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1.1 Demonstrates double and single-sideband suppressed carrier modulation in the

time domain and frequency domain.
1.2 Demonstrate how double-sideband suppressed carrier modulation is produced
using a balance modulator.
1.3 Demonstrate how single-sideband suppressed carrier modulation is produced
using a balance modulator and filter.
1.4 Demonstrate how balance modulator is used as SSB demodulator
1.5 Demonstrate a SSB modulator and demodulator circuit.

1.0 Electronic Workbench : MultiSim 8.0


Part 1: Balance-Bridge Modulator

1. Open circuit Figure 1 in the EKT 231_2010 folder. This figure will demonstrate a
double-sideband suppressed carrier (DSBSC) modulation in the time domain and
the frequency domain. Bring down the oscilloscope enlargement and make sure
the following setting are selected:
Oscilloscope: Time base (scale =20us/Div, Xpos = 0,Y/T)
Channel A (scale =500mV/Div, Ypos = 0, DC
Trigger (Pos edge, Level =0, Auto)

EKT 231/LAB 4/ver2.0 2011 1

2. Run the simulation to one full screen display and then pause the simulation. Plot
the curve in the space provided.

What is the signal plot on the oscilloscope screen?

Answer: ___________________________________________________

3. Bring down the spectrum analyzer enlargement.

Spectrum Analyzer setting: Centre: 200 kHz

Span: 100 kHz
Amplitude: Lin, range 0.05 V/Div
Resolution: 1 kHz

Run the simulation until the resolution frequency match.

Plot the spectral in the space provided.

What is the signal plot on the Spectrum Analyzer screen?

Answer: ___________________________________________________

EKT 231/LAB 4/ver2.0 2011 2

4. Measure the upper side frequency (fusf) and the lower side frequency (f lsf) and the
voltage amplitude of each spectral line and determine the bandwidth of the
DSBSC signal from the frequency spectral plot. Record the all answers on the
spectral plot.
How did the bandwidth of the DSBSC signal compare to the modulating
frequency (fm)?


5. Change the frequency on the modulating signal sine wave to 10 kHz. Plot the
curve and spectral (spectrum analyzer) plot in the space provided.
What the difference between this curve plot and the plot of DSBSC in step 2?

Time domain

EKT 231/LAB 4/ver2.0 2011 3

Frequency domain (Spectral plot)

6. Measure the upper side frequency (fusf) and the lower side frequency (flsf) and the
voltage amplitude of each spectral line and determine the bandwidth of the
DSBSC signal from the frequency spectral plot. Record the all answers on the
spectral plot.

How did this frequency spectrum for double sideband curve plot with 30 kHz
modulating frequency in step 5? Did the bandwidth change? Explain.


EKT 231/LAB 4/ver2.0 2011 4


Part 2: Single-Sideband Modulator

1. Open circuit 2. This circuit shows a single-sideband modulator and the balance
modulator will produce double-sideband suppressed carrier (DSBSC) modulation.
The filter, tuned to the upper sideband, will pass the upper sideband and reject the
lower sideband, producing single sideband suppressed carrier (SSBSC)

2. This circuit will demonstrate how a single-sideband suppressed carrier signal is

generated. Bring down the oscilloscope enlargement and make sure the following
settings are selected:
Oscilloscope: Time base (scale =20us/Div, Xpos = 0,Y/T)
Channel A (scale =500mV/Div, Ypos = -2.0, DC
Channel B (scale =100mV/Div, Ypos = .0, DC
Trigger (Pos edge, Level =0, Auto)

3. Run the simulation. The display shows the SSBSC filter output (blue) and
DSBSC (red) produce by the balanced bridge modulator in the time domain.
What the difference between SSBSC and DSBSC curve plot?


EKT 231/LAB 4/ver2.0 2011 5

4. Bring down the spectrum analyzer enlargement.
Spectrum Analyzer setting: Centre: 200 kHz
Span: 100 kHz
Amplitude: Lin, range 0.02 V/Div
Resolution: 1 kHz

Run the simulation until the resolution frequency match.

Plot the spectral in the space provided. Measure the frequency and the voltage
amplitude of the spectral line and records all the answers on the spectral plot.

Part 3: SSB Modulator – Demodulator

1. Open circuit 3. This circuit will demonstrate how the information in a SSB signal
is recovered. The balance modulator and the filter in the SSB modulator section
will generate a SSB signal modulated with a 30 kHz sine wave. The balance
modulator (product detector) in the SSB demodulator section will recover the
information in the SSB signal. Sine wave generator V 2 in the SSB demodulator

EKT 231/LAB 4/ver2.0 2011 6

section will reinsert the carrier at terminal C 1 and C2 of the balance modulator.
Bring down the oscilloscope enlargement and make sure the following settings are
Oscilloscope: Time base (scale =20us/Div, Xpos = 0,Y/T)
Channel A (scale =2V/Div, Ypos = -2.0, DC
Channel B (scale =2mV/Div, Ypos = .0, DC
Trigger (Pos edge, Level =0, Auto)

2. Run the simulation. You have displayed the SSB demodulator output (blue) and
the information signal input to the SSB modulator (red) in the time domain. Draw
the curve plot in the space provided.

3. Measure the time period for one cycle of the SSB demodulator output (blue) and
SSB modulator sine wave input (red) and record your answers on the curve plots.

What causing the small ripple on the SSB demodulator output (blue)?

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Explain why the carrier must be reinserted in the SSB demodulator?




EKT 231/LAB 4/ver2.0 2011 8

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