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[ 20 MARKS ]

Choose and circle the best answer to complete the sentence.

Pilih dan bulatkan jawapan yang betul untuk melengkapkan setiap ayat.

1. Ahmad goes ___________ on Sundays.

A swimming
B skipping
C painting

2. Angela and Adam are best friends. They like to ________ during their free

A dance
B read
C sing

3. Today is _____ . Dora goes to school early in the morning.

A Tuesday
B Friday
C Monday

4. Rohani _______ Lokman are cousins.

A and
B but
C or

5. ___________ do you live ?

A What
B Where
C When

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6. I have ______ legs.

A four
B two
C five
7. Aini uses her ________to listen to songs.
A eyes
B ears
C nose

8. There are _________ cupcakes on the plate.

A three
B two
C five
9. There are ____________days in a week.
A six
B seven
C eight
10. If today is Monday. Then tomorrow is ___________.

A Wednesday
B Tuesday
C Sunday

Questions 11-13
Choose the sentence with correct punctuation.
Pilih ayat dengan tanda bacaan yang betul.

11. A Where do you live.

B where do you live?
C Where do you live?

12. A My name is Hidayah

B my name is Hidayah.
C My name is Hidayah.

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13. A I live in Taman Beringin.

B I live in taman beringin.
C i live in Taman Beringin.

14. This string is _________

A short
B long
C big

15. Lindan is eating a bowl of _______.

A bananas
B pineapples
C strawberries

16. There are _____ boys playing football.

A three
B five
C four

17. Alisya likes to _______ cakes.

A bake
B cook
C read

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Questions 18-20
Choose the best answer for each picture.
Pilih jawapan yang terbaik bagi setiap gambar.

Today is Sunday. My siblings and I are picnicking by the river. I like __________.

I use a fishing rod. My brother is Jamal. He enjoys _______ . My

sister Airin likes music. She likes to ________ her favourite song.

18. A fishing
B painting
C baking

19. A flying a kite

B playing a kite
C playing a football

20. A dance
B sing
C skip

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[30 MARKS]

Read the instruction for each questions carefully.

Baca setiap arahan di setiap soalan dengan jelas.

Questions 21(a) – 21(c)

Read the dialogue given and choose the correct answer.
Baca dialog yang diberikan dan pilih jawapan yang betul.

I like cycling. My name is Agus.

I’m from Sarawak. Where do you live?

Agus : Hello, everyone.

Pat : Hello, what is your name?

Agus : ___________________________________ (a)

Pat : Where are you from?

Agus : ___________________________________ (b)

Pat : ___________________________________ (c)

Agus : I live in Taman Segar.

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Questions 22(a) – 22(e)

Choose the best answer for each questions based on the story.
Pilih jawapan yang tepat bagi setiap soalan berdasarkan cerita.

One Sunday, Princess Lulu saw a duck in a pond. The duck’s wing was
injured. Princess Lulu took the duck back to the palace.

The next day, she bandaged the duck’s wing and then put a splint.
The duck was in the palace for two days. On Wednesday, the duck
waddled back to the pond.

a) When did the princess take the duck from the pond ?

A. On Sunday
B. On Monday

b) What is the Princess name ?

A. Princess Amanda
B. Princess Lulu

c) Why did the princess take the duck back to the palace ?

A. To put the splint on the duck’s wing.

B. To keep the duck as a pet.

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d) When was the duck’s wing bandaged ?

A. On Sunday
B. On Monday

e) When did the duck return to the pond ?

A. On Tuesday
B. On Wednesday

Questions 23(a) – 23(e)

Read the diary below and circle True or False

Baca diari di bawah dan bulatkan Betul atau Salah

a) I play football on Mondays. TRUE FALSE

b) On Tuesday. I go cycling. TRUE FALSE
c) I read books on Fridays. TRUE FALSE
d) I watch TV on Saturdays. TRUE FALSE
e) On Sundays, I go fishing. TRUE FALSE

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Questions 24 – 25.
Spell and tick the correct answers.
Eja dan tandakan jawapan yang betul.


8 eigth

25. tree

3 three

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Answers 013 Year 2 Formatif 1 :

1. A
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. B
6. B
7. B
8. A
9. B
10. B
11. C
12. C
13. A
14. B
15. C
16. C
17. A
18. A
19. A
20. B
21. a) My name is Agus b) I’m from Sarawak c) Where do you live?
22. a) A b) B c) A d) B e) B
23. a) TRUE b) FALSE c)FALSE d) TRUE e) TRUE
24. eight
25. three

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