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eldritch s. (GM): so what did you think of last session, eh?

Mobile L: wowoweewaa was a VERY NAISE

That reveal
And then the shit with Naomi
eldritch s. (GM): wat did you think she was going to reveal
Mobile L: I thought she was gonna go into detail about how responsible she was for
Gab almost dying
eldritch s. (GM): were you shocked
Mobile L: I was
I didn't see that coming at all
But it makes sense in retrospect
There were subtle little hints
eldritch s. (GM): it pleases me
remember when we were watching the nutshack
and i asked you the last time you saw a trans character depicted with any taste
Mobile L: I had seen one...!
Steph passes very well
eldritch s. (GM): yes
if naomi knew
when she found out
she would
Faceless One: ... futanari...
Mobile L: "A REAL LIFE FUTA?!?! NAH-NEE?!?"
(giant sweatdrop)
eldritch s. (GM): what did you think of the naomishit too
Mobile L: It warmed the cockles of my heart
Forrest is such a sweet person
But he's stealth-sweet
eldritch s. (GM): sneaks it in
Mobile L: I love him so much
I do wonder if Jaime is gonna change his mind now that he knows Steph is a futa
It's a really big thing to be hit with
eldritch s. (GM): flat-chested futa
with no vag
Mobile L: At least she's kawaii... :,(
eldritch s. (GM): she has that
Mobile L: Fox pointed it out
Gab is the only PC with a vag
eldritch s. (GM): she is

eldritch s. (GM) looks at forrest

eldritch s. (GM): ftm....
it occurs to me
when the the snake came off
snakelady was stark naked
Mobile L: She was
Gabby was too fricked up to care about seeing her tits
eldritch s. (GM): snakelady doesn't give a shit
it's like a dog
a dog seeing you naked isn't really that troubling
Mobile L: Snakelady, if nothing else, is understanding
eldritch s. (GM): if gabby wasn't so fucked up and she saw nude how would she react
Gabby: Mild discomfort, she'd probs avert her eyes
Mobile L: frick
eldritch s. (GM): thanks gab
Gabby: snake boobies,,,,,, yumyumyumyum >;)
eldritch s. (GM): naomi is doing better, would that make gab happy to know
Mobile L: It would make her a great deal happier
eldritch s. (GM): snakelady's boobs probs do have some scales amd shit on them
Mobile L: Nature's pasties
This knowledge would give her hope
Because Naomi not coming back okay shook her entire worldview very hard
eldritch s. (GM): is it going to change
Mobile L: It may have been altered somewhat
eldritch s. (GM): now and then
Mobile L: The knowledge that Naomi's doing better will keep her from completely
abandoning her dreams of the future, though
Still has great hair
eldritch s. (GM): she's blessed
Mobile L: Gabby needs to make her a robot face
eldritch s. (GM): mu is doing that
Mobile L: Then Gab must...
have a face-off
eldritch s. (GM): ha
Mobile L: I hope the new face looks anime
naomi's mom...
Lucille Way: good thing my weeb kid isn't dead
so we can be weeb family
Mobile L: :,)
Lucille Way: my favorite anim is monster musume
Gabby: ew no, naomi's mom...
Loren Freeman: i went to school with naomimom
Gabby: do you like monster musume?
Loren Freeman: no
Aaron Ljungborg: i'm a rapist
Gabby: frick off
Aaron Ljungborg: i'm in a wheelchair
i can't get an erection anymore
Gabby: frick off anyway
Lady of Lethe: i'm going to appear soon!
Gabby: oooo!
Mobile L: Oh my God
Hig just informed me
The Brazilians apparently think a Brazilian guy invented the airplane and not the
Wright Brothers
Lady of Lethe: hahahahaha
Mobile L: He saw "a guy who looks like Borat suspended from a plane, waving" and
heard a voice over detailing this on the Olympics
Lady of Lethe: good
Mrs. Karloman: what kind of person do you think i am
Mobile L: Vaguely shifty
Iblis: twenty years
who is your fave npc
Mobile L: I like Jasper and Anton
Iblis: social links
Mobile L: Shitkid is nice too
She reminds me vaguely of AdEVA!Illya
Lel Shitkid: i like illya!
Mobile L: They need to be friends
Lel Shitkid: they'd be great pal
Mobile L: They could go to a One Direction concert
Lel Shitkid: i like sunn o)))
Mobile L: "Heckie yeah!"
Lel Shitkid: what would illya think of sunn o)))
Mobile L: She'd find it spooky and unnerving, but would think it'd be good
inspiration music for D'eelzebub and his evil minions
Lel Shitkid: shitkid would like illya's story
Mobile L: c:
Hawthorne is good people for not accepting Lachance's resignation
Lel Shitkid: what do you think's up with iblis
Mobile L: Steph's mom pissed him off
He's obviously been around before that, but she did something especially bad to him
and he's obsessed now
Lel Shitkid: twenty years
Mobile L: That's deeply fascinating
Iblis: what do you think is up with him and steph's dad
Mobile L: I think he takes this guise mainly to upset Steph/get back at Steph's mom
for whatever it was she did
Iblis: this played during the reveal
Mobile L: Ooooooh
That's a very pretty piece
Iblis: so let's go over issues that have been addressed in this roll20:
trans issues
has suicide been discussed?
Mobile L: Gabby was gonna (kinda) an hero for Naomi
Iblis: a bit an hero yeah
good thing snakelady was nice to her
Mobile L: Gabby is willing to take what she said to heart because she's clearly a
powerful being who has been through/seen some shit
Like for a while there
Gabby was genuinely convinced that she and everything she stood for was bad
Iblis: that's very sad
Mobile L: She's just anchored herself so hard to the singularity and making the
future good by ending death
Iblis: so anything that attacks that idea basically attacks her
Mobile L: Pretty much, yeah. She's already committed herself to a career and a role
in the world, at the age of 14, and she's very stubborn
She's honestly surprised at herself for making friends
She was afraid it would slow her down
Iblis: she's very sweet
Mobile L: c:
She just wants to save the world from death and not let it ever take a person
before their time again
Iblis: good luck with that
Gabby: i can do it...!
Scientist: i'm an actual scientist and that's a crock of shit
Gabby: i'll show you...!
Scientist: good session
Mobile L: Shit yes
Albert Hindenburg: Basketball!
Steph: Basketball!
Gabby: Basket-frickin'-BALL!!!
Space: third heaven is a good 'welcome back to home space' tift
a pleasant surprise
Albert Hindenburg: tift
you're fucking retard
Space: gift
Fawkes M.: tift
I was just gonna say
Gabby: It's a gift, but it's also a tiddy
Space: best kinda gift
Mobile L: "Penis!!"
Fawkes M.: New... OP...?
Steph: :)
Jaime: i still need to come to terms with your penis
Steph: you got time
Iblis: So very little time.
Steph: no you got time
Jaime: yeah, yeah
we'll be safe from iblis as long as princess elise doesn't cry
Steph: :'(
Iblis: useless CUNT
Jaime: yeah, like
she witnessed the world end and didn't shed a tear
and then she sees a hedgehog die and then comes the waterworks
Steph: :''(

Lady of Lethe jams to make the OP

Mac D.: hwoah dear everything went fuckin apeshit
Jaime: lsd
Mac D.: i'm alright
Forrest: darkness
imprisoning me
al that i see
absolute horror
Narrator : The next day dawns.
Sleep leaves our heroes.
Forrest: ....
Narrator : Yesterday was a trying day.

Forrest opens his tired eyes

Narrator : Tomorrow may never come.
Forrest: .....
Narrator : Now they must face today.

Forrest today's gonna suck

Gabby: …
Jaime: .........

Steph stares at her wall, curled up in a pile of blankets

Jaime got a good forty minutes of sleep last night

Steph: .....

Gabby slowly awakens, substantially more rested than she was yesterday

Forrest sits up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and shaking out the cobwebs

Jaime good omen, good omen

Narrator : Jaime slept under the watchful, red eye on his wall, the glow of which
smoldered under the poster he'd set over it.

Gabby still feels the lingering negativity from yesterday, but gets up, showers and
goes to get a good change of clothes on
Mobile L: oh SHEIT
Narrator : It had been there since that night terror.
But it seemed yet brighter now.
Steph: ...

Steph nothing to be done now

Forrest sits in his bed for a moment, his body demanding it stay right there
Forrest: ....

Steph goes to do her morning routine

Jaime: ...Fuck off.
Narrator : Steph goes about her morning.

Forrest eventually manages to get out of bed and into a set of clothes
Narrator : The eye continues to observe.

Jaime literally rrrrrrolls out of bed, not mustering the will to throw a pillow at
the eye
Narrator : Forrest sees that Naomi had fallen asleep in his room watching anime.

Jaime goes to commence his own morning routine, with 400% more coffee
Narrator : Gabby hears her father leave the house downstairs.
rolling 1d20
= 2
They're all out of coffee.

Steph makes doubly sure to shave closely today

Forrest: .......
Narrator : Jaime sees his father, staring at the pantry, annoyed.
Johann Lancaster: ...

Steph looks at herself in the mirror, washes her face, and heads downstairs

Forrest makes an effort to get ready whilst moving around Naomi

Johann Lancaster: We had at least a week's supply in stock.
Jaime: ...Of coffee, or...?
Johann Lancaster: Coffee.
Jaime: ...
Gabby: …!
Johann Lancaster: Your brother must have seen to that.

Johann Lancaster closes the pantry door

Johann Lancaster: I'm late.

Gabby gets the compulsion to run in there and try to catch him before he's gone
Johann Lancaster: thursday
Jaime: ...Alright, uh, bye.

Jaime sleeeeepy
Narrator : does gabby act on it
Gabby: oop yep
Johann Lancaster: I will be home this evening.


Forrest groans a bit as he remembers that today is a day of School

Johann Lancaster: I am leaving early.

Johann Lancaster walks out the door without another word

Douglas stops

Douglas turns
Douglas: Oh, hi Gabby!

Douglas smiles somewhat

Forrest walks into the bathroom and splashes water on his face
Gabby: ...Hey, uh... Good morning, Dad. 'Bout to leave?
Douglas: Yeah...
Jaime: .....
Douglas: Got a part time job here, figured I might as well before I head to the

Jaime staggers up to his room, trying to look for where he stashed Lachance's
coffee beans from the trial
Narrator : Eureka!
The beans are yours for the taking!
Gabby: Ooh, heck yeah! That's–... Yeah, that oughtta be good beginning experience.
Where's it at?
Douglas: Library needs a janitor.

Forrest then heads downstairs for some BREAK FAST

Jaime thar we go
Douglas: Last one quit or something.



Narrator : rolling 1d20 + 20
= 23
Even if Jaime fucked it up really badly.
The beans are so good.
It doesn't even matter.
Fawkes M.: +20
Mobile L: Based coffee
Space: that's a damn fine roast

Jaime siiiiiiiiiiiip

Jaime goes to make breakfast as he lets the caffeine from the EX-rank coffee kick

Ronald Karling re-enters the Karling/Karloman home

Gabby: Frick, that's cool... Uh, maybe I could, like, swing by and visit you
sometimes, yeah? While you're, like... janitoring and stuff. I really like that

Ronald Karling finished his morning jaunt

Steph is already getting herself breakfast

Douglas: Sure, that sounds great.
Steph: Hey, grandpa...

Loren Freeman ambles int othe bathroom, rubbing her eyes

Forrest looks up from his bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch

Forrest: ...Mornin', Mom.
Loren Freeman: Mornin', son.
Forrest: .......
Loren Freeman: I'm bushed, jeeze louise...
Forrest: ........Another long day?
Narrator : Jaime trips on coffee
Ronald Karling: Hello, Stephanie.
Are you ready for the day's activities?
Gabby: Heck yeah... Uh. I'm frickin'... I'm gonna get going to school now, Dad.
Good luck and work and everything, okay?

Jaime this is good, this is good, who the hell needs a proper breakfast...
Ronald Karling: I have an interesting feeling about this one, Steph, right in my

Jaime looks at the clock

Douglas: Okay.
Love you, Gabby.
Steph: I'm, uh...

Steph chuckles
Steph: Yeah, yeah, you bet I am...
Gabby: Love you too!
Narrator : It's time to go to school, that's what time it is, Jaime, you chode.
Mac D.: this bell frightens me

Ronald Karling looks at her

Ronald Karling: ...

Jaime dammit

Steph focuses intently on making breakfast

Gabby scurries out... then looks to check and see if anyone replied to her mass

Jaime goes to grab his schoolbag before heading out

Ronald Karling: It's a good thing for you I'm retired.
I can't detect anymore.
Steph: ...Yeah, I can't really fool you, huh...?
Loren Freeman: Things are getting crazy at the office... God...
Got something big going on.
Forrest: ......Something....big?
Narrator : Jaime heads out of his house, seeing Suzie Rain, his neighbour, leaving
She blows her nose and seems quite ill
did anyone check their phone this morning
if so, they got a text from gabby you can read in the handouts section

Steph didn't yet

Ronald Karling: Maybe when I'm senile, Stephanie, maybe when I'm senile.

Jaime realizes he has yet to check his phone, but first he tries to see if he can
pass by Suzie
Forrest: .....

Forrest checks phone

Narrator : by pass by, do you mean "avoid" or "visit"
Steph: ...Jaime, uh... he told me he has a crush on me. So, I mean... I mean, I had
to tell the truth, you know? I like him too, and he has a right to know, if he
wants things to be... an actual relationship, you know.

Gabby anxiously keeps peeking down at her phone as she walks

Forrest: .......?

Forrest notices Gabby's text

Gabby: ...Frick, are they all okay...?
Steph: He didn't... really react very well, I don't think.
Loren Freeman: ... But! You shouldn't worry!
I'm just going to be pulling overtime.

Forrest ah yes, gabby, his fellow classmate......classmate......class.

Forrest: .....

Forrest checks the clock

Jaime walk past, but allowing her to greet if she wishes

Narrator : Time to go, chode
Forrest: ....

Forrest aw FUCK

Suzie nods

Forrest drinks up his bowl a' milk and gets up

Suzie sneezes into a hanket

Suzie: ... Morning...
Forrest: I gotta head to school now, Mom.
Suzie: *hankey

Loren Freeman huds

Loren Freeman: Stay safe, champ.
Forrest: I will, you too.


Jaime: ...Morning.

Ronald Karling nods, slowly

Ronald Karling: You'll never know unless you see.

Jaime slows down with his walking speed, though doesn't stop
Ronald Karling: What you did was brave, though, and it was right.
You always have to do the right thing, just remember that, even if it's hard.

Ronald Karling strokes his beard in thought

Steph nods, as well

Suzie begins walking with him

Suzie: Might want to keep a distance. I'm still not so well.
Steph: ...It'll be... a little tough seeing him at school, I think.
Steph starts eating breakfast
Ronald Karling: If you really care about him, and he really cares about you, it'll
all turn out.
Jaime: How long have you been sick?
Suzie: Yesterday was the worst.
It came on quickly.
I had some trouble moving around.
Steph: I hope so...
...Thanks, Grandpa.
Ronald Karling: You're always welcome.

Steph idly looks at the clock

Jaime: You sure not calling sick is a good idea?
Gabby: …

Gabby is growing more and more worried as she hurries off to school

Forrest groans as he walks, his fat, tired body rejecting this much movement this
soon after waking up
Suzie: I did yesterday.
Gabby: ...Friiiiick, if I... If I frickin' missed something while I was moping and
trying to unfrick things... Oh God...
Jaime: ...Alright, I guess.
Narrator : All the students pile into the school and the classrooms.

Forrest FLOPS into his desk

Jaime stops at the doorway when he realizes his desk is somewhere close to Steph's
Jaime: .....

Steph goes to take her seat, trying to look like today's Just A Normal Day
Mac D.: roll to hide the pain and terror
Narrator : do it
There is an.
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + -1
= 5
Narrator : Utter disaster in the hall.
Space: oh ...
Narrator : Fuckin have fun with that tranny

Jaime play it cool, play it cool...

Narrator : A water fountain exploded as Glass inspected it.

Steph wipes her eyes with her sleeve

Mac D.: front row seat for boy ass
Narrator : There is a huge commotion
Forrest: ......

Forrest glances towards his accquaintences on the other side of class

Steph buries herself in her notebook, busying herself with writing to the exclusion
of anything else
Narrator : The entire staff are mobbing the man.
Mac D.: did they tackle him to the ground and just start beating him
Jaime: ...

Jaime reaches for his phone

Forrest: ........
Jaime: .....
Gabby: …!

Forrest briefly wonders if this horrible misfortune brought onto another human
being will convenience him today and make classes be skipped
Narrator : Class is clearly going to start late today.

Jaime oh hey, gabbytext

Gabby sees HER FRIENS and hurries into the classroom, relieved, but now mightily
confused as to why they didn't answer

Steph writewritewritewritewrite

Steph 's pencil lead breaks

Gabby: …

Gabby worriedly observes each and every friend for damage or harm

Steph is looking like she had a really very rough night

Jaime is just browsing through really old text messages, particularly his text
chain with Steph
Narrator : Shouting from the hall.
Mr. Schmidt: Christ- is that a fire!?

Forrest looks pretty much his usual self, looking at Steph

Mr. Schmidt: Put him out!

Jaime don't give a fuck about the commotion outside, Gabby

Forrest: .......

Forrest glances at the very ill suzie in front of him

Ms. Guildenstern: My leg!

Suzie coughs heavily into her tissues

Forrest: ......

Steph puts her pencil away, snapping her notebook shut

Steph is only dimly aware of the commotion outside

Forrest scoots slightly away from Suzie before looking back at Steph and Jaime and

Steph checks her phone

Steph: ...

Steph looks over his shoulder at Gabby

Steph: *her
Mac D.: wow you fucking cis male
Suzie: fuck you
Space: i can't believe i misgendered stephanie karloman
Mac D.: smh
Suzie: biggot

Jaime just puts his phone away, after a little bit more of looking at that text
Forrest: ....
Gabby: …

Gabby looks and sounds a lot less languid than she did yesterday, but she seems
very concerned
Steph: ...I, uh, got your text, Gab... thanks for that.

Steph holds up her phone a little

Jaime: ...Yeah.

Steph looks at Jaime when he speaks

Jaime just looks back over at Gabby, keeping his phone in his pocket
Steph: ...

Steph looks back to Gab

Gabby: ...Hey, no prob. Uh... Are you all okay? Did–... Did something happen...?

Forrest GAB

Steph looks at Jaime again

Forrest: ....
Steph: ...

Forrest then looks at Steph and Jaime again

Steph looks back at Gabby

Steph: Yesterday was just, uh... just a rough day.

Jaime looks back at Forrest

Jaime: ...
Forrest: ......

Forrest 's eyes shift to Jaime, meeting his gaze

Jaime: .....

Jaime just looks back towards the empty teacher's desk

Narrator : A fat man enters.
Forrest: ....

Forrest then looks and sees THE FACE OF TYRANNY

Forrest: ....

Forrest narrows his eyes slightly

Martin Witherburg puffs on his cigar

Martin Witherburg: Children!
Jaime: .....
Martin Witherburg: Good news, I have recovered from my malady.

Steph ...sports might help, sports'll make you feel better..

Martin Witherburg: And, I understand, the same may be said of one Jaime
Steph: ...
Jaime: .....

Jaime ...fuck.
Martin Witherburg: My boy!
Welcome to the Beavers!
Fairer news still- I've taken the liberty of collecting all of your measurements.
Your sports uniforms are ready for today's practice.
And, perhaps the fairest news...

Martin Witherburg puffs

Martin Witherburg: Mr. Freeman.
Gabby: …
Forrest: .....
Martin Witherburg: I have parental consent to have you on our team, isn't that
Jaime: . . .
Forrest: ........

Gabby listens intently and hopes baskitborl will help raise everyone's spirits

Forrest narrows his eyes

Forrest: ....I didn't hear anything about this.

Martin Witherburg already has the sheet out

Martin Witherburg hands it to him

Forrest: ........

Forrest looks at the sheet

Martin Witherburg: there it is
bryce freeman's signature
Steph: ...
Forrest: .........

Steph feels uncomfortable with the mention of measurements

Steph it's probably nothing...?

Forrest looks up at Martin, filled with disdain

Martin Witherburg has the cockiest british face

Forrest: I demand a phonecall.

Martin Witherburg gestures for him to hand it back

Martin Witherburg: That's not my position to give, my boy.
rolling 1d20 + 20
= 21
hold on
rolling 1d20
= 11

Martin Witherburg 's jovial british voice cheers everyone by Forrest up.
Martin Witherburg: by some measure, anyway
Forrest: Then excuse me for a moment, Mister Witherburg.
Gabby: …

Steph feels less worried now, and can't help but smile a little bit

Gabby is silently all "...c... c'mon forrest... d-don't you wanna get
healthy...? :c"

Martin Witherburg puffs on his cigar

Martin Witherburg: Go on, my boy.

Forrest slides out of his chair and moves to a corner, pulling out his cell phone
and calling Pops
Jaime: ...

Bryce Freeman picks up just before it goes to voicemail

Jaime is just watching Forrest, elbow on his desk and hand on his chin
Steph: ...He really doesn't wanna do sports, huh...?
Bryce Freeman: Uh, hello...?
Forrest: (Dad, did you sign me up for basketball?)
Bryce Freeman: Uh... maybe...?
Forrest: (Mayb-......Did you sign anything anybody gave you, recently?)
Bryce Freeman: A- uh, yes! A nice British guy came up to me and told me he needed
my signature for some school stuff.
Forrest: (Dad, that was to sign me up for the basketball team. I told him I didn't
want to do it.)
Bryce Freeman: ... Oh.
Listen -
Oh, uh, coming- Mr. Kielsen!
Sorry, work!

Bryce Freeman hangs up

Forrest: ......
Gabby: …

Forrest puts his phone away

Martin Witherburg hums Rule, Britannia

Forrest turns his head back toward Martin, eyes filled with the blackest hate
Martin Witherburg: Well, I wish all of you a good day!
I'll be waiting in the gymnasium after school.

Martin Witherburg heads out

Forrest looks to be in a much fouler mood, now

Jaime watches him go, looking at the door to the classroom for a few more seconds

Ms. Guildenstern pops in

Ms. Guildenstern: Hey, kids.
Ms. Guildenstern limps slightly
Forrest: nice pegleg
Ms. Guildenstern: There was an accident.
Forrest: .......
Gabby: …
Jaime: .....
Ms. Guildenstern: So.
... Today's a creative writing day!
Everyone make a story.
Forrest: .....
Ms. Guildenstern: If you're strapped for ideas, the topic is...

Ms. Guildenstern flips to a random page in the textbook

Ms. Guildenstern: rolling 1d20
= 15

Steph brightens significantly

Ms. Guildenstern: give me a 15 roll topic

Steph loves creative writing

Forrest: sports
Fawkes M.: Frick, I only know topics for 9 and lower
Ms. Guildenstern: useless people
... History!
Just that word.
No specific connotation.
Just history.
Gabby: …

Gabby ...frrrrrrICK... gotta... gotta THINK...

Gabby ugh... still kinda tired... not fond of history... worried about literally
everyone around me... F R I C K
Ms. Guildenstern: roll mind or spirit for storytiem
Forrest: .......
Ms. Guildenstern: steph gets increase because writing experience

Forrest decides to compose a piece on the history of basketball

Forrest its dirty, seedy, criminal history, a damning piece on the ills of the
sport and its contribution to the woes of the world

Jaime hi-story.....
Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 26
Space: sorry dad called

Gabby opts to write about her family history and tries so hard to make it come out
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 2
Gabby: rolling 3d20 + 2
= 33
Space: jesus
Mobile L: Steph is Not Feeling It
Mac D.: it slowly devolves into ALL WORK AND NO PLAY

Steph tries her best to write a nice story about her family to cheer herself up

Jaime distinctly remembers Disney's Hercules from his childhood... why not that
Jaime: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1}
= 16
Ms. Guildenstern: Steph's story slowly devolves into "ALL WORK AND NO PLAY"
Steph: ...

Steph sets her pencil down, rubbing her face

Mac D.: "gabby, give me the bat"
Narrator : Jaime writes a really good Hercules fanfic.
Gabby knows her story better than anyone, and makes something interesting.
Forrest is just super mad and isn't thinking straight so the story sucks.
Forrest: .....

Forrest angrily caps the pen and just sets it down

Mobile L: Hercules fanfic
Three mighty penises
Anton: rolling 3d20 + 1
= 35
Jaime: yes, indeed

Anton writes a good, Hungarian adventure

Space: penis fixation
Jasper: rolling 3d20 + 1
= 7

Jasper also devolves into ALL WORK AND NO PLAY

Jaime writes the last few words about Hercules' dying thoughts, after that boy used
his own sword to kill him and he hesitated on the counterattack due to a single,
sad memory...
Jason: rolling 3d20
= 46

Jason fucking has siphoned all of Steph's creativity

Jason creates a simply awe-inspiring piece about Canadian history

Gabby cannot help but smile a little at the bit about how her grandparents settled
into Canada... man... she's gotta show them after school...
Mac D.: succ'd it right out of her cock
Steph: ;)
Suzie: rolling 3d20 + 1
= 29

Suzie creates something very adequate about English history

Forrest rubs his face in frustration, unable to get over this OUTRAGE....
Gabby: …
Nathan: rolling 3d20 + -1
= 21

Gabby looks worriedly over at Forrest

Nathan tried
Gabby: …
Lilly: rolling 3d20
= 53
Space: nathan... :(

Steph is really frustrated with herself

Lilly wrote a fucking brilliant piece about Marco Polo in China, clearly deeply
smitten with the time and the mood of it

Steph sighs

Gabby thinks back on how he comforted her in her time of need and realizes that
they're now sitting too far apart for her to do the same
Gabby: …
Narrator : Ms. Guildenstern collects them and marks them without statement.

Gabby why... why must I suck so bad at helping my friends with their stuff...?

Steph does not look at Guildenstern when she hands it in, disappointed in herself

Forrest cannot handle this.....handle this DEFEAT

Jaime is glad, finally relieved of his stress - a piece like this will definitely
earn Steph's interest
Jaime: ...

Jaime welp
Forrest: ......

Forrest glances up at Jaime and Steffu again

Gabby wishes there was something she could do for all her friends while they're so
Gabby: …

Gabby nervously kicks her feet

Ms. Guildenstern smiles

Gabby: …
Ms. Guildenstern: These are all amazin!
I loved them all!
Steph: ...?

Steph looks at her, surprised

Ms. Guildenstern: Stephanie, did you and Jasper work together, look at this.
Forrest: .......

Ms. Guildenstern points at their stories

Forrest eyes up at Guildenstern

Steph: ...Oh. Oh...

Ms. Guildenstern they both devolve into "ALL WORK AND NO PLAY"

Forrest raises an eyebrow, considering he basically gave up on his halfway through

Jaime just files his paper back into his notebook, before looking back up at The

Steph looks at Jasper

Ms. Guildenstern jasper's story continues references to steph's in parts, as if she

was watching

Jasper has a tiny smile

Ms. Guildenstern: And, god, Gabby, I had no idea your family history was so...
And I loved the Hercules one, I love the Greek stories!
Gabby: …

Gabby smiles too

Jaime: .....
Ms. Guildenstern: And the Basketball one was very funny!

Steph looks down at Jasper's story for a moment, before looking back up at her and
Ms. Guildenstern: Good use of ironic grammatical errors!
Steph: That's, uh... thanks for the save there.

Ms. Guildenstern just heaps praise on the whole class

Forrest: ............
Jasper: I figured you needed a hand.

Forrest Dark Forrestface

Gabby really cannot help but smile

Gabby: …
Steph: Well, it's clever. I owe you one, haha...

Gabby sees that Forrest is still sad and then the smile fades
Gabby: …

Gabby God... God, how to cheer him up...?

Steph still low-key is a bit glum, even as she 'hahas'

Gabby: …

Gabby fidget... fidget... FIDGET...

Jaime isn't smiling, just also fidgeting

Forrest: ............

Gabby God... LIke... this is something you ask your friends for advice on... but
your friends... your friends ARE the sad people... and...
Jasper nods

Gabby ...a-and Ken's not here...

Gabby Ken would... know what to do... GODDDDD

Narrator : The class ends.
Steve: ken has the syphilis, Gabby
Narrator : Guildenstern leaves.


Forrest stirs in his hate

Space: steve
Narrator : There's some talking outside.
Forrest: .......


Forrest turns and looks toward the doorway


Mr. Rosencrantz heads in, chipper

Jaime: .....
Forrest: ........
Mr. Rosencrantz: Hey, k- JEEZ

Jaime what's up with the chipper, huh...

Jaime oh

Mr. Rosencrantz trips and eats shit

Gabby: …!
Space: --?
Forrest: .......
Gabby: ...Ooh, frick, are you okay!

Space looks at the Rosencrantz

Mr. Rosencrantz: ... Yeah.
They can't take my dignity!
Forrest: .....
Mr. Rosencrantz: I have a hankerin' for...
Steph: *no me
Mr. Rosencrantz: Improvisation!

Forrest sinks deeper into the abyss, being forced to ACT once again
Mr. Rosencrantz: We're going to do party guests- so...
The guest must guess who the three people who have come to their party are.
Who wants to be the guest?

Forrest attempts to become invisible

Steph figures it's a 50/50 chance if this'll cheer her up or ruin her day some more
Mr. Rosencrantz: Anyone? Come one, come all!
If you don't volunteer, you'll be voluntold!

Jaime wouldn't take the baton, even before yesterday

Forrest sinks into his desk, dead-set on being unseen

Mr. Rosencrantz points at Forrest

Steph is not really keen on taking this one, tho-- oh thank goodness
Mr. Rosencrantz: You are the lucky winner!

Forrest F U C K
Forrest: ....................
Mr. Rosencrantz: Alright, stand outside, Forrest.
Forrest: ......

Forrest gets up, and walks outside, fuming with silent rage

Narrator : Outside, Hawthorne and Quest are speaking.
Forrest: .......


Forrest glances at their conversation

Narrator : Quest is talking... about... a war...?
Forrest: .......

Jaime is feeling less bad due to subsequent events happening to Forrest today, for
some odd reason
Narrator : Hawthorne nods, sympathetic.
Forrest: {...A war?}
Officer Quest: It was terrible.
Mobile L: (Pardon me for a moment, gonna write the next positito)
Officer Quest: It as impossible to tell the difference between a combatant and a
Forrest: .................
Officer Quest: You had to train the local forces to respect basic human rights.
They were all monsters, in the end, I think.
Forrest: ......

Steph is hardly even noticing that other people are feeling bad
Mr. Rosencrantz: Now...!
Who is coming to our little party...?
Steph: ...

Steph raises her hand

Jaime just puts his hand on his chin again

Jaime ever-so-slightly averts his gaze from Steph after she raises her hand
Mr. Hawthorne: So I've been told.

Steph has a dick, jaime, do you remember her telling you that
Mr. Hawthorne: My own boy went with the RCMP to Kosovo.
Forrest: ....?
Mr. Hawthorne: Had to train local police, and all that.
It was just as bad, they tell me.
Total disregard for human life.
But the situation seems to be improving, isn't it...?
Jaime course he does

Jaime course he does...

Officer Quest: I'm unsure.
I don't want to think about the people anymore.
Forrest: ...........

Forrest makes a huge mental note to take notes on this

Officer Quest: I-

Officer Quest sees Forrest

Officer Quest: ...
Forrest: ...-
Officer Quest: Hello.

Forrest quickly turns his gaze to the wall in front of him

Rosencrantz: ......................................................................

Forrest looks back at Quest, trying to play himself off

Forrest: ...Hello, officer.

Mr. Rosencrantz tugs on his collar a bit

Steph: ...?

Steph lowers her hand a little

Mr. Rosencrantz: Oh! I thought you were stretching!
Jaime: .....
Mr. Rosencrantz: Alright, that's one, that's one, we need two more!
Gabby: …
Officer Quest: Keeping out of trouble, I hope

Gabby raises her hand for solidarity with Forrest and Steph, hoping this will help
maybe a little
Mr. Rosencrantz: Great, and one -

Lilly raises hers

Mr. Rosencrantz: There we go!
Forrest: Oh, absolutely, officer.

Steph looks around at the ppl who're raising their hands

Mr. Rosencrantz: Alright, who are our three guests!
Jaime: ...
Mr. Rosencrantz: Any ideas or suggestions for characters or personalities?
Mr. Hawthorne: Mr. Freeman here is a fine young man, officer, you'll find no
trouble from him!
Gabby: ...Uh... I'll be, like...

Gabby finger to chin, pensive face

Steph: I'll... uh...

Jasper whispers to Jaime

Steph tries to think of something

Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 13
Jasper: Was it you-know-who...?

Jasper smiles, very coyly

Jaime: .....
Narrator : i'm not giving suggestion

Jaime just looks back at her, hardly even inquisitive

Steph: ...A secret agent, from... the Soviet Union?
Gabby: ...A cop, come to respond to a complaint of a public disturbance.
Narrator : rolling 1d20
= 13
what should lilly be
rolling 1d20
= 4
give me a 4 response
Fawkes M.: Literally Gilgamesh
Narrator : yeah
that's good
Lilly: I am Gilgamesh, King of Uruk!

Steph looks at Lilly

Steph can't help but smile again at that, jsut out of nowhere response
Forrest: I hope everything's alright. I heard a commotion out in the hall earlier.
Jaime: ...?

Jaime looks over at Lilly, too

Jaime ...did she get that idea from his story last class?

Jaime how did she even look at it, if at all...?

Mr. Rosencrantz: ... Okay!

Jaime strange...
Mr. Rosencrantz: Guests, get out, and come back in one at a time, alright?
Mr. Hawthorne: That was nothing we are liable for stop talking about it please or I
will suffer a terriblecaseofthevapoursohGodIcanfeel-

Mr. Hawthorne breaths into his new Inhaler

Mr. Hawthorne: ...
Forrest: ....

Steph steps outside

Mr. Hawthorne: It was nothing.

Steph looks at Hawthorne

Steph looks at Forrest
Jaime: ...
Mr. Hawthorne: I think I will be having a rest.

Steph looks at Quest

Mr. Hawthorne: Good day to you all.

Steph looks at Hawthorne again

Jaime allows himself to exhale a bit

Steph: ...
Officer Quest: ...
Forrest: ....

Steph shuffles over against the wall

Forrest glances at Steph

Officer Quest takes a few steps back

Steph: ......

Gabby oh frick... QUEST...

Forrest: ......

Gabby play... play it cool... try to give Forrest and Steph good vibes
Lilly: Go on, then, Forrest.
Forrest: ......

Lilly gestures to the classroo

Lilly: m


Forrest glowers as he is forced to return to his misery

Gabby: …

Forrest heads inside

Gabby: :c
Steph: ...What's his problem today...?
Gabby: ...He's sad.
Lilly: Right... who's going in first...?
Gabby: And... and you guys are too...

Jaime watches Forrest enter, silently

Lilly: I don't know- but maybe we can cheer-

Forrest just walks up to the front of the class and turns to stare at the door
Steph: ...
Lilly: Oh, are we talking about that...?
Steph: Um... they're waiting.
Lilly: Thank God, I thought it wa- Oh, right!

Lilly pops in
Steph: ....
Lilly: Mongrel!
Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 33
Gabby: ...'F it's cool, uh, can I go last?
Space: oh my god forrest
Mobile L: Weeb
Steph: Oh -- oh, no, yeah, that's perfectly... yeah, that's okay.
Lilly: Mongrel, you shall not speak that name to myself!

Jaime 's eyes widen a little

Lilly: You sully it with your loathsome tongue!
Gabby: Thanks... uh. We can, like, talk things over at lunch, about the... stuff.

Jaime didn't expect him to pick it up before any actual clues

Forrest: Right- yeah.
Steph: ...I might, uh, sit somewhere else.
I dunno.
Lilly: I have come to this part in search of ephemeral pleasures, do you have any
such things in stock?
Gabby: ...Oh, uh...

Gabby deep concern

Forrest: Yeah, sure.
Lilly: *party
I expect a banquet fit for a king!
Forrest: You got it.
Lilly: Well?
Where is it?

Forrest gestures in a random direction

Forrest: Over there.
Lilly: rolling 1d20
= 16

Lilly doesn't have to talk into a wall

Jasper: How rude of you...
Steph: Never mind. Sorry... thanks for the text.
Jasper: To keep someone waiting...
Lilly: I see no banquet, there is naught here but empty air to satisfy my thirst!
Gabby: ...Sure...
Lilly: Do not trifle with me, petty dog!

Gabby fidget... fidget fidget...

Forrest: It's flavored air.
Lilly: That idea offends my sensibilities.
Forrest: It's a delicacy in India.
Steph: Glad to see you're... doing better, y'know.
Lilly: India- pah!
Those thieves know nothing about civilization and cusine!
I demand only the finest wines of Babylon.
Forrest: There's wine-flavored air. When's the next one coming in?
Lilly: The schedules of my lessers do not concern me in the slightest, mongrel.
Lilly has taken to this role very much
Forrest: Mm.
Jasper: I'm not going to go away if you ignore me.

Forrest is clearly not making an INKLING of an effort

Jaime just watching Lilly pull all the weight of this

Jaime wonder if she's one of those Filthy R P Gers...

Jasper: Lancaster...
Jaime: ...

Jaime looks back at Jasper

Jaime: ...What is it?
Jasper: Did he visit her...?
Jaime: ...
Who, Forrest?
Lilly: Don't make me say it, where's the point in that...
Jasper: i said that

Forrest just watches the door, tapping his foot

Lilly: You should be grovelling at my feet.
Forrest: Bad knees.
Jaime: ...Yeah, he did.

Jaime glances back over at the two-man show with one actor
Lilly: Your frailties do not except you from your duties to me, your king!
Jasper: Tell me more...
Gabby: ...Oh, uh... Thanks, yeah. The stuff that happened at the end of yesterday
kinda helped.

Gabby fiddles with her glasses

Forrest: I don't believe in kings.
Steph: What stuff...?
Lilly: Your belief does not matter- my right to rule is mine alone, and should you
resist it- that same right shall crush you into powder.
Jaime: Weren't you with the rest of us?
Gabby: We, uh... had a nice family dinner, among other things.
Jaime: After school, yesterday.

Gabby is clearly omitting half of it due to Quests

Jasper: I didn't see him.
Officer Quest: ...
Steph: Oh... that's good.
Officer Quest: ...

Officer Quest takes a step forward

Forrest: Wouldn't be the first time I've had my rights violated today...
Jaime: ...After we got kicked out?

Jaime is confused by Jasper's vagueness

Officer Quest: ... Are you two staying out of the Second Heaven.
Jasper: Hmhmhm... you're something, alright...
Gabby: …

Steph shoots a look at him

Jasper whispers right in his ear
Steph: I am...
Jasper: Iblis.
Jaime: .........

Jaime instinctively freezes up for a brief moment, out of surprise more than
Mobile L: SHE NOSE
Lilly: You have no rights!
Lilly: The only thing you are entitled to is what you seize with your own hands!
Officer Quest: ...
You shouldn't be in there.
Gabby: …

Gabby adamant silence

Jaime: ...Why do you want to know?
Officer Quest: It's dangerous for everyone.

Jaime subtly on-guard now

Forrest: .......
Steph: Yeah, no kidding.
Officer Quest: ...
What will it take.
Iblis: I'm curious...
Steph: For what?
Jaime: ruh roh
Jasper: fucking
I'm curious
Lilly: Well? Bow, mongrel.
Gabby: …
Forrest: .....
Officer Quest: For you to listen.
Forrest: Not now, not ever.
Officer Quest: I don't want to keep having to chase you down.
Fawkes M.: Roll what die to lie?
Officer Quest: mind or finesse
Steph: I already told you I haven't been in there, officer...
Jaime: ...I'm not sure. I don't think so.
Lilly: Hmph? Feeling brave?
Jaime: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 1
= 7
Forrest: I will not be the tool of any establishment. Not a king, not a mayor, not
a basketball coach.
Jasper: Hmhmhm...!
Jaime: ...
Jaime subject change attempt GO
Jaime: So what do you think was all that yelling outside?
Lilly: Then I shall destroy you!

Lilly grabs a meterstrick

Space: EA
Lilly: BEHOLD!
Forrest: .....
Lilly: gay shit
Officer Quest: ...

Officer Quest turns and leaves

Steph sighs
Steph: Really don't need this shit today...
Jasper: You're being clever.
Or you think you are.
Lilly: Die!
Fawkes M.: Did she write that on the chalkboard?
Lilly: yes
Jaime: holy shit

Lilly rushes at him

Mobile L: She's a wizard
Space: lilly is like a next-level fan of fate
Forrest: .......
Lilly: what do forrest
Gabby: Frickin'... butthole guy.

Forrest does not want to be hit with a meterstick right now

Gabby: I hate all those cops...

Forrest tries stepping to the side

Steph: Let's just fuckin' see what comes next, huh...?
Lilly: how about your roll faggot
Jaime: ...I don't know why you want to know.
Forrest: rolling 3d20 -1
= 23
Jaime: Why do you?
Mac D.: The Death of Forrest Freeman: A Play In Three Acts
Lilly: HA!
rolling 1d8 + 1
= 6
Mac D.: does she just
Lilly: holy fuck ow
Mac D.: straight up thwack him across the face
Lilly: yes
Forrest: Ag-....fuck-

Forrest clutches at his face and stumbles back

Jasper: Because I'm interested in it.
Forrest: What the fuck.
Lilly: You shall be rewarded for your bravery!
Rewarded with a quick demise!
Forrest: Did you actually just-

Lilly swing
Forrest: ....!!

Forrest attempts to DUCK

Forrest: rolling 3d20 -1
= 25
Fawkes M.: oh ouch
Lilly: rolling 1d8 + 1
= 8

Lilly jesus christ

Forrest: FUCK.
Jaime: ...Fine, yes.
Forrest: Okay, stop.
Space: wouldnt it be something
if this was
the firs tplayer death

Lilly swing
Forrest: I'm done, I'm done. No more.
I'm d-
rolling 3d20 -1
= 26
Lilly: rolling 1d8 + 1
= 2

Lilly glaces him this time

Forrest: GHH-
Forrest blows on his fingers, looking at Mr. Rosencrantz
Jasper: Tell me more...
Forrest: Excuse me.

Mr. Rosencrantz is enthralled by the acting

Mr. Rosencrantz: So... real...
Jaime: ...

Jaime sighs
Forrest: Mr. Rosencrantz tell her to cut it out.

Lilly swing
Forrest: rolling 3d20 -1
= 38
Jaime: He took a bat to the head. Like--

Jaime looks over to the acting going on

Lilly: how does he not get hit this time duff
Jaime: ...Like that, yeah.

Forrest quickly backs out as she swings again

Forrest: I'm serious this isn't funny.

Lilly swing
Forrest: rolling 3d20 -1
= 49
Jasper: What did he say...?
Lilly: what does he do duff, tell me what he does
Forrest: This is going way to f- JUST

Forrest grabs the stick as its rapped across his back and just chucks it across the
Forrest: STOP.
Lilly: ... You dare?
Jaime: ...You know how some movies have villains who threaten to tear them limb
from limb?
Space: he is nearly beaten half to deaf
Forrest: Oh my fucking god.

Lilly goes to punch him

Jaime: Really, it's just things in that--
Gabby: …
Forrest: What-

Jaime o shit punch

Forrest: rolling 3d20-1
= 18
Lilly: rolling 1d8 + 1
= 4
Gabby: ...D–... Hey, is... What the frick's going on in there...?
Steph: Acting... I guess?
Gabby: …

Gabby goes to have a peek


Forrest is punched right in the face just as Gabby walks in

Forrest welp so much for his nose being fixed up

Forrest: am i bleeding again

Mr. Rosencrantz finally comes to his senses when he sees blood

Mr. Rosencrantz: Jesus!
LIlly, stop!
Steph: ...?

Steph looks in
Steph: What? What's happening?

Gabby runs over to Forrest


Lilly sacks Rozencrantz

Lilly: rolling 1d8 + 1
= 7
Steph: ....!!!
Gabby: Frick, frick, frick, are you ok– !!

Steph stands in the doorway, shocked

Forrest is clutching his face when she sees Lilly just nail the shit out of
Forrest: ...Jesus christ.
Jasper: I do.
Gabby: Lily?! Lily, what the FRICK are you DOING?!
Jasper: So, no personal attackd beyond threats?
Lilly: Who is Lilly?
Jaime: ...
Forrest: I'm done, I'm fucking done.
Steph: Um-- he's-- he's actually bleeding...?
Forrest: I'm leaving. I'm done.

Steph goes over to Mr. Rosencrantz's side

Forrest stumbles for the door

Jaime facepalms, Picard-style

Lilly swings at Forrest

Forrest: rolling 3d20 -1
= 39

Steph tries getting around Forrest

Jaime at Drama Class Drama, Act 2

Jaime: ...I am not in the mood, Jasper.
Mac D.: does she need to roll to circumvent the bleeding fat
Jasper: Oh, but I am.

Gabby fricking tries to tackle Lily

Gabby: rolling 3d20 + -1
= 42

Lilly Lilly is tackled into the wall, hitting her head and going out like a light
Jaime: ...Just ask me in a few days.
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 2
= 20

Forrest just
Forrest: moseys right on out
Forrest clutching his nose and heading right for the nurse's office

Steph is very concerned for everyone in here

Steph: ....
Uh... Mr. Rosencrantz...?

Mr. Schmidt is in the office

Mr. Schmidt: ... Oh.

Forrest just
Mr. Schmidt: Come along.
Gabby: ...........

Mr. Schmidt waves him in

Forrest walks in and grabs the nearest paper product

Gabby stares down at Lilly, wild-eyed

Mr. Rosencrantz got sacked really hard and is rolling around on the floor

Forrest and puts it over his nose

Forrest and sits down on the bed

Mr. Schmidt: How do these things happen?
Forrest: I'm not leaving.

Mr. Schmidt begins patching him up

Gabby: What... What the frick? WHY'D NONE OF YOU STOP HER!?

Gabby angrily looks to the rest of the room

Narrator : Everyone was just fucking
Forrest: This is where I'm spending the rest of today.
Narrator : Petrified.
Gabby: .............
Narrator : Except for Jasper, she seems pretty smug.
Jasper: Don't worry, I will.

Jaime is just facepalming

Forrest: Basketball can fuck off.
Gabby: Fricking... nearly killed Forrest, nearly killed Mr. Rosencrantz, what's
your PROBLEM?!

Jaime literally picard r/n

Mr. Schmidt: You may be in pain, boy, but do not curse in a school!
Gabby: I... I fricking... GHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Mac D.: jaime facepalming as he watched forrest's murder and did nothing

Gabby is smoldering with rage r/n

Gabby: You... LOUTS!
Forrest: ......Right. Sorry.
Steph: Are... are you okay???
Gabby: Watching someone get BEAT TO DEATH and not doing CRAP?!
Mr. Schmidt: rolling 3d20 + 1
= 12
Steph: Can you hear me?
Mr. Schmidt: You're...
Forrest: ....
Fawkes M.: He thought it was intense acting up until the punch
Forrest: What.
Mr. Schmidt: In quite the state...
Forrest: .......
Mr. Schmidt: Hold on.
Forrest: ....I won't need to go to th-

Mr. Schmidt carts in a massive cart of medical supplies

Forrest was right. Today DID suck.

Mr. Schmidt: Let's fix this up...
Mr. Rosencrantz: Mmmmmm...

Anton holds back tears

Nathan cries
Forrest: .....

Suzie has to quickly start comforting Nathan

Gabby: …

Gabby small pangs of guilt

Gabby: ...Someone who is physically capable of restraining Lilly, please come and
restrain Lilly if she wakes up and goes into it.
Mac D.: what are forrest's injuries
Mr. Schmidt: rolling 3d20 + 1
= 31
Mac D.: aside form a bloody nose
Gabby: I'm gonna... I'm gonna check on Forrest...

Mr. Schmidt fixes him up

Mr. Schmidt: Right...

Gabby gets up and storms out

Mr. Schmidt: Several bruised rips.
Broken nose.
Mac D.: the power of the king of heroes
Mr. Schmidt: Mild laceration...
Forrest: ....

Nathan sits on Lilly, crying a bit

Forrest: .....I don't think I'm going to take up acting.
Steph: That was... that was pretty bad, uh... lemme see?
Gabby: Forrest! Forrest, hey!
Forrest: ....

Gabby comes running up

Forrest glances at Gabby

Mr. Rosencrantz: ... I'll... be fine....
Gabby: God FRICK are you alright?!
Mr. Rosencrantz: Where are... the kids...
Forrest: .......I'm fine.
Mr. Schmidt is handling it.
Mr. Schmidt: He'll be perfectly fine.
Maybe a bit crooked in the nose but what can you do.
Gabby: Jesus fricking... motherfricker, that– she–... GHHHH...
Mr. Schmidt: What happened...?
Gabby: ...Is... Like... Can I... Can I get something for you...?
Forrest: ......

Gabby intense angerworry

Forrest: ....We were doing a skit in Drama Class.
Steph: Uhm... Forrest and Gabby went down to the nurse's office.

Forrest GAB
Forrest: It's fine, Gabby. I'll be fine.
Gabby: ...Are... Are you sure...?
Jaime: .....

Gabby looks maybe on the verge of tears

Mr. Schmidt: ... Not Drama class...

Jaime looks up, turning back to Jasper

Mr. Schmidt: Good God...
The artists are always doing this thing...

Forrest nods to Gabby, wincing slightly and rubbing his neck

Forrest then looks to Schmidt

Forrest: ......
Mr. Rosencrantz: Please... get another teacher...
Forrest: ...I tripped over a desk.
Mr. Schmidt: ... Oh.
Jaime: ...Mm. Drama, huh?
Mr. Schmidt: That must have been a nasty fall...
Gabby: ...'Kay... Like. Uh. If... 'F there's anything, anything I can get or do for
you, just tell me, okay? You shouldn't... you shouldn't have to put up with thi–
Forrest: I'm big.

Gabby blinks a bit at the battered wife alibi

Jasper: That was lovely.
Mr. Schmidt: Well, erm...
Be more careful.
And you should be free to go.
Forrest: I will. Thank you.
But seriously, can I just stay here the rest of the day.
Mr. Schmidt: Erm...
I'd have to ask...
Mr. Hawthorne...
I think you should just be sent home.
But we'll see...
Steph: Okay, okay, lemme just...
Forrest: ....Well, being sent home's good t-
Gabby: …

Steph hurries out, looking for the first teach she can find
Jasper: Didn't you think that was entertaining?

Forrest rubs his busted nose

Jasper: Something exhilarating about it?
Gabby: …

Gabby sniffles a little and tentatively reaches out to hold Forrest's hand
Forrest: .....

Jaime furrows his brow

Forrest looks at Gabby, then at her hand

Mr. Schmidt: take your pic steph
Forrest: ......
Mr. Schmidt: *pick

Forrest looks at her

Jaime: I didn't find the chicken funny. Says enough, I think.
Steph: Uh-- Um, uh... Mrs. Plumber?
Jasper: I found the chicken riveting.
Especially your psychosis.

Gabby intense look of worry-righteous-fury-sorrow

Forrest: .....

Forrest takes her hand to simmer her down

Mrs. Plumber: Oh?

Gabby squeezes it with little girl strength

Mrs. Plumber: What is it, Stephanie?
Gabby: ...I... I-I frickin'... owe you, Forrest...

Gabby sniffles
Jaime: .....
Forrest: .....For what.

Jaime "this girl may be a sadist", he thinks

Jaime "no - definitely a sadist"

Steph: There's -- there's a really bad situation iin Drama class? Mr. Rosencrantz
needs help, uhm...

Jasper is weird-smug

Jasper smug-weird
Mrs. Plumber: Well, let's go then.
Gabby: ...Y-you're so frickin'... nice. Always... tryin' to frickin' help, even
when everything sucks and the people you're tryin' to help suck, and–... you... you
don't deserve any of this crap, Forrest, y-... you don't...!
Mrs. Plumber heads into the room
Forrest: ......
Where is this coming from.

Mrs. Plumber begins doing some moderate sleuthing

Mrs. Plumber: ... Enuma Elish...
Steph: ....

Jaime was about to form a response, before he notices Mrs. Plumber enter

Steph watches, concerned

Mrs. Plumber: ... Mr. Rosencrantz, in pain, rolling, clutching his groin...

Jaime looks back at her - and consequently, the whole scene of the carnage
Jaime: ...
Mrs. Plumber: Nathan Pyrce, sitting on the prone form of Lilly Thorn...
Gabby: I just... when... w-when you tried to make me feel better the other day and
I was too off in frickin'... in my own dumb head to so much as say anything... God.
God, and no one... no one notices, and it's just–... not... n-not fair...
Forrest: .....
...That's just common sense.
If there's something wrong, people ask if something's wrong.
There isn't anything "nice" about that, that's just what people do when something
is out of the ordinary.

Mrs. Plumber begins deducing

Gabby: But you... You do it so much, and... And so patiently, and still...

Mrs. Plumber quietly draws mathetmatical diagrams of the room and the students

Gabby squeeeeeeeze

Gabby snifffffle...
Forrest: .........
Mrs. Plumber: ... Hm...
rolling 3d20 + 1
= 46
Forrest: ....Don't misunderstand. I do it because I like to solve mysteries.
Mrs. Plumber: ... Eureka!
I have the answer!
Forrest: I'm not a nice person. Don't cry over me.
Steph: Y-- yeah...?
Mrs. Plumber: I know exactly what happened here!
Gabby: Y-yes you are, God frick it!
Jasper: Do you like me, Jaime?

Jaime was watching Mrs. Plumber do her mathematics - but then WHAT THE SHIT JASPER
Forrest: I
*I'm really not, Gabby.
Gabby: …
Mrs. Plumber recounts the entire thing exactly as it happened
Jaime: ...
Gabby: ...Even... Even if you're not...
Jaime: ...As a friend?
Gabby: ...You're still my good friend, Forrest, and I like you a lot, and I... I
want... I-I want things to not be bad for you...
Steph: ...That's.... uh, that's a really good deduction.
...What do we do from here?
Forrest: ....

Jasper smiles at him

Forrest: ...Don't do that, please.
Gabby: ...Do what...?
Forrest: This. Getting this upset over me. It's ridiculous.
Mr. Rozencrantz, is he okay. Did you check on him.
Gabby: .......
...Steph was on that...
Forrest: You should make sure he's okay. I don't trust Steph to pay back a loan,
much less handle an injured person.
Gabby: .........
Forrest: I'm perfectly fine.
Gabby: ..........
Jaime: ...

Jaime looks back over at the chalkboard, "ENUMA ELISH" and all

Gabby abruptly turns loose of his hand

Forrest: .....

Forrest lowers his arm

Gabby slowly steps back and out of the nurse's office, wordlessly, tears streaming
down her face

Jasper laughs
Forrest: .......
Jasper: Well, do you hate me then?

Forrest leans the back of his head against the wall, staring at the ceiling
Forrest: .........

Gabby takes a few heavy, upset breaths before she shuts the door and starts back
for the classroom
Forrest: ...That's right........that's how it should be.
Mrs. Plumber: Take Rosencrantz to the nurse''s office, I'll talk to Hawthorne.

Jaime looks back at Jasper, still terse as he's been this whole day
Mrs. Plumber: Oh, and Ms. Thorn as well!

Gabby walks back into the classroom

Narrator : The staff are too busy being retarded to notice Gabby crying.
Jaime: ...I'm not sure.


Forrest: ......
Steph: Okay, you bet...
Gabby goes up to Rosencrantz

Steph goes back to Rosencrantz--

Steph: ...Oh, Gabby, you're--
Forrest: ....
Gabby: ...I... I-I gotta... help you out with him...
Narrator : Forrest isn't alone.
Steph: I was just about to take him to the nurse...
Are you okay?

Forrest glances towards his Fellow Occupant....

Anton: G-Gabby!
Gabby: ...Y-yeah... 'm just...
Anton: Heavens, you are making... a tear all over!

Gabby looks over her shoulder at the Hungarian boy she just made to feel badly not
a moment ago
Gabby: …

The Dark Mistress stands there, sniffling slightly

Gabby: ...F-Forrest got... really hurt, and...
Forrest: ......

Gabby sniffle
Forrest: ....What're you in for.

The Dark Mistress she holds a wad of paper over her nose

The Dark Mistress paper which quickly turns red

Gabby: I... I dunno what to... d-do for him...
Steph: ...You can stay here, Gabby, it's fine... I can bring him back, okay?
The Dark Mistress: ... I fell.
Steph: Don't worry.
Forrest: .....
...Me too.
Gabby: ...N-no, look, I gotta-... I-I gotta make sure...
The Dark Mistress: ... Oh.
Steph: It's fine,Gabby... really, it's fine. You've already done a lot...
Jaime: ...Jasper.
Anton: Yes, Gab, come and sit down...
Forrest: ......
....Club have anything it needs done after school, today.
Gabby: ...........

Jasper thinks about what he said

Jasper laughs
Jasper: Then I've failed to make an impression.
And isn't that the worst...?
The Dark Mistress: Mr. Witherburg told me no...
Gabby: God... FRICK... Wh-why can't I... e-ever... H-HELP ANYONE WITHOUT
Forrest: .....
That son of a bitch.

Gabby aaaaaaand there's the sobs

Steph 's eyes widen

Anton startles and quickly starts trying to shoosh and pap her
Anton: P-Please do not...!
Forrest: Why the fuck does he need me in his god damn basketball team so badly.
Steph: ....'S... 's gonna be okay, Gabby...

Steph ghhhh GOD this day is going to pieces

Steph looks back at Mr. Rosencrantz

Jaime: .....

Gabby does not resist the shooshpapping and has just, at this point, accepted that
she's pathetic and only makes things more complicated when she tries to help with
The Dark Mistress: ... I don't know...
Anton: Gabby... please, do not...
Forrest: This is bullshit.

Gabby tries not to sob so hard, but has a really difficult time with it
Jasper: ... Hm...?

Jaime looks over at the scene with Gabby - the one that Steph seems to have under
Jaime: ...Do you like that?
Jasper: What should I like about it?

Steph is utterly at a loss right now

Steph tries to help Rosencrantz up

Anton: Come on, with me...

Anton begins trying to herd her somewhere more private

The Dark Mistress: Life's like that...

Gabby follows, sniffling and whimpering pathetically

Forrest: I know. But I have enough of that to deal with in my life right now.

Anton begins Gabby to an empty classroom

Mr. Rosencrantz gets up

Forrest: I don't need to be a walking billboard for my school, too.
Mr. Rosencrantz: Hrggh....
Steph: C'mon, easy does it...

Jaime watches Gabby get herded off, before looking back to Jasper

Steph helps him to the Nurse Office

Jaime: What do you find funny about earlier?
Mr. Rosencrantz: ... THanks...
Gabby: ...I... I... I-I only make things bad wh-... wh-when I try to help...
Mr. Schmidt: Hold on, just hold on!
Steph: Are you gonna be--
Mr. Schmidt: What is going on!?
Mr. Hawthorne is clutching his chest
Mr. Hawthorne: I AM NOT LIABLE
Steph: Uhm-- drama club stuff, it's...
Oh, gosh...
Steph: Everything is just... just happening all at once...
The Dark Mistress: ....

Steph starts hurrying Mr. Rosencrantz to the nurse's office

The Dark Mistress: ... But nothing, I guess.
It must be hard.
Narrator : Everyone begins crowding to the office
Jasper: I don't know...
But something about it was good.
Forrest: .....?

Forrest looks at her

Gabby: Fffffrickin'... o-other people's problems... are NEVER... a-as important
as... a-as my... m-my STUPID emotions...!
Forrest: ...Was there something you wanted to say.
Anton: ...
Gabby: A-and it– it-i-it SNOWBALLS, like it's–L-LIKE IT'S DOING NOW...!
The Dark Mistress: ... I-
Forrest: ....

Forrest glances at the oncoming crowd

Mr. Hawthorne puffs on his inhaler

Mr. Hawthorne: I AM NOT LIABLE
Forrest: ......

Steph looks really pained r/n

Steph: Can I... go back to the classroom...?
Mrs. Plumber: Please do.
Jaime: And I guess there's something about... him, too?
Anton: ...
You are... just... human...
Forrest: .......
Anton: You have limit...
And this must be... very hard...

Steph nod nods

Steph quickly hurie sback to class

Gabby: ...I... fricking... hate... l-limits, Anton...
Jasper: Which him?
Narrator : The nurse's office just descends into insanity
Mac D.: gabby seeks to do away with her human limits when she meets a humble
Forrest: .........
Mobile L: Oh, if she knew
Jaime: Yesterday's him.

Forrest cannot get one brief moment of peace

Mobile L: She'd become his scholar
Hid disciple

Steph pokes her head into the door

Steph: Is it safe to come in...?

Forrest simply sits there, forrestfacing the chaos

Forrest: ......

Forrest has a thought, glancing toward The Dark Mistress amidst the crowd
Anton: What make us human... is the limits... that we having...
Gabby: …
...D-don't take this the wrong way, please...
...I think... w-we should... be better, Anton...
Mac D.: "but that's the faggiest thing i've ever heard"
Anton: ... But if we... better, we not a human anymore...
We are.. something more...
Missing important piece.

Jaime looks over at Steph when she pokes her head in

Jasper: Oh, I love him.
He's so funny.
Steph: ...

Steph steps in, navigating to her seat

Gabby: .......
Jasper: Just in time, Steph.

Gabby sniffles
Jaime: ...
Jasper: How was yesterday?
Gabby: ...I... I-I guess so... A-Anton...
Steph: ...

Gabby sniffle sniffle...

Steph looks to Jasper

Steph then to Jaime

Narrator : What do you do, Forrest, in this room full of freaks and idiot and
pained people.
Gabby: ...I... 'm sorry for... yelling... b-back there...?

Jaime is sandwiched between two girls who make him uncomfortable in different ways,
with a fight-flavored mustard on top
Steph: ...Y-- have... have you guys been... talking? About yesterday?

Jaime wonderful
Jaime: .....
Anton: I don't hold it... on you.

Forrest IS doing something: looking toward TDM

Anton: You very good person...

Forrest how is SHE handling this madness

The Dark Mistress quietly pulls back from everything

The Dark Mistress secludes herself

Steph looks worried, completely out of nowhere

Forrest: ......
Jasper: You bared your heart to the sky.

Forrest achingly gets up from his bed and makes his way through the crowd to her
Gabby: …
...I reall–...

Jaime looks a bit apologetic, as he looks at Jasper rather than Steph

Gabby: ...No...
Steph: ...Yeah. I guess I did, yeah.
Gabby: ...N-no, I won't... go there... thanks...

Gabby sniffle sniffle

Gabby: ...Can...
Steph: ...And look where it got me, huh?

Steph looks back at Jaime again, her expression hardening

Gabby: ...C-can I ask–... Like... Y-you're pretty good at, uh... the... the
understanding people thing, I think... y-you and Ken both...

Jasper seems a tiny bit confused

Jasper: Hm...?
Oh, that's interesting...
Jaime: .....
Jasper: Did he sell you out?
What did they offer him?
Steph: ...

Steph pauses, understanding something

Steph: No. No, he-- saved me, actually. From... y'know, from him.
Forrest: ...Hey.
The Dark Mistress: ...

Jaime was about to get out of his seat until Steph said what she said
Anton: Anything, you can ask.
Forrest: I don't really feel like staying in the nurse's office anymore, how about
Jaime: ...Yeah. Yeah, I did.
Jasper: Hm.
Gabby: ...F-Forrest, uh... Like... he...
Jasper: Interesting.
Gabby: ...G-got all hurt...
Jasper: Why?
Steph: ...I dunno. Human decency, I guess...
I was really surprised when he did.

Steph looks back at Jaime again.

Jaime still wishes he had known the lunatic wasn't gonna follow up with that bat
Jaime: ...
Jasper: Does Jaime lack human decency?
Gabby: ...A-and... Like... W-when I was sad yesterday, he... h-he tried to comfort
me, like... k-kinda like you did, and... a-and I wanted to return the favor...
Steph: No, that's my fault for thinking that.

Steph chooses her words carefully

Steph: Wasn't in a good headspace.
Gabby: ...But... B-but he didn't like that I was... uh... w-worried about him,
and... t-trying to help...
Jaime: .....
The Dark Mistress: ... No.
Gabby: ...Thought that... I should... I-I should be helping other people, not...
not him...
The Dark Mistress: Let's leave, please.
Forrest: Let's.
Gabby: And... A-and so many bad things happen to him, and I can't... I don't...

Forrest turns and heads for the door, looking back at her

The Dark Mistress quietly heads out

Forrest boooOOp
Gabby: ...I-I don't think I can... stand it anymore, and I dunno how... h-how he
But... B-but if helping only makes him feel worse...

Forrest leans against the wall

Jasper: That's unfortunate.
I hope you're better now.
Forrest: .....
How's your nose.
The Dark Mistress: ... It hurts.
Gabby: ...I don't... I-I dunno... What... W-what do I do, just... like... f-forget
it...? I don't... think I could...?
Forrest: Is it still bleeding.
Steph: Thanks... it's just been rough. Today, too, today's been rough.

Steph looks at Jaime

Steph: What do you think?
The Dark Mistress: Yes.
Mac D.: wonder how lily's doin
Jaime: ...Yeah, it's been rough.

Jaime still a bit overall tense and terse

Forrest: You still got tissues, right.
Anton: Helping... has never made it worse...
If your... help isn't working, does not... impact.
Keep doing it.
Eventually, is like boulder.
Steph: ...I mean... I mean, about...
You know...
Anton: Has to crack eventually.
Gabby: …

Gabby sniffles and slowly nods

Gabby: ...Y-yeah... That's... frickin'...

The Dark Mistress nods, freshens her nose-soaker

Gabby: ...That's right...
Jaime: ...Iblis, right?
Jasper: I haven't had so many problems myself-
Forrest: .....
Gabby: ...Giving up is... i-it's... really stupid, and it hampers progress...
Steph: N--?
Jaime looks over at the clock, seeing how many hours till lunch

Forrest just has a sit on the floor

Jasper: ...

Jasper looks over her shoulder, smug smile dropping somewhat

Gabby: ...I'll... I-I'll help... as many frickin' people as I can, and then him...
Steph: Jasper...?
Gabby: ...Both...
Jasper: ...
Sorry, what?
Steph: Did you... did you see something?
Jaime: ...
Anton: That... is how... yes, is good.
Gabby: …
The Dark Mistress: ... I'll come back another time, I think.
When they're not so swamped.
Gabby: ...Th-thank you, Anton, really... You're frickin'... You're–... Thank you...

Gabby hugs Anton in a fit of emotion

Jasper: No.

Anton lightly gasps

Steph: ...Oh.
Forrest: Not a bad idea

Anton hugs back

Forrest: You were about to say something, back there.
Anton: Is nothing...
The Dark Mistress: It wasn't anything. I was just looking for something to say.

Jasper leans back

Gabby: R-really, though, thanks...
Forrest: ....
Jasper: Still, quite the perfomence.

Gabby lets go
Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 38
Gabby: ...Fricking, um... God, what... What to do...?
Forrest: bullshit detection roll

Anton hesitates before letting go

Steph: ...I didn't see it...
Anton: ... I have no clue...
Jaime: ...I need to use the bathroom.

Jaime is already getting up and looking towards the door

The Dark Mistress was not telling the truth
Mobile L: oooooh, does anton like the NERRRRD...?~
Forrest: .......Really did sound like you had something in mind to say.
Hansen: I'm Chris Hansen. Why don't you take a seat right over there.
Steph: 'Kay...
Jasper: It was legendary.

Jaime just heads out into the hall

The Dark Mistress: ... It's fine.
Forrest: ....
Steph: ...Well, there he goes.
Forrest: ...I'd really like to know.
The Dark Mistress: ...
It's really not anything you need to hear.

Jasper takes a deep breath

Jasper: I can feel it, even if I can't feel it.

Jaime pulls out his phone, beginning to type up a text message to Steph
Forrest: Why's that?
Gabby: ...Uh... Like... I wanna check on Forrest... But... Maybe he needs space
Jasper: This is a really interesting day.
Gabby: And then, uh... Steph...
The Dark Mistress: It''s personal.
Jaime: "Sorry. I don't want t"
Steph: I wouldn't use... interesting, that's not what I would say.

Jaime stops
Gabby: ...And Lily... God, what the frick, Lily...?
Anton: ... We should probably... before... brain death.

Jaime just backspaces until "Sorry" is left, before hitting send

Anton runs off

Gabby: ...Y-yeah, uh...
Forrest: .....


Anton bumps into Jaime

Forrest: .....I don't want to push the personal, but...
Anton: Nathan, help me with this...

Gabby ducks and weaves around all those people

Anton begins taking Lilly to nurse's office

Steph: ...?
Gabby: …

Steph checks his phone

Steph: ...Oh... it's from Jaime.
Anton: space
stop it

Gabby looks at Lily to see if she's still breathing and stuff

Jaime was about to type up a follow-up message, but then ANTONIO
Space: FUCk
Anton: you transphobic shit
Space: :(
Mobile L: Stephan is dead, Space...
Forrest: .....

Forrest shakes his head

Mobile L: Stephan... is dead.
The Dark Mistress: ...
Jaime: ...
Forrest: ....I'm too pushy, don't worry about it. You don't have to tell me if you
don't want to.

Lilly is alive

Forrest had a heavy look in his eyes in that stretch of silence for a moment there

Jaime looks at them, and then - at Gabby

Jaime: ...
Jasper: Am I that poor of a conversationalist?
The Dark Mistress: ...
Forrest: ....?

Forrest looks back at her

The Dark Mistress: Wanna...
... Hang out... some time...?
Steph: Oh-- oh, no, sorry, I just, uhm...
Gabby: …
Forrest: ....

Steph pockets her phone

Steph: Sorry.
Forrest: ........
The Dark Mistress: Not lie... that

Gabby is coming down from another solid fifteen minutes of sobbing

Forrest: ....Right, 'course.
....Yeah, we can hang out.
Mobile L: (she totally means like that)
Jasper: Anything you'd be up for talking about...?

Jaime looks down at his phone, before pocketing it too

Jaime: ...

