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Practical knowledge about Six Sigma

Six Sigma Solutions


Beyond Lean
Six Sigma Why lean and Six Sigma
deployments fail and what
you can do to resolve the issue

by Forrest W. Breyfogle III

Know anyone who has been A historical examination

laid off because his or her orga- Everyone knows that organizations must improve or they will not survive.
nization’s lean and Six Sigma Over the years, many organizational programs have been created to address
deployment was downsized this need—using methods such as total quality management, quality circles,
or eliminated? My bet is that Six Sigma and lean. One general commonality statement that could be made
you do. Maybe you’ve been the about these organizational-betterment approaches, however, is that the
victim of a process-improvement deployments have not survived or met leadership’s expectations.
deployment shrinkage or elimi- In addition to improvement programs, there have been business manage-
nation issue. ment philosophies described by gurus such as W. Edwards Deming, Joseph
What happened? What can be M. Juran, Philip B. Crosby, Peter Drucker and Armand V. Feigenbaum. In
done to resolve this issue? organizations, however, there is typically a disconnect between each of these
But before answering, it’s
important to assess the past and
determine what might be done
to resolve the problem.

48 QP August 2017 ❘

management approaches and what is variability measurement can experi- which some low-hanging fruit successes
actually done in an organization. For ence a reaction as though it were a are achieved through the implemented
example: special-cause condition. method. In time, however, leadership’s
1. The commonplace measurement 2. Management by objectives (MBO) and interest in these programs declines,
issues described in Deming’s red bead goal setting throughout an organi- and plans often evolve to practitioners
experiment1 are fundamentally the zation can lead to unhealthy, if not hunting for improvement projects to
same as the red-yellow-green score- destructive, behaviors. An example of execute.
card reporting method commonly used how this management approach can With a Six Sigma deployment, you may
in organizations. In both instances, an lead to bad behaviors is Wells Fargo's have tracked financial benefits noting a
individual measurement can trig- fake account scandal. 2 reported $100 million in savings; however,
ger firefighting a specific event for no one can seem to find the money. With
causation, when what is needed is a Lean and Six Sigma a lean deployment, the organization may
collective examination of data to deter- deployments have made a statement about a reduction
mine what should be done differently Current lean and Six Sigma deployments of waste through the execution of many
to enhance an organizational process. typically start with the best intentions kaizen events. Often, however, no one can
That is, in the red bead experiment and can initially provide benefits. After a describe how these lean efforts positively
and red-yellow-green scorecards, an program kick-off, leadership could iden- affected the enterprise-as-a-whole per-
individual common-cause process tify areas that need improvement—from formance metrics.


IEE scorecard: key performance indicator (KPI) response

I-chart of mean I-chart of standard deviation
Ln subgroup standard deviation

40 UCL=39.65
Using Box-Cox transformation with λ = 0.00

Subgroup mean

35 _ 1


LCL=27.45 -1
1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19
3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19
Subgroup observation Subgroup observation
A natural log transform was applied to account for skewness of standard deviations.

Probability plot

Mean 33.55
10.0 StDev 3.529
N 100
1.0 AD 0.852

0.1 P-Value 0.027

The process is predictable. 25 30 35 40 45
The estimated nonconformance rate is 34.056%. Data values

IEE = Integrated Enterprise Excellence ❘ August 2017 QP 49

Six Sigma Solutions

Long-lasting process business management system.

improvement deployment To achieve this OE definition, however, two events must
What is lacking in most process improvement programs and occur:
business management systems is a structured link between the 1. Performance measurements must be reported from a pro-
organization’s business management system and its improve- cess point of view.
ment efforts. This shortcoming could be overcome with an 2. A structural link must be established between performance
operational excellence (OE) deployment aligned with Wikipe- metrics and the processes that created them.
dia’s definition of OE:
“Operational excellence is an element of organizational lead- OE need No. 1: Performance metric
ership and organizational intelligence that focuses on meeting reporting from a process point of view
customer expectations, all while stressing the application of a Traditional scorecard report-outs can be quite different. Orga-
variety of principles, systems, and tools toward the sustainable nizations may focus on one or more of the following report-out
improvement of key performance metrics.”3 formats:
In general, traditional process improvement efforts have ++ Red-yellow-green scorecards.
not been aligned with the last six words of this OE defini- ++ Table of numbers of many measurements in a single spread-
tion—“sustainable improvement of key performance metrics.” sheet format.
Achievement of these last words and an overall statement in ++ Time-series tracking of several measurements in one chart.
this OE description in a process improvement deployment ++ Pie chart presentations.
can connect process improvement efforts with the overall ++ Bar chart reporting offering comparisons to last month’s or


