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GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF TAXATION been subjected to tax, thereby depriving

the Government of an additional source
TAXATION – power by which the sovereign of revenue. It is an end-user tax,
through its law-making body raises revenue to imposed on retailers for every
defray the necessary expenses of government videogram they make available for
from among those who in some measure are public viewing. (Tio v. Videogram
privileged to enjoy its benefits and must bear its Regulatory Board)


NATURE OF INTERNAL REVENUE LAWS • Without taxes, the government would
Internal revenue laws are not political in be paralyzed for lack of the motive
nature and as such were continued in force power to activate and operate it. Hence,
during the period of enemy occupation and in despite the natural reluctance to
effect were actually enforced by the occupation surrender part of one's hard-earned
government. Such tax laws are deemed to be the income to the taxing authorities, every
laws of the occupied territory and not of the person who is able to must contribute
occupying enemy. (Hilado v. Collector of Internal his share in the running of the
Revenue) government.

Taxes are what we pay for civilized

PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES OF TAXATION society. The government for its part, is
• Taxation is no longer envisioned as a expected to respond in the form of
measure merely to raise revenue to tangible and intangible benefits
support the existence of the intended to improve the lives of the
government; taxes may be levied with a people and enhance their moral and
regulatory purpose to provide means for material values. This symbiotic
the rehabilitation and stabilization of a relationship is the rationale of taxation
threatened industry which is affected and should dispel the erroneous notion
with public interest as to be within the that it is an arbitrary method of exaction
police power of the state. (Caltex by those in the seat of power.
Philippines, Inc. v. Commission on Audit) (Commissioner of Internal Revenue v.
• Taxation may be made the implement of
the state's police power. (Lutz v. • The theory behind the exercise of the
Araneta) power to tax emanates from necessity;
without taxes, government cannot fulfill
• If the purpose is primarily revenue, or if its mandate of promoting the general
revenue is, at least, one of the real and welfare and well-being of the people.
substantial purposes, then the exaction (National Power Corporation v. City of
is properly called a tax. (Philippine Cabanatuan)
Airlines, Inc. v. Edu)
• A taxpayer cannot object to or resist the
• The Constitution does not really prohibit payment of taxes solely because no
the imposition of indirect taxes which, personal benefit to him can be pointed
like the VAT, are regressive. What it out as arising from the tax. (Lorenzo v.
simply provides is that Congress shall Posadas, Jr.)
"evolve a progressive system of
taxation." The constitutional provision NATURE OF TAXING POWER
has been interpreted to mean simply • The power to tax is an attribute of
that direct taxes are to be preferred and sovereignty. It is a power emanating
as much as possible, indirect taxes from necessity. It is a necessary burden
should be minimized. (Tolentino v. to preserve the State's sovereignty and a
Secretary of Finance) means to give the citizenry an army to
resist an aggression, a navy to defend its
• The tax imposed is not only a regulatory shores from invasion, a corps of civil
but also a revenue measure prompted servants to serve, public improvements
by the realization that earnings of designed for the enjoyment of the
videogram establishments have not citizenry and those which come within
the State's territory, and facilities and as to amount of exaction
protection which a government is No limit Limited to No exaction;
supposed to provide. (Phil. Guaranty the cost of but private
Co., Inc. v. Commissioner of Internal regulation, property is
Revenue) issuance of taken by the
the license State for public
• As a general rule, the power to tax is an or purpose
incident of sovereignty and is unlimited
in its range, acknowledging in its very
as to benefits received
nature no limits, so that security against
No special No direct A direct
its abuse is to be found only in the or direct benefit is benefit results
responsibility of the legislature which benefit is received; a in the form of
imposes the tax on the constituency who received by healthy just
are to pay it. Nevertheless, effective the economic compensation
limitations thereon may be imposed by taxpayer; standard of to the property
the people through their Constitution. merely society is owner
(Mactan Cebu International Airport general attained
Authority v. Marcos) benefit of
• The power of taxation is sometimes as to non-impairment of contracts
called also the power to destroy. It Contracts Contracts Contracts may
may not be may be be impaired
should, therefore, be exercised with
impaired impaired
caution to minimize injury to the
proprietary rights of a taxpayer. It must
as to transfer of property rights
be exercised fairly, equally and Taxes paid No transfer Transfer is
uniformly (Roxas v. Court of Tax Appeals) become but only favor of the
part of restraint in State
public its exercise
• Fiscal adequacy, which is one of the
characteristics of a sound tax system, as to scope
requires that sources of revenues must All persons, All persons, Only upon a
be adequate to meet government property property, particular
expenditures and their variations. and rights and property
(Chavez v. Ongpin) excises privileges