Jaime takes a breath, before approaching Gabby

Gabby: …
The Dark Mistress: Could we schedule a date for it? I have a, uh, very busy

Gabby looks up at Jaime, defogging her glasses a little

Steph: I don't know... things are just really fucked right now, my head's hardly on
Forrest: Sure. I have plenty of free time, I can work around your hours.
Jasper: I know!
This is my kind of situation.
Forrest: How are you this weekend.
Jasper: When things stop making sense, well...
Jaime: ...Hey.

Jaime puts his hands in his pockets, fidgeting a tad

Jasper: There's something amazing about it, isn't there?
Things happen.
The Dark Mistress: I think I can make that work.
Steph: I don't know if I'd call it.... y'know, amazing. I think I know what you
mean, but...
Forrest: Alright, then. Let's exchange numbers.

Forrest takes out his phone

The Dark Mistress takes hers out and exchanges numbers

Gabby: ...Hi...
Jasper: be sure to note whose numbers you have
I'd say it's amazing
But then again, I'm not really that normal, am I?
Do you like me, Steph?
Jaime: ...
...How're you feeling?
Steph: I... I mean, you're pretty cool?
Jasper: You flatter me.

Forrest puts his phone away and exhales, clutching his ribs as he does so
Jasper: Jaime doesn't like me, can you believe that?
Gabby: ...Uh... That's–... I'm–I'm fine, it's not important...
The Dark Mistress: ...
Whose place?
Steph: ...No, yeah, I can believe that...
...Let's not talk about Jaime.

Jasper laughs
Jasper: You're all so blunt with me.
Steph: ...?
Forrest: You alright with yours, it's pretty crowded in mine right now.
Jasper: Am I that offputting?
Jaime: .....

Jaime isn't gonna point out that lie, that'd just be rude
The Dark Mistress: ... Sure.
Steph: ..Oh. No, it's -- oh, no, no, I don't mean it like that.
I mean it like... it seems Jaime-ish.
Jasper: No, it's too late.
Forrest: Alright, then.
Jasper: You've payed me an insult.
Forrest: ....
Steph: Are we gonna have a blood feud now...?

Forrest is glancing at the fact that the crowd is now spilling out of the nurse's
Jasper: Of course.
And since I'm a satanist, you're in real trouble.
Steph: Well, are you an actual one, or LaVeyan?
The Dark Mistress: ... I'm going back to my study block.
Gabby: ...Uh... Is... Is Mr. Rosencrantz gonna be okay...?
The Dark Mistress: ... Bye.
Forrest: ....Alright then. See you soon.

Forrest gets to his feet and approaches Anton

Jaime: ...Yeah. I think he'll be.
Jasper: That's controversial.

Jaime didn't catch where Rosencrantz got carted off, thanks to Jasper, but can't
let Gabby know that
Jasper: I'll have you find that I am the only true kind of satanist out there-
Steph: Oh, good. That's the best kind.
Jasper: I hope you're ready to disrupt your thetan level.
Anton: ...
Ah, hello...
Gabby: ...Okay...

Forrest: Trying to get in. It's a madhouse in there.
Gabby: ...I just... everything's... pretty bad right now...

Anton: If were you, I would not...
Steph: Good luck, my thetan level's the highest there is...
Gabby: Everyone's... pretty upset...

Steph is trying to set the drama shenanigans behind her for now

Forrest looks over his soulder

Forrest: .....Yeah, I'll pass, I think.
Anton: Lilly is not a dead.
Forrest: That's good.
Jasper: Then I'll have to work twice as hard.
Gabby: ...When I get upset... I can't hold it in very well... And... it overshadows
the other people who have a right to be upset...

Jasper: Do you think Mr. Mu has a thetan detector in that room of his?
Steph: He can probably tell just by looking at you...
Forrest: .....Doesn't look like I'm getting a pass from school from Hawthorne

Forrest exhales and "goddammits" under his breath

Anton: ... Oh well, righ-
Jaime: ...
It's fine.
I mean - you've got more of a right than me, really.
Forrest: .....
Narrator : That's class.
Next subject is: Math
Gabby: …
Forrest: ....
Steph: ...Think it's too much to hope that we'll get out early 'cause of all the
Gabby: ...Didn't even get hurt or anything... Just watched it... And...

Forrest just grumbles and goes to return to his Personal Hell

Gabby: ...Still...

Jasper: Hah!
Gabby: ...You're like... You're tough...

Forrest glances at Witherburg as he passes by

Jasper: And let our parents know something went wrong?
I think not.
Gabby: How do you not lose it when things are happening?
Steph: Fuck me, you're absolutely right...

Martin Witherburg doffs his hat to him

Forrest just glares daggers

Jaime: ...

Forrest just hoves his wounded body into the classroom

Jaime watches Forrest file back in, before turning back to Gabby

Mrs. Plumber alright has notes ready

Forrest: .....

Mrs. Plumber is a pillar of stability

Steph sighs quietly to herself and starts taking notes

Mrs. Plumber confident, cool, calm

Jaime: ...I don't know.

Forrest takes his notes solemnly

Jaime: It's something you can pick up on.

Jaime is bad at comforting and he knows it

Gabby: …
...I'm gonna... really try, Jaime...
...Aww FRICK math class...!

Gabby hurriedly ducks in there

Jaime: ...Mm.

Jaime hwoop
Gabby: Sorry, sorry!

Gabby gets out her crap

Steph looks up at the two of them as they come in

Forrest does not

Gabby looks so guilty, like she just swore in front of a nun

Steph quickly looks back down again

Mrs. Plumber: roll finesse to take notes
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 2
= 12
Forrest: rolling 3d20 -1
= 36

Jaime is gonna let his reputation justify his tardiness, as he quickly gets seated
and pulls out his notebook
Jaime: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 1
= 19
Gabby: rolling 3d20
= 12
Space: gab
Fawkes M.: welp.
Mac D.: forrests writes well for a battered soul
Narrator : Gabby just.
Mac D.: oh GOD gabby
Narrator : Short circuits
Passes out.

Forrest glances at Gabby konking out, and double takes

Gabby has this face before she stress-faints http://i2.kym-
Forrest: .......!

Gabby stillllll has tear-residue all over her face and crap
Forrest: ...Uh, Mrs. Plumber.
Jaime: ...

Jaime gee gee, lancaster

Narrator stops
Narrator : fuck me
Fawkes M.: STOP.
Mrs. Plumber looks back
Mrs. Plumber: ...

Mrs. Plumber looks back at the board

Forrest: .........

Mrs. Plumber looks back at Gabby

Mrs. Plumber looks back and forth

Steph: ...
Mrs. Plumber: ... Today.
I'm going to pause the lesson.
Hold on.
Forrest: .....
......Actually, in hindsight, she may be better off here.
Steph: ...Jesus Christ, today's just a fuckin' mess...

Mrs. Plumber comes on over the intercom

Mrs. Plumber: As Vice-Principal, I'm calling today a half day.
You'll have lunch now and then you can go once we make all the phonecalls.
Forrest: ........
Steph: Oh, thank god...

Forrest wonders if this fucks with that British bastard's basketball schedule

Jaime exhales

Gabby ouuuuuut cold

Martin Witherburg comes onto the intercom

Martin Witherburg sighs

Martin Witherburg: ... Practice is cancelled.
Today only.

Martin Witherburg vanishes from the intercom

Forrest: ......

Narrator : Lunchtime!
Mac D.:

Suzie is just stunned

Suzie this is her first day back

Space: 'is... is this what happens when i'm home sick...?'

Forrest gets out of his desk and grabs his things

Steph eagerly packs his stuff up

Steph: *HER
Forrest looks over Jaime's shoulder at Gabby
Forrest: Are one of you going to get her.

Jaime packs his own stuff up, looking back at the quarter-dead Gabby
Jaime: ...I'll do it.
Steph: Jaime'll do it.
Suzie: ...
Forrest: ....

Forrest glances at Steph

Suzie quietly just heads to the lunc hroom

Steph walks past, to Lunch

Jaime goes to pick up Gabby, and head for the The Nurse's Office
Gabby: Zzzzzzzzzzz...
Forrest: ....

Forrest goes to get Jaime

Gabby whimpers a little in her sleep

Forrest: Hang on- just bring her to the cafeteria.
Suzie: rolling 1d20
= 11
Forrest: The nurse's office is bedlam right now.
Lilly: rolling 1d20
= 17
rolling 1d20
= 5
Jaime: ...Right. Right.

Forrest shuffles to the cafeteria

Jaime THAT-a-way, then

Forrest the food will be good right.....right....?

Lilly sits in a corner table

Jaime carrying Gabby

Lilly ashamed and depressed

Forrest steps in

Steph is trying to go and sit away from Jaime

Mr. Rosencrantz has not been sacked

Mr. Rosencrantz: *has been fixed from the sackage

Steph sits across from Lilly

Jaime does not mind this seating arrangement, for now

Steph: Heyo.

Jaime looking for a good place to seat Gabby

Mr. Rosencrantz: ...

Forrest sticks at the table with Gab

Gabby drools a bit on Jaime's sleeve

Forrest: I feel an unpleasant deja vu.
Jaime: Related to what?

Jaime second time in two days he's been a pillow for Gabby
Lilly: ...
Forrest: .....It's nothing.
I'll keep an eye on her, you can go to Steph.

Forrest starts into his food

Steph: I didn't see what happened, so don't worry about all of that, okay?
Lilly: ...
I'm probably going to go to juvie.
Steph: Aw, c'mon, that's silly.
Lilly: I deserve to.
Jaime: ..."Go to Steph?"

Jaime looks at em funny

Forrest: .....Well, yeah.
Steph: Well, what... y'know, what exactly happened?
Forrest: You're friends, right. You sit together.

Lilly tells her the story

Lilly: ...
I just..
Jaime: ...What about us?
Lilly: While I was... in-character.
I just... I lost myself, a bit.
I tossed... it away.
And I could do whatever I wanted.
Jaime: I mean, between the... four of us, we haven't really talked a lot, have we?

Jaime looks over at Gab when he says "four of us"

Forrest: .....That is true.
Steph: ...Well, that's just... that's good, to an extent. Acting can be ... y'know,
liberating like that, you know? But it's important to... to try and keep yourself
in check, at the same time.
Lilly: ...
Forrest: What's brought this on, all of a sudden. Did something happen.
Lilly: It doesn't really matter now.
I'm probably being expelled.
Steph: Well... well, we'll just have to wait and see about that, you know? I
When you think about it, it's just...

Jaime shakes his head

Steph: ...No one... really got hurt.... y'know?
Gabby: Zzzzzzzzzzzz...

Steph is clearly grasping at straws here

Forrest: .....

Gabby would contest the bajeezus out of that were she conscious
Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 19
wow i got fuckin' brain-damaged
Jaime: outlaw, bitch

Forrest is too distracted by pain to properly Bullshit Detect

Lilly: ...
Forrest: .......
Lilly: I appreciate it.
Forrest: ...Well, whatever. Do what you want.
Jaime: ...
...You all right?
Forrest: That's a hilarious question.
Steph: ...You wanna... you wanna hang out after school or something?
Forrest: But yeah, I'll be fine.
Lilly: ...
I would love to.
Forrest: Told Schmidt I tripped over some desks.

Forrest is trying to rouse Gab from her slumber with the enticing aroma of
Cafeteria Food
Steph: Great!
Great, that's really great...
Lilly: ...

Jaime nods
Steph: I can talk to -- y'know, Forrest, later on, I'm sure he'll understand...
Jaime: Don't want another trial.
Lilly: ... Thank you.
Forrest: ....I wasn't at a trial, yet.
Gabby: ...Mmmrrghh... rrhhh... hh...

Gabby twitch... twitch...

Steph: Yeah -- yeah, he just gets grumpy, but he gets over it, y'know?
Forrest: C'mon, Gab. It's fried chicken.
Lilly: rolling 1d20
= 15
Gabby: mrrrrrrrrrhhhh... rrrrrrr...

Mr. Hawthorne stumbles in

Gabby suddenly jerks upwards with a start

Jaime: No - I mean for Lill...
Forrest: ......

Jaime ohp, speak of the devil...

Gabby: …

Forrest glances at the approaching HAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWw

Gabby: ...wh... math... we were... in...

Gabby droooool...

Jaime hopes Gabby's yell'll be a save

Mr. Hawthorne: I'm...
There will...
Mr. Hawthorne: Another trial.
Forrest: .........
Forrest: .......Mister Hawthorne, you aren't liable.
Gabby: ...math...? maaaaaaaath...? gonna... gonna enjoy you...

Mr. Hawthorne just dumps meds in his mouth

Steph: ......

Gabby drooooooool
Forrest: ....

Forrest glances at Gabby, and hands her the chicken drumstick

Mr. Hawthorne: A-
Gabby: ...9(t−u)...?

Mr. Hawthorne sniffs

Mr. Hawthorne: ...
Jaime: .....
Mr. Hawthorne: Chicken.

Mr. Hawthorne bolts out

Forrest: ........

Gabby doesn't even notice and starts gnawing on it

Gabby: is Miss Plumber okay with this...?
...can't... can't eat in class...
Forrest: She made today a half-day, don't worry about it.
Lilly: ... Another trial.
Forrest: You're in lunch, now.
Jaime: ...
Steph: ...I'll totally be your lawyer, Lilly. Don't worry.
Gabby: ...ohhhh... uh... okayyy...

Forrest looks at Jaima

Forrest: So, what's this about another trial.

Gabby GNAW... gnaw... gnaw...

Jaime sighs, only remembering how he forgot to pack his lunch now
Lilly: ... Thank you.
Lilly smiles at her
Jaime: A while before you transferred, there... something similar went down in
drama class.
Forrest: What is with you fucking people and acting.

Gabby eats the chicken so messily

Jaime: ...I really don't know.

Forrest slides a napkin gabbywards

Forrest: So, what, we're having another one.
But I'm not pressing charges.

Steph smiles back

Steph: We've got a good case. There's hardly any witnesses -- at least, not as many
as there'd normally be. I doubt anyone'll testify against you.
Jaime: That won't matter. The person...

Jaime pauses

Gabby almost eats the napkin too

Lilly: ... I hope.
Jaime: ...You know it's not a trial trial, right?
Forrest: ......Uh, no. I wasn't here.
Gabby: ...I... uh... is it... normal to, uh...
Steph: I just... really, really hope Dr. Hall isn't the prosecution this time?
Gabby: ...see Jesus for a second when you... when...?

Gabby gnawwww...
Jaime: ...Really, all they're gonna do is pretend you're in court. And use that to
determine what to do with you.
Forrest: ....Me?
Lilly: I hope so, too.
Jaime: ...Lilly. What to do with Lilly.
Forrest: ...That's ridiculous. How would they even know what happened if I didn't-

Forrest glances toward him at his table

Steph: How're you feeling right now, though...?

Mr. Rosencrantz is really anxious and depressed

Lilly: ... I've been better.
But I'm glad you're here with me, Steph!
Forrest: ......I need to get a hold of this before it's out of my hands.

Forrest gets up and HOBBLES TO THE FUCKER

Gabby: ...I... I saw Jesus... Jesus isn't even... real...
Forrest: Mr. Rosencrantz.

Gabby GNNNNAW...

Jaime watches him go, before turning back to Gabby

Jaime: ...

Steph smiles, nudging her arm

Mr. Rosencrantz: Jesus, are you okay?
Steph: That's the spirit!

Jaime really shoulda filled a thermos with that EX-rank coffee

Forrest: I'm fine. Can I talk to you, please.
Mr. Rosencrantz: Oh, sure.
Gabby: ...this... this chicken... is so good...
Forrest: Over there.
Did you tell anyone what happened, yet.

Jaime is really just content with chaperoning the sleepy kid for now
Gabby: ...I... uh... I think I... know what dying is like now...
Mr. Rosencrantz: No, Mrs. Plumber somehow figured most of it out and... I didn't
know what to do, so just said I didn't know anything.
That I blacked out.
Gabby: head... it's got... it's like...
Forrest: ........
Gabby:'s... like...
Forrest: Where is she right now.
Mr. Rosencrantz: In the nurse's office.


Gabby: ...have you ever seen... dead bees...?
Forrest: Mrs. Plumber.
Mrs. Plumber: What is it.

Jaime just shakes his head

Jaime assumes Gabby can't register that

Gabby: ...that sucks... it's... it's like that, Jaime...
Forrest: There's been a misunderstanding, in regards to what happened....
Gabby: ...death is like...
...a bunch of...
...dead bees...
Mrs. Plumber: That's not possible.
Gabby: ...inside of your head...
Mrs. Plumber: The physics of the scenario only work out that way.

Gabby rubs the last of the chicken piece into her mouth
Forrest: I'm telling you, I just tripped over some desks during the skit
Jaime: ...
Lilly: What should we do, Steph?
Jaime: ...Do you like bees?
Mrs. Plumber: rolling 3d20 + 1
= 21
Gabby: ...yeah...
Mrs. Plumber: ...
Steph: You mean after school?
Gabby: ...they pollinate the flowers...
Mrs. Plumber pokerface

Forrest forrestface

Mrs. Plumber nods to herself before speaking

Jaime: ...
Mrs. Plumber: Why would you tell me a lie to protect someone who hurt you?

Jaime trying to see just how awake she looks

Forrest: ......
What lie.

Forrest "she's better than i thought...."

Gabby looks very thoroughly dazed, like she was hit upside the jaw or something
Mrs. Plumber: You had lacerations on your body and bruised ribs.
Gabby: ...Jaime...
Mrs. Plumber: You don't end up that way when you trip over a desk.
Gabby: ...Jaime...
Forrest: I hit a desk corner hard.
Jaime: ...What?
Space: According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be
able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The
bee, of course, flies anyway, because bees don't care what humans think is
Mrs. Plumber: Do you think I'm unintelligent?
Forrest: Of course not, Mrs. Plumber.
Gabby: ...Forrest and Steph are... real sad...
Mrs. Plumber: You're making your lies offensively obvious.
Gabby: ...I still... dunno what to do...
Lilly: Yes.
Jaime: ...

Jaime sighs
Forrest: I was cut by the supplies and metal parts of the desks, and I landed face-
first on the floor.
Steph: Well, we could just bum around town a bit 'til something catches our eye...
Any movies you're interested in come out recently?
Forrest: My nose was broken in a previous class, and the landing broke it again.
Lilly: rolling 3d20 + 1
= 16
Mrs. Plumber: ...
Forrest: ...

Forrest nods to her

Lilly shrugs
Space: he did it
Lilly: Not really.
Forrest: Please let everyone know what really happened. I don't want Lilly to get
in trouble over an accident.
Mrs. Plumber: I don't believe you, but I see no point in proceeding.
Forrest: .....

Mrs. Plumber walks off

Forrest doesn't show it but he's impressed by that woman

Mr. Schmidt: ...
Forrest: ......
Mr. Schmidt: Erm.

Forrest looks at Schmidt

Mr. Schmidt quietly heads back into the office

Steph: I'm sure we'll find something... I want it to be something you're interested
in doing, you know?
Forrest: ....


Forrest back2caf

Forrest passes Rosencrantz

Forrest: I took care of it.
I tripped over some desks. That's the story.
Lilly: I was figuring, not today, but soon- we could try a hike or something, if
you're into it?
Mr. Rosencrantz: ...

Forrest SEEYITS back down

Gabby: ......
Narrator : about ready to call it
Jaime: What happened?
Forrest: Nothing happened, and that's how it'll stay.
Fuck, my back hurts.....
Steph: Oh, yeah, I love hikes! I know this great trail... well, erm, maybe not that
one. But there's lots near here, so-- yeah, that'll definitely be good.

Gabby sleepily wipes chicken crumbs from her face

Gabby: ...'m sorry... Forrest...
Lilly: Oh, this sounds like such fun...
Forrest: S'not your fault, don't apologize.
Space: Outdoorsy Buddies
Jaime: ...Mm.
Forrest: Mm.
Gabby: ........
Jaime: Hopefully, this'll break whatever curse that class has.
Gabby: there more chicken...
Forrest: It's going to kill me.

Forrest looks at Gabby

Forrest: ....

Forrest just slides his tray to her

Gabby: ...thanks...
Gabby grabs a small piece and gnaws on it some more
Forrest: ......

Forrest looks back at Jaima

Forrest: *Jaime
Mac D.: that's the second time i've called him jeyema
Jaime: better record than space and stephan
Narrator : thoghts
Space: i have a sneaking suspicion
Forrest: i'm a fuckin psychic
Mobile L: I enjoy it when everything goes to hell
Space: lilly is gonna confess the romance on the hike
Fawkes M.: Drama class actually is cursed
Space: and steph will be on the opposite side of the bad situation she was in a few
years ago
Mac D.: you mean the same situation she was in last night
Fawkes M.: Jaime needs to word his next few texts well
Space: do you read the cool short stories i post Mac D
Narrator : he doesn't
Mac D.: you post them while i'm dying at work you shit
Space: thats fair
Narrator : dm them to him
Space: i wrote one about steph in middleschool (stephan) on a hike with his guy
friend he had a crush on
Fawkes M.: I was just gonna say
Mac D.: did steph confess and then unsheathe is katana
Fawkes M.: I like the new OP and ED
Space: no steph wasnt trans then, so it was just gay
Narrator : Meanwhile...!
Tabitha St. Marie stands outside the NewPath HQ.
She's taken every measurement of the building and knows every way in and out.
She'd threatened every architect involved with blackmail involving them and a
particular Goat named Stefan.
And she has a scheme.
She smells something funny, and the nose knows.
Narrator : Now.
Fawkes M.: but ya fuck ONE GOAT
Narrator : To get some stupid fucking patsy kids.
Mobile L: Kill her
Space: oh no
Mac D.: forrest's gonna get a REAL trial
Mobile L: Obligatory paranoid "How is Gab" question?
Fawkes M.: could you elaborate
Mobile L: o-oh...
Space: she's a precious child
Mac D.: she's too good for this blighted world
Fawkes M.: She's basically Emiyu but better in every way
Mobile L: ahhhh nah
She will never have a cool arm like Emiyu
Mac D.: forrest has a DAAAAAaaaate
Fawkes M.: Snake woman tries to eat Ken and Gabby needs to sate her hunger

Maria MacArthur plays sax seductively

Forrest: why'd she come again
The Dark Mistress: please stop
Maria MacArthur: mood music
Mac D.: what grade is TDM in again
Narrator : 12
Space: senior
shes sempai
Narrator : stop saying those fucking words
people in canada just fucking
use the number
Fawkes M.: sempai
Narrator : she is smepai
Mac D.: i'm just picturing
(the gang are freshmen right)
Narrator : grade 9
Fawkes M.: Soph
Mac D.: sophmores okay
Narrator : fuck you people
Mac D.: is TDM particularly tall
Narrator : yeah let me check the number
Mac D.: is
is that tall
Narrator : i mean like
it's relatively tall
tall for a girl, as i understand
Mac D.: forrest is that shortest of the group barring gabby
Narrator : gab is bab
Mac D.: so i'm picturing the very tall dark-looking shy girl next to the short,
fat, forrest
Narrator : good
hey also
remember how
ruddman was going for mp
federal elections are on monday
it's thursday
Mac D.: actually i'm picturing every person in forrest's life juxtaposed next to
just this entire colorful cast of cute/handsome/graceful-looking anime characters
with the dumpiest, fattest, grouchiest motherfucker
Narrator : good
Officer Quest: i'm a war vet
Space: kosovo
that surprised me
Officer Quest: i actually served with the un forces in bosnia, while hawthorne's
son served in ksovo with the rcmp to train local police
Space: oh shit
so that was some pretty fucked up shit
Mobile L: Oh dear
Mac D.: remind me that forrest's all fucked-up next time we play
Officer Quest: good
i just
beat the shit
out of him
half his health
Fawkes M.: Decreased rolls across the board
Forrest: and the world just watched
Mobile L: That was fuq up
Forrest: you all watched.......
Space: literally
beat him half to death
Fawkes M.: Jaime was distracted by Jasper Kotomine
So he probably just assumed it was some really intense method acting
Jasper: what do you think my game is, emiya shirou
Jaime: that golden king... she is your servant, isn't she?
Forrest: anton i thought you were the nice guy....
Anton: i was scared
Gabby: only i care
and that's
that's apparently wrong...!
Jasper: ...

Jasper kotomine laugh.mp3

Jaime: Literally Jasper and Lilly after school
Apropos to Steph
Forrest: gabby u cant care about me
because im going to die a horrible death alone in a hallway somewhere
Gabby: but i MUST
Forrest: and if you care about me that's gonna hurt
Gabby: you are the good big bro i never had...

Jasper eats mapo tofu

Narrator : fuckin
juggling this cast
Space: is it fun
Narrator : yes
but i feel anxious i'm not keeping them all like
relevant or like developing
Space: its hard with a large cast
Mobile L: You're doing real good, though
Fawkes M.: You're working magic
Narrator : it's hard when
you come back
and like
not when you come back
i have like
very little plans
Narrator : for school days
Fawkes M.: It's hard to tell
You do it well
Narrator : i basically just make everything up on the spot during school shit
Mobile L: Me too :P
But hey, it's working great
(i actually have very little in the way of plans for Earth vs. Soraya)
eldritch s. (GM): i like this song
Space: su has good tunes
eldritch s. (GM): i was going to do a rabbit but then i remembered space and mobile
are in 2:43...
Space: i can handle it
eldritch s. (GM): this is painful to me
Space: i'm fuckin round in the sims
id be up anyways
Fawkes M.: I'm up
Post-class partying
eldritch s. (GM):
Steph: if i had a brother, he'd be named 'charles' and my mother would kill me so
he gets all the stuff in the will
he'd then go on to murder people of a different religion, and take their property,
which he would be lauded for
???: lol
Space: i hope we can third heaven again Some Day
???: NNO
Mr. Mu: Hello! My name is Mr. Mu! I am the caretaker of Nirvana!
Welcome to the Third Heaven AMA!
I shall be your host!
You wouldn't like that, I fear, my child!
I would much rather not!
It will come out when it is good and ready, my dear!
Mr. Mu: Perhaps if you utilize the power of archetypes!
Wouldn't you like to know?
Time to kill some ghosts!
Laaheighy: BEHOLD
Tom Jones: ...*
Now, young Lancaster...
Witness the full power of the Dark Side of the Archetypes...!
Victor Sherrings: Lol!
I'm the Mayor!
I'm not accountable for anything I do!
Albert Hindenburg: Die Wacht am Rhein!
Lieb vaterland, magst ruhig sein!
Space: all hail gabby
eldritch s. (GM): the log's actually pretty decent
you could read it
Space: tabitha at the newpath hq
eldritch s. (GM): yes
Space: steph and lilly are gonna hike soon
forrest is covering for other ppl
gab's sad
what day is it
is the calendar updated
eldritch s. (GM): what's the site caled again
nvm i have it myself
Space: good, i don't have it saved
Space: let me see
eldritch s. (GM): it's all gone
Space: give me the link
eldritch s. (GM):
it was thurdsay, anyway
i remember
dirty cunts
i see why
eldritch s. (GM): they don't let you schedule
two years back
*one year
Space: fuck
eldritch s. (GM): you need to pay for that
Space: we
will have to use a different calendar
eldritch s. (GM): yeah i'd say
Space: use google calendar
eldritch s. (GM): good thing i still have the important dates in mind
you set it up
Space: write them down too
eldritch s. (GM): set up the calender
make it
i'll fill it out
you make it
Space: alright i shared it with you over gmail
Can you Access It
eldritch s. (GM): yes
Gabby: IT'S
eldritch s. (GM): i'm iin it
Mac D.: its.....its so beautiful........
Space: ar eyou gonna do it in october 2015
cause it works
Mac D.: baby i thought i'd never SEE you again........
Forrest: gabby what have you done
Gabby: good in this undeserving world
Forrest: what good
Steph: all hail
Forrest: everyone's dead gabby
you didn't save a god damn thing

Iblis 's greatest hits

Gabby: i watched a snail crawl along a razor's edge...
Mac D.: FOX
Gabby: ARE
Fawkes M.: I'm not just ready

Fawkes M. puts cream on his nose

Fawkes M.: I'm ready Freddy
Gabby: it's... gabby.
Space: present day
present time
Iblis: we're going to be having a guest
a special guest
that's right
do you know who's coming
Space: yeah
Gabby: santy claus...?
Mac D.: h o h o h o
Iblis: do you know who iscoming
Mobile L: I do.
Iblis: do you
Jaime: is it riv.
Steph: who is riv jaime.
Jaime: i don't know.
Iblis: why would come here
he's inferior ethnically. we're all white.
all white.
Steph: i'm a ginger latino.
Iblis: all white.
all white.
Fawkes M.: aHEM
Iblis: all white.
Space: oh shit!
Mobile L: White
And delightsome
Space: i knew it was he
Fawkes M.: Oh hi, mate
Iblis: i had to upload this last second
Mac D.: you implied santa
Iblis: i'm thankful you had trouble
Space: christmas isn't real
Mac D.: and you brought me a BOGAN
SR3NORMANDY .: try it fucker
Mac D.: i
will scratchereye out
SR3NORMANDY .: I'll fuckin glass ye
Iblis: i'll just gas him
SR3NORMANDY .: Just think of me as an irritating impartial observer.
Mac D.: i'm comin for you you little shit get ready i've killed more cunts than
cervical cancer
SR3NORMANDY .: Enjoying this song about a homeless man committing suicide to escape
the police.
Space: holy shit i'm gonna keep that one in mind
Mobile L: How I missed this song c:
SR3NORMANDY .: Is this, like, the main theme?
Iblis: yes
Mac D.: YE
Forrest: oh thank god i thought i was dying for a second there
Jaime: gabby.
you've been asleep for months.
Fawkes M.: Hwew
Space: that woke me up
Narrator : So, last time...
Forrest was beaten half to death...
A second mock trial was narrowly averted...
Forrest: ...........
Narrator : And our cast managed to get the day out early!
Steph: Nice!
Narrator : People have begun to file out.
Gabby: .......

Forrest is ready to just go the FUHUUUUCK home

Narrator : Leaving our heroes more and more isolated in the presence of the two
sinister men seated to the side of the room.

Gabby still recovering from shorting out earlier and also all the emotional trauma,
that as well
Forrest: ........

Forrest glances toward the two Individuals

Officer Quest: ...
Jaime: ...

Jaime tries to lightly, surreptitiously rouse Gab with a nudge

Steph: Well, let's get on our way then!

Steph gathers up her stuff, moving to head out

Roland Glass: Hold on!
Forrest: ....

Forrest shifts his glance to Roland

Gabby: ...nnyyyyhhhhwh...?
Roland Glass: Hold on, Freeman, Karloman, Trans, Lancaster...
You four are on my list.
Mac D.: "trans"
steph looks up

Roland Glass clers his throat

Gabby slowly raises her head\

Roland Glass: Pardon me, Tran.
Steph: .........
Gabby: ...yeah...?

Steph coughs awkwardly

Forrest: ....
Roland Glass: I just want to ask some quick questions for the board.
Forrest: ......What kind of questions.
Jaime: ...Hrmm.
Roland Glass: How would you rate your experience in this place.

Jaime looks back at Glass - least Gabby's 5% awake, finally...

Forrest: ....What, the school.
Roland Glass: Yes.
Forrest: ......
Jaime: ...Eight out of ten? Yeah, eight.
Gabby: ...uhhh... 76...
Roland Glass: ...? Is she okay...?
Forrest: Over the past two weeks, I've been browbeaten into a club I didn't want to
join, blackmailed into joining a fascist basketball club I also didn't want to
join, and nearly murdererd.
She's fine.

Roland Glass takes down the eight

Roland Glass stares at Forrest

Roland Glass furiously notes down everything he says

Steph elbows Forrest

Forrest: ....
.....Barring a few isolated incidents it's been pleasant.
Jaime: Mm.
Roland Glass: A numerical rating, please?
Steph: Ten! Perfect ten.
Forrest: Seven.

Steph elbows him again

Forrest: Seven and a half.
Steph: Good enough.
Roland Glass: Ten, seven point five, seventy six, eight...
Alright, tank you.
I'll look into this.
Forrest: ....
Steph: ...
Gabby: ...Jesus isn't even... real...

Gabby licks the chicken crumbs from her teeth

Forrest: ......

Forrest glances back towards the Policeman and the Detective

Officer Quest: ... Is this girl concussed.
Forrest: No, just tired.
Particularly exhausting day at school today.
Officer Quest: ...

Steph looks at Rodger, then at Quest, then at the two of them fully
Roger Perkins: rodger the dead cat
Forrest: Where's your friend with the sunglasses.
Fawkes M.: Gol D. Rodger
Roger Perkins: ... He's indisposed.
Jaime: ...
Forrest: Are his fingers sore.
Roger Perkins: ... That shouldn't have happened.
Forrest: My sore throat says it did.
Roger Perkins: You won't be seeing him again, not here.
You have my word.

Gabby quiet Gabby noises of tired dismay

Forrest: Well, that's comforting.
Roger Perkins: ... I suppose it's really just... repetition at this point, but I'm
telling you.
Don't get involved.
Get out of this.
Please, we can talk about this.
Steph: I don't see where there's room for a compromise here.
Roger Perkins: Why?
Forrest: Well, you tried to kill us.

Steph nods
Roger Perkins: I have done anything.
Forrest: The company you keep certainly has.
Roger Perkins: Ruddman told us not to hurt you.
Steph: Yeah, that's reassuring.
Forrest: ....Ruddman?
Roger Perkins: Please, you're a Sage, I know you know.
What do you all want out of this?
What do any of you have to gain?
You, kid, Lancaster.
Gabby: ...we're already... frickin'... in it, guy...
...'s not any... leaving...
Forrest: ...
Jaime: ...Yeah. It wouldn't sit well if we just let this all be now, would it?
Roger Perkins: Why?

Steph looks like she's about to say something, but thinks better of it
Roger Perkins: Why?
Please, someone, anyone.
Tell me why?
Steph: 'Cause we're idiot teenagers. Shouldn't that be a good enough reason?

Steph cracks an insincere smile

Roger Perkins: No. Because you're not idiots.
Gabby: this crap fricking... hurt my friend permanently... and your... your
fricking friends... tried to kill–...

Gabby audibly strains for coherence

Forrest: ....

Forrest looks toward Officer Quest

Officer Quest: roll mind forrest
Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 33
Gabby:'re fricking–... just saying... we won't get–... killed or... or have
to watch those things kill anyone else... can you... can you prove this to me...?

Officer Quest has cold, vacant eyes that stare into the distance, as if witnessing
the firing of far-off artillery and wide, as if hearing human screams.
Forrest: .........
Jaime: ...Yeah. If we leave now, how do we know we've actually left?

Officer Quest quietly watces Forrest

Roger Perkins: We know when you've been in there.
You leave real messes in the process.
Gabby: ...'m not... frrrrrricking... hearing any proof...

Forrest eyes for Quest's gun

Steph: ...

Steph looks back at her friends

Steph and then back to Roger

Officer Quest holstered, has his hand resting defensively, so it can't be easily
snatched out
Forrest: ......

Forrest looks back at Roger

Steph: Even if you give these guys proof that everything's gonna be okay... that
doesn't do anything for me. I need to find answers for my own sake.
Roger Perkins: ... You'll get those answers.
Forrest: I wouldn't mind the assurance that I'm not getting shot.
Roger Perkins: You just need to let us find them for you.
Steph: Will I?
Roger Perkins: Put the gun on the table and slide it away.
You will, I'm telling you that.

Officer Quest mechanically does as instructed

Steph: When? Because I think you might know some of the things I want to know
Gabby: …
Roger Perkins: We probably do.
Jaime: .....

Jaime shifts his eyes over to Quest

Gabby breathes tensely and angrily

Roger Perkins: But we can't let everything out yet.
Forrest: .....
Roger Perkins: We're so close.

Forrest looks back at Roger

Forrest: ....So close to what.

Officer Quest watches his gun slide right in front of Jaime

Roger Perkins: You know the deal. We just have to make it to Tartarus and open the
Third Heaven.
Steph: What's in the Third Heaven?
Roger Perkins: Didn't Mu tell you?

Jaime just looks back at Perkins, eyes on him but still some attention towards the

Steph shrugs
Steph: Should I trust Mu?
He's been opaque at best.
Roger Perkins: I think so.
I know he has.
We dealt with him, too.
Forrest: If we should trust him, then why are you trying to keep us away fomr this.
Roger Perkins: We still deal with him.
Because he's selfish.
Forrest: Interesting, I don't think he ever made mention of that.
Roger Perkins: He wants the Third Heaven opened, no matter the cost.
He wants as many people on the job as possible, despite that making a mess.
More people in the Second Heaven means more Nihilists are created.
Forrest: .....
Steph: ...Yeah...? Why's that?
Forrest: .....How are Nihilists made.
Roger Perkins: They come from Cocytus, which is right next to Tartarus.
It's a black river that oozes out of the mountains.
Gabby: …
Jaime: ...
Roger Perkins: I don't know why it's like that.
But it is.
Gabby: ...hey...
Forrest: ......
rolling 3d20 +2
= 29

Forrest looks toward the doorway, movement catching the corner of his eye

Tabitha St. Marie has her mic and camera catching all of this

Tabitha St. Marie: Shhh.

Tabitha St. Marie winks

Jaime: ...How--....
Forrest: ......

Forrest slaps his hands together

Gabby snarl-gurgles like an awful little honey badger

Forrest: Alright, I think we've got our Caverns and Cretins campaign setting all
set up.
Roger Perkins: ...
... Quest.
That woman is tresspassing.
Gabby: ...I wanna... fight the warlaaaahhhhk...
Roger Perkins: Maybe you sh-
Jaime: Right, right. Blood river--
Forrest: .....

Tabitha St. Marie run

Roger Perkins: ... Hrmph.
Steph: ...
Roger Perkins: I'm not worried.
She's as tabloid as they come.
Gabby: ...fricker.
Steph: If we could... refocus?
What's in the Third Heaven? All we got from Mu is that it's the 'thing all men
desire' or whatever.
Forrest: ....So Nihilists.
Roger Perkins: That's all we know.
We're trying to find out.
Steph: ...What, really?
Roger Perkins: There's noting indicating what's inside.
Forrest: It sounds like we have basically the same goal.
Roger Perkins: We nearly managed to reach it, but...
It has a guardian.
Forrest: .....A guardian?
Steph: Is it... you know. Voldemort?
Roger Perkins: Tartarus is a place and creature.
Steph: Oh!
Forrest: .....
....Is it a mountain monster.
Roger Perkins: No, it lives in the mountains.
Forrest: So the mountain is named after the monster.
Roger Perkins: There's a giant snake on the gate.
Steph: Or the monster is named after the mountain?
Forrest: .....A snake.
You're serious.
Gabby: river... filled with... black... stuff...?
Roger Perkins: It pelted us and rained fire on us from kilometers away.

Gabby exhausted parody of cognition

Roger Perkins: They're the same thing, metaphysically, I think.
Forrest: What is it with god damn snakes.
Roger Perkins: It's hard to explain.
Steph: I get it.
Jaime: What about Cocytus? The river.
How's it tied to people entering the Second Heaven?
Roger Perkins: I don't know.
But every time more people came in.
The River seemed to make more Nihilists.
Forrest: So, going back to us having the same goal.
Did you know what we were doing.
If that's the case, then why attack us.
Jaime: ...Right.
Gabby: could... things... possibly get... turned into...

Jaime glances down at the table again... if the gun's still there
Steph: ...?
Roger Perkins: Because we're trying to open it. And if you keep going in, you're
making things harder for everyone
it is

Steph looks at Gabby

Forrest: .....
Roger Perkins: And if there are more Nihilists...

Forrest glances Gabby-ward

Roger Perkins looks grim

Roger Perkins: We-

Roger Perkins looks at her

Roger Perkins: ...
Forrest: .......
Roger Perkins: Yes.
Forrest: .............
Gabby: …

Steph looks back at Roger

Roger Perkins: ...
Steph: How?
Roger Perkins: My...
Gabby: ...oh frick...
Roger Perkins: Sister.
Jaime: .....
Gabby: ...oh... oh Jesus...

Forrest looks at Roger

Gabby stares up at Perkins, wide-eyed
Roger Perkins: They can sneak out, or hitch rides on people, and then they infect
and spread like a disease.
And they can burst out from inside you.
Forrest: ...........
Steph: ...Is there any way to get them out...?
Forrest: The symptoms.
Gabby: …
Forrest: What are the symptoms.
Roger Perkins: ... Swelling, nausea, black vomit, despair, rage, loss of
cognition... growths.
Forrest: .......!
Steph: ...
Gabby: …

Gabby looks completely terrified

Steph: Well... there's one problem puzzled out.
Roger Perkins: ... We never could get them out.

Gabby goes white as a sheet

Roger Perkins: I don't know if it's possible.
Forrest: ........
Fawkes M.: Shit, I might get carted off soon unless I can talk my way out of going

Forrest 's face grows dark

Gabby slowly turns to look at Forrest

Space: fooooooooooooox
Roger Perkins: that's fine fox
Space: i'll pray 4u
Mobile L: Prayin' 2!
SR3NORMANDY: Prayers from Aus.
Fawkes M.: : )
Forrest: .....We need to find a way.
Steph: ...
Roger Perkins: ...

Steph looks back at Roger

Jaime: ...How long does it take?
Roger Perkins: It's only a special kind of Nihilist.
Forrest: And we need to find a way soon.
Roger Perkins: ... It varies.
Steph: How long have you guys been going at this?
Roger Perkins: ... Since high school.
Forrest: ..........
Roger Perkins: The Heavens stop aligning for long periods of time.

Steph nods slowly, looking away

Roger Perkins: There are only certain windows you can get.
Steph: Was there... anyone else in your group? Besides the five of you there are
Roger Perkins: ... Yes.
Three others.
Forrest: What happened to them.
Roger Perkins: All dead.
Jaime: How long ago was this?
Mobile L: …
Roger Perkins: ... Let's just say s long time.
Forrest: ......
.....We need to talk to someone who knows something.
Fawkes M.: Shit, I gotta go now
Steph: I've got everything I needed... thank you for your time, okay?
Fawkes M.: Sorry, guys

Steph starts out the door

Space: don't worry fox
Roger Perkins: Stop!
good luck

Gabby sits up a bit, still looking scared, but... pensive

Roger Perkins: Hold on and listen to me!
You have to let us take care of this!
We are more experienced than you and more powerful!

Steph stops in the doorway, looking back over her shoulder

Roger Perkins: We can do this!
Stop getting involved!
Mobile L: Be safe Fox!
Roger Perkins: If you keep summoning more Nihilists, they can escape!
Roger Perkins: Do you understand me?
They can get out at any time, and the more there are, the more they will.
Steph: I get you.

Steph turns back and walks down the hall

Roger Perkins: Last time it ended with twelve of them escaping!
Come back here!

Forrest takes a step toward Roger

Forrest: Who else knows.

Tabitha St. Marie broadsides Steph

Steph: Whuh--!
Tabitha St. Marie: Hey!
I have a job for you and your friends, sweetie!
Roger Perkins: We're the only ones.
Steph: Jesus Christ -- can it wait?
Forrest: .......

Forrest scowls
Tabitha St. Marie: Do you want to learn more about John Ruddman?
Forrest: ....There are infected people here.
Steph: Yes! Yeah.
Tabitha St. Marie: Then no.
It can't.
Steph: ..Fuck.

Steph looks back over her shoulder

Steph: They're kind of occupied...
Roger Perkins: You.
You did this.
You let one get out with you.
Forrest: I didn't do shit.
Gabby: ...can't... can't we, like... together...?
Forrest: I'm late to this mess, and I'm trying to clean it.
Roger Perkins: I'm going to do what I can, but for the love of God, stop fucking
around in there!
Tabitha St. Marie: Well, I mean, we have maybe three hours.
Forrest: It is the last thing on my mind right now, believe you me.
Tabitha St. Marie: Tomorrow.
Roger Perkins: Tomorrow.
I'll be back then with some supplies
Steph: Why? What is it??
Forrest: "Supplies?"
Roger Perkins: Things that slow the infection down.
Forrest: ......
Roger Perkins: I'm going to try and find where it's coming from this time.
Forrest: ........Alright. I'm helping.
Roger Perkins: Tomorrow.
Come on, Phillip.

Roger Perkins rushes out

Forrest: .......
Gabby: …

Forrest stands there, clenching his fists

Tabitha St. Marie: You wanna be an intern?
Forrest: ........I don't believe this.....
Tabitha St. Marie: For MegaLife?
Forrest: .....
Tabitha St. Marie: not megalife

Forrest looks at Gabby and Lilly

Steph: Does it pay...?
Tabitha St. Marie: No, silly, and it's only for about half an hour before you have
to run away!

Gabby is stuck trying to think with that burnt-out little noggin of hers

Gabby strains to concentrate on something

Steph: Oh, so it's not being an intern.
It's corporate espionage.
Tabitha St. Marie: roll mind gabby
It's being an intern!
I'm doing all the dirty work!
Gabby: rolling 3d20 + 2
= 35
Steph: So what, exactly do we have to do?
Narrator : Gabby manages to clear a lot of the funk from her mind.
Forrest: ....
Gabby: …
Gabby takes deep breaths
Tabitha St. Marie: I don't like repeating myself. Where are your friends?
Gabby: ...Forrest.
Steph: Still in the cafeteria I think?
Tabitha St. Marie: Well, go get 'em.
Forrest: ....

Forrest looks at Gabby

Steph: Okay, let's go.
Tabitha St. Marie: No, you go.
I stay right here.
Gabby: I can help them. I... I know I can.
Forrest: .......
Gabby: I... identified the black goo from the pig... under the microscope.
Forrest: ......Was it what I think it is.
Gabby: I could... I could learn, I could study it...
Forrest: ......

Forrest nods
Forrest: Then let's go steal that pig.

Gabby nod nod nods

Gabby: …
...Hold on...
Steph: It's literally right over there...?
Tabitha St. Marie: Go on, scamp.
Forrest: ...?
Suzie: ... What is it...?

Steph counts the steps as she walks

Steph looks back over her shoulder

Steph: Fourteen! It's fourteen steps over here!

Gabby shakes her head like a wet dog and stretches out her limbs in a hasty motion
Gabby: ...'Kay. Let's do this.
Forrest: ....

Forrest looks back at Lily

Tabitha St. Marie: Good! Work those thighs!
Steph: Yeesh...

Steph pokes her head in the cafeteria

Steph: Yo, guys. We got a cool new job.
Lilly: ... What just...
Forrest: You've got a cool new job.
Gabby: ...WE?!?!
Lilly: What did I just hear...?
Gabby: Steph.
My dude.
We have.
Work to do.
Steph: Yeah, we do.
Gabby: That isn't that.
Steph: No, actually, we do, 'cause it has to do with Ruddman?
And there's a three-hour window to do it?
Gabby: N–... Steph. Steph, we need to find a cure.
We're gonna do research...
Steph pauses, looks back at Tabitha, then at Gabby again
Steph: Well, can't we... hold on!

Steph makes a frantic 'could-you-come-over-here!' gesture to Tabitha

Tabitha St. Marie just beams at her, taking a picture

Gabby: ...Steph... Steph, you didn't just–... with the lady...
Forrest: .....

Forrest looks back at Steph

Gabby: ...T-tell me, Steph, you–... you wouldn't...
Steph: I wouldn't ... what now...?
Look, can't we just split up then or something?
Gabby: ...She–... She was–...
Forrest: An excellent idea.
Gabby: ...capitalizing on... what happened to Naomi, and–
Forrest: Go do your job, and Gabby and I will do ours.
Steph: Okay. And, uh-- you guys?

Steph looks to the Suz, Nat, and Lil

Gabby: …
Suzie: ... I'll come with you.

Gabby looks very upset, but is trying to stifle it

Lilly: Hold on, me too!
Nathan: ... I'll, uh... help these guys...
Forrest: Right, then.
Good luck.
Suzie: Thanks.
Steph: Yeah, you too!

Steph goes to Tabbiytha

Forrest looks at Nathan

Forrest: ....
Tabitha St. Marie: Right!

Forrest then at Gabby

Gabby: ...She... She's just... getting info from her, right...?
Forrest: ...Exactly how long has the school had that pig.
Tabitha St. Marie: So you three need to keep NewPath's finest occupied by being
really bad internes while I do my hting!
You have new names!
Gabby: ...Uh... Lemme–... lemme think...

Gabby 'OW LONG

Tabitha St. Marie: You're Larissa, Curla, and Mola!
Steph: ....That's, uh... I guess that's fitting?
Tabitha St. Marie: What? Why?
I made those up randomly.
Narrator : like a week
maybe two
Gabby: ...'Bout a week or two.
Steph: Oh. It's not a Three Stooges... thing?
Tabitha St. Marie: What.
Forrest: ....Certainly longer than Lachance and Lao's affliction.
We'll need to be careful with it.
Steph: ....Never mind. So we just sorta... distract everyone?
Tabitha St. Marie: Yeah!
It's easy!
Steph: How blatant do we get...?
Tabitha St. Marie: Whatever keeps them occupied and me out of jail!
Gabby: Like... If we can find some rubber gloves or some crap...
Forrest: Masks, too.
Gabby: Oh, frick yeah. And frickin'– double-wrap it...

...God. GOD I hope Mr. Schmidt doesn't–...
Steph: 'Kay, good enough. Uh... let's get a-truckin' then?
Tabitha St. Marie: Come on, after me!
Forrest: As long as he doesn't learn what we're doing, it'll be fine.

Tabitha St. Marie runs out and hops into her old jalopy
Gabby: No, I mean...
If he catches it...
Forrest: ....
Steph: Shotgun!

Steph gets in front

Steph: wait
Forrest: .....We're low on time. Let's get started.
Space: eh. fuck it

Steph hesitates before getting in the car actually

Forrest: You ready to advance medical science, Nathan.
Steph: ...Um... I can walk?
Tabitha St. Marie: No!
Steph: I can... run?
Tabitha St. Marie: Get in, back seat, no one goes shotgun!

Gabby FRICKITY-SPLITS out towards the hall with purpose in her steps
Steph: Well, we got -- we got three hours, right? I'll... get there...

Nathan already looks queasy

Nathan: ... Yeha...
Forrest: Good.

Forrest is out right after Gabby

Space: i gotta get off the computer for now
Tabitha St. Marie: fuck me
Space: we can just do this part later
Mac D.: time for Doctor House

Nathan follows
Mac D.:
Narrator : They hunt for the cdaver, which would be stored in Schmidt's office.

Forrest peeks into the office

Narrator : Schmidt is currently operating on the dead pig.
Forrest: .....He's in there.
....With the pig.
Gabby: …
...Frick... Oh FRICK...
What do we do...

Gabby wrings her hands

Forrest: We'll have to get him away from the pig.
And work in the time we have.
Nathan, get a duffel bag.
Gabby: ...We need a distraction... A long one, not just some quick deal.
Nathan: Uh, uh, okay...

Nathan hurries off

Nathan: rolling 1d20
= 4

Nathan comes back with a plastic groecery bag

Forrest: ......
Nathan: ... What...?
Forrest: Nathan, that's not a duffel bag.
Nathan: ... Huh...?
But it's a bag...
Forrest: .....
Nathan: There are two, look.
Forrest: ....Well, at least you double-bagged.

Nathan points out how it's really two bags

Nathan: It's a double bag, like you said.
Forrest: Nathan, are you alright?

Forrest shakes his head

Gabby: ...He means, like... like a big one with a zipper, and... made of cloth.
Nathan: Oh!
Forrest: Find as big a bag as you can find.
Nathan: A swim bag! That's what my dad calls 'em...

Nathan runs off

Gabby: Big enough to hold me.
Forrest: Swim bag, y-
Nathan: rolling 1d20
= 3
Where do they.
Keep them.
Forrest: ...Gabby, help him.

Forrest walks inside

Forrest: Mr. Shcmidt.
Gabby: ...Hold on, here, we're gonna–

Mr. Schmidt: Hm?
Oh, yes, sorry, what is it...?


Forrest: Principal Hawthorne said he needs you, urgently.

Mr. Schmidt looks up, gloves covered in gore

Mr. Schmidt: Oh...? Oh! Oh!

Mr. Schmidt runs out

Forrest: .....

Forrest hurriedly loots the office for gloves and other medical equipment
Mr. Schmidt: roll gab
roll forrest
Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 30
Gabby: rolling 3d20 + 2
= 39
Narrator : Gabby finds a big ol' duffel bag in the lost and found.
Gabby: ...That oughtta do it.
Narrator : Forrest managed to score a pair of gloves, a scalpel, and two face
Forrest: Alright, this should do it.....
Gabby: C'mon, c'mon, let's get in there, we don't have much time.
Narrator : note down what you looted duff
Mac D.: done

Forrest looks at Gab, applying his face mask

Forrest: Alright, put these on
Nathan: I...

Forrest tosses her the mask and gloves

Nathan: I can uh...

Gabby grabs them

Forrest: Good thinking, Nathan. Keep an eye out for Schmidt.
Alright, let's do this carefully.
Gabby: Yeah, good idea. Keep back, try not to breath the air too hard.
Nathan: ... Yeah...

Gabby nod nod nod

Nathan stands outside the door

Gabby dons the EQUIP

Forrest: Help me with this.
Forrest begins the process of getting the PIG PLATTER into the BAG

Gabby Jesse tries to help Forrest White

Narrator : roll both of you
Gabby: rolling 3d20 + 2
= 13
Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 40
Mobile L: OOPUMS wrong stat ;)
Mac D.: just replace the +2 with a -1
Narrator : Forrest, mostly with his own strength, stuffs the pig into the ba-
Some of the blackened sludge in the pick slurps and hits Gabby's hand.
Forrest: ...!
Mobile L: GHHHH–!!!
Forrest: Gabby, careful.
Gabby: bich
Frick... Oh frick... oh geez...
Forrest: It's alright, stay calm. You're wearing gloves.

Gabby is shaking a little

Gabby: ...y-yeahh... hhh...
Forrest: Deep breaths, Gabby.

Gabby deep breaths...

Forrest: Slow any steady, into the bag....
Gabby: yeah...
Nathan: Uh, yeah, Mr. Schmidt, you, uh, could help me...!
Gabby: …!!!
Forrest: .....Shit....A little faster, just as steady.
Narrator : roll again
Gabby: rolling 3d20 + -1
= 27
Narrator : if you both fail you drop the pig
Forrest: b-but i won mine....
Narrator : you ave to go again cause gab got a negative fucking number
Forrest: shit....
rolling 3d20 -1
= 25
Gabby: :c
Narrator : The pig and platter hit the floor with a sloppy clang.
Forrest: ...!!
Narrator : Schmidt runs into his office.
Gabby: !!!!

Forrest backs the fuck up to avoid splatter

Mr. Schmidt: it misses

Gabby is paralyzed
Mr. Schmidt: What the devi- AAAAA...
Gabby: ..............

Mr. Schmidt begins waving them away

Gabby looks like she's about to faint

Forrest: Mr. Schmidt, please, wait, we need to-
Mr. Schmidt: No!
This thing is a biohazard!

Forrest backs up further

Forrest: I know, we-

Mr. Schmidt digs under his desk

Mr. Schmidt pulls out a bottle of bleahc

Mr. Schmidt dumps it into a waiting, soapy bucket

Gabby: .............

Mr. Schmidt begins quickly mopping up the mess

Forrest: .......
Mr. Schmidt: What the devil are you doing in here!?
Gabby: ......................
Forrest: ....Shit.....
Nothing, we were just-....Nothing.

Gabby looks like she's about to faint and maybe also cry

Forrest starts to slip towards the door, gesturing hard for Gabby to follow
Mr. Schmidt: Stop.

Mr. Schmidt looks at them

Forrest stops
Mr. Schmidt: ... If you're trying to play pranks with medical cadavers.
Forrest: .......
Mr. Schmidt: I'll let this one not be sent home to your families.
Forrest: ......Noted, sir. Very much noted.
Mr. Schmidt: But not the next!
Forrest: Thank you.
Forrest: Understood, Sir. Gabby.

Gabby just breaks down sobbing

Forrest: ......Oh, for-....
Mr. Schmidt: ... Mein Gott... what is going on here?

Forrest walks over to Gabby and tries leading her out of the room

Mr. Schmidt lifts the pig platter back onto its table
Mr. Schmidt: No, no, what is wrong...?
If not for a prank, why?
Forrest: .....
....That thing is a biohazard.
It shouldn't be in this building.

Gabby mutters half-sobbed apologies

Mr. Schmidt: Well, that's a bit if an overreaction...


Mr. Schmidt watches them go

Mr. Schmidt: ... Please, don't mess around in my lab.
Forrest: Noted....
Mr. Schmidt: There are dangerous things here...

Gabby useless sobbing piece of garbage

Forrest: ....

Forrest exhales as he exits the room

Nathan: ..............
Forrest: ...Son of a bitch...

Gabby slowly sinks to her knees, just despaired and humiliated as all getput
Gabby: *get-out

Forrest rubs his temples

Forrest: ....These fuckin' fatass fingers.....swear to god....
....Now how will we-

Forrest looks at Gabby

Forrest: .....

Forrest specifically her gloves

Forrest: .......

Forrest specifically the black goo ON her gloves

Gabby is having too much a fit to see this glint of hope

Forrest: .....Gabby.
Nathan: .................
Gabby: ...whhh– mmmmf... mmmrggh... nn...
Nathan: ... Uh...
Forrest: Gabby, don't wipe your eyes.
Gabby: ...........
Nathan: ... Uh, let me...

Nathan clumsily tries to wipe her eyes

Gabby: …
Forrest: We've got this, yet.

Gabby is comforted by this gesture

Gabby: ...b-but h–…

Forrest gestures to the goo on her glove

Gabby: ...ohhh... ohhhhh... hhhhhHHHHHhhhh... nnn...

Gabby slowly gets a demented cry-smile

Gabby is now whimpering in exhausted, humiliated, strained joy

Forrest: ...

Forrest pats her on the back

Forrest: ....Alright, we need to find a place to keep this sample.
Somewhere isolated, where people won't stumble in on it.
Nathan: ... I got it!
Gabby: …?
Forrest: ....?

Forrest looks at Nathan

Nathan: The boy's bathroom in the basement!
Gabby: …
Forrest: .......
Nathan: No one goes down there cause there's uh, a ghost! But those don't exist!
Suzie told me so.
Forrest: ......That's....actually a good idea.
Gabby: ...y-yeah...
Forrest: Alright, let's go set up that haunted bathroom.
Nathan: I can take you there, follow me!

Forrest gives Gabby a more reassuring backpat

Forrest: Careful with the glove.

Nathan leads them down the darkened stairs

Gabby nods, carefully walking with those goo-gloves and standing up a little taller
now that all is not lost

Forrest follows

Nathan leads them down a really dark, empty hallway

Nathan doesn't seem bothered

Forrest: .....

Nathan takes a sharp left into the boy's bathroom, which is black as pitch
Forrest: ......
.....It's hard to work with no light.

Gabby tries her best to walk steady

Nathan: Uh.. the light burnt out in here like...
Last year, I think?
It spooked me.
Forrest: .....Well, that's not great.
Hang on, let's use our phones.
Nathan: Oh!

Nathan pulls out his

Forrest fishes out his phone and goes to turn the light on it on

Forrest shines it into the bathroom

Nathan: ... Still pretty dark...
Forrest: It's enough to work with.
Keep your light on Gabby so she can take off the gloves.
Nathan: Okay!

Forrest shines his light around the room

Gabby: …
Narrator : The bathroom is vastly older than the Belmont High Forrest is used to.
Vastly older.
Forrest: ........
Nathan: So, uh, just...
Take 'em off, right...?
Narrator : The whole place is coated in dust.
And in some spots... roll mind Forrest
Forrest: ....
rolling 3d20 +2
= 52
Narrator : There are scorch marks and ash.
Forrest: .............
(Ruins of the old school.....)
Narrator : In thin, small crevices that must have escaped cleaning.
Gabby: …
Forrest: .....

Gabby is silently reassuring herself not to be afraid

Forrest: ...Hold on.
Gabby: …?
Forrest: We only have the one pair of gloves
It's going to be difficult managing the sample the way it is, now.
I suggest we encase it in something for the time being, and come back here when we
can more safely manage it.
Gabby: ...I could, uh... invert it and... put it inside of the other glove...
Forrest: That works.
And we'll stick it in a jar or something.

Forrest shines his light on the bathroom ceiling, to check the lights of the joint
Narrator : They're all.. missing...
Not broken, or burnt...
Forrest: .......
Narrator : Missing.
Forrest: ....Nathan, you said the lights in here burnt out.
Nathan: It did!
Forrest: Nathan, there are no lights.
Nathan: ... W-what...?

Forrest gestures to the ceiling

Nathan looks up
Nathan: ... B-but...
Forrest: ...It's possible they just took them out sometime after.
It was a year ago, right.
Nathan: ... But.. no one comes down here...
Forrest: Not even the janitor?
Gabby: …
Nathan: ... No, look at it... 's dirty...
Forrest: ....
......Let's go back upstairs.
Narrator : The door clicks shut.
Forrest: ............
Narrator : And locks.
Forrest: ....................................

Forrest slooowly looks toward the door

Gabby: ...h–... hhh...
Nathan: .........
Narrator : It's gone, Forrest.

Gabby AAAAAND the shuddering starts up

Forrest: ..........
Nathan: ... W-What....?
Forrest: This was not a good idea.
Nathan: ....

Nathan tearing up
Nathan: I-I I-I'm... I'm sorry...
Forrest: It's alright. It's alright.

Gabby whimpers and holds the glove close to herself

Forrest: It's fine, we'll be fine.

Gabby is just barely keeping it together

Forrest: ........

Forrest slowly shines the light around the room

Narrator : He's watching you.
Forrest: ............

Forrest siezes right up

Forrest: ........................................

Nathan cowers back like a dog

Gabby: NNNNN... GHHHH... hhhhhhhh... hhahhhhhhh...
Forrest: ..........

Gabby draws those hands in as close as they can come without touching her chest
Iblis: Would you like to die?
Forrest: ..........
.......No, thank you.
Gabby: ...fff... fffff... ffff...
Iblis: Come closer...
Gabby: ...f-f-fr–... fr– frrrr... frr...
Iblis: You're going to die here.
Gabby: fffffrr... fr–... ffff... fri–... fr–
Forrest: ......-......---....--...
Iblis: Good night...
Gabby: ...FRICK YOU.
Narrator : The agonized figure looms closer and closer

Gabby SNARLS like a hopelessly cornered animal and slowly steps back, shuddering
and crying and frothing at the mouth
Forrest: What-....What are-......
Narrator : It drifts, as if it was made of air.
Iblis: He suffered here before you.
He wants you to join him.

Gabby gurgles and chokes up on her own spit and mucus, shivering like a dog
Forrest: ........
.........Was he there when the school burned.

Gabby 's tears spill onto her skin and clothes

Iblis: Hmhmhm...
He was.
Forrest: ......Can he speak.
Iblis: Not anymore.
He stopped being able to speak when his windpipe was torn out.

Gabby makes frightened, angry little animal grunts and hisses

Gabby is almost seizing up

Nathan quietly shifts, standing defensively over Gabby

Forrest: .......What happened to the school.
Iblis: I awakened.

Gabby bares every puny little tooth, eyes a million miles away
Iblis: It was your fault.
Now you'll pay for disturbing our rest.
Forrest: ........My fault?....
Iblis: Humans.
Gabby: hrrrrnnnkk... hrhhhhssssshkk...
Forrest: .....

Forrest looks at the Tortured One

Iblis: He'd do anything to put you in his place.
I'm the only one stopping him.
Forrest: .........
Iblis: You are totally at my mercy...

Gabby froths, shuddering very violently

Iblis: Would you believe that he is at mine, as well?
The only reason he didn't die was because I wanted him to live.
Forrest: ............Why.
Iblis: I have my reasons.
He serves as a nice way of keeping little rats away from this place.
Can you hear the screams?
It's an old echo of the past I saved.
Just for you.
Forrest: .......
Iblis: Why shouldn't I let him get you?

Gabby opens her mouth wide and just makes guttural, awful noises and hisses at

Gabby 's eyes are glassy

Forrest: ..........What do you gain from killing us.
Iblis: Pleasure.
And my ends are met.
You are a hazard.
Forrest: A hazard.
Iblis: I dislike Archetypes.
I dislike the one who dispenses them.
I dislike their purpose.
Forrest: ......To open the door?
Iblis: To open the door.
Not just that door.
I dislike them crossing the door between this place and the hell you've
experienced, as well.
Forrest: And why is that.
Iblis: I don't need to justify myself to you.
Forrest: Humor me, then.
Iblis: No.
I do not care for humor.
Forrest: ...I don't believe that. You're getting a kick out of this, I'm sure.
Gabby: .................................
Iblis: I do not find this entertaining.
I would much rather kill you.
Forrest: Then what's keeping you.
Iblis: I am bound by certain rules.

Gabby still, despite all of this, is holding the gloves safe

Iblis: You are not entitled to know them.
I am mandated, in this instance.
To give you a chance to live.
Give me a reason.
Forrest: ........I'm curious.
Are you a Nihilist?
Iblis: Is that you reason...?
Gabby: hhhrrrrrhhhhhhrhhhh...
Forrest: No, it's a question.
Iblis: You need to offer me a reason.
Forrest: .....Alright.
We have a problem we brought here. That we need to fix.
Iblis: ... Heheheh.
So you do.
Forrest: For the sake of the people who aren't seeking the door.
Gabby: .................

Iblis snaps the man's back

Iblis envelopes it in darkness

Forrest: ......
Gabby: ....................

Gabby is still shuddering horribly, but is silent now

Iblis: I am letting you go.
Watch the eyes.
Forrest: ..........
Narrator : They all wake up.
Forrest: ......
Narrator : They'd all passed out in the basement bathroom.
Gabby: …
Narrator : The busted light hangs from the ceiling.

Gabby checks to see if the glove is safe

Forrest: ......

Forrest checks the type of lightbulb

Narrator : Old.
glove is safe
Gabby: …
Forrest: .....
Narrator : Gabby had actually flipped them and set them up for sotage and

Forrest gonna be a bitch to find at the hardware store

Forrest: Everyone alright?

Gabby exhales... then starts frickin' hyperventilating

Nathan is tearful, curled up

Forrest: .....
Gabby: Ghhh–... hhh... nhhh... y-... y-... i-it's– i-it's s-safe...

Gabby starts sobbing AGAIN ahahahaha this kid...

Forrest: .....

Forrest walks over to Nathan, crouching down

Forrest: ...Hey.
Nathan: ... I don't like ghosts...
Forrest: Yeah, me neither.
Let's get the hell out of here.
Nathan: ... Okay...

Nathan stands up

Nathan heads out and up in a bit of a hurry

Forrest: ....

Forrest walks over to Gabby

Gabby is somehow in even more shambles than before

Forrest: .....

Gabby 's fragile psyche is again at its absolute breaking point

Gabby: .....................
Forrest: ..........
.....Gabby, come here.
Gabby: .................

Gabby slowly, shudderingly drags herself over to Forrest, clutching the inverted
gloves to herself tightly
Forrest: .......

Forrest hug
Forrest: ..........
Gabby: …

Gabby sobs into his shoulder, hugging back with those tiny, shaky arms

Gabby is a very scared child

Forrest gently pats her back

Forrest: .....It's okay....It's okay.....I'm here, you're safe.....
Gabby: ...ghh– ghhhhh... F-... F-... F-Forrest...!
Forrest: It's alright.....We can do this....

Nathan jobs back in

Gabby: …
Nathan: ... Uh...
Forrest: Get out.
Nathan: Y- you guys... a-

Nathan freezes

Nathan tears a bit

Nathan runs away

Gabby: …

Gabby sniffle... sniffle...

Forrest: .......Don't tell anybody about this.
Gabby: ...mhhhh...

Forrest grips her arm tighter, her shoulder feels wet

Forrest: ....Not a one.
Gabby: …

Gabby nods very weakly

Forrest: We're going to do this.....We're going to beat that thing and save them
....So you gotta.....tough it out, alright.
There'll be time to scream and shout and cry when it's all over....
Gabby: …

Gabby weak nod...

Gabby: ...I–... 'm gonna... s-save everyone...

Forrest inhales sharply, then exhales

Forrest: ......Alright.....Let's get upstairs.

Forrest pats her on the back and LEADS 'ER UP

Gabby: …


Forrest looks toward Nathan

Nathan is wiping his face, shivering and standing there

Forrest: .....
Forrest walks over to him

Nathan looks at Forrest

Nathan: ... So- I'm sorry...
Forrest: .....You saw nothing.

Nathan shakes his head furiously

Nathan: N-No... nnn-nno...

Forrest puts a hand on his shoulder and nods

Forrest: Alright.....Let's get a jar for this thing.

Nathan nods, weakly

Narrator : They manage to nick a mason jar from the art room.
And tuck the gloves inside.
Gabby: ..............
Forrest: .....Alright.....we are we gonna stick this.
Gabby: locker...?
Forrest: It sealed up tight?
Gabby: ...y-yeah... I have– i-it's always locked...
Forrest: ....Alright, we keep it in there, and we can work with it tomorrow with
that detective.
Narrator : ... Okay...
Nathan: ... I-I...
I'll see you all tomorrow...
Forrest: .....Nathan.
Nathan: ... What...?
Forrest: ...Thank you. For your help.
Nathan: ....
Forrest: We'll save them.
Nathan: ... Okay.

Nathan scurries away

Forrest: .......

Forrest looks at Gabby

Gabby is consciously wresting with autopilot and trying to stay in the reality zone
and be the hero
Forrest: .....
....I could walk home with you.
Gabby: ...y-you're sure...?
Forrest: Yes.
Narrator : Thw two of them make their ways home.