IEE scorecard: key performance indicator (KPI) response

Before and after process change

I-chart of mean I-chart of standard deviation

Ln subgroup standard deviation

Before change After change

Using Box-Cox transformation with λ = 0.00
40 Before change After change

Subgroup mean


UCL=30.85 1
25 X=25.62 0

20 LCL=20.39 -1
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28
Subgroup observation Subgroup observation
A natural log transform was applied to account for skewness of standard deviations.

Probability plot


50.0 Mean 25.62

StDev 2.887
N 45
10.0 AD 0.309
P-Value 0.545

The current process is predictable. 20 24 28 32 36
The estimated nonconformance rate is 0.0577%. Data values in current stage

IEE = Integrated Enterprise Excellence

50 QP August 2017 ❘


Hospital IEE value chain

Voice of the Sales and Delivery of Invoice Report
customer marketing clinical services and collect financials

Enterprise process Patient

management IT Housekeeping Food service transportation

IEE = Integrated Enterprise Excellence

last year’s performance. terms that everyone can easily under- is that the process enhancement effort
Even though these reporting formats stand. With a 30,000-foot-level futuristic led to a demonstration and quantification
can appear to be quite different, they statement, you can assess the desirably of the improvement in the 30,000-foot-
have one thing in common: Perfor- of the response. When this assessment level charts.
mance measurements are not reported indicates an undesirable outcome, The 30,000-foot-level individuals chart
from a process point of view. These the associated metric’s process needs shown in Figure 2 indicates that a change
reporting formats do not structurally enhancement. occurred, in which a probability plot of
include process variability so you can Figure 1 (p. 49) provides a sample the raw data from the recent region of
easily identify—from a high-level point of 30,000-foot-level report. In this report- stability (for mean and log-standard-de-
view—whether common-cause variability out, the top two charts assess process viation individuals plots) provides an
is prevalent or a special-cause condition stability, while the bottom right chart estimate of the new process’s nonconfor-
has occurred. assesses process capability. The indi- mation rate, which is less than 1%—that
The separation of unusual events from viduals chart on the top left indicates is, an estimated nonconformance rate
common-cause process noise variability the process mean response output is reduction from 34% to less than 1%.
can lead to actions that are quite differ- stable, while the individuals chart on the This form of reporting is consistent
ent from those generated from traditional top right indicates that the process log with five of the last six words of Wikipe-
metric report-outs: standard deviation is stable. Because dia’s definition for OE—that is, sustainable
++ If common-cause variability is occur- both of these charts indicate stability, you improvement of key performance met-
ring and the response is undesirable, can conclude that the process is predict- rics. Sustainability can be achieved when
enhancements are needed in the able. The next obvious question is what the 30,000-foot-level metric is automati-
process. can one predict? The probability plot in cally updated and is part of an Integrated
++ A special-cause event could trigger a the series of charts report-out provides Enterprise Excellence (IEE) value chain.
specific investigation to understand an estimated current and futuristic 34%
what changed (that is, good or bad) in nonconformance rate statement relative OE need No. 2: Structured
a process at a particular point in time. to an upper-specification response of 35. link between performance
You might believe traditional control This nonconformance rate is provided in metrics and processes
charts and process capability indexes an easy-to-understand sentence at the An IEE value chain describes what an
can adequately separate common-cause bottom of the single-page, three-chart organization does and how it can report
variability from special-cause conditions; report-out. performance metrics from a process
however, there are some fundamental For example, consider that a 34% point of view.
issues with applying these traditional nonconformance rate for this process Figure 3 illustrates an IEE value chain of
tools to address the needs described is unsatisfactory and an improvement a hospital’s potential enterprise func-
earlier. project was undertaken. The improve- tions. The rectangles that have an arrow
A 30,000-foot-level4-13 one-page ment effort could have involved a lean Six connection describe the primary hospital
reporting format overcomes the short- Sigma define, measure, analyze, improve functions, while those that are uncon-
comings of these traditional tools and and control roadmap, kaizen event or nected identify support processes.
also can provide a predictive statement in some other approach. What’s important A drilldown of delivery of clinical ❘ August 2017 QP 51