• Administrative feasibility which is one of • The basic aim of police power is public
the basic principles of a sound tax good and welfare. Taxation, in its case,
system requires that tax laws should be focuses on the power of government to
capable of convenient, just and effective raise revenue in order to support its
administration which is why it fixes a existence and carry out its legitimate
standard or a uniform tax base upon objectives. Although correlative to each
which taxes should be paid. (Taganito other in many respects, the grant of one
Mining Corp. v. Commissioner of Internal does not necessarily carry with it the
Revenue) grant of the other. The two powers are,
by tradition and jurisprudence, separate
and distinct powers, varying in their
respective concepts, character, scopes
POWER OF TAXATION COMPARED WITH OTHER and limitations. (Land Transportation
POWERS Office v. City of Butuan)


POWER DOMAIN TAXES – enforced proportional contributions
as to purpose from the persons and property levied by the law-
To raise To promote To facilitate making body of the State by virtue of its
revenue public the State‘s sovereignty in support of government and for
purpose need of public needs.
through property for
regulations public use
ESSENTIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF TAXES and enforcing of which, the personal
consent of the individual taxpayer is not
• Uniformity of taxation, like the kindred required. (Republic v. Mambulao
concept of equal protection, merely Lumber Co.)
requires that all subjects or objects of
taxation, similarly situated, are to be B. LICENSE FEES
treated alike both in privileges and • Fees may be properly regarded as taxes
liabilities. even though they also serve as an
instrument of regulation. Motor vehicle
Uniformity does not forfend registration fees as at present exacted
classification as long as: pursuant to the Land Transportation and
(1) the standards that are used therefor Traffic Code are actually taxes intended
are substantial and not arbitrary; for additional revenues of government.
(2) the categorization is germane to (Philippine Airlines, Inc. v. Edu)
achieve the legislative purpose;
(3) the law applies, all things being C. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT
equal, to both present and future • The imposition of a charge on all
conditions; and property, real and personal, in a
(4) the classification applies equally well prescribed area, is a tax and not an
to all those belonging to the same class. assessment, although the purpose is to
(Tan v. Del Rosario, Jr) make a local improvement on a street or
highway. A charge imposed only on
• It is inherent in the power to tax that a property owners benefited is a special
state be free to select the subjects of assessment rather than a tax
taxation, and it has been repeatedly held notwithstanding the statute calls it a tax.
that "inequalities which result from a (Apostolic Prefect of the Mt. Province v.
singling out of one particular class for El Tesorero de la Ciudad de Baguio)
taxation or exemption infringe no
constitutional limitation." D. TOLL
(Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. • Taxes are levied for the support of
Santos) government, while toll is compensation
for the use of another’s property. The
TAXES AS DISTINGUISHED FROM OTHER FORMS amount of taxes are determined by the
OF EXACTIONS sovereign and may only be imposed by
the State. The amount of toll is
A. DEBTS determined by the cost of the property
• It is settled that a taxpayer may not or of the improvement and may be
offset taxes due from the claims that he imposed by the government or private
may have against the government. Taxes individual.
cannot be the subject of compensation
because the government and taxpayer E. PENALTIES
are not mutually creditors and debtors • Violation of tax laws may give rise to
of each other and a claim for taxes is not imposition of penalty. The imposition of
such a debt, demand, contract or the deficiency taxes on the NDC is a
judgment as is allowed to be set-off. penalty for its failure to withhold the
(Caltex Philippines, Inc. v. Commission on same from the Japanese shipbuilders.
Audit) Such liability is imposed by Section 53(c)
of the Tax Code. (National Development
• There is a material distinction between a Co. v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue)
tax and debt. Debts are due to the
Government in its corporate capacity,
while taxes are due to the Government
in its sovereign capacity. (Philex Mining
Corp. v. Commissioner of Internal