Forrest [frylock voice] TO THE HOME

Narrator : For now, this is where we will conclude.
Mobile L: Gabby Cri Everytime
Mac D.: iblis you FUCK
Mobile L: ...and forrest cry a lil bit 2
SR3NORMANDY: Seriously, this is great. Thanks for letting me sticky-beak.
Mac D.: you bought your slacks at the PORTLY GENTLEMEN i know this because I SOLD
iblis is either Not a Nihilist
Narrator : no problem norm
Mac D.: or this is going to go Poorly
Mobile L: Time to get out the MICROSCOPE
(and the happy pills)
Mac D.: [shake magic eight ball] IS IBLIS NIHILIST
8ball: Maybe
Mac D.: piece o shit
SR3NORMANDY: How long has it been?
Mac D.: too fuckin' long that's how long
eldritch s. (GM): it's funn funny because i was nervous about that session
oh it's been
a month or two
at least
Mac D.: we are not able to play this often
SR3NORMANDY: A good return, then!
Mobile L: This session was fucking baller, your nervousness paid off
It was a rollercoaster
Steph: i'm Larissa
eldritch s. (GM): what
oh right
how are you
Space: i'm quite chill
this feels good

Tabitha St. Marie leads the four stooges in front of the NewPath HQ, then turns
into an alley beside it

Steph looks over her shoulder to check and make sure if they were followed
Tabitha St. Marie: You haven't been followed.
Now, y-

Jaime gets a call from his pops and must excuse himself
Tabitha St. Marie: ... Anyway.
Recap- all of you tell me your names and what we're here for!
Steph: Uhh... I'm Steph, and we're here to-- wait, no, I'm supposed to be Larissa,
aren't I? Which one was I supposed to tell you?
Tabitha St. Marie: The name you're telling to all the people in that building!!
Steph: Oh! That's Larissa.
Tabitha St. Marie: Who's Larissa?
Steph: We're here to-- okay, and this is what we're doing, or what we're actually--
I don't know...? an intern?
Tabitha St. Marie: Yes!
She's also you, got it?
Steph: Yes, gotcha!
Tabitha St. Marie: Now, what is Stephanie here to do?
Steph: Larissa, you mean!
Tabitha St. Marie: No, Larissa is an intern, Stephanie is my journalistic
What is Stephanie here to do?
Steph: Uhm... be a distraction?
Tabitha St. Marie: Why come?
Steph: So no one notices you performing breaking and entering, and other such
Tabitha St. Marie: Preacisely~~!
Now, you three are interns, so just head in an do intern stuff. But badly. So
people are distracted.
Steph: No sweat! They'll rue the day they hired me for an unpaid entry-level
Tabitha St. Marie: That's the spirit!
Now, go!

Steph steps in, adjusting her ponytail

Narrator : The NewPath lobby is modest and cozy, jazz playing on an endless loop in
the background.
Guards stand watch over the lobby, and a tired receptionist sits at the main desk.

Steph saunters up to the front desk, trying to look aggressively chipper

Steph: Uhh, hi! My friends and I, we're the new interns, and like....
We just...... got here??
Receptionist: Employee number...
Steph: ...
Oh! Hold on. Let me find that...

Steph makes a show of checking her pockets

Steph: ...Rats! Wouldn't you know, I left it in my, uhh, other pants pocket?
Narrator : rolling 1d20
= 2
Receptionist: Ha ha. Very funny.
Steph: Haha! Yeah, just kidding... just kidding... Hold on, I've just got it
written down somewhere.

Steph gets out her notebook

Steph very quickly tries to think of something to write

Steph writes: 'Everyone Automatically Believes I Am An Intern With No Need For

Further Verification From Me'
Space: should i roll for it
Narrator : no
Receptionist: ... Ah, right. Number 24601.
, proceed...
Steph: Oh! Good! Yeah, that.
Can my friends come with, too? 'Cause they're interns... and that's a fact...
Narrator : He nods.
Steph: Awesome thanks g'bye!

Steph hurries onwards before her hasty disguise is uncovered

Narrator : Steph enters a mess of cubicles.
Roll mind.
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 7
Narrator : Steph sees the fake potted plants and finds them distasteful...
Steph: Ugh, jeez...
Narrator : She quickly becomes lost in the winding maze of office space and ends up
next to a bunch of workers, at their cubicles
Steph: .......
...Well, I guess I'd better get to it!

Steph pokes into the nearest drone's cubicle

Steph: Hey! Need anything? I'm an intern.
Drone: Yeah, I'd like some coffee and one of those cream-filled donuts.
Steph: You gotcha, buster!

Steph goes to look for a break room

Narrator : roll mind
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 8
Narrator : Steph wanders into a potted plant.
Steph: Ah! Jesus...

Steph knocks over the potted plant, out of spite

Larry Shotterman: Ah! You hate them too?
Steph: --!
Larry Shotterman: I can't fuckin' stand those things, commercial messes! They kill
your soul!
Steph: Um--! Yeah! They're lifeless... uhh, corporatism at its finest?
Larry Shotterman: You can say that again and I'd buy it.
Listen, I've been trying to find Ruddman in this muck? You seen hide or hair of
I fucking hate offices, I'll never get out of here alive...
Steph: I, uh... cannot say that I have, no! Is he in today?
Well, I mean, I'd assume so, since you're looking for him and all...
Larry Shotterman: Should be...
Well, good luck, intern- say, what's your name?
Steph: Uh, Larissa! Yes, that's it. Larissa.
Larry Shotterman: Well, Larissa.

Larry Shotterman hands her five bucks

Larry Shotterman: A gift from Larry.
Steph: ...!
Aw, thank you!
Larry Shotterman: Pay it forward or some new age shit.

Larry Shotterman heads off

Steph: Man... being an intern pays off, I guess.

Steph tries to look once more for the break room

Larry Shotterman: roll
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 5
Narrator : Steph wanders into the woman's washroom.
Steph: ...Ughh. Guess I'll make the most of it...

Steph goes to try and clog all the toilets full of toilet paper
Narrator : roll
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 2
= 15
Narrator : The toilet gushes water.
It is now all over the floor.
Steph: Heheheheh...
Narrator : A lady quickly rushes in, holding her rear
Steph: ...?
Drone: Gah gotta shit gotta shit gotta shit...!
Steph: ............
Narrator : They rush into the clogged stall.

Steph oh no...
Narrator : And then begin to scream as they get water all over their ass.

Steph tries to get out of there really really fast

Narrator : roll
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 2
= 5
Space: oh god
Narrator : Steph slips on the wet floor.
She gets toilet water on her clothing.
The woman in the stall howls like a banshee.
Steph: Fuck!

Steph scrambles to her feet, Getting the F outta there

Narrator : Steph runs out, dripping with water.
A guard moves past her, seeking to investigate the howling.
Steph: Ghhhh Jesus Christ this is so gross...

Steph very very promptly walks away

Steph tries to find some place where she can busy herself, or the break room
failing that
Narrator : roll mind space
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 14
Narrator : Steph walks into a worker
Drone: Ey. Can you man the printer for a bit?
Steph: Oh! Sure! Sure, sure...
Drone: Good. See ya in five.
Narrator : He heads off.

Steph hurries over to the printer, checking if it's printing anything currently
Narrator : Nothing yet.
It has a photocopier attached.
Steph: ...

Steph looks around

Narrator : Everyone is working.

Steph decides it's best to go for the Classics

Steph hops up to quickly photocopy her butt and set it to make 500 copies
Narrator : roll
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 2
= 14
Narrator : Steph does it.
Soon the copier is firing off pictures of her butt.
And this company is now guilty of distributing child pornography.

Steph cackles, unaware of the implications, and hurries to cause more mischief
Narrator : roll
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 9
Narrator : Steph runs into a middle manager
Steph: Uhp--!
MM: Well excuse me! Hello, Ms. Intern! And what do you think you're doing here?
Narrator : They push up their glasses and adjust the pocket protector that defends
their pocket.
Steph: I'm... interning!
MM: Interns are not permitted in this section of the building! This is for
employees level four and up!
Steph: Oh! Sorry... I got lost on the way to the... break room?
MM: Why don't you remember where that is?! It was shown to you during orientation!!
Steph: It's really confusing around here!!
I ran into, like, eight potted plants on my way over!
Narrator : rolling 1d20
= 7
MM: YOU... DID... WHAT...!?
Steph: Uhh... yeah! Go and take a look! They're all that way...
Narrator : The Middle Manager begins to twitch and looks at the direction indicated
Steph: ........They... they got all the dirt in the carpet...
Narrator : They begin to huff and puff furiously.
Steph: Um... Craig, from Accounting, he laughed when I did it. And he knocked over
another one. So... uh... really, he encouraged me.
Narrator : The Middle Manager's head cracks around Exorcist style
He stares at Steph.
Steph: ..............

Steph takes a horrified step back

Narrator : He foams from the mouth.
He begins to roar.

Steph fucking cuts and runs

Narrator : roll
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 2
= 13
Narrator : Steph runs from the flailing, back-walking Middle Manager
He smashes through cubicles and knocks over employees in his frenzied pursuit.
Spittle and coffee fly from his yellow-toothed maw.


Steph at least this is causing a distraction...?

Narrator : Hair falls from his bald head in big patches.
Yes everyone in the office is panicking.

Steph tries to lose his freaky trail

Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 2
= 10
Narrator : He's starting to catch up...
She can feel his hot breath on her neck...
Steph: Huff... huff...!
Steph tries to fake like she's turning Right before turning and running Left
Narrator : roll
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 2
= 11
Narrator : Steph barely manages to escape the Middle Manager by faking him out.
He begins smashing up a cubicle

Steph slows down once she's sure she's in the clear

Steph: Jesus H. Christ...
Narrator : Steph is in the break room.
Steph: ...Oh!

Steph looks for donuts, and the coffee machine

Narrator : Suzie and Lilly stand there, drinking all the coffee and eating all the
The have shoved every donut they have not eaten into a plastic bag.

Suzie looks at Steph

Suzie: ... Donut if you don't tell anyone what you've seen.
Lilly: Make it two!
And don't follow us!
Steph: ...Uh?
Lilly: Three?
And a cup of coffee.
Steph: Did -- are we leaving now? Did Tabitha get the stuff?
Lilly: ... What...?
Steph: You know, the stuff she was looking for.
Suzie: ...
Lilly: ... How do you know about that...?
Steph: Because I, I dunno, came here with you guys?? It's me! Steph!
Oh, don't tell me it's the stupid notebook thing...
Lilly: ... But you're an intern...???
Steph: Yeah, 'cause I wrote 'I'm an intern' in my freaking notebook!
Lilly: ...?
Steph: Christ, Jesus...

Steph fishes out her notebook, flipping to the page where she wrote it

Steph tries to erase it

Lilly: rolling 1d20
= 2
Narrator : The Middle Manager begins flailing his way towards the breakroom as
Steph starts to erase
Steph: ...Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuuuuuck....

Steph hurriedly tries to rub it out

Narrator : rolling 1d20
= 3
They come closer...
Space: oh no...
Narrator : They foam at the mouth...
rolling 1d20
= 4
... And closer...

Steph looks around frantically for a potted plant in the break room
Narrator : roll mind
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 9
Narrator : None to be found...
Space: nooooooo
Steph: Aw, fuck... hey, creep!

Steph snatches a donut out of Lilly's hand, hurling it at the middle manager's
face, in the hopes that it's one of those jelly-filled ones and it'll easily
Narrator : rolling 1d20
= 20
It flies into his mouth.
He begins to chew on it.
He smiles, standing upright
He grows a fresh head of hair.
Steph: ...
MM: Ah! Just what I needed to brighten my day!
Narrator : He skips off, merrily.
Steph: ...I... guess that worked?
Lilly: ... So... who are you...?
Steph: I'm your friend! Stephanie Karloman??
Lilly: ... You're an intern.
Steph: Oh my god...
Explain this! Explain how you just know automatically that I'm 'an intern!'
Lilly: ... Because you are.
Steph: What the hell does that even mean??
Lilly: You're an intern! The sky's blue! Grass is green!
It's that simple!
Steph: Okay, well, I quit! I'm not an intern anymore! There??
Lilly: ... You didn't actually quit, though.
There's not slip or letter or anything!

Steph rubs her face

Steph: I need to figure this out... do you know anyone named Stephanie Karloman?
Does that name ring a bell to you at all?
Suzie: Yes.
Steph: What does she look like?
Suzie: Tall, thin.
Black hair.
Steph: In a ponytail? Like this?
Suzie: In a ponytail, yes.
Steph: One like this.
Suzie: Yes.
Steph: One exactly like this.
Suzie: Yes.
Steph: I think, if you look, you'll notice that I look exactly like your friend,
Stephanie Karloman.
Suzie: Well, yes.
Steph: Does that not... strike you as odd???
Suzie: No, not really.
Steph: Why????
Suzie: You're an intern.

Steph looks like she's about to scream

Steph: I can show you, in the notebook, where I wrote the thing! Look! Right here!

Steph shows both of them

Suzie: ... You're an intern, yes.
Steph: For fuck's sake...

Steph sits down with a huff, trying once more to erase it

Lilly looks at her until it's erased

Lilly: ... Steph!
Where'd you come from?
There was this strange intern girl...

Steph stares at the two of them, looking exactly like she is about to explode
Steph: That was me.
Lilly: ... What...?
Steph: I did the notebook thing. To make people think that I'm an intern.
I guess it worked.
Suzie: ... But you weren't there, it was someone else.

Steph is shaking with rage

Steph: . . .

Steph closes her eyes

Steph takes a deep breath

Steph and exhales

Steph: Can we go find Tabitha, please.

John Ruddman is walking through the office, talking to employees about the ripped
up cubicles.
Steph: ...?

Steph peers out from the break room

Steph: ...Er... new plan. We should... probably... sneak out the fire escape or
Very quickly?
Suzie: Alright.
Lilly: Lead the way!

Steph grabs a last donut for the road, trying to find a discrete exit
Narrator : roll
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 14
Narrator : Ruddman fails to notice Steph moving by, but she does sense his immense
power, even from a distance.

Steph the hairs on the back of her neck are standing up

Narrator : They move on past the mass of drones and into the hall, away from
Two guards flank a secure door.
An employee stands by a window with a fire escape, reading the paper
Steph: Okay... we gotta figure out the best way to do this...
...I'm kind of wary of doing some fancy notebook trick again... what do you guys
Lilly: ... You did a trick...?
Steph: Yeah, exactly.
Suzie: Go for it.

Steph thinks for a moment

Steph writes: "Security Guards Think I Am Their Boss", before hastily adding "And
Friends Think I Am Their Friend"
Steph: Nice... that'll do it.

Steph looks over at her two buddies for a second

Steph: Quick question, who am I??
Suzie: Stephanie Karloman
Steph: Thank God. Okay...

Steph approaches the guards

Steph: I'm passing through here!
Narrator : They salute and open the door for her.
Guard: Yes, Mr. Ruddman!
Steph: ...! Oh, uh, also, these interns are coming with me.
Guards: Yes, Mr. Ruddman!
Narrator : Steph enters the sealed room.
It is dark and dingy and gray and full of filing cabinets.
Steph: ...Oh, wow.
This... is not an exit I guess?
Suzie: Wrong door, I suppose.
Steph: ...Well, shit, if they had two guards blocking the door... you gotta figure
there's something important here, right?
Let's take a peek.
Suzie: roll mind
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 6
Narrator : Steph is pulled back into cover by Suzie when she notices...

Roger Perkins stands in the room, looking over some files

Steph: --!

Steph hangs back, watching him very carefully

Roger Perkins: ...

Roger Perkins closes the file

Roger Perkins: ... Sorry, Sam.

Roger Perkins puts it back

Steph: ....?

Roger Perkins exits the room

Steph: ...Nice save...

Steph immediately steps over try and find the file he took out
Narrator : roll
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 6
Space: god is dead
Narrator : There are far too many files...
Steph is about to keep looking when...
The fire alarm goes off.
The sprinkers all fire at once.
Mac D.: what an excellent timing for that alarm to the beat
Space: yeah what the fuck
Steph: Shit--!

Steph frantically tries to gather up as many files as she can in that vicinity
Narrator : roll
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 2
= 12
Narrator : She grabs a few and heads out
Guard: Ruddman, sir! You're in danger!
Steph: Don't just stand around, grab some of these!
Narrator : The guards begin scooping up files.
Guard: Where to, sir?
Steph: Okay-- let's go! This way, out the fire escape!
Narrator : They all head out onto the fire escape.
Soon they reach the ground.
It's the afternoon.
They are in a scuzzy alley.
Steph: Okay... good job, you guys. Leave the files with... uh, my interns, and make
sure everyone else gets out safely.
Narrator : They salute and toss the files at Suzie and Lilly, heading back up

Steph exhales deeply once they're gone

Steph: Hhhhhholy shit...
Narrator : roll mind
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 4
Space: what is it with mind rolls tonight
Narrator : Steph doesn't notice as Tabitha slides down the wall on a rope
Mac D.: steph is a airhead
Steph: Well, it looks like we got out of that one okay, huh guys...?
Tabitha St. Marie: We sure did!

Steph nearly jumps out of her sneakers

Steph: Jesus!
Tabitha St. Marie: Now, I have some stuff for you!
I want all the files you have, on the double!
I'll sort it out, sort and compile all useful information, and then share the notes
with you when they're done!@
Steph: Uh-- well, wait, there's one that I need for... uh, personal reasons.
But I don't know which one it is?
Tabitha St. Marie: Too bad!
Hand it over!

Tabitha St. Marie holds out her burlap sack

Steph: I'll give you the rest, okay? It's not an important one -- it's personal
Tabitha St. Marie: I don't care!
Either you give me all of the papers or I don't help you at all!
No one holds out on me, Tabitha St. Marie!
Steph: If you find it, will you at least tell me what was in that one? It's gonna
have someone named Sam, or Samantha...
Tabitha St. Marie: Absolutely!
I'm just sorting it for you, you'll get the info when it's compiled!
Steph: Well... okay...

Steph reluctantly hands it over

Tabitha St. Marie stuffs it into the sack

Tabitha St. Marie: Thank you!
Now, ha ha! Toodles and arrivederci!

Tabitha St. Marie runs off

Steph: ...Do you guys think we can trust her to... y'know, deliver?
Suzie: Don't have much of a choice, now.
Steph: ..I guess you're right...
But it's not like we can't, y'know, find a way to get it back if we have to?
Suzie: Yes...

Suzie yawns
Narrator : It is late, and eventually the three of them go their separate ways.

Steph returns home, feeling more uncertain than she feels accomplished
Narrator : strange
the ED won't play
nor will it play on fanburst
Space: huh..
i'll listen to it on youtube
that was damn good seer
a legit return to form i would say
Narrator : why
Forrest: i want more screentime next episode.
Space: it had humor
chances for me to use Creativity
real legit tense moments
and hints at the mystery leaving me wanting more
Mac D.:
eldritch s. (GM): why
who are you
Mac D.: it's me
Robert Ringling, of the Ringling Brothers
Mobile L: Charles Stiles, Mystery Diners.
Mac D.: seer do you remember the Meeting with the Other Archetypes
eldritch s. (GM): no
Mac D.: have you forgotten.....everything
eldritch s. (GM): like a lot
Mobile L: Reedin' & lookin'
Mac D.: warned you to keep a bible bruh
eldritch s. (GM): i know
i've been doing finals and such
sue me
Mobile L: c: c: c: c: c:
Mac D.: how i MISSED you....
God keeps fucking with the boombox
Narrator : The morning sun rises over Belmont.
It is a sleepy Saturday.

Forrest is a snoring lump of fat and grouch in his bed

Steph wakes up bright and early

Narrator : Elections come on Monday.

Gabby lay practically comatose, having an aggressively hard sleep after All of That
Steph: Jeez louise... alright, time to step it up.
...Time to... Steph. It up.
Narrator : The three candidates for MP of Belmont will be debating outside city
Steve: Boo.
Narrator : Ruddman, Null, and Cotter.

Steph gets herself Morning Prepared and swings down for breakfast

Forrest eventually snorts into a waking state, lying inertly in his bed and staring
at the wall
Gabby suddenly snaps to consciousness, gasping and looking at her alarm clock
Gabby: …!

Ronald Karling sits in his living room, drinking coffee and eating crackers
Gabby: ...fffffFRICKIN HECK, I... I slept so late...
Ronald Karling: Debates are coming soon.

Forrest registers in his brain that it's a Saturday. He mulls over whether or not
he wants to go back to sleep
Forrest: .........

Gabby groans and rubs her eyes, slowly rising from her bed and putting on her
Gabby: ...The tumor... Right, I'll–

Eunice Trần: TUMOR?!
Forrest: .......
Steph: Oh, crap, yeah, the election's on Monday, isn't it?
Gabby: …?!


Forrest eventually makes a low grunt, before rolling onto his back and achingly
sitting up
Space: (oop also im still in the school )
Forrest: .....
Gabby: Oh, uh–! N– I'm– I'm just fine, Grandma! I was, uh–... We're– we're
dissecting a pig tumor in science.

Forrest goes through the slow process of getting out of bed and throwing something
wearable on

Eunice Trần lets out a loud sigh of relief

Eunice Trần gives her a breakfast in bed she prepared

Eunice Trần: Good... good...
Gabby: And–... And Mr. Schmidt was gonna let me study it at home.
Ronald Karling: It appears so.
Gabby: ...Aww, Grandma!
Thank you...
Ronald Karling: Do you have any thoughts on the matter?

Gabby smiles sleepily/flusteredly and is about to tuck in

Steph: I'm kind of hoping the Rhinos pull out a surprise upset, to be honest...

Forrest rolls his neck and steps out into the hall, running a hand through his mess
of hair

Gabby shoves a bite of brekfood into her gob in rage

Faceless One waits for him by the door, masked and gloved
Faceless One: ...
Eunice Trần: ... oh dear...
We could try to talk to this Mr. Schmeedy, perhaps, and get an extension?

Forrest looks at her

Forrest: ......
Ronald Karling: We'll see.
Gabby: ...I dunno, I... I kinda took the taking it home thing on myself 'cuz I was
so into it, and he just let me...
Ronald Karling: I don't know who I'll vote for.
I think I'll meditate on it.
Mac D.: we should add Persona 5 music to the lineup now

Gabby takes a dejected bite of breakfast

Space: you'll never see it COMIIIIIIING
Narrator : no then atlus will ban us for streaming
Space: oh fuck
Steph: I think I'm gonna go check out the debate... when is it?
Mac D.:
In Spirit
Forrest: Did you sleep well.
Eunice Trần: ... Is there anything we can do, my dear, to make it better?
Mac D.: Superior Version
Ronald Karling: An hour or so.
Mac D.:
Faceless One: ... I don't sleep.
It's weird.
Forrest: .....Can't?
Faceless One: Instead of sleeping, I sort of...
Steph: Ooh, yikes...
Faceless One: Zone out. Meditate, kind of. Like some kind of monk.

Steph finishes up breakfast

Faceless One: ... It's cool.
Forrest: ....Hm.
Steph: I think I'll go see if Ken wants to go.
Forrest: Got a mantra.
Gabby: ...I dunno, Grandma... I'd have to think on it...
Faceless One: ... No.
Gabby: ...Thank you, though. I'm just... I'm just gonna think about it, I think...

Ronald Karling: Go on. Be careful, though.
Rhinos have their horns.
Steph: Heh heh! Got it, Grandpa.

Gabby recalls that they're supposed to meet with Perkins today

Forrest: ...............Hm.

Steph heads out next door

Forrest: Does it refresh you, at least.

Steph Knock Knock Knock Knockin' On Ken's Door

Gabby can't remember if Steph was there to hear about that or not (she wasnt')
Gabby: *wasn't fug I'm not Olive I swear
Faceless One: Oh yeah!
I feel good!
Forrest: Well, that's good.
Maybe if I meditated, I wouldn't feel like shit in the morning.
Eunice Trần: If you're sure...
Sorry, dear...

Eunice Trần lumbers off

Gabby: ...It's okay, Grandma...
Uh, thanks again!

Ken opens his door

Ken: ... Stephanie!
Gabby: …
Steph: Ken, hey!

Steph grins
Steph: Wanna go see some pricks in suits sling mud at each other?

Gabby gets out her phone and composes another of the famous mass-texts, trying to
hold onto this Okayish and Human feeling for however long it lasts
Faceless One: You should try it...
Light candles maybe?
Drink ~Japanese Herbal Tea...~
Forrest: Not in my room. That's a fire hazard.
Ken: Elections? Oh, why not.
Forrest: ....Alright, it's Saturday, so no school.
Steph: That's the spirit!
We should probably try to swing public opinion away from Ruddman, somehow, if we
Ken: incite
Gabby: i'm speller.
Faceless One: ... Oh! Cool.

Faceless One rubs the back of her neck

Space: *insight
Ken: Let's go...
i'm not correcting to the right spelling
i'm making a joke
Forrest: .....
Space: you insighted my fury

Steph starts off towards The Speech Place

Faceless One: ...

Forrest mulls over the idea of proposing she try going outside
Forrest: ......
Mobile L: (btw that was a mass text)

Forrest she's no doubt been stuck here, but there is a risk factor.
Forrest: .................
Mobile L: (i said so earlier but it got buried-ish)
Gabby: ...'Kay, frick, uh...
Forrest: ...?

Gabby changes into some clothes

Forrest checks his phone

Forrest: .....Ah.
Narrator : Steph and Ken show up to a massive crowd of people gathered around town
They shove past people in order to get a decent view

Forrest texts back

Forrest: [Did he specify a time]

Steph: 'Scuse me, pardon me, 'scuse me!

Sherwood Cotter: Now, now, listen... I'm not saying that the rich need to be taxed
less, I am simply saying that the taxes must be distributed more effectively...

Jerry Null coughs and says under his breath

Gabby always wears the uniform, even on Saturdays

Jerry Null: Horsemanure.

Steph sees Suzie and Nathan in the crowd, sidling up to them

Steph: Yo! What'd we miss?

Gabby begins to head out towards THE STREETS

Ken: Null and Cotter have been attack each other during the debate and Ruddman has
been making a killing.
Suzie: Null and Cotter have been attack each other during the debate and Ruddman
has been making a killing.
Forrest: [Alright. Let's meet outside the school and wait a bit there.]

Forrest puts the phone away and looks up at Naomi

Narrator : Gabby heads out on a grand adventure, walking by her sleeping dad on the
Forrest: I've got to go break into the school.
Steph: Ugh... god dammit.

Faceless One: ... Do you want me to come...?

Gabby pauses mid-step and smiles a bit at her dad, kind of sadly
Forrest: ......
Gabby: ...Love you.


Forrest: ....There's a risk to it.
Faceless One: ... I'm okay with that.
Forrest: .........

Forrest exhales lightly

Forrest: .....Be very careful.
Narrator : The debate continues with more rambling and passive-aggression.

Gabby gawps a bit at the political kerfrickle in the streets

Gabby: ...Ew.
Narrator : Gabby's path leads her through the Bad Part of Town
roll mind gabby
Faceless One: ... I will.
Forrest nods, and heads DOWN and FOR THE DOOR
Forrest: I'm going out!
Gabby: rolling {3d20 + 2}<0
= 0 Successes
Steph: This is really pathetic... we need to do something.
Bryce Freeman: Stay safe!


Narrator : Gabby avoids walking into a familiar looking man with greasy hair and
blackface on.
Gabby: …?!
...Oh frick off.


Narrator : Forrest and Naomi head to the school... roll mind.
Ken: What can we do?
Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 31
Narrator : Forrest manages to get his ass lost, ending up right next to a fat man
in a bowler hat.
Martin Witherburg: ... Well. Pleasure seeing you here.
Steph: Everyone's attention is focused on the debate... Archetype shenanigans are
obviously right out...
Ken: Hm...
Steph: All he really has to do is not loose his cool, doesn't he?
Narrator : Gabby's little legs take her across the bridge to the island the school
is situated on.
Forrest: .....!!

Forrest 's eyes narrow

Forrest: .....Hello, Mister Witherburg.
Martin Witherburg: What brings you and this...

Martin Witherburg looks at Naomi

Gabby has the glint of determination

Martin Witherburg: ... girl of yours, here.
Forrest: We're on a walk.
Ken: You'd be right.
Suzie: ... How do we stop that from happening...
Gabby: ...Frick... Are– are Steph and Jaime sleeping in or something...?
Martin Witherburg: Mm. I do wish you well with your myriad maladies in regards to
Gabby walks over to the bench and sits down, kicking her legs nervously
Forrest: .....


Martin Witherburg: It is always a tragedy to be short a played.
Forrest: I'm sure you'll manage.
You have a way of riling people into a frenzy.

Martin Witherburg laughs, puffing his cigar

Martin Witherburg pats him on his back

Martin Witherburg: On your way, boy.

Martin Witherburg walks off

Forrest: ..................
Steph: We could heckle him specifically, maybe...?

Forrest glares at his back a moment more, before looking back at Naomi
Forrest: ....Alright....Do you know where the school is from here.
Gabby: …
Faceless One: ... Yeah.

Gabby shuts her eyes and inhales deeply, exhaling very slowly
Ken: We could...
Forrest: .....Good. 'Cause I'm lost.

Gabby tries her best to get all relaxed before anyone shows up
Faceless One: ... Oh, Oh, oh kay!
Follow me.

Faceless One heads off

Forrest: .....

Steph nods once, then looks to when Ruddman will speak next

Forrest raises an eyebrow at that odd enunciation before following her

Faceless One:
Normal Mind Test
Rolling 3d20 Mind for
" "
Lower Margin: 10
Upper Margin: 15
Result: 14
Good & Bad

Gabby centers herself

Faceless One leads them there

Gabby almost wonders if she should be the tiniest bit religious and meditate

Forrest follows

John Ruddman begins speaking

Forrest: Here we go...

Forrest looks about for Gab

John Ruddman: The economic policy of the Liberal Party of Canada...
Forrest: ...Ah.

Gabby sits on the bench, tranquil

Gabby: …!

Gabby starts a bit, but realizes IT FORREST

Gabby: Oh!
Thank frick, Forrest, I thought something happened on the way...

Steph cups her hands around her mouth

Gabby now also notice Naomi

Steph: Fucking sucks!
Forrest: I was sidetracked, briefly.
John Ruddman: roll spirit steph
Forrest: ......
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + -1
= 15

Gabby is unsure of what to say and looks ashamed

Forrest notices her notice Naomi

Narrator : People laugh.
Gabby: ...Uh...
...Are... Are you doing okay, Naomi...?
Forrest: ....
John Ruddman: ... is a tried and true set of principles that invite trade,
prosperity, and social development of Canadians, everywhere.

Gabby wrings her hands a bit, fidgeting

Faceless One: ... Oh yeah. I'm doing good.
Gabby: ...Okay... If–... If you're sure... Uh...
...I'm–... frick, I... I can't... I can't really put into words how, um... sorry I am about–... about–...
Forrest: ....
John Ruddman: If elected, I will contribute to ending the years of regressive rule
under the Conservative government of Harper and will bring about moderate and
economically viable and sustainable policies unlike those proposed by the NDP.

Gabby trails off

John Ruddman: The Liberal Party is a party about real change for Canadians, not
about false promises and free lunches.
Faceless One: ... Don't mention it.
Steph: You mean it's a party about more of the same old bullshit!
rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + -1
= 12
Narrator : People keep laughing.
Gabby: …

Gabby gives a small nod, still looking very ashamed

John Ruddman: This "bullshit" is what made Canada great in the first place.
Gabby: ...Uh, so–... No sign of Perkins yet...
John Ruddman: It was my party that built this nation, my party that has governed it
successfully for the past century, and my party that will continue to govern it
with prudence, wisdom, and humanist values.
Gabby: What I left in the locker was the glove that had the sample in it.
John Ruddman: If you would have us support xenophobia and economic self-
destruction, then so be it.
Gabby: I... frick, I'm out of my mind lately, I forgot today was Saturday...
Forrest: ....Hm..

Forrest he looks around where he's standing

Narrator : WHat is he looking for.
Mac D.: A Fat Fuck
Forrest: ...Would have been nice if we got a time and place.
Steph: Yeah, well, that's just 'cause you weren't there, you insincere prick!
rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + -1
= 7
Narrator : People don't really get that one.
John Ruddman: Hmph.
Gabby: ...Frick, no kidding...

John Ruddman begins to continue on with his points

Gabby: ...Any sign of Steph?
Or Jaime?
Faceless One: ...
Steph: ...Frick.
I think that just made him end up looking better...?
Ken: I-
Forrest: Haven't seen them.

Gabby senses a disturbance in the force... the sound of a woman copping a

Alfonse Jiang: Did someone say "Prick"!?
Gabby: ...Gah, just had to be a frickin' Saturday
Steph: ...?!
Forrest: .....

Alfonse Jiang runs out of an alley in his garish suit and with a pie in hand
Gabby: .

Forrest walks over to one of the tables and sits down

Alfonse Jiang throws it

Alfonse Jiang: rolling 1d4
= 1

Alfonse Jiang misses everyone with it

Alfonse Jiang: I'm Alfonse fucking Jiang! I'm a Rhino!
We support a weak government and mass poverty!

Gabby kicks her legs

Alfonse Jiang: We also oppose Law and Order. Though we give a pass to Special
Victims Unit.
Forrest: ............

Forrest awk-werrrrrrrrrrrrd
Narrator : There's just a huge fuss as this man starts raving.
Ruddman seems p. mad.
Steph: ...!

Faceless One sits down

Faceless One: ... So...

Steph realizes that the best way to fuck with him is turn this thing into a
complete farce
Steph: What's the matter, Ruddman? Can't handle the heat when you don't have a
speech prepped for it?
Faceless One: ... How have things been...
Gabby: ...Uh...

Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + -1
= 16
Forrest: ........
Alfonse Jiang: I'm also the head of Canadian Pussy Riot!
Narrator : Ruddman is getting flustered
Gabby: ...Not... not really good...
Forrest: ...Well, barring the horrible violence, and the nightmarish terror.

Alfonse Jiang begins taking off his shirt

Alfonse Jiang has Pussy Riot written on it above his manboobs

Alfonse Jiang: *on his torso
Mobile L: oh my fuck
Alfonse Jiang: but pussy is spelt P*zzy Ryot

Gabby nods

Steph starts cheering for Alfonse

Gabby still looks Sad and Uncomf

Forrest: .....
We're trying to figure things out.
Alfonse Jiang: We support not only LGBT Equality, but Supremacy!
Gays should be the only people allowed to marry!
Forrest: Some of the teachers might be in danger.

Sherwood Cotter is laughing

Jerry Null straight faced

John Ruddman visibly mad

Faceless One: Which ones?
Forrest: ....Lachance and Lao.
Faceless One: ... Oh...
Narrator : Ruddman is close to the brink, he just needs a psuh..
Gabby: ...That's why I wanna get that tumor sample. I... I want to try and study
the crap better... I've got a microscope at home and everything.
Steph: What's wrong?? You're a Liberal! I thought you guys loved your 'humanist
Narrator : roll steph
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + -1
= 9

John Ruddman manages to compose himself

Space: god is dead
John Ruddman: In the interests of common sense and decency, I think I will adjourn
myself from this debate.
It has become farcical in nature and ill-befits the public

John Ruddman packs up and leaves

Forrest: ...We're getting help. And that's why we're here at school on a Saturday.
Steph: .....
Gabby: ...Yeah...
Steph: ........So was that good?
Gabby: ...God... Where else would he come, if not here...?
Suzie: Could have been better, could have been worse.
Forrest: ....

Forrest thinks
Forrest: ....Barring a chance encounter on the street, the only place I've ever
seen him is this school.
And the building is locked.

Forrest glances at the door

Steph: Well... let's hope that, like, turned the tide maybe a little bit.

Forrest gets up and walks over to it, checking and pulling on it

Steph finally checks her phone

Narrator : roll mind forrest
Steph: ...Ugh, wow, no one tells me shit...
We gotta get to the school.
Narrator : THey all nod and follow her along.
Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 6
Mobile L: Sleep dep...
Narrator : Clearly the door is locked.
Forrest: ......
Gabby: …

Forrest stares intensely at the door

Gabby looks at the door, too, before–

Forrest his mind racing, thoughts and probabilities filling his mind
Forrest: ..............................
Gabby: ...AH! There you are!

Forrest eventually, his eyes widen, perhaps...!!!!!!

Forrest pushes on the door instead of pulling it

Gabby ...o-oh... ken's here too...

Steph: Where the heck were you guys??
Forrest: ....

Forrest glances up
Forrest: ...Oh, you're here, now.
Steph: Yeah, I'm here! We were all out doing important stuff, thank you very
Forrest: It's Saturday, you know. School's out.
Narrator : THe door opens.
Forrest: .....!
Gabby: ...OH FRICK it wasn't locked?!

Forrest feels like a god damn genius

Steph: What's that supposed to mean??
Gabby: ...God... Uh... We need to get something out of there. Like, badly.
Forrest: Nothing. Door's unlocked.
Steph: Okay, well, let's hurry it up then.

Forrest briefly glances between Steph and Naomi

Faceless One doesn't look at Steph


Steph can't bring herself to look at Naomi and is absolutely trying to act like she
isn't there

Forrest follows after Gab

Forrest: Any sign of him?
Gabby: Not yet... Might be good to, uh... to look...
Steph: Did he not say where to meet him?
Forrest: No.
Gabby: He didn't...
Forrest: That's why we were sitting outside.

Gabby opens the locker, praying everything is still intact

Forrest: For a Sage, he's some idiot.
Roger Perkins: I did say I would bring my supplies here, you know.
Gabby: ...Might've been distracted.
Forrest: ...?
Steph: ...

Forrest looks OVer

Roger Perkins: I figured you were smart enough to figure out where I was.
Forrest: Do your supplies have a problem with fresh air.
Steph: I mean... we found you, so...

Gabby is just digging her shit out of her locker

Roger Perkins: I was preparing.
Forrest: ....Alright, then. Let's see it.
Roger Perkins: Come with me.
Gabby: …

Gabby takes a deep breath and follows, popping the glove in her backpack
Forrest: ...

Forrest follows swiftly after

Roger Perkins: The parasites can't be seen by the naked eye, but they fester and
spread like mold.
Forrest: Black mold?
Roger Perkins: Invisible mold.
Steph: So how do you know where it is then?
Roger Perkins: At least invisible in the human world.
Forrest: Then what the heck is the black goo.
Roger Perkins: That is simply concentrated bile, it's what flows through the veins
of Nihilists.
Forrest: ....
Roger Perkins: The parasites are visible in the Second Heaven in the form of mold,
Gabby: …

Gabby thinks back on all that fricking dinge and grossness

Roger Perkins: Sages can channel the powers of their Archetypes into certain items
in order to illuminate Nihilists when they're hiding.
Forrest: ....
Steph: So, like... how do you get rid of the mold?

Gabby looks back and forth between Forrest and Perkins (and then also to ken...
haven't seen ken in forever...)
Forrest: How can you purge it from someone who's been infected by it.
Gabby: …
Roger Perkins: It requires a substance called Azoth, or sometimes Panacea, in order
to purge the body of the parasites.
It is extremely difficult to obtain.
Forrest: ......
Roger Perkins: I have only found trace quantities in the Second Heaven.
You can eradicate the mold by forcing it to defend itself and then killing it.
Gabby: …
Roger Perkins: Typcally it likes to congeal into big deposits in one are and spread
from there.
Forrest: Do you have any on you now?

Gabby takes out a notepad and begins writing this down

Steph ditto
Roger Perkins: I keep all of the Azoth I have obtained in a safe.

Forrest trio
Roger Perkins: I have about five milliliters.
Steph: Where did you find it?
Roger Perkins: In the Second Heaven.
Forrest: .....
...How much is needed to cure someone.
Steph: Well, where in the Second Heaven...
Roger Perkins: I don't know.
And typically in Lathe or Aegis.
Forrest: ....Damn it....
Gabby: …
Forrest: ...So we have precious little to use as it is, and no idea of how much it
takes to purge the parasites.
Roger Perkins: We haven't exactly been able to test it much
Forrest: ....
...Would a sample, help.

Gabby looks over her shoulder at her bag

Roger Perkins: Yes, I think it would.

Forrest looks over at Gab

Steph: ....
Gabby: ...Here. We found this inside a pig we were gonna dissect.

Roger Perkins takes the tumor

Roger Perkins: ... I'll take a look at this later.

Gabby pulls out the glove with the tumor goo in it

Roger Perkins: ... The parasites are in this room.
Gabby: ..........
Forrest: .....
Roger Perkins: They're currently dormant.
Forrest: ...Do you know where they are.

Roger Perkins hands Forrest a crystal

Forrest: ...?
Roger Perkins: Look through it.

Forrest looks down at it

Forrest does so
Gabby: ...How do they stop being dormant?
Narrator : He sees three horrible things
Space: GOD
Forrest: .....!!!
Steph: What? What is it?

Steph tries to peer over his shoulder through it

Roger Perkins: Until they're attacked or the Second Heaven emerges.
Narrator : it's just a crystal steph

Gabby write write write

Forrest: ...How long have they been here.
Roger Perkins: I don't know.
Forrest: .....We need to get rid of them.
Gabby: Is it safe to do that without, like...
...Someone getting infected...?
Forrest: .....

Forrest looks at Roger

Roger Perkins: Unless they pin you in this state, they can't infect you.
They're most dangerous in the later stages, when their forms begin to erupt into a
mass of paste-like mold.
Forrest: ......Is it safe to just kill them now.
Roger Perkins: Certainly.
They may fight back but they're not a serious threat.
Forrest: Will they release anything on death?
Roger Perkins: Just blood that we'll need to clean out of the carpet.
Steph: ...Where, uh... where are they? We should probably just kill them now.
Mobile L: aghhhhh I accidentally hit cancel and deleted my notes...
*new notes
Forrest: .....There's three. There, there, and there.

Forrest points in each of their directions

Forrest: You're standing right next to one, Ken.
Gabby: …

Gabby squints in the one closest to her's direction

Roger Perkins: I recommend a ranged approach.
Everyone stand away.
Forrest: How do you fight? You've had these powers more than I have.

Steph readies her notebook, a little worried

Roger Perkins: I fight at a range.

Gabby backs away a bit

Roger Perkins: We should do this simultaneously so none of them awaken and escape.
Gabby: ...Right.
Roger Perkins: Someone needs to cover each one.
Steph: I'll get.. uh... the one Ken was by?

Gabby gets out The Communist Manifesto and aims it in the direction she thinks hers
Forrest: ......I've got the one by the doorway.
Roger Perkins: I've got the one across from the door.
Steph: Isn't that the one Ken was by?
Forrest: Gabby, aim straight down between the bookshelves.

Roger Perkins gestures to where they all are

Gabby: I'm– right, yeah, that was mine.

Forrest manifests his Magnifying Glass

Roger Perkins: Karloman and Tran, you should go for the same one.
Steph: Gotcha...
Roger Perkins: Alright.

Gabby draws a bead, sweating a bit

Roger Perkins: On the count of three.
Gabby: …

Gabby centers herself

Forrest takes aim....

Roger Perkins: Three.

Roger Perkins fires


Roger Perkins: gab and steph make decreased rolls


Mobile L: Which stat?

Steph writes 'FICK OFF'

Roger Perkins:
Normal Mind Test
Rolling 3d20 Mind for
" "
Lower Margin: 10
Upper Margin: 15
Result: 5 Bad
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 2
= 10
Mac D.: which stat does Freeman roll for Lasers
Roger Perkins: mind i assume
Mac D.: okie
Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 32
Decreased Mind Test
Rolling 3d20 Mind for
"11 "
Lower Margin: 10
Upper Margin: 15
Result: 7 Bad
Mobile L: :c
Narrator : They all miss
Forrest: Fuck-
Space: fags
Gabby: Ghh–
Roger Perkins: AGAIN, QUICKLY~
Gabby: …!


Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 34
Decreased Mind Test
Rolling 3d20 Mind for
"11 "
Lower Margin: 10
Upper Margin: 15
Result: 6 Bad

Space writes ASS, panickedly

Space: frick

Steph i did
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 2
= 12
Roger Perkins: space i said decreased roll
Space: you can see what the decreased roll would be, its 6
Roger Perkins:
Normal Mind Test
Rolling 3d20 Mind for
" "
Lower Margin: 10
Upper Margin: 15
Result: 13
Good & Bad
Mac D.: the ASS flies wide
Narrator : Forrest and Roger kill theirs, which screech.
The third awakens.
Mobile L: AVGN can't save you now
Gabby: ...Frick!
Forrest: Mine's down-...!
Steph: Ours isn't!
Narrator : steph roll
Mac D.: what does Roger use
to kill with
Narrator : he manifests a laser from his gem
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 2
= 21
Mac D.: oohhh okay
Space: jesus
Narrator : Steph hops out of the way of the bug
Steph: FUCK!
Narrator : It is now visible.
Gabby: GAHHH–!

Forrest looks over

Forrest: ...!!!
Gabby: ...Oh frick that's nasty...
Roger Perkins: Kill it, quickly!
Forrest: R-Right-
Steph: What the hell?!

Forrest takes aim to PEWPEW

Gabby flips to a particularly strongly-worded page in the Manifesto, gaze going

deathly intent
Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 17

Gabby tries also to fire upon that fricker (y is the roll normal now that it's
Roger Perkins: it's normal now that it's visible
Mobile L: Ah!
I'm dense :P
Normal Mind Test
Rolling 3d20 Mind for
"11 "
Lower Margin: 10
Upper Margin: 15
Result: 9 Bad

Steph writes a panicked scrawl to fire upon the beast

Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 2
= 16
Narrator : Steph nails it.
Gabby: …!
Narrator : It curls up and dies.
Forrest: .....
Steph: Fuck! Why are these things always so... so horribly awful??

Forrest lowers his glass, exhaling

Roger Perkins: It's the nature of the beast.
Nihilists are inherently terrible.
Gabby: ...It makes it easier to kill 'em, at least.
Forrest: ........

Gabby puts the Manifesto back in her bag

Forrest: .....That' problem, dealt with.
Gabby: ...I guess, like–... should we be looking for more?
Roger Perkins: That should be all of them.

Forrest looks at Roger

Roger Perkins: At least in this building.
Forrest: ...Can I hang onto this rock, just in case.
Gabby: ...You sure?
Roger Perkins: I'm going to hunt down the rest.
Forrest: ....
Roger Perkins: Now, if you will excuse me.


Roger Perkins: I have work to do.
Forrest: ....
Roger Perkins: ... What.
Steph: ...
Forrest: ......
Gabby: …?
Forrest: .....It'd be...advantageous, if we were able to keep in contact.
Roger Perkins: It would be even more advantageous if we did not.
You should not be involved with this.
Gabby: …
Roger Perkins: That is all I have to say on the issue.
Forrest: .....
Gabby: ...I mean, if you're sure, but frickin'–... What if one of us finds
something out and you need to know?
Roger Perkins: ...

Roger Perkins pulls a scrap of paper out of his pocket

Roger Perkins writes a number on it

Roger Perkins: If you need assistance, call this number.

Roger Perkins hands it to them

Forrest: ....

Forrest takes it
Gabby: ...Thank you, Mr. Perkings.
Roger Perkins: Perkins.

Forrest puts it in his phone and passes it around

Roger Perkins: And you're welcome.
Gabby: ...Perkins.

Gabby gives an awkward nod

Steph does not put the number in her phone

Roger Perkins: At least you didn't call me Porkings.

Roger Perkins heads off

Gabby: ...Nyeheh. I'd have to be deaf t–
...There he goes...

Gabby sighs quietly, shutting her eyes

Gabby: ...So fricked up...
Forrest: ....Well, that's one step forward.
Steph: We're not, like... actually trusting him, are we?
Gabby: ...Steph, he's the best frickin' shot we have.
Do you want Ms. Lao to, like–... die?
Forrest: I have more faith in him than the rest of his crew.
Suzie: ...
Forrest: And he's provided very important information.
Suzie: ... Hey, I just neede to interrupt for a moment.
Forrest: As far as I'm concerned, he's no longer 'Run on Sight' material.
Gabby: …?
Steph: No, I don't want her t--

Forrest looks at Suzie

Gabby looks to Sooz

Suzie: When we were in the Second Heaven, the door past that monster was sealed.
Forrest: ....It was?
Suzie: I tried stepping through it but I heard a voice that spoke to me.
“The bitter black lifeblood of the raging mentor.”
Gabby: …

Gabby scrawls that down right quick

Forrest: ....
Steph: ...
Forrest: ......I'm guessing we're going to need something like that to progress.
Steph: ...Not Ms. Lachance...?
Suzie: I suppose.
Forrest: ......
Gabby: …
...Frick. That's got to be her, isn't it...
Steph: What else could it be?...
Forrest: .....I sincerely hope it doesn't mean her life.

Steph sighs
Steph: We just... cut a vein, maybe, and run with that?
Forrest: Cut a vein.
Suzie: ... Is her blood black...?
Forrest: .......
.....If she's infected.....then she's likely producing that black bile.
Gabby: …
Forrest: That bile might be what we need.
Gabby: ...How would we even–...?
Steph: What? Is that not how you get it?
Nathan: Hey.
Forrest: ....?
Gabby: …?
Nathan: Coffee's black.

Forrest looks at NATHAN

Forrest: ......!!!
Gabby: ...Frick!
Forrest: Nathan.
Gabby: Nathan!
Gabby: ...Let's try that first.
Forrest: Her special blend.
Faceless One: ... What does a door want with coffee...?
Gabby: Doors don't usually want, so...
Steph: Oh my god... you're a genius, Nathan. Holy shit.
Gabby: ...I dunno. We could always, like, uh... fall back, if needed.

Nathan blushes and goes all bashful

Nathan also mutters "please don't swear"

Gabby: ...Nyeheheheh!
Steph: Oh! Sorry...
Forrest: ....
...We're going to need to get that coffee somehow.
Gabby: ...Teacher's lounge?

Forrest shakes his head

Forrest: I've spoken with her, she blends it in a particular way.
Gabby: …
Forrest: ....We're going to have to learn how to make coffee.
Steph: What do you mean, learn? Don't you have a coffee machine?
Forrest: .....I haven't really used it.
Gabby: ...I only drink hot chocolate...
Forrest: ....

Forrest looks at the rest of The Crew

Steph: Well, let's check her classroom first?
Suzie: I know how to use one.
I also own a machine if we need one.

Forrest nods to her

Forrest: ....Alright. Let's go by Steph's idea and check her classroom.

Gabby nods and begins heading over there

Steph steps out of the library, heading to La Clase


Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 4
Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 38
Gabby: rolling 3d20 + 2
= 37
Narrator : Forrest and Gabby grab the package of grounds at the same time
Gabby: ...Aha!
Forrest: ...Ah-
Gabby: ...Nyeheheh!

Steph is checking under desks for it

Steph: Did you guys find it?
Forrest: Yeah.
Gabby: Yeah, look!

Gabby curiously smells of it

Mac D.: what'd she do slather it all over her face
Narrator : Interesting Smell
it has arabic writing on the side
Gabby: …
Steph: ...Oh, wow... what's that say?
Mac D.: ...Alright, we've found the coffee mix.
Forrest: me

Gabby knows she probably cannot read that, but tries to anyway
Narrator : roll
Mobile L: Memri TV Special Brew
Gabby: rolling 3d20 + 2
= 24
Narrator : Derka Derka Muhammed Jihad
Gabby: ...Man, there's no English on it. Must be some special stuff.

Steph tries to copy down the strange Aramaic Characters into her notebook
Gabby: ...How do we prepare it...?
Forrest: ...In a coffee machine, I'm assuming.
Although, it would be difficult to make a cup of coffee and somehow hold onto it
until the Second Heaven reappears.
Narrator : for now i'm calling it
Space: The Political Machine
Mac D.: how long's it been since The Gang was entirely together and spoke to each
Narrator : a long while
Mac D.: i missed this..........
it's so good to be back..!!!
Space: C:
Mac D.: now to try and FG...
Mobile L: Back from peeing
I loved and missed this so bad
Mobile L: c: c: c: c:
Restating for the record:
Mu must have been human once and it's just been so fucking long
Gabby: motherhecker.
Forrest: gun emoji.
Space: i lived bitch
Forrest: TWO gun emojis.
Gabby: motherfricker.
Narrator : Where last we left, our heroes had found Lachance's coffee supplies...
Forrest: .....Now.

Gabby stares intently at the coffee like she will know how the heckie to prepare it
just from looking at it
Forrest: Will we need to brew this, or will they accept the grounds.
Steph: Blood's a liquid...
I guess we could try it right now though?
Forrest: Blood is also not coffee.
Gabby: ...I think, like...
Forrest: I suspect the term is used metaphorically.
Suzie: I have a coffee machine at my place.
Steph: Coffee grounds aren't her lifeblood. Coffee, the beverage is. Duh.
Gabby: For the best chance of success, we should bring it both brewed and in
grounds f– WHUH WHOA
Forrest: We'll need to keep it in a thermos, then.
Steph: Oh my god. Here.

Steph hands the bag off to Suzie

Suzie takes it
Suzie: ... Alright.
I think we should go.
Gabby: Yeah...
Steph: Yeah... hey, hold on.
Forrest: .....?
Gabby: …?

Steph snaps a picture of the Maybe Arabic writing with her phone

Steph texts it to Grandpa

Steph: 'Any idea what this means??'
'Kay, let's go.
Forrest: ...Do you plan on buying any yourself.
Narrator : Grandpa does not often check his texts.
Steph: Uhh, yeah, sure.
Forrest: ....
Steph knows this and accepts it

Forrest raises an eyebrow as she walks off

Narrator : The party begins on their quest to Suzie's house.

Forrest glances at Gabby moment before following The Gang

Gabby: …?

Forrest: ....
Narrator : They exit the school.
Gabby: ...Hey, uh.
Forrest: ...?
Gabby: We should make a mental note that they apparently aren't great at locking up
the school.
In case we need in on a weekend again or something.
Steph: I can just make a note-y note.
Mobile L: hiram theme.
Forrest: Either that, or Perkins is good at breaking in.
"Note-y note?"
Steph: Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if he has a key.
Gabby: ...Frick, true.

Steph holds up her notebook

Steph: Note-y note.
Gabby: Either is good to note.
Forrest: I know, why are you saying-
Steph: Okay, notey note noted!

Forrest makes a groan in his throat

Steph: Shall we go on?
Narrator : A masked figure stands on the beach.
Gabby: …?
Forrest: .....?
Gabby: ...Uh. Hello?
Steph: What, we shan't?
Blackmask: Ah. I was hoping you'd notice.
Steph: ??
Forrest: Nice mask.
Gabby: What's–... What's with it?

Steph only now notices

Narrator : The feminine form clutches a briefcase in one hand and is very sharply
Steph: Hey, who's that?
Forrest: A woman in a mask.
Gabby: I don't have any fricking idea, I have never seen her before in my life.
And she's masked.
Blackmask: No. You haven;t.
Steph: Well, geez, don't talk about her like she's not there...
Um, hi! Who are you?
Forrest: Like what you're doing?

Steph blatantly ignores Forrest

Gabby: How can you see outta that thing?
Forrest: ....
Gabby: Is it made of mesh?
Forrest throat-groans again before also approaching Mask
Blackmask: Someone who will perform a service or a slight.
Gabby: ...Is that a fancy way of saying "trick or treat"?
Forrest: So which is it for us.
Narrator : Rain immediately begins pouring.
Forrest: ......
Gabby: …?@
Frick, agh–!

Forrest looks up at the rain, before looking back down at Blackmask

Steph: Aah!

Steph stuffs her notebook in her backpack quickly

Gabby crouches under that table yonder

Forrest just stands there, annoyed

Narrator : She removes her mask.
Gabby: …?
Forrest: ......

Forrest scopes her face

Mlle. Lane tosses the mask to the sea. It lands in the horizon and forms a sunset
Forrest: .......
Gabby: ...Wow. Uh.
Mlle. Lane: You're welcome.
Forrest: .......Yeah, thanks for the rain.
Gabby: ...Okay, I think I–... Tell us more about you and what you wanna do, please?
Narrator : The sunset lingers.
The woman begins walking away, imperiously.
Gabby: ...Uh... or... or don't...?
Forrest: ......Excuse m-
Gabby: ...she's another weird person.
Steph: ...Well... we're back in the Second Heaven, I guess?
Forrest: You sure about that?

Forrest looks up at the sky

Steph: Isn't the sunset supposed to be the sign?
Gabby: ...Wanna check?
Narrator : It feels familiar.
Forrest: .....If we're back, we should be able to summon Mu's door by thinking
about it, right.
Gabby: Yeah... Hm...
Space: does the audio keep starting and cutting out for anyone else


Steph: Should be!
Suzie: I thought we had to be in the Second Heaven to do that...?
Mac D.: not 4 me
Mobile L: Gud 4 me
Steph: Aren't we now though?
'Cause the sunset.
Narrator : quietly despair fills my soul
it's been a while so i'm going to illustrate something
and this has been known
Forrest: There's a portal in the shed, right.
Narrator : when the sunet happens
that's not
you being in it
that's the two realms clashing and allowing you to go to the second heaven
Space: i know
Narrator : what
that doesn't put you in the second heaven
Space: i know i just like having steph say stupid things
Narrator : okay
that was just
sicne this has been like a week for her
Mobile L: steph's gay.
Forrest: .....Well, so much for the coffee machine.
Suzie: ... Well... we can still get it...
SOme of us could go...?
Forrest: It could be dangerous to walk the streets in this state.
Gabby: ...I could go look.
Steph: Let's try pouring, like, half out, and using that at the door and see if
that works.
The other guys can make coffee with the rest.
Forrest: .....That could work.
Suzie: ... Nathan and I can handle the machine.

Gabby finds this sound and nods

Suzie: I think we should split up.
Just to save time.
We don't know how much we have.

Steph empties out a pocket in her backpack

Steph: Just, uh... pour some on in here I guess?
Forrest: Sounds reckless.
Suzie: It's necessary.
Steph: You're outvoted, Forrest, just saying.
Forrest: .....I guess it is.
Oh no, I'm quite used to not being listened to at this point.

Suzie takes half

Gabby: …
Suzie: I agree that we should be cautious, but we need to move.
We'll meet you there.
Come on, Nathan.

Gabby crawls out from beneath the table

Forrest: .....
Steph: Seeya...
Forrest: ....I'm worried if it's just the two of them.
Ken: I can go.

Forrest looks at Ken, nodding

Forrest: ...Alright.
Ken: I'll keep them safe.

Ken hurries off

Gabby: ...You guys be careful, alright?
Steph: See you soon!
Ken: You too!
Steph: Okay... shall we?
Forrest: Right.

Gabby gives a small nod, steeling herself

Forrest: God willing it's a quiet walk to the doorway.
Gabby: If it isn't, I'm gonna frick whoever makes it unquiet up good.

Gabby produces Atlas Shrugged

Narrator : The party begin on their way.
They slip through the door into the Second Heaven without issue.

Forrest TALLY HO
Narrator : They make their way through its winding, stinking halls.
Forrest: .....
Gabby: …
Steph: Okay... be careful, guys.
Gabby: nigga why i got 12 hp
Forrest: Just keep an eye out.
Steph: The door's this way, right...?
Forrest: Right.
Gabby: …

Gabby has goosebumps

Forrest: ....?

Forrest looks back at Naomi

Gabby: …
Narrator : She clambers by, mechanically.
Apprehension is clear in her movements.

Gabby lingers close to Naomi

Forrest: ....

Steph looks distastefully at the graffiti

Steph: Rest in peace, you frickin' bug dude...
Do we wanna say hi to Mu or no?
Forrest: Don't see much of a need to.
Steph: Yeah...
Narrator : Naomi stops for a moment, seeing the first place outside of Nirvana she
ever saw after her revival.
Gabby: …
Forrest: .....

Forrest looks at her

Gabby never has words for the actually important things

Narrator : Before long she moves along
Forrest: ...

Steph absolutely does not want to be the one to say anything

Steph: ...

Gabby feels a gnawing at her innards

Steph fishes out some coffee grounds, cautiously extending them out to the door
Forrest: ....You okay?
Mac D.: M E M E N T O S
Mobile L: The freshmaker!
Door: What is this?
Steph: It's... y'know, the lifeblood.
Gabby: …?! Gah!

Gabby wasn't expecting the fricker to TALK

Door: I did not ask for such a thing as this!
When your veins are cut, is this what flows forth?
Bitter ash and noxious dust!?
Forrest: ......
Steph: ...Uhh... we were just checking!
Door: You have offended me with this meager offering!
You petty charlatan! You would dare attempt to deceive me? To thieve from me?
Forrest: ...Ah-...Excuse me....Mister...Talking Door.
Steph: No! Nononono not at all!! We, uh--

Forrest holds up a finger

Door: DOOR? I am no door! I am the scared guardian of Lethe!
Forrest: .....Mister Guardian of Lethe, then. Sorry.
We were just checking how exactly you wanted your.....lifeblood.
We should have a more suitable offering for you, soon.
Guardian: You'll have to try a lot better than that to fool me!
Forrest: No fooling, honest.
Steph: We can make it into, y'know, a liquid form...
Guardian: I won't let you devils live! Servants of the Dragon! You shall pay!
Forrest: ...Servants of the what?
Steph: Oh.

Steph fishes her notebook out

Forrest: ......

Forrest watches the door inexplicably grow arms and legs

Forrest: ......................................

Forrest tugs on Steph's sleeve

Steph: Yeah...?

Forrest point
Gabby: …
Steph: Yes, I can see that!
Forrest: ....

Forrest looks back

Guardian: BEHOLD! The true power of the Guardian!
Forrest: .....Do you think we could discuss this.
Steph: Look, isn't this guy basically just a Nihilist? Can't we... just smash him?
Gabby: ...We could, uh... We were trying to figure out exactly what you wanted, and
we're very sorry we didn't bring the right thing.
Forrest: I'd really rather not.
Guardian: I am no Nihilist!
It is m purpose to protect the natural order from such scum!
Steph: Well, we're not scum. We don't know what the... dragon, or whatever is!
Forrest: ....I think there's been a misunderstanding, Mister Guardian of Lethe.
Gabby: Yeah, uh... We really don't want trouble, if we can help it.
Guardian: Decievers!
Forrest: Is there any way we can prove our honesty.
Guardian: I demand you all leave and never return!
Gabby: ...It's... It's that bad...?
Like, uh... we just made a mistake.
Forrest: .....Is there any other way.
Gabby: We were genuinely mistaken.
Guardian: A fatal mistake that has unravelled your web of evil deceit!
Gabby: And now we know we fricked up, and we're very sorry, and we wanna make it up
to you.
Steph: ...Do you, like... not want the coffee then? I can just dump it out or
Forrest: Do not dump out that coffee.
Guardian: COFFEE??
Steph: Uhh, yeah??
Gabby: …
Forrest: ....You wanted coffee, right.
Forrest: .....That is coffee.
Steph: Did you not know this was coffee???

Steph holds it out to him again

Gabby: ...Okay, uh! Here, see, this is like– this is unbrewed coffee, the grounds
that make the coffee.
Steph: You gotta stick it in a pot!
Forrest: .....S'Coffee grounds.
Do you want it brewed?
Steph: ................
Forrest: .....We can get it brewed.
We've got a machine on the way right now, please go back to your frame.
Forrest: It's a plea.
Forrest: .......
Gabby: ...Look, it's all gonna be okay, this is just, uh– just, like, a
misunderstanding on both ends.
Forrest: .....I humbly request that you sit back down. Please.
Steph: Pretty please?
Guardian: NO.
Gabby: ...Oh! Hey
Forrest: .......
Steph: With sugar on top?
Forrest: ....Well, can you at least stay there while we wait for the coffee

Gabby runs up to the RETURNING PARTY

Forrest: .....?
Steph: ...(Is Gabby the infant or is Forrest the infant??)

Forrest looks over at The Others

Suzie: We have it.
Gabby: Look! Look, we got it, see!
Steph: Oh, you're back!
Forrest: (Why would I be the infant....)
Steph: (Baby fat, duh.)
Forrest: (Oh, hilarious.)
Guardian: WHO ARE THESE!!!?!?
Forrest: Baristas.
They've brought what we're going to use to brew you your coffee, Mister Guardian.
Suzie runs up to hand him the thermos

Steph watches with hopeful anticipation

Suzie: We just brewed it.
Forrest: Oh-....Look at that.
Narrator : ...
The Guardian takes it

Gabby beams
Forrest: Open it up.
Gabby: Yeah, look inside!
Guardian: HOW.
Gabby: ...Here, uh...
Steph: You twist the cap!
Forrest: On the top.
Narrator : The Guardian hands it to Gabby

Narrator : It snatches it from her tiny paws.
Gabby: Look inside.
It's frickin' coffee.
Forrest: ..................

Forrest bead of sweat

Narrator : It puts it close to its knob

Steph crosses her fingers

Narrator : The door throbs as it audibly inhales
Forrest: .....
Guardian: ... Do you smell it...?

Forrest glances at the Nathan next to him

Narrator : Nathan isn't looking, this is just uncomfortable.
Guardian: That rich aroma?
Dark yet clear, biting and crisp yet buoyant and aromatic... nutty, with a hint of
oak... Scalding with the cruel pains of material life?

Gabby nods eagerly

Gabby: Coffee.
Forrest: .......
Guardian: The richest taste that could ever be had, all the world's treasures in a
single thermos...
And it is mine! It is all mine!
Gabby: ...Can you drink it? Like, uh... if you can, you should probably drink it.
Narrator : The Guardian then just drops it on the floor
Forrest: .......
Steph: ........So is it... is it good?
Gabby: …
Narrator : Coffee pools.
There is a long silence.
Forrest: ........
Gabby: …

Gabby hopes she didn't frick anything up

Forrest TWO beads of sweat....

Guardian: Alright. I'm done.
Narrator : It storms off.
Gabby: ...Oh. Uh.
...Bye, thanks!
Forrest: ........
Gabby: ...He shoulda drank it.
Forrest: .......Guess it was a work shift.
Alright, everyone ready?
Gabby: Well, wherever he is, I hope he's happy.
Narrator : There's a chorus of nods and hms and haws.
Gabby: …
Steph: Let's go!
Forrest: Right. Slow and steady.

Gabby gravity begins to sink in, but THERE'S NO TURNING BACK NOW

Forrest Slows and Steadies right through the Way Forward......

Narrator : The heroes proceed.
The stairway down is long.
Forrest: .......Hope this new place isn't old and rotting, too.
Narrator : They are immensely steep.
Roll mind.
Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 35
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 7
Gabby: rolling 3d20 + 2
= 45
Space: my rolling macros are so good
Narrator : Forrest observes that they're walking at obscene angles, not unlike an
Escher piece.
Forrest: .....!...
Narrator : Gabby sees in the darkness around them, the walls have bled away into
Gabby: .................
Narrator : And in the nothing, she sees distantly shifting forms.
Forrest: ........
Forrest takes slow, steady breaths

Gabby tries not to get distracted by them as she walks carefully down
Narrator : Eventually the stairs become choked with a thick blue fog.
Forrest: ....?
Gabby: ...Frick. This better not be poisonous.
Steph: It's like a smoke machine...
Narrator : At some point, they end up at a landing.
Forrest: ...!
Oh, god....Solid ground, yes.....
Gabby: …
Narrator : The stone underfoot is jagged and crystaline.

Gabby 's eyes are drawn to all the blue

Forrest: .......

Forrest looks around at all the SHARP GROUND

Forrest: .......
Steph: Jeeze...
Forrest: It's certainly easier on the eyes.
Steph: Watch your step, guys.
Narrator : The fog obscures much.
Roll mind.
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 11
Gabby: rolling 3d20 + 2
= 52
Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 24
Gabby: ...It's pretty...
Space: fucking idiot forrest
Narrator : he's immune to mind tricks
Forrest, his mind clear, a notch above the fog, keeps his way, as do Gabby and
Mobile L: (((Forrest Freeman)))
Forrest: beech
Narrator : The rest follow closely behind.
This new area is not so claustrophobic as was Styx.
The air feels more open, but also more aline.
It lacks that certain dirty, material quality of Styx.
Forrest: .......It's like walking outside.
Steph: So this is... Lethe, huh?
Forrest: Guess so....
Steph: Make sure you don't lose your head here.
Forrest: No hallways this time, by the looks of it. What's our game plan?
Steph: Let's just pick a path and walk.
Forrest: Alright.
Let's keep West from the landing, then.

Forrest looks at the group near him

Forrest: ....Where's-...

Forrest looks back

Gabby: …?
Narrator : The fog seems to have ensnared Ken and Nathan...
Forrest: ......!
Steph: ...Aww, geez...
Forrest: Shit...

Forrest takes a step forward

Gabby: K-Ken! Nathan!
Forrest: Hey!
Steph: Don't wander off!!
Forrest: Hey, Nathan!!
Narrator : roll spirt
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + -1
= 10
Narrator : not you steph
Forrest: rolling 3d20
= 33
Narrator : Forrest's voice echo into the deep fog...
roll mind gabby
Forrest: Hey!!
Gabby: Frick, frick...
rolling 3d20 + 2
= 38
rolling 3d20 + 2
= 52
Mobile L: Oops
Narrator : same nmber either time
Space: those are powerful rolls
Narrator : Gabby hears faint speaking and something approaching from the West
Gabby: …?
Forrest: Damn it....Do we go that way after them?

Forrest has yet to notice The Encroaching

Steph: It's no use... by the time we maybe get where they were, they'll have gone
somewhere else.
We just have to hope we'll bump into them.

Forrest exhales through gritted teeth

Forrest: Fuck....
Gabby: We– we can't just leave them...

Gabby turns an eye toward those tall fellows

Forrest: ....We can't risk the rest of us getting lost, either.

Forrest turns around

Forrest: We
Steph: ...?

Steph looks were they're looking

Steph: *where
Forrest: .......
Servitor: Welcome to Lethe.

Forrest eyes them carefully, freeing his hands

Forrest: ......?
Steph: We, uh... hi? We lost some friends of ours... do you know where we can find
them again?
Forrest: (Careful....)
Servitor: We have heard that plea. They are looked after.
Forrest: ......
Gabby: ...U-uh... Looked after how...?
Forrest: ...Are they safe.
Servitor: You are to accompany us to the Court of Lethe.
Forrest: .....
Steph: There's a court...?
Uh-- who are you guys anyways?
Gabby: ...Ken...
Forrest: Natives, I'm assuming.
Servitor: Officials acting in capacity of the Lady of Lethe.
Forrest: ....
Servitor: With us, please.
Forrest: ....So you're the local government around here?
Steph: Let's save the questions for when we get there...
Servitor: We are no one.
Forrest: .......Right.
(....Least these ones are polite.
Servitor: Through that pass.
Forrest: ....Right.