Six Sigma Solutions

services is shown in Figure 4. In this more descriptive assess- occurred, corrective action can be taken in a timely fashion.
ment of this operational function, the top swim lane can list Another benefit of this form of reporting is that the method
performance metrics for the selected function (for example, can provide transparency of performance report-outs
from a quality, cost and time perspective), while the bottom throughout the organization to those authorized.
swim lane can provide associated process steps and links 2. Process enhancements documentation: New improve-
to other functions and documentation. The IEE value chain ment-project procedures can be incorporated with other
structurally connects performance responses with the pro- functional process documentation in a readily available,
cesses and their inputs that created the metric outputs—that clickable IEE value chain. With this easy access to information,
is, Y = f (x). everyone responsible for executing the process will have a
In the IEE system, the sixth word from the end in the last consistent description of what must be done in a process.
sentence of the OE Wikipedia definition—“sustainable”—can In addition to these benefits, the nine-step IEE OE method14
be structurally addressed. In IEE, sustainability is accomplished can be used to determine which value-chain metric must be
through a clickable organizational IEE value chain available to improved (for example, through executing an improvement
those who are authorized. lean Six Sigma project or kaizen event) so the big picture
Through the IEE value chain, a control mechanism is pro- receives the most benefits from process enhancement efforts.
vided relative to performance metric’s monitoring and access Process owners of these strategic metric-improvement under-
to consistent process enhancements documentation: takings would be asking or demanding timely completion of
1. Performance metric’s monitoring: 30,000-foot-level improvement efforts that are to be executed in their area. This
metrics that are automatically updated provide anyone urgency will occur when process owners report-out the status
authorized the ability to determine whether the performance of their targeted strategic 30,000-foot-level improvement
of a process has degraded. Whenever degradation has needs to leaders in their organization on a regular basis.


IEE value chain drill-down (hospital example)

Voice of the Sales and Delivery of Invoice Report
customer marketing clinical services and collect financials

Enterprise process Patient

management IT Housekeeping Food service

Functional metrics relative to quality, cost and time

Metrics: Y Y = f(x) value chain
of clinical Theory of
services constraints
Weekly errors
Length Average variable Repeat
per 1,000 Fixed costs Mortality
of stay* daily census costs admission

