the model relationships between tables like Students’ information table and Students’
grade table.
o Consistency: Storing all data in a database is not only make the data less redundant but also
make it more consistent. If you change the value of the data items that is not duplicated
like students’ name, phone or address, the change will happen immediately, and users will
see the new value. The system also checks and warns if the item that you want to update is
used many times in the other tables according to the foreign key of the tables.
o Integrity: With this kind of system, the data can be check or valid to make sure that it is
true and consistent according to a specific condition before storing it in the database. The
term of constraints is used to express the integrity.
o Security: This system is more secure than the file-based system because it can keep the
database from users who have no official permission. Person allowed to access the
database will have a user name and its password. You can also set different authorities for
different people when they work with the data in the database. In the others, the data can
be inserted, updated, deleted or retrieved by a group of people based on their authority.
o Concurrency control: It relates to controlling how many people can access the database
that the same time so that no access problems happen. In the order, this control is used to
make sure that the data is modified rightly when many transactions are done at the same
o Backup & recovery: In the systems, you can set backup and recovery services so that a
database will be backed up automatically according to the backup plan. You can choose
what you want to keep and which backup type is used for the data. After that, you can
restore the database from the valid backups when you want or when the database gets any
o Data standard: With the integration, it is easy to set the standards so that people can
follow. The standards can be at different levels from the small scales like departmental
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standards to the bigger scales like international standards so that the data is exchanged
easily between systems.
o More information: As you knew, all the data of an organization like companies, schools will
be stored in a database instead of storing in many files. Therefore, the staff from this
department can access the data from the other departments. This means that you can get
more information from the same data in the same database.
o Data sharing & conflict control: People who has the authority to access a database can
share the data in it between many programs or users. Programs are written based on the
data in the database and the functions which the system provides like defining and
manipulating data or controlling how many people can access and modify the data at the
same time. Moreover, you can develop the programs while using the same database. The
systems allow the administrator to control data changing in the database through checking
and displaying messages.
o Productivity & accessibility: Some functions that you need to write in file-based programs
will be provided by the database management system. Therefore, the program will be able
to spend more time on the functions that users require. Moreover, the system also
supports tools so that the database programs will be developed faster and more simply and
easily with the less cost. Besides, the data can be accessed directly by different types of
users instead of within a group of people. The query languages or report writers which are
provided by the systems are used to get the necessary data from the database.
o Economy of scale: All data of a company, school, etc. will be stored in a database, so the
programs are written will use the data in the same database. Therefore, you can spend less
money to maintain the system and have more money to develop it or buy many computers
to meet the customers’ requirements.
o Maintenance: It will be more convenient because all data is contained in a database, and
the data and programs do not depend on each other. In the other, the data descriptions
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like data types will be divided from programs by the system. Therefore, it is not necessary
to change the descriptions when you write or update the program, and the database is
maintained easily.
 Disadvantages:
o Complexity: The database management system becomes more and more complex due to
the increase of functions that the system provides. It will require that people like
administrators, designers, etc. have to clearly understand these functions so that people
can make use of them well. If you are fail to understand the system can cause very bad
results for an organization like company, school.
o Size: The more functions that the system provides, the more disk space and memory are
required so that it can run efficiently. It also needs more space to contain more data.
o Cost:
 Software: The cost of database management systems could be different greatly based on
the environment and the range of functions that the systems can provide. The system for
many users or especially a company will be more expensive than the system for a user.
 Hardware: Each system has the requirement for the hardware like disk space, ram so that
it can run efficiently. You also need a disk space to store the database. Therefore, it is
necessary to add storage space or even to upgrade the hardware or buy the more
powerful machine to run the system better or store the bigger databases.
 Conversion: When the current database management system is replaced by the new one,
sometimes it will cost a lot of money.
o Performance: In file-based system, each program manages its own data, so you can access
this data quickly through the equivalent program. However, the database management
system is written to provide data in a database for many programs. In the other, many
programs can access a database. This can make the programs run more slowly.

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o Higher impact of a failure: As you know, in the database management system all data
which will be contained in a database instead of being separated and contained in many
files in the file-based system. This is more convenient, but the management system is
easier to be vulnerable because the resources are centralized. Moreover, the programs
cannot run or can stop if they are fail to access the database or when the system is not
In conclusion, the data of an organization could be managed by two ways, using file or database.
The file-based approach relates to using file-based system to store data in files and manage
them. However, this approach has problems with a huge amount of data. Thus, database
approach is used to solve these problem. In this approach, database management system is
used to store and manage in database.

Task 2:
A. Compare different schemas:
1. External schemas (subschemas):
These schemas describe how users see the data. They are more practical than logical. Different
people will have different view about the data although they gather data from the same source.