Steph proceeds on, cautiously

Gabby looks back often

Narrator : The Servitors continue to repeat themselves and offer non-stop reminders
and directions.
Forrest: ......

Steph is thinking they're not actually sentient

Steph: ...

Steph is unnerved

Forrest glances upward at the Servitors on the walls....

Forrest: .....Tight security.
Servitors: This will suffice.
Forrest: ....?

Gabby keeps peering out into the fog uselessly for Ken and Nathan
Servitor: You are now within full jurisdiction of the Lady of Lethe, within the
true periphery of the Second Heaven. Your charges include Defilement, Trespassing,
and Nihilism.
Forrest: .....
Gabby: ...Wh–
Steph: ...Oh, fuck...
Servitor: You shall be judged by the highest authority of this domain, whose
decisions are final and summary.
Forrest: .....What, no trial?
Servitor: This is your trial.
Stand at attention.
Steph: Don't we get a -- a lawyer??
What about, um, probable... cause???
Gabby: .........
Lady of Lethe: Cause?
Who said cause? What's cause? Claus? I never knew such a man.

Gabby stares helplessly into the fog and thinks maybe something horrible has
happened to her friends
Forrest: ...?

Forrest looks over at WOMAN

Lady of Lethe: What are these? Who? What was it you said?
Or did you say much at all?
This is Lethe, you know.
I'm the one calling the shots. Giving the answers. Or asking the questions.
Steph: Erm--
Steph looks uncertainly at her friends
Gabby: ...W-where's our friends...?

Forrest glances just as uncertainly back

Lady of Lethe: Who?
Gabby: ...Ken and Nathan...
Steph: Their names are Ken and Nathan...?

Forrest looks back

Lady of Lethe: Name...
What is that, a name?
It's familiar.
Forrest: Names, yes.
Lady of Lethe: Name...
Hardly had such time for them, I think...
Forrest: They are the two members of our group who got lost in the fog.
Lady of Lethe: Or did I...??
Many lost here.
Wait. I'm asking questions, aren't I?

Steph is a taken a bit off-guard by the Lady of Lethe

Gabby: ...Uh... one has light-colored hair, and one has dark-colored hair, they–
they were just with us...
Lady of Lethe: Oh, there I go!
Those two!
Precious little things, had them salvaged.
Steph: Salvaged...??
Lady of Lethe: I mean saved.
Forrest: ......Wh-....What does that mean.
Gabby: ...Where are they...
Lady of Lethe: Oh, in Lethe, I think...
Steph: Where in Lethe???
Lady of Lethe: Lethe is a big place, missy.
Forrest: Are they still alive.
Gabby: ...P-please, uh... Ken– Ken gets sick easy...
Lady of Lethe: Oh, I'm reasonably certain... If I recall...
Sick, that's right, Nihilism!
Forrest: ......
Lady of Lethe: You're all Nihilists, aren't you?
Gabby: ...Uh– not– not like that...
Forrest: ..No
Gabby: We're just– we're kids.
Steph: No! No, no no no -- we fight nihilists!
Lady of Lethe: Nihilists fighting Nihilists...?
Oh, yes, the children...
Forrest: We're not Nihilists
Lady of Lethe: Kevin and Norman...
Kenneth and Nathan.
Yes, here you are...
Gabby: …!
Forrest: ..!?

Lady of Lethe lifts a dense patch of fog

Steph: Oh, thank god!
Are you guys okay?? Holy shit...

Gabby impulsively runs up to Ken and hugs him

Lady of Lethe: Don't fear nor cry for them, they're just sleeping.
Forrest: .....
Gabby: …

Gabby gently lets go

Lady of Lethe: How about the girl? Does she have no face...?
Steph: Shouldn't have wandered off...
Forrest: ...!
Steph: Um, that's... Naomi.

Forrest is startled by her sudden appearing near him

Lady of Lethe stuck her hand in Naomi's face hole

Gabby: ...That's, uh–... she... she got into an accident...
Forrest: .....-

Steph cringes
Faceless One: ...
Please stop.
Gabby: ...H-hey! Don't– don't do that to her!
Lady of Lethe: Eheheh... tickles.

Lady of Lethe removes it

Forrest: ......She's human, too.

Lady of Lethe looks down at Gabby

Lady of Lethe: What? This?
I thought she was a Rumplestaltskald...
Or was it stilthide?
Forrest: .......
Steph: ...W--what?????
Forrest: No, she's-...Human.
Lady of Lethe: Human?
I'm not.
Forrest: Human.
Gabby: ...Y-yeah, you're probably not...
Forrest: We're all of us, Human. Not Nihilist.
Gabby: ...Right– uh... Please, why do you think we're Nihilists...?
Lady of Lethe: Delightlyfully fearful, humans...
Forrest: I admit, I'm creeped out.
Lady of Lethe: Good.
Terror is the first step in justice.
Forrest: .....
Lady of Lethe: Or was it in jaundice...?
Steph: ...
Lady of Lethe: What did I have you here for again?

Steph slips over to Forrest

Forrest: .....?

Forrest glances Stephward

Steph: (Maybe we should try confusing her...?)
Gabby: ...Look, uh... You got a lot on your mind, maybe– maybe we should just leave
you to your business?
Lady of Lethe: Business...
Busy busy body...
Forrest: (Think that's safe with our panel of judges up there....)
Lady of Lethe: Who did that remind me of...?
Oh! Right, reminder!

Lady of Lethe looks at the Servitors

Gabby: …
Lady of Lethe: Add Remembrance to the list of charges!
Gabby: (friiiiiiiiiick...)
Forrest: .....A question.
Steph: (I don't think they can... even, think?)
Wait, wait, hold on!

Gabby looks back and forth between Steph and Forrest like "this frickin' lady..."
Forrest: (You wanna take that bet when we're surrounded?....)
Steph: You're the one who remembered, not us!
(What other chance do we have? She's clearly not playing by any, like, legal rules
Forrest: (We're not exactly in any position of power here...)
Lady of Lethe: Did I...?
Forrest: That's right.

Lady of Lethe smiles

Forrest: You remembered remembrance.
Lady of Lethe: Or did I discover it?
I write the laws here.
Steph: (We gotta trick our way out, that's the only way...)
Do you actually have them written down somewhere?
Lady of Lethe: ... Did I...?
Oh dear...

Lady of Lethe begins looking around

Forrest: ..........
Lady of Lethe: ... I dear...
Oh dear...!
Oh dear...!
I've lost it!
Steph: Maybe your guys can go look for it??
Lady of Lethe: Oh, yes, yes yes...

Lady of Lethe turns to the Servitors

Gabby: ...Yeah, uh, that's important. You need to get, like, find your stuff so you
don't forget anymore.
Lady of Lethe: Oh, dears, please, you must simply do what I need from you...
... And not move an inch!

Lady of Lethe snaps around, smiling

Lady of Lethe: I tricked you!
Forrest: .....
Did you?
Steph: ...
Forrest: ...!!

Forrest flinches at the teleportation

Gabby: .........

Lady of Lethe touches Steph's chin

Lady of Lethe: roll mind steph
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 15
Mobile L: Fuk, trips

Lady of Lethe frowns

Lady of Lethe: Your mind is clearer than I had imagined...

Steph is weirded out

Forrest: ......
Gabby: H-hey, don't go touching my friends!

Lady of Lethe pinches her cheek for a moment

Steph: That's... okay??
Gabby: ...Or their minds.
Lady of Lethe: Sweet little thing...
Gabby: Hey!
Steph: why are you like this
Lady of Lethe: Oh, I see the issue...
Poor darlings, you can't forget, can you?
The font hasn't been working?
Forrest: ...The font?
Gabby: ...The what?
Lady of Lethe: Of course it hasn't!
Darlings, soldiers, countrymen!
Gabby: ...Are– are you gonna mindfrick us?

Lady of Lethe looks to the Servitors

Lady of Lethe: Font functionality?
Gabby: Don't you dare mindfrick us, you– you crazy lady!
Servitor: Functional.
Lady of Lethe: Crazy?
That's rather cruel...
Forrest: .........
Steph: ...L-listen, we're, um, really just passing through...
Lady of Lethe: Oh? Where to?
I used to care much for travel...
Steph: Uhh... Acheron, I think?
Lady of Lethe: Achreon!
Steph: The Guardian let us through, so it's definitely okay.
Lady of Lethe: Oh, then you must see Asphodel...
Well, you really must...
It's impossible to pass these days...
Forrest: ...Impossible?
Lady of Lethe: The river of pain,you see...
Asphodel sits as a fortress upon it.
Steph: Can we go around?
Lady of Lethe: Can't swim in it, or you die...
Oh, yes, yes!
The river of fire...
Forrest: ...I'm guessing we also die in that.
Lady of Lethe: What are you?
Forrest: ......
Lady of Lethe: Oh, without a doubt, then.
Gabby: So... A river of pain and a river of fire.
Lady of Lethe: Are you going to visit Erebus?
Steph: At some point?
Lady of Lethe: ... Erebus! That was it!
Gabby: ...I mean, probably? Tell us about it.
Lady of Lethe: Oh, it is the glue that holds us all together...
Forrest: ....Forgetful, aren't you.
Lady of Lethe: Sometimes he seeps through the cracks...
Am I? No, no, of course not.
Lethe, this realm, is Utopia...
I have done as much, with my great mind.
Forrest: So what makes it utopian?
Lady of Lethe: No war, no violence...
Gabby: Yeah, uh... I mean, it's pretty...
Lady of Lethe: No pain, no regret...
Forrest: .....
Lady of Lethe: No treason, no hunger...
Nothing but... present existence.
Steph: ...It's... only you, though. And these guys. Right?
Lady of Lethe: Warm, comfortable afternoon naps...
Oh, no.
I have many guests.
Gabby: ...That's why you don't remember things. You stay in the present.
Forrest: .....Impressive.
Lady of Lethe: Do I?
Forrest: How do you go about doing that?
Lady of Lethe: Oh, that's simple.
Breathe it in.
Deeply, now.
Steph: ...
Forrest: .......

Steph doesn't
Gabby: ...Uhhh... I'm good, thanks.
Lady of Lethe: You are basking in the scent of Utopia.

Forrest absolutely not

Gabby: …
Forrest: ........

Gabby looks back to her Sleepy Pals

Forrest: .....What exactly was that Font you were talking about?
Lady of Lethe: What?
Steph: Is it like, a fountain the mist comes from?
Forrest: The font.
Lady of Lethe: Which font?
What mist?
Forrest: The font that's functional.
Lady of Lethe: Oh! This mist!
Oh, it's a fountain.
Forrest: Anything special about it?
Lady of Lethe: It's a lovely fountain.
Gabby: ...Does the mist make you forget crap?
Steph: What does the fountain do?
Forrest: I bet. What about what flows out of it.
Lady of Lethe: What flows out of Fountains?
Steph: Water...??
Forrest: Liquid, usually.
Lady of Lethe: Oh, the mist...? Yes, that does do that.
Well, not water, but yes, liquid.
Well, in a form.
Steph: Okay, so the mist comes from the fountains.
Forrest: Liquid what?
Lady of Lethe: This Utopia is built upon...
What was it...?
The river of...
... Hm.
Lady of Lethe: Irregardless.
You're here for a trial.
Gabby: ...Is it the river of amnesia? That's... I think that's a Greek word.
Lady of Lethe: Amnesia? What's a Greek?
Now you're making things up.
Gabby: …

Gabby exasperated sigh...

Lady of Lethe: Hm...
This is a trial...
I'm the judge...
What were the charges...
Steph: ...None...?
Lady of Lethe: Then why are we here?
Forrest: We're on our way to Erebus.
Lady of Lethe: Erebus? Why there?
It's horrid, so dark...
Forrest: Personal business.
We're just passing through.
Lady of Lethe: That sounds unseemly...
Perhaps my Servitors should sort you out...
Forrest: ....
Steph: No!
Forrest: May I suggest an alternative?
Lady of Lethe: May you?
Forrest: I may, I believe.
You will let me, I'm sure.
Lady of Lethe: I suppose I will...
Forrest: We're not here to disrupt your utopia. So I think a fitting sentence would
be to permit us to pass through and leave.
Lady of Lethe: ...

Lady of Lethe leans back

Lady of Lethe: I'll...
... I want you to answer a questionn.
Forrest: .....Alright.
Lady of Lethe: Answer wrongly, and I'll kill you.
Steph: .....
Forrest: ..........
Forrest clears throat
Forrest: ......Alright.
Lady of Lethe: ...
How do you take your tea?
Forrest: .......
Gabby: …
Steph: ...Uhhh...
Forrest: ......I don't...drink tea.
Lady of Lethe: ...

Lady of Lethe stares at him, blankly

Steph: ...I like ice tea...
Forrest: ......
Gabby: …

Gabby looks silently terrified

Lady of Lethe: ... Ice... tea...?

Lady of Lethe grins, ear to ear

Lady of Lethe claps her hands together

Lady of Lethe: Marvellous!
Gabby: …??
Mac D.: noicE
Space: that was a fucking good ending
holy moly
Mobile L: I Love Lethe Lady!!!!!!
Mac D.: hello You
hello Also You
eldritch s. (GM): oh thanks for piping up space.
Space: my mouse isn't working
eldritch s. (GM): oh...
Mac D.: at all?
Space: nope
Mac D.: do you have a trackpad...
Space: yrp
eldritch s. (GM): restart your computer??????
Space: on it
Mac D.: does the mouse need batteries
Space: lemme check to see if we have any
it's got no light on rn
Mac D.: is it a wireless mouse
Mobile L:
Space: man this mouse has held a charge for so long that my first thought when the
battery died was 'driver issue' rather than 'dead battery'
im ready
Mac D.: AW YEA
eldritch s. (GM): you idiot.
Mobile L: My mouse's batteries die like, instantly
Mac D.: i have a corded mouse so i don't need to worry about this
Space: my old mouse's batteries died instantly
Mobile L: My brothers complain that my mouse is too tiny for their hands
Mac D.: do you have tiny hands mobile
Mobile L: I do
Mobile L: Dainty
eldritch s. (GM): i just use my trackpad
Mobile L: I used to use mine until my battery swelled up and it stopped being able
to click
Space: that's kind of worrying
Mac D.: that sounds terrifying
Mobile L: It's pretty fuckin' gay
Narrator : Our heroes are sat around a table that overs off the ground.
Forrest: ......
Gabby: …
Narrator : Before them are floating, crystalline trays.
Forrest: ....

Forrest glances down at his tray

Gabby is already wary of any food she might get fed

Steph looks to the left of her, then to her right

Narrator : The Lady of Lethe sits at the head of the table.
Lady of Lethe: ... I'm rather excited, I must tell you.
Forrest: ....Why's that.
Lady of Lethe: I'm quite partial to things from the First Heaven, on occasion...

Lady of Lethe stands

Gabby watches in suspicion and perplexment

Steph: How often do... er, things from the First Heaven show up here?
Lady of Lethe: What was it agai- Oh!
Well, they walk in, of course.
Forrest: .....
Lady of Lethe: That's a silly question...
Steph: No, not-- not how do they show up, how often do they show up?
Lady of Lethe: Oh, you know.

Lady of Lethe reaches a hand into the water

Gabby: ...We kinda don't?
Lady of Lethe: roll mind

Gabby looks on the water

Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 38
Gabby: rolling 3d20 + 2
= 47
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 8
Narrator : Forrest's mind repels whatever intrusion infringes upon it.
Steph feels light-headed.
Forrest: ...!

Forrest narrows his eyes quietly

Narrator : Almost as if someone had taken something out of her thoughts.
Steph: ...Ugh...
Forrest: ...

Forrest looks at Steph

Gabby: …?

Steph scratches her head

Lady of Lethe retrieves a full jug of Iced Tea from the water
Lady of Lethe: AH!
Steph: ...Sorry, did you say something?

Steph at Forrest
Forrest: ....No.
Steph: ...Oh.

Steph awkward
Gabby: ...You alright, Steph?
Steph: Yeah! Yeah. Yeah, it's all good here...

Steph looks with noticeable concern towards the Lady of Lethe

Lady of Lethe passes off the pitcher (what i originally meant) to the Servitor
Forrest: .....

Forrest looks back towards The Lady and the Servitor

Narrator : The Servitor comes around and fills everyone's glass

Gabby is already trying to figure out how to get out of drinking this fricking tea
that is probably fricked up

Forrest looks at the liquid in the glass

Narrator : looks like iced tea
Forrest: ....
...Interesting trick, pulling a pitcher of tea from a water fountain.
Narrator has taken her glass and is examining it in the light
Lady of Lethe: whatever
Gabby: …

Steph is concerned about this tea

Lady of Lethe: Trick? No such thing...
Steph: ........

Gabby sniffs her iced tea

Steph maybe fake like you're drinking it...?

Forrest: ....
Lady of Lethe: Where else would I find it?
Forrest: Definitely not a pool of water.
Steph: A fridge?
Narrator : Smells like iced tea
Gabby: ...It's like Jesus and the wine.
Lady of Lethe: Water? Hardly such a thing...
I don't know who Fridge is, but I don't enjoy the thought of such a person...
Forrest: ....So what is it, then?

Steph mimes like she's taking a sip, in a way that looks like she's drinking it,
but isn't actually

Lady of Lethe scoops a handful

Narrator : roll finesse steph
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 2
= 14
Narrator : It's bluer than water.
A faint vapour rises from it.

Gabby just isn't even touching it and keeps her hands steepled on the table
Forrest: .....
...I stand corrected. What is that liquid.
Lady of Lethe: ... I can hardly remember...

Lady of Lethe buys that Steph sipped it

Lady of Lethe: Oh, how is it?
I'm dreadfully nervous to try...
What if it's a frightful taste...
Forrest: .....
....Have you not drank tea before.
Steph: It's okay... erm, do you like... sweet things? Because it's pretty sweet.
Lady of Lethe: Not this "Icicle Tea"...
Forrest: ....
Lady of Lethe: ... Sweet...?
What is a sweet thing
Steph: It's...
I don't know, like candy?
Gabby: ...Like, uh... Sweet stuff makes most people real happy.
Steph: Or suger?
Lady of Lethe: ... Candy...?
... Sugar...
Gabby: It's just something everyone likes, especially babies and kids.
Lady of Lethe: Kids?
Gabby: Comforting, kinda.
Forrest: ....
Lady of Lethe: You're making these things up, aren't you.
Gabby: ...Young humans.
Lady of Lethe: Humans! Hah!
Gabby: Little tiny humans.
Lady of Lethe: Are you a kid?
You must be...
Steph: Gabby's the youngest one here...
Forrest: Pretty much.
Lady of Lethe: Then you should drink it...
Gabby: ...Like, uh–... Not– not quite...? I'm a younger teenager...
Lady of Lethe: Please, I insist...
Forrest: .....

Gabby looks self-conscious

Gabby: …
Lady of Lethe: I'm the oldest here, I think...
Forrest: How old are you.

Steph tries to catch Gabby's eyes with a fake drink miming gesture
Lady of Lethe: I have whirled with the earth at the dawning...
When the sky was a vaporous flame...
I have seen the dark universe yawning...
Where the black planets roll without aim.
Forrest: ....
....So, pretty old.
Gabby: ...That's uh... hm. Yeah...

Gabby catches Steph and attempts to FEIGN a SIPP

Lady of Lethe: roll gabby
Oh, I don't know...
There are things far older than myself.
Gabby: rolling 3d20
= 40

Lady of Lethe buys it

Lady of Lethe giddily smiles

Lady of Lethe: Oooh, if one more of you tries it, I promise I will...!
The nervousness is frightful...
Gabby: It's, uh... Well, I mean, it's tea. If you want, you could just, like–...
...Dip your tongue in?
Forrest: ...
Gabby: Try before you buy.
Lady of Lethe: But what if it's bad...?
Steph: Go on, Forrest, try it...
Forrest: It won't kill you.
Gabby: Then you wouldn't have to commit.
Lady of Lethe: I couldn't bare the thought of the scorch of the unknown...!

Steph elbows him

Gabby: You could just, like, wipe your tongue off on your shirt.
Lady of Lethe: ... Or was it knowing...
... Oh...
rolling 1d20
= 12
... Very well!

Forrest flinches at being elbowed, eyeing Steph annoyed

Forrest: .....

Lady of Lethe brings the cup to her mouth

Lady of Lethe: ...
Gabby: …

Lady of Lethe dips her tongue in

Gabby watches, raising an eyebrow

Lady of Lethe: rolling 1d20
= 19

Steph frowns at Forrest

Lady of Lethe chugs it back immediately

Lady of Lethe: Oh! Lovely...!
Forrest: ...(What?)
Lady of Lethe: New things are quite heavenly...
That's why this is Utopia...
Everything is always new, all the time...
Steph: (Nothing...)
Forrest: ....

Forrest glances back at The Lady

Gabby smiles a bit, nervous

Forrest: ....Glad you enjoyed it.
Gabby: Yeah, uh–... Yeah.
Lady of Lethe: You dears really should all stay...
Forrest: That's not possible, unfortunately.
Steph: We really can't...
...Really, really can't..
Gabby: Yeah. We frickin', uh... We have places to be.
Forrest: Things to do.
Steph: People to see...
Lady of Lethe: Oh? Like...?
Forrest: We need to visit the rivers.
Lady of Lethe: ... Rivers?
Forrest: Yeah, rivers.
Lady of Lethe: Whatever are you speaking of...?
Forrest: You know, the rivers. The one of fire, and somesuch.
Steph: We gotta get to Acheron really quick...
Lady of Lethe: .... Oh! Phelgethon!
Acheron, yes, yes...
How has he been, I wonder...?
Forrest: That's what we'd like to find out.
Gabby: ...He?

Steph seems to make some kind of connection

Steph: Oh! Oh...
Gabby: He's a guy too?
Steph to herself
Steph: ...Then who the heck is Styx...?
Lady of Lethe: Erebus has been noisome lately...
Steph: Was it....? No, no way.
Forrest: ...?

Forrest looks at Steph

Lady of Lethe: Oh? Acheron, yes, yes...
He is...
Steph: (I think there's people that are personifications of these places...?)
Lady of Lethe: Though the last time I spoke to him was...
Steph: (I think that's how this is?)
Forrest: (.....Makes sense, given what we've seen so far.)
Lady of Lethe: ...
Steph: (Who's Styx though?)
Lady of Lethe: ... When was it...

Lady of Lethe stands up and begins pacing, quietly

Forrest: (How should I kn-)

Forrest looks up at the Lady

Gabby: ...Are they all close to your age?
Lady of Lethe: Yes, yes...
Gabby: …

Gabby kinda feels bad for her

Lady of Lethe: Don't mind me...
Forrest: .....
Gabby: ...Have you just, like, been here a very long time and haven't seen 'em?
Lady of Lethe: ... A very long time...
It has been, I think.
Forrest: ......
Steph: ...Think you could stop in and visit them?
Lady of Lethe: ... Visit whom...?
Forrest: ....Have you ever met them at all?
Lady of Lethe: ... What are we talking about...?
Steph: ...
Forrest: Erebus, Acheron, Phelgethon.
Lady of Lethe: ... What fanciful names...
... I almost remember them.
Forrest: ....
Lady of Lethe: What...? Hold on.
Remember what?
Ah, right, tea...
I think I have grown quiet lethargic of tea...
Perhaps we shall resume another time...
You know where to find me, or I to find you...
Gabby: ...Okay, uh...
Steph: ........
Gabby: ...Thanks for the tea and stuff.
Forrest: ......
Lady of Lethe: Hm...? Oh, yes...
Gabby: And for getting our friends back.
Lady of Lethe: Certainly!
Until long, or perhaps before it!

Lady of Lethe walks off into the fog, followed by her Servitors
Gabby didn't think she'd feel bad for a weirdo supernatural fricker but does and
can't wrap her head around it
Forrest: ......
....I changed my mind.
Steph: Yeah?

Steph looks at him

Forrest: The rotting school was much less creepy
Steph: ...
Well, we got everyone together now...
Gabby: Yeah...
Forrest: No idea of what direction to go, though.
Narrator : The table vanishes.
Forrest: ...

Forrest looks at Nathan and Ken

Narrator : They're both weirded out.
Steph: We need some kind of... hold on.
Forrest: ...Who're you guys feeling.
Gabby: ...Frick...

Steph writes 'I always have a clear sense of direction' in her notebook
Forrest: *how
Ken: ... Rather anemic, I must say...
Nathan: ... Yeah, uh, autistic, what he said...
Forrest: .....
...Right. Don't pass out on us.
Gabby: ...Let's get you back home, huh?
Space: ought i Roll

Gabby hangs close to Ken

Nathan: roll space
Space: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 8
god i love my 3d dice macros
they always make me happy everyt ime i roll them
Narrator : Steph always knows which way North is.
Because she can't go in any other direction.
Steph: Okay, guys, follow me...
Forrest: ...?

Steph gets up and starts walking

Forrest: ...

Forrest follows

Steph stops in front of the wall

Steph: ...
Forrest: ......
Steph: ...Uh.
Forrest: ....There a problem?

Steph tries to go to the right

Steph: ........
This way's north?
Forrest: ...Okay.
There's a wall, there.

Steph tries to climb up the fireplace and ontop of the wall

Steph: I know, I know...
Forrest: .....
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 2
= 15
Forrest: ...What are you doing
Steph: Going north.
Narrator : Steph climbs the sheer wall.
Gabby: …??
Narrator : It affords her a view.
Steph: You guys can just go around.
Forrest: .....
Gabby: Like, why??

Forrest shakes his head exasperated, before just walking around the sheer wall
Steph: Let's not go this way.
Forrest: .....

Steph tries to go back down the wall

Forrest: ...Sending mixed signals, here.

Steph can't
Steph: ....
This is a little inconvenient.
Gabby: Uhhhh... Are you okay?
Forrest: Scared of heights?
Gabby: Did you breathe in a particle or something?
Steph: No, like -- I wrote that I always have a clear sense of direction?
This way's north.
Forrest: .....Okay.
Steph: I can't go any way that's not north.
Forrest: ......
....Well, that's inconvenient.
Gabby: ...Oh my Godddd, argh...
Steph: Uh... how about a piggyback ride, Forrest?
Gabby: Uh... Someone needs to carry you, yeah.
Forrest: Like hell I'm carrying you down a wall.
Gabby: ...Nathan?
Steph: I can climb down from this side...

Steph climbs down

Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 2
= 19
Narrator : She slips down.
Forrest: Alright, let's pick up the pace.
Nathan if you'd please.
Steph: Let's... uh... really... pick up the pace.
Nathan: Alright, let's go...

Nathan wraps his big arms around her

Nathan: rolling 3d20 + 3
= 25

Nathan is shoved away by Steph's notebook

Forrest: ...!?
Steph: Oh my god...
Nathan: Whuh...?

Steph just tries erasing it

Nathan: roll
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 2
Narrator : It slaps her hand away
Steph: What the fuck??
Forrest: We are running out of time.
Steph: Ugh!
Gabby: ...Steph... Uhhhh... This– this is really weird and worrying
Nathan: Here, let me try again...

Nathan tries
Gabby: ...Lemme see it.
Forrest: I'll help.

Forrest helps
Nathan: rolling 3d20 + 1
= 27
Forrest: rolling 3d20
= 18
Nathan: roll was icnreased due to forrest heloing

Nathan picks her up

Steph: Okay, let's go!
Forrest: Go. Go go go.
Gabby: Nghhhh–!
Forrest: Should have asked her to make them leave us alone before she sauntered
Gabby: Hey! Hey, frickers, shoo!
Geddout, go on, GET!
Forrest: Gabby that is ill-advised.

Gabby angrily tries to shoo the Servitors

Forrest: Gabby get OVER HERE with the rest of us.
Steph: Gabby!

Gabby notes the eyes again

Narrator : The party begins wandering.
Forrest: .....
Narrator : The main group is armed with knowledge of which way is north
In which direction do they initially head?
Mobile L: sorry fuck my internet died just then
i think everything is sending a bit late
Forrest: North was obviously a mistake, so let's go South.
Narrator : Meanwhile, Gabby is left alone with the Servitors.
Steph: We should go East -- so I can run in case we get lost.
Narrator : The party ventures South-East

Gabby tries to catch the group again

Forrest: .....
Narrator : Gabby must roll
Steph: Man... those are some cool crystals.
Forrest: ...Everyone holding up okay.
Steph: Yeah, aces...
Narrator : roll gabby
Mobile L: wat stat
Narrator : mind
Ken: Yes...

Naomi coughs blue fog from her hole

Faceless One: More or less...
Forrest: .....
Nathan: Yeah. You're pretty light, Steph!
Steph: Aww, thank you...
Suzie: Sure.
Gabby: rolling 3d20 + 2
= 19
Forrest: ...Is anyone feeling forgetful.
Steph: I was a little bit at the tea party.
Mobile L: Mobile Fucking Sucks Tonight
Mac D.: hereth lies Abigail Tran
Narrator : Gabby is.
Space: *gabriella
Forrest: ....
Narrator : She comes to, standing in a strange place...
Forrest: ......Where's Gabby?
Steph: ...Oh, god, didn't she follow us...?
Gabby: ...Ghh– Wh– What the FRICK?

Forrest stops

Forrest looks around

Gabby: Hello...?
Forrest: ....Jesus christ, no.
Narrator : Gabby hears something near her... Something... very large...
Gabby: ..............
Steph: Okay, quick, let's go northwest.

Gabby immediately decides to silence her now terrified breathing

Forrest: Damn it....God damn it.
Narrator : The stone here is more damaged, more aged, than it is in the rest...
roll mind gabby
Gabby: rolling 3d20 + 2
= 35

Forrest pivots about and starts the other way

Narrator : She sees...
A dark shape in the formless, shadowy void that encircles this edge of Lethe
And in the void
She sees...
Points of light...
Gabby: .............!


Narrator : Forrest and the party make their ways Northwest.
Forrest: ....!?
Gabby 's eyes shift about desperately for a patch of thick fog she could hide
herself in or for some sort of cover
Steph: She's not here...
Narrator : Gabby is nowhere to be seen...
roll mind gabby

Forrest looks around

Gabby: rolling 3d20 + 2
= 30
Forrest: Son of a bitch....

Forrest looks up at a Servitor

Forrest: Did you take her??
Narrator : Gabby trips over a rock formation...
Gabby: Ghh–!
Narrator : The eyes turn in her direction.

Gabby tries to flatten herself against the ground

Narrator : Wherever they look, it is as if they cast a hellish spotlight.
Gabby: .................
Servitor: What is it you speak of.
Steph: Our friend! Gabby!
Forrest: Gabby. Our friend.


Forrest: Small girl, wore glasses.
She was just here.
Narrator : roll to hide gabby
Gabby: rolling 3d20 + 2
= 28
Space: C:
Servitor: Last direction - North East.
Steph: Northeast!!
Narrator : Gabby slips into a dense patch of fog.
Forrest: North East, thank you.
Gabby: ............


Narrator : The small wall enclosing Lethe from the darkness trembles slightly as a
colossal claw cricles in from the void and grabs it.
The party makes haste to the Northeast...

Gabby starts to slowly crawl for cover, praying that the guerilla hiding in places
skills of her ancestors carried over to her and not the awful Frenchie surrender
Gabby: ......................
Narrator : However, the Party sees that up ahead, there are... Nihilists...
Gabby: (not gonna die... not gonna die... *not gonna FRICKIN' die...)
Forrest: ....!!
Narrator : roll mind forrest
Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 15
Narrator : roll mind stepj
The thing pulls itself over the wall, Gabby.
Gabby: .......!!
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 7

Gabby crawls faster, breathing heavily

Steph: Shit...

Gabby is gonna find cover, so fricking help her

Gabby is shaking like mad

Narrator : THey simply see Nihilists...
Forrest: Son of a bitch...
Narrator : Gabby gets to see the beast through the fog...
It is a gigantic, chitinous thing...
Gabby: …!!!!!
Narrator : With hellish, fiery light burning from within its armor...


Steph: Gabby! Gabby, where are you?!
Narrator : roll to evade notice, gabby

Forrest summons his magnifying glass, eyeing the Nihilists

Forrest: Don't have time for this shit....
Gabby: rolling 3d20 + 2
= 17
frick c,:
Narrator : she makes a little too much movement
The creature turns its Hellish lights onto her...
Gabby: .....!!!!!!!!

Gabby fricking scrambles to her feet and starts bolting for it

Mac D.: do they hear that
One Who Brings Darkness: everyone does
Forrest: .....
One Who Brings Darkness: pick a direction
Forrest: What was that.
Steph: RUN!
Space: South
Forrest: ....!?!?

Forrest looks up at It
Gabby: JUST RUN.

One Who Brings Darkness comes ploughing after her, smashing structures and
squishing smaller Nihilists
Forrest: ....What the FUCK-

Gabby furiously scrambles for her Atlas Shrugged

Steph is clinging real fucking tight to Nathan

Forrest starts backpedaling hard before turning and starting to sprint

Narrator : everyone roll spirit/brawn
Gabby: rolling 3d20
= 40
Forrest: rolling 3d20
= 25
curse my fat lungs
Nathan: rolling 3d20 + 1
= 31
Suzie: rolling 3d20
= 43
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 12
Ken: rolling 3d20 + 1
= 23
Space: for urging nathan on
Faceless One: rolling 3d20 + 1
= 19
Space: naomi dies again
Gabby: Nghhh–! GUYS, HURRY!


One Who Brings Darkness is roaring after them

Gabby falls back and grabs his hand tight

One Who Brings Darkness belches smoke and flame

Forrest: ....!?!
One Who Brings Darkness: people nearest it roll to dodge

Gabby froths at the mouth like a enraged horse

Forrest: rolling 3d20 -1
= 37
Gabby: rolling 3d20
= 34
Narrator : Farther away, Suzie, Nathan and Steph are near that original cryal area.
rolling 1d20
= 19
rolling 1d20
= 5
Ken hops out of the way
Forrest: ....!?!

Forrest looks back at Naomi

Narrator : Naomi is immoliated in the horrid, acrid flame
Gabby: N-NAOM–
Forrest: !!!!!
Gabby: NAOMI!
Space: :<
Steph: Oh, god -- is it gone? Did we lose it?
Narrator : They can see the lights from the fire in the fog.
Gabby: N-NGHH–!!
Mac D.: is she ded
Narrator : you don't know that

Forrest fuckin BOLTS at the flames

Gabby: ...FORREST–!
Narrator : roll dodge
Gabby: .......
Forrest: Fuck, fuck, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK-
rolling 3d20 -1
= 28
Narrator : Forrest ducks under a great swipe at him.
Just in time to see Naomi run out of the flame, none-too-bothered
Gabby: …!!
Narrator : Well fairly bothered
Gabby: C'MON GUYS–!

Gabby reaches her hand out

Forrest nabs her by the wooden wrist and BOLTS for Gab's Hand
Forrest: FUCK!

Steph squints at the fog, trying to see them

Steph: Fucccckkkk...
Faceless One: Go. Go. God Go.
Narrator : gab and forrest roll to get away
Gabby: rolling 3d20
= 29
Forrest: rolling 3d20
= 49
Mac D.: gab
Narrator : rolling 1d20
= 4
Space: gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab
Mac D.: *gab's got forrests hands so he just powers on and drags them both behind
Narrator : roll again forrest
Forrest: rolling 3d20
= 28
Narrator : leave one
Space: ohggod
Mac D.: roll to see which hand gives out
1 is gab, 2 is naomi
Faceless One: No, leave me! Leave me!
Space: :< :< :< :<
Mac D.: rolling 1d2
= 2
Space: whew...
Forrest: !?!?!
Gabby: N-NAOMI–!!!
Forrest: DAMN IT, NO!

Gabby is full on screaming

Faceless One: Go, stupid!
Gabby: GET BACK HERE–!!!

Faceless One starts running in the other direction


One Who Brings Darkness pursues her

Forrest: N-,,,,NHH-...

Gabby collapses to her knees and starts sobbing

Forrest collapses to the ground, hacking, wheezing and sputtering from exhaustion

Steph is without words, staring hopessly and terrified

Forrest vomits

Gabby sobs pitifully

Gabby it's one of those violent, screaming sobs

Ken stares into the fog, which is starting to turn black from the acrid, noxious
Suzie: ....

Nathan starts sniffling and crying

Steph swallows thickly

Forrest lies still for a moment, before punching the crystalline ground

Gabby thrashes about in agonized sorrow

Steph gives Nathan a hug, looking out into the fog

Forrest 's muscles tense up terribly, and he grits his teeth so hard they make

Gabby 's voice is starting to go hoarse already

Forrest is choking back sounds in his throat. Furious.

Forrest why did she grab HIS hand...

Gabby is now just sort of breathing violently, spittle frothed on her mouth and
face caked in her own stupid, awful tears and snot
Steph: Twice. We killed her twice.

Gabby writhes like the awful undeserving animal she is

Steph: We killed her...

Gabby kicks and writhes and squirms

Forrest: ....."We."
Gabby should have died

Gabby caused this

Gabby should throw herself into the flames

Narrator : The fog begins to densen.
*grow denser

Forrest spits up the last remaining bile in his mouth, before stumbling, slowly to
his feet.

Steph looks at Forrest, her eyes rimmed red with tears

Gabby rasps on her spittle

Forrest looks at her, red in the face and panting, eyes wet

Forrest notices the Door past her

Forrest: ......

Gabby curls up like an insect

Forrest just spits again with a disgusted look, before shuffling towards the Door
Forrest: .....

Forrest glances toward The Lady

Steph watches Forrest

Lady of Lethe watches them

Forrest: ......

Lady of Lethe vanishes whe nForrest sees her

Forrest: .....
Steph: .....

Forrest just lets out a shuddered exhale before stepping through the Door
Steph: ...

Steph looks back towards Nathan

Nathan is crying his eyes out

Forrest shambles into Nirvanna

Steph hugs him tighter

Mr. Mu just watches him, leaning forward on his cane

Steph: It's... it'll be okay...

Gabby silently prays for death on the ground

Forrest leans on the cart, glancing at Mu

Mr. Mu: Worry not.
Life's value and death's finality are both vastly underestimated.
Nathan: I w- I- I want my mommy!
Forrest: ......I'm not in the mood.
Mr. Mu: No one was.
Forrest: .......

Forrest just sits down

Mr. Mu: I take it you are here to... rectify this situation...?
Forrest: ...No.

Steph sniffles
Forrest: You know how I feel about that.
I just....needed to get away.
Mr. Mu: This is a haven.
Steph: We're gonna be back home soon... it'll be alright...
Forrest: You're real picky about when to make this door show up.

Steph swallows thickly, trying to compose herself for his sake

Mr. Mu: I could not chance such a thing.
If the One Who Brings Darkness had captured hold of this door, he could have
penetrated Nirvana...
Nathan: roll for it steph
Forrest: .....Is that what it's called.
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + -1
= 13

Suzie idly rests a hand on Gabby's shoulder

Suzie: ...

Nathan settles into quiet sniffling

Gabby sputters and shivers like an animal

Mr. Mu: Yes.
It is a great Nihilist.

Steph slowly strokes his shoulder, still hugging him

Mr. Mu: One of the few who shall oppose you yet.
Steph: Ssh, ssh...
Mr. Mu: One Who Devours, One Who Laments, One Who Falls to Ruin, One Who Corrupts..
and the One Who Guards the Gate.
Forrest: .....
Fucking fantastic. Are they all that big.
Suzie: ... We have to keep going.
We can cry when we're safe.
Gabby: ..............................

Nathan gently squeezes her

Gabby is utterly spent

Mr. Mu: Yes.

Gabby wants to bash her head against one of the sharp rocks
Mr. Mu: Though their size is not always physical.
Forrest: ......
Jesus fucking christ.....
Steph: It's okay, Nathan. It's okay to cry... take as much time as you need.
Mr. Mu: You are meant to grow strong.
You are meant to defeat them.
Forrest: Oh, really.
What exactly are we able to do against that fucking thing?
Mr. Mu: You must find a way to destroy it.
The regent of this land, she will know more.
Forrest: Will she?
I've talked to her and she doesn't seem to know a fucking thing.
Or at least remember anything.
Mr. Mu: She has forgotten.
She can remember.
Forrest: How?
Mr. Mu: You are the Sage. It is your fate to reveal truths.
That is for you to uncover.
Forrest: ......
Great....fucking fantastic.
Nathan: ... I wanna go home...

Ken gently scoops Gabby up

Forrest: .......
Gabby: ............
Forrest: .....You can sense us, when we're out there, right.
Steph: I think... I think we went far enough today.

Gabby makes an almost inaudible whimper and squirms weakly

Mr. Mu nods
Forrest: .... she-

Mr. Mu just watches him

Forrest: ...... she dead, Jesus Christ.
Narrator : The rest of the part enters Nirvana
Gabby: ..................
Mr. Mu: ...
Must I say it.
Forrest: ......

Gabby hangs limply from Ken

Forrest: ...No....'Course she's fucking dead.....

Forrest puts his head in his hands

Mr. Mu: ... I cannot see through the fog that covers Lethe...
Forrest: What a stupid question. Idiot....
.......Excuse me?
Steph: .....
Forrest: ...You don't know?

Gabby isn't even reacting

Mr. Mu: I cannot see everything.
Forrest: ..........
Steph: ...So... so she might still be alive?
Forrest: ............
Mr. Mu: Possibly.

Forrest achingly gets back to his feet

Forrest: .....I need to find that woman.
Her and her robots, they've got to know.
Mr. Mu: Servitors.
They are old creations.
Forrest: Alright- fine, whatever they're called. They can help.
Mr. Mu: Yes.
They can.
Forrest: ......
.....I'm going back out.
Mr. Mu: Very well.
Gabby: ...............
Mr. Mu: All of you, I bestow upon thee...
A blessing, in light of your coming tribulations...
Forrest: ....
Gabby: .....................
Narrator : You feel your devotion to your cause strengthen...
Everyone now has five additional HP.
Gabby: ...................
Mr. Mu: Now...
Mac D.: iunevenknow where to slap that on the sheet
Mr. Mu: Go forth.
Mac D.: uhp there it is already done
thank u seer
Forrest: .....
....Right, thanks.
Steph: .......

Forrest looks at the others

Steph takes a deep breath

Steph: If there's still a chance she might be alive... we really shouldn't be
waiting around here.
Forrest: Yeah.
Let's go.
Mr. Mu: I wish you luck...

Gabby doesn't move and is still red-faced and snot-encrusted

Forrest: .....

Forrest looks at Gabby

Gabby should die

Forrest thinks otherwise

Forrest: ...Gabby.
Gabby: ..............
Forrest: .....
...It's not over yet.
We still have good to do.
Gabby: ...s-should have... been... m-me...
Forrest: ......
Ken: You can't do this to yourself.
Steph: Don't say that!
Forrest: That's not true.
Of all the people here, you deserve it the least.
Steph: Gabby... that wasn't your fault. You don't deserve to die because someone
else got hurt...
Gabby: ...b-both times...
...c-could have–... h-h-her mom...
Ken: I ran. I'm a coward for leaving her.
Forrest: Don't think like that.
Ken: She could still be alive, Gabby.
Every second we spend here is a second we spend endangering her life.
Forrest: Don't resign yourself without checking every angle.
Gabby: ...........
Forrest: If you have reason to doubt, you doubt. And I doubt she's gone yet.
Steph: I bet she's trying to get back to us as we speak.
Forrest: You can't just give up and let the answer slip away from you.
Gabby: .......

Gabby gently starts to climb down from Ken, still shaking a pretty good bit
Gabby: ...l-let's look...

Forrest nods and puts a hand on her shoulder

Forrest: Don't give up hope/
Gabby: ........

Gabby nods weakly

Narrator : The party leaves Nirvana.
Forrest: .....
....We need to find the Lady.
Gabby: …

Forrest glances at Steph

Forrest: Can you walk normally, yet.

Gabby wipes her glasses on her shirt and looks through the fog
Steph: Uh... let's try. Put me down, Nathan.
Narrator : The fog stretches all around.
Nathan gently puts Steph down.

Steph tries to walk East

Narrator : did steph revise her journal
Space: not yet
Narrator : steph can make the only direction she can move east
Forrest: ....

Steph does that

Forrest: ...Well.
Narrator : Steph is now programmed to go East.
Steph: Okay... this better work.

Steph starts walking

Forrest: ...!?

Forrest quickly follows

Gabby: ...d-did you... fix it...?
Steph: I know which way East is.
Forrest: ...
...Can you walk in directions other than East.
Gabby: ...m-make it... t-to where you know... all of the cardinal directions...
Steph: I mean... I do know them! My left is north, my right is south, behind me is
Narrator : The air is colder.
Forrest: .....
Gabby: ........
Steph: Besides, this is basically the way we have to go anyways, right?
Narrator : Since you last left, the fog has grown far... blacker...
Forrest: ...Nathan, be on standby to pick her up.
Narrator : Nathan nods and assumes the position.

Forrest shudders a breath

Forrest: ....Keep an eye out for Servitors.

Gabby nods, sniffling a bit

Forrest: If we find one, they can bring us to the Lady.
Narrator : There is a peculiarity in the stone to the South.
Forrest: .....?

Forrest looks Southward

Narrator : To the North there are shifting shapes.
Forrest: ....
Steph: ...Crap...
Which way?
Forrest: ...I'm going to look at that stone.
Gabby: …
Narrator : Forrest sees...
A large fountain of cyclopean make.
Forrest: ......
Narrator : It is flanked by all manner of distorted forms...
roll mind
Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 27
Narrator : rolll again
Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 43
Narrator : The Nihilists... appear totally passive.
Forrest: ......?
Narrator : They simply sit and reflect upon the Fountain.
Forrest: ....What in the?....
Steph: What is it?
Gabby: ...w-what the frick...?
Forrest: ....These Nihilists. They aren't doing anything.
Narrator : There are two more diminutive forms directly opposite the water.
Forrest: ....?

Forrest gives a looksie

Forrest: ....!?!
Narrator : They sit at its edge, quietly staring into it
Forrest: Naomi-!
Narrator : also everyone but forrest roll decreased mind
Gabby: …!!
rolling 3d20 + 2
= 29
Ken: rolling 3d20
= 35
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 11
Nathan: rolling 3d20 + -1
= 22
Suzie: rolling 3d20 + 1
= 60
Space: look at suzie go

Suzie grabs Nathan and holds him in place

Forrest: ...?

Forrest looks back at the others

Narrator : Ken, Gabby, and Steph are unable to resist the fog...
Gabby: ........
Space: hey that's southeast
Mac D.: ken carries her
Narrator : Steph forgets literally everything.
Forrest: ....Guys what are you-
Narrator : Gabby and Ken are idly drawn to the Font, sitting at its rim and
Steph: ...
Forrest: ....Guys.
Gabby: ...n-nice here...

Gabby has tears run down her face, purely in relief

Forrest: Yeah, it's serene. Do you not see all the Nihilists?
Gabby: ...huh...?
Steph: ...
Forrest: ...?

Forrest looks at Steph

Gabby: …

Gabby leans into Ken, sighing gently

Steph: ...
Forrest: ....Steph.

Steph is looking very blankly at the fountain

Steph: ...
Forrest: Steph?
Steph: ...
Forrest: Hey. Hey.
Steph: ...

Forrest waves a hand in front of her face

Steph looks at his hand

Forrest: Steph!

Gabby starts drifting off to sleep

Steph looks at him uncomprehendingly

Suzie: ... If it wasn't obvious, I think... this... that this is the Font.
Forrest: ...

Forrest scopes it
Forrest: ....Fuck me...

Steph looks back at the font

Forrest looks at Suzie

Forrest: And Nathan?
Suzie: I'm holding him.
Gabby: Zzzzzzzzzz...
Suzie: He's...
Like her.
What's the word...
Forrest: .....
...Shit....Shit, shit....How are you okay?
Steph: ...
Suzie: Not for lack of trying.
Forrest: .....
Alright....We're still close together, at least.

Forrest looks past the fountain

Suzie: ... Gotta get them... get them... what's it... out of here...
Forrest: .....Alright.
Forrest looks at the procession of Nihilists, taking a deep breath
Forrest: ....Okay.....Hokay....
Suzie: oops

Forrest tries to creep his way around them to the other side
Gabby: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
Suzie: roll forrest
Mac D.: what stat
Narrator : finesse
Steph: ...
Mac D.: rolling 3d20 -1
= 29
Narrator : Forrest loudly stumbles
Forrest: gh-..Fuck-
Narrator : The Nihilist next to him turns
Forrest: .....!!?!!?!
Gabby: ...Snrk... zzzzzzzzzzz...

Forrest seizes up
Steph: ...
Narrator : It then turns away
Forrest: ............................

Forrest exhales in relief, before slowly making his way to Naomi and That Fucko
next to him

Forrest take both by the shoulders and shake them

Forrest: Hey. Hey...
Narrator : rolling 1d20
= 16
rolling 1d20
= 5

Faceless One sputters blue and black smoke

Forrest: ...!
Faceless One: Oh!
You found me.
Forrest: .........

Faceless One is scorched

Forrest: ....Yeah, I did.
Jesus christ, look at you...
Faceless One: It's fine.
Gabby: Zzzzzzzzzz...
Steph: ...
Forrest: No. No, it's not fine.
Faceless One: It doesn't hurt very much.
Forrest: I thought you'd-....
Faceless One: I did too.
I managed to shake it off.
I stumbled here and...
Well. I was... waiting.
Forrest: .....

Forrest just

Forrest coughs up something resembling a chuckle

Forrest: Fucking hell......
Faceless One: ... We should probably get out of here.
Forrest: Absolutely.
....Who's this?
Steph: ...
Faceless One: Some guy.
Forrest: Well, let's take him with us.
Faceless One: I can do that.

Forrest nods

Faceless One grabs him by the scruff of his collar

Faceless One begins draggging him around like a burlap sack

Forrest: ......
....Well, whatever works.
Alright, there's the hardest part....
Faceless One: I can drag one other person.
Steph: ...
Forrest: Get Steph.

Faceless One grabs Steph by the scruff of her collar and drags her off

Forrest shakes Gabbo and Kenno

Steph: ......
Forrest: C'mon....Wake up....
Come on......
Narrator : roll mind steph
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 10
Narrator : again
Gabby: Nhhhhhh... five more minutes, Gramma...
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 14


Gabby: ...studied too late...
Narrator : Steph's mind clears.
Forrest: Wakie wakie.

Steph blinkblinks

Steph realizes she's being dragged

Steph: ?!
...Oh, fuck, we found you!
Narrator : Naomi lets go.
Forrest: Do not NNNN at me, young lady, I swear to god...
Steph: Oh, thank god...

Steph gets to her feet

Gabby: but grandmaaaaaaa...
Forrest: Grandma says it's time to go.
Steph: Are you hurt? God, what happened...

Forrest is now trying to drag them away

Ken: ...

Steph notices ???

Steph: ...Who's that?

Ken goes without resistance

Gabby: ...mmm'kayyyy...
Faceless One: Some guy I found.
Forrest: (Worst day of my god damn life....)

Gabby drags her sleepy little butt away from the fountain, hunched over like an


Narrator : As they get farther, their minds clear.
Forrest: Alright.....That's everybody.....
Steph: Oh, wow...
Thank goodness everyone's okay, wow... okay, where do we go from here?
Gabby: ...?
Forrest: We have to kill the Big One.
Steph: ...
Gabby: ...N-NAOMI–!
Steph: Like... right now--?

Gabby launches herself at Naomi and hugs her

Forrest: Eventual-

Forrest watches Gabby just LAUNCH

Gabby: O-oh God, oh God N-Naomi...

Faceless One slowly hugs her back

Steph smiles
Forrest: .....
Forrest exhales

Gabby cries a little bit into her shoulder

Forrest: ......
Steph: ...
Gabby: ......

Steph 's smile fades

Steph: Uh...
Gabby: ...FRICK we need to leave.
Forrest: ....

Steph goes over by Nathan

Narrator : The fog has turned black as tar.
Forrest: Alright, let's wake this asshole up, first.

Forrest gives ??? a BOOT

Nathan picks her up

Gabby preemptively grabs Naomi's hand

??? startles

??? sits up
Forrest: Up and at 'em.
???: O-oh, sure, yeah...

??? stands up
Forrest: Name?
Steph: We've gotta get moving, no time to explain...
???: O-oh, name's, uh...
... Uh... oh...
Forrest: .....
???: I, uh, uh, I don't actually...
Steph: ...How long have you been here...?
???: Uh, I- err, w- what... what year is it...?
Mac D.: 2015, right?
???: yeah
Forrest: It's 2015.
???: ... I, uh, actually.. don't... remember what year it was...
Gabby: ...Frick.
Forrest: .....
Steph: Do you -- what's your Archetype? Do you remember that?
Do you even have one?

Forrest tries to hazard a guess by his choice of FASHIONE

Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 26
???: ... Archetype! Yeah, yeah, I have one of those..!
Gabby: Well. I mean... You must not be that old, right...? You're still young...
unless... unless you're not, somehow...

Narrator : He's wearing a private school uniform from your high school.
Forrest: ....
Narrator : apparently, forrest, this school used to have a uniform

Gabby goes back to trying to scout out a potential exit

Forrest: .........................
....Remember your Archetype?
Steph: Maybe he's in one of Mom's old yearbooks...?
???: Uh....
I'm sorry, I just don't...
Forrest: Yeah, I figured.
???: I can't seem to... sorry, again.
Forrest: We can talk later. Right now, we gotta get somewhere safe.
Hey, Servitor!
Where's someplace safe.
Servitor: Lethe in her entirety is safe, for she is Utopia.
Forrest: Right, yeah, Big Guy's just a greeting party.
Servitor: Big Guy. Do you refer to Erebus.
Forrest: No, I mean...
....What did he call him....
Steph: Servitor, how do we get back to Styx?
Servitor: One Who Brings Darkness.
Gabby: It'd be really good if we could fricking get out of here.
Forrest: The One Who Calls Darkness or-
Oh, yeah. That's him.
Servitor: Route to Styx. Follow closely.

Steph looks back over to Nathan

Narrator : The Servitor hovers off, rattling off its destination.
Forrest: .....
Space: pack mule

Forrest looks back at the OThers before following

Gabby: …

Gabby takes a deep breath, still sniffly

Narrator : The party is lead from Lethe back to Styx, where they leave without

Forrest rubs his temples

Forrest: Never though I'd miss the smell of rust.
Narrator : They make their way back to the shed as darkness begins to fill the
Second Heaven with more... completeness than usual.
Steph: Thank god for fresh air...
Narrator : wromg track
Forrest: ...?
Steph: ...!
Hey, it's...
Mlle. Lane: Pushing things that closely to the wire is foolish.
Forrest: You again.
Oh, fuck you...
Mlle. Lane: We will be in touch.
Gabby: ...Can you tell us who you are yet?
Mlle. Lane: I recommend speaking outside.
Steph: ...(Why not just meet us outside then???...)
Forrest exhales
Forrest: Whatever.....I'd like to see a real sky again, anyway.


Mlle. Lane: I advise caution in speaking near the red eyes.

Steph feels like she won the lottery

Forrest: ......
Steph: Is that where... uhh... you-know-who can listen in?
Mlle. Lane: Yes.
Forrest: .....
Mlle. Lane: The Dragon.
Forrest: ...There's that word again.
Who is the Dragon?
Steph: The door said something about that...
Mlle. Lane: The Dragon is the end of everything.
Forrest: I wouldn't call myself a servant of something like that.
Steph: ...So... it's more than just something to test us from getting to the Third
Mlle. Lane: The Dragon seeks the Third Heaven.
Forrest: ...Who isn't.
Mlle. Lane: Everyone seeks it.
Steph: ...Oh.
Gabby: ...So, uh... Everyone's the dragon?
Mlle. Lane: You will find no party involved who does not desire its power.
Forrest: Then that doesn't really narrow it down.
Mlle. Lane: The Dragon is not narrow.
It takes many faces.
Forrest: Yes, I'm sure it's very large.
Steph: I mean, I'm pretty sure it's not like... a big old mystery who he is.
...What about Mu? Is he... on our side?
Gabby: ...I... I mean, we can't be the Dragon...
We just... We just want all this fricked up stuff to stop...
Mlle. Lane: Mu has nothing in his heart.
Steph: Oh... like the Servitors?
Forrest: What's the Dragon got in its heart.
Mlle. Lane: Anything.

Forrest audibly groans

Steph: ...
What about you?
Mlle. Lane: What an impolite question.
Gabby: ...So... The Dragon is just a broad term for human desire?
Mlle. Lane: Human. Unfitting term.
Gabby: …
Steph: I think it's a fair question! Who are you even supposed to be?
Forrest: .....
Gabby: ...Are you gonna accuse us of being Nihilists too?
Mlle. Lane: Ah, a thousand pardons, we have not been introduced.
Forrest: ....!
Mlle. Lane: And of course not, I am no idiot.

Forrest has something click in his head at Gabby's words

Mlle. Lane extends a hand

Forrest: (Wait, shit.....)

Forrest roots through his Things, taking out Perkins' Gem

Forrest scopes the group and the area out, through the gem
Mlle. Lane: I am Mademoiselle Lane

Steph shakes her hand

Steph: Uh... Stephanie Karloman.
Narrator : THings of Note:
Steph: So you're...
Narrator : Naomi is a bit... grungier, generally, in the gem.
Forrest: ......
Narrator : The earth near the shed is black.
And Lane doesn't appear at all.
Forrest: ....?
(What in the....?)
Mlle. Lane: A fine effort, Mr. Freeman.
Baubles will not render me naked.
And no, the name is just an affect.
Forrest: Render you plenty invisible.
Mlle. Lane: Certainly.
But not naked.
Forrest: .....
Steph: Why show up to us now and not earlier?

Forrest takes a quick second look around for signs of Bugs or Infestation
Mlle. Lane: I felt that now was an appropriate time.
Narrator : Nope
Forrest: ....

Forrest pockets the gem, looking over at Naomi

Mlle. Lane: You have proven yourselves capable, so my investment of time and effort
would thus prove worthwhile.

Faceless One is sitting down

Steph: We made it this far, huh...? Okay.
Forrest: .....

Forrest temporarily files it away as just a side effect of being resurrected

Mlle. Lane: I will ask that you not speak to Mu of me.

Forrest looks back at MADEMOISELLE

Forrest: And why is that.
Steph: Oh, of course.
Mlle. Lane: It is a request I make to you as part of our covenant.
Gabby: ...Listen.
We have, like...
So many people vying for our trust right now.
What makes you trustworthy?
Forrest: Gabby makes a good point.
Mlle. Lane: I have no token of trustworthiness to offer you.
Forrest: Well, at least you're honest.
Mlle. Lane: I will not attempt to delude you with platitudes.
You will either accept me in faith or you shall reject what I say.
Regardless, it is your decision.
Forrest: That's a pretty black and white way of seeing things.
Mlle. Lane: The world is black and white, Mr. Freeman.
Steph: Was there anything specifically that you wanted to let us know, off the top
of your head?
Forrest: I respectfully disagree.
Mlle. Lane: I wish to tell you that one must caution in dealing with the Lady of
Blindness sometimes protects.
Forrest: ....
Gabby: ...You mean, like... she could get dangerous if she knew stuff?
Mlle. Lane: It is possible if you are unwise.
Gabby: ...I kinda thought so.
Mlle. Lane: Matters of the heart are tender things.
Gabby: She seems... sad, a little bit.
Forrest: We haven't doomed ourselves teaching her about iced tea, have we.
Steph: What is she?
Mlle. Lane: Certainly not.
Gabby: Maybe that's why she forgot what she forgot.
Mlle. Lane: She is Lethe's regent.
So it is and so it always has been.
Steph: Like the guy in Styx?
Mlle. Lane: Styx's king was naught but an imposter.
Steph: A Nihilist...
Forrest: ....So who's the real king.
Mlle. Lane: Styx is an extraordinary realm with no regent.
Forrest: Well, no wonder it's so dirty.
Mlle. Lane: It is the fusion of the First Heaven's material nature with the
corruption the Nihilists have rendered upon the Second Heaven.
Forrest: ...
...What about Erebus.
How do we deal with him.
Mlle. Lane: I do not know.
Forrest: Will the Lady of Lethe know?
Steph: When you say 'corruption'... does that affect a place's regent too? There
were a lot of nihilists in Lethe...
Mlle. Lane: Quite likely.
Corruption can take a regent.
The Lady of Lethe, however, has remained pure for this long.
Steph: Has that happened to anyone?
Mlle. Lane: Yes.
Forrest: ...
Steph: Who? How many?
And, I mean, I assume it's still ongoing...
Gabby: …
Mlle. Lane: I do not see the purpose in explaining that to you.
In your pursuit of answers to those questions, you may perhaps learn more than I
can tell you.
Forrest: ...So what about this guy.

Forrest points to ???

Steph: I mean, he probably just got left behind...?
Mlle. Lane: ... I remember him.

Gabby quietly ponders the Lethe lady

Steph: How long ago?
Forrest: What can you tell him about him?
Mlle. Lane: I do not know human years.
Gabby: ...What's his name, at least?
Mlle. Lane: I did not care to recall his name, for I judged him as insignificant.
Steph: ...
Forrest: ...Ouch.

Steph looks back at ???

Mlle. Lane: I has assumed he was dead.

Steph feels a little bad talking about him like this in front of him
Mlle. Lane: If you will excuse me, I run short on time
Forrest: ...
Steph: Thanks for... the questions you did answer, I guess. Nice meeting you.
Mlle. Lane: That demon will be coming for me soon.
Forrest: .....
Mlle. Lane: ...
If you need to speak to me...
Gabby: ...Oh... Frick... Stay safe, please...
Mlle. Lane: Dial [Inexplicable Number].
Gabby: …

Steph notes that down

Mac D.: 8675309

Mlle. Lane heads off

Forrest: .....
Steph: ...

Steph shuts her notebook

Forrest: What do you think.

Steph walks over to ???

Mobile L: 1-900-8008155
Forrest: ...

Forrest looks back toward the two of em

Steph: Hey... doing okay?
Gabby: ...I think... uh... as mean as this is...
???: ...

??? chuckles, nervously

Gabby: ...We need to keep the Lethe Lady kinda... in the dark, a bit.
Maybe that's how she'd get corrupted.
???: ... G-guess I wasn't, u-uh, very important...
Forrest: Should be easy. She can't remember jack shit, anyway.

Steph pats him on the shoulder

Forrest: Don't sweat it, none of us are, either.
Steph: Who gives a crap what she thinks, anyways?
Gabby: Just... Make sure she doesn't... I do think she's trying not to remember
something bad...
Steph: Listen, uh... I don't imagine you got a place to stay?
Gabby: ...Yeah, uh... It's all gonna be okay, Guy...
???: ... I guess not.
Gabby: ...Can we call you John?
???: ... Like John Doe, right...?
Forrest: That's so trite....
Gabby: ...Well... Eh... What's– what's a name you always thought was snappy?
Steph: How about, uh... Calvin?
Forrest: ....

Forrest looks him up and down

Steph: No, you don't look like a Calvin...
Gabby: Chad?

Forrest tryna determine his RRRRACE

???: white
Steph: Ew, not Chad...
Gabby: Joey?
Forrest: .....
Gabby: Lucas...?
Steph: Anthony?
Forrest: .....Nanashi.
Steph: What?
Gabby: ...Nanashi?
???: actually he's like
half chinese half white
Gabby: That's Japanese, right?
Forrest: Yeah. Means "No Name."
Saw it in a movie, once.
???: ...
Am I Japanese...?????????????
Steph: You're such a fucking nerd, dude...
Forrest: ...............
???: ... Oh God...
Gabby: ...Uh... You look... no, you don't look it, to me...
???: I don't remember what I look like...
Steph: Here, there's water right over here...
Gabby: ...Anyone got a mirror?
Forrest: There's a window over there, if you can catch your reflection.

??? looks in the window

???: ...
Gabby: You don't look bad... You look, like... Like sort of half, like me, y'know?
...Maybe you're Vietnamese...?
???: ... That's not so bad...
Forrest: Yeah, you look fine.
???: ... I liked, uh, Anthony...
Gabby: ...Anthony.
Steph: Can I call you Tony?
Gabby: That's a good one
Forrest: ....Alright, Anthony.
???: Uh, sure, yeah. That's good with me.
Gabby: And if anyone asks, just tell they you're last names Ngyuen.
Forrest: So, who's taking him.
Steph: Great! Uh...
Gabby: *name's
Steph: We've got a guest bedroom at my place.
I'll just have to... explain to Grandpa somehow?
Forrest: Come up with something convincing.
Anthony: Well, hey, I don't mean to be a burden or anything...
Gabby: He's running away from home because his uncle, uh... murders people.
Forrest: Overseas Pen Pal, visiting.
Steph: I mean, what else are you gonna do, sleep on the streets?
Anthony: I could, uh, sleep in a- yeah...
Steph: Maybe you're from, uh, America?

Steph shakes her head

Gabby: Texas!
Steph: Nope, it's settled. You're coming with me.
Anthony: .... Am I...?
I don't feel American...
Gabby: I mean, you were going to a Canadian school...
Steph: Well, yeah, you're from here.
Forrest: You'd be much less cheery being American here, trust me.
Steph: I'll just say you... uh...
You just gotta stay over to get away from your family for a while.
Gabby: Yeah.
Forrest: So it's settled, then?
Gabby: Steph's grandpa will understand, I think.
Faceless One: Guys I had a great idea!
Forrest: ...?
Faceless One: Let's name him Nanashi!

Forrest looks back at Naomi

Forrest: ................
Steph: ...Naomi, you and Forrest are on the exact same wavelength. You know that?

Forrest looks at the others

Forrest: ....We should get going.
It's getting late.
Faceless One: It's just a good idea...!
Gabby: ...It's his nickname.
'Cuz, like... He watches animes.
Anthony: ... Anime...
What's that..?
Forrest: ......
Steph: I have Pokemon on VHS...
Gabby: Oh, they can teach you.
Forrest: .....I mean.
I can show you, sometime.
Gabby: ...Still need to, like... see Death Note...
Forrest: If you want.
Anthony: ... I guess...???
Forrest: Right, yeah, great.

Steph whispers to Anthony

Steph: (it's not cool)
Forrest: Name's Forrest, by the way.
Anthony: Hi, Forrest.
Oh, uh...
Thanks to you all for...
Taking me out of there.
Steph: It's the least we could do!
Forrest: Don't worry about it.
Nice to have you on the team.
Steph: I'm Steph, by the way. Stephanie Karloman?
Anthony: Hi!
Gabby: I'm Gabby. Real good to meet ya, and glad we actually found you in there.
...Thank you for that, Naomi... And... And thank you for being safe, too...
...I'm really sorry... again.
Forrest: .....
Faceless One: ... Don't worry about it, okay?
Gabby: …

Gabby gives a small nod

Forrest: .....Alright.....Let's go, I'm fuckin' exhausted.
Gabby: Yeah...
Anthony: ...
Forrest: See you guys tomorrow.
Steph: Hey. Guys. Check it out.
Anthony: You too...???
Steph: I don't know where the fuck east is.
Naomi: Let's go!
Gabby: Bye, Forrest! Bye, Naomi!
...Oh, frick!
It wore off?
Faceless One: ... Hey, Forrest...?
Steph: Seems so!
Faceless One: Wanna watch some anime when we get home...???????

Forrest waves them off, unenthused by Steph's sudden Freedom

Forrest: .........................
Faceless One: Also when I put new clothes on??????????????????????
Forrest: Oh, right, yeah.
Faceless One: Because these ones are actually really burned??????????????????????
Space: i love her
Forrest: How am I going to explain this to the folks...
Faceless One: ...
I can sneak in.
Open a window and I'll climb in.
Forrest: Alright, shouldn't be a problem.
Gabby: ...You need to figure out how it happened.
Forrest: .....You talked to Steph, back there.
Gabby: Like... So it doesn't cause problems again.
Space: I think, like... it's a question of wording?
Anthony: ...

Anthony quietly listens

Gabby: ...You need to word your crap real carefully, Steph.
Faceless One: ... Yeah.
Gabby: If you write the wrong thing, you could get yourself killed.
Steph: Yeah...
Forrest: ...........
Faceless One: It. You know.
Still bothers me.
Steph: I feel like after a certain point, though, being more verbose just opens you
up to more loopholes...
Forrest: Oh, I'm sure. I'm sure.
Faceless One: But I have to be...
Grown up.
Forrest: .......
Steph: I mean, in what world does... y'know, having a clear sense of direction mean
'can only go North'???
Forrest: I think most grown-ups wouldn't handle being left to die with that level
of tact.
Gabby: Just write, like, "I have an internal compass in my head like a bird does"
or something.
Faceless One: ... Most grownup don't come back from the dead.
Forrest: .....
...I guess.
Faceless One: ...
Gabby: Pigeons have iron deposits in their skulls to help them tell directions.
Steph: Well, what if I get a hunk of iron lodged in my brain and I can't chew food
Faceless One: She's one of the only people who I'm going to be able to speak with.
No one else is going to associate with me unless Mu's mask is good.
So I might as well get used to it.
Forrest: ......
Gabby: ...I mean, if it's like a bird's, it shouldn't interfere with your life...
Human skulls even have these deposits, but they're so small that they can't do
Forrest: ...That's a very grown-up thing to think, Naomi.
....Do not scare me like that again.
Steph: After a certain point... you gotta just leave things to chance.
Faceless One: ...
Gabby: ...Eughhh...
Faceless One: I'm happy you got out okay.
Forrest: You could've-.....
Faceless One: Doesn't really bother me so much as this point.
Forrest: ......
.......You shouldn't-.....
...You shouldn't think like that.
Faceless One: ...
Forrest: You're a better person than that

Gabby looks to Ken

Gabby: ...Are you gonna be okay walking home?
Ken: ... Yes.
Are you alright...?
Forrest: You're not some piece of shit, so don't talk like you are.
Anthony: ... Are we ready to, uh, head off...?
Gabby: ...Yeah... Sorry to have, uh... scared you... and made you have to hold
Faceless One: ...
Steph: Yeah! Oh, yeah... my house is only a short walk from here.
Faceless One: ... I...
Steph: I'll show you the way.

