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Paul University Philippines

Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500



Saint Paul University Philippines

School of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences
Center of Excellence in Nursing
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500


The purpose of this interview is for you to describe your

lived experiences in the delivery room. You are encouraged to give
examples of your experiences.


1. Tell me about your clinical rotation in the delivery room.



SPUP School of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500



Saint Paul University Philippines

Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500


Ethics Review Committee

Application Form for Ethical Evaluation of Proposed Study

General Instruction: Please accomplish copies of this application form and attach them to
copies of the proposal submitted for review.

1. Reference Number (To be assigned by the ERC):

2. Name of Applicants / Organization / Institution:

 Ventula, Geevee N.
 Sibal, Christine Ivy J.
 Castillo, Kristin Joie T.
Bachelor of Science in Nursing – III,
Saint Paul University Philippines
School of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences

3. Address / Contact Numbers:

A. Ventula Geevee N.
 FORT MASCOOP Building, Campos St., Caritan Sur, Tuguegarao City
 09463153448 or 09771251469

B. Sibal, Christine Ivy J.

 Poblacion 1, Piat, Cagayan
 09157142389

C. Castillo, Kristin Joie T.

 22C, Mabini St., Ugac Norte, Tuguegarao City
 09177992695

4. Project Coordinator or Principal Investigator:

Name: Ventula, Geevee N.
Address: FORT MASCOOP Building, Campos St., Caritan Sur, Tuguegarao City
 Contact Numbers (Tel / Fax / Mobile / e-mail address):

SPUP School of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500


09771251469 |

5. Project Title:
 “The Lived Experiences of Male Student Nurses of Tuguegarao City in the
Delivery Room: A

6. Type of Study (basic research, clinical trial (randomized, placebo controlled, double
blind), social research, epidemiology, survey, etc.)
 Basic Research

7. Expected Number of Participants:

 Six (6)

8. Planned Start Date:

 November 2017

9. Project Abstract:
In recent years, researches showed that increasing numbers of men are choosing
nursing as an occupation although they remain as a minority in the nursing profession.
Although the participation of men in nursing is becoming more acceptable, one of the
issues concerning male nurses is the increasing evidence indicating that male student
nurses face more gender based challenges than do their female peers, especially when
caring for female patients. Thus, this descriptive phenomenological study will explore
the lived experiences of male student nurses of Tuguegarao City in the delivery room.
In addition, the significant experiences, both positive and negative, that were
experienced of the said participants will also be studied. Furthermore, suggestions on
how to optimize their clinical experiences in the delivery room were also solicited from
the male student nurses. Through focused, audio and video – taped interviews using
open-ended questions, six male student nurses will be discuss their lived experiences in
the delivery room. Each transcript describing the experiences of the participants will be
analyzed using Colaizzi's phenomenological methodology. Patterns and themes will be
extracted from the statements of the participants. All emergent themes will be defined
into exhaustive description. After merging all study themes, the whole structure of the
phenomenon of “the lived experiences of male student nurses in the delivery room”
will be extracted.

10. Ethical Concerns (Are there any ethical issues that can be foreseen in the
implementation of the project?)

11. Date of Submission

SPUP School of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500


12. Received by: _______________________________

Note: The ERC evaluation will normally require two weeks from receipt of the complete
proposal from the proponent.

SPUP School of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500



Saint Paul University Philippines

School of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences
Center of Excellence in Nursing
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500


Informed consent form for male student nurses (with clinical experience/s at the delivery
room) from Saint Paul University Philippines, University of Saint Louis Tuguegarao, Medical Colleges
of Northern Philippines, and University of Cagayan Valley who we are invited to participate in a
research entitled “The Lived Experiences of Male Student Nurses of Tuguegarao City in the Delivery

Our research group consists of 3 individuals from the third year Bachelor of Science in
Nursing curriculum from Saint Paul University Philippines. We are inviting you to participate in our
research study concerning the lived experiences of male student nurses in the delivery room.
Before you decide, feel free to talk to us or to anyone you feel comfortable with to decide if you
want to participate or not. The consent form may contain words that you do not understand. If you
do not understand any terms or concepts, we will take the time to explain them to you until you
fully understand them.

Purpose of the research

Basically, this research aims to describe the lived experiences of male student nurses in the
delivery room and to expose the significant experiences they had. Through the collected data,
activities or programs may be formulated to optimize and improve the experiences of male student
nurses in the delivery room.