• Taxes are not in the nature of contracts

between the parties but grow out of a
duty to the government, to the making
I. INHERENT LIMITATIONS • No state may tax anything not within its
jurisdiction without violating the due
PUBLIC PURPOSE OF TAXES process clause of the constitution. The
• The protection and promotion of the taxing power of a state does not extend
sugar industry is a matter of public beyond its territorial limits, but within
concern, it follows that the Legislature such limits it may tax persons, property,
may determine within reasonable income, or business.
bounds what is necessary for its
protection and expedient for its If an interest in property is taxed, the
promotion. The legislative discretion situs of either the property or interest
must be allowed full play, subject only to must be found within the state.
the test of reasonableness. (Lutz v.
Araneta) If an income is taxed, the recipient
thereof must have a domicile within the
• Incidental advantage to the public or to state or the property or business out of
the state, which results from the which the income issues must be
promotion of private interests, and the situated within the state so that the
prosperity of private enterprises or income may be said to have a situs
business, does not justify their aid by the therein.
use of public money. (Pascual v.
Secretary of Public Works and Personal property may be separated
Communications) from its owner and he may be taxed on
its account at the place where the
INHERENTLY LEGISLATIVE / NON-DELEGABILITY property is although it is not a citizen or
• The inherent power and authority of the resident of the state which imposes the
State, or its authorized agent, to tax. (Manila Gas Corp. v. Collector of
regulate the rates charged by public Internal Revenue)
utilities should be subject always to the
requirement that the rates so fixed shall • An excise tax can be levied by the taxing
be reasonable and just. (Philippine authority only when the acts, privileges
Communications Satellite Corp. v. or businesses are done or performed
Alcuaz) within the jurisdiction of said authority.
Specifically, the situs of the act of
• While the local government units are distributing, bottling or manufacturing
being strengthened and made more softdrinks must be within city limits,
autonomous, the legislature must still before an entity engaged in any of the
see to it that (a) the taxpayer will not be activities may be taxed (Iloilo Bottlers,
over-burdened or saddled with multiple Inc. vs. City of Iloilo)
and unreasonable impositions; (b) each
local government unit will have its fair • As a general rule, the situs of taxation of
share of available resources, (c) the intangible personal property is the
resources of the national government domicile of the owner pursuant to the
will not be unduly disturbed; and (d) principle of the mobilia sequuntur
local taxation will be fair, uniform, and personam or movables follow the
just (Manila Electric Co. v. Province of person, except when an express
Laguna) provision of the statute provide for
another rule. (Collector of Internal
• It is true that the uniformity essential to Revenue v. Domingo de Lara)
the valid exercise of the power of
taxation does not require identity or • If income is to be taxed, the recipient
equality under all circumstances, or thereof must be resident within the
negate the authority to classify the jurisdiction, or the property or activities
objects of taxation. The classification out of which the income issues or is
made in the exercise of this authority, to derived must be situated within the
be valid, must, however, be reasonable jurisdiction so that the source of the
(Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company of the income may be said to have a situs in this
Philippines, Inc. v. City of Butuan) country. (Commissioner of Internal
Revenue v. British Overseas Airways EQUAL PROTECTION
Corp.) • The equal protection clause applies only
to persons or things identically situated
INTERNATIONAL COMITY and does not bar a reasonable
• A portion of sovereignty may be waived classification of the subject of
without violating the Constitution, legislation.
based on the rationale that the
Philippines "adopts the generally A classification is reasonable where:
accepted principles of international law (1) it is based on substantial distinctions
as part of the law of the land and which make real differences;
adheres to the policy of cooperation and (2) these are germane to the purpose of
amity with all nations. (Tañada v. the law;
Angara) (3) the classification applies not only to
present conditions but also to future
conditions which are substantially
EXEMPTION OF GOVERNMENT ENTITIES, identical to those of the present;
AGENCIES, AND INSTRUMENTALITIES (4) the classification applies only to
• By the very nature of indirect taxation, those who belong to the same class.
the economic burden of such taxation is (Ormoc Sugar Co. Inc. v. Treasurer of
expected to be passed on through the Ormoc City)
channels of commerce to the user or
consumer of the goods sold. Because, • Although the equal protection clause of
however, the NPC has been exempted the Constitution does not forbid
from both direct and indirect taxation, classification, it is imperative that the
the NPC must be held exempted from classification, should be based on real
absorbing the economic burden of and substantial differences having a
indirect taxation. (Maceda v. Macaraig, reasonable relation to the subject of the
Jr.) particular legislation.