Steph starts off

Faceless One: It's okay that you didn't hang on.
I know you didn't mean it.
Forrest: ........
Faceless One: ...
I didn't know if anyone was going to even come for me.
Space: man fuq
Forrest: ..........
Space: she got abandoned twice
Mobile L: :c
Anthony: Alright! Let's go!
Forrest: ....(She should have grabbed you)......
Ken: ... It's no trouble...
Faceless One: ...
Gabby: ...I can walk you home, if you want...
Ken: Oh, don't you worry.
I don't want to put you throught that trek...
I can take care of myself.

Space the walk to Chez Karloman begins

Forrest: .......Forget it, I'm too tired for this downer talk.
What do you wanna watch when we get home.
Faceless One: What's the most... light-hearted thing you got?
Forrest: ......
Gabby: …

Gabby gives a little nod

Gabby: ...Be safe, Ken...
Forrest: ....I have a box set of Sengoku Rider Masamune I watch when I'm feeling

Gabby starts off for home, walking slowly and quietly

Faceless One: We're gonna watch that.
Forrest: ......
Faceless One: I'm so excited...
Forrest: ...Alright.

Ken heads home

Forrest: It's the Blu-Ray, so it's touched up from the TV release.
Narrator : They all head their separate ways for the day...
eldritch s. (GM): i hear you do weed
Mac D.: from whomst'dve
Mobile L: me bitch
Mac D.: mobile this is fuckgin slander
Mobile L: I have the tapes
Mac D.: i
*i'll see your fat ass in C O U R T
when the beat drop
Mobile L: bitch.
eldritch s. (GM): oh shti what day was it
Mac D.: uh
Mobile L: UHHHHH...
eldritch s. (GM): it was a weekend day
Space: yeah
Mac D.: it's sunday now
eldritch s. (GM): sure
Mac D.: time bends to my will.
Space: song of time
when was the political rally supposed to be
eldritch s. (GM): saturday
Space: i BELIEVE it's still that day
eldritch s. (GM): no but
everyone went home
the day's done
Space: then it is Sunday
eldritch s. (GM): yes
Narrator : Another day rises over Belmont.
It is a sleepy Sunday morning.
Steph managed to excuse Anthony's presence to her grandfather.
Naomi snuck into Forrest's window

Steph is already up and getting herself prepared for the morning

Mobile L awakens quite late for once

Mobile L: oh no, wait, that's not for once.
Narrator : no that would be space.

Forrest is performing his morning ritual of Being Very Sore


Steph checks in to see how Anthony is doing as she gets her hair scrunchie in
Gabby: …!
Forrest: Hhhhhhhh........
Space: no thats not for once for me either.
Gabby: ...Frick what time is it...

Anthony is already up and looking out the window

Faceless One: C'mon...
I'm bored...

Faceless One shakes him

Forrest: jesus christ, what time is it.
Faceless One: It's eleven.
Steph: Good morning!
Forrest: that's an hour left in the morning for me to sleep.
Faceless One: ... Hmph.
Anthony: Morning!
Forrest: you were torched last night, how the fuck can you walk around so easily.
Narrator : It's eleven, Gabby.
You can smell food downstairs.
Steph: How'd you sleep? Did you get anything to eat yet?
Faceless One: I think I'm made out of metal or something!
Forrest: .....'re durable, at least....
Anthony: Oh, no.
I didn't want to take your food without asking.

Forrest groans and sits up, rubbing his eyes

Anthony: And I slept pretty well.

Forrest does not sleep with a shirt on

Gabby grabs her glasses and hurries the fricking heck down the stairs

Douglas is cooking breakfast

Jasper Trần: I told you it wasn't SIDS, Eunice!
She's too old for that!
Mobile L: i love grandpa.

Jasper Trần chews on a piece of bacom

Steph: Oh, don't worry about that! Just come on downstairs when you're ready.

Steph heads down to the food zone

Faceless One has no facial expressions

Gabby: Ghh... Hey, guys, uh... Sorry I'm late...
Faceless One: ...

Gabby rubs her eyes, looking quite groggy and generally fatigued
Forrest: Alright, you got me up. What do you want to do.
Faceless One: ...
I'm really bored.
Forrest: ...When'd you stop meditating.
Anthony quickly follows her
Eunice Trần: I was so worried, Gabbriella!

Steph checks to see if Gramps is up and making breakfast yet

Eunice Trần: I had thought some evil man had kidnapped you...!
I had all manner of nightmares last night about this horribly garish man in a mask!
He wouldn't stop talking about water...!
Space: :<

Ronald Karling is just plating the eggs

Ronald Karling: Ah, just as my coffee had predicted.
Gabby: …
Ronald Karling: This morning it's fried eggs and bacon on toast.
Served with orange juice.
Gabby: ...That, uh... That sounds awful, Grandma... Maybe– maybe you watched a bit
too much TV before bed or something...

Gabby scratches her head nervously and grabs some bacons

Forrest shakes his head

Forrest: Whatever-....What day is it, Sunday?
Faceless One: Yeah.
Steph: Awesome!
Forrest: ....You still got your mask, right.

Steph eagerly sits down

Faceless One: I stopped five minutes ago.
The rubber one?
Forrest: Yeah, that one.
Faceless One: Well...

Faceless One pulls it out

Faceless One it's half melted

Forrest: .....
....We're going to need a plan.
Faceless One: I can still wear it...!

Faceless One puts it out

Faceless One looks like a serial killer

Forrest: .....
Anthony: Thank you, sir!
Forrest: There is no way I'm going to be able to take you anywhere looking lik

Anthony begins eating his

Forrest: ......
Steph: Oh, hey, Grandpa, did you get my text?

Forrest pauses a moment and thinks

Steph starts nomming as well

Forrest: ....Actually....
Jasper Trần: She's been watching too much Criminal Minds...

Douglas serves breakfast

Douglas: rolling 1d20
= 17
scrambled eggs + hasbrown and bacon
Gabby: That one's a frickin' doozy, yeah..

Gabby tentatively starts on FATHER'S BREAKFAST

Forrest: ...Hang on.

Forrest pulls out The Phone

Forrest dials up.....THE DARK MAIDEN

Ronald Karling: Do you have any plans for today?
Gabby: ...Hey, this is pretty frickin' good!

The Dark Mistress picks up after four rings

Steph: I think after a little bit, I'm gonna take Tony out around town sightseeing.
The Dark Mistress: ... Whuh...?
Forrest: S'Forrest.
The Dark Mistress: ... Wh- Forrest!
What is it...?
Forrest: We scheduled to meet sometime this weekend, I was wondering if you were
free today.
Ronald Karling: You'll have to keep an eye out, then.
Danger is underfoot, is what the weather's been saying.
Steph: What kind of danger?
The Dark Mistress: O-oh... y-... yeah. I'm, uh, free...
Narrator : it's good, gabby
Forrest: .....Cool.
Douglas: Oh, thank you...
Forrest: Did you.....have any place you wanted to meet up.
Douglas: ... Did you sleep well?
Ronald Karling: It didn't say.
Gabby: ...Yeah, kinda, uh... Kinda too well...
The Dark Mistress: ... Where the ivory sun meets the red dawn...
Forrest: .......
Gabby: ...Frick, I think my sleep schedule might be slipping.
Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 31
The Dark Mistress: Uh.
I mean.
Mac D.: WAIT
i won the roll let him figure it out
Narrator : chinatown's east gate, which intersects with Ivory Road
Steph: Huh... well, I'll keep an eye out.
Forrest: Chinatown.
The Dark Mistress: ... East gate.
Forrest: What time?
Steph: Hey, do you, um... know if we have any of Mom's old yearbooks lying around?
The Dark Mistress: ... See you there when.. uh...
... One?
Forrest: One's good.
I have a friend who wants to come along. That okay?
Douglas: I know that feel...
You could put an all-nighter if you have to reset it and have a, uh, vacation day
the next day...
... Only if it's really bad though.
Ronald Karling: rolling 1d20
= 2
... No.
I don't know where all of the yearbooks went...

Ronald Karling sips his coffee

Ronald Karling: You could, however, check your mother's things.
I won't ask why you need it.
I know it's important.
I can tell.
The Dark Mistress: ... Uh.
... Okay...
Steph: Thanks, grandpa... I'll, uh, just go check that out quick.
Forrest: ...She likes anime, too.
The Dark Mistress: ... Okay.

Steph puts her dishes in the sink and heads off to where her mom's things are
Forrest: .....
...See you at One, then.
The Dark Mistress: Y-you too.

The Dark Mistress hangs up

Forrest pockets his phone

Forrest: We've got an appointment for Chinatown at one.
Gabby: ...I think I can tough it out for today. Thanks, though...

Gabby eats peckishly, though she does enjoy it

Faceless One: Sweet.
What're we doing there...?
Douglas: No problem.
Everything okay at school and stuff?
Forrest: Dunno, we just set the date.
...I haven't actually been to Chinatown before.
Narrator : Steph heads though the house's corridors to the room whose door is
always closed.

Gabby looks down

Gabby: ...Yeah, for the most part...
Forrest: ....Do you know-....

Steph carefully cracks it open

Steph has hardly ever been in here

Forrest pauses for a moment, realizing he still doesn't have TDM's name

Forrest exhales heavily

Forrest: ....The Dark Mistress.
Faceless One: Oh, mom and I've been there lots! We'd get all kinds of speci-...

Faceless One quietly thinks about what she just said

Faceless One goes quiet

Forrest: ......
Douglas: The most part?
Forrest: .....I think....
Douglas: What's bothering you?
Forrest: ....when Mr. Mu finishes that mask, the first thing we should do is see
your mom.
Narrator : It's a dim room, with its shutters down.
It's been untouched since Steph last saw it, except for dustings.
In it are a desk, an old computer, various papers and books, her favorite mug, and
some boxes.
Her bed is in the opposite corner.
Gabby: ...Just...
Narrator : Grandpa Karling seemingly re-assmbled the room was it was when she lived
with him.
Steph: ...

Steph feels more than a bit melancholic just going in here

Gabby tries to figure out how she can vent without actually venting

Steph tries to set that aside for now, and starts going through the books

Faceless One nods

Faceless One: I'd like that.

Anthony stands at the threshold

Anthony: ...
Should I, erm...?

Steph looks up
Gabby: ...I... I kinda got, like... friends?
Forrest: .....Then that's what we'll do.
Steph: Oh-- you can come in if you want. Uh... this was just Mom's room.
Forrest: .....
...So do you know her or not.

Anthony steps inside

Gabby: ...And I... I really like them a lot... I didn't really try to make friends
or anything, it just sort of, uh... happened, right?
Anthony: ...

Anthony looks around

Anthony: ....
Gabby: ...But... But I don't know if I'm cut out for it...
Faceless One: Oh yeah!
I was in the club.
Steph: I think... she might have been related to all this... this archetype Second
Heaven business. But I don't know for sure...
Forrest: ......Makes sense.
...Hope she doesn't recognize your voice....
Douglas: ... I think you are.
Having friends is good for you.
... But only ones who aren't... well, bad for you.
People who, you know, care about you.
Faceless One: ... I could always do a voice.
Forrest: .....Can you do voices.
Faceless One: Sure, lemme show you.
Gabby: ...Yeah... That's– that's just the thing, they're all like that.
Faceless One: rolling 1d20
= 6

Faceless One does a german accent

Faceless One: Ja, hallo.
Forrest: ......
Gabby: And I just–... I don't know if I can ever be like that for them...
Forrest: .....Neither of us are cut out for acting, I don't think.
Faceless One: ... Hold on, I can try again!
rolling 1d20
= 18

Faceless One does a realistic German accent after coughing

Forrest: ....
Faceless One: There.
I'm Adelisa.

Forrest binks a few times, before raising an eyebrow

Forrest: That's....actually pretty good. I'm shocked.
Anthony: ... Huh...
Narrator : roll mind steph
Gabby: I frickin'– I know so little about, like–... people, the problems they have,
how to– how to help with crap that isn't homework-related, it's always them having
to help me out of scrapes...
Space: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 9
Narrator : No yearbooks.
Forrest: We'll need a change of clothes, too....something to conceal the mask, a
Narrator : The room is steeped in melancholy.

Forrest gets up and, after finally getting a fucking shirt on, roots through his

Forrest starts pulling out a variety of Large Fat Guy Hoodies

Steph: I don't ever come in here much... Grandpa comes to clean, I guess.

Steph decides to check to see what's in the boxes

Narrator : roll d20
Steph: rolling 1d20
= 10
Forrest: Take your pick.

Faceless One takes his smallest one since she's very skinny
Faceless One: ...
This is comfy.
Douglas: Well, that's just the nature of things sometimes
Mac D.: does she still look Very Tiny in the hoodie
Douglas: I'm sure that you're doing good things for them by being their firneds.
Forrest: Let's see you with the hood up.
Narrator : yes it hangs off of her like a tunic

Faceless One looks like raincoat saber

Forrest: .....
...That'll work.
Faceless One: ... This seems pretty hidden.
Narrator : roll again steph
Forrest: God willing, no one asks any questions.

Forrest checks the time on his phone

Space: rolling 1d20
= 20
Gabby: ...I mean... I guess... I wanna– I wanna give back, though... I've always
wanted to do that, and I just– I flop every time I have the chance to do it on a
personal level, and I get upset, and–...

Gabby sighs, resting her head on her forehead

Gabby: I dunno...
Faceless One: I can just say I'm cosplaying.
Forrest: As what?
Faceless One: Alt-Sword from Destiny/Reside Eve
Forrest: .....
......I guess if you squint.
Douglas: ... We all make mistakes, Gabby.


Douglas: It's okay.
You don't have to be perfect.
Narrator : it's 12:30
Gabby: …
Narrator : Steph opens the box...
Forrest: ....Alright, let's get going.
Narrator : Inside of the box is...
Gabby: Yeah...
Forrest: Chinatown's not too far from here, right?
Gabby: ...Thanks, Dad...
Narrator : A hardcover book with a lock, the cover reads

Gabby finally finishes her eats

Douglas: No problem, Gabby.
Steph: Oh, wow...
Douglas takes her dishes gently

Douglas starts washing up

Steph looks for a key

Gabby: …

Gabby gets up and gives her father a hug

Forrest rolls his neck and heads for the door

Faceless One: Not super far.
I can lead the way.
Forrest: I'll follow your lead, then.

Faceless One heads out

Douglas: roll midn steph

Douglas hugs Gabby back


Douglas: I love you, okay?
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 10

Forrest follows Alt-Sword

Gabby: I love you too...

Gabby quietly exhales

Gabby: ...I'm gonna go out for a bit, if that's alright.
Narrator : Steph notices that...
The keyhole...
It's not conventionally shaped.
It's a small, round indentation with some odd pattern carved in.

Steph frowns, squinting to see if she's noticed the pattern before

Narrator : mind..
Douglas: Stay safe, Gab.
Forrest: ...?

Faceless One leads him to the Dark Mistress, who is standing buy her parked, pricey

Forrest glances at Lily

Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 4

Forrest before turning his attention to the MAIDEN MISTRESS OF SHADOWS

Space: steph's head explodes

Lilly is sitting with her legs dangling off of the roof of her home
Mac D.: how many days has it been since Lilly beat Forrest half to death
Lilly: Not Many
Forrest: Hey.

The Dark Mistress startles

The Dark Mistress: Oh!
... Hi.
Forrest: .....

Forrest glances at The Car

Forrest: ...That yours?
The Dark Mistress: ... Parents'.
Forrest: .....

Gabby gives a little nod and heads out the door

The Dark Mistress: ... Yeah.

Forrest gestures slightly toward Naomi

Narrator : Steph gives herself a headache looking at it.
Forrest: This is Adelisa. Internet buddy, visiting from Germany.
Steph: Ugh... hey, d'you know what this is supposed to be?

Steph shows it to Anthony

Gabby gets out her phone and begins to compose Yet Another Fricking Mass Text
The Dark Mistress: ... Hi.
Forrest: She's....very insistent on keeping her face hidden. Maintaining anonymity,
and such.
Faceless One: Guten tag, fraulein.
Forrest: ....?

Forrest peeks at his phone, sending a quick text out

Forrest: [im fine]

Forrest looks back

Gabby: [GOOD. & NAOMI?]
Steph: ...?

Anthony looks at it

Steph quickly responds while Tony's checking it out

Forrest: .....So. Any plans while we're here?
Anthony: rolling 3d20 + -1
= 38
Steph: [He's ok, we had breakfast + are investigating some things]
Anthony: ...

Anthony feels around in his pocket

Steph looks back up at him

Steph: ...?

Anthony pulls something out

Forrest glances at his phone for another Quick Text

Forrest: [shes fine too]
Narrator : You've seen that before Steph.
It's a snake pin.
Gabby: [OK GOOD]
Steph: ......
Anthony: It sorta reminded me of this sthing...
Steph: Can I see it...?
Anthony: Oh, uh, sure.

Anthony hands it over

Steph reaches out to take it, her hand suddenly a bit shaky
Narrator : The weebs have begun a conversation.
Forrest: .......
Narrator : rolling 1d20
= 11
It's going well
Steph: This is... uhm... this pin is for a group that's looking for the Third
Heaven too.

Forrest clears his throat and puts his hands in his pockets, looking around
Steph: They aren't on our side... and they're a lot older than us, too.
Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 29

Forrest 's eyes catch a fleeting glimpse of Fat Man

Roger Perkins is lurking in an alley, checking his watch.

Forrest: ........

Forrest looks at the two of them

Gabby has a semi-aimless stroll through the Belmont streets
Forrest: ....I'll be right back.
Narrator : They're having a nice talk.
The Dark Mistress: O-oh. Uh. Okay.
Forrest: Won't be long.
The Dark Mistress: Alright.

Forrest ssssssLIPS across the street

Narrator : It is ice cold in her hand.

Forrest over to near Perkins, trying to look inconspicuous

Anthony: ... Oh.
... Third Heaven... that's familiar.
Forrest: ......Waiting for someone.
Roger Perkins: Yes, if you must know.
Steph: I'll try to, like... fill you in on stuff after... after I check this out.
Forrest: Your friendly buddies?

Steph gingerly tries placing the pin in the indentation

Roger Perkins: It's possible.
Forrest: I'm out for leisure at the moment, so try not to shoot at me.
Narrator : rolling 1d20
= 6

Vlad is bumped into by Gabby

Vlad: What the fuck do you want...?
Gabby: ...BWAH!
...Frick, uh, sorry!
Vlad: Watch where you're walking, retard.
Narrator : She slots it in...
... But it doesn't quite fit.
Gabby: ...Hey, frick off, you know why I'm in your grade.
Steph: ...?
Vlad: Autism.
Forrest: .....
Roger Perkins: I wasn't going to shoot you.

Steph looks at the pin and the indentation, trying to figure out exactly why it's
not fitting
Forrest: ...Any more signs of bugs.
Roger Perkins: ... Yes.
In the city.
Forrest: ....
Roger Perkins: It's spread.
Forrest: ..How many, and where.
Gabby: Oh, ha ha, that's gonna be rich when you're mopping gas station floors.
Roger Perkins: Four.
In the urban areas.
Forrest: Any in Chinatown?
Vlad: And you're going to die a virgin.
Gabby: ...Nikola Tesla did. Do you see people making fun of him?
Narrator : Just small differences in the patttern.
Vlad: No one gives a fuck about him.

Gabby is tryna hide how Inflamed she is r/n and only sort of succeeding
Steph: I guess they're unique or something...
Roger Perkins: No.

Steph hands him back his pin, and starts looking around for a snake pin in her
mom's things
Forrest: ....
Narrator : mind steph
Forrest: ...Shit.
Gabby: Yeah? People give less of a frick about delinquent lowlives.
Forrest: Are they gonna pop anytime soon.
Vlad: Al capone.
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 12
Roger Perkins: I'm going to deal with them.
Forrest: ......
Narrator : No pin in her things.
Gabby: Pirates had a structure to their crap and privateered sometimes, Capone just
happened to be a dumb gang guy in the right time period. Delinquents just suck and
you know it.
Vlad: I have structure. I'm just not autistic.
Steph: ...Crap...
Forrest: ......Any luck finding Azoth.
Roger Perkins: We've been looking for it.
Gabby: Ohhhhh yeah WOW, cool, lemme see your acolades, Vlad! Lemme see your
frickin' acheivements, lemme see your report card.
Roger Perkins: It's difficult.
Steph: Maybe I just put it in the wrong way...?
I dunno, what do you think?
Roger Perkins: Especially when people are waking up big Nihilists.
Forrest: ......
....Were you there, too.
Roger Perkins: We followed you.
Did you know that the first person to encounter a guardian is the one the Guardian
draws its request from.
Forrest: ......?
Roger Perkins: So if you approach a Guardian first, its request is tailored to you.
Forrest: .....Wait, so....That means Lachance...
Roger Perkins: And anyone else who approaches is left with that request.
You knew whoever the mentor was.
And what her lifeblood was.
And therefore it asked for that.
We did not.
Forrest: .....
Roger Perkins: We couldn't fulfill its request.
So we were forced to tail you.
Forrest: .....Well. That would have been helpful to know beforehand.
Roger Perkins: You really should stop going there.
Anthony: ... I think it might be unique.
Forrest: ....I have a stake in this, too.
Vlad: Fuck school.
Forrest: Disregarding whatever the hell Third Heaven is, I need to help the people
who've been infected.
Gabby: Frick you. FORGET YOU. GOOD BYE.
Vlad: Don't be a pussy.
Say fuck.
Anthony: You really, uh, twisted it around in there...
Roger Perkins: The best way to do that is to allow qualified professionals to
handle that.

Gabby starts to storm off

Steph: Man...
Roger Perkins: We have been gathering supplies for an all-out raid on the Second

Steph sets it down for now

Steph tries checking out the desk next

Roger Perkins: You keep disturbing it, which creates more Nihilists.
Which makes all of our lives harder.
Forrest: ......
Vlad: Autism.
Gabby: ...........

Gabby just
Forrest: ....I didn't ask to be dragged into this, you know.

Gabby flips him a finger


Narrator : mind.
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 14

Gabby and storms off fuming mad

Roger Perkins: No one did.
Forrest: It's not exactly easy to find something else to when time stops and a
demon's hunting you down.

Jason is bumped into

Jason flinches
Jason: Agh...~
Space: holy shit
Space: jason
Gabby: ...Frick, sorry.

Gabby looks ANGRY, JASON. SO ANGRY...

Narrator : She pulls out a bunch of old pictures of Mrs Karloman and her dad.
As teens.
Steph: ...
Narrator : They're both sat on a bench, smiling for the camera. Their school
uniforms are both fully buttoned.
roll mind steph
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 8
Space: frick
Roger Perkins: if you rush me duff i'll fucking break your ass.
Forrest: meep
Roger Perkins: I know.
The more you stay out of this, the less attention you'll get.
Jason: ... oh. It's jsut you.
Hi, Gabby...
Forrest: I seriously doubt that.
Narrator : They look cute together.
Forrest: We could help each other, you know.
We have the same goals, right now.
Steph: Hey... do these people look familiar to you?
Roger Perkins: I'm out-voted.

Steph shows him the pic

Gabby: ...Hi.
Roger Perkins: The rest of us don't want you involved.
Forrest: Why?
Roger Perkins: And I don't want you getting hurt.
You're kids.
Forrest: And their idea of keeping us safe is to just not help?
Roger Perkins: It is to get you out of our way.
We have... an overarching ambition for this.
We can't let anything compromise that.
Forrest: Okay. Whatever. Overarching ambition. But what about our current
Jason: ... It's pretty nice out, huh...?
Forrest: We need Azoth, and we need Erebus dead.
Anthony: ...
Normal Mind Test
Rolling 3d20 Mind for
" "
Lower Margin: 10
Upper Margin: 15
Result: 13
Good & Bad
... Uh.

Anthony looks down

Anthony: Hey!
They're wearing the same uniform as I am...!
Steph: Yeah, that was the old school uniform...
Gabby: ...Sorry for, uh... bumping you, are you okay?

Steph sighs

Gabby is trying to look less angry

Steph: I think... it's safe to say you were a friend of my mom's. I think it's also
safe to say that... she actually was involved in all this.
Jason: ... Oh. Yeah.

Jason coughs
Jason: I'm doing pretty well.
Gabby: ...Good.

...I don't think we ever frickin', uh... talked that much?
I'm surprised you remember my name and stuff.
Roger Perkins: Yes.
You are not qualified to accomplish either of those objectives.
Forrest: Why, because I don't know enough?
Roger Perkins: Yes.
Forrest: Then teach me
Roger Perkins: You're too weak.
Forrest: Then teach me how to use these powers.
Jason: I, uh, listen... I don't talk much...
Forrest: You know what you're doing, I saw as much.
So help me know what I'm doing...
Anthony: ... Seems logical, yeah.
... Do you mind if I look around through here?
Gabby: ...It's okay. I kinda didn't either... Unless it was class discussion or
something, I frickin' live for that.
Anthony: Maybe something will jog my memory.
Steph: Sure, go ahead...

Steph figures she'll boot up the computer while she's at it

Jason: Y-yeah... I can tell...
Roger Perkins: There's only so much I can teach you.
Everyone's Archetypal abilities manifest in different ways.
It has to come naturally or with Mu's prompting.
Forrest: ...There has to be some overlap.....
Narrator : The computer boots up.
Password portectec.
Gabby: ...D'you, like... have any friends?
Roger Perkins: As much as there is overlap between the personalities of people.
Steph: Figures...
Forrest: ......
....Well.....We seem similar.
Jason: ... Uh. Y-yeah. Of couse I do.

Steph flips out her notebook, setting it on the desk

Steph: Let's see... uh.
Anthony: What is it?
Roger Perkins: In some ways.
Steph: The computer's got a password...
Roger Perkins: That's why we're both Sages.
But we're different sides of that coin.
Forrest: ......
....What-....What can you do.
Roger Perkins: I can keep my cards close to my chest and in this instance I will
chose to.

Steph spends a few moments trying to guess the password before she writes anything
Anthony: Oh, I see...
Forrest exhales and looks to the side
Forrest: ...Great....
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 9
Narrator : you're not getting help from me space.
Forrest: .....
....All I've been able to do is shoot lasers out of a magnifying glass.
Roger Perkins: That is the most basic manifestation of power.
The powers of a Sage tend to be more passive, subtle.
Forrest: ......

Steph 'George'
Roger Perkins: You do not command the world around you, you are meant to shift it,
like looking through a different lens as opposed to parting the Red Sea.
Narrator : No.
Forrest: .....
Narrator : Two chances left.

Forrest looks down in thought for a second

Forrest: ......Through the glass.....I'll see glowing spots on Nihilists.
Roger Perkins: I see.

Steph 'tartarus'
Narrator : No
one chace left
Forrest: ...And I felt something....poke at my brain, once. In Lethe.
Steph: .....................
Forrest: ....God, that's a stupid way to put it...
Roger Perkins: ...
Forrest: .....Anyway, that's it. That's all.

Steph sighs, a little sadly

Steph: You never really realize just how little you know someone until you're
trying to guess their desktop password...
Mobile L: aghhh I am so sorry, I managed to miss the response and was just waiting
Anthony: Heh, yeah....
Roger Perkins: ...
I'm just warning you.
We're not bad people.
But we're serious about this.
I am trying to stop anything rash from happening.
Steph: Did you find anything yet?
Gabby: ...Just making sure. If, uh... if you wanna get to know me better, I don't

Steph looks back at him

Forrest: .....Right.

Gabby studies Jason in her quiet, awkward way

Forrest: You seem alright, at least....I guess.
Jason: ... O-oh. Okay. U-uh... thanks.
Forrest: .......
....Good luck with the bugs.
Anthony: ... Not really...
Gabby: …

Gabby gives an awkward nod

Gabby tries to, through her autism goggles, gage how uncomfortable she just made
this homo
Roger Perkins: ... I'll need it.
mind gabby
Steph: Well, don't worry about it for now.
Gabby: rolling 3d20 + 2
= 31

Steph has an idea

Forrest: .....I'll keep an eye out for them, too.
Anthony: ... ALright. If you say so.
I'd like to keep looking through this stuff, if it's okay.
Steph: Yeah, of course. Uh... after this, wanna head down to the library? They
might have, like, old newspaper articles about missing people we could look for.

Jason is fairly awkward regardless so (shrug)

Gabby: …

Gabby aaaaaaghhh... aaaagh... agh...

Anthony: ... Oh! That sounds like a good idea.
Roger Perkins: Be sure to.
Steph: Okay, lemme just...
Forrest: ....

Roger Perkins checks his watch

Roger Perkins: ...
Gabby: ...Um. Uh. I think I have to go now, but I just wanted to say.
I always liked your glasses a lot.
Forrest: .....I'll leave you to it, then.

Steph writes 'I can guess correct computer passwords with 100% accuracy' in her

Forrest turns and walks back across the street, mulling things over in his head
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 17
Forrest: ("See things through a different lens"........)
Forrest returns to The Girls

Jason blushes
Jason: ... O-oh...!
Thank you...!

Gabby smiles a bit and nods

Gabby: ...So, uh... Have a good one!
Narrator : rolling 1d20
= 12
They're having a really good talk
They're both engaged.
Forrest: ...M'Back.
Narrator : "Liberation"
Steph: ...!
Jason: T- you too...!

Steph inputs that

Gabby hurries away, feeling awkward, but maybe not negatively about that
The Dark Mistress: Oh! Hi.
Gabby: ...Autism. Frick...
Narrator : The computer unlocks.
Forrest: .....So....How's things been.
With you,
Narrator : It's old.
Lots of folders.
Background is default.
where is gabby going
Steph: Aw, man... this is a lot to unpack.
The Dark Mistress: Pretty nicely, actually.

Steph looks through some of the folder names

The Dark Mistress: My Occult Studies have been going very well.
Narrator : A lot of them are work related.
Forrest: That right. What've you...unconvered.

Gabby perhaps sees Dr. Venter over yonder, assuming she's actually outside of the
Forrest: *uncovered
Narrator : They're sitting on a park bench
Gabby: …!

Steph starts opening some of them up and going through them, looking for anything
that stand out weirdly
The Dark Mistress: More of the natures of the Demons of the Ars Goetia, you know...
surface things...
Narrator : rolling 1d20
= 2
A lot of accounting shit.
Tax information.
It's really dull.
They seem to be taling very intensely.
Steph: . . . . .

Gabby remembers her from a few days ago and had kind of lost her in the crowd and
wasn't sure if she was okay or not, BUT NOW
Gabby: ...Hey, uh–!
Forrest: ....Anything that stands out.

Steph closes out, instead trying to check to see if her mom had any old pictures
The Dark Mistress: Just some more about...

The Dark Mistress small heart-eyes dot jpg

Forrest: ......
....Big fan, huh.
Space: bird fucker
Dr. Venter: Wh- Oh!
I'm glad to see you safe!
Gabby: Yeah, you too, frick!
The Dark Mistress: ... Yeah...
Gabby: Uh... Dr. Venter, right? And Dr., uh... Gray?
Narrator : rolling 1d20
= 7
Forrest: ....
...I'm not actually very familiar with the Goetia.
Narrator : Vacation photos.
Dr. Graham: Graham.
Dr. Venter: How have you been, my child?
Gabby: ...Oh, right!

Steph looks through them, feeling a bit more melancholy

Steph: ...

Steph shuts the computer down

Steph: I think I could use some fresh air, actually... wanna get going?
Gabby: I've, uh... it's been– it's been pretty weird and I'm just– I'm kinda out to
clear my head, a little bit...
...We didn't frickin' catch you guys up on the stuff after that, frick!
The Dark Mistress: It's... very informative...
Gabby: ...We didn't catch Teddy up on much either...
Forrest: ....
...I wouldn't mind, like....learning about it.
Dr. Venter: Oh...?
Forrest: .......Was there anywhere you wanted to go to eat.
Anthony: Yeah, let's go.
Gabby: ...Hold on, one sec.

Gabby pulls out her phone and begins texting again

Narrator : TDM and Naomi say simultaneously:
"The Diamond Grove"
Forrest: .....Alright then, Diamond Grove.
Never been.
Forrest: ...?

Forrest check phone

Forrest: [I can't remember.]
Gabby: …!
Forrest: [I've met them.]
Gabby: [OH]
...Sorry, a lot's happened.
Like, a lot... And frickin'–... I don't–... I couldn't explain it all myself, it's
...Do you guys know anything about treating amnesia?
Dr. Venter: I'm a brain surgeon, and my friend here is a Psychiatrist.
Gabby: ...Oh, thank frick!
Dr. Venter: Is it long or short term?

Steph gets up, heading on out

Steph: Did anything there help you any?
Faceless One: It's this cheap-ish resteraunt that serves some of the best food in
No one knows about it, though, since it's kind of hard to find.
Gabby: Long-term for sure. He's right in the head and he knows how to talk. It's
not–... Like, he didn't get injured or anything, and he wasn't born that way, some
crap just happened to him and he can't remember who he is or... or other crap.
Forrest: ......Really.
You've done your research.
Anthony: ... Maybe.
Steph: Just maybe?
Anthony: I don't really know.
Steph: Is there anything you do remember for sure?
Anthony: ... Not really.
Gabby: Like, I know sometimes people go to hypnotists to remember things, but
that's, like– mostly they just end up remembering devil-worshippers, uh... doing
inappropriate things to them, and then it turns out that the hypnotist was a
scammer and they both wasted their money and now think that their own innocent mom
sold them to a cult of Satanist rapers or some crap.
The Dark Mistress: We've both been dying to go.
Dr. Graham: ... It all varies on a case by case basis.

Steph keeps on walking to the library

Steph: Well, hey, I'm sure it'll come back to you...
Dr. Graham: We would need to have him turned in for more comprehensive diagnosis
and treatment.
Steph: ...Hey, what do you think you'll do when I'm at school?
I don't know if it'd be a good idea for you to just show up there...
Forrest: ...You been talking about it?
Gabby: …
Anthony: ... I'm sure I can figure something out.

Gabby ponders this for a while

Anthony: Maybe I'll look through stuff at the library, try to jog my memory.
Steph: That's a good idea... it's right up here.

Steph notices Suzie and Nathan

Steph: Hey!
Faceless One: Yeah, while you were off in the alley.
Forrest: ....Ah-
Dr. Graham: It's not easy to diagnose such a complex issue, you understand.
There can be numerous causes.
Forrest: Well, alright then. Let's go get some, uh...Diamond Grove.
Suzie: Oh.
Hi, Steph, Anthony.
Gabby: ...I mean, I think we're fairly sure what the cause is here... Hold on

Gabby texts just Steph

Steph: What are you two up to? We were just gonna see if there's any old newspaper
articles that could have some clues...
Narrator : The Sushicide Squad head to this obscure resteraunt.
Narrator : They all enter the small, somewhat dingy looking abode.
Inside, it is quiet, dim, and clean.
They are seated in a booth.
Forrest: .....
.....Easy on the eyes, in here.
Mobile L: "YOU AIN'T GOT NO BEEF???"
", sir, we just serve sush–"
Suzie: ... I was just going to get an ice cream with Nathan.
Help him decompress.
Steph: Oh! Good idea... sorry, I won't keep you guys.
The Dark Mistress: ... It is. I quite enjoy the ambiance...
Steph: ...?

Steph checks her phone

Steph: ...!

Faceless One quietly realizes something

Steph: [Good idea, where ru?]

Faceless One sits, slightly hunched

Forrest: ......

Forrest eyes Naomi

Faceless One leans in to him

Faceless One: ... I don't have a mouth...
Gabby: frick me.
Suzie: Good luck, Steph.

Suzie holds Nathan's hand to lead him through a crowd

Forrest: ......
....(We probably both should have thought of that.)
Steph: Okay, change of plans... wanna go see a psychologist or two? They're
friends, dont' worry.
Faceless One: ... I'll just get water, I guess...
Forrest: (You could get something to go.)

Anthony shudders, quietly

Anthony: ... Pscyhologist...
Gabby: ...Hey, if it's cool?
My friend's gonna bring him here.
Anthony: ... !
Something about that's...
Steph: In a bad way...?
Anthony: ... Yeah.
Steph: [negative reaction to word 'psychologist']
Anthony: In a bad way.
Gabby: ...Aw, frick, uh... I mean–... If you're alright with it, uh... I realize
you get paid to do this
*stuff normally.

Steph: So it'd be a bad idea...?
Dr. Graham: Well, we're payed by the government, as you know.
Steph: I don't wanna do anything you're not comfortable with.
Dr. Graham: So it doesn't really impact us.
Gabby: [HALL??]
Dr. Graham: And besides, we can do it off the books if we have to.
Steph: [maybe??????????]
Dr. Graham: Gratis.
Gabby: ...I'd super appreciate it.
Faceless One: We'll see...
... Also do you have money...?
Gabby: You guys are really cool, you know that?
Forrest: .................................


Anthony: ... I mean, I don't want to...


Anthony: Obstruct you or be any kind of, you know, trouble...
roll 1d100 forrest
Forrest: rolling 1d100
= 29
Narrator : 29 bucks
Forrest: ....(You said this place was cheap, right.)
Steph: It's really up to you if you wanna be there or not... like, there are other
ways of figuring out who you are, you know?
Faceless One: ... Reasonably.
Anthony: ... I'd prefer not to.
Forrest: (I've got $29.)
Dr. Venter: Oh, think nothing of it!
Steph: That's fine. Let's just go to the library...
[sorry but we're not going]
Faceless One: Let's check out the menu...
Gabby: …
Anthony: Alright.
Steph: [He is super not feeling it, i don't want to make him]

Steph smiles at him

Forrest nods and CHECKS MENU

Steph: It's right over here.
Gabby: ...Frick, uh... I kinda just jerked you guys' chain a bit, he's really not
feeling it.
Steph heads inside the library
Dr. Venter: Oh? Why not?
Narrator : Various persons are sitting in the library.
Gabby: Steph said he had a bad reaction to the word "psychologist" and is nervous
about it now.
...So maybe... Maybe there is some trauma or something...
Steph: ...!

Steph has half a mind to just fuckin

Gabby: ...God, I'm sounding like a frickin' pet psychic.

Steph bring anthony over to ruddman and say 'sup'

Steph giggles a little in spite of herself

Steph: Holy shit... that'd be so dumb.
Narrator : rolling 1d20
= 2
rolling 1d100
= 1
the cheapest item is ONE DOLLAR!!!!!!!
Steph: Uhh... let's see if we can't find the microfilm reader.
Narrator : rolling 1d100
= 19
The most expensive is 19~

Steph Library Search

Forrest: ....(Alright, we can make this work.)
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 8
Mobile L: Jesus SHIT this restaurant
I wanna go.
Space: take me please
Dr. Venter: ... I see... that is truly unfortunate.
Gabby: Yeah... Like...
Faceless One: Yeah holy shit dude.
roll d20 steph
Space: rolling 1d20
= 14
Faceless One: and say what yuoire looking for

Forrest looks past the menu at TDM

Forrest: What're you having?
Gabby: ...Any tips for, uh... I dunno, field treatment? How do you like... solve
someone's mental problems?
Space: the microfilm reader for the newspaper archives
The Dark Mistress: The Diamond Special.
Narrator : Steph wanders into it.
Dr. Graham: That's an extremely broad, open-ended field...
Forrest: ...What's that?

Steph tries to think on what her mom's graduating year was

Forrest looks at it on The Menu

Dr. Graham: I can't just answer a question like that...
The Dark Mistress: It's a trade secret, apparently.
It's going to be a surprise.
Narrator : In 2000, your mother
Gabby: ...Yeah... Frick, why's this crap gotta be so complicated?
Narrator : was 28
Gabby: You'd think, with 7 billion humans, they'd have seen all the patterns of
like–... what can go wrong, maybe even with crap like amnesia...
Forrest: ....That's...interesting.

Steph looks through the 1990s papers for any missing persons
Forrest: They don't even tell you what food it is.
Space: as in the year 1990
not the decade
Narrator : roll mind steph
Space: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 7
Dr. Graham: The human mind, like the spirit it contains, is weak but also diverse.
It's difficult to pin it down.
The Dark Mistress: It's so avant-garde and mysterious...
Forrest: .....

Forrest glances at Naomi

Narrator : You can't find anything relevant.
Forrest: What're you feeling.
Gabby: …
Steph: Huh...

Steph looks more generally, for any weird things related to the school

Gabby 's frustrations with the field of psychology again bubble near the surface
Faceless One: ... The Sakura Tohsaka.
Gabby: ...There has to be something we could do, though...
Forrest: .........
...What is that.
Faceless One: It says it was inspired by a dream.
It costs ten dollars.
Forrest: ....
(Sounds pathetic.)
Space: oh my god
rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 11
Forrest: Alright...That leaves me with enough for...the Diamond Special, I guess.
Dr. Graham: Of course there are things to be done...
But it's complicated and multifaceted...
Gabby: …

Gabby puts a finger to her chin

Gabby: ...Maybe, like...
Narrator : The mysterious waiter comes and takes all their orders before
Gabby: I could take field notes and report back to you guys?
Narrator : Just like
Space: the waiter is Richard Moneypenny
Narrator : Bursts of disappearences.
Forrest: .....
Narrator : What's the time frame of this search generally
Gabby: It'd be indirect, so it wouldn't bother him, 'cuz it'd be us trying the
stuff, just based on you guys' suggestions.
Forrest: ....He's fast.

Steph 1989-1990
Forrest: ...Kinda like....
Narrator : In 89 there was a lot of talk of shutting the school down over prior
Faceless One: Like...?
Forrest: ....Y'know.

Steph looks to see if there's some sort of list of all the students who vanished
Narrator : rolling 1d20
= 6
there's not dead kids list steph
Steph: ...Man...
Dr. Graham: That seems very reasonable...
Faceless One: ... No I don't.
Steph: I think it's safe to assume that you would've been listed as, like...
Forrest: ......
Anthony: ... Yeah.
I think so, too.
Forrest: ...Forget it.
Steph: Uh... tell you what, do you mind looking here? There's someone I gotta go
talk to quick.
Anthony: Oh, sure.
Gabby: …

Gabby grins a bit and gives a nod, texting Steph

Anthony begins looking through

Steph heads over to ms ste. marie

Steph: ..?
Narrator : Their meals are brought back.
rolling 1d20
= 16
rolling 1d20
= 3
The Diamond Special is very nice.
Steph: [sounds good]
Narrator : It's,,, mysterious and unplacable.
Forrest: .....
Steph: Heya!
Narrator : The Sakura Tohsaka is pathetic.
Space: much like sakura tohsaka
Forrest: ...(Weirdly fitting.)

Faceless One ordered to go however, so she's fine

Faceless One: ... Can't eat it here, you know. Have to keep my mask on.
Forrest: Right, obviously.
Gabby: ...'Kay, uh... So, some background just to start with.
The Dark Mistress: I understand.
Tabitha St. Marie: Hello, Ms Karloman.
Gabby: Of course, he can't remember crap, but can make new memories.
Narrator : for duff's sake
i'd like to pause
it's 3:13
Gabby: He's, like... couple years older than me, I think.
Space: oh god
Narrator : the old man needs to rest
Space: where did the time ggo??
Mobile L: duff-kun, we're sorry...
Mac D.: let us resume this tale....on the morrow....
Narrator : the time went to the same dreamland space went too.
Mac D.: i can take a few minutes to deliberate on the session tho
Space: i don't even remember what dreams i had..
Narrator : once again fanburst is being a shit
discuss in 'space dies tonight;
Mobile L: niggerfaggot.
Mac D.: The Time Has Comer
For More Canadian Teenage Nonsense
Tabitha St. Marie: Stephanie! How's my favorite little informant?
Dr. Venter: Hm... interesting case, to be sure.
The Dark Mistress: ... So, uh...
What next?
Forrest: .......
....Well, what else does Chinatown have to offer
Steph: Good! Very good. I've got a new, uh, buddy with me... did you find anything
The Dark Mistress: ... It has, erm...
Ethnic shops and supermarkets...
I think there's a Buddhist shrine...

Tabitha St. Marie slaps a stack of papers down

Tabitha St. Marie: From now on, I think we'll meet a little more clandestinely.
For safety and security, yeah?
Forrest: ......

Forrest thinks a moment, before looking at Naomi

Forrest: Anywhere in particular you wanted to go, next.
Steph: Oh! Uh... yeah we are kind of in public aren't we.

Steph picks up the papers

Tabitha St. Marie: I snuck some notes about our next meeting in there for you.

Tabitha St. Marie stands up

Faceless One: Well...
I'm really down with anything.
We could just walk and look for stuff.
Steph: Well... good! Really good. Thank you so much for this. Uh... what are you
gonna be looking into now?
Forrest: ...Works for me. I'm not picky where we go.
Steph: ...That's probably gonna be in the paper, I bet.

Forrest looks at TDM

Forrest: Was there somewhere you wanted to go next.

Tabitha St. Marie winks

Tabitha St. Marie: Have fun~~!
Steph: Yeah! Seeya!

Steph tucks the papers very securely into her backpack

Steph goes to find Tony

The Dark Mistress: Oh... I, uh... I figured you'd lead the way. Since you know more
about this sort of thing.
Anthony: rolling 1d20
= 19

Anthony is staring at a bit of paper

Steph approaches
Steph: Find something?
Forrest: ....?

Forrest he blinks
Forrest: ...I've...never been here.
Anthony has a deep frown
Anthony: ... Yes.

Steph cranes to look at it

The Dark Mistress: No... I meant... you know, outdoors...
Forrest: ...........................
Narrator : A missing person's notice from the paper.
Forrest: ........I would defer to Adelisa.

Forrest looks BACK at Naomi

Forrest: Adelisa, as of now, you're the leader of this trip.
Narrator : Dated 1988
The person in the picture is unmistakably Anthony.
Steph: ...

Steph quietly looks at the name

Faceless One: Alright
We're gonna walk around and look for anything interesting.
Forrest: Right.
Faceless One: Probably gonna head to the Heritage Park if we can't find something
Narrator : The three of them pay their bills and head off for a walk.
Naomi begins leading them down the street, Forrest can look for something and roll
to find it
The name on the paper...

Forrest keeps his Fat Eyes peeled for any possible Points of Interest
Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 27
curse my fat eyes.
Narrator : James Watanabe.
Forrest can't read all the Chinese text.
Space: fucking jap
Narrator : The motley crew continue on their walk.
half jap
Forrest: .....
Steph: That's you, huh...?

Forrest only studied glorious Nipponese, not this nonsense

Anthony: ... I guess.
Steph: Well, this is a good sign... right? It means we can... y'know... look up
your family, or something?

Forrest , having given up on reading signs, settles for looking for things of
interest with less of a LAnguage Barrier
Narrator : Forrest ses two of his teachers.
Forrest: .....?

Forrest looks their way

Narrator : Rosencrantz is talking Guildenstern's ear off.
roll to listen
James: ... Yeah.
It's sort of hard to...
And looking at my name and face and not really...
Feeling anything or recognizing them.
Forrest: .....

Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 23
curse my fat ears.
Steph: It doesn't really parse...
Maybe seeing more stuff might jog your memory better?
Narrator : You're walking too quickly...
Steph: Or it might just be the passage of time that'll help it...

Forrest CURSES.....
Narrator : Forrest, perhaps you'd care to look around at the folk.
Gabby: Yeah... Like–... I'll just have to keep you guys pretty carefully posted, I
James: ... I think it can't hurt to try.
Thank you.

Forrest a fair idea mister narrator

James: I really, uh, do appreciate it,
Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 18
curse my fat neck.

Steph smiles at him

Dr. Graham: Mm. Please do
We are concerned for your safety and would like to help.
Steph: 'Course! It's part of helping out with this whole mess.
Narrator : Forrest you see the korean from the club, the cop, and jasper
Forrest: ...!

Forrest HER....
Steph: Do you wanna look up anything else here? I've got some stuff we should
probably look over at my house otherwise.

Forrest looks at Jasper

Gabby: ...It's frickin' refreshing to hear that, y'know.

Gabby smiles a bit

Jasper smiles at him from the alley
James: I think we've done a lot today...
Forrest: ....

Forrest narrows his eyes

Gabby fires off another group text

Steph: Okay... uh, let's head back, James!

Forrest glances back at his Companions

James: Yeah.
Forrest: ....See anything that catches your eye.

James stands up

Steph starts otuta the liberery

Faceless One: Mm... not really...
The Dark Mistress: rolling 1d20
= 5
... I want to see that Heritage Garden Adelisa mentioned.
Faceless One: That's just up ahead!
Forrest: ....Alright, then. Let's go.
Narrator : roll steph
hey just so you all know gabby sent a mass text just checking
Gabby: no1 care 'bout me
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 2
= 15
John Ruddman:
Normal Mind Test
Rolling 3d20 Mind for
" "
Lower Margin: 10
Upper Margin: 15
Result: 9 Bad

John Ruddman doesn't see Steph or James

Space: swerve bitch

Steph responds to Gab as she walks

Forrest takes the time to check on gabby's Text

Forrest: ....
[Nothing significant.]
Steph: [We found missing person thing from '88, Anthony's name is James Watanabe]
Narrator : Naomi rapidly approaches the copper, who has his back turned
Steph: [Got some info from Tab St. Mre also]
Dr. Venter: James?
Forrest: [Watanabe....So he WAS Japanese.]
Steph: [Heading home]

Steph steps inside Castle Karling

Forrest looks up from his phone to see Naomi approach Q U E S T

Forrest: ...!
Narrator : Its cozy warmth floods over them.

Forrest puts a hand on her shoulder

Narrator : roll
Forrest: rolling 3d20 =1
= 20
curse these fat arms.

Steph does a cursory look around to see where Gramps is at

Narrator : She bumps into him.
Forrest: ...!
Narrator : Gramps is in his office doing his exercises.
Officer Quest: ...
Gabby: ...I think we found something out. I need to go now, but I'll keep you guys
posted, okay?
Faceless One: Oh- uh, sorry, Officer-sama!
Forrest: .......

Forrest looks Quest in the eye.....

Dr. Venter: Alright, if you say so!

Steph knows he will likely be in there for a while, and goes to set up the papers
in the kitchen

Officer Quest looks back

Officer Quest: ...
Why are you in that getup.
Are you one of those... 'performance artists'.
Gabby: Take care, alright? And thanks!
Faceless One: rolling 1d20
= 18

Gabby gives a wave and smile, starting off

Mobile L: ...i forget if gab has ever been to steph's.
Faceless One: No! It's a coping mechanism for my social anxiety, Officer-sama!\
Officer Quest: ... Oh.
Space: she has
Forrest: ............
Space: god naomi is so good
Officer Quest: ...

Officer Quest looks at Forrest

Officer Quest: If I may have a moment.

Forrest looks at Officer Quest

Forrest: ......
Mobile L: goode.
Officer Quest: Watch yourself.
Things are dangerous these days.

Gabby TROTS OFF toward the Steph House

Forrest: .......Thank you for the warning, Officer.

Officer Quest turns around

Faceless One continues on

Faceless One: That was weird!
Forrest: .....

Forrest silently exhales, before Resuming the Journey

Forrest: .....That was smooth, Naomi.
Steph: Okay...
Narrator : Gabby shows up at the door.
The Dark Mistress: ... W-What... was that about...?
Forrest: I have a bad history with the police.

Gabby gives a rapid little knock with her tiny hands

The Dark Mistress: .. Oh...
James: I can answer it.
Forrest: .....
...Sorry. About that.
The Dark Mistress: ... It's fine.
... Why the history...?
Steph: Oh-- alright.

Steph starts going thru the files from the beginning

James gets the doot

James: ... Hi!
Forrest: .....
Narrator : It's a handwritten summary of Tabitha's findings.
Forrest: ....It's....complicated.
But in short, I don't trust them.
Narrator : Tabitha has very large writing.
Also messy.
Roll to decipher it Steph.
The Dark Mistress: ... Alright.
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 19
Forrest: .....

Steph is an expert at the written word

Gabby: Hey, uh–! So you guys learned some stuff?
Faceless One: Hey!
We're here!
Forrest: ...?

Forrest looks up

Faceless One shows them the beautiful heritage garden with a bunch of chinese and
japanese shit
Forrest: ........

Forrest takes in The Splendor

Faceless One: Pretty good, huh?
Forrest: .....
...It is. It's....nice.
James: Ah, yes. We did.
Come and sitdown.

Gabby nods and heads on in, still giving James the occasional curious look-over
Narrator : So...! The notes conclude a few key details.
Mac D.: brb BAFROOM
Narrator : 1. Ruddman is, in some fashion, related to Jones & Shotterman, a
recently launched fishing company.
Which has conspiciously few mentions or operations functioning to its names
Steph: Heya, Gab...

Steph barely looks up from the notes

Narrator : J&S also has recently purchased some disused warhouses near the
waterfront, the cost of which roughly correpsonds to personal payments made by
Ruddman to the company.
2. Ruddman has regular meetings scheduled with the mayor, the chief of police, and
somewhat regularly scheduled events on his schedule titled SFLB
3. Ruddman has been, apparnetly for some time, receiving the services of one Dr.
Alan Hall
A member of the board of health.
Faceless One: I think so too!
Gabby: Hey! So, uh... Frickin'–, any info on who James was?
The Dark Mistress: ... I-it reminds me of the... Garden of Eathly Delights.
Mac D.: ..The what?
Forrest: me
The Dark Mistress: ... A painting by Hieronymous Bosch.
Steph: He's... a student. From 1988. We haven't really looked into, like... any of
his family matters yet.

Steph looks to see if Tabitha has anything on that file Steph gave that was related
to su madre
Gabby: ...Frick, so he's supposed to be 27 years old now.
That's fricked.
Narrator : i forgot the file tell me about the circumstances of its aquistion
James: ... No. I vanished in 1988.
I was born in... 1972.
Space: the one perkins took and put back
Narrator : space it's been several weeks
Gabby: ...Oh! God, so you're–... You're fricking middle-aged!
Forrest: ......
James: ... Essentially, yes.
Space: lemme dm quick


Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 36
Narrator : yeah you've seen it you think
Forrest: ....It might be a little too....culturally exotic, for that.

Gabby 's manic look of bewilderment softens

Gabby: ...That sucks...
...I mean... Frick, I couldn't imagine.
Narrator : A note at the bottom says "Rest Pending Evaluation, meet me in two days
at the Game Center Aracde"
Steph: Game Center...
The Dark Mistress: ... Perhaps. But it also adds to its alienness.
Steph: I didn't know we had an arcade in town...
Gabby: …?
Steph: Gabby, did you know we had an arcade in town??
James: ...
Forrest: ......
Gabby: ...Uh, no? I'm not one of those "video-gamers".
Forrest: I can see it that way, I guess.
....Is there someplace to sit.
Gabby: ...God, I bet that place is seedy.

Steph looks up, absolutely focused in on her own world and not what they were
talking about re: James
Steph: Probably... That's where we gotta meet her for the rest.

James chuckles
James: I'm 43.
Steph: ...Oh! Oh...
James: ...
Gabby: Frick...

James quietly rests his head in his hands for a moment

Faceless One: Yeah!
Right here!
Gabby: ...There's... Is there some way we can, like... unfrick this? Because–
because he fricking... His parents have to think–...

Faceless One sits down on a stone

Forrest: .......
......Is there, like.
A bench.
Faceless One: Probably.
Forrest: .....
Faceless One: I just like the stones better.
Forrest looks around for A Bench
Faceless One: It makes me feel more zen.
roll fatso
Forrest: You are the meditative type....
rolling 3d20 +2
= 35
Steph: ...I don't really know if finding h is parents is, like...
Forrest: curse my fat- oh wait no i won this time
James: My parents are likely well in their seventies.
Steph: ...Yeah.

Steph sighs
Steph: Well... where do you wanna go from here, James?
Gabby: …

Gabby wrings her hands a bit

James: ... Well, I don't really have anywhere to go.
So for now, and, well, probably for a while, I'm gonna stick with you guys if
that's alright,

The Dark Mistress follows him closely and sits next to him on the cute red bench
Steph: Oh-- of course! That's -- god, yeah, that's more than fine.
Gabby: ...Hey, of course. We're here for you, right?
We're all in this fricked up crap together.

Steph nodnods
Steph: We can't just throw you to the wolves, or... y'know?

Forrest appreciates the opportunity to get off his Fat Legs

Forrest: ..........
The Dark Mistress: ...

The Dark Mistress quietly enjoys the park

James: ... Thank you.
I appreciate it.

Forrest takes the opportunity to get a sense of peace for once

Forrest: .......

Gabby gives him a lil' smile

Faceless One: I love this place, Sempais...
It's very cool and contemplative...

Steph gives him a smile too

Steph: Do, uh, you guys want a snack or somethign? Since we're all here...
James: ... I wouldn't, uh, mind.
Forrest: What did I tell you about that word.
Faceless One: Contempla- Oh! Sempai.
You're right, you're not my upperclassman.
But The Dark Mistress is.
Gabby: ...Yeah, uh–! Sure, I could go for one.
Forrest: Do not call her Sempai either.
Faceless One: ... Okay...
Forrest: .........

Steph goes to scoop them up some fucken FROZEN YOGURT

The Dark Mistress: ... I didn't mind much...
Forrest: ...Please don't enable it.
The Dark Mistress: ... Alright.
Space: fucking meanie
James: ... I guess I should be very distraught/
But I'm not.
Well, I'm not super happy but...
It's hard to be upset when you don't know anything, right?
Gabby: ...Yeah...
...I mean... Frick, it's almost better that way, isn't it...?
James: ... I guess...
Forrest: ......
Gabby: You can, like... just start over and crap...
James: But that feels cheap.
Steph: Maybe it'd be a good idea to do stuff that'd give you some kind of closure.
James: ...

James takes his forzen yogurt

James eats it, contemplating

Gabby: ...Enough to where, like, you get the gist of what happened, but not,
like... going and trying to pick up again, you know?
Faceless One: ... This is nice.
I could get used to this.
Forrest: .....
...You should appreciate it.
Faceless One: I do appreciate it.
Steph: I don't think picking up again is really... a viable option.
Gabby: It's like the French Foreign Legion, you're a new person now.
James: ...
Gabby: …?
James: That's so familiar.
Forrest: It's not often we're going to have moments of peace and quiet like this...
James: It's like something's on the tip of my tongue.
Gabby: ...Does it remind you of something...?

Gabby opts to get out her notes right quick

James leans back a bit

Steph: ...?
James: ... There's something that needed closing.
Steph: A... door?
The Dark Mistress: ... Life is quiet strenuous, isn't it.
James: Maybe.
I don't know
it just felt important.
Forrest: Sure is...
Gabby: …

Gabby 's brow furrows in pondering

James: ...
James sits up for a moment
James: If it's anything, I'd like to help you guys with the Third Heaven stuff.
I can generally remember what was going on there with every man's desire and the
If I can remember what we did I might be able to guide you a bit.
Steph: Oh, shit... that'd be super helpful.
The Dark Mistress: ...
Gabby: Yeah... I mean, you don't think doing that will, like...
Frick you up or anything, would it?

The Dark Mistress shifts awkwardly

James: I don't really see how it could backfire any worse than it already has.
... Not to sound pessimistic or anything.
I may as well.
Forrest: .....

Forrest clears his throat, awkwardly

James: I like the thought of doing some good for people.
Gabby: ...You're a real good guy, James.

Faceless One sits on her rock, thinking

Jasper approaches the park

James: Uh, thanks...
Forrest: ......

Forrest looks toward Naomi

James skips a stone

James: fuck

Jasper skips a stone in the pond

Faceless One is meditating

Steph: On that note, uh...
We should probably come up with a game plan with regards to Lethe.
Forrest: ........

Forrest looks at TDM

Gabby: ...Yeah. Like...
...We all agree we should try to keep the Lady safe from memories and stuff, right?
The Dark Mistress: ... This is nice...
Steph: ...

James listens, quietly

Steph frowns a little

Steph rubs her eyes

Steph: ...What do you think, James?
James: ... I don't really know.
Kind of seems cruel to keep her in the dark.
Gabby: ...Yeah... But like... What if she wanted to forget, y'know?
James: ...
I still don't think that's right...
Gabby: What if she freaks out once we accidentally remind her of all the bad crap
and we have to do like with the dog in the old Disney movie before she kills us?
Steph: ...I'm feeling this really... awkward cognitive dissonance.

Forrest another awkward throat clear

Forrest: .....
Gabby: ...Like... How?
Steph: We're helping James with his memories, but we want the Lady of Lethe to have
amnesia forever?
Forrest: .....I...haven't been in a position like this, before.....Not for a long
time, anway.
Gabby: ...Well... I mean, look, it's similar on the surface, but there's a clear
She used to know a buncha crap and is the actual, genuine architect of that place.
James is sort of a victim of circumstance.
James: ... I don't really think...
... I don't want to push to hard on it, but I don't like leaving her like that.
Gabby: …
The Dark Mistress: ... I never have been.
Steph: Who's to say she's not a victim of circumstance?

Gabby sighs a bit, visibly chewing on this matter (and her frozen yogurt)
Forrest: ......Not ever?
Steph: ...I don't know... the more I talk about it, the less right it feels not
trying to help her.
The Dark Mistress: Only with Maria.
Forrest: ....Not even as a kid?
The Dark Mistress: ... No.
Steph: I think this is a conversation we should have with everyone.
Shelve it for a later date, I guess...
Gabby: ...I mean... Yeah, probably... I just–... I think there are maybe different
definitions of "helping her", y'know? I wanna help her too...
...But you're right. We need other input.
Forrest: .......
.....What kept you.
Gabby: ...'Least we can agree we feel bad for her, I guess.
The Dark Mistress: ... Nothing really.
Steph: For sure.
Gabby: ...God, you know... I thought it was just gonna be people we have to beat
I didn't, like... Expect people people, y'know?
Steph: We don't have to beat up people people.
Gabby: This is gonna get complicated, I think.
Steph: We probably shouldn't beat up people people.
Forrest: .....
...I see.
Gabby: Yeah, no, I mean–... I just thought it was only gonna be Nihilists in there.
Forrest: ....Were you sick a lot, as a kid.
The Dark Mistress: ... I had allergies. More often I just didn't want to go
Gabby: I don't wanna frick anyone's crap up, I just... I didn't expect anyone in
there to not be a fricked up monster.
Steph: We probably could have expected to run into the snake club there sometime...
or a missing student from more recent times.
Gabby: Yeah...
Forrest: .....
....Were you afraid,
Gabby: ...It's like... We're exploring an alien world.
The Dark Mistress: ... eheh... no. The Dark Mistress does not know the meaning of
I simply didn't want to leave my shadowy abode.
Forrest: .......

Forrest is looking straight at her

Gabby: ...I was gonna say, we might pull a Columbus and wipe a whole people out,
but I guess someone has theoretically beaten us to that punch...
Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 26
The Dark Mistress: you don't need to roll to tell that what she said was bullshit
Forrest: ......
.....I was scared, too.
Steph: There's no point in what-ifs until we know the territory, I think...
Gabby: Yeah...

The Dark Mistress: ... I said I wasn't afraid.

Forrest staaaares

Gabby fidgets a bit, swirling her spoon in her yogurt

Gabby: ...I think we need to ask everyone more questions.
The Dark Mistress: ...

The Dark Mistress clears her throat

The Dark Mistress: ... I think I ought to be going back, regardless.
Gabby: Mu, the Lady, that fricking business creep, Perkings...
Forrest: ......
The Dark Mistress: I have some, erm, things that need doing.
Forrest: ....

Forrest checks the time on his phone

Narrator : it's afternoon
been a couple of hours
Steph: I mean, you have to keep in mind, like... who can and who can't we trust?
Forrest: ....What do you need to do.
Gabby: Yeah, of course. That's why we need to ask everyone.
The Dark Mistress: Attend to my sutdies...
Gabby: They give us little pieces of truth, and then some of just the crap they
want us to buy.
If we keep comparing their crap against others', we can start to see the truth
emerge... We just have to, like... be consistent.
Forrest: .....We have nothing to do, we could come along.
The Dark Mistress: ... I study best in solitude.
Forrest: .....
...I see...

Forrest looks down a bit

Gabby: And deliberate. We need to ask the same question over and over and over to
different people until we have, like, a near-definite idea of what the reality
actually is.
The Dark Mistress: ... I enjoyed our afternoon.
I appreciate you spending time with me.
... Maybe we can do it again at some point.
Steph: I think the most important thing to figure out is what everyone wants,
exactly. If you do that, you can figure out their bias. And where they're pointing
us... That's easier said than done though.
Gabby: Yeah... But it can be done.
Forrest: .....
...I'd like that.
Gabby: We're, like... Nobody is too warm on anyone yet, I think, we can all have a
skeptical eye.
Forrest: This was a nice time. Thank you.

Gabby says, still with nothing but fondness and gratefulness towards The Snake Lady
in her heart

The Dark Mistress nods and then hurries away

Steph: Yeah...
Narrator : and we're gonna call a break for now
Mobile L: A'ighty!
Forrest is a sweetie
Mac D.: friend
Gabby: straight outta compton, crazy motherfricker named ice cube.
Forrest: frick the po leese comin straight from the underground
Gabby: and if you don't like it, then hey, frick you
Morgana: go to sleep faggot
Forrest: i hate cats
Space: fuck morgana
Narrator : The sun sets on fair Belmont, the party, their days done, go to their
homes and their beds and their rest.

Forrest flops into bed and sleeps like a sack of spuds

Narrator : The morning goes smoothly, and the party are all made to go to...


Forrest SCHOOL.....
Steph: cops got me already

Gabby FRICK YES... please go smoothly, school... please... LEARNING... NEED...

Gabby cracks her joints a bit and takes deep breaths to get the oxygen into her
Narrator : The looming form of Officer Quest stands in the hallway, tall and
Forrest: .....

Forrest glances at Steph and Gab

Steph gulps upon seeing him

Steph: ....

Steph quickly tries to walk past

Gabby: …

Officer Quest silently watches her

Forrest: .....

Forrest walks after her

Gabby tries to walk along nonchalantly

Steph scoots into her seat

Forrest slips into his own

Narrator : The bell goes.

Gabby 's gaze briefly shifts to Ken

Narrator : The memory of Lachance's episode lingers.
Forrest: .......

Forrest silently palms the gem in his pocket

Nurse Foxhole pops in

Nurse Foxhole: Hey kids!
Gabby: …
Forrest: ......
Nurse Foxhole: Guess who's back from his vacation?

Gabby oh boy...

Forrest glances tiredly at HIM...

Steph looks at Foxhole, a weird expression crossing her face

Steph: G'morning!

Gabby tries to gage his mood

Nurse Foxhole: roll faggot
I'll be subbing as homeroom teacher so that Ms. Guildenstern can look after her own
Gabby: rolling 3d20 + 2
= 34
Narrator : He's definitely smiling with his mouth.
Gabby: …
Narrator : His glasses hide his eyes.

Gabby clever fricker...

Gabby contemplates trying to talk to him later on

Nurse Foxhole: Now, your first class of the day...?
It's English, yeah!
Forrest: .......

Steph thinks back to that drug? money? she grabbed

Nurse Foxhole: Are you all nice and excited?
Steph: ...
Mac D.: oh good i'm not the only one who remembered

Steph keep an eye on that

Space: i've been thinking about it this whole time
Mac D.: how many years ago was it
Nurse Foxhole: 1983
Nurse Foxhole sits at the desk with his feet on it
Steph: Do we have to be excited...? I mean, it's our first class of the day...

Forrest is not Nice And Excited and is bearing that clearly on his face
Nurse Foxhole: If you're not now, you will be!
Everyone, name your favorite fictional character!
Forrest: ..................
Gabby: Lieutenant Olivia Benson.

Forrest quietly hopes he can slip by without saying anything

Nurse Foxhole: Forrest, you go now!

Forrest god damn it

Forrest flips through his head for character choices that won't make him look
Forrest: ............
Steph: Holden Caulfield!
Forrest: .....The Question.
Nurse Foxhole: Ooh, good one!
Jason: ... J... I... Edward Cullen...
Gabby: ..........

Gabby fidgets a bit

Mac D.: he was gonna say "jason"

Gabby poor jason...

Anton: .... Atlas.
Space: he was gonna say 'jesus'
Mac D.: he sees through the code
Space: he's an athiest
Mobile L: He was gonna say Jacob
Vlad: Fuckin' Hitler.
Gabby: ....................

Gabby gives Vlad a look

Mac D.: (Yeah, I bet.)
Steph: Uhh, Hitler wasn't fictional.
Nurse Foxhole: Fictional.
Forrest: that's my thoughts
Vlad: Fine, Osama bin Laden.
Forrest: He is also real.
Steph: He's real too!
Vlad: Jesus.
Gabby: Will you frickin' get real.
Forrest: I mean technically.
Nurse Foxhole: Quick, before it gets political, Nathan!
Steph: (That's better...)
Nathan: UH... UH... uhuhuh... Jesu- Uh.
Space: steph thinks jesus is just fake
not even a historical person
Gabby: .........
Nathan: ... S-b-Cap-... Spongebob.
Mac D.: i bet she would
Gabby: …
Space: awwwww

Gabby gives Nathan an encouraging-ish smile

Steph: .....
Forrest: ....

Steph what a sweetheart

Gabby ...but quickly hides it, none should know she likes SpongeBob
Suzie: Charles Foster Kane

Forrest just thinks about how only seasons 1-3 were good
Mobile L: fucking elitist nerd
Ken: ... I suppose...
Gabby: …

Gabby is genuinely curious about this one

Steph tries to guess it

Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 3
Ken: ... Dorothy. From the Wizard of Oz.
steph guessed jesus
Gabby: …

Steph blinks in surprise

Steph just looks absolutely shocked

Steph: ...'
Gabby: .......
Forrest: ....

Forrest glances in Jasper

Gabby wonders if she'd look weird if she took a note real quick

Forrest ....'s direction

Gabby nah... that's easy to remember...

Lilly: Oh! I know! Ares!

Jasper looks up from her thoughts

Forrest: ....
Jasper: ...
Steph: ...

Jasper opens her mouth

Forrest: .....
Gabby: .......

Gabby looks, but tries not to gawp or anything

Jasper: I would have to say that my favorite fictional character is...
Forrest: ................................
Jasper: ... also Holden Caulfield.
Forrest: ...
Gabby: …

Steph beams

Forrest it makes sense in a way

Gabby: (...Frick. What's... What's he even from...?)
Nurse Foxhole: Right...
So, the tallies are in.
You're all sexist.
Except for Gabby and Ken.
Gabby: …
Steph: ...?
Nurse Foxhole: Look at the tally.

