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Name : Emilia

Physical description : middle-aged

woman, curly

hair and fair


Emilia is Iago’s wife and Desdemona’s lady in waiting. The two are
good friends; yet Iago persuades Emilia to steal Desdemona’s
handkerchief from her and give it to him. Emilia does so, but it seems
clear that she has no idea of the terrible ramifications of this act. In the
final scenes, when she realizes what she has done, she condemns Iago
to Othello and reveals her role in the handkerchief plot. In this
moment, Iago runs her through with his sword, killing her. While Emilia
is surely culpable for her part in the plot, her utter surprise at what Iago
has done in some ways exonerates her. Her love for Desdemona is
genuine, and if she had fully understood the depths of her husband’s
villainy, it is unlikely that she would have cooperated with him.
Nonetheless, she pays for her part in the deception with her death,
although she dies in an honest confession of her own part, rendering
her death less problematic than that of Desdemona.
Name : Montano

Physical description : Strapping

man with

beard and


Montano is the Governor of Cyprus. He sends news to the

Venetian Senate of the Turkish advance towards the island.

Esteemed by the Duke, he is however not considered as great a

soldier as Othello, whom they send to replace him for the crisis. As he
has served under the Moor and regards him highly, Montano has no
complaints as to this. An upright soldier, he is an honorable gentleman,
and disturbed at Cassio’s drunkenness. When he is gravely wounded by
the latter, he charges Iago on his worth as a soldier to speak the truth
about what happened during the quarrel. He is recovered enough to be
on guard the night of Desdemona’s murder, and is one of those who
responds to Emilia’s calls for help. He disarms Othello before he can do
himself any harm, and chases after Iago, successfully capturing him.
Name : Bianca

Physical description : Young girl

with curly

hair and

tan skin.

Bianca is a courtesan in Cyprus. Though she makes her living by

selling her body, she is madly in love with one of her clients, Cassio, and
dotes on him to excess. She hopes that he will marry her, and does not
seem to realize that he laughs at her. Even when he gives her a
handkerchief that she is convinced he received from another woman,
she begs him to come to dinner at her house. She is arrested on
suspicion of being involved in the assault on him.
Name : Gratiano

Physical description : Old man

with a white


Gratiano is Brabantio’s brother or desdemona’s uncle. He is one

of the Venetians who arrive on Cyprus after Othello’s victory, in his case
bringing the news of Brabantio’s death.

Walking home with Lodovico he comes across the wounded

Cassio and is convinced by Iago of Bianca’s likely guilt in the matter. He
is shocked that Iago would raise a weapon against a woman. He
appears quite taken aback at the strange world he seems to have come
into, and soon the most he can do is wish torture on Iago. As the last
remaining relative of Othello’s wife, he inherits all of the Moor’s
Name : Lodovico

Physical description : Young man

with fair skin

and mustache

and beard.

Lodovico is a kinsman of Brabantio’s. He leads the Venetian party

that comes to Cyprus after Othello’s victory to proclaim Cassio the new

He is shocked to find Othello publicly shaming his wife and

worries about the general’s sanity. Walking home with Desdemona’s
uncle Gratiano, he comes across the wounded Cassio. He takes
command on arriving at Desdemona’s bedchamber, order Othello
disarmed and leading the interrogations, the answers to which he will
take to inform the Senate in Venice. He is an upright, honest

Name : Duke of


Physical description : Old man

with a



Duke of Venice, he sends Othello with his wife Desdemona to

Cypress to thwart a suspected Turkish invasion there. When Brabantio
tries to have Othello punished for allegedly seducing his daugther
Desdemona with magic, The duke displays his wisdom, learning the
truth by allowing Brabantio, Othello and Desdemona to tell their sides
of the story. He later wisely tells Brabantio to accept Otello and
Desdemona’s marriage.

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