2. Conceptual schema:
A schema will explain which data is stored in the database like entities, etc. and how they
connect to each other in the logical and reasonable way. The following things will be introduced
in this schema:
o Entities, attributes and relationships..
o Constraints are used to make sure that the input data must follow the rules. It also explains
things related to security.
o Entity-relationship diagram is used to tell the relationship between entities.

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o Normalization. The data in a database will be organized to meet the form. The schema will
tell which form that entities can reach.
o The schema also describes the type of these attributes and their length.

3. Internal schemas:
An internal schema introduces how a database will be presented physically on a computer and
how the database contains the data. This schema also explains the way that the database is
carried out so that the programs and the act of using storage space becomes more efficiently. It
also introduces how the data is structured like using indexes to search data more quickly and
how the file is organized so that the data can be stored on hard-drives. Moreover, it presents
how the data is compressed to save space on disk as well as is encrypted to make the data
become safer. The size of the data will be considered here.

B. Compare different data models:

1. Object-Based Data Models:
 Entity-relationship:
Entities are separate objects that related to an organization. Each entity is considered as a
table in a database.
The attributes are the things or the information of the object that you want to keep in the
A relationship is a connection between entities.
Usage: documentation
 Object-oriented:
An object is an entity including its attributes and its actions which are connected with it.
Attributes are things used for describing the state of an object. The group of values for the
attributes of an object is called state.

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Behaviors are the things that an object can carry out. The behaviors are defined by
A message is the information sent from an object to another object to require the second
object carry out its methods.
Class is a group of objects which have the similar objects and methods.
Inheritance allows a class can be developed from the other classes. In this case, the first
class is called subclass.
Encapsulation relates to put attributes and methods into a class, so that the security is
improved. The data inside a class will be separated from the outside, and it can only be
access by particular methods.
Polymorphism relates to allowing objects can be processed in different ways according to
their data type and class. It can be reached by using overriding method.
Usage: making software

2. Record-Based Data Models:

 Relational data model:
Relations indicate how the data can connect to each other. Each table used to store data
has many row and column, and each column has a name so that a column will be
distinguished from the other columns in a table.
Each row of a table will be considered as a record or a tuple.
Each column of a table is considered as an attribute.
In this model, all many-to-many relationships will be converted into one-to-many
Usage: ad hoc reporting, so that reports are created and modified quickly
 Network data model:

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CODASYL DBTG is short for the Database Task Group of the Conference on Data Systems
Languages. The group proposes the network model and has the duty of making standards
used for developing COBOL language.
A data item in this model is considered as a field or an attribute in the previous model. A
record or group item is a group of data items.
Record types: in a set occurrence,
o The owner has the highest rank.
o The remaining records are called members. The relationship between owner and
member is considers as the one-to-many, which means that an owner can have many
Set type:
o Optional specification allows to take a member occurrence away from the set
o Mandatory specification shows that when you put a member occurrence in the set, it
cannot be taken away from a set if the record occurrence is actually deleted.
Record relationship:
o One-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-many relationships.
o Pointer for connection between set owner and set member.
Usage: processing the large amount of transactions
 Hierarchical data model:
Information Management System is a software used to store and manage information in a
database based on the hierarchical model.
The term tree is used to indicate that the data structure looks like a tree. A general tree has
one or many nodes. A subtree is a tree, but it is formed when a node apart from the root
node inside a tree has one or more child nodes.

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A node is an element in the structure in which its particular data is stored. Root node is the
first node of the tree structure. A parent node is a node that has child node. A child node is
a node that has parent node.
Segment type:
o Root contains root node. It is called level 0 segment.
o Parent contain parent nodes.
o Child contain child nodes
Record relationship:
o One-to-many relationship. This means that one parent has one many children, and a
child only belongs to one parent.
o Pointer for connection between parent node and child node
o No many-to-many relationship is created directly in a diagram due to the tree
Usage: processing the large amount of transactions
 Physical data model:
This model will explain how to store data in the computer. The information like record
structures and orderings or access paths is represented. The entity name becomes table
names. Attributes become column names including their own data type. Unifying model is
a typical example of the physical data model.

Task 3:
A. Bottom-up approach:
In this approach, the attributes and their connections will be analyzed first. Then, it comes to
form entities and their relationships. This approach relates normalization, in which the data in a
database is arranged so that the is not redundant, and data dependencies become logical. In this
process, the new attributes, relations and tables will be created.

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B. Top-down approach:
It is better to use this approach for the databases which have a lot of attributes. The concepts of
Entity–Relationship (ER) model is used to illustrate this approach. Entities and their relationships
are identified first. Then, the attributes of each entity will be found out.

C. Other approaches:
Inside-out approach is similar to the bottom-up approach, but a group of important entities is
identified first. Then, you will use these entities to determine the other entities, attributes and

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