• Taxation is the rule and exemption The shelter of protection under the due
therefrom the exception, the exemption process and equal protection clause is
may thus be withdrawn at the pleasure given to all persons, both aliens and
of the taxing authority. (Mactan Cebu citizens. (Villegas v. Hiu Chiong Tsai Pao
International Airport Authority v. Ho)
• It is well-settled that the equal-
II. CONSTITUTIONAL LIMITATIONS protection guarantee does not require
territorial uniformity of laws. As long as
DUE PROCESS there are actual and material differences
• Due process clause may be invoked between territories, there is no violation
where a taxing statute is so arbitrary of the constitutional clause (Tiu v. Court
that it finds no support in the of Appeals)
Constitution. An obvious example is
where it can be shown to amount to the RELIGIOUS FREEDOM
confiscation of property. (Sison, Jr. v. • The constitutional guaranty of the free
Ancheta) exercise and enjoyment of religious
profession and worship carries with it
• Administrative proceedings are not the right to disseminate religious
exempt from the operation of due information.
process requirements one of which is
that a finding by an administrative Any restraint of such right can only be
tribunal should be supported by justified like other restraints of freedom
substantial evidence presented at the of expression on the grounds that there
hearing or at least contained in the is a clear and present danger of any
records or disclosed to the parties substantive evil which the State has the
affected. (Commissioner of Customs. v. right to prevent. (American Bible Society
Court of Tax Appeals & Campos Rueda) v. City of Manila)
NON-IMPAIRMENT OF CONTRACTS main purposes. (Abra Valley College, Inc.
• Charters or special laws granted and v. Aquino)
enacted by the Legislature are in the
nature of private contracts. They are • There must be proof of the actual and
usually adopted after careful direct use of the lands, buildings, and
consideration of the private rights in improvements for religious or charitable
relation with resultant benefits to the purposes to be exempt from taxation.
State. (Commissioner of Internal (Province of Abra v. Hernando)
Revenue v. Lingayen Gulf Electric Power
Co., Inc.) • The test whether an enterprise is
charitable or not is whether it exists to
• As a charter is in the nature of a private carry out a purpose reorganized in law as
contract, the imposition of another charitable or whether it is maintained
franchise tax on the corporation by the for gain, profit, or private advantage.
local authority would constitute an (Lung Center of the Philippines v. Quezon
impairment of the contract between the City)
government and the corporation.
(Province of Misamis Oriental v. Cagayan TAX EXEMPTION OF NON-STOCK, NON-PROFIT
Electric Power and Light Co., Inc.) EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS
• To be granted the exemption, it must be
• The Constitution provides that a proved with substantial evidence that
franchise is subject to amendment, (1) it falls under the classification non-
alteration or repeal by the Congress stock, non-profit educational institution;
when the public interest so requires and (2) the income it seeks to be
(Cagayan Electric Power & Light Co., Inc. exempted from taxation is used actually,
v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue) directly, and exclusively for educational
purposes. (Commissioner of Internal
• A franchise partakes the nature of a Revenue v. Court of Appeals & YMCA)
grant which is beyond the purview of the
non-impairment clause of the • The tax exemption granted by the
Constitution. (Manila Electric Co. v. Constitution to non-stock, non-profit
Province of Laguna) educational institutions, unlike the
exemption that may be availed of by
UNIFORMITY AND EQUALITY OF TAXATION proprietary educational institutions,
• A tax is considered uniform when it is not subject to limitations imposed
operates with the same force and effect by law. (Commissioner of Internal
in every place where the subject may be Revenue v. De La Salle University, Inc.)
found. (City of Baguio v. De Leon)
• A gift tax is not an assessment on the • Tax exemption cannot be implied as it
properties themselves. It did not rest must be categorically and unmistakably
upon general ownership. Rather it is an expressed. (John Hay Peoples
excise upon the use made of the Alternative Coalition v. Lim)
properties and upon the privilege of
receiving them. It is not, therefore a
property tax, but an excise tax imposed DOUBLE TAXATION AND TAX EXEMPTIONS
on the transfer of property by way of gift
(Lladoc v. Commissioner of Internal DOUBLE TAXATION
• The test of exemption from taxation is • It is a well-settled rule that a license tax
the use of the property for purposes may be levied upon a business or
mentioned in the Constitution. occupation although the land or
property used in connection therewith is
The exemption extends to facilities subject to property tax. (Villanueva v.
which are incidental to and reasonably City of Iloilo)
necessary for the accomplishment of the
• In order to constitute double taxation in On the other hand, in the credit method,
the objectionable or prohibited sense, although the income or capital which is
the same property must be taxed twice taxed in the state of source is still taxable
when it should be taxed but once; both in the state of residence, the tax paid in
taxes must be imposed on the same the former is credited against the tax
property or subject-matter, for the same levied in the latter. The basic difference
purpose, by the same State, between the two methods is that in the
Government, or taxing authority, within exemption method, the focus is on the
the same jurisdiction or taxing district, income or capital itself, whereas the
during the same taxing period, and they credit method focuses upon the tax.
must be the same kind or character of (Commissioner of Internal Revenue v.
tax. (Villanueva v. City of Iloilo) S.C. Johnson and Son, Inc.)