Gabby makes the same face as her avatar pic, except smiling
Steph: Well, wait! We're not the sexist ones... it's just all old white male
Forrest: ....
Nurse Foxhole: And no one chose anyone of colour, are you all racist?

Forrest applies Forrest Face

Steph: ........
....Spongebob is yellow...
Gabby: …

Steph realizes what she just said

Steph: ...

Forrest rubs his temples

Steph: ...
Nurse Foxhole: ... oh no...

Steph just quietly sinks into her chair

Forrest glances up at Foxhole. TWO can play at THIS game, NNNURSE.

Forrest: .....Excuse me.

Nurse Foxhole laughs

Nurse Foxhole: Anyway, I'm just pulling your chains, we-
Yes, Forrest?

Gabby doesn't know whether to be righteously offended or start giggling

Gabby chokes quietly "pffts" a tiny bit and bites her lip

Forrest stares dead-on at him

Steph hopes gabby doesn't hate her.... ahhh god she definitely hates her now
Forrest: ....the identity of The Question is Renee Montoya, a latin-american woman.

Nurse Foxhole smiles

Space: and a lesbian
Gabby: …!

Gabby ohhh frick

Steph: ...?...
Nurse Foxhole: I like Marvel better than DC.
Steph: ...Is the Question a comic book...?
Forrest: by assuming that the-...
Steph: Oh.
Forrest: By assuming that the question was a white man, does that not make you the
racist sexist.

Gabby quickly and quietly pulls out her notepad

Nurse Foxhole: I suppose it does.
Forrest: ..........
Nurse Foxhole: Now!

Forrest revels silently in his petty victory

Nurse Foxhole: The reason I ask you this is because, today, I want you all to work
on an essay about your favorite character and why they are interesting.

Steph silently wishes she could have manuvered a petty victory

Gabby: …!!
Nurse Foxhole: You'll have two classes to work on this.
MLA format.
Doesn't have to be very long.
Forrest: ........

Gabby FINALLY... an English assignment worth a– ahh frick, MLA...

Nurse Foxhole: Be sure to write that down, two classes!

Forrest narrows his eye at the mention of MLA Format

Steph: Ooh...

Steph forgets all previous horrors as her eyes light up at mention of... WRITING

Forrest The Accursed Format......

Nurse Foxhole: Here are packets detailing MLA...

Nurse Foxhole hands them out

Nurse Foxhole: I'm marking on formatting!

Gabby frickin' heck... maybe the Olivia Benson part will make the punctuation and
all the useless hecking parentheses bearable
Gabby: …

Forrest if you need an instruction booklet to write an essay something is WRONG


Gabby SQUINTS at the packet as though it is her mortal foe

Nurse Foxhole: You can all start this class!

Nurse Foxhole sits back and lounges in his chair

Gabby: …
Nurse Foxhole: Make some drafts!

Steph starts immediately, with gusto

Forrest: .....

Forrest exhales and gets to work

Nurse Foxhole immediately starts reading a manga

Forrest: ....
Forrest hones his gaze in on his Manga of Choice

Gabby slowly and deliberately begins, hoping to capture Olivia's essence in the
opening paragraph while ALSO outlining Law & Order's immense cultural importance
and good moral lessons
Narrator : Hapsoonee Meekoo's Wild Escapade

Forrest ah....a man of SOME culture

Forrest returns to his essay-writing

Narrator : roll mind to try it
Space: its a hentai
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 8
Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 37
Gabby: rolling 3d20 + 2
= 30
Mobile L: Poor Steph...

Steph writes a very uninspired paper about how holden caufield is an outcast, but
with a good heart
Narrator : no
even better
she gets so up her own ass she like
is writing a fucking george r r martin novel in terms of length
in joyce-esque prose
Mobile L: Ahahahahaha

Steph gets on a roll and dedicates several pages to how he was her first literary
Narrator : but it's in
second person
Mobile L: Holy fuck

Forrest writes a detailed thesis about The Question's ultimately fruitless struggle
to bring justice to a city that rejects it
Forrest also: Objectivism
Space: is forrest too much of a hipster to pick rorschach

Gabby gets off on an elderly tangent about how other TV is morally bankrupt and
soulless, unlike Law & Order: SVU, but finds her footing again and makes a
passable, if rather stilted, summary of Benson's character and motivations as she
struggles for a thesis
Narrator : roll mind gabby
Gabby: rolling 3d20 + 2
= 36
Narrator : Jasper's written one, two-letter word.
Forrest: forrest is not stupid

Steph 'when you pictured holden's gentle fingers caressing your cheek, you could
only feel the most rapturous delight as you took in his tobacco-scented.... scent'
Narrator : gabby see that
*sees that
Gabby: …?

Gabby what is that word...??

Forrest: all commies who read my essay switch alignment from Communist to
Narrator : Mu
Gabby: …
Space: their color goes from red to yellow
Narrator : The bell goes.
... Oh no.
Forrest: ....

Forrest looks up toward the door

Narrator : It's drama.
Forrest: ........................
Gabby: …??
Mr. Rosencrantz: Hey!
How is everyone doing today?

Steph is broken out of her caulfieldian reverie by the bell

Gabby ...oh FRICK

Steph: Uh... good! Very... very good...
Gabby: …

Forrest regrets not writing a last will and testament before coming to school today

Gabby quickly jots a note before this horror makes her forget
Mr. Rosencrantz: Foxhole and I have a one-two punch for ya, kids!
Forrest: ....
Mr. Rosencrantz: He gets you thinking about your cool characters, but I get you
thinking about...!
Your boring real world.
But it can be fun too!
Gabby skeptical eyebrow quirk
Mr. Rosencrantz: Because through the magic of Theatre, you can safely escape this
Into a magical realm I call...

Forrest mulls over his numerous regrets in life, here on the eve of his certain

Gabby if someone fricking gets hurt again......

Mr. Rosencrantz: Drama.
Steph: Hooray!
Forrest: ........
Mr. Rosencrantz: I want all of you...
To spend a few moments pondering your favorite character.
Forrest: .....
Mr. Rosencrantz: And then, one by one, act as them!
Gabby: …!!
Steph: ......!!!
Forrest: (Oh my god no.)

Gabby ...yessssss...
Mr. Rosencrantz: Go on, get ready..!~
*no tilde
Forrest: ....

Mr. Rosencrantz excitedly hums and paces

Forrest glances at Lily

Forrest: ......

Forrest recalls her picking The God Of War

Lilly closes her eyes and seems to meditate

Space: lily will kill us all
Gabby: …

Forrest can only stare blankly ahead, a sense of impending doom awash over him
Vlad: ...

Gabby ...oh god, how will i play someone who investigates sexual assaults in a
school setting...
Space: forrest has to pretend to be a lesbian now
Vlad: I'll be back, I have to take a shit.
Forrest: man how hard
Space: and a latina
Forrest: tacos.
Narrator : give her the tacos.
Mobile L: (sweeps a girl off her feet) HEY ÉSE, I BROKE INTO YOUR HEART

Space swoons

Gabby can do this... you can figure something out...

Forrest: ....

Gabby what's... what's a school friendly analogue for sexual assault...?

Forrest wonders how hard he really has to work to pull off the question

Forrest it doesn't matter he's going to die anyway

Mr. Rosencrantz: Alright!

Gabby ...aHA
Mr. Rosencrantz: I need two people to start!
Any volunteers?

Steph looks around eagerly

Gabby: …
Mr. Rosencrantz: Anyone?

Gabby takes the plunge, silently trying to get pumped

Mr. Rosencrantz: Alright, Gabby and...
Steph: I'll go!
Mr. Rosencrantz: I'll say- Steph!
What characters are you both?
Forrest: ......
Gabby: I'm Lieutenant Olivia Benson.

Forrest tries very hard for a fat boy to blend into invisibility
Steph: I'm Holden Caulfield, from J.D. Salinger's seminal work, The Catcher In The
Nathan: ... DId... di- is she allowed to say that...?
Gabby: ...Huh?
Nathan: ... Semenial...
Isn't that... uh...
Forrest: ,,,,,,
Gabby: ...Oh! Oh, uh– that's–... That's not dirty, that's just a word.
Forrest: Think about something else, Nathan.
Nathan: Inappropriate...

Steph blushes
Steph: N-no!
It's seminal, not... not whatever it is you were thinking!
Mr. Rosencrantz: Let's get started!
Ladies! And gentlemen!
Forrest: ....
Mr. Rosencrantz: I present to you- the day Caulfield met Benson!
Please, be quiet for the actors, and let us begin!

Gabby goes sterner than her usual stern and quietly mutters to herself a single,
guttural sound:
Gabby: dundun.

Steph mimes smoking a cigarette, her eyes narrowing slightly in a jaded way

Gabby mimes at knocking on a door, chest puffed out and expression steely
Space: holy fuck
Forrest: .......
Gabby: Mr. Caulfield? Open up, we're going to need to talk to you.
Steph: ...Ya got a warrant...?

Steph continues smoking a cigarette indoors

Gabby: Perhaps I do. Care to come out and talk?
Steph: You can kiss my-- uh, bite me. I didn't do nothing.
Gabby: It's funny that you think I'm going to take "no" for an answer, Mr.
Forrest: .....
Forrest glances Anton right next to him
Gabby: Especially considering that girl tried telling you the same thing.
When you grabbed her.

Steph sighs exaggeratedly, mimes flicking the cig to the ground and stomping on it
Gabby: ...And ripped her priceless silken handkerchief right out of her pocket.

Anton watches, very interested

Steph: Listen, phony, I don't know what the hell-- um, ah, heck, you're talking

Steph goes to angrily open the door

Gabby gives Holden Caulfield the most hateful glare

Gabby: Is that so.
Where were you on the night of the 28th?

Steph folds her arms, squinting her eyes super narrowly

Mr. Rosencrantz: But suddenly, there was a crash from within the Caulfield
Steph: ?!

Steph looks in shock behind her shoulder

Mr. Rosencrantz quickly picks a kid

Gabby: …!
Mr. Rosencrantz: Forrest?
Who might you be, today?
Forrest: (No. Nooooooooo.)

Forrest depressively slunks his way up to the front of his class

Forrest: .......I'm The Question.
Steph: I got a question alright! What the fu-- uhh, heck are you doing in my
Forrest: ......
Mac D.: what do i roll for Acting
Mr. Rosencrantz: spirit

Gabby whirls to face The Question

Forrest: rolling 3d20
= 29

Forrest lets out a small exhale, deciding to, at the very least, try
Gabby: You. Stay right where you are. You picked a lousy goddarn house to break
into, you know that?
Forrest: ..Actually, I picked just the house I wanted.
Gabby: ...What's that supposed to mean?

Forrest approaches both of them

Steph: Stay outta this, copper...
Forrest: I'm no policeman. If I were, I wouldn't be asking Questions.
Steph: This is between me and Mrs., uh... Question, here.
Forrest: Between all three of us, actually.
Precisely, it's between you two.
You two and your connections to the Marcone Crime Family.
Gabby: ...I beg your pardon?
Steph: ...Damn...!

Steph stage whispers an aside to Gabby

Steph: (She's onto us, copper...)
Forrest: December 14th, twelve o' clock midnight.
Gabby: (...DARN IT ALL...)
Shut up, that's enough–!
Forrest: Security camera footage picks up tableside chat between on Holden
Caufield, one Lieutenant Olivia Benson, and one Enrique Salvarez Marcone.
Gabby: I'll have you know, Question, I am the Lieutenant and Commanding Officer of
the Manhattan Special Victims Unit. Tell me right now what stake the mafia has in
helping victims of highly sensitive and disgusting crimes, crimes like handkerchief
Forrest: Water Bottles.
Mr. Rosencrantz: But then, from the darkness outside, a figure emerges!

Steph lights a cigarette, angrily considering The Question

Mr. Rosencrantz: Nathan!
Forrest: ...
Mr. Rosencrantz: Who are you, in the darkness?
Space: this is oaaiart
Mac D.: it is
Gabby: …
Steph: ...

Steph oh god poor nathan...

Nathan: ...
Gabby: …
Forrest: ....

Gabby looks over at him and mouths

Nathan does the Spongebob laugh.

Forrest feels a chill run down his spine

Gabby: (are you ready, kids?)
Nathan: ...
rolling 1d20
= 8

Nathan can't read lips

Gabby: …

Gabby frick...
Nathan: ... I'M READY.
Steph: W-who in the...?
Nathan: I'M READY.
Gabby: ...S-SpongeBob, what on earth–?
You need to go back home, SpongeBob, I can't–... it's dangerous...
Nathan: I-...
Nathan starts to get really nervous
Nathan: ...
Forrest: .....
Gabby: …

Nathan flushes

Gabby encouraging smile

Steph: ......Want a cigarette, Spongebob...?

Nathan starts to sniffle...

Steph oh god...
Forrest: ....Seems our friend has The Suds.
Space: seer don't make nathan cry...
Gabby: ...Oh no, SpongeBob...
Nathan: you have one chance to stop this

Gabby walks over to him, giving a sharp look to the others

Steph stares, afraid to say anything

Gabby: You two stay there if you have any human decency.
Space: vlad gettin arrested
Forrest: ....

Gabby turns back to SpongeNate

Gabby: ...Don't worry... Look! I have some Suds medicine with me, and...

Gabby rustles through her non-existent coat

Gabby: ...A Krabby Patty.

Nathan looks at it
Nathan: rolling 1d20
= 8

Nathan sniffles really loudly

Nathan: ... Gotta go pee.

Nathan runs out

Forrest: ......
Gabby: ...Shhh, shh, it's okay! It's okay, go do that...

Gabby poor nathan... :c

Steph: .....

Steph that's sad... :/

Gabby hopes he's okay

Mr. Rosencrantz: ...

Mr. Rosencrantz looks deeply sad

Mr. Rosencrantz: ... But! Another comes from the darkness...!
Who is it?
Forrest: .....
Forrest is taking the occasional glance toward Lily
Ken: ...

Lilly meditating
Forrest: .....

Ken skips over

Forrest feels that chill again

Gabby: ...Okay, now where were we...
Ken: ... Have any of you... seen my dear doggie...?
Forrest: Outing you as a corrupt officer of the law, if I recall.

Forrest looks toward Ken

Ken: Oh, his name's Toto, he's about this big, he's all cute and fluffy and I don't
know what I'd do without him...!

Steph tries to regain her gumption and drive after the nathan fiasco
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + -1
= 5
Forrest: "Toto," huh. Your "dog."
Ken: Oh, yes! My sweet little pup...!
Have you seen him...?
Steph: ...No. :/
Gabby: ...I'm in the middle of an investigation right now, Miss, but I'll see what
I can do.
Space: suzie... c:
Gabby: Where did you last see him?
Ken: Please! I implore you!
Oh, near Aunt May's...
Mr. Rosencrantz: But then, a duo appear...!
Anton, Jason!
Who are they...?
Forrest: ....
Gabby: …?

Anton walks over with a globe on his back

Steph just looks like she sorta wants to sit back down
Anton: T- w- the weightings.. of burdens, is... heavy... f-for with back, I is have
hold the sky...

Forrest glances back out at the crowd. The dwindling sand in the hourglass of his
Forrest: ...Well, well. Ares The Lifter. Come to tie up loose ends, are you?

Suzie sits Nathan done

Forrest takes a step forward

Jason: ... Where's Bella.
Jason tries a seductive vampire voice
Jason: rolling 1d20
= 14
Gabby: ...Excuse me, can I help you two with something? An awful lot of people keep
conveniently wandering into my investigation.
Steph: ........
Forrest: And Edward "The Vamp" Cullen. I knew I smelled a hit the second i crashed
through that window.

Steph takes special note of Jason's seductive vampire voice

Gabby feels the tiniest bit uncomfortably like that vampire voice was maybe kinda
Forrest: Seems your dealings with the Marcones are catching up to you,
Steph: ...At least no one is breaking into my house...

Gabby gets a bit sweaty

Forrest: ......
Mr. Rosencrantz: Irony!
Gabby: I don't know what you're talking about.
Mr. Rosencrantz: Because now... someone is!
*no tilde
Forrest: ......

Forrest is mentally planning out escape routes

Steph: ...

Jasper begins to mirror Steph's every motion

Steph: Hey... it's me, Holden Caulfield...?
Jasper: Hey... it's me, Holden Caulfield...?
Gabby: …?!
Forrest: A body double....Kill and replace. Clever move.
You can barely tell them apart.
Gabby: So which of you grabbed that girl, huh.
Steph: I-it was... it was him!

Steph points at Jasper

Jasper: I-it was... it was him!

Jasper points at Steph

Gabby: I bet you're both just as heartless and scummy as the other.
Steph: Ugh...
Gabby: Maybe we should just lock the both of you up before you ruin any other
innocent women's lives.
Jasper: Ugh...

Steph lights up another pretend cigarette

Forrest: That's the pot calling the kettle black, you mob-kissing Pig.

Jasper lights up another pretend cigarette

Steph: Whatever the hell happened to probable cause, copper...?
Jasper: Whatever the hell happened to probable cause, copper...?
Steph: ...!
E--er... the heck...
Jasper: ...!
E--er... the heck...
Gabby: I'd like to see proof of these supposed doings. Or is that too much to ask
of an grimy vigilante?
Forrest: .....

Forrest roots through his pockets for any random shit

Mr. Rosencrantz: But!
The only evidence!
Forrest: .....
Mr. Rosencrantz: Is in the hands of...

Forrest very slowly looks over at Lily

Lilly rises
Lilly: ...
Gabby: ......
Steph: ...Is that... Ares... with the hankerchief?
Forrest: ........
Gabby: ...So it was you.
You framed Holden Caulfield. Both of them.
Mac D.:

Lilly opens her eyes

Lilly: that was recorded on a potato no
Mac D.:
Forrest: ........

Steph holy shit

Forrest: ........
Steph: ...Is that a... general 'you' or a specific 'you'?
Forrest: ......................

Lilly shakes the ground with each step

Forrest: ......I also have to use the restroom, now.

Forrest just

Forrest bolts for the door

Gabby: …!
Forrest: Boy oh boy do I have to use the restroom.
Gabby: M-Mr. Rosencrantz–!
Narrator : Forest runs into Vlad, who shoves him to the ground
Forrest: ...!?!
Steph: ..?
Forrest: Oof-..!

Forrest looks up at Vlad in annoyance

Vlad walks in

Vlad is wearing a fake bread and a robe made out of sheets

Gabby: …?!
Forrest: ......
Vlad: Hello.
Forrest: .....Hello, Jesus.
Space: a fake bread
Vlad: I am the Lord and Saviour, Jesus.
Steph: ....oh my god...
Forrest: Yes. Please save us from Ares.
Vlad: Yes I can.
Gabby: (...he actually fricking–)

Vlad parts the crowd

Forrest gets to his feet


Vlad reveals the bucket he was hiding under his rob

Vlad: *robe

Vlad throws it at her, dousing her in water

Vlad: It's my blood.
Forrest: ......
Vlad: You're in it now.
You're burning to death because I'm Jesus.

Steph gasps

Lilly collapses
Forrest: ....I don't think that's how Jesus' blood work-
Gabby: ........
Forrest: ....
Vlad: Alright, I am here.
You all get a blessing.
Except if you're gay.
Was there a rape thing.
Who did it.
Gabby: …

Gabby just points the finger at Ares

Forrest: ....
Vlad: Who here believe in me.
Gabby: ...I do?
Mobile L:
Steph: ........Not... me...?
Vlad: Fuck you.

Vlad touches her head

Vlad: You have AIDS.
Gabby: …
Space: oh my fuck mobile
Forrest: ....Wow, Jesus. That's cold.
Mr. Rosencrantz: And we're done!

Forrest just sort of stands there in befuddlement at the fact that he was not
grievously injured this time
Mr. Rosencrantz: Everyone did a great job!

Gabby looks to see if Nathan is okay, just really badly befuddled at Jesus
Forrest just flops into his seet

Steph tries to reconcile the fact that she has AIDS now

Steph dazedly returns to her seat

Mr. Rosencrantz: You all put a lot of effort into your roles and I have to commend
all of you on it!
Forrest: .....
Mr. Rosencrantz: Now-
Narrator : The bell goes for lunch.
Forrest: (oh thank god.)
Mr. Rosencrantz: Well, it's that time.
Have a nice lunch, kids!

Forrest is out of that Hell Class as fast as humanly possible

Gabby: ...That was... That was kinda fricked?
Steph: I didn't like that. That was wweird.
Forrest: I'm alive.
Gabby: It went some... places.
Yeah, that's true!

Forrest glances briefly at Quest before he steps into The Feeding Chambor
Steph: I hope Nathan's okay...
Gabby: Yeah...
Forrest: It was stage fright, he'll get over it.
Gabby: ...Uh. Okay, they, like– They gave the MLA packet, but I–... I frickin'
never can figure out if the period goes inside or outside the parentheses.
Forrest: In.
Same with quotations.
Gabby: ...That doesn't make sense, but alright.
Frickers and their fricked up rules...

Steph notices Jasper lingering a bit before heading off there

Forrest: It's ridiculous that you need an extensive set of rules to write a seres
of statements.

Forrest glances at Steph as she walks b

Steph decides to go over and sit by her to be nice

Steph: Hey!
Can I sit here?
Jasper: It's a free country, one supposes.
Gabby: …!

Steph smiles and sits down

Forrest: .....

Gabby ...oh YEAH

Gabby: ...Hey, I'll be back in a second.
Steph: That was kinda fun, I guess..?
Forrest: ...?

Dr. Hall is serving the cafeteria food

Forrest: ....
Gabby: …

Gabby oh GOD

Forrest looks down at his food, then up at Dr. Hall

Dr. Hall has a soft smile on his face

Forrest: ..............

Gabby eugh...

Forrest decides against eating this particular lunch today.....

Dr. Hall jokes with kids who pull up

Forrest: ......

Gabby wishes Lt. Olivia Benson could be here for real to stop the crime in progress

Forrest looks over at Ken

Gabby: ...Uh, Jasper?
Jasper: That's a unique take, I do-

Ken looks at him

Ken: Something bothering you?
Forrest: ..A lot. All the time.
Steph: ?
Ken: ... My condolences.
What is bothering you most.

Steph looks up at Gabster

Forrest: .....
Gabby: ...Uh. I don't wanna be nosy, but I saw your paper...

Forrest glances briefly at the Red Eye on Nathan and Suzie's table, before looking
Forrest: Water Bottles.

Ken glances at it as well

Ken: ... Water bottles, you say.

Jasper smiles, like a smug cat

Jasper: You did, did you...?
Forrest: Yeah, water bottles.
Jasper: Did you have any thoughts on it...?
Gabby: Yeah... Like... Why that word in particular? I know you, uh...
...Know about the stuff, but...
Steph: ...?
What word...?
Forrest: The entire industries hiding secrets you wouldn't believe. They've got
fingers in pies leading all the way up to the top of nearly every government on the

Steph looks uncertainly at the two of them

Forrest: *industry's
Jasper: Do you know what it means?
Gabby: …
Ken: I see...
That is quite troubling.
Forrest: You don't see.
And that's how they've gotten away with so much for so long.
I've researched the topic extensively, there's a lot to go over.
Gabby: It's neither yes nor no, right?
Jasper: It's nothing.
Steph: ...That's... your essay...?

Steph finds it a little hard to believe someone could write so little

Gabby: ...Oh. You... You wanna write nothing, then.
That's what you're doing.
Ken: ... Hm...
Gabby: ...I think we call it vo. Or... Or mo, or something...
Steph: Why not just have a blank paper then...?
Ken: ... What is it you intend to do?
Forrest: ...Do? Do what?

Jasper seems immensely self-satisfied

Jasper: I see...
Rather impersonal, it.
Forrest: There's only so much one man can do against a globe-spanning all-powerful
corporate conspiracy.
Ken: ... I suppose so.
Gabby: ...It?
Forrest: I would advise not purchasing or drinking any bottled water from now on.
Ken: I'm not one to do such things...
Forrest: People think the tap water's where they slip the chemicals in, but that's
just the front they need.
Steph: ...I'm not sure I really follow...
Jasper: Good.

Forrest casually pulls the gem out of his pocket and begins to scan the cafeteria
with it
Jasper: If you follow, you stand the chance of being left in the dust.
You'd be smarter to give up and let it take you.
Gabby: ...That's, like... real pessimistic.
Narrator : The eye, under the gem, begins to twitch and is constantly moving its
gaze around
Steph: ...I think we might be talking about different things...?
Forrest: .....

Forrest frowns
Gabby: ...Are you a Buddhist? Like... Where'd you learn the word?
Jasper: No two people can speak about the same thing, that's just a fact.
And no, I'm not a Buddhist.
Forrest: ...They like to think they're all-seeing, that nothing can escape their
But you can outsmart them.
Jasper: It's a quaint fantasy, but I doubt enlightenment is attainable to anyone.
Steph: ...

Steph frowns
Ken: ... How so?

Steph clears her throat

Forrest: You just have to know where to find the peep holes.

Forrest gestures at Nathan

Steph: Well, uh... I dunno, take this school.
Forrest to get his attention
Steph: Gabby and I could talk about it, that's the same thing.
Gabby: ...Yeah.
Steph: We'd have different perspectives, but we're still talking about the same
Jasper: Your conception of the school is not her's.
The words you use mean fundamentally different things.
Gabby: ...It can't be that different.

Nathan looks at him

Nathan: Wha...?
Gabby: We've both been through the Canadian education system.
We're both going to this school.
Jasper: I doubt your definitions are the same as mine, forgive me the arrogance.

Forrest points at him, points at the table, and makes a pounding motion with his
Steph: The school exists as, like, an actual object though...?
Gabby: I mean–... Sure, I'll give you that, you have a quirky view on things.

Nathan slams on it, obediently

Steph: We have that to, like, have consensus about.

Forrest peeks at it through the gem as he slams it

Jasper: Does it?
How do you know that it exists.
Narrator : The eye rolls back into the table in pain.
Mobile L: brb charger, if I disappear it's cuz my gay battery died instantly

Forrest lets out an amused exhale

Steph: You could really say that about anything, that's no fair...
Jasper: Well, how do you know anything exists.
Steph: Like...
Let's say, uh.... you and I spontaneously decide Gabby doesn't exist.

Nathan is confused
Steph: But that doesn't mean she actually doesn't exist. She's sitting right there,
and she knows she exists.
Forrest: ...Anyway, you just have to do what you can.
Jasper: What if she was a million miles underground and no one living knew about
And she was brain-dead.
Would she exist under those circumstances.
Steph: A tree falling in a forest still makes a sound, even if there's no one
around to observe it.
Jasper: How do you know.
Ken: ... I see.
Steph: It's just physics at that point. Sound waves and stuff.
Beyond the whole, like, philosophical 'you can't trust your senses' stuff, there is
actual like, physical reality to things.
Jasper: What are the qualities of a living thing, Stephanie?
Forrest: .......
Steph: Uhh...
Ken: ...
Steph: If you shine a flashlight in someone's eye, and their pupil dilates, that
means they're alive.
Jasper: What if they don't have eyes.
Steph tries to think
Forrest: .....First time we've had a proper conversation. I think.
Steph: Well... I mean, that's a taxonomy thing.
Ken: Yes, I think you're right.
Steph: If it's made of cells, and stuff, it's alive.
Forrest: ....Not much of a conversationalist, huh.
Steph: And it moves and it responds to stimuli.
Gabby: Yeah!
Viruses don't count because they can't reproduce on their own.
Steph: Oh! Homeostasis!
That's a thing too.
Jasper: So, it is purely a biological aspect?
What if a robot attained sentence?
Steph: How would you know it did?
Ken: Heh, I never know what to say...
Forrest: ....
...Yeah, neither do I.
Gabby: I mean... We'd probably have to adapt the definition if it did, or conclude
that nonliving things can be sentient and crap.
Jasper: Interesting responses.
Do souls exist?
Ken: ......
Forrest: ......
Ken: ...
Forrest: .....
Ken: ...
Forrest: ....
Steph: I mean...
Ken: ... How have things with, you know, been...?
Gabby: ...No. I think it boils down to particle arrangements.
Steph: Are we talking in a philosophical sense, or like... in an actual real...
Forrest: ...She's doing well.
Steph: ...
Ken: Good.
She deserves it.

Steph goes a lil quiet

Ken: Good things, that is.
Forrest: .....
Yeah, she does.
Jasper: Is there a difference, Stephanie?
Forrest: After what she's been through.

Jasper quietly nods to herself at Gabby's answer

Steph: I guess not...
Gabby: I mean, there isn't because it's an archaic way to describe consciousness.
Ken: We've all had it tough, mind you, and I hope we can have some time to
Forrest: I'm sure we've got a little time.
Steph: I mean... how can you really know? It's just one of those things that sorta
-- you can't really tell.
Gabby: The good thing about this is, though, if you can arrange the particles back
just right, shouldn't you also be able to get the consciousness back if it's gone?
Steph: It's... I mean, I'd like to think that it's a real thing, and -- that
there's some kind of something after death...
That's... that's not really the same thing, though, Gabby.
Gabby: No, but, like– it is.
You're resuming the consciousness.
Steph: No, it's...
Ken: ... Yes. I think you're right.
Forrest: .....Yeah.
Steph: If I lost my pencil, and I got a new pencil after that...
That's not the same pencil.
Gabby: No, look.
The Golden Gate Bridge in California.
Everyone knows it and loves it.
Iconic frickin' thing.
But... Did you know?
Gradually, piece by piece, the whole bridge has been replaced over the course of
its life.
Forrest: ....Think I'm gonna take a walk
Steph: Ship of Theseus.
Yeah. That's not...
Ken: I could come with you, if you want me to.
Forrest: You don't have to.

Jasper silently watches them

Ken: Whatever helps soothe your nerves.
Forrest: ....I'm not-...
Steph: It's Star Trek teleporters. If you get dematerialized, that's literally just
killing someone. It's just that they rebuild a new copy of the person wherever they
get beamed to.
But it's not the same person.
Forrest: ...I doubt we'd get any more out of this conversation if you were to come
with me.
Gabby: It actually is, though...?
Steph: Not from the inside.
Ken: ALright.
Forrest: ....Right.

Forrest gets up and shuffles for the door to the hallway

Gabby: They know all the things you'd think they'd know.
They'd look the same, talk the same, walk the same.
Steph: One consciousness dies, and a new one starts at that point, albeit with the
memories of the old consciousness. But that doesn't, like, mean that there's any
continuity beyond having the same composition.
Dr. Hall: Then what is the difference between a clone and the real thing?
Gabby: …

Steph starts


Steph looks back over her shoulder

Forrest glances at Quest again as he bypasses him out the doorway

Officer Quest watches him

Gabby: ...Clones are their own frickin' thing, they just have identical genes to
the donor. Plants do it all the time in the wild to reproduce and crap.
Officer Quest: Careful.
There's an ongoing investigation.
Forrest: Of.
Steph: They look the same, though... and talk the same, and walk the same...
Dr. Hall: But if I made a perfect copy of a human being, in every single respect?
Gabby: No! No they don't.
Dr. Hall: Is that not the same thing as the original?
Gabby: They have different life experiences than the donor, therefore they're a
unique individual.
Officer Quest: Missing students.
Dr. Hall: What if they had their donor's every memory?
Steph: Well, if it's a perfect copy, then doesn't that include having the same
mem-- uh, yeah.
Forrest: ..........
Gabby: …
Officer Quest: Keep an eye out.
Forrest: .....I will.

Forrest continues walking

Gabby: ...Then the person would, like–... it'd be an uncomfortable fork in the
road. They'd be split in half and would have to negotiate who's legitimate and
who's not.
An extension of the person until one of them caves and goes for their own identity.
Officer Quest: But that is not the fundamental nature of that person...
Dr. Hall: It's all just nomenclature...

Forrest looks at the various faculty and His Noble Headmaster as he heads for the
Steph: Wouldn't they both be legitimate, though, Gabby...?
If it's all just particles.
Their particles are all arranged the same.
Gabby: They would, but they sure as frick wouldn't be able to agree.
Dr. Hall: But that's not their nature.
I can call an apple a tomato, but that doesn't make it so...
I can hold, in my hands, an apple and a perfect replica.
I can say that one apple is called 1, and that the other is a perfect duplicate.
Forrest: ......

Forrest ah. the Nerd Gala.

Dr. Hall: But then I can say the duplicate is now called 2.
That does not change the fact that the apples are the same.
Narrator : The freaks do their own business.
What brings Forrest to this mythical kingdom
Gabby: …

Gabby huffs
Gabby: ...It's interesting to do these thought experiments and all, but you try
telling the guy from the swamp man one that he's not real. That if he goes to give
his wife a kiss, it means less because his particles get disassembled and then
Dr. Hall: Oh, but I agree with you.
Steph: Like... what does that have to do with anything...?
Dr. Hall: A person is nothing less than a component of individual pieces.
*sum of its
Gabby: ...It's good we have one thing we can agree on, then.
Forrest: .....
Steph wow gab

Forrest isn't actually sure

Dr. Hall smiles

Forrest just needed a quiet place, he thinks

Steph: ...
Dr. Hall: It is also worth mentioning that you both are due for guidance sessions
with me, if you will recall.

Steph decides she doesn't need to state for sure what she believes yet
Gabby: ...Oh.
Steph: ...I, uh, forgot?
Dr. Hall: Now, I could accept one of you during l-
Narrator : The bell goes.
Lunch is over.
Forrest: ......
Narrator : that's it
Space: i like bullshit philosophy
Mobile L: I do too
I like seeing the contrast between their philosophies
Space: Nighte Duff
Mobile L: sleep...
I still love this song so much
Space: me2
SR3NORMANDY: tiny applause from the tiny audience
Space: thoughts
Narrator : little man
SR3NORMANDY: I understand nothing and love everything.
Space: canadian school
Mobile L: Tiny Vietnamese girls and philosophy
Space: You. Have. AIDS.
Mobile L: Wow, Jesus. That's cold.
SR3NORMANDY: Speaking of cold,somewhere out there, Devin is freezing to death.
Mobile L: Save the boy
Space: mysterious little girls are laughing at him
SR3NORMANDY: Is the mysterious girl you, Space?
Mac D.: bohij
what would an OP for Third Heaven look like
Space: ps1 era fmv
or something like the persona 3 opening
Mac D.: you stop that
eldritch s. (GM): it's not that
it's like the p3 opening
Space: look at that
eldritch s. (GM): also like
Mac D.: you STOP that
eldritch s. (GM): i said to myself before like
clickign on that link
"if this is dobby pussy indulgence i'm going to kill myself"
that meme is so fucking terrible
Space: it's a dead meme now
i'm done with it
Mac D.: i hated it while it still lived
Narrator : Lunch, like all things, has ended.
Forrest: ....

Steph gets her stuff to go back to class, mulling over that heady luncheon convo

Forrest exhales and begrudgingly makes his way to his next Class...
Narrator : mobile seems to have vanished from discord
what should i do
Mac D.: have patience
we started early, so we have time to burn
Mobile L: Uhp, very sorry
Family thing, but I ought be okay now
Mac D.: you alright?
Mobile L: Yeah, I'm fine. Had to be there for someone else
Mac D.: i see, i see

Gabby is now quietly worried about Dr. Hall

Mac D.: we're alone, mobile
...........I'M alone............
Narrator : i love rlm
anyway i was busy getting dinner
Space: whats the eats
Narrator : pizza that gave me a first degree burn on my face
Narrator : the fucking pain of scalding sauce is delicious
Space: i like bbq chicken pizza
Narrator : This class is...
Oh no.
Nurse Foxhole: Hey, kids!
Forrest: ........

Gabby ...awww FRICK again...


Nurse Foxhole: Miss me?
It's history!

Forrest no.

Gabby friiiiiick... ah well... maybe nobody will cry...?

Steph hell yeah, him again!

Nurse Foxhole: Now...
Today, we'll be covering...
Can anyone guess?
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 8
Gabby: …
rolling 3d20 + 2
= 39
Steph: The Bronze Age Collapse!
Nurse Foxhole: No!
Steph: Oh..
Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 26
(From Nurse Foxhole): you decide
Forrest: ........Otto Von Bismark, again...?
Nurse Foxhole: Hah, I wish!
Gabby: The Cultural Revolution in China.
Nurse Foxhole: You're dead on!
Forrest: .......
Nurse Foxhole: Does anyone here know what the cultural revolution was?
Steph: .......
Wasn't that, uh, when the communists took over in China?

Forrest COMMIE SHIT...

Gabby: It was, like, when Mao frickin' got all afraid that things weren't communist
enough anymore, and then he did some purges and crap.
Frickin' paranoid, toothless old coot...
Nurse Foxhole: He also tried to remake culture to be more communist!
Forrest: .....

Nurse Foxhole begins giving a spirited lesson, giving an assignment in which the
students must find a way to make an ordinary concept more Communist
Nurse Foxhole: roll dice to determine how you do
Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 33
Gabby: rolling 3d20 + 2
= 39
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 2
Space: oh my fucking god steph

Forrest draws a bucket, dyed red, being set on fire and ran over by a tank
Mac D.: she tries her best, Marx bless her...

Gabby illustrates a struggle session, with the bourgeois intellectual pig scum
being slapped around by two mean-looking military blokes
Space: see this is hard because i have to try and think of something bad instead of

Steph struggles with something to draw

Mobile L: Reach within yourself!
Nurse Foxhole: well like

Steph eventually just draws a dollar bill, but with Marx's face, and instead of
dollar it says Commiebuck
Nurse Foxhole: this could also mean
her failing to complete the task
like drawing something else in protest
Mac D.: filled with The People's Fervor
Nurse Foxhole: the people's butthurt

Nurse Foxhole collects the assignments

Nurse Foxhole: I'll have these all marked by next class!
Did this make you think, at all?
Steph: ...Not... really.
Vlad: No.
Hungary was better under Communism. Less whining.
Gabby: ...I mean... I guess I understand the nuance of it a bit better.
And how fricking stupid Maoism is. I already knew, but now I know more.
Mac D.: My disdain for the system is exactly the same as it was when this class
Forrest: grouchy noises
Nurse Foxhole: Now, Maoism...
Does anyone know who exactly Mao Zedong is?
Or was.
Steph: .....

Steph would really like for this class to be over soon

Gabby: rolling 3d20 + 2
= 32
Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 20
Nurse Foxhole: how does gabby know the cultural revolution but not mao zedong
Mobile L: i don't even know
Nurse Foxhole: you didn't need to roll fyi


Nathan: Uh...
A bad man.
Gabby: Yeah. He was, uh... He did the cultural revolution and his teeth were awful.
And his hair was also awful.
Forrest: He was born the son of a wealthy farmer.
Nurse Foxhole: Yes, he was actually quite upper class!
Gabby: Just like Marx...
Forrest: A rich, privileged kid preaches communism.
Steph: .................
Nurse Foxhole: In an exchange between him and Soviet Premier Khrushchev, Khrushchev
gloated that while Mao was of the upper class, he was of the peasants in
Mao replied that they had one thing in common then, that they were both class
Sick burn, right?
Gabby: ...Nyeheheheh!
He sucks, but that's good.
Forrest: Bet all the people he starved would have loved to get to know his posh
sense of humor.
Nurse Foxhole: That's a fair point.

Nurse Foxhole gives a lesson on Maoist China. It's relatively even-handed and done
with surprisingly attentiveness.
Nurse Foxhole: roll for how well you absorb the information
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 14
Gabby: rolling 3d20 + 2
= 14
fricked at last.
Narrator : Gabby was about to take notes when she saw the way the light played on
Ken's face. Dreamy...
Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 31
Narrator : Steph listen along, taking useful notes.
Forrest does as well.
The class comes to an uneventful end.
Gabby: …

Gabby idly doodles a pic of her and Ken holding hands

Ms. Guildenstern: Hey there!
So, computers.
Do you remember all of your skits?
You know, to make your movies?
Forrest: ............
Ms. Guildenstern: That you edit together.
Gabby: …
Forrest: .......

Forrest is now realizing that Jaime is not here

Steph: Ah hah!

Gabby ahahahaha... oh man...

Steph whips out her notebook

Forrest: ............


Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 34

Gabby is smiling a bit too wide and getting SWEATY

Forrest comes back to him now.......

Forrest: .....
Ms. Guildenstern: Oh, for your group, Forrest- you're short an actor.
So I can substitute.
Forrest: ...Y-...Yeah-?
Ms. Guildenstern: We don't really have anyone else.
Foxhole can't be out of the nurse's office all day.

Mr. Rosencrantz runs into the closed door

Forrest: .....?

Mr. Rosencrantz steps back and opens it

Gabby: …??

Forrest looks toward the Door

Mr. Rosencrantz: Somebody said movie.
And short an actor.
Gabby: ...You're gonna, uh...?
Forrest: .......... want t-

Gabby has trepidation about this

Gabby: …

Gabby slowly turns her head toward Steph

Gabby: (what was the frickin' skit again...???)
Mr. Rosencrantz: I live for the theatre.
Forrest: .................

Steph slides her notebook

Forrest: .....I'm not gonna be able to talk you out of it, am I.
Steph: You're the star. It's like some kinda... Christmas special?
'Cause of the comedy inherent in, y'know, a, uh...
...Height... challenged... individual...? With an axe.
Mr. Rosencrantz: ... Well, I mean.
If you don't want me, that's fine!
Gabby: ...Oh!
Forrest: .........
Mr. Rosencrantz: I don't mean to infringe.
Gabby: Ohhhh... Huh...
Forrest: .....It's fine. We do need someone.
Ms. Guildenstern: ...
These groups aren't... right...
Gabby: …?
Ms. Guildenstern: ... This is weird.
Gabby: ...Is everything okay?
Ms. Guildenstern: Give me a moment, I'm gonna go to my records.
Gabby: …
Mr. Rosencrantz: Oh, let me help you!
Forrest: .....?

Gabby looks to Steph again

Forrest: ......
Gabby: ...Like... What happened...?
Steph: ...I'm not sure...?
Forrest: .....That was...sudden.
Steph: ...Is it 'cause of Naomi...?
Nathan: ... Yeah.
Gabby: …
Forrest: .......

Forrest clears his throat, audibly

Narrator : Shooting proceeds as normal, though the teachers don't come back.
roll for quality of job
Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 31
Steph: ...Well... let's get to it, huh?
rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 4
Mac D.: competent filmmaking for someone short an actor
Nathan: rolling 1d20
= 9
Ken: rolling 1d20
= 11

Steph makes a lot of minor annoying nitpicks and reshoots that end up bogging the
whole thing down
Gabby: rolling 3d20 + 2
= 26
Narrator : Steph is a writer, not a director.
Gabby Tried.

Gabby is really stilted and her autism ends up showing a good deal
Narrator : Meanwhile, Forrest managles to rangle two nerds into something
Forrest: No, no-...emote. You have to emote more.
Gabby: ...Frick, I don't think that was believable at all... Do– do we have time to
do another take...? I just...

Nathan makes a strained face

Forrest: You're acting for two people here, you gotta really play up that split
....Not bad, but we can do better.
Gabby: ...Ghh, I can't get into this fricker's head...
Steph: You aren't supposed to look at the camera.
You're supposed to look at -- here. Right here.
Nathan: RRRRGH...
Gabby: But it's– I can't help it, that's where my eyes wanna go...
Nathan makes an even more strained face
Forrest: There we go. That's the face of an insane drug addict.
Steph: I'll stand here. Okay?
Look me in the eyes.
...Ugh, no, I gotta do the camera... Lily, you stand there.
Forrest: Ken, you're a man of justice, and your voice has to reflect that.
Ken: Oh, alright, let me try...

Ken does a deeper voice

Lilly: Yes, ma'am!
Forrest: Not bad. You've got chops
Steph: Okay. Let's try it again...
.../me tries to get a novel camera angle, really close up to Gabby's face
Forrest: Anton, what do you think getting stabbed in the chest, sounds like?
Gabby: ...focus... FOCUS...
Narrator : stpeh doesn't know how to zoom
she just
Space: anton knows what getting stabbed in the chest sounds like
Narrator : gets right next to her
Steph: It's not the same effect!

Gabby breathes on the camera and fogs up the lens

Anton makes a mouth noise

Anton: rolling 1d20
= 6
Forrest: That's pretty weak, Anton.

Anton it's cute in a dork way

Mobile L: fuckin
Steph: Gabby!
Forrest: You're dying, here.
Mobile L: I just imagine him quacking or something

Steph tries wiping it off with her jacket sleeve

Forrest: Vlad, please demonstrate the proper way to gurgle upon death.
Vlad: rolling 1d20
= 15
Gabby: Gh– It's so close, you almost got it up my frickin' nose...

Vlad gives a death rattle

Steph: Here, I'll hold it up higher...
Forrest: There you go.

Steph raises it above her head, looking down at her

Forrest: You hear that? Gutteral. Disgusting.
Gabby: ...Isn't there, like, a button or something?
Forrest: That is our movie. It's filthy.
Steph: It's not the same.
Gabby: Rrrghhh...
Anton: ...
rolling 1d20
= 15
Space: wow a perfect imitation

Anton manages to replicate it perfectly

Gabby tries very hard to get into the un-Christmas spirit

Forrest: Fantastic. That is just right.
Mobile L: Twins
Steph: Ok, going in... three.. two... one... action.


Gabby: rolling 3d20 + 2
= 51
Narrator : The party hear the classroom door open.
Forrest: ...?
Gabby: And if you ever mention that crap holiday agai–

Steph looks up, turning around with the camera and still filming
Mac D.: NOT
Mrs. Plumber: No, sir, I really must advise that you do-
Space: god fucking
Gabby: ...Mr. Hawthorne?
Space: i hear this song now
Nurse Foxhole: See reason, boss!
Space: and the only thing i can think of
Forrest: .....
Space: is getting stared at
Mr. Hawthorne: Nonsense, I can do it!
Children, hello!
Forrest: ........Hello.
Mr. Hawthorne: ... What are you all doing with cameras?
Steph: We're making movies!
Gabby: ...We're making movies.
Forrest: .....It's a school project, Principal.

Steph gets up real close to film him at a dramatic angle

Mr. Hawthorne: ... Didn't all you younglings hear the bell g- agh!

Steph gets a shot of him and Theodore in profile

Mr. Hawthorne: oh i didn't mean to say younglings
Space: Nathan killed... younglings...
Mr. Hawthorne: ...
It's health!
Steph: Oh...
Forrest: ........
Steph: Class is over?
Mr. Hawthorne: It ended!

Steph turns the camera off and goes back to her seat
Gabby: ...Aww, frick.
Mr. Hawthorne: Now, this health class- we're going to focus on interpersonal

Gabby snaps her fingers

Gabby: ...Oh.
That sounds nice.
Mr. Hawthorne: And no one will ask me any kind of questions involving their bodies
or Christmas money!
Steph: Is that stuff that has to do with learning social skills?

Mr. Hawthorne pets Theodore as he speaks

Forrest silently sets the camera down and takes his seat
Mr. Hawthorne: I'm going to put you into small groups and you're going to talk
about yourselves to each other!
Steph: .......

Steph oh no
Mr. Hawthorne: Groups of three!
Forrest: .......
Gabby: …

Forrest oh god
Mr. Hawthorne: Now...
Shall I let you all pick your group members, or would you like them to be assigned
Gabby: ...We're, uh... Is our movie group okay for it...?
Forrest: ......

Forrest is silent on the matter

Forrest would much rather not be having a discussion about himself with AAAANYone
Mr. Hawthorne: It depends on if you're picking or you're having it assigned!
On second thought...
Gabby: …
Mr. Hawthorne: On advice from my doctor, I'll play it safe.
The groups will be assigned.
Sort them!
Steph: .........
Forrest: .....

Gabby oh FRICK oh no

Steph not the chicken...

Forrest please don't pick with your cock, principal

Gabby tenses up and pulls her feet up from the floor, onto her desk seat
Narrator : The chicken stares them all down.
Gabby: ..............
Forrest: ......

Gabby sweats a little

Forrest is Wary of the Flightless Bird
Steph: ...
Narrator : It hops off of Hawthorne and begins chasing kids around and forcing them
into grou;s

Steph i faced you down in court, fucker....

Forrest: ...!?!?!

Steph aah AHHHH


Gabby: AAAAAA–!

Steph climbs up on her desk quick

Forrest dives for one

Steph: Be careful, he'll bite...
Space: jason is gonna be all alone
Gabby: friiiiiiiiiiick, the frickin' bird...
Mac D.: jason is left alone with hawthorne and his cock
Forrest: Chickens bite??

Suzie volunteers to go with Jason

Steph: That one does...
Forrest: .....
Gabby: He's dangerous.

Forrest also climbs up onto his respective desk

Mr. Hawthorne: Now...
Children, listen very closely.
I want you all to discuss yourselves.
Your beliefs, your thoughts, and your feelings.
What you want to be, and so on.
Steph: ...
Mr. Hawthorne: Please take this seriously.
Forrest: .....
Mr. Hawthorne: I'm begging you.
That is all from me for now.
Gabby: ...'Least we know each other pretty well, right?
Forrest: ....Yeah.

Mr. Hawthorne pets Theodore, who hops back onto him

Steph: Yeah...
Gabby: This shouldn't be bad.
Forrest: Not much to talk about.
Steph: ...
I, uh, still wanna be an author.
Forrest: ...
...Have you....come up with any story ideas.
Gabby: ...Yeah. Like–... Got some drafts you could show?
Steph: Oh, gosh, um...
I'd rather, uh... keep 'em a secret for now.
Forrest: ........?
Steph: It's literary stuff, you'd be bored anyways...

Steph laughs, a little nervousness in her tone

Forrest: I'd argue that. I'm an avid reader.
Gabby: ...No, I mean... You're my friend, I'm sure your writing is cool.
I'm not gonna judge or anything.
Steph: Oh, yeah? What do you like reading?

Steph looks at Forrest

Forrest: ......A variety of things.
...Y'know...Books...The news...M-...Comic books.
Steph: Well, I mean, I'd assume a reader reads books...
Gabby: …
Forrest: ......If you meant by genre, I enjoy mysteries and dystopian fiction.
Steph: Oh! That's cool... I guess.
Forrest: .......
Steph: Like the Hunger Games?
Forrest: .........Not exactly.
Steph: I didn't like that one very much...
Gabby: Like, uh... What're some of your favorites?
Maybe you could give some recommendations or something. I think I'm gonna go by the
library anyways.
Forrest: ...The usuals. 1984. Brave New World. Farenheit.
Steph: Oh, I love 1984!
Gabby: ...I've heard of those. Grandma says 1984 might have some inappropriate
stuff in it...
Forrest: I've also read Machiavelli's, 'The Prince'.
Steph: Well... most 'great literature' does have that stuff in it. Like Ulysses, or
Finnegan's Wake...
Gabby: ...When do I start reading racy stuff? Should I wait until I'm 15?
I don't wanna, like, get traumatized or anything, or get inappropriate ideas about,
uh... about that stuff.
Forrest: ....If you think you can handle it when you're 15.
You shouldn't really be worried about that sort of thing.
Gabby: ...Really?
Steph: You could probably handle it now... it's not really the kind of stuff that'd
scar you for life.
Forrest: Yeah. It's part of life.
Gabby: ...Hm... Okay. I might try it and see if it, like... fricks me up or
Forrest: I doubt it will.
Mobile L: brb a sec
Forrest: ....

Forrest looks back at Steph

Forrest: ...So what do you read.
Steph: I like to stick with the classics. You know, like Hemingway, Steinbeck...
the kind of important books that really matter.
Forrest: .....You don't think more modern literature matters?
Steph: That is modern literature!
Forrest: Anything a little more modern than Steinbeck.
Steph: Well, what about Faulkner?
Forrest: Wasn't Faulkner before Steinbeck.....
Gabby: …

Gabby 's little uncultured head is spinning

Steph: ...Well, so?
Forrest: .......

Gabby fidgets a bit

Forrest: .....
Gabby: Uhhhh...
...Did I ever say I was a transhumanist? I'm... I'm a transhumanist.
Forrest: ....?

Forrest glances at THE FREAK

Forrest: ....Is that right?
Steph: A... transhumanist?
Mac D.: steph heard "Did I Ever Say I'm Trans-" and jumped a little
Mobile L: Eheheheh!
Forrest: So do you plan on going into prosthetics.
Gabby: Yeah. Like, uh–... Basically, that's all about improving the human mind and
body with technology, and the hope is that we can kind of transcend our current
human frailties.
...Yeah, actually!
Or implants or something.
I think the implants have more promise.
Forrest: ...............

Forrest glances at Steph

Steph: Like cyborgs and stuff? That's really cool!
Forrest: ....
Gabby: Yeah, it frickin' is! Like... Ray Kurzweil, he's the leading thinker on it,
he wants to use future technologies to help dead people come back to life and
stuff, and like...
Forrest: .........
Gabby: It sounds so far-fetched, but so were cars and stuff before we invented
them, and so were computers. What it takes is just a good, solid wave of innovation
and invention, and then humanity makes a leap. We've seen it before.

Forrest thinks how weirdly unimpressive that sounds, now that he has actually
witnessed a human being brought back to life

Gabby is all giddy and talkative now and fidgets excitedly

Forrest: ......

Forrest least she's happy...

Steph is heartened, somehow, to see how excited Gabby gets about this
Steph: Well, if anyone's gonna be able to figure that stuff out, I'd say it's you.
Forrest: I agree. You're a bright kid.
Gabby: …

Gabby beams
Gabby: Nyeheheheh! Thank you!
I mean, that's– that's why I'm so frickin' strict about studying and everything. I
just wanna get into college, y'know?
Forrest: A smart kid who also works hard is a rare find. I'm sure if you keep at it
they'll all be begging for you.

Gabby C: C: C:
Gabby: ...But it takes more than just that, it also takes discipline, and I
gotta–... I need to double down.
Forrest: .....
Gabby: I wanna– I wanna get to where I'm part of the wave, to where I can lead the
pack and crap. I wanna be on the bleeding edge.
Forrest: ......That's-....That's some ambition, Gabby.

Gabby smiles warmly and genuinely, like a happy child

Gabby: Thank you...
Forrest: .....
Gabby actually sort of looks like she feels her age for once

Forrest has softened his normally bitter face

Steph: I'm left here feeling the strongest sense I'm talking to someone who's gonna
be in a history book a century from now.
Gabby: ...Aww, frick, nyeheheheh... I-I mean, we'll see, we'll just have to–...

Gabby blushes a bit

Forrest: ........

Forrest is quiet
Gabby: ...Uh, but yeah! I don't wanna go on forever about me...
...Like... Is there something on your mind, Forrest?
Forrest: ....?
....No, no.
Steph: ...Hey, what about you, Forrest? Is there anything you wanna do with your
Forrest: ........
Gabby: You're sure...? Like... I dunno much about your hobbies or aspirations or
anything, and I'd like to 'cuz you're real cool and know a lotta stuff...

Forrest 's face has returned to its normal level of tenseness, and he's suddenly
developed an interest in all the empty space around Steph and Gabby
Gabby: …
Forrest: .....I've.....considered some options.
Gabby: What kinds?
Forrest: ........Well-......
Steph: ...

Steph 'He doesn't have any idea, does he'

Gabby "it must be real complex and maybe secret..."

Forrest: ........Journalist, maybe.....
....Possibly-....A career in politics..............
Gabby: ...Ooh! Ooh frick! I think you'd be good for that!

Forrest is getting mumblier by the syllable

Gabby: Like, have you seen the state this country's in? That frickin' dweeb
buffoon's about driving it into the ground with his dumb crap and I'm sick of it.
Steph: You don't have to be embarrassed about it, Forrest. That sounds really cool.
Forrest: ........
....Yeah. Cool.
Gabby: We need more good people up there. People who aren't afraid to be
themselves. People who don't back down when crap gets fricked.

Forrest does not for a second think he's going to be a fucking politician
Forrest: ...Right. Yeah.

Steph she knows, Forrest

Steph: ...
Forrest: .....

Forrest glances at her briefly

Forrest: .........

Steph has something like pity on her face

Forrest: ..............
Forrest is getting visibly very uncomfortable
Gabby: ...I could see you up there. Maybe even as PM or something, or– or President
if you go back down to America. You're honest and you're brave and you don't take
crap, and I think that's what politics needs badly right now, I do.
Steph: ...

Steph looks at the wall

Forrest: ......Bathroom.

Gabby is completely oblivious and still riding her happy sperg high
Gabby: …?
Forrest: Bathroom, I need to use the bathroom. Sorry.
Gabby: Oh, okay!

Forrest gets up and powerwalks out of the room

Steph: ....

Steph feels bad, and sighs

Gabby: ...Man, maybe he had too much orange juice or something...

Forrest shuts himself into a stall and just sits on the can, trying to absorb the
Forrest: .........
Gabby: ...Is everything okay?

Gabby is only just now starting to notice things

Forrest can't force himself to shake off the look Steph gave him. That fucking
Steph: ... I don't know...

Steph looks back at the door

Forrest swallows hard, repeatedly

Gabby: Wh–... Did something happen? Did Forrest get sick...?
Steph: ...Forrest is kind of a sad guy. I don't think he planned his life out that
far ahead.
Gabby: ...Wh– what?
No, but, like, we were just talking about it!
He's perfect for politics, I'm– I'm sure he knows it...

Forrest tries to force the voice in his head back into its corner. That niggling
little voice that comes out every now and again to tell him what an embarassment he

Steph sighs
Gabby: …
Forrest: ...........

Gabby is genuinely confused and growing worried

Forrest after a few breaths more, he's back in some semblance of control. He wipes
his face with his sleeve, takes another breath, and steps out of the stall to wash
his face
Steph: He'll be fine, Gab. Don't worry about it...
...Probably better not ask him about it, though, either.
Gabby: …
Officer Quest is standing in the bathroom
Forrest: ....!?

Forrest looks at him, startled

Officer Quest: ...
Forrest: .....
Gabby: ...It feels wrong.
Forrest: ......O-...Officer.
Officer Quest: Had to keep an eyeo n you.
Forrest: .......Excuse me?
Steph: It's just for his sake, Gab. I think I bothered him.
Gabby: …
...Sometimes, it–...
Officer Quest: I had to keep an eye on you.
Forrest: .......
...Well, I'm fine. Thanks for guarding my bathroom trip, I guess.

Forrest goes to walk past him

Officer Quest watches him

Forrest grimaces hatefully at the eyes he feels on his back

Gabby: …

Forrest reenters the classrom

Forrest: ....

Gabby has lost the pep and just looks worried now, but is not saying anything

Forrest goes to re-take his seat

Steph very quickly averts her eyes

Forrest: .....
...Sorry about that.
Gabby: ...Oh, uh... No, it's okay.
Forrest: What were we talking about, again.
Gabby: ...Uh... I... I forget...
Forrest: .......
Steph: ...

Forrest is clearly making an effort not to look at Steph

Steph coughs
Gabby: …

Steph same forrest... same

Gabby fidgets anxiously

Forrest: ......

Steph looks up at the clock

Gabby: ...I... uh... I like watching... Law & Order...
Forrest: Do you?
Gabby: ...Yeah.
My grandparents do too...
Narrator : You're past the half-way point, Steph.
Forrest: Interesting. I've seen a few episodes, but not many.
Gabby: ...There's lots and lots of them.
Steph: I don't watch much television...
Forrest: ..........I mostly just use the internet.
Gabby: ...I think, uh... I think they have some episodes on or something.
And they have a page about the characters and stuff, but it isn't as good as the
Wikipedia article...
Steph: ...I like movies, someetimes.
Forrest: ....Movies're good.
Gabby: ...What kinds?
Steph: ...

Steph blushes, smiling slightly

Steph: Did you ever see Escape From New York?
Forrest: .......I haven't..........
Steph: It's so good. I love cheesy action movies like that.... Ooh, or Timecop!
Gabby: ...One time, I saw Apocalypse Now,
Steph: Really?
You saw that and you're worried about getting scarred by books?
Forrest: ......I've seen Full Metal Jacket.
Gabby: I only saw, uh... parts of it, and it was–... I don't think I ever wanna go
to Vietnam...
...Is Full Metal Jacket also about the Vietnam War?
Steph: Well, that's not what it's like now, I don't think.
Forrest: ......Yeah.
Yeah, it's about Vietnam.
Gabby: Like... I just think maybe all those chemicals they used... maybe it's still
kinda fricked up over there.
Forrest: .....I doubt it's some kind of Chernobyl-esque wasteland.
Gabby: ...But they, like... the Agent Orange fricked people's babies up.
Steph: Not all the babies...
Forrest: It's been some time since the war, Gabby.
Gabby: ...Yeah... I dunno...
...It just looked–... Like, really bad.
Forrest: ....You shouldn't dwell on it. I'm sure it looks just fine.
Steph: Yeah, I bet it's a nice place to visit these days...
Forrest: ........
Gabby: ...Uh... I also saw Contact. I think it's maybe my favorite. Have you seen
Forrest: ....

Forrest shakes his head

Gabby: ...It was, like–... It's based on this book Carl Sagan wrote.
Steph: Is it about aliens?
Gabby: Yeah, actually! It's sort of theoretical, but it's also, like, super
personal and crap, and it goes a really weird direction.
Forrest: ......I see.
Gabby: It's just, like, frickin'–... it feels so real. Realer than Star Trek or
Star Wars or anything. The main lady is just really human and it's about her hopes
and fears and stuff just as much as it is about the aliens.
Forrest: .....Interesting.

Forrest is keeping his face locked in Gab's direction

Forrest: I haven't heard of a cerebral move about aliens in a long time.
Steph: I haven't heard of cerebral movies period in a long time...
Forrest: ....They still get made.
Gabby: Oh, you both gotta watch it, then! It's super frickin' cerebral, and just
really informed and clever, and it'll make you feel stuff. It'll really make you
feel stuff.
Forrest: .....I see. I'll have to, then. Some time.
I'll find a torrent, I'm sure.
Steph: ...Or you could check it out from the library...
Forrest: .........

Forrest wrings his hands

Forrest: ....or that.
Steph: ...
Just saying...
Gabby: ...I'm gonna, uh...
...I'm gonna go get The Wizard of Oz from the library, if they have it.
Forrest:, or movie....
Gabby: …
...Frick... Which one do you think is better...?
Forrest: ....both're pretty good.....
Gabby: …
Steph: The movie's nice...

Steph please god don't let me be alone with Forrest...

Gabby: ...Maybe I should...

Forrest just wants to disappear

Gabby: ...get both...?
Forrest: ....yeah.
Steph: Sure! Sure, you totally could...

Gabby fidget fidget fidget

Gabby: ...I think I'll do that...
Narrator : The class ends.
Gabby: …!
Narrator : Hawthorne lets out a sigh of relief

Forrest exhales and closes his eyes

Gabby exhales in unison with him

Mr. Hawthorne: I knew I could do it...
Gabby: …?

Gabby looks over to Hawthorne

Steph: Oh, thank god...
Forrest: ..........

Mr. Hawthorne didn't have a heart attack

Steph she says under her breath

Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 53

Forrest heard it
Mr. Hawthorne stands up, looking fulfilled and satisfied

Gabby feels like she's about to have one maybe

Forrest: ..........
Mr. Hawthorne: All of you have good days!
Remember, elections tonight!
Gabby: ...You too...
Forrest: ............
Gabby: …
Narrator : People begin filing out.
Forrest: ....

Forrest silently goes to his desk to collect his things

Steph: ...
Hey... Forrest?
Forrest: .....
Gabby: …
Forrest: ....yeah.
Steph: ...I'm sorry.
Forrest: ..........

Steph feels like a chode

Steph quickly heads out

Gabby: …

Forrest looks out at her walking away

Forrest: .......
Dr. Hall: Ah!

Gabby lingers awkwardly beside a desk

Dr. Hall: Stephanie Martel Karloman...
Just the person I wanted to see.
Forrest: .....!?
Steph: Oh-- Dr. Hall.

Forrest move to make himself unseen from the doorway

Dr. Hall: I am ever so sorry that I've been so... remiss.

Gabby absently starts ambling for the door, having palpitations a little bit and
just desperate to get some fresh air
Dr. Hall: I have neglected my duties to you as a counselor.
Steph: ....

Gabby ...wwwwwWAIT A FRICK

Dr. Hall: Do you have some time to see me- in my office.
Steph: How long would it take...?
Gabby: …

Gabby kind of hovers behind the doorway

Forrest: ........
Dr. Hall: Oh, I don't imagine much longer than a trifle...
Mobile L: brb briefly, charger
Steph: ...

Steph would really like to have some time away from Forrest r/n
Steph: Yeah, I guess that's fine...
Forrest: .....!
Forrest wonders her intent.....trying to wean info off him?
Dr. Hall: Ah, excellent!
Follow me, in that case...
Gabby: …

Gabby is unsure if she should intervene

Forrest: .....

Steph quickly hurries after him, not looking back

Forrest glances toward Gabby

Gabby: …
Forrest: ......

Gabby looks back at him

Forrest looks back at the doorway, eyes renewed with focus.

Forrest this is good......a distraction.

Gabby: ...You know James?
Forrest: ...James?
...What about him.
Gabby: He said like... The word "Therapist" made him uncomfortable.

Forrest is moving towards Hall's Office

Forrest: ......Well, it makes plenty of people uncomfortable.
But I can hazard a guess who he's referring to.
Gabby: Yeah... It was like... I think it was a memory thing.

Steph quietly hopes this isn't a bad idea

Forrest looks at Officer Quest, checking where his eyes are

Dr. Hall sits down

Steph sits down as well, watching Hall carefully

Dr. Hall: So...

Forrest STEALTH MODE....

Dr. Hall: Long time, no see, eh?
How have you been, Stephanie?
Steph: I guess... it's been sorta, you know.
Dr. Hall: Oh, but I don't know...

Mac D.: gabby poking the top of her head out is adorable
Steph: I've been making friends with, uh... the new kid.
Mobile L: c:

Gabby is absolutely having to peek over something and watches intently

Dr. Hall: Forrest Freeman, yes?
How is it that you think of him?
Would you say that you're...
Forrest: ..............
Steph: ......
I don't know. Maybe that's a long shot...
We really get on each other's nerves more often than not.
Gabby: …
Forrest: .....

Gabby tries not to fidget, but is getting uncomfortable again

Dr. Hall: Well, if not friends...
Are you enemies?
Steph: No... definitely not that...
Forrest: ......
Steph: He's an okay guy.
Gabby: …
Forrest: ........

Forrest blinks a bit at that statement

Dr. Hall: I see...
Neither serves in heaven or reigns in hell, hm?
Steph: I guess you could say that...?

Gabby "what a weird frickin' thing to say... weird fricker..."

Forrest pretentious fuck

Dr. Hall: Now...
I would like, if you would allow me, to play a simple game of...
Word association.
Is that alright wit hyou?
Steph: Yeah. Sure.

Gabby ew. PSEUDOSCIENCE. frick outta here...

Mac D.: brb bathroom
Dr. Hall: Mother.
Steph: Dead.

Steph ...a bit heavy, Steph

Dr. Hall: Father?
Steph: Nothing.
Dr. Hall: Enemy.
Gabby: …
Steph: Friend.
Dr. Hall: Life.
Steph: Day.

Gabby ...geez... this is kinda disturbing...??

Dr. Hall: Death.
Steph: Dark.
Dr. Hall: Love.
Forrest: .........
Steph: Hearts.
Dr. Hall: Home.

Gabby looks at Forrest concernedly

Steph: Refuge.
Forrest: ......

Forrest listens quietly, keeping his eyes on the conversation

Dr. Hall: Interesting results...
You are a fearful person, aren't you, Stephanie.
Steph: ...Well... everyone's got stuff they're afraid of.
Dr. Hall: What are you most afraid of?
Forrest: ....

Gabby is beginning to feel guilty for peeking into her friend's thoughts like this
Steph: ...
Dying, I guess.
Dr. Hall: So if presented a choice...
Between being tortured, but left to live...
And being killed painlessly.
Forrest: ........
Dr. Hall: You would rather suffer?

Forrest what a creep

Steph: ...Well... isn't that what most people would pick? They'd rather live on
than die, even if it was quick, since... you know, they'd die eventually anyways.
It's just math at that point...
Dr. Hall: If you would die regardless, why would you want it to be protracted?

Gabby fricking god, how is this going to help anyone's psychological wellbeing

Gabby bristles at Hall from her perch

Dr. Hall: The reason I ask this is because the nature of suffering, and by
extension your relationship to it... these things form the center of your
Humans are relatively simple creatures.
We are driven by two main forces.
Thanatos and eros.
The death drive and life instinct.
Steph: The carrot and the stick?
Or... the stick and the carrot, in that case.
Dr. Hall: In a form...

Gabby ew steph no, stop knowing about the pseudoscience twaddle

Dr. Hall: Thanatos is the desire for destruction, the urge to create suffering and
Eros is the desire to live and avoid that suffering.

Forrest quit this philosophy class nonsense and pull out a KNIFE or something
Dr. Hall: Have you ever, whilst standing upon a high ledge, felt the urge to drop
Steph: I, erm, try not to stand around high edges...

Gabby that's not even a real thing and you know that, fricker... that's just–
that's nervous feelings, that's hypotheticals to keep you safe
Dr. Hall: The urge to do that is a universal phenomenon.
It is known as the call of the void
Your Thanatos is calling for destruction.
It is an element that is totally intrinsic to human nature.
The reason I tell you this is because you must know where it is your desires stem
This will grant you the ability to judge and understand your impulses in terms of
Eros and Thanatos. Life and death. Peace and suffering.

Forrest wonders if Hall just really, really likes the sound of his own voice

Gabby you don't know crap about suffering, you crazy old coot, the human mind is
WAYYY to complex to reduce to such a binary
Steph: ...No offense, but... I don't see what any of this has to do with me.

Dr. Hall leans in

Gabby 's brow furrows in righteous indignation at the fat bastard

Dr. Hall: Death is a scary thing.
Steph: ...
Forrest: .....

Forrest glares quietly

Dr. Hall: To see it in the ways you have...
I do not envy you.

Gabby is silently comforted that Forrest fricking hates him as much as she does
Dr. Hall: But it is an inevitability.
Steph: ...

Steph looks away

Dr. Hall: The only victory you can have over Thanatos is ultimately an acceptance
of it.
We are frail beings.
We come from nothing and we will return to it, too.
Forrest: ........
Dr. Hall: I am concerned for you, Stephanie.