Step B1* Step B2

Process: No
of clinical Yes
services Start Step 1* ? Step A2 Step A3 End

Generic flowchart or value stream map

IEE = Integrated Enterprise Excellence

52 QP August 2017 ❘

Enhance your organization’s focus can lead to discussions about how
process improvement efforts monetary savings were calculated and 3. Wikipedia, “Operational excellence,”
What could you do to assess and convey whether the savings were hard or soft.
to others the techniques described in A soft savings example is when fewer
4. Forrest W. Breyfogle, “Control Charting at
this article for your work environment? people are needed in an operation the 30,000-Foot-Level,” Quality Progress,
Consider the following: because of an improvement project, but November 2003, pp. 67-70.
5. Forrest W. Breyfogle, “Control Charting at the
1. Read John A. Daley’s Advocacy: these people still work for the organiza-
30,000-Foot-Level, Part 2,” Quality Progress,
Championing Ideas and Influencing tion in a different area. November 2004, pp. 85-87.
Others15 (optional). Second, in a lean deployment, focus is 6. Forrest W. Breyfogle, “Control Charting at the
30,000-Foot-Level, Part 3,” Quality Progress,
2. Determine an important key perfor- given to reducing waste by operational
November 2005, pp. 66-70.
mance metric that management and teams—that is, often a bottoms-up 7. Forrest W. Breyfogle, “Control Charting at
others are monitoring and would like organizational deployment improvement the 30,000-Foot-Level,” Quality Progress,
November 2006, pp. 59-62.
to improve. strategy.
8. Forrest W. Breyfogle, “No Specification? No
3. Create a 30,000-foot-level metric In both deployment situations, organi- Problem,” Quality Progress, November 2012,
report-out of the selected metric using zations can have localized benefits. But pp. 58-61.
9. Forrest W. Breyfogle, “30,000-Foot-Level
a free Minitab add-in.16 the last six words of Wikipedia’s defini-
Performance Metric Reporting,” Six Sigma
4. Compare the traditional performance tion are not structurally addressed—that Forum Magazine, February 2014, pp. 18-32.
metric report-out to a 30,000-foot- is, “sustainable improvement of key 10. Forrest W. Breyfogle, Integrated Enterprise
Excellence Volume III—Improvement Project
level report. Describe additional performance metrics.”
Execution: A Management and Black Belt
insight gained through the report. An IEE OE deployment overcomes Guide for Going Beyond Lean Six Sigma and
5. Share the metric report comparison these shortcomings and also can be the Balanced Scorecard, Citius Publishing,
study with others. used as the system for addressing ISO
11. Forrest W. Breyfogle, “Integrating Inputs:
6. Ask leadership whether it would like to 9000 and Baldrige requirements. A System to Capture and React to VOC
improve the chosen metric by execut- What can you do to resolve the Data Can Pay Dividends,” Quality Progress,
January 2011, pp. 64-66.
ing an improvement project. issue? Use data from a key perfor-
12. Forrest W. Breyfogle, “High Vantage
7. If a metric improvement is desired, mance indicator (KPI) metric to create Point Report-Outs to Reduce Risks of
execute an improvement project. a 30,000-foot-level report. Compare Organizational Problems,” Quality Progress,
December 2015, pp. 58-60.
Proof that an enhancement was made the results and expected actions from
13. Forrest W. Breyfogle, “Monitor and Manage:
to the process is that the 30,000-foot- this reporting format to the traditional Diabetes Measurement Tracking at the
level individuals chart transitioned to a KPI report-out that has been used in 30,000-Foot Level,” Quality Progress,
January 2017, pp. 50-53
superior level of performance. the past. Consider implementing other
14. Forrest W. Breyfogle, Integrated Enterprise
8. Report demonstrated improvement steps described in this article’s section, Excellence Volume II—Business Deployment:
results to others using the newly cre- “Enhance your organization’s process A Leaders’ Guide for Going Beyond Lean Six
Sigma and the Balanced Scorecard, Citius
ated 30,000-foot-level chart. improvement efforts.”
Publishing, 2008.
9. Determine whether your organiza- 15. John A. Daly, Advocacy: Champion Ideas and
tion wants automatic updates for 1. The Deming Institute, “Red Bead
Influencing Others, Yale University Press, 2011.
16. A free Minitab add-in to create IEE
functional 30,000-foot-level report- Experiment,”
30,000-foot-level charts can be
outs—in which this clickable reporting management-system/red-bead-experiment.
found at www.smartersolutions.
2. Independent Directors of the Board of Wells
connects to the measurement’s asso- Fargo & Co., “Sales Practices Investigation
ciated process. Report,” April 10, 2017, https://assets. © Smarter Solutions Inc., 2017
10. If an automated value chain system is
desired, investigate alternatives.

Sustainable improvement
Why do lean and/or Six Sigma deploy-
ments fail? Forrest Breyfogle III is CEO of Smarter Solutions Inc. in Austin, TX.
First, a measure of success for a typ- and holds a master of science degree in mechanical engineering
ical lean Six Sigma deployment is how from the University of Texas in Austin. An ASQ fellow, Breyfogle
has authored or co-authored more than a dozen business
much money was saved by completing management and process improvement books. He can be reached
improvement projects. This financial at ❘ August 2017 QP 53

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