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Nuruddin: so, Mr Shaw can you tell me how many victims in the incident?

Amin: the victims who had the accident were only two people and they had time to be saved by us.

Nuruddin: so Mr Shaw can you tell me about this incident?

Amin: okay, at first I was driving along the Cambridge and suddenly I saw that about six trees came
down before we got there. Then I saw that the roof of car was all crushed in and there were two old
men trapped inside. So I lay my hand to help the victims those who trapped inside the car. After the
victims had been saved, so I ask them something and then they said it was the second time a tree
had crushed their car and it have been accident in the same place. They said the first accident was
two years ago.

Nuruddin: oh okay, then how did you help the victims?

Amin: actually me and my colleague tried to pull the tree off, but since it was too heavy, so we think
the only way to help the victims are break the windscreen and then we pull the victims out those are
the old men through there. It was struggling but you know the fire brigade took about 30 minutes to
get here. So if I not play attention it’ll be late for there.

Nuruddin: thank you Mr Shaw for being willing to spend time with me for this interview. Back to
ahmad naqiuddin in the studio.

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