Participant Selection
You have been chosen to take part in this research because you are a male student nurse
who is enrolled under the Bachelor of Science in Nursing curriculum of any of the schools offering
Bachelor of Science in Nursing in Tuguegarao City which includes Saint Paul University Philippines,
University of Saint Louis, University of Cagayan Valley and Medical Colleges of Northern Philippines
who have at least experienced having a clinical rotation in the delivery room and who could either
be in his third, fourth or fifth year level under the said curriculum.

Voluntary Participation
Your participation in this research is entirely voluntary. It is up to you in the end whether to
participate or not. You may change your mind later and stop participating even if you agreed

SPUP School of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500


The data will be gathered by means of focus group interviews. A questionnaire will be used
to guide the said interview. The questions are open – ended and semi – structured.
During the interview, we will ask permission from you to use audiotapes and video cameras
before the start of the focus group interviews. The information noted are strictly confidential, and
only those who are related to the research will have access to the information documented during
the interview.

The research will take around thirty minutes to an hour to finish.

This study can be useful in becoming an instrument where you can be able to share your
experiences and voice out your concerns regarding your clinical practice in the delivery room. More
so, this provides realization that every student nurse have unique experiences in the clinical setting.
Furthermore, different universities can develop additional gender-based student learning activities
that will further increase the level of competence in current and future male student nurse. It also
aims to maintain a continuous evaluation of the experiences of student nurses in their clinical
experiences, especially those of the male student nurses.

We will not be sharing information about your experience to anyone outside of the
research team. The information that we collect from this research project will be kept private. Any
information about your identity will have a number on it instead of their name. Only the
researchers will know their number is and we will keep that information in a secure, undisclosed

SPUP School of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500



I have read the foregoing information, or it has been read to me. I have had the opportunity to
ask questions about it and any questions I have been asked have been answered to my
satisfaction. I consent voluntarily to be a participant in this study

Printed Name of Participant__________________

Signature of Participant ___________________
Date ___________________________
Day/ Month/ Year


I confirm that the participant was given an opportunity to ask questions about the study, and all
the questions asked by the participant have been answered correctly and to the best of my
ability. I confirm that the individual has not been coerced into giving consent, and the consent
has been given freely and voluntarily.

A copy of this ICF has been provided to the participant.

Print name of researcher/person taking the consent ___________________________

Signature of researcher /person taking the consent ____________________________
Date ___________________________
Day/ Month/ Year

SPUP School of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500





1. The facilitator should provide introductory comments:

a. Welcome and thank everyone for volunteering to
b. Introduce self, the co-facilitator, and the note
c. Hand out the consent form.

2. The facilitator should ask the participants to review

the consent form, ask any questions, and then sign the
consent form. He will offer a copy of the consent form
(unsigned) to each person. Some will want a copy, others
will not, but always offer.

3. The facilitator should give a brief overview of the

project and goals for the focus group.

4. The facilitator should provide basic guidelines for the

focus group, review them with the participants, and
consider posting them for everyone to see.
a. If you feel comfortable during the interview, you have
the right to leave or to pass on any question. There
is no consequence for leaving. Being here is
b. Keep personal stories “in the room.” Do not share the
identity of the attendees or what anybody else said
outside the focus group.
c. Everyone’s idea will be respected. Do not comment on
or make judgement about what someone else says.
d. One person talks at a time.
e. It’s okay to take a break if needed or to help
yourself to food or drink.
f. Everyone has the right to talk.
g. There are no right or wrong answers.

5. The facilitator should let the participants know that a

member of the interviewers will be taking notes about
what is discussed. Also, inform the participants that
video and audio recorders will be used.

SPUP School of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500


6. Before the start of the focus group interview, the

facilitator should conduct bracketing, that is, he
should set aside or suspend any bias or any prior
knowledge about the phenomenon being studied.

7. The facilitator should keep the discussion focused.

8. The facilitator has a responsibility to adequately cover

all prepared questions within the time allotted. He also
has the responsibility to get all the participants to
talk and fully explain their answer.

9. Because the facilitator holds a position of authority

and perceived influence, the facilitator must remain
neutral, refrain from nodding or raising eyebrows,
agreeing or disagreeing, or praising or denigrating any
answers made.

10. The facilitator should always clarify long and

ambiguous answers by paraphrasing or by summarizing.

11. The facilitator should create a short summary of

the answers collected from the participants.

12. At the end of the focus group interview, the

facilitator should thank everyone for coming.


1. The note-taker will create a “sociogram” of the room.

That is, the note taker should map who the participants
are and where they are sitting.

2. The note – taker is also responsible for documenting

what is said and who said it, taking note only the
important aspects of the participants’ answers.

3. The note – taker is responsible for observing and

documenting the group interactions, both verbal and non-

4. The note – taker should make sure that notes being taken
are readable and understandable.

SPUP School of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences

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