Forrest yeah fuckin right

Dr. Hall: I fear that your Eros has become corrupted.
And is the cause of your suffering.

Gabby wow, North Korean ideologies are GREAT for psychiatric patients!!! cool guy,
Dr. Hall!!!! therapist of the fricking year!!! i want to frickin kill you

Forrest thinks of the recruiting tactics and natural charisma of Cult Leaders, for
some reason

Forrest and also Jasper

Steph: ...That doesn't sound real.

Dr. Hall smiles

Dr. Hall: I understand.
Forgive me for pressing you so harshly.

Dr. Hall leans back

Dr. Hall: I did not mean to cause you upset.
Steph: Well... I mean, you didn't, really, but...
Dr. Hall: I understand that you may think of me as a...

Forrest yes.
Dr. Hall: But I promise you, I do not enjoy talking about death.

Gabby but you do, tho...???

Dr. Hall: When you achieve of a more advanced age, you experience enough of it in
your daily life.
But for the young, with their whole lives ahead of them...
Gabby: …
Dr. Hall: It is easy to develop these distorted ideas.
And it is my job to help you come to terms with things like fear and hatred.

Forrest sounds more like you're just giving people Excuses for them.
Steph: I don't really think there's anything I need to come to terms with...
Dr. Hall: Everyone has demons, Stephanie...
The only way to process them is to meet them in their lair, face to face.
Gabby well you're a demon. fricker. frickface.

Forrest motherfucker we DO that.

Steph: ...I guess...
Dr. Hall: You would tell me if anything was seriously troubling you, right?
Steph: Right, yeah....
Dr. Hall: ...
Steph: ...
Forrest: ...
Gabby: …
Dr. Hall: You are a private person, aren't you.

Dr. Hall smiles

Dr. Hall sips his tea

Steph: ...Aren't most people?

Gabby pulls back a bit at the smile

Dr. Hall: And you are defensive of that privacy.
Steph: ...Aren't... most people...?
Forrest: .........
Dr. Hall: And if someone were to invade that privacy, would that bother you?
Steph: Well... well, yeah. Of course.

Dr. Hall smiles more broadly

Gabby: ...........

Gabby eeeegh...
Dr. Hall: I hope our audience know that.
Forrest: .......!?!
Dr. Hall: *knows
Gabby: …!!

Forrest hurriedly gestures for gabby to MOVE MOVE MOVE

Gabby frick frick fricm PULL AWAY

Dr. Hall: roll
Steph: Our--?

Steph quickly looks

Forrest: rolling 3d20 -1
= 10
Gabby: rolling 3d20
= 41

Forrest just trips and falls over his fat legs

Narrator : Gabby skitters away.

Gabby scuttles away like a small mouse

Steph feels instantly relieved to see them

Forrest: .........
Gabby: ..........
Steph: W-what-- what the hell are you doing??
Dr. Hall: I think this will spell the end of our appointment.

Dr. Hall hands Steph a lollipop

Steph: ...?

Gabby breathes heavily, trying to stay still

Dr. Hall: For your time.

Forrest gets to his feet, brushing himself off, and glaring at Hall
Forrest: ..........
Steph: ...Um... thanks.

Steph looks to see what flavor

Narrator : watermelon flavour

Steph acceptable

Gabby shivers a bit

Steph gets up
Dr. Hall: I should also remind you: if you need editing done for a resume or help
for career pathing- I also serve that role.
And would be more than happy to help you advance in life...
Forrest: .....
Dr. Hall: I here there are many good employers looking for young interns.
Steph: . . .

Dr. Hall smiles to himself

Dr. Hall: I think...

Forrest narrows his eyes vindictively at the son of a bitch

Gabby: ...........
Dr. Hall: My brother told me about one with... NewPath...

Steph stares at him

Dr. Hall: A resource company.
Forrest: .......?

Forrest looks at Steph

Steph: ...Never heard of them.
Forrest: .....

Steph her blood is running cold right about now

Dr. Hall: Not many have.

Dr. Hall is jovial as ever

Dr. Hall: I might be able to put a word in with them, if you need me to.
Steph: I-- I'll -- I'll think about it. I have to go.
Dr. Hall: Until next time.
Before you leave...
Could you fetch Jasper for me?

Gabby is trying to listen, but is fricking terrified out of her wits

Steph: I'll-- I'll see if I run into her....
Forrest: .......
Dr. Hall: She should be hanging around somewhere.
Thank you.

Steph just hurries the heck out of there

Forrest: ....
Gabby: .........

Forrest quickly follows after, giving Hall one last dirty look
Forrest: ......So that's what a session is like with the good doctor, huh.

Gabby is just pinned against the wall like a little mouse, heart pounding madly
Steph: I need fresh air.
Forrest: What an asshole.
Gabby: ...frick...
Steph: How long were you guys there?
Gabby: ...Like... th-the whole time...
Forrest: ...

Forrest nods at Gabby's answer

Steph: ...

Steph nods, seeming pretty okay with this

Steph: Let's go.
Gabby: …
Forrest: ....Yeah, I need some air, too.

Gabby nods a bit, pulling herself up and trying to steady her breathing
Gabby: ...G-God he's so creepy...
Forrest: I can see what makes Jasper the way she is.
Steph: How the hell does he know...?
God, god god...
Forrest: ......
....Don't overthink it for the time being.

Steph hurries down the hall

Forrest: ...

Forrest tries to follow

Officer Quest continues to watch them

Forrest glances backward at Quest as they walk past him

Steph: ...
H-hey, Jasper.
Forrest: ....

Jasper sits by the wall

Jasper: I imagine Hall wants to see me.
Gabby: …
Steph: Yeah...
...Is he always so... creepy?
Jasper: More or less.

Jasper stands up
Gabby: …

Jasper starts heading to his office

Steph: ...
Forrest: ....
Steph: God...

Steph rubs her face

Forrest: .....

Forrest looks at her

Steph: He knows about the intern thing.
He said that to show me he knows.
Forrest: .....It's proof enough he's our enemy.
Gabby: ...What if he has an Archetype or something?
Forrest: ...Wouldn't surprise me.
Steph: Either he can... read minds... or...
...No, that's dumb. And I wasn't even thinking about it...
...But no one knew we were there!
Forrest: .....Or. He has eyes.
Steph: ...
Forrest: Eyes and ears.
Gabby: ...He spotted us, how couldn't he...
Forrest: It doesn't even need to be an Archetype power. He has influence.
Steph: ... Jasper can't be the only student who visits him. I mean... duh...
Gabby: …

Steph looks up at them, suddenly

Forrest: .....?
Steph: What if-- what if it's someone we know? Someone in our --
Gabby: …

Steph stops to think

Forrest: .....Someone feeding him information?
Gabby: ...Who would–...?

Steph: It's gotta be either... Suzie, or Lilly, or Tabitha St. Marie. We were the
only ones who went there.

Gabby looks deeply troubled and squirms a bit

Steph: Right? Does that make sense?
Forrest: ....It does.

Steph looks at Forrest specifically for confirmation

Gabby: ...I mean–... I mean, it's probably Tabitha, then.
Steph: Why?
Gabby: She's sketchy and is always trying to sniff things out.
Forrest: You could have also been monitored without knowing.
Steph: ...
Gabby: …

Steph rubs her eyes

Steph: God...
Forrest: ......
......Perhaps this is part of his power.
Steph: We don't have any way to tell yet. And we can't bark up the wrong tree for
no reason...

Steph thinks
Steph: ...

Steph chuckles
Steph: All he had to do was tell me that... now look at us.
Forrest: .....He's certainly adept at psychology.
Most cult leaders are.
Let's keep walking.
Gabby: …
Steph: Yeah...
We can figure this out later.

Gabby takes a forlorn look back at the library

Steph goes for the schule exite


Forrest considers something....

Forrest: ......A student councellor.....Carte blanche to have private one-on-one
conversations with the student body.....
Gabby: ...Diddling?
Forrest: .....No.
Gabby: .......
Steph: Does it even have to be that?
Gabby: ...I mean–... I mean, frick, I can kind of see it...
Steph: I mean... it could just be old-fashioned manipulation.
Forrest: It might not be. But if he were an Archetype, it'd make sense for his
power to be something along those lines.
The person funneling him information might not even be aware that they're doing it.
Steph: Well, if we start -- thinking that there's some kinda shenanigans going on
here before we even have proof...
All that is is a ticket to paranoia.
Gabby: ...That'd be fricked up...
Forrest: No harm in proposing theories.
Steph: What we need to do is figure out who comes and goes to his office.
We could just be overthinking this, and just ended up planning stuff by Jasper and
she heard.
...Then again, maybe Jasper is just an obvious plant?
You know, look over here and away from the one over there.
Forrest: It's a possibility.
Gabby: I mean... She did get all defensive when we were talking about Hall.
Forrest: There's plenty of possibilities.
Gabby: Way back ago.
Steph: A real spy would just sort of change the subject. They wouldn't wanna draw
attention to themselves.
Forrest: ......
......I have a suggestion.
Gabby: …?
Steph: Yeah?
Forrest: ....Hold on, let's get into town before I propose it.

Forrest WALK
Steph: Good idea...
Steph follows after

Gabby follows, finally coming down from her rush of fear

Forrest: ........
.....The detective.
Gabby: …?
Forrest: Perkins.
Steph: He's the spy?
Forrest: I'm not saying it with finality.....but I think he has the power to read
Steph: ...

Steph thinks
Forrest: When I was cornered by them, that one day....He brought up my family.
Steph: He was at NewPath...
Forrest: Oh, was he?
Steph: If he can read minds, then he definitely would have noticed us hiding there.
We were right by each other.
Gabby: ...Frick...
Steph: There's an easy way to test if he really can read minds, though.
Forrest: Which is?
Steph: The next time one of us sees him, just start thinking something that'd catch
him completely off guard. See if he loses his poker face.
Forrest: He's got a good poker face.
Steph: Then it should be really good.
Forrest: ....It would have to be someone he would never expect.
Gabby: Yeah... Hm...
Steph: Definitely not you, Forrest.

Steph looks at Gabby

Forrest: For sure. I'm his Archetype

Forrest also looks at Gabby

Gabby: …
...What'd I think of, though...? Like... Frick...
Steph: ...What's the most horrible, awful, fucked up thing you can imagine?
Gabby: …
...Viet... nam...?

Steph frowns
Narrator : dr hall naked
Space: GOD
Forrest: Think about the Agent Orange babies.
Steph: Take it further.
Gabby: ...One of them is getting delivered... and the midwife is...
Forrest: You know what a harlequin baby is?
Gabby: ...Naked Dr. Hall.
Steph: Eurgh.
Forrest: ...Jesus christ-
Steph: ...What's a harlequin baby??
Forrest: Hold it.
Save it.

Forrest glances at Steph

Gabby: .............
Forrest: ......Maybe some other time.

Gabby looks like she's eaten a bomb and is trying to hold in its explosive power
Steph: Oh... okay.
This is psychological torture, I think, Forrest.
Forrest: .....

Gabby bites her lip and sweats bullets, eyes intense

Steph: Do we just toss her over our shoulders and run around until we find the guy?
Forrest: ....We'll need to find a way to suppress it until just the right moment.
Steph: Okay... hold on.
Gabby: ..........?

Steph gets out her notebook

Steph: Let's see.. how do I word this one?
Forrest: ...?

Forrest looks at Noteb- oh boy...

Forrest: ...Careful, now....
Gabby: ...don't... don't mess my brain up, please...
...kinda need it... for school...
Steph: I'll be really careful. I can do the wording right...

Steph thinks
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 15

Steph writes:
Steph: 'I can suppress that horrifying mental image that Gabby Tran came up with,
so that she can't even think of it, but I can also bring it back with a snap of my

Steph looks at Gabby

Narrator : it wors
Gabby: …

Steph snaps her fingers

Gabby: …!
Forrest: ......
Gabby: ...Wow. What'd you do?
Steph: You okay, Gabby?
What happened?

Steph snaps her fingers while Gabby is talking

Gabby: Yeah, uh–... I was thinking of something and... I was... I was kinda
stressed out about it a–AAAAA FRICK

Steph snaps them again

Forrest: .....Looks like you got it.
Steph: It works!
Gabby: …??

Steph looks exceptionally pleased with herself

Steph: Okay, let's find that guy.

Forrest nods
Gabby: ...I'm gonna, uh... trust you on this one.
Narrator : that's it for today. though
Mobile L: Gabriella Tran: Psychological Weapon
Steph: tyke bomb
Mobile L: The Manchurian Fricker

Mac D. waves
Space: hii
Mac D.: hiii
it him
eldritch s. (GM): hiii
Gabby: manchurian FRICK
Mac D.: memoires...
Narrator : And so, the party return home...
To their beds, their lives, their material comfort.
The party notice they've been letting homework pile up, however, before they turn
in for the evening...

Forrest ahhhh FUCK

Narrator : The stresses of dimension travel distract one from routine studies...
Each clas has an assignment due on Thursday, that is, tomorrow.

Gabby motherFRICKER time to put... the GAME FACE on.

Narrator : Roll for mind and spirit.
Space: lemme use my handy dandy macros!
rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 8
thats mind

Forrest practically gets cheek cramps from scowling so much at this unfortunate
oversight he's made
Space: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + -1
= 13
thats spirit
Steph: ..God... dang it...
Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 53
rolling 3d20
= 31

Gabby MIND:
Gabby: rolling 3d20 + 2
= 20

Gabby: rolling 3d20
= 47
Narrator : Steph's work is... well, it's not for lack of effort that her answers
elude her. She has something for each slot, even if it's wrong.
Forrest... you have the knowledge but filling in all of the eternal little segments
and answers... you're so weary, Forrest... you fall asleep at your desk and dream
of bottled water.
Steph: ...Hope that does the trick...

Forrest no.....NO....they FOUND ME.....

Narrator : Gabby... as you work with ferocity at your work, you find that youi're
slipping... you're slipping Gabby...

Forrest has night terrors of being buried alive in empty water bottles by the
powers that be
Narrator : You're slipping, Gabby.
Gabby: ...Ghhh–... N-no, c'mon... I can– I can do this...
Space: gab noo...
Mac D.: gab...@
Narrator : You run and you reach and you grasp at the truth, at the knowledge that
you are entitled to... but it is like smoke through your fingers.
Gabby: ...D-dang it... FRICK... I-I can–... I have to, I...

Gabby breathes heavily, scrawling harder

Jerry Null: Gabby... what's wrong with you?
Mac D.: "slip into my office, gabby"
Narrator : *what's wrong with you
You're supposed to know this.
You have to know it.
It's your only option, isn't it?
It's your being,
Your soul and your strength is knowledge.
Narrator : You have that knowledge, Gabby.
It is your water, your sustenance.
Gabby: Why won't it come out... I have to... I have to squeeze it out... G-get the
FRICK out of there...
Space: the trouble with having an archetype is, it gets demoralizing when you run
out of motivation for something that's intrinsically core of your being
Jasper Trần: I think, Gabriella, you fall further every day.
Space: jeez jasper
Gabby: ...G-Grandpa...? I'm–... I'm trying so hard...
Eunice Trần: What wicked grandparents are we! To have coddled and nurtured and
succhored but failure in the world!

Gabby doesn't even notice her heavy scrawling has broken the lead on her pencil
Eunice Trần: It is our grave sin, to have produced such a vacuous child where such
great things could have been born!
Gabby: ...I... I'm becoming my father... I'm just like him... M-maybe worse, I–...
Douglas: Do you know why I left you, Gabby.

Gabby tries her best not to look up from, her work, but her eyes are slowly drawn
to her father
Douglas: I left you because I was afraid.
But I wasn't afraid of responsibility, Gabby.
I was afraid of seeing what a failure I could produce.
Gabby: ....................
Douglas: Your mother and I were and are both worthless slimes, Gabby.
Space: Big Man
Douglas: I guess I can take satisfaction to see that it's not my fault.
That it's something working against us in this world.

Gabby feels the tears well up in her eyes, hand practically cramped around the
Dr. Hall: Do you have anything to say for yourself?
Gabby: ..............

Gabby scrapes the leadless nub of the pencil against the desk, through a hole she
has worn in the paper
Ken: What a pathetic, slothful little wastrel...
Gabby: K-Khh–...

Gabby has squeezed it so hard that a splinter has formed and begun stabbing her in
the palm
Ken: I lie upon my deathbed awake and you should find this labour too much?
Gabby: ...I–... I-I'm sorry... E-everyone...
Narrator : Gabby wakes up.
Gabby: Ghh–... FRICK, frick, hhh...
Narrator : She'd passed out on her bed.
Gabby: ...N-no, frickin' Jesus, I–...!
Gabby rushes to her desk
Narrator : ... Tch. You had some trouble and only managed to hash out a third of
Gabby: ...Frick... Oh frick... Oh God...
Space: fucking failure

Gabby starts hyperventilating, clutching her head and staring at the half-finished
mess in a panic
Mac D.: you're slipping, gabby.
Narrator : The rest of the cast are up and about!
Get ready for school!
Steph: Hm hm hm...~

Forrest is staring at himself in the bathroom mirror, in a cold sweat

Forrest the bottles.......oh, the bottles.....

Steph goes to make up some breakfast... how about avocado on toast?

Narrator : Forrest sees a man in a bottle suit around every corner...

Gabby begins to cry

Narrator : They're drugging his food, somehow, he knows it.
Forrest: .....

Forrest makes a point to be more thorough in checking his food from now on

Forrest splashes cold water on his face to give him a waking jolt, and goes to
change out of his sweat-drenched PJ's
Mobile L: Norm :D

Forrest tap water.....much safer. the only thing you need to worry about with tap
water is the fluoride.
Narrator : roll for breakfast steph
Forrest goes undisturbed through his routine

Forrest quietly prepares for his day

Narrator : Gabby cries alone in her room...
She's burning valuble time...
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 2
= 11
Space: hewwo norm
Gabby: Nn–... nhhh... f-failure... can't... can't frickin'...
Narrator : Steph accomplishes that basic human feat.
Feel proud.
Forrest: norm you're looking kinda dumb with the finger and the thumb in the shape
of an L on your forehead

Gabby tries to force herself to hash out as much of it as she can, ignoring
breakfast and hygiene for the time being
Steph :3c
Narrator : roll mind gabby


Steph has a pretty nice and sedate breakfast routine

Space: are we still sposed to be on school map
Gabby: rolling 3d20 + 2
= 18
Narrator : yeah it's justa placeholder

Forrest 's breakfast is of course free of any of that complicated time-wasting like
Cooking and Proper Preparation
Narrator : The truth eludes you Gabby.
You'll be here all morning if you keep it up.

Forrest just pour frosted flakes in a bowl and drown that shit in milk. Efficient.
Gabby: ............

Gabby maybe that would be for the best... who needs her anyway...
Narrator : Forrest realizes that though simple, it's GRRRRREAT
Ronald Karling: Stephanie.
One thing before you're off.

Forrest takes a moment of disturbed contemplation as to why he hears Tony The

Tiger's voice in his head
Ronald Karling: I got a letter from your school guidence counsellor.
Steph: ...Is it... a good letter?
Ronald Karling: He said he'd be interested in pursuing more sessions with you.
Steph: Oh.
...Is it... like, mandatory?
Ronald Karling: It didn't seem so.
Steph: He's kinda creepy...
Narrator : Forrest is on his way to school before Tony the Tiger shows him his
hockey stick.

Forrest doesn't want to go through THAT again

Gabby spends a troublingly long time just crying like that

Ronald Karling: Odd choice for a counsellor, then.

Jasper Trần approaches Gabby's room to check oner

Jasper Trần knocks

Gabby: …?!
Steph: Yeah... uh, we'll see about that.
I've got other stuff I have to do today anyways, so... I dunno.
Speaking of...

Forrest curse this "walking to school" garbage does this nonsensical country not
Steph picks up her backpack, and goes to give Gramps a hug
Jasper Trần: It does, you just have to walk to the bus stop.
that was fir firrest
Forrest: that's not a school bus gramps that's city transit
Jasper Trần: Is everything okay in there GABRIELLA
Eunice is worried you've contracted CHOLERS and I had to check on you!
Gabby: …
...Y-yeah... 'm fine, Grandpa...

Steph with that, she heads to SCHOOL... walking like a healthy individual instead
of a certain Obese Complainer

Ronald Karling hugs her

Ronald Karling: Have a nice day.
Steph: You too! Bye!

Gabby wipes her eyes, starting to get herself dressed

Forrest complains obese-ly as he meets up with Steph midway there

Steph: Oh, ech.
Forrest: Wow, I didn't realize we were at the "wretch at the sight of me" stage of
our relationship.
Narrator : *retch
Forrest: *retch
Jasper Trần: rolling 1d20
= 17
Areyou sure... you sound like you're upset...
Steph: Haha, I'm just teasing, dude. Cheer up.
Jasper Trần: Is it... the menarche...?
Steph: Did you get all your homework done?
Forrest: No.
So I don't have much to cheer up over.
Gabby: ...Wh–... Y-yeah, I... I guess...
eldritch s. (GM): men·ar·che
noun: menarche; plural noun: menarches
the first occurrence of menstruation.
Jasper Trần: ... Oh...
Steph: Don't worry, it was tough anyways.
Jasper Trần: D- I-.... do you need help cleaning up...?
Forrest: Tough?
Gabby: ...No... I'm okay...
Jasper Trần: You're certain?
Steph: Yeah. I just ended up putting whatever down just so I had something there...
I figure, it's a 50/50 chance of being right, so that's better than nothing.

Gabby shoves all her unfinished homework haphazardly into her backpack
Gabby: Yeah... Thanks, though...
Jasper Trần: Alright...
Forrest: I'm pretty sure the odds are lower than half-and-half.
Jasper Trần: Tell Enice or Douglas or I if anything is wrong, you hear?
Gabby: I will...

Forrest: I ended up passing out just from the tedium of filling in repetitive

Gabby starts putting her hair up, doing a much sloppier job than usual
Steph: It's still better than zero!
Forrest: *AN SWORES

Jasper Trần heads off

Forrest: .....Yeah, okay, I guess.
Narrator : Eventually they all end up at school.

Forrest nods at Gab at the sight of her

Steph: Hey, Gabby!
Gabby: ...Hi...
Forrest: ....

Forrest looks at her face

Gabby looks way less together than usual

Forrest: .....

Forrest looks at Steph

Steph: ...Everything okay...?
Gabby: ...Yeah...
Forrest: ....

Forrest frowns slightly more

Steph: You sure...?

Gabby just nods a weak little nod

Steph: ...
Ms. Guildenstern: Hello, students.

Ms. Guildenstern smiles

Forrest shakes his head and tries focusing on CLASS

Ms. Guildenstern: That sounded a bit stiff, I think. I guess I haven't had enough
caffeine this morning.

Forrest .....caffeine....
Ms. Guildenstern: It's nearly Friday, huh? This week feels like it's been going on
for ages.

Steph is feeling it

Forrest could not be feeling it harder

Ms. Guildenstern: In English, we're going to be doing the Tell-Tale Heart, by...
Can anyone tell me the author?
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 18

Steph perks up immediately

Steph: Edgar Allan Poe!
Forrest: ...
Gabby: .......
Space: 3d dice is fun
Ms. Guildenstern: Yes, one of the greatest horror authors of our time.
Our time being very lose.
Of the modern period.

Ms. Guildenstern hands out copies of the story

Ms. Guildenstern seems to have forgotten about your English assignments that are

Forrest take buuck

Forrest: .......

Steph oh thank goodness...

Steph it's Readin Time Bich

Forrest suffers a deep conflict of justice

Gabby: ........

Gabby squirms a bit, looking deeply ashamed

Space: fucking dumbass

Forrest that lasts about five seconds, before just cracking the book open
Ms. Guildenstern: roll to reading comprehension
Space: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 5
Ms. Guildenstern: steph is illiterate
Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 35

Forrest the heartbeat is so obviously a metaphor for guilt it physically hurts him
poe is a hack
Gabby: rolling 3d20 + 2
= 22
Steph: this book is really a metaphor for the man's gay love for the old man
Narrator : Steph reads the story as an allegory for the nature of homosexual
Steph: ...Poe was so prescient...
Narrator : The old man was clearly the old man's sexual mentor, but at risk of the
evil eye, the eye of the public, finding out... he was forced to wicked measures.
Forrest: ....
Narrator : It's a pastiche, a satire.
Gabby is confused as to how an old guy's heart would beat when he's dead.
That's weird.
This is a dumb story.
Mac D.: gabby degrasse tyson

Gabby almost as dumb as me.......... :,((((

Ms. Guildenstern: So....
What did everyone think?

Forrest grunt
Steph: I really loved it! You could just... taste the tension between the two of
them! And at the end, when-- you know, the young man wasn't ashamed anymore about
revealing his 'tell-tale heart,' haha, his love for the old man to the world...
It's amazing that Poe would have written about gay rights even back in the day.

Ms. Guildenstern is momentarily taken aback

Ms. Guildenstern: rolling 1d20
= 11
... That's really interesting...
Gabby: ...........?!
Ms. Guildenstern: I hadn't read it that way.

Gabby what the... frick...

Space: what wouold she have said if she rolled a 1
Ms. Guildenstern: "you're stupid"
Space: ahahahahaha
Ms. Guildenstern: "next time read the story"
Forrest: ....

Forrest just gives Steph a look

Steph nods enthusiastically

Steph doesn't notice

Nathan: ... wait...

Forrest how does this girl function

Nathan: ... He was... gay...?
Steph: Yeah! It was, you know, the subtext to it!
Forrest: ..........

Forrest is physically struggling to keep quiet

Gabby begins to consider Steph's interpretation to be correct and is deeply
humiliated that she didn't catch this
Jason: I- I... I think the gay rights stuff was- I mean is- I mean w-was-er and
is... super important...
Steph: Yeah! When you think about it, Poe must have been the first modern ally.

Forrest is planting his face on his desk

Vlad: That's pretty gay.
Gabby: ........
Steph: Well, duh.
Lilly: I liked th part when he ripped up the floorboards all in a tizzy- what an
exciting scene!
Forrest: ......
Gabby: ...Yeah... Good story...
Forrest: .....
Narrator : The day goes by in much the same fashion... it seems like all the
teachers... forgot to ask for the assignments...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Forrest: .......

Forrest cannot believe this stroke of good luck

Forrest and immediately begins to suspect foul play

Gabby feels guiltier and guiltier with each forgotten assignment

Forrest this was a test of character for him and he failed they are going to flog
him after school

Steph Nice

Gabby is on the verge of tears again

Forrest: ....?

Forrest looks at Gab

Narrator : Classes end, people begin to file out...
Steph: Okay. I've still got to...

Steph checks her notebook

Forrest: ......

Gabby doesn't really notice and shuffles along with a raincloud over her little
Steph: ...?

Forrest looks at Steph

Forrest: H-

Steph looks up
Anton: H- waiting please for me!
Steph: What, Forrest?

Forrest watches Gabby trail oof

Forrest: ...

Forrest looks back at her

Anton: Y-you please make wait!
Gabby: .......?
Forrest: ....Did we manage to hold onto any of that coffee mix.
Gabby looks over her shoulder at Anton with those sad, dead-inside little brown
Steph: I... might've used a little bit. But we've got some left over, don't we?
Forrest: ....
....I was thinking of making some.

Anton seems very nervous and antsy

Anton: ...
Steph: It's pretty tasty.
Anton: ... Your day how is?
Steph: You should.
Forrest: ....Mm.
....Would you happen to have a thermos.
Steph: Uh, yeah, in my lunchbox. Why do you--
Oh, were you gonna bring some to Ms. Lachance?
Forrest: ......

Forrest just clears his throat

Gabby: ...Uh... It's... It's okay...

Gabby looks p miserable...

Anton: ... Seeming if as it be a very bad time?
Steph: Oui ou non, Forrest? Oui ou non?
Forrest: May I borrow the thermos, please.
Anton: You be seeming sads very bad lately... I have make a worry- you is sure that
nothing is hurting?
Steph: Uh, it's 'may I borrow the thermos, pleas-'

Steph realizes he already said please

Steph: ...Yeah, okay.
Forrest: ...

Steph hands him the thermos from her lunchbox

Forrest take
Forrest: ..Thank you. And the coffee mix?
Gabby: …

Gabby don't trouble him with your bullcrap, gab... this burden is yours alone to
Steph: It's at my house. I've got something I need to do, though, so you're gonna
have to either tag along with me first, or hope my grandpa is there.
Gabby: ...It's... It's really nothing, you shouldn't worry about me...
Forrest: .....Does your grandfather work.
Steph: He's retired.
Forrest: So I assume he'll be home, then.
Steph: What, do you think he just stays at home all day?
Forrest: ....Yeah, he's old, right.
Anton: Well I has... I has already make a worry, if not problem would like to make
sure thing is okay?
Gabby: …
Mac D.: that was a deadpan question

Gabby ...frick you, weakening resolve...

Gabby: ...Uh... I just... had some uh...
Steph: My grandpa does stuff!
Steph offended

Gabby don't cry... don't do it...

Forrest: What does he do?
Gabby: ...trouble with homework... and stuff...
Anton: Oooh... must have been real doozy...
Steph: ...You know... volunteer stuff, and other things. He goes places. He does
Anton: May it be that I can help with? Study Buddy?
Forrest: Volunteer work? For who?
Anton: It helps to have many people got at a thing to learn.
Steph: Forrest, I'm seriously gonna miss my meeting. Make a decision.
Forrest: .....How fast can you give me directions to your house.
Steph: Very.

Steph gives incredibly rushed directions

Gabby: ...I-I'm the one who helps others with those things... I... I shouldn't have
Forrest: ....

Gabby starting to tear up...

Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 23
Steph: Okay have fun gotta go bye!

Steph rushes out the door

Forrest: Wait could you repeat the bit wh-
Anton: ... Is a okay?
Forrest: .......
Anton: Please, you sit down need to do?

Forrest sighs, frustrated

Forrest: ....Brilliant.

Steph hurries off to... Game Center Arcade

Anton is getting stressed out

Forrest gets up and walks out, noticing Gab and Anton on his way out
Gabby: ...I–...

Gabby startin to actually cry...

Forrest: .....
Anton: Oh jeeze... oh jeeze and crust...

Forrest slows to a stop

Anton: Ehhhh....
Narrator : Steph is just fuckin goin'.
She's fast.
Narrator : roll for speed space
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 2
= 13
Gabby: ...'m a frickin' failure, Anton... w-what am I gonna do...
Narrator :
Mobile L: holy fuck
Narrator : She runs... Steph does some sick parkour... (she jumps down two steps)
She hops over a little concrete barrier...
Forrest: .....

Forrest approaches the pair

Anton is paralyzed with uncertainty

Forrest: ...Gabby.

Steph actually makes a 'woosh' sound

Gabby: ...d-don't even bother with me... g-guys... I'm just gonna–...

Gabby slinks for the door

Forrest reaches out to put a hand on her shoulder to stop her

Gabby: ...........
Forrest: ...Gabby, tell me what's wrong.
Gabby: ...........
Anton: ...
Gabby: ...I-I'm a failure... couldn't–... couldn't finish my homework, I... I don't
even think it's right... can't follow in class...
...I-I'm so disappointing...
Forrest: ....

Forrest breathes out

Forrest: Gabby...
Narrator : Steph checks the time...
Five minutes and she's late...!!!
THe place is two blocks away!

Narrator : roll brawn stephanie, for raw running power
Gabby: .........
Forrest: ...To tell you the truth, I didn't finish it either.
Anton: ... We had a home work?
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 12
Forrest: Anton didn't even remember.
Narrator : Stephanie manages to build momentum and moves through the block..
Gabby: .........

Gabby blinks a bit

Gabby: ...y-you guys... stop it...

Gabby wipes her nose on her sleeve, looking to the ground

Forrest: Steph told me she just wrote whatever random words came to mind for her
Didn't hear that from me, though.
Narrator : Steph sees her turn up ahead, she's going too fast!
Gabby: ...y-you don't have t–... thanks for trying to... make me feel better,

Gabby starts her sad, slow walk again

Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 2
= 13
Anton: .... No really, what home work...???
I is very confuse.
Space: fucking dip shit anton
Narrator : She ducks and skids and speeds down the alley...
She narrowly avoids crashing into a large Italian man
Space: eyyy im walking here
Steph: Sorry!
Narrator : Steph sees... Game Center?
Was that where she was supposed to be?

Steph Steph skids to a stop in front of the store

Steph: Haah... I made it...
Forrest: Hold on, Gabby.
Narrator : Just in time as Tabitha walks up.
Steph: Hhhhahaaahhhh...
Forrest: I'm trying to make a point here, don't ditch me in the middle of it.

Steph puts her hands on her knees, taking a deep breath

Steph: Whew...
Tabitha St. Marie: Fancy seeing you here, huh?
Steph: Sorry I'm late... someone was bothering me after class.
Tabitha St. Marie: That's fine, you could have been pretty late befored I cared!
Gabby: .......

Gabby sniffle...
Steph: ...
Forrest: Pop quiz, Gabby. What does a genius do?
Tabitha St. Marie: So, wanna follow me inside?
Gabby: ...innovate...
Forrest: And what is innovation?
You take an established convention, and you add a new perspective to it.
Gabby: ...w-what's that got to do with me fricking up my homework, though...
Forrest: Well, think it through. What is your current established perspective on
Steph: Yeah, yep yep...
Forrest: That your struggle with your studies makes you a failure?
Gabby: ...I-I've never done this before... it's always been in on time...
Forrest: Ask yourself questions.
Did you try to finish your homework?

Tabitha St. Marie heads in

Gabby: ...y-yeah... for–... I-I don't know how long it was, a–... a long while...
Forrest: And why couldn't you finish it?
Gabby: .........
...I don't know...

Steph enters on after her

Forrest: Think, Gabby. A good intellectual focuses on facts.
Factually, objectively, what was the reason you were unable to finish your
Gabby: ..............

Gabby digs deep within, that familiar pensive look peering through the gloom of her
Gabby: ...I was just so tired... and... and distracted, by all this frickin'–... by
all this crap that happened...
Narrator : Steph and Marie enter this altar to 90s-2000s futurism- this frozen
epoch of electronic retrofuture glory...
Forrest: So you were exhausted. Exhausted by everything that's happened to you.
Narrator : Nerds, misfits, and hipsters hither and thither go, working their
electronic modes of entertainment.
Gabby: ...yeah... I–... that usually doesn't matter, but...
Forrest: But you've been through a lot, recently, haven't you?
Tabitha St. Marie: Pretty cool, huh?
Forrest: You've put up with a lot of problems.
Tabitha St. Marie: Also pretty loud and out of the way, so people don't hear us.
Steph: It's so cool... I didn't know we had a place like this in town.
Tabitha St. Marie: I used to go here a lot for fun.
Steph: Not enough free time anymore?
Tabitha St. Marie: There's a little catine where you can buy fries and snacks.
Nah, I'm always on the trial of another story.
Gabby: ...yeah...
........–... am I just fricked, Forrest...?
Steph: Speaking of...
Forrest: Well, think it over.

Tabitha St. Marie sits down at one of the retro tables that looks like some Raygun
gothic ship
Forrest: Think about what you've been through.
Are you fricked, or is it the world that's fricked.

Steph takes a seat across from her

Gabby: ........

Tabitha St. Marie smiles pleasantly

Forrest: You've had to deal with some awful people the past while, haven't you?
Anton: ...
Forrest: A lot of horrible, awful "people".
Tabitha St. Marie: So.
I bet you're burning with curiosity, huh.
Steph: Well... yeah!
This is my mother that we're talking about here!
Tabitha St. Marie: You've given me a lot of juicy stuff to chew on...
And your mother, she was a really interesting lady.

Tabitha St. Marie slides the documents to her on the table

Tabitha St. Marie: I can give you the summary.
Gabby: ...yeah... frickin'...

Steph gathers up the documents, looking back up at Tabitha

Gabby: am I gonna survive, though...? I can't–... I can't just let my
academics slip like this...
Steph: I'm all ears...
Tabitha St. Marie: Well...
She was involved with NewPath, for sure.
There are records of numerous injections of money going to her from the company
pocketbook through various middlemen.
Do you know much about what your mother did for a living?
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 18
Narrator : She was in R&D or something STEM related, Steph thinks.
Forrest: How big a slip is a few missed assignments in the long-term, really?
Especially considering the humanitarian work you're already doing.
Steph: She did... you know. technology engineering stuff.
Forrest: Einstein tanked academically. He did his best work as a patent clerk.
Tabitha St. Marie: She sure did.
Steph: (not true)
(he got a's)
Forrest: (shut up, steph.)
Tabitha St. Marie: She was doing some serious R&D.
Your mom won a number of minor scientific awards for her contributions to physics.
Forrest: And I bet he never had to deal with the shit you're putting up with.
Tabitha St. Marie: Published a few studies jointly with your father.
Forrest: Taking everything into account, I'd say you're doing pretty damn well for

Steph looks surprised

Steph: Really?
Gabby: …

Gabby takes a deep breath

Tabitha St. Marie: Yeah.
Your parents were uniquely gifted, really.
Forrest: So. Let's put everything we've gone over, and apply it to the established
Tabitha St. Marie: It looked like they were going places.
Forrest: What is your revised theorem, Gabby.
Steph: ...

Steph Steph looks a little down, before looking back up

Steph: That can't be all, though... can it?
Tabitha St. Marie looks carefully
Tabitha St. Marie: Your mother knew Ruddman personally
Gabby: …
Tabitha St. Marie: They exchanged phonecalls often, from what I could tell.
Gabby: ...I had a hard night... And I was exhausted from all the frickery... So
I... I just slipped a bit...
...But... But maybe it can still be okay...
Tabitha St. Marie: Strange, despite being on his payroll, she seemed to wear the
pants between them.

Gabby wipes the residual little tears on her sleeve

Tabitha St. Marie: There are some personal notes and memos in there.
Ruddman never referred to her by first name, but she called him John.
Anton: ..................................................
Tabitha St. Marie: Your mother, at the time of the.
Was apparently on the cusp of something that had Ruddman very excited.
Steph: ...
Forrest: Gabby, you're a genius.
Steph: Did it... say anything more about.. whatever that was?
Gabby: …

Gabby small, slightly sad smile

Tabitha St. Marie: Just that it would "expedite our cause"
Gabby: ...Thanks, you guys...

Gabby looks to Anton

Forrest: ....
Tabitha St. Marie: He seemed to think she had some kind of divine gift.

Forrest looks at Anton as well

Anton is beet red

Anton: .... I didn not do a thing but... uh... welcome your?
Forrest: .....

Forrest Forrest comes to a realization, and clears his throat

Forrest: ...Sort of just-....Muscled my way into this conversation....My bad.
Tabitha St. Marie: Called her "our great Creator", which I found somewhat over the
top to be level with you.
Anton: Ehhh... no. I think you said very good thing.
Steph: ...

Steph blinks quietly at this

Tabitha St. Marie: That's the content that I got.
I'm sure Ruddman would have had more in his personal affects but that was just waht
you gave me.
Forrest: ...
Tabitha St. Marie: Coupled with some personal research.
Gabby: ...You're both really good friends, guys... I'm–... I'm real lucky to know

Gabby slightly larger smile

Forrest: ....We're lucky to know you, Gab.
Anton: Yeah a very!
Forrest: I don't know how we'd get by without you, to be honest.
Gabby: It's frickin'–... Frick, what's the word...?

Steph she thinks quietly, and sighs

Gabby: ...Mutual, that was it.
Steph: Thanks so much for all this.
Forrest: ......
Gabby: Very frickin' mutual.

Anton smiles
Anton: Yes.

Forrest is quiet a moment

Forrest then gives sort of a half-nod

Tabitha St. Marie: No need to do all that please and thank you stuff.
You scratch my back, I scratch yours.
It's a mutual partnership.
Steph: I appreciate it. So thanks.

Tabitha St. Marie smirks

Tabitha St. Marie: If you say so.

Tabitha St. Marie checks her watch

Forrest then awkwardly clears his throat again

Tabitha St. Marie: ...
Forrest: ....Right...I got to see a man about some coffee mix.
Tabitha St. Marie: I have ten minutes to kill.
Gabby: Okay... Hey, uh–!
Forrest: ...?

Steph wordlessly spreads her arms towards the arcade machines

Tabitha St. Marie smiles

Gabby: We should frickin'–... The three of us, and Steph–, we need to get together
and finish our crap while our teachers still don't remember.
Tabitha St. Marie: You got a quarter?
Steph: I've got better than that.
I have a couple quarters.
Tabitha St. Marie: Let's rock.
Forrest: ....Not a bad idea. Text Steph about it, see if we can't do something

Tabitha St. Marie stands up and heads to a machine

Steph follows her over, eager to get her Game On

Tabitha St. Marie: Aw shit...
This thing was banned in Canada until 2013!
Steph: Oh, shit!

Tabitha St. Marie looks at the scary hulking arcade machine with lights going on
and off and a fog machine inside
Steph: It looks so cool... but so hardcore, too.
Tabitha St. Marie: It's still banned in the EU and Australia.
Wanna give her a whirl?
Steph: Hell yes I would!
Anton: I think... yes.

Steph goes to put un quarter in

Forrest nods
Forrest: Alright, give me the details, I have to run.
*text me the details

Tabitha St. Marie grabs her Kill-Blaster-9000 Arace Peripheral

Gabby: Right, be careful!

Steph locks and loads bitch B)

Gabby starts composing a text for Steph

Forrest Fatwalks away........

Gabby: ...Do you know where my house is, Anton?
Anton: .....

Forrest now attempts to get to Steph's house based entirely on her Terrible Rushed
Anton: Yes.
We leave not too far away from each...
Narrator : The game boots up...
Gabby: Frick yeah, good!

Gabby texty text text

Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 26
curse this fat long-term memory
Narrator : Forrest ends up...
Wandering into
Steph: rolling 1d20
= 9

Steph doesn't notice her phone going off in the heat of battle

Anton awkwardly waits for her

Narrator : All is going well...
Until they meet
Forrest: .....?

Forrest looks around the Arcade

Gabby: ...Frick, c'mon, Steph...
...I think she's busy or some crap.
Forrest: Didn't know this was here...
Gabby: Sorry... We might have to wait a bit.
Steph: Jesus Christ, that thing is creepy...
Narrator : Hyper-Realistic Blood!
Mac D.: you can see ALL the skin pores
Narrator : It uses patented ScriabinSystem VR technology to create a macroplane
Space: fuck this is such a good cover
Narrator : Forrest is enveloped by the hallucination!
Forrest: .....

Forrest looks around

Forrest: H- Wh-...What in-!?
Gabby: gamers... TERRORISTS...
Steph: ...?
Hey! Forrest!
Forrest: Steph what did you do.

Forrest looks at Killjoy

Forrest looks back at her

Narrator : KillJoy readies its Plasma-Extractor
Forrest: Steph WHAT IS THAT.

Steph blasts at it with her lasergun!!

Steph: That's KillJoy!
rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 2
= 12
Anton: Oh, is... is very okay c:
Forrest: ....

Forrest roll 3d20 +2

Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 28
Anton: I is very happy to wait and make a speaking with you.
Forrest: .....What the fuck is KillJoy.
Steph: It was banned in Canada until 2013!
Narrator : Steph fires her gun at the beast, hitting it in its weak point...
Gabby: Nyeheh, thanks for being so cool about it... Maybe we could, like... walk
around a bit while we wait for her, or some crap?
Narrator : rolling 1d20
= 17

Gabby is shounen-protag levels of oblivious to Anton's amorous feelings

Forrest: What.
Narrator : Forrest manages to strike the TurboHighScore Bonus Box
Sixteen points onto his record!
Forrest: What's going on now what happened.
Anton: Oh...? Where's would we walk to?
Steph: You got the high score!
Forrest: *I didn

Tabitha St. Marie fires her Akimbo Blasters

Forrest: I didn't DO ANYTHING.
Tabitha St. Marie: rolling 3d20
= 36
rolling 1d10
= 10
Gabby: I dunno, maybe just around the shore. I think breathing some, like...
outside air might help my brain a bit.
Anton: You mean like on a beach?
Gabby: Yeah! Only if you're up to it, though.
KillJoy: DIE
Narrator launches a Plasma Cascade!
Narrator : Roll to Dodge!
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 2
= 10
Anton: Of course I'm is a up to such thing...
Forrest: rolling 3d20 -1
= 33

Forrest flops to the floor

Steph: Waah--!

Steph tries cartwheeling away

Gabby smiles and heads out

Narrator : Steph accidentally carthweels into a Megabomb, losing one of her three
Steph: Shit...
Narrator : rolling 1d20
= 13
Tabitha manages to dodge...

Anton follows Gabby out, hands in pockets

Narrator : The seaside breezes blows gently against their faces, caressing them and
filling the two with vigour.
The waves lap gently against the shore of the small island the school is situatedo
They ripple long and far away.
steph it is your turn
Gabby: ...Ahhhh, frick. That's better, that's a lot better...

Forrest is still flat on his face on the floor, attempting deep breaths
Gabby: ...Where were you from again, Anton?
Forrest: (Okay....Okay....Calm. CALM. Calm. Focus. CAAALM.)
Anton: Magya-... Hungary, you is call it in English.
Steph: Nngh...
Anton: Is a small, land-locked country in Europe.
Next to Austria.

Steph switches to her Turbogrenades, tossing them at KillJoy's legs to force it to

its knees
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 2
= 14
Narrator : Right in it MaximaVeins!
rolling 1d10
= 6

Forrest slowly rises to his feet, looking at Killjoy

Forrest: ....Alright....What am I supposed to do.
Steph: You gotta kill it, Forrest!
Gabby: Ah, right... What's it like there?
Forrest: ...Right. Kill it. With what.
Anton: Stern. Beautiful, but... lacking a softness.
Hard place.
Like my brother.
Gabby: Huh... Your brother, uh...
...I don't think he likes me very much.
Anton: He not like many people.
Steph: Here!
tosses her laser gun towards him
Anton: Do not be taking personality.
Forrest: ....?

Forrest looks down at it

Forrest: .....Well...alright.

Forrest just sort of awkwardly takes aim and pulls the trigger
Forrest: rolling 3d20 -1
= 41
Gabby: ...Yeah, he seems like that kinda guy... No offense or anything.
...Is he good to you, at least?
Anton: Yes. He loves me muchly.
rolling 1d10
= 6
Narrator : Sick Damage!
Tabitha keeps the damage output up...!
Forrest: ......
Narrator : rolling 1d10
= 7

Forrest will not admit that that felt better than expected
Narrator : Dodge another Plasma Cascade!
Forrest: ...Oh, GOD-
rolling 3d20 -1
= 33
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 2
= 12


Steph does a sick matrix dodge

Narrator : rolling 3d10
= 16
Tabitha loses a life!
Gabby: …

Gabby smiles

Forrest looks at her

Gabby: Good. He'd frickin' better, nyeheheheh. He's lucky to have a good bro like

Anton smiles

Anton blushu...

Steph runs to try and stab KillJoy in the face with her LasKnife
Gabby: ...I always kinda wished, uh...
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 2
= 19

Gabby looks slightly bashful, like she's self-conscious a bit

Anton: rolling 1d10
= 10
Narrator : Steph destroy's KillJoy's shield!
Forrest: ....
Anton: You have not siblings?

Forrest breathes in, and takes aim.....

Steph: Got it!

Forrest PEW PEW

Forrest: rolling 3d20 -1
= 45
Anton: rolling 1d10
= 5

Forrest all those times fighting Actual Murderous Monsters is starting to pay off
Narrator : Forrest gets the DeadEye Point Bonus!
He's leading!!!!
rolling 1d20
= 9
Tabitha misses...
Gabby: Yeah... I was an only child, 'cuz, uh... Like, it was–... They didn't expect
it, let's say, and they didn't even plan to stay together, so... I mean, that's
Narrator : KillJoy fires its VisceraExtruder!
Forrest: Oh, jesus-
rolling 3d20 -1
= 19
Narrator : Forrest loses a life!
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 2
= 5
Forrest: I'm starting to see why this game was banned for so long.
Steph: Ahh, shit! My viscera!
Anton: ... I see.
... It's very nice here.
Narrator : rolling 1d20
= 19
steph turn
steph loses life too
Steph: Forrest! I'm gonna get the high score!

Steph throws her knife at KillJoy's weak spot... The Open Boob
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 2
= 11
rolling 1d20
= 11
Forrest: Uh...okay.


Forrest: rolling 3d20 -1
= 17
Narrator : It's closed now...
Gabby: It frickin' is... This weather is so good.
Narrator : rolling 1d20
= 17
rolling 1d10
= 5

Gabby takes a big sniff of the seabreeze, sighing in contentment

Steph: Good Job, Forrest.
Forrest: Don't even start.
Anton: Yes... warm, temperate.
People are very kind.
Narrator : ... The RIPPER STORM- RUN!!!!!!!!!!
Forrest: What is with these FUCKING ATTACK NAMES-
rolling 3d20 -1
= 34
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 2
= 7
Gabby: I couldn't imagine living anywhere else.
Narrator : Steph... you're done...
Steph: Oh no!
Gabby: ...Well... I mean, sometimes I think about Texas, but that's only because of
my cousins.
Texas has gotta be frickin' nuclear hot, though.
Tabitha St. Marie: STEPH
Forrest: Wow. Nice gore effect.

Anton sweats at the thought

Anton: ... I cannot imagine the heat of the cowboys... how do they wear the hats in
weather like that?

Forrest looks back at the Enlarged KillJoy and opens fire once more
Steph: Blurgh....
Forrest: rolling 3d20 -1
= 25
Steph: That looks... just like my spleen...

Steph is discomforted by this reminder of her own mortality

Forrest: The dead don't talk, Steph.
Anton: rolling 1d10
= 7

Tabitha St. Marie is going feral at the guns

Forrest: ....
Tabitha St. Marie: rolling 1d20
= 20

Forrest glances uncomfortably at her

Forrest: ...Are you okay.
Tabitha St. Marie: rolling 1d20
= 17
Forrest: Wh- God fuck-
Gabby: Well, the hats are to, like, shade you from it... My cousin Bính, he
frickin' actually wears the stuff, like spurs and all, he's got all these pictures
of it on Facebook.
He says he can even talk with the drawl, but like... his English is kinda shaky, so
I frickin' doubt that.
Anton: Eheh...
That sounds really cool.
Steph: Dude... that was sick as shit!
Narrator : You... have... won...!
rolling 1d20
= 17
Forrest has the seecond highest score!
Forrest: .....Uh.
Narrator : It asks for three initials.
Forrest: ....How do I input this.
Steph: Put STF! For Steph, Tabitha, Forrest.
Forrest: .....

Forrest ponders this for a moment

Forrest and punches in FTS instead

Steph: Rude...
Forrest: It sounded better to me.
Gabby: Yeah... If I wasn't like, cultivating my professional image, I'd probably
just frickin' dress in plaid and overalls and one of those lumberjack hats and say
"eh" a lot.

Anton starts laughing

Anton maybe a bit nervously

Gabby: Nyeheheh! All the looks I'd get from white people, could you imagine?
Narrator : YOU ARE FREE...
Steph: That was seriously the coolest fuckin' thing! Honestly...
Bystander: Holy shit they beat KillJoy and didn't MKULTRA...
Forrest: ....?
Bystander: That game killed more people than Evil Otto...

Forrest looks back at the audience

Forrest: ....Wait, hold on, what-
Narrator : It's a bunch of arcade scum.
Forrest: ........
Anton: That'd be... very interesting sight, eheh...

Forrest stands there, awkwardly and quietly for a moment

Forrest before look at Steph

Forrest: ...Your directions sucked.
Anton: But good to cultivate... professionalism image.

Steph quietly basks in the adoration

Steph: Yeah? You rushed me.
Gabby: Yeah! Frickin'–... You really can't start too early, I don't think, not in
my prospective line of work...

Forrest: I did no such thing.

Gabby pauses to consider something

Gabby: ...What do you want to do for a living, Anton?
Forrest: I need new directions.
Steph: Okay, here...

Steph gives him slower directions this time

Steph maybe a bit slower than they need to be

Forrest properly soaks in this more delicately paced stream of information

Steph drawing out the words a bit so he can catch them

Forrest: ......

Steph like talking to a kindergartener

Forrest starts feeling patronized by the end of it

Steph: Did you get all that...?
Forrest: Crystal clear.
Steph: Aw, good.
Forrest: ....

Forrest Annoyed FAe

Forrest *face
Anton: I don't really know yet.

Tabitha St. Marie cheers

Tabitha St. Marie then cheks the time

Tabitha St. Marie: ... Fuck I'm late.
Steph: Shit!
Tabitha St. Marie: This was nice bye.
Steph: Sorry!

Tabitha St. Marie runs out

Steph: Bye!
She's so cool...

Forrest watches her go

Forrest: ......
So was she your appointment.
Steph: Yeah!
She got the info from those files... about my mom.

Steph holds up the files she got

Forrest: .....Oh.
Gabby: Well... I mean, you still have time, of course. I dunno, I just–... I've
been thinking about it for me since I was eight... Is that weird?

Forrest Looks at her holding the files

Forrest: ...So what'd you learn.
Steph: What, did you think I ran off so I wouldn't miss my video game appointment?
Don't answer that.
Forrest: ...
Steph: ...
Anton: Nothing... is weird.

Steph shoots the bystanders a look

Anton: I think.
Forrest: ...

Forrest glaaance
Anton: People do their own pace.
Forrest: ....Right, yeah, somewhere more private.
Narrator : They clear out and go back to their games and fries
Steph: This place is so cool... we gotta come back sometime.

Steph starts out

Forrest: .....
Gabby: ...Yeah... Y'know, I think that's pretty apt.

Forrest follows her

Gabby: You're, like–... You're pretty wise, Anton.
Steph: So... Mom worked for NewPath. As, like, their R&D boss.
Forrest: .....Big name, huh.
Steph: She knew Ruddman personally. There were a lot of phone calls between them.
Anton: Pssh... I'm... nothing special.
Steph: ...It's weird, 'cause she called him John, and he called her Mrs. Karloman.
So I guess she was more the boss?
He also called her a Creator. Capital-letters.
Gabby: No, but like, you're really good at these kindsa things, insights and life
advice and stuff. Like, you gotta remember that, okay? Might help you out later on
down the line.
Forrest: .....A Creator.
Steph: She was right on the cusp of something big, right before... you know.
Forrest: .....
Anton: I'm glad you, eh, thinking so...
Forrest: ...Do we know exactly what that 'something bis' was.

Anton rubs the bacck of his neck

Steph: Not a clue.
This was all just, like... in the files we found. Ruddman, personally, might have

Gabby smiles... then frowns a bit

Gabby: Steph's still quiet...
Steph: If you understand what it is I'm hinting at.

Gabby starts to text again

Steph: Crimes is what I'm suggesting, Forrest.
Steph: ...?

Steph checks her phone

Steph: ...Oh, shit! Gabby texted me!

Steph hurriedly texts back

Forrest: I have caught on to your intent of thievery, yes.
.....Oh- yeah, we discussed that earlier.
Steph: [yeah lol sorry about that, was at a very important meeting w/ tsm wrt mom]
[sounds good i got mine done tho]
So, are you in, or are you chicken?
Not to peer pressure you into breaking and entering or anything like that.
Forrest: You intend to do this tonight?
Steph: Fuck, I mean... it'd be a good idea to get an eye on the dude's schedule,
first. Like if he's got any election-related stuff he has to go to, we could slip
in then while we're sure he's not there.
Forrest: .....
...I don't think I have a suitable frame for espionage and burglary.
Steph: [yeah a bit. more questions than answers]
Forrest: ....But the idea of your going off on your own and getting arrested or
killed is also unappealing.
Steph: Yeah, I don't feel like it's wise to go it alone.
I don't wanna have to ask Gabby, and Lilly and Suzie were...
Forrest: I'm certainly not letting you make Gabby an accomplice of this.
Steph: I mean, I guess they were sorta helpful.
Oh, fuck no!
Forrest: .....
....Alright, then. I guess I don't have a choice.
Steph: I mean, you do.
You totally have a choice.
Forrest: I really don't.
Steph: It's just that there's a choice between a right answer and a wrong answer.
Rather than both choices being valid.
But it's still a choice!
Forrest: You're right, and the wrong answer is trusting in your competence.
Steph: Sheesh... It's kind of withering when you put it that way.
[sounds good]
Forrest: Don't get cold feet now, you're on a roll.
Steph: Okay, well, let's go and check the campaign schedule before we break into a
building with absolutely zero planning.

Steph starts off towards her house

Forrest: ......

Forrest follows
Gabby: …
Forrest: ......
...What do you make of this. Finding out all this about your mother.

Gabby wonders why Steph doesn't use highly visible and striking capital letters in
her texts
Steph: ...
It's kind of a weird feeling, honestly.
...Like... you ever see, like, someone on Youtube, or whatever, and you look at
them - and you start getting this image in your head about what they're like off-
camera, right? And it's sort of like you know what they're like personally, like
they're close to you.
So if something comes up that contradicts with your made-up picture of them in your
head... it's a little jarring to the system.

Forrest kind of twitches when she starts with "see someone on Youtube," for some
Space: .... :<
Forrest: .........Right. I see what you mean.
So what was your image of her, then.
Steph: I don't really know.
I just...
It's a weird feeling.
She definitely wouldn't have told me about any of this stuff. If she was alive.
Y'know? That's not something you let your kids in on.
So... there's already a big secret there.
Steph: ... I don't know. It's weird to think about.
Forrest: Is it possible she was protecting you.
Steph: Honestly, she probably just didn't really think it would come up. I was
really really young.
And... you don't really... factor in head-on collisions to your life plans.
Forrest: ....
Narrator : i think we'll call it here
Mac D.: okie...
Space: really good!!!!!!!
Mobile L: ME too
Space: seer im really glad u did this
Mac D.: im glad we were able to do it again
I want more soon pls c: c:
Narrator : i think if i can keep a handle on my workload we can do this regularly
Space: i would really love that so much
Mac D.: i would adore that
i need this back in my life
Mobile L: Rooting for my man Eldy!!
SR3NORMANDY: This was a good time!!
Narrator : c:
Mac D.: you're all here!!
Mobile L: Frick yeah
eldritch s. (GM): wow that was quick
Mac D.: feels good man
Narrator : Forrest and Steph approach the foot of Steph's home.
Forrest: ....
Narrator : Gabby and Anton continue to mill about, taking a walk along the town...

Steph Steph heads in, over to the kitchen

Forrest follows along

Gabby is very chill with Anton, again feeling that emotion she can
Steph: They should be over there.

Gabby *can't describe where she wishes she had been friends with someone sooner

Steph points vaguely, pulling her phone out to check what the Political Schedule is
looking like this week
Forrest: ....

Forrest attempts to locate the coffee mix base on Steph's Vague Pointing

Anton smiles at her, charmingly

Narrator : Hm...
It appears...
Oh Wow!
The election already happened!
Steph: Oh, shit.

Steph checks to see if the results are in

Forrest: What?
Narrator : They came in several days ago, stupid!
Steph: Oh, shit.

Steph checks to see who won

Forrest: ....What?
Narrator : rolling 1d6
= 4
Jerry Null, NDP.
Steph: Nice...

Steph pockets her phone

Steph: Did you find it yet?
Forrest: ...Are you going to explain what that was.
Steph: Oh, yeah, the NDP won. Election's already over.
Forrest: ...Oh.
Steph: Soo... we won't have to worry about breaking into a MP's office. It's just a
prominent local businessman's office.

Gabby looks ahead at Liz Rubik and co., rather curiously

Forrest: Oh, good. I feel safer already.
No, I haven't found the mix.
Narrator : the socialists.... won.....
Steph: Ugh...

Steph starts looking too

Forrest: Maybe you should try something other than General Pointing, next time.
I don't feel comfortable rooting through another person's cabinets.
Narrator : That little lot dispereses, just being a chance congregation.
Steph: Seriously?
Forrest: Do you?
Anton: So....
Steph: Uh... yes?
Anton: Homing work...?? Would be done where?
Forrest: .....

Steph does she Find Кафе

Forrest: .....Unsurprising.
Anton: roll mind space
Gabby: ...Oh, uh–... I was thinkin' my house, unless you had a better idea or
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 9
Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 37
Anton: Oh! Is a sound very good...
Narrator : Neither of them have the basic human abulit to locate coffee mix.
Gabby: Nyeheheh, good... Grandma and Grandpa are pretty cool about visitors.
Forrest: excuse you sir i rolled a eleven
Gabby: ...You're fine with cats, right?
Narrator : it's not your house forrest.
Forrest: i am of AVERAGE intelligence
Narrator : you don't know where anything is.
Anton: rolling 1d20
= 17
I love kitty!
Steph: Ugh... where is it?
Forrest: You keep your coffee ''in'' the kitchen, right.
Steph: Of course! Check by the coffee machine..
Forrest: Where is the coffee machine.
Gabby: Good, nyeheheh! 'Cuz Grandma does too... Like, a lot.
Steph: Over on the counter.
Gabby: You wanna go there now and wait or something?
Anton: Sund a very nice.

Gabby grins and leads her man to the Gabhouse

Forrest: ...

Forrest checks the counter

Anton: roll duf
Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 19
Mobile L: the drawing still lives. c:
Forrest: ...Where on the counter.
Mobile L: ... :c
Steph: Over there.
Narrator : There are multiple counters.
Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 28
Anton: .... Hey! Is a Chopin!
Narrator : Look!
Gabby: ...You recognize him??
Forrest: ....Here it is.
Gabby: ...Uh, sorry, I mean–... Like– like not very many people do...
Steph: Was that so hard?

Gabby kinda taps her fingers together

Forrest: Having to rely on you? Yes.
Narrator : He is famous musician...
naton says that\


Gabby: Yeah... He's– he's my favorite ever...
Narrator : Forrest wraps his floppy flab meat around the coffee

Gabby gazes dreamily at his many, many portraits

Anton anime sweat bead.jpg

Forrest: ...Alright. Now we make it.

Forrest stares at the Coffee Machine

Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 35
Steph: You know how to operate a coffee machine, don't you?
Gabby: Like, everything he did was perfect, all of his compositions... I think he
was maybe the best of all of them.
Narrator : It could not possibly be a complicated task.
Forrest: It could not possibly be a complicated task.

Forrest M A K E
Gabby: ...Like, purely subjective of course, nyeheheh... But the pure emotion of
his work, the beauty in each and every piece...
Machine: Coffee Machine Noise

Gabby is clearly dazzled

Anton: ... Yes....
Forrest: ...There. Simple.
Steph: Obviously.
Anton: Liszt is favorite of mine.

Forrest watches the machine work

Forrest: ...
Gabby: Oooh... He was pretty good too, yeah. Like, didn't girls go all crazy over
him, like with Justin Bieber nowadays or some crap?

Anton nods
Anton: His music... he break his hand while practice...
Gabby: ...Owww, oh man... Poor thing...

Gabby looks genuinely sad for him

Anton: Very taxing in performence.
Steph: .....
Forrest: .......
Narrator : It squirts out coffee.
Gabby: He must've busted his butt. The best composers did.
Forrest: ...Look at it go.
Narrator : DId you put anything there to catch the coffee
or did you just
fire it

Forrest it was not a complicated task.

Narrator : i mean i'm asking
Forrest: of course i did b0ss
Narrator : The thermos is filled.

Forrest has obtained: Exotic Coffee

Forrest: ....Alright. Done.
Anton: Liszt was friend to many composers... he and Chopin much.
Steph: Alright! Are we ready?
Anton: Liszt was Magyar- ehm, Hungarian.
Forrest: ..Are you coming with me?
Gabby: Oooh... But he had such a German name... Then again, like... Chopin had a
French name, but he was Polish.
Maybe that was part of their friendship?
Steph: Well... duh. I thought that was the plan?
Anton: Liszt Hungarian surname...!
Meaning fluor.
Forrest: I didn't expect you to tag along, no.
Gabby: Frick, really? I never woulda known...
Forrest: ....I can't stop you, though. I guess.
Steph: If you don't want me to go, I don't have to.
Gabby: ...Franz Flour, nyeheheh.
Anton: Yes... is funny.
Forrest: I don't care, you can come if you want.
Steph: Well, do you want me to come?

Anton looks around

Forrest: ...I don't feel strongly about it either way.
Steph: Okay, then I'll come.
Forrest: .....
Gabby: ...Oh, there's my, uh... my piano. I got it when I was like, 8, but I only
know how to play a little bit.
Forrest: Let's get going, then.


Gabby: I've always been so busy studying...
Anton: ... Very nice piano.
Used to call piano "pianoforte"
Which means quiet-loud.
Harpsichord could not make different volume, why piano was so revolutionary.
Narrator : So....
you venture

Steph adventure trek...!

Narrator : Hotel Dieu
belmont's oldest hospital
Gabby: Ooooh... Yeah, harpsichord sounds pretty uniformly jangly. Is "pianoforte"
Italian or something?
Narrator : founded by french settlers travelling in captured waves
Steph really enjoys reading about local history
Narrator : The two of you stand in the lobby.
Steph: ...I don't like hospitals.
Forrest: ...
Narrator : Who else but Jasper at the Information Desk.
Forrest: ...I'm not a fan, either.
Narrator : She looks bored.
Forrest: .......

Forrest looks at Steph

Forrest: (Did you know she works here....)
Anton: Yes!
Steph: ...
(Not whatsoever...)
Anton: Much of music words is Italy's...

Steph walks up to the front desk

Forrest: ....

Forrest follows suit

Steph: Hey, Jasper.
Jasper: My family built the hospital, if you must know.
Steph: Oh.
That's really neat.
Gabby: ...Like, why is that? I mean, they also invented opera, it's like they have
a whole big classical market cornered.
Jasper: We have been working with it generation after generation.
Forrest: ....Well, okay.
Jasper: I knew you were wondering why I worked here.
Forrest: I was about to ask, yes.

Gabby idly walks over to her piano stool and plops down all casual like
Steph: Forrest was.
Jasper: Certainly.
Forrest: You were, too.
Steph: We're here to see Ms. Lachance?
Forrest: ....

Anton watches her, hads in his pockets

Forrest grunts, and looks back at Jasper

Anton: What assigns... give troubling.
Jasper: Uh-huh.
Let's see what floor she's on.

Jasper pulls out a ledger

Forrest: ....
Jasper: It's quite a pain for the hopsital to keep these updated all over, so she
may have moved between then and now.
Gabby: Uhh... Frig, let's see. There's one for English, one for math...
Forrest: ...That's fine.

Jasper flips over the pages casually

Gabby rummages through her sloppily-packed backpack, trying to organize it all

neater than she did in her stupor this morning
Jasper is taking her time
Forrest: ...........

Forrest starts to tap his foot

Anton watches, nervously

Jasper seems to slow down in response

Steph: ...
Gabby: ...How's about we start on yours now since you didn't realize and all?

Steph looks around the waiting room

Forrest: .......

Forrest frowns harder

Anton: Ah... which should we start first....?
Narrator : People go to and fro, speaking to people and milling about and waiting
for their appointments.
Gabby: ...Let's say math. I'm at least pretty good at that.


Jasper finally settles on a page

Forrest: ...

Jasper traces her finger down it

Jasper: ...

Jasper flips the page

Forrest: ......

Forrest INHALLLLLLE......exhalllee.....

Anton opens his own stuff

Anton: Yes...
This not so very hard.
Steph: ...

Anton traces her finger slowly down this page

Steph closes her eyes, trying to enter a zen state

Jasper: i do that
Forrest: ...................

Jasper stops tracing

Jasper: ...

Jasper smiles
Forrest: ..
Jasper: Lachance, Rachel.
Room 344.
Forrest: ...Thank you.
Jasper: Third floor, FYI.
Forrest: Right.
Steph: Gotcha, thanks a bunch!


Jasper: No problem.
Steph starts off walking for the stairs
Jasper: Come again soon.
Gabby: Frick no, easy peasy!
Forrest: ...?

Gabby tries to walk Mr. Hungary through the problems

Narrator : The duo go their seperate ways...

Forrest looks back toward Steph, heading for the stairs

Narrator : roll miend gabby
Forrest: .....

Forrest resumes the trek to the elevator

Gabby: rolling 3d20 + 2
= 43
cute and smart anime girl teaches math.

Forrest third floor booton....POOSH

Anton nods, gets it

Anton: Yes... easy stuffs.

Steph walkin up to the THIRD FLOOR.. like a healthy lass

Forrest: you got fat, foxhole

Nurse Foxhole stands in the elevaor with him

Forrest: ........
Nurse Foxhole: ... Funny seeing you here.
Forrest: ....Likewise.
Narrator : Steph walks up...
And up...
and up...
Don't you remember what happened in this hospital, Steph.
Gabby: Good!
Steph: ...

Steph quickens her pace

Gabby beams, overflowing with that old, familiar confidence

Steph looking back over her shoulder perhaps more often than she should
Gabby: ...Now English, I guess. Never been my strong suit, but I can hack it.

Anton smiles
Anton: What nexting?
Nurse Foxhole: Yeah.
Just visiting.
Narrator : What are you running from, Steph.
Forrest: ....Mm.
Steph: .......

Steph she starts lightly jogging up the stairs

Forrest: ....Been seeing her often?
Narrator : The stairwell is dark and cramped.
You can almost hear the churning of the earth and the charnal velvet.
Gabby: Uhhh... History, how 'bout?
Anton: Yes... is a worksheet on German unification...

Nurse Foxhole is silent

Steph tries to get herself calmed down as she hurries up

Forrest: .....

Nurse Foxhole then clears his throat

Nurse Foxhole: Yeah.

Steph it's just a hospital... that's all...

Steph ...right?
Forrest: ...How's she been.
Gabby: ...Friggg, eheh... That might be kinda–... Here, lemme get out my textbook.
Narrator : Is it.

Gabby reaches inside her vacuous bag and grabs it, flipping around for crap on that
dusty old subject
Narrator : It is a house for the sick and the dying.
A cathedral of frailty.
Mac D.: steph broke a rule in a grabbed by the ghoulies level
Space: that's a vintage reference
Nurse Foxhole: .... We haven't spoken.
I've just waited by the door.