• There is no constitutional prohibition FORMS OF ESCAPE FROM TAXATION

against double taxation in the SHIFTING OF TAX BURDEN - the process by
Philippines. It is something not favored, which the tax burden is transferred from the
but is permissible, provided some other statutory taxpayer (impact of taxation) to
constitutional requirement is not another (incident of taxation) without violating
thereby violated, such as the the law.
requirement that taxes must be
uniform. (Villanueva v. City of Iloilo) WAYS OF SHIFTING TAX BURDEN
• Forward shifting- when burden of tax is
MODES OF ELIMINATING DOUBLE TAXATION transferred from a factor of production
• In order to eliminate double taxation, a through the factors of distribution until
tax treaty resorts to several methods. it finally settles on the ultimate
purchaser or consumer.
First, it sets out the respective rights to • Backward shifting- when burden is
tax of the state of source or situs and of transferred from consumer through
the state of residence with regard to factors of distribution to the factors of
certain classes of income or capital. In production.
some cases, an exclusive right to tax is • Onward shifting- when the tax is shifted
conferred on one of the contracting 2 or more times either forward or
states; however, for other items of backward.
income or capital, both states are given
the right to tax, although the amount of ONLY INDIRECT TAXES MAY BE SHIFTED.
tax that may be imposed by the state of Indirect taxes are those demanded in the
source is limited. first instance from one person with the
expectation and intention that he can shift
The second method for the elimination the burden to someone else, not as a tax but
of double taxation applies whenever the as part of the purchase price (eg. VAT)
state of source is given a full or limited
right to tax together with the state of IMPACT OF TAXATION – point on which tax
residence. In this case, the treaties make is originally imposed.
it incumbent upon the state of residence
to allow relief in order to avoid double INCIDENCE OF TAXATION – point on which
taxation. (Commissioner of Internal the tax burden finally rests or settles down.
Revenue v. S.C. Johnson and Son, Inc.)
TAX AVOIDANCE - the exploitation by the
• There are two methods of relief — the taxpayer of legally permissible alternative tax
exemption method and the credit rates or methods of assessing taxable property
method. In the exemption method, the or income, in order to avoid or reduce tax
income or capital which is taxable in the liability.
state of source or situs is exempted in
the state of residence, although in some • The legal right of a taxpayer to decrease
instances it may be taken into account in the amount of what otherwise could be
determining the rate of tax applicable to his taxes or altogether avoid them, by
the taxpayer's remaining income or means which the law permits, cannot be
capital. doubted. (Delpher Trades Corp. v.
Intermediate Appellate Court)
be strictly construed, and the same must
TAX EVASION – use by the taxpayer of illegal or be coached in clear and unmistakable
fraudulent means to defeat or lessen the terms in order that it may be applied.
payment of the tax. (Luzon Stevedoring Corp. v. Court of Tax
• Since fraud is a state of mind, it need not
be proved by direct evidence but may be
inferred from the circumstances of the REVOCATION OF TAX EXEMPTION
case. The failure of the appellant to • Since taxation is the rule and exemption
declare for taxation purposes his true therefrom the exception, the exemption
and actual income derived from his may thus be withdrawn at the pleasure
furniture business for two consecutive of the taxing authority. The only
years is an indication of his fraudulent exception to this rule is where the
intent to cheat the Government of its exemption was granted to private
taxes. (Republic v. Gonzales) parties based on material consideration
of a mutual nature, which then becomes
• It should be emphasized that while tax contractual and is thus covered by the
avoidance schemes and arrangements non-impairment claim of the
are not prohibited, tax laws cannot be Constitution. (Mactan Cebu
circumvented in order to evade the International Airport Authority v.
payment of just taxes. (Commissioner of Marcos)
Internal Revenue v. Lincoln Philippine
Life Insurance Co., Inc.)
TAX EXEMPTION - It is the grant of immunity to PROSPECTIVITY OF TAX LAWS
particular persons or corporations or to persons • It is established that tax laws are
or corporations of a particular class from a tax prospective in application, unless it is
which persons and corporations generally within expressly provided to apply retroactively
the same state or taxing district are obliged to (Pansacola v. Commissioner of Internal
pay. Revenue)


• Laws granting tax exemption are GR: Rulings are not retroactive if they
construed strictissimi juris against the are prejudicial to the taxpayer. (Sec. 246,
taxpayer and liberally in favor of the NIRC)
taxing authority. EX:
1. Where the taxpayer deliberately
Taxation is the rule and exemption is the misstates or omits material facts
exception. from his return or any document
required of him by the BIR.
The law does not look with favor on tax 2. Where the facts subsequently
exemptions and that he who would seek gathered by the BIR is materially
to be thus privileged must justify it by different from the facts on which the
words to plain to be mistaken and too ruling is based.
categorical to be misinterpreted. 3. Where the taxpayer acted in bad
• He who claims an exemption must be
able to point out some provision of law
creating the right; it cannot be allowed
to exist upon a mere vague implication
or inference. (Floro Cement Corp. v.

• As the power of taxation is a high

prerogative of sovereignty, the
relinquishment is never presumed and
any reduction or diminution thereof
with respect to its mode or its rate, must
• There can be no off-setting of taxes • A tax amnesty, being a general pardon or
against the claims that the taxpayer may intentional overlooking by the State of
have against the government. A person its authority to impose penalties on
cannot refuse to pay a tax on the ground persons otherwise guilty of evasion or
that the government owes him an violation of a revenue or tax law,
amount equal to or greater than the tax partakes of an absolute forgiveness or
being collected. (Francia v. Intermediate waiver by the Government of its right to
Appellate Court) collect what otherwise would be due it,
particularly to give tax evaders, who
• Internal Revenue Taxes, such as forest wish to relent and are willing to reform a
charges, cannot be the subject of set-off chance to do so. (Republic v.
or compensation. It is because taxes are Intermediate Appellate Court)
not in the nature of contracts between
the parties but grow out of a duty to, and
are positive acts of, the government, to
the making and enforcing of which, the
personal consent of the individual
taxpayer is not required. (Republic v.
Mambulao Lumber Co.)

• When both obligations are due and

demandable as well as fully liquidated
and all the requisites for a valid
compensation are present,
compensation takes place by operation
of law, and both debts are extinguished
to the concurrent amount. (Domingo v.

• To constitute a taxpayer's suit, two
requisites must be met, namely, that
public funds are disbursed by a political
subdivision or instrumentality in doing
so, a law is violated or some irregularity
is committed, and that the petitioner is
directly affected by the alleged ultra
vires act. (Bagatsing v. San Juan)

• The prevailing doctrine in taxpayer's

suits is to allow taxpayers to question
contracts entered into by the national
government or government-owned or
controlled corporations allegedly in
contravention of law.

A taxpayer is allowed to sue where there

is a claim that public funds are illegally
disbursed, or that public money is being
deflected to any improper purpose, or
that there is a wastage of public funds
through the enforcement of an invalid or
unconstitutional law (Abaya v. Ebdane,

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