Gabby tries to power through it and give Anton a hand

Forrest: .....
Anton: roll mind gabbb
Forrest: .....I see.

Steph Steph stops in the stairwell to catch her breath

Steph: Ggghhh... God dammit...
Narrator : This is where they died.
Mac D.: you didn't EEEEeeeEEEeEEeEaT your VEEEEeeeeEEEegiIIIIiiiEEE you fed them to
Steph: God...
Narrator : Where you had to lie.
On the brink of the reaper's claws.
Steph: This was a fucking mistake...
Gabby: rolling 3d20 + 2
= 32
Anton: rolling 3d20
= 29

Steph leans on the railing, clutching it in a deathgrip

Anton: This is a tough time...

Steph puts a hand to her forehead, trying to calm herself

Narrator : How can you be expected to face this...?
Gabby: ...Yeah, God... Like...
Narrator : You are an artist...
A creator.
A lover of beauty.

Gabby scratches her head with her pencil

Narrator : Not around this decay.

Nurse Foxhole coughs

Nurse Foxhole: This elevator sucks.
Steph: I'm here for Ms. Lachance... I'm here for her. I just gotta get up... go and
say hi and...
Forrest: ....
Gabby: ...Should we just wait until Steph and Forrest are here or something?
Forrest: It's cramped.
Steph: God, where the hell is Forrest...?
Gabby: For this one, I mean.
Narrator : Would you care to roll for that, Steph.
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 20
Anton: I'm such thinkings, yes...
Space: h
Mac D.: s t r o n g
she just Haki Pulses the ghosts away
Narrator : ... You're better than that, you realize, Steph.
You're alive.
They're dead and you could have been but you're alive.
Gabby: Alright, shouldn't be any big deal... Science next, maybe?
Mobile L: :D :D
Narrator : And as a living person, you should exercise that power today and not
have some weird emotional episode on the stairs.
Steph manages to stand upright and climb the stairs.
Forrest: ....
Narrator : Just as the elevator dings
Steph: Okay... grip successfully gotten.
Forrest steps out, seeing Steph
Forrest: Oh, hey.

Steph stops, seeing Forrest and Foxhole

Steph: You just... took the elevator?
Anton: Yes, I's liking this...
Forrest: ...Well, yeah.
What'd you do, take three flights of stairs.
Nurse Foxhole: The lights are broken on those stairs.
You're not supposed to take them.

Gabby gets that game face back on...!!

Forrest: Yeah, Steph.
Gabby: Let's do this.
Nurse Foxhole: There was a sign.
Forrest: Shame, shame.

Gabby: rolling 3d20 + 2
= 28
Anton: rolling 3d20
= 11
Narrator : You're slipping, Gabby.
Steph: I, uh... missed that completely.
Narrator : In front of someone else this time.
Gabby: ...........
Mac D.: mind grampa starts to materialize behind her

Gabby takes some deep breaths to try and steady herself and tries very hard to
think about what Forrest told her earlier
Forrest: Evidently.
Gabby: ...frick...

Nurse Foxhole rubs the back of his neck

Forrest: ...You didn't slip or anything, did you.

Anton is just as hopeless as you are Gabby

Gabby: ...Maybe, uh... We should wait for them with this one, too...
Steph: Nah. I just, uh...

Gabby is visibly having that confidence waver

Anton: ...
Yes, seems gooding...
Steph she pauses. Her normal sarcasm is a bit drained at the moment.
Forrest: ......?
rolling 3d20 +2
= 45
Nurse Foxhole: ...

Forrest notices this distinct Lack Of Sass

Steph: ...Anyways, let's get going.
Forrest: .....
....Alright, let's.

Forrest TO ROOM 344

Gabby: ...Yeah, uh... Yeah. English.

Gabby focus, gabby... you're a genius... you're a genius...

Gabby: rolling 3d20 + 2
= 49

Steph We Go
Narrator : You are a genius, Gabby.
Baby Geniuses 2: Superbabies

Gabby :D :D :D
Forrest: ya did good, gabster.......ya did good....
Gabby: thank you, forrest's force ghost... c:
...So, yeah, that's what a semicolon does!
Narrator : With Anton's help and support, you both manage to pull through...
Nurse Foxhole: ... This is her room.
Forrest: .....

Gabby wipes the sweat from her brow and kicks back a bit, satisfied

Forrest looks at Foxhole

Forrest: ......Do you want to....
Nurse Foxhole: ...

Nurse Foxhole smiles, nervously

Nurse Foxhole: I guess I'm a bit too much of a coward for that.
I think you two should go to see her.
She'll be happy to see you two.
Forrest: ......

Forrest looks at Steph

Steph: ...
Anton smiles
Anton: Is fun time!
I is happy to do with you.
Steph: Sorry, man.
Forrest: .....
Gabby: Yeah! Nyeheheh, you're a heck of a study buddy, Anton.
Nurse Foxhole: Don't worry about it.

Nurse Foxhole smiling still

Forrest shuts his eyes and exhales quietly, before looking towards the door and
Gabby: Why didn't I think to do this sooner, eh?

Ms. Lachance is curled in bed and faces the window

Steph walks in after him

Steph quietly shutting the door behind her

Forrest: ......

Forrest stares at her, gripping the thermos in his hands

Steph: Hey, Ms. Lachance...?
Anton: Much the same thing oif ou... is a great experience...

Ms. Lachance perks up

Ms. Lachance looks at them

Forrest: ....
Ms. Lachance: .... Oh.
It's you two.
Gabby: ...Maybe we should, like... collaborate more? You're really sharp, and you
know a lotta stuff.
Forrest: ....Hello...Ms. Lachance.
Steph: ...How're you holding up?

Anton flushes
Anton: ... E-eh.... yes... you know muchly as well!
Mobile L: brb briefly, restroom
Ms. Lachance: ...
They've been keeping me until they say I've recovered.
It was exhaustion and stress.
They say considering the levels and previous medical record they were going to keep
me until I was at least healthy enough to not risk another episode.
I'm surprised you're visiting me.
Steph: Well...

Steph pauses, looking to Forrest

Forrest: .........Considering?
Ms. Lachance: ....
The way I acted to you... little twerps.

Ms. Lachance it sounds weaker than it should, forced

Forrest: ......I wasn't offended.
Ms. Lachance: ...
Steph: Well... and, I mean...
It's stress, y'know? It makes people...
Steph is fumbling a little, trying not to accidentally offend or make her feel bad
Ms. Lachance: ... Would you believe I can barely remember what happened.
I guess my memory did it to spare me the anxiety.
Forrest: ....
Ms. Lachance: But wondering what I did.
What kind of joke I made of myself

Ms. Lachance rests back down

Gabby smiles warmly, her cute lil' brown eyes sparkling dreamily...
Ms. Lachance: That's worse, I think.
Forrest: .....
Gabby: ...I'm just, like–... really lucky, I think.
Forrest: ...We brought you something.
Steph: ...Oh! Yeah! We did.
Gabby: To know you, and Steph, and Forrest and Ken, and all the others...
Anton: We is the truly luckiest peoples, i think, to beknowing ofyou.

Forrest approaches closer to offer the thermos

Ms. Lachance: Whatever it is, it's wasted on me.
When I get out of here, I'm done.
I can't deal with anymore... worthless... little in...s...

Ms. Lachance seems to run out of energy as she speaks

Gabby: Nyeheheh, shucks... Like...
Forrest: .....
Gabby: ...Did you have a lotta friends in Hungary, when you were there?
Forrest: ....I don't think it would be a waste.
Anton: Ah.... no.

Ms. Lachance turns to look at him

Ms. Lachance sees the thermos

Steph: Yeah. Things happen... but it doesn't make you a bad person.
Gabby: ...Uh... Like, if it's not too much to ask, how come?
Ms. Lachance: ...

Ms. Lachance gently takes it

Forrest: ...
Ms. Lachance: ...

Ms. Lachance looks at them

Ms. Lachance gently starts opening the thermos

Forrest: .....

Forrest shuffles his feet

Narrator : As it opens, its warmth and vapors are released...
Ah, but what serenity...

Steph doesn't know what to do with her hands, standing awkwardly

Forrest did not expect this coffee to hold so much Power

Narrator : For a moment, through those invisible velveteen curtains, the three of
them see the phantoms, the Platonic forms of a world... in a new light.
Forrest: ...?...
Narrator : There is a sweet silence for a few moments.
Anton: ... No one like the nerd?
Ms. Lachance: ...
Gabby: ...Aw, frig... That sucks.

Gabby pats Anton lightly on the arm a bit

Steph: ...

Steph damn good cup of coffee...

Ms. Lachance looks at them

Forrest: ....We hadn't had your coffee in a while.
Ms. Lachance: There are three plastic mugs in the drawer.
Forrest: ....

Forrest awwwkwardly shuffles over to get them mugs

Gabby: See, frickin'–... It was the opposite for me, y'know? I mean, kinda, in a
way, because I thought if I was close to anyone besides Grandma and Grandpa and
maybe Dad if he got his act together– which he did, thank goodness...

Ms. Lachance pours all of them a mug

Gabby: ...But I thought it'd mess me up academically, y'know? So I hid myself from
Ms. Lachance: THe only way to take this is black.

Steph gingerly takes her mug

Ms. Lachance: Anything else and the subtlty is lost.
Forrest: .....

Forrest stares at the mug

Ms. Lachance: You have to enjoy it as it is or not at all.
Forrest: ...r-....Right.

Ms. Lachance watches them

Forrest: ......

Forrest gulps nervously, then sloooowly goes to sip it

Anton: Oh... seeing I do.
Friends good, I think, learning-wise.
Narrator : rolling 1d20
= 17
The blend makes up for any reservations Forrest may have about black coffee.
Forrest: ....!

Forrest 's face relaxes slightly

Steph sips it, very quietly

Steph taking the time to enjoy it

Forrest: ....This is a lot better than I expected.
Gabby: Yeah... It actually helps, to have someone else there. Grandma did that a
lot when I was younger, but...

Gabby seems to have the realization hit her as she says these words
Ms. Lachance: ...

Ms. Lachance gently sips hers

Gabby: ...I mean, now that she's gotten older, I can't like, lean on her as much.
She still works and everything, y'know...?
Ms. Lachance: ...

Ms. Lachance holding it close to her heart

Ms. Lachance: ...
Gabby: ...So I'm really lucky to have such good peers. Really really lucky...
Ms. Lachance: Why did you do this.
Forrest: .....
Steph: Well... to make you feel better!

Forrest looks up at her from his Cuppajoe

Anton: Understand... yes, undestand very much.
Is mutual luck, as I say again.
Forrest: ....Thought you would like it.
Ms. Lachance: But why even care.
I'm awful to you.
Nothing but a monster.
That's how it has to be.
Forrest: ......Why does it have to be that way?
I thought you were a good teacher.
Ms. Lachance: ... Then I guess I gave you the wrong impression.
Forrest: I enjoyed our conversations.
Steph: You always...
It wasn't maybe the nicest class to be in, but you really pushed me to better
myself and improve.
Forrest: ....Sure, you were angry, and cranky, and loud all the time, but...
....I don't know, I didn't hate it.
...Maybe that's just me.

Gabby beams... and then looks back down at THE SCHOOL PIE
Gabby: *pile
...Did we miss anything?
Ms. Lachance: ...

Ms. Lachance stares into her coffee

Ms. Lachance grits her teeth

Ms. Lachance shaking slightly, perhaps with anger

Ms. Lachance: ... Why doesn't anyone ever understand.
Forrest: ....?
Steph: ...
Ms. Lachance: I'm a monster.
I'm awful.
Why doesn't anyone ever get it?

Ms. Lachance looks up

Ms. Lachance: How hard to I have to try to show that to you? To everyone?
Anton: We gave all thing... good college try, huh?
Steph: ...If you have to try, then... maybe you aren't really one?
Forrest: .....Ms. Lachance.....why do.....
....Why do you think you're a monster?
Ms. Lachance: ...
I'm just worthless.
I'm not smart, I'm not kind, I'm not brave or attractive or hard-working, I'm not
good or patient or eloquent...
Gabby: ...Yeah, looks like it! Frick, nyeheh... I hope Forrest and Steph don't mind
too much.
Ms. Lachance: All I can do is slither by in mediocrity, not fit to be seen on the
same ground as other people.
Forrest: ....
Ms. Lachance: I just want to be left alone so I don't have it rubbed in my face.
Steph: ...

Steph rubs her arm, uncomfortably

Ms. Lachance: Which is selfish, I know.
But it's just part and parcel of what I am.
Anton: It gives us an up leg to give them a handing...!
Forrest: ......I think there's a lot about you that isn't mediocre.
Gabby: ...Yeah! Nyeheheheh, that's a good one!

Gabby is so cute when she laughs...

Anton laughs nervously

Steph nods with Forrest

Forrest: ...Your taste in coffee, clearly, is impeccable.
....You have an excellent way with words.
Gabby: Wanna, like... frick around a bit while we wait for them?
Forrest: You exhude a charisma I don't think I've seen before.
....I guess, in a way, you're like this coffee.
Anton: Ah!
Steph: ...

Steph considers this

Ms. Lachance: So I'm bitted.

Steph sips the coffee, to taste it again

Ms. Lachance: *bitter
eldritch s. (GM): i'm just picturing
taking the loudest sip
in the history of humanity
Steph: And complex.
Forrest: Maybe, but everything else about you blends together into something
greater than that.
Forrest: Something that even an asshole like me can enjoy.
Ms. Lachance: ...

Ms. Lachance looks down into it

Ms. Lachance: Sometimes I wish people would just see the me that I see.
It'd make it easier to be mean.
Steph: But you don't have to be mean.
Forrest: ....You're stuck inside a single perspective, I think-

Forrest glances toward the door

Ms. Guildenstern looks at where Forrest glances

Ms. Lachance: 1488
Forrest: when did YOU get in here
Gabby: Frick yeah, nyeheheh! Uh...
...Frick. I'm not the best at fricking around, evidently.
Ms. Lachance: ...
Gabby: ...You wanna hear me play the only song I know how to play yet on this

Nurse Foxhole 's tears stream from beneath his sunglasses

Steph: ...

Steph ah.
Forrest: .....

Forrest looks back at her

Nurse Foxhole: ....

Nurse Foxhole clears his throat

Anton: Absolutely yes!

Gabby BEAM
Nurse Foxhole: ...
We... ehm...

Nurse Foxhole wipes his eyes

Gabby: Alright...
Nurse Foxhole: I tried to, ehm, tell you this.
Way back.

Nurse Foxhole look at the two of them


Nurse Foxhole: She and I used to date, uh.
Gabby: …
Forrest: I'm aware.

Forrest siiiiip.
Nurse Foxhole: We broke up.

Steph nods quietly, looking from Foxhole to Lachance

Gabby attempts to play "Chopsticks"

Nurse Foxhole: roll gabby finesse
Gabby: rolling 3d20
= 52
Nurse Foxhole: ... It was because I was too much of a, erhm, pussy, to help her.
Ms. Lachance: ... I hated you every day since for leaving me.
Forrest: .....
Ms. Lachance: ...

Ms. Lachance looks at her coffee for a moment

Ms. Lachance: ... Or maybe that's not why.
Steph: ...

Steph tries to take a very quiet sip

Ms. Lachance: I hated you because I hated myself.
Mac D.: rolls finesse and botches
The Loudest Slurp You Ever Heard
Ms. Lachance: And I needed someone else to hate.
do that steph
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 2
= 7

Anton claps eagerly and enjoys her rendition of "Chopsticks"

Gabby :D :D :D
Ms. Lachance: And I-

Ms. Lachance looks at Steph as she starts coughing on her coffee

Ms. Lachance: ...

Steph utter mortification

Mobile L: I think I watched an episode of Breaking Bad exactly like this
Steph: Sorry! Sorry. Ahgm.
Ms. Lachance: ...
Steph: Sorry.
Ms. Lachance: ... I should be the one who's sorry.
To all of you.
Gabby: Nyeheheh, thank you... Can't believe I still know it.
Ms. Lachance: None of you deserved this...
Forrest: .....You have nothing to apologize for.
Anton: You is super very much a talent!
Steph: Yeah. You certainly don't... you know, deserve any of this!
Gabby: N-nah, uh... shucks, not really, I barely ever touch this thing...

Gabby now SHE'S blushing...

Anton grins
Forrest: ...What will the two of you do, now.
Nurse Foxhole: ... Uh...
Probably talk alone for a while.
Forrest: ....

Forrest looks at Lachance

Ms. Lachance seems okay with it

Forrest: ....

Forrest nods

Forrest hands Foxhole his Mug O' Coffee

Forrest: Here, drink this.
Steph: ...

Steph finishes her mug, quietly setting it down

Forrest: And appreciate it.
Gabby is enjoying all of this positive peer attention a good deal... BUT
Gabby: ...Frick it, I think I'm gonna text them real quick. One sec.


Nurse Foxhole: Oh, uh... thanks...???

Nurse Foxhole sips


Forrest looks at Steph

Forrest: ...

Forrest get text, check Phone

Forrest: .....

Forrest look at Steph again like OOOP

Steph: ...We should probably, uh... be going then?
Forrest: ....yeah.

Forrest looks at the two of them, nodding, before heading for the door
Forrest: .........

Forrest briefly stops at the door way

Forrest: ....

Forrest quietly pulls out Perkins' Trusty Magic Rock and looks at Lachance through
Narrator : Just a lady, dood.
Steph: It was good seeing you guys... uh, take care.
Forrest: .....

Forrest pockets it, nodding to the both of them, before making his exit, quietly
shutting the door behind him
Steph: ...So what's the story?
Forrest: ...Gabby's study group.
Steph: No, I mean.
That thing you had.
Forrest: ....This?

Forrest holds up The Rock

Steph: Yeah, what'd you see?
Forrest: ......Nothing.
She was completely ordinary.
Steph: Oh, thank goodness. That's a relief...
Forrest: .........

Forrest looks....odd.
Steph: ...What's up?
Forrest: ....Huh?

Forrest looks at her

Steph: Something's up with you.

Steph starts walking to the elevator

Forrest: .....I should say the same for you.
Forrest follows her
Steph: You go first and I'll go next.
Forrest: .....
....I just feel odd about this whole thing, is all.
Steph: It's kind of sad. I think we're walking in on something that's beyond our
ability to really fix.
Forrest: .....Maybe we made it better than it was before.
Gabby: …
Steph: I hope so...

Gabby impatient foot-tap

Forrest: ....
Anton: ...

Forrest has a sort of tranquil, quiet look in his eyes

Forrest it then disappears, and he looks back up at her

Forrest: ...Alright, you next.

Gabby callously assails Steph and Forrest's moment

Steph: This is the hospital my parents and me were taken to after...

Steph checks her phone

Forrest: .....
Steph: [yeah gab]
Narrator : my parents and i steph
you want to be an author
Steph: its dialog bitch!!
Gabby: ...Okay FRICK, phew. They're okay.
They always take so long to tell me!!
Anton: WHat relivings...
Steph: After, y'know.

Steph steps out of the elevator

Gabby: Frickin' heck...
Forrest: ...I see.
Bad memories, then.

Gabby pouts like she's put-out, but she smiles playfully and looks legit relieved
Narrator : brb gonna shit my pants
Forrest: .....I probably shouldn't have let you come, then.
Mobile L: Don't shit them too hard Eldy
Steph: Well, I didn't think it'd hit me like that...
I had this weird emotional thing going up the stairs.
Forrest: ....Just, a sudden attack?
Steph: Yeah, I don't like hospitals.
Forrest: .....
...Are you feeling okay?

Steph shrugs
Steph: I mean...
I'm fine now.
Forrest: ......
...If you say so. Let's not keep Gabby waiting.
........You know where her house is, right.
Steph: 'Course I do. You haven't been there?
Forrest: No.
Mac D.: ....right?
Mobile L: I don't think so, nope. The last big meeting in her HOASE was pre-
Forrest, IIRC
Forrest: No, I haven't.

Jasper smirks at them from the desk

Jasper: Was the visit nice.
Forrest: .....
Steph: ...Oh, hey again.

Forrest glances at Jasoer

Steph: It was, uh... a hospital visit.
Forrest: ....It was fine, thank you.
Jasper: I'm glad.
Come again soon.
Forrest: ...Mm.

Forrest nods to Steph, and goes to EXIT HOSPITALE

Steph: See ya...

Steph Audieos, French Place of Death

Narrator : The two freaks show up the the Tran home...

Forrest knock knock knockity knock

Gabby: ...Oh! Frickin' finally!
Forrest: Sorry about the hold-up, had business to take care of.

Forrest: .....

Forrest looks at this fucking Serial Killer's bedroom

Gabby has a very cute and tidy bedroom, aside from this massive collection of
pictures of a dead Polish man
Forrest: ....................

Forrest CLEEEEARS his throat

Forrest: ....Is that a piano?

Anton waves at them politely

Forrest nods to Anton

Gabby: Yeah! I played Chopsticks on it earlier for Anton.
Forrest: No kidding. Wish I could have heard that.

Gabby ... c:
Gabby: I'd probably butcher it doing it over, nyeheheh...
Anton: We work a bit on the work while you two out...
Got a some down...

Steph pokes her head in

Steph: Hey hey, guys!

Gabby Frederic Chopin stares Forrest down with his beady eyes and his Steve
Buscemi-esque features
Gabby: Steph, hey!
Forrest: ..............

Forrest is not comfortable being judged by all these Chopins

Gabby: Yeah, we made some headway... Uh... Kinda got hung up in a couple areas,
though, we were hoping you could help a bit.
Forrest: ....Right. The work, yeah.
Let's start going at it.

Gabby nods and scurries over, narrowly avoiding tripping over an errant kitty

Steph Steph gets her homework out

Steph: So, uh... what's happenin', Anton?
Anton: Having nice time doing these work...


Forrest: Right- where'd you get stuck.
Anton: Science... History
Gabby: Yeah...

Gabby looks a bit ashamed

Forrest sees Gabby's SHAME

Forrest: ......
....No worries, teamwork makes the dream work.
Gabby: ...Yeah!

Gabby smiles, cheered up, and gets those pesky bits of homework back out

Steph it's time... to get a cracken

Forrest examines the PROBLEM PROBLEMS

Anton: which subjct first

Anton: all rol mind
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 7
Gabby: rolling 3d20 + 2
= 35
Narrator : steph: "what's an atom"

Steph is actually dragging the group down a little

Narrator : she's distracting them
Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 31
Steph, please.

Gabby rubs her temples and mutters "frick" under her breath
Steph: Sorry, could you just glow over the part with-- haha, glow over. Go over how
we, like.... get the thingy?

Gabby this image stares Steph down right from the top of the piano
Steph: ...
Forrest: ...

Steph a sudden thought flashes into Steph's mind unannounced - 'Sinners in the
Hands of an Angry God'
Steph: ....

Steph unease

Steph reaches up to turn the image around so it's facing Gabby

Gabby: …

Gabby is soothed by the picture and smiles serenely

Narrator : The group managed to pull through and corects a few of Steph's answers
Forrest: .....

Forrest watches Gabby, then glasses uneasily at Steph

Forrest *glances
Forrest: glass her

Steph seems embarassed

Space: glass steph

Gabby smiles dreamly and mutters "frederic" under her breath

Narrator : glass her

Forrest clears his throat and shifts in place

Gabby write write write, happy gab

Forrest: ...Right, well, that was simple enough.
Narrator : No...
Now you must face History
Forrest: ......
Narrator : German Unification

Steph finally, something easier!

Forrest FUCK
Gabby: ...Okay. Uh.


Gabby: Anton and I don't understand this German unification crap, like, at all...?
There's just so many moving parts!
Narrator : The fat, bushy face stares back at you...

Forrest eyes narrows as he locks gaze with Otto's photo

Steph: Think of it as, like, a story.
You got the characters, you've got the conflict, you've got who wants what...

Forrest in this mental duel, he must use all his strength

Gabby: ...I mean, I guess...

Gabby shifts her gaze uneasily from this smelly kraut and back to dear, corpse-like
Gabby: ...That means Bismarck is the hero, then...??
Forrest: ....................
Gabby: He doesn't, uh... look very heroic, so I have a hard time imagining.
Forrest: Think 'protagonist,' not 'hero.'
Gabby: ...Huh...

Gabby is envisioning a dapper, debonair Bismarck, like some kind of idealized

version, like... like a Spirit... of his Heroism... A Heroics Ghost...
Steph: He was kind of a dick.
Gabby: ...Right...
Steph: He's, like, the guy who drives the story.

Gabby Gilgamesh Bismarck

Forrest: ................................

Gabby still smells like cabbage and stale farts, probably...

Forrest is having a bad time, steph

Narrator :
this picture is included in the notes
Steph: ...
Gabby: …

Steph stares at Young Bismarck

Steph: ...
Forrest: ..........................................................................
Steph: ...

Forrest just
Steph: His smug aura mocks me.

Forrest turns the page

Gabby and her fourteen year-old thirst are helped greatly by this image and her
mind conjures a dastardly, dapper young Bismarck in a very anime outfit
Steph: ...

Steph her gaze lingers

Forrest is now visibly sweating

Steph: ...Damn you, Bismarck...

Steph can't pull her eyes away

Anton: ...
Gabby: ...D–... D'you guys see what I mean...?
He's hindering it.
By being so... so Bismarck.
Forrest: I don't like the way he's staring at me.
Gabby: …

Gabby IDEA
Steph: I feel like my skull is going to explode and I can't explain why.

Gabby angles the pic of corpselike Chopin with the angel towards Forrest


Gabby: ......
Narrator : on the next page is
Steph: ...

Gabby but... but his beautiful face...

Steph: Like...

Gabby angles it back

Steph: His jacket...

Forrest looks like he's been shot

Steph: His arms aren't in the sleeves.
Gabby: ...This one's EVEN WORSE.

Steph gets up, taking her arms out of her sleeves

Steph: He's doing this.
Forrest: ....................
Steph: What the hell is he doing?
Look at this. This isn't how you wear it!
Gabby: I don't frickin' know???

Forrest SLAMS his hands on the piano

Gabby: …!!
Steph: Does this look right? Does this look okay?
Forrest: .......i need a drink of water.
Gabby: ...go ahead.

Forrest quietly slips out of the bedroom

Narrator : Forrest slips into the cozy hall by the bedroom.
Steph: ...

Anton wipes the sweat fron his forehead

Steph sighs, petting a cat to make herself feel better

Forrest exhales, free from the terrible eyes of Germans, and searches for the
Gabby: ...See what I mean, though? Frickin'... agh...
Narrator : It's right by her rom.

Gabby clutches her forehead

Narrator : *room
Steph: What's this one named?
Forrest looks over. Ah! Convenient....

Forrest goes to Rehydrate

Narrator : Feast on the Water Forrest


Narrator : The Bottled Men Can't Find You Now
Gabby: Oh, that one's Larry! She's real nice.

Forrest Bismark was undoubtedly a Bottled Man. He's the type.

Gabby: ...Grandma thought it was a girl's name for the longest time, nyeheh.
Steph: Aw, Larry...

Forrest eventually finishes drowning his sorrows in H20 and goes to slip back into
the bedroom
Narrator : bottled men are like masons on crack
Forrest: and you thought the bilderbergs were bad

Gabby Forrest is assailed by a cat rubbing his leg as he re-enters

Forrest: ...!

Forrest looks down at Cat, slightly startled

Steph tries to give Larry tummy rubs

Gabby Larry accepts this!

Forrest: ....

Forrest stares at Cat

Gabby Forrest's cat is clearly ancient, but sweet

Forrest: ....

Forrest holds hand out in front of the Cat

Anton checks the time

Gabby kitty sniffs. kitty RUBS.

Anton: Oh no!
Forrest: ...?

Forrest looks At Anton

Gabby: …??
Anton: I have to be back at home sooning or brother be worrying...
Forrest: ...Oh.
Gabby: ...Aww, okay. Sorry we couldn't make more headway with history.
Anton: Is fine, he could help maybe...

Anton stands up, hastily packing

Anton: Thanks all much for helps...!
See you at school tomorrow...!

Anton rushes out

Gabby: Bye, Anton, thanks for coming over!

...He's really nice.
Forrest: He is.
....I think History is a subject to be tackled some other time, how about you two.
Steph: Yes. Absolutely. Fuck Bismarck.
Gabby: ...Yeah, maybe... I just hope they don't ask for homework next time...
Forrest: Don't worry about it too much.
....We visited Ms. Lachance.
Steph: ...
Gabby: ...Oh... Uh...
...How is she?
Forrest: The issue isn't Nihilist in nature, I don't think.
Gabby: ...Ohhhh, thank frick.
...Like... Is she just depressed, then?
Forrest: .....Something like that.

Forrest updates her on The Lachance Situation

Gabby: ...She needs to see a shrink. Not Hall, someone good, someone who will take
care of her...
Steph: Well... it's a good thing we know someone like that, right?
Forrest: ....?
Steph: You know... Dr. Graham?
Forrest: ...Oh- right.
Gabby: ...Oh, yeah! Like... Can she be talked into it...?
Forrest: ...I'll try.
I don't intend to leave this matter be just because it's not related to the
Gabby: ...That'd be really, really good of you, Forrest. She responds well to you
and she needs all the help she can get.
Forrest: ...?
Gabby: ...You just, like... have a way with her, I think. And with other people,
for that matter.
You can get in here.

Gabby points to her heart

Steph: Yeah. You've got this, like... this knack.
Forrest: .....That sounds ridiculous.
I ask a lot of questions, that's all.
Gabby: No, really. I still don't know how to get in there, but you do it so
...I'm rooting for you, y'know?
Forrest: ....

Forrest is looking uncomfortable again

Forrest: ....Can we change rooms? I feel like these pictures are eyeballing me.
Gabby: ...You mean Chopin...?
Forrest: Yes, Chopin keeps staring at me.
Gabby: ...Yeah, uh... He doesn't–... I mean... If he were alive and here and stuff,
I'm sure he didn't mean it...
...B-but, uh, sure.

Gabby looks a bit embarrassed and also slightly sad

Forrest: ...

Gabby Chopin stares...

Steph: ...
Forrest: .....Where should we go.
Mobile L: he comes. he watches.
Gabby: Uh... The living room, I think Grandma and Grandpa won't mind.
Careful, though, there's more cats.
Forrest: Right. Yes. Excellent. I'll mind my feet.

Forrest OUT. OOOOUT.

Gabby Chopin gives him a parting glare...

Steph: I don't mind Chopin...

Steph picks up Larry, bringing her with

Forrest: Good for you.

Gabby sad...

Gabby Larry is complacent and purry

Forrest exhales as he finds himself in the safety of the living room.......

Mobile L: Hotline Miami angle
Grandpa comes in with a shotgun

Gabby hops on the couch, looking like a tiny little thing on top of it
Forrest: .....

Forrest settles for sitting crosslegged on the floor

Gabby: ...C'mon, you can sit down on the furniture. You're a guest!

Steph sits on the couch

Steph: Forrest is just being Forrest.
Forrest: ....This is fine.

Steph at least she's feeling better enough to be vaguely rude again..

Forrest: .....
Jasper Trần: C'mon sonny...!

Forrest all is right with the universe...

Forrest: ...?
Jasper Trần: Siddown- we bought this stuff for a reason!

Gabby has her face light up when she sees Grandpa

Forrest: ........
Gabby: Nyeheheh, yeah! C'mon.
Jasper Trần: what are you doing forrest
Gabby: Grandpa, this is Forrest, he's from America.
Jasper Trần: I've met a few Americans in my time... fine men, fine men indeed...

Forrest stares at the couch

Gabby is compact enough to leave a good deal of room for Forrest's American-sized
Forrest: .......

Forrest slowly, cautiously, awkwardly sits

Gabby c: c:

Forrest: ..............It's-.....Nice to meet you, Mr. Tran.

Steph smiles, waving at Jasper

Jasper Trần: Nice to meat you, sonny and missy!
Gabriella tells me all about you...
You must be...
And you...
Jasper Trần: Sally.
Mac D.: "NICE TO MEAT YOU" draws fork and knife

Steph has to cover her mouth to not laugh at Forrest being called Furry
Forrest: ................
Steph: No, no, it's Steph!
Forrest: ....Forrest, sir.
Jasper Trần: Staph?
Steph: ...Y-yes!
Jasper Trần: I got one of those once...

Jasper Trần shudders

Gabby tries not to giggle at poor old Grandpa...

Jasper Trần: Forrest and Staph...
Names are strange these days, eh...?
Gabby: It's–... it's a bit different, Grandpa...
Forrest: .....Maybe a little.
Steph: It's short for Stephanie.
Jasper Trần: Staphknee?
Steph: ...

Jasper Trần laughs

Forrest: ......
Jasper Trần: You're pulling an old man's leg!

Steph what a sweet old man...

Steph: No, it's Steeephanie.

Jasper Trần flushes

Space: jasper is so good

Jasper Trần "steep fanny"

Jasper Trần: W-w-w-pardon mee?
Steph: I said, it's Stephanie. Stephanie Karloman?
Forrest: ........

Forrest glances Stephward

Jasper Trần: Charlemagne...
Mobile L:


Space: oh my god
Jasper Trần: Karloman was the brother of Charlemagne, you know...
Gabby: ...Whoa, Steph... Are you related to Charlemagne, then?
Steph: ...Oh, wow... maybe, huh?
Gabby: You should get a test! I only know, like, a bit about Charlemagne, but
that'd be so cool!
Jasper Trần: The descendents of Charlemagne, the Carolingians, were called
Forrest: ........

Gabby kid-like excited fidgeting

Forrest is handling this Sitting In The Middle of A Packed Couch Thing slightly
Jasper Trần: he seeps
Steph: Karling is my mother's maiden name...
Jasper Trần: ...
Forrest: .....
Jasper Trần: ...
Steph: ...?
Jasper Trần: ....
Gabby: ...Did, uh... Did you know her, Grandpa...?

Gabby shifts a bit, nervously

Forrest: .......
Jasper Trần: Hwha? No...

Jasper Trần shift in his seat uncomfortably

Gabby: …
Jasper Trần: ... Let's see what's on the screenie...

Gabby has a discomforted feeling in the pit of her stomach

Steph: ...

Steph that's weird. that's weird.

Forrest would say something, but is currently putting an enormous amount of mental
and physical effort into not brushing against steph

Forrest is having a Poor Time on this Couch

Jasper Trần watches the TV

Forrest: ............
Jasper Trần: ... Oh my...
... Do children like NASCAR...?
I have it recorded....
Gabby: ...Uh, y-yeah, put it on...
Jasper Trần: ...

Jasper Trần puts it on

Steph: ....
Forrest: ................
Jasper Trần: ... I'm sorry you had to realize that way.
Gabby: …?
Steph: ...Had to realize what...?
Jasper Trần: ...
That your ancestors were related...?
Steph: Oh!
No... I'm sure it's just a coincidence.
Forrest: . . . . . . . . .

Forrest thinks 'this is punishment. i am being punished i am being set up.'

Gabby: ...Oh! Uh... Yeah, I mean, Grandpa, it's been, what, like?
Hundreds of years?

Forrest 'that man set me up, he's with THEM.'

Jasper Trần: Oh!
Right, those happen...
Ah... I suppose I should get dinner cookin' before Eunice gets home.
One of you can take my seat.

Jasper Trần stands up with the loud cracking of joints

Jasper Trần makes his way to the kitchen

Forrest: ............
Gabby: ...You need any help, Grandpa?

Forrest FLIES off that fucking couch

Jasper Trần: Nah...
Have fun with your friends.

Gabby whoa... Forrest must REALLY like chairs.

Gabby: Okay, just call me if you do!
...I hope he makes burgers. Or pho.
Jasper Trần: assburgers.

Forrest gives a sizeable exhalation as he sits

Steph pulls her feet up to sit sideways on the couch now that Forrest is gone
Forrest: ...So.
Descended from kings, huh.

Jasper Trần shouts

Jasper Trần: EMPERORS
Gabby: Yeah!
Steph: ...It's just a name, anyways.
Gabby: ...Me, I'm probably just the descendant of like... rice farmers. And
whatever they frickin' farm where the frogs live.

Gabby shivers a bit

Forrest: True. You act nothing like royalty, anyway.
I'm certain there's a few intellectuals in your family line, Gabby.
Gabby: ...I hope not commie ones.
Steph: And you, Forrest... that's the most American name I ever heard.
Forrest: I am American.
Gabby: ...No, Steph, that would be "Billy Bob".
Steph: Yes, that's why I said that.
Oh, like Billy Bob Freeman?
Gabby: No, no, like–... Billy Bob Lee... Or Billy Bob Roberts-Williams.
Forrest: I'm from Jersey, not a swamp.
shrek: what are you doing in my swamo
Steph: Isn't Jersey a swamp?
Gabby: No, it's full of Italians.
They don't like swamps. Just pasta and badly-constructed restaurants that FRICKIN'
Forrest: ...
Steph: ...

Steph coughs
Gabby: ...You're not Italian, though, Forrest, you look like an English or Scottish
guy to me. That's, like... I think that's pretty okay. Maybe you're related to
Steph and she doesn't know.
Forrest: Jesus, I'd hope not.

Steph shudders
Gabby: Why, do you guys wanna date each other...?? Nyeheheheh!
Gabby looks like a little imp about now

Steph gags bodily

Steph like, actually, visibly gags, like irl

Steph like involuntary gagging action, it happened

Forrest: .........
.....There's your answer, I think.
Gabby: ...Jesus, Steph, that's kinda...
Forrest: No, no, that's about right.
Gabby: Okay...
Steph: What? I just choked on something.
Forrest: Right.
Steph: Like, spit.
Come on now.
Gabby: I mean, you may as well wanna frickin' date from how much you always
frickin' bicker and pick at each other.
Don't think I don't notice.
Steph: That's stupi--... Very silly. Um.
Forrest: That's absurd.
Gabby: Like... Why do you guys keep doing this?
Forrest: Doing what.
Steph: It's not my fault Forrest is like that.
Gabby: Bickering! You're always together and you–... okay, that's fricking mean,
Why're you so mean to him?
Forrest: She's not wrong.
Steph: I'm not mean!

Gabby looks to Forrest

Gabby: And why do you always get on h–... Grandma!

Eunice Trần walks in the front door

Forrest physically winces at the INCREDIBLY LOUD VOICE BEHIND HIM

Steph: ...

Gabby JUMPS off the couch and tacklehugs Grandma

Eunice Trần is an incredibly fat woman forrest

Eunice Trần hugs her granddaughter

Forrest: .......

Gabby snuggle snuggle snuggle

Forrest is fearful of this Kodiak Bear Of A Woman

Eunice Trần: There is my little sweetie snoockerdoodles...
I see you brought friends home... good...

Steph feels a little ashamed of herself for being mean in the vague vicinity of
Eunice Trần: Will they be staying for dinner...?
Steph: Uh... will we?
Gabby: Yeah, I think so!
Forrest: ....I didn't give the go-ahead to my parents that I'd be staying that
Gabby: ...Oh...
Eunice Trần: Oh... tch, that is such a shame.
But it is alright!
Let us at least see if we can give you something to chew on before you leave...
Gabby: Yeah, just a little snack, nothing huge.
Forrest: ....It-...It's fine, Mrs. Tran.
Eunice Trần: You must be terribly hungry after that studying, and- No! I must
Forrest: ........
Gabby: Tiny little snack...

Forrest has been forced to Accept Hospitality all day today HE HATES IT
Forrest: ......................
Steph: ...
Gabby: ...Anyway, uh. You should be nicer, both of you.
Forrest: It's fine, I don't care what she says about me.

Steph was literally about to look at Forrest and go '...Starving to death, huh?'
Gabby: I love you guys both and seeing you be mean to each other makes me die
Steph: ...okay.
Forrest: ......
Jasper Trần: A WHAAAAAAT
Steph: ...(they're like right by each other...)

Forrest wants out of this Saccharine Nightmare

Gabby: So you'd fricking better or I'll start being meaner to you than you are to
each other!
Steph: ...Gabby, you don't have a mean bone in your body.
Gabby: I can make 'em mean. Don't fricking make me, Steph.
Forrest: Try being mean to me, Gabby.
Gabby: ...You should brush your frickin' hair and also cut it, you look like a
Forrest: ......

Gabby snarls like a little chihuahua

Eunice Trần is agahst

Eunice Trần: GABRIELLA
Forrest: ....!
Gabby: …!! g-grandma...


Steph ...oh my god

Forrest: ......Wait-
Steph: That's not-
Gabby: ...g-grandma, I'm sorry... I can explain...

Gabby puppy dog eyes

Forrest: Mrs. Tran-
Eunice Trần waits to hear explanation
Forrest: ....I asked her to try being mean to me.
Eunice Trần: Oh!
Gabby: ...yeah... Steph said I didn't have a mean bone in my body, and then–... y-
Eunice Trần: Children these days, all manner of strange games...
Forrest: .......

Gabby looks like she 'bout 2 cri...

Eunice Trần brushes Gabby's hair with one of her bear claaws
Forrest: ..........................

Steph rests her head on her arms on the couch's armrest, looking at Gabby
Steph: ...

Eunice Trần hands Forrest a tupperwear container full of leftover Vietnamese fare
Eunice Trần: There you go!
Forrest: ....Oh-

Gabby makes this exact face

Gabby: C:
Forrest: ...Uh-..Thank you, Mrs. Tran.
Eunice Trần: Consider this a gift from our family to your family!
Forrest: I'm sure they'll appreciate it very much.....
Gabby: Grandma, you're so sweet...

Gabby hugs her again

Eunice Trần: Nonsense!

Eunice Trần hugs back before looking at Forrest

Eunice Trần: Make sure to stay safe on the roads at this hour...
Forrest: ...

Forrest nods
Eunice Trần: There are all kinds of salesmen and child touchers...
Forrest: I will, Mrs. Tran.
Eunice Trần: The thought of such a thing happening to a BABY BOY...

Eunice Trần visibly is shaken

Eunice Trần: It is too much...
Forrest: ............................i

Forrest WANTS. OUT.

Forrest: ......

Gabby is beaming with GRANDPARENT LOVE

Forrest: ...So that's why she's not mean.
Gabby: ...N-no, I am mean! Grr...

Gabby: I'll frickin' show you... someday...
Forrest: I need to be heading home, I think.....
Gabby: ...hippie.
...Okay, thank you for coming over.

Forrest nods
Forrest: It was........................nice.
Gabby: I really loved it.

Steph has the biggest smile on her face

Forrest: You have a good family.
Gabby: ...You're like, uh... It's almost like, uh...
...Like I have a brother or something...
Forrest: ...
....Yeah, well, it's experience, I guess.
Gabby: ...Anyway, uh. You didn't get to meet Dad, but maybe next time. He's nice.
Forrest: .....
Gabby: He's doing a lot better now.
Forrest: ....Is he like them.
Gabby: Uh... Not really?

Forrest oh thank god

Forrest: ...Right. I look forward to it.

Gabby beams
Forrest: ....You have a good night, Gabby.
.....You too, Steph.
Steph: Yeah. You too, Forrest.

Forrest makes his exit from THE HOUSE and starts for his own home
Gabby: Bye! Tell me how those spring rolls turned out!
Forrest: JESUS-
Narrator : Forrest is greeted by Naomi's masked form standing outside the door.

Gabby smiles to Steph, clearly oblivious to any discomfort Forrest experienced

Forrest rubs his forehead, inhaling sharply

Steph: He's a good guy.

Steph rests her head on the armrest

Forrest: ...Naomi....You startled me, there.
Steph: He just needs to... learn to live a little?
Faceless One: Oh, jeeze, I'm sorry.
I hope you had fun.
I kinda, uh, followed along.
Gabby: ...Yeah. But I think we're doing a good job teaching him, y'know?
Forrest: ......You-...You did?
For how much?
Faceless One: A while.
Gabby: And maybe if he comes over more often, Grandma and Grandpa can teach him,
Faceless One: I sorta waited outside the school for a while.
I didn't want to bug you so I followed behind.
Steph: That'd be cool...

Steph doesn't think it'd be successful

Gabby: ...They could teach you some stuff too, Steph.
Forrest: ........You could have said something, it wouldn't have bugged me.
Steph: Me? But I already know everything...

Faceless One shrugs

Faceless One: I know being seen around a gloved girl in a melted Shatner mask is
Gabby: Frick no, I've never seen you make a spring roll.
Forrest: ......Well, I mean, I don't look all that much better.

Faceless One chuckles

Faceless One: Don't be so hard on yourself
I think you look pretty cool.
Steph: But all that means is you've never seen it...
Forrest: ......Cool?
Gabby: Frickin' make me one, then!
Faceless One: Yeah. You look like a really smart kinda guy!

Gabby goofy faux-pout

Faceless One: You've got it all figured out...
Steph: Sorry, Gabby, but I don't feel like it...
Forrest: ......
Gabby: Convenient...
Forrest: ....I don't-....

Gabby sniffs the air for food scents

Faceless One pats his sholder with ghoul strength

Faceless One: Sure ya do!

Forrest MMPH
Faceless One: Let's head home before it gets too late, kay?

Steph smiles
Faceless One: Don't worry, I'll stop any youkai from getting you!

Faceless One gives him a big thumbs-up

Forrest: ...H-....Home. Right. Home.

Faceless One hurries along pleasantly

Forrest: .....

Forrest follows her

Mobile L: Always love this song
Space: me toooo
Mac D.: me THREEEE
Mac D.: this is an interesting choice for a new op
Mobile L: We have to kill him to change it back
Mobile L: I hate when the audio tracks overlap because of my internet :/
eldritch s. (GM): no yo ucame in while it was playing
so it desynced between you and i
SR3NORMANDY: oh man i forgot i missed last session
Mobile L: Last sesh, they were assaulted by the evil that is Otto Von Bismarck
Mobile L: Smells like cabbages and farts
Narrator : Up and at 'em!
The last day melted into blissful sleep, and the new one is here before you even
realize it!

Gabby YAWNS AND STRETCHES, taking that fresh new day air into her young lungs
Narrator : Sun is streaming in through windows...
Gabby: Mmm... frick, I slept goooood...
Forrest: ........

Steph is up an at them early!

Forrest: ....mrrgh....
Narrator : What is Steph doing in her morning...
Forrest spies Naomi, sitting in his room, limp and cross-legged

Steph getting her hair put into a ponytail

Forrest: ....mhh?

Steph googling 'how to break in building' in incognito mode

Forrest groggily gets to an upright

Forrest *position, staring at her

Narrator : rol steph
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 13
Forrest: .....Naomi?

Gabby HOPS outta bed and scurries over to the bathroom to brush her teeth and
Narrator : She finds a page on Yahoo Answers that seems interesting...
i bet steph thinks incognito mode puts you in the deep web
Space: so the fbi dont trace her
Steph: ...?
Narrator : The bathroom is vacant and she can use it.
Steph: me reads with interest

Faceless One perks up

Faceless One: Mhgrh....

Gabby rushes in there and Brushes Up The Teeth with vigor

Faceless One rises quickly

JohnnyAsker: How Do I braek into the Building?
Answer1: Cool question! Click this link -> wwvv.virusporn.xfl
Answer2: [seemingly informational guide]
Answer3: Answer above is full of shit lel /;)
Forrest: ....Did you fall asleep in my room?
Narrator : Gabby brush
Faceless One: I did!
Or close to sleep.
I got lonely.
Steph: ...Hm... what's the truth, though...
Faceless One: So I kinda wanted someone else in the room, I guess.
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 12
Narrator : Answer 3 comes from an account called Thorfell148869
Maybe answer 2 isn't that bad
Steph: Hm...!

Steph saves it, going back to finish her morning routine

Forrest: .....

Forrest exhales
Forrest: ....I understand.
Mobile L:
Forrest: At least ask next time, would you?


Gabby hops in the shower and gets CLEAN BODY too

Space: mobile ulu
Mobile L: c:
Narrator : uluru
Space: @sr3normandy

Faceless One is quiet for a moment

Faceless One: ... Sure. Okay.

Steph that done, heads downstairs for brekkers

Forrest: ....

Forrest rubs his eyes

Forrest: ....What time is it?...
Narrator : Rotten and blackened, he sits at the table.
Flesh sloughing from his withered bones.

Steph stops dead in her tracks

Steph: ---!
Narrator : It turns to look at her
Steph: Wwwhh...
Mobile L: oh SHIT

Steph her voice comes out as little more than a bewildered whisper
Steph: ...what the fuck...?
Narrator : Ronald Karling looks at her, strangely, as he holds his coffee
Ronald Karling: You're looking like you've seen a ghost.
Steph: ...I...
Faceless One: You have half an hour before you have to go.

Steph don't scare your grandpa... he already got a letter from the psychologist...
Forrest: ...Oh, god.
Steph: Had a really weird dream.

Steph goes to get some coffee

Forrest: Not enough time to shower...

Gabby SPORTACUS HOPS OUTTA THE SHOWER, feeling very much invigorated
Forrest grouchily gets himself out of bed
Gabby: Ahhh...
Faceless One: ... What kind of showers do you take...?
Forrest: ....What? I like to take my time in the shower.

Faceless One pauses for a moment

Faceless One: ... I wonder if I need a shower...?

Faceless One feels her hair

Forrest: .......Do you feel anything?

Ronald Karling gestures to a mug he already had on the table for her
Faceless One: ... It's clean.
I guess I don't have to shower anymore...?
That's convenient!
Forrest: .......
....You could still take one, if you wanted.

Steph nods gratefully, sitting down across from him and sipping the cafe

Gabby gets her clothes on and goes to have breakfast with the grandfolks, looking
relatively cheery for the first morning in a few
Gabby: …??

Gabby rolls her eyes a bit. ohhhh grandma and grandpa, those frickin' dweebs...
Gabby: Nyeheheheh, good morning...
Faceless One: ... Maybe!
If no one else is.
Forrest: It would probably good to do to keep up appearances, as well.
Ronald Karling: So.
Do you remember your dream.
It's good to write them down as soon as you wake up.
Or else you'll forget.
Forrest: I'm sure someone would ask eventually if they never see you go to take a
Steph: Uhm... a little.
Ronald Karling: Good.
Faceless One: I never thought of that!
I'll be sure to do it...
Steph: Do you, uh, keep a dream journal, Grandpa?

Eunice Trần hugs her along with Jasper

Forrest: ....
Gabby: …! c: c:
Eunice Trần: Good morning Gabriella!
Jasper Trần: We packed you lunch this morning.

Gabby huggy huggy...

Gabby: Aww, thank you! Did you guys sleep good?

Jasper Trần hands her the container

Jasper Trần: Yes... like a stone.
Ronald Karling: I do.
Only the most important dreams, though.
Forrest: ......I'll come home right after school.
I had an idea for something.
Gabby: Good, I did too.
Faceless One: ... What kind of idea??

Gabby takes it eagerly

Steph: How do you know if a dream is important or not?
Forrest: It's a secret.
You gonna be alright until I can get home?
Faceless One: Absolutely!
Now I'm excited.
Jasper Trần: You got up a bit late today, so you're gonna have to rush a bit...
We made you some breakfast.
Forrest: Great, try and solve the mystery of what my idea might be while I'm gone.
Gabby: ...Aw FRICK, I'd better eat it fast...!
Ronald Karling: Precisely.


Ronald Karling: That is something you must determine.
Gabby: Mmmff– (gulp) thank you for making it for me...
Faceless One: Yes, Forest-dono...!
Gabby: (No WONDER I slept so soundly, frickin' heck!)
Forrest: What did I say about honorifics.
Steph: ...
Faceless One: Pleeeeeeeasssseeee....!?????

Steph she thinks on this, contemplatively, as she finishes her coffee

Steph: Did you eat yet?
Faceless One: You're so kawaii.... it's hard to contain my kokoro....
Forrest: Naomi I swear to god.
Faceless One: Doki! Doki!

Faceless One makes a big anime doki doki gesture

Ronald Karling: Yes.
Oatmeal with banana.
I saved you a bowl.

Forrest lets loose an annoyed grunt in his throat, before heading downstairs for a
quick brekky
Steph: Rad...!

Steph her favorite :)

Steph eagerly goes to scarf it down

Narrator : Gabby and Steph consume...
Bryce Freeman: Hey!
There's my boy!
Here, I got you some Honey Nut Cheerios...

Bryce Freeman beams at him

Bryce Freeman offers bowl

Steph nom nom bitch...

Space: 'maybe if you eat them you'll stop being so fat'
Lel Shitkid: Honey nut
Forrest: ....

Forrest nods
Forrest: ...Thanks, Dad...
Bryce Freeman: Don't worry about!

Forrest had his heart set on the cap'n crunch......

Narrator : As Forrest, he eat...

Forrest nonetheless takes the bowl and Begins Consumption

Narrator : roll
Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 19
Narrator : Tastes fine.
Forrest: ..........

Forrest can't help but feel a twinge of anxiety as he digs in

Bryce Freeman speaks when Forrest finishes

Bryce Freeman: Did you like it?
Forrest: ...Yeah, it was-....It was good.
Space: he poured bottled water in it...

Bryce Freeman is practically vibrating with excitement

Bryce Freeman reveals from beneath the counter

Bryce Freeman: "whole weat honey nut cheerios"
Forrest: ....................................................

Bryce Freeman: They're healthy!
And they're just like the real thing.
Forrest: .....
....y-.....yeah, guess so...

Bryce Freeman smiles

Bryce Freeman: Glad you liked 'em.
I gotta run!
Forrest: ....o-okay. thanks, dad.
Bryce Freeman: C'mon Sooz, let's get you to your appointment...

Bryce Freeman carries here out

Forrest: ......

Forrest feels FILTHY inside...

Lel Shitkid: Ambulance....!
Forrest: ....Wh-...Ambul-?

Forrest aaaand they're gone

Narrator : Forrest is alone in his kingdom of shame.
Forrest: ......
Space: weaklking
Forrest stares at the box of Healthy Cheerios
Narrator : Steph eats and heads out, as does Gabby
That fuck bee is mocking you.

Steph off we GO

Gabby RUSH TO SCHOOL, powered by breakfast and love

Forrest glares hatefully at that fucking bee, before rising to his feet and
trudging off to the Education Zone

Forrest cannot get the worried thoughts of Susie, an appointment, and an ambulance
out of his head
Forrest: .......

Forrest is staring at the floor as he walks into school

Gabby scurries in
Gabby: MADE IT...!
...Hi, Forrest!

Steph rubs her face

Steph she's... pumped and ready to go...!

Narrator : The students fumble in like the lving dead, sitting in their places.
Forrest: ..?

Forrest looks up from the floor

Forrest: ...Oh-...Uh, hey Gab.
Gabby: Nyeheheheh, I was almost frickin' late!
How're you?
Forrest: .....M'fine.

Gabby is about to inquire further, as he looks kinda down, but OHP Foxwhole
Forrest: ....

Forrest looks up at Foxy Boy

Steph ...

Steph Steph looks at Foxhole, a little carefully - to see if he's doing all right
Nurse Foxhole: So, kids!

Nurse Foxhole smiles eagerly

Nurse Foxhole: I'll be subbing English for now so that Ms. Guildenstern doesn't
have to do too much work!
Mobile L: brb briefly, restroom and fire-tending
Forrest: .....

Forrest muses that he does a LOT of subbing

Nurse Foxhole: Just a reminder- on Monday, you all have an essay due on your
favorite fictional characters!

Steph oh! right

Steph holden caulfield, how could she forget..

Nurse Foxhole: Also...
Forrest F U C K all this MISSING HOMEWORK
Nurse Foxhole: In the interests of immersing you in this class...
I wanted to do a little quiz game for the class.
We're splitting you up into three teams, and each team will compete in my quiz
Forrest: ....

Forrest looks at the chumps he is saddled with

Steph: ...

Steph nods, solemnly. This is a powerful trivia team...

Nathan is half asleep

Forrest: ....

Forrest nudges Nathan

Anton is doing arm stretches to get ready to submit answers quickly

Jason is just kinda staring at a poster at the side of the room

Nathan startles
Nathan: Wuhhh...??
Steph: We got this! Right, guys?
Forrest: C'mon, try and focus.

Jasper smiles, arrogantly

Jasper: These teams are a bit unfair.

Nathan nods
Nathan: Okay.
I'll, uh, try.

Forrest looks up at the front. A competition of mental acumen.....THIS, he can do.

Steph: Nyeheheheh...

Forrest glances at Jasper, narrowing his eyes

Jasper smirks, despite not looking at Forrest

Steph leans back, looking at Gabby

Steph: Well, may the best woman win, huh Gab?
Gabby: We're gonna frick you up, nyeheheheh!
Nurse Foxhole: Alright...
Ladies... and gentlemen...
Today we welcome you to today's big event...
Belmont English 10... presents...
English Trivia Quiz Challenge!


Gabby: …

Gabby then remembers English is her weak subject


Forrest: .....

Steph cackles, rubbing her hands together

Nurse Foxhole: Our three teams, selected from the brightest students this side of
the cascades...!

Forrest nods at his Comrades In Quiz Arms

Nurse Foxhole: Team 1: Stephanie, Jasper, and Ken- what is your team name?
stephanie you dumb bitch come up with something
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 12
We are... the Aces Royal!
Nurse Foxhole: Good!
And team 2... Gabby, Suzie, Lily and Vlad...!
What is your name?
Gabby: We're...
rolling 3d20
= 33
Space: schlong suckers
Nurse Foxhole: the ss
Gabby: ...The Smart Squad!
Nurse Foxhole: Got it!
And Team 3, Jason, Forrest, Ken, and Anton...!
Your name is?
Forrest: ....

Forrest looks at his other teammates

Forrest: rolling 3d20
= 12
Mobile L: Something with the initials ES so it can spell ARSSES
Space: ...'Er, shit.'
Forrest: ....Extreme Science.
Mobile L: C:
You're my hero
Nurse Foxhole: Great...!
Our first question...?
What is the name of the captain who hunts the white whale in Moby Dick?


Nurse Foxhole: Yes?
Gabby except there is no buzzer so she just smacks the table
Gabby: OWWWW uh– Captain Ahab.
Nurse Foxhole: Correct!
Gabby: >:D >:D >:D
Nurse Foxhole: Now...
Who is the author of the novel Crime and Punishment?
*russian novel

Steph 's hand shoots up

Steph: Dostoevsky!
Nurse Foxhole: Good!
Forrest: .....
Nurse Foxhole: Now...
Why did the protagonist of the Tell-Tale Heart kill the old man?


Forrest: He hated the old man's eye.
Nurse Foxhole: Good!
What was the full name of the male love interest in the Hunger Games?
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 10
...T-that's not literature!
Nurse Foxhole: Sure it is!
Gabby: …

Narrator : Neither of Steph's mates know
Nurse Foxhole: Yes, Gabby?
Gabby: ...Uhhh... It was like... Anthem, right?
Gabby: ...Peta? Like the frickin'
animal welfare thing???
Nurse Foxhole: D'oh, sorry, that's too late.
Steph: Like Family Guy?
Nurse Foxhole: Team 3?
Gabby: ...Ew, Grandma doesn't let me watch that show...
Forrest: ....
Uh, Peta Melark?
Mobile L: Killsteal...
Nurse Foxhole: Very good!

Forrest AW YEA
Nurse Foxhole: What was the name of the town in which Twilight was set?
Forrest: . . .
Jason: Forks.
It was forks.
Nurse Foxhole: Godd!
Space: jason big twilight fan
Steph: ....
(thats not... literature....)
Nurse Foxhole: In what country is the novel "Let the Right One In" set?
Gabby: ...Forks???
Uh– Sweden!
Steph: Swede--
Nurse Foxhole: yes!
Gabby: :D :D :D

Steph has to bite down on her cheek to not cuss

Nurse Foxhole: Who was the author of the novel War and Peace?
Forrest: .....
Steph: Tolstoy!
Nurse Foxhole: Very good!

Steph smiles to herself, having never read it

Nurse Foxhole: What were the two cities in Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities?
Gabby: (frick, I thought it was Dostoevsky...)
(...FRICK uhhhhh–)
Steph: London and Paris!
Ken: L- oh, yes.
Nurse Foxhole: Good!
From what country did Victor Frankenstein originate?
Steph: Swazi-- no-- Switzerland!
Nurse Foxhole: Very good...

Steph beams, at her utter demolishing of the compition in a high school english
class trivia game
Gabby: Not Germany...?
Nurse Foxhole: Who is the author of the controversial novel "The Satanic Verses"?

Gabby SLAP
Steph: Sa--

Steph flinches at the slap

Steph: I don't-- think you have to do that, y'know..
Nurse Foxhole: Excellent!
Gabby: It's where the buzzer would be!

Forrest is falling behind SHIT

Gabby: Owww...
Forrest: . . . .
Nurse Foxhole: Now...
What is the name of Ron Weasley's pet rat?

Forrest HAND
Forrest: Scabbers.
Nurse Foxhole: Great!
Steph: ...!
Nurse Foxhole: Who wrote the novels Blood Meridian and The Road?

Steph: Oh, oh! James Cagney!
Gabby: Cormac McCarthy?

Forrest flinches from the Progressively Louder Slapping

Nurse Foxhole: Steph is wrong!
Steph: ...
Nurse Foxhole: Gabby, correct!
Steph: (I... I could have sworn...)
Gabby: YESSSS.
Nurse Foxhole: Ah... we approach...

Steph 's face is flush

Nurse Foxhole: the final question...
Steph: ...
Gabby: …!!

Steph everyone's looking at her... aren't they...?

Forrest: ....


Steph is losing her cool

Steph drums her fingers on her desk

Nurse Foxhole: Now...
This makes it
or break it
You have to be ready.

Forrest 's fingers twitch in anticipation of hand-raising...

Nurse Foxhole: On the ball.
Steph: ....

Steph she'll do it. she'll slam her hand on her desk...

Nurse Foxhole: Who
Gabby: ..........
Nurse Foxhole: wrote
Forrest: ....................
Gabby: ....................
Steph: . . .
Nurse Foxhole: Romeo and Juliet.

Forrest 's hand SHOOTS THE FUCK UP

Gabby SLAP
Forrest: rolling 3d20 -1
= 33
Nurse Foxhole: ... Forrest had his hand p firsst.
Steph: .
Gabby: frick.

Forrest has a gleam in his eye

Nurse Foxhole: ernest hemmingway
Forrest: ....William Shakespeare.
Nurse Foxhole: WE HAVE A WINNNER!
Gabby: D-dang it... he GOT me...

Gabby gives a smoldering nod to her Worthy Anime Opponent

Steph: ...

Forrest closes his eyes.....soaking in his VICTORY

Steph stares down at her desk

Steph: ....stupid friggin' trivia...

Steph sulks
Nurse Foxhole: Forrest and his team win a chocolate bar each!

Nurse Foxhole passes them out

Space: forrest is back to unhealthy eats
Narrator : steph you fucking suck
Forrest: .....

Forrest takes his Victory Candy

Gabby: Awww frick... I love chocolate.
Congrats, Forrest!

Forrest cannot WAIT to fucking drown that shitty Health Cereal in COCO
Gabby: ...but don't you think for a second I'll let this slide.
Jason: I don't eat chocolate... it'll go straight to my thighs...
Forrest: I'll take yours.
Jason: Okay!

Jason hands him the chocolate


Nathan has already eaten his

Forrest nods to Gabby, holding a chocolate bar in each hand like a Conquering Hero
Nurse Foxhole: So what did everyone learn?
Mac D.: if i failed that finesse check i was going to have him either pull a muscle
or dislocate his shoulder
Mobile L:
Gabby: that my hand hurts really bad...

Gabby rubs it with her other hand

Steph: That Hunger Games is literature, apparently.
Forrest: It is a book.
Gabby: ...Also that Shakespeare's crap wasn't ghostwritten by that Marlowe guy?
Some people say it was.
Nurse Foxhole: So, we'-

Nurse Foxhole freezes up

Forrest: ...
Gabby: …?
...Uh... I–... It's just a thing I heard, I didn't, uh... hit a nerve, did I...?
Narrator : Everything goes quiet.
Everything freezes up.
Forrest: .....
Forrest looks around
Gabby: (...FRICK...)
Forrest: .....

Forrest sighs, and stands up out of his chair

Forrest: ....They're getting worse each time.
Gabby: ...God, not in the middle of class...
Steph: ...It's cause of that Marlowe junk.
Forrest: Head count, who's not frozen.
Suzie: It seems like it...
Nathan: I'm not.
Ken: Not I.
Forrest: .....

Forrest looks at Jasper

Jasper has her hands clasped

Jasper: What.
Do you expect me to make a big scene out of it.
Steph: I mean, do we really need to make a count, at this point...?
Forrest: ...Just double checking.
Gabby: ...Foxhole's gonna know something's up when it unfreezes.
Forrest: I'm sure our sudden disappearance will unnerve most of the classroom.
Gabby: I think we have to come to terms with the secrecy of this fricked up crap
being a thing of the past...
Forrest: Maybe we can play it off as a blackout.
Gabby: ...God... God, if Grandma and Grandpa ever find out...
Forrest: ....Anybody know what class Suzie's supposed to be in right now?
Suzie: What?
Mac D.: oh i didn't see her earlier disregard that
Suzie: retard
Mac D.: fuck u
Forrest: ....
...Shit, Naomi.
Steph: ...Isn't she at your house?
Forrest: She is, yeah.
By herself.
Gabby: ...Frick... We need to go get her.
Steph: ...Well, like... it's not like there's monsters there, right? Just at the
Forrest: ....Are we certain of that.
Do you think phones still work?
Gabby: I've never tried it...
But it may be worth a shot.
Forrest: ....

Forrest whips out his cell phone and calls The Home Number
Narrator : RIng ring.
Ring ring.
Ring r-
Faceless One: Yeah?
What's going on sempai?
Forrest: Naomi, everything's frozen.
Faceless One: Is it?
Forrest: It is. What's it look like outside?
Faceless One: Hold on.
Forrest: ...
Faceless One: Woah.
Gabby: …
Faceless One: It's a deep sunset.
Really pretty.

Gabby at least seems heartened that Forrest has reached Naomi

Forrest: Anyone out there? Anything?
Faceless One: Just some frozen guys...
Steph: ...
Forrest: ....

Steph akways feels incredibly awkward around naomi

Mobile L: she's just on the phone you fucker
Forrest: Do you think you can get to the school from there?
Faceless One: Uh.... sure.
Gimmie ten minutes.
Forrest: ....I'll wait outside the school.

Forrest looks at the others

Gabby: ...You sure we shouldn't try to meet her halfway?

Faceless One hangs up

Forrest looks at the phone

Forrest: .....That might be a better idea.
Who wants to come with.
Ken: I can come.

Gabby nods and steps close to Forrest

Forrest: ...Three or four should be enough.
Steph: ..I'll stay here.
Forrest: Alright.
Nathan: I'll stay herewith Suzie and Steph.
Gabby: You guys be careful, okay...?

Forrest nods
Forrest: If we're not back in, say, two hours, go ahead without us.

Forrest nods to Gabby, then SOLDIERS ON

Gabby puts on her game face as she marches for the door, trying to stick close to
both Ken and Forrest
Narrator : THe three of them venture out into the deserted streets...
No wind blows, but there is a faint rain.
Forrest: ...?
Jasper: ...

Forrest glances up
Narrator : Clouds swirl and gather in the center of the sky.
Gabby: ...Is that what it looks like while this happens?
That's fricked up.
Almost like a dream...
Forrest: ...I don't want to know what this rain is.
Steph: ...

Steph has her notebook out - she keeps nervously looking up at the door every so
Steph: ...It might be a good idea to lock it...
Jasper: Are you afraid.
Gabby: As long as it doesn't stink up my clothes...
Gabby forges ahead
Narrator : As they pass by, they eventually see the form of Naomi, skittering by on
the ground... on all fours... like some kind of animal. She's moving very quickly
Forrest: ....!?!

Forrest reflexively almost summons his magnifying glass

Narrator : Upon seeing them, she stops, hopping to her feet
Gabby: Wh– Whoa, Naomi...?
Space: naomi... :<
Faceless One: .... Uh.
Forrest: ....What were you-?
Faceless One: I didn't know you were gonna be seeing me come here.
Gabby: ...It's okay, I didn't know you could, uh... do that.
Forrest: Naomi, what was that?
Faceless One: Oh, it's just faster for me to move that way...
Gabby: ...We wanted to make sure nobody got you while you were out here alone.
Forrest: .....Is this-...Is that how you normally get around on your own?
Faceless One: If you look at how my body is, uh, actually structured like this...
it's more efficient.
Uh, not typically.
Just when I have somehwere I need to get to quickly.
Forrest: ....
....That's, uh.
...Efficient. Yeah. Efficient's the word I'd use.

Faceless One rubs the back of her neck

Faceless One: I didn't know you'd be coming...
Forrest: ....It's alright, don't worry about it. Let's hurry back.
Faceless One: Alright!

Faceless One quckly hurries (on her two feet) back


Forrest: ...
Gabby: ...That's kinda cool, though!
Faceless One: ... Thanks.


Steph: Sure, I'm scared. That's not... y'know, a bad thing. It's natural.
Jasper: You have superpowers.
And you're scared.
That is funny.

Gabby is keeping her eyes peeled for Outside Monsters

Narrator : There are none...
Mac D.: you alright there seer
Narrator : i'm dead inside
Steph: ...C'mon. It's not like... superpowers, superpowers. It doesn't mean I won't
die if I get shot in the face. And we don't know what's out there. There's a lot of
unknowns here.
It's... it's natural to be scared. Everyone here is but you.
Gabby: ...I don't wanna jinx us, but... It's, like, barren out here.
Jasper: Does that make me wrong?

Gabby is still keeping a good pace just in case

Mobile L: I just noticed
Steph: ...Well... yeah.
Mobile L: Hall is on the map and could theoretically be checked for Movement
Jasper: don't metagame.
Mac D.: what if he's very good at pretending to be a statue
what if he does that as a street peddler on his days off
Jasper: Why?
Space: he put a realistic looking hall doll there
Mac D.: hall real doll
real hall
Mobile L: i'd fuck it.
Narrator : The lot of them arrive back at the school.
Forrest: You guys still there?
Gabby: Hello?
Steph: Well, I don't see the humor in--

Steph freezes
Steph: ...what was that...?

Gabby goes to grab the door handle

Forrest: ....
Narrator : Someone grabbed the handle Stephanie...
Steph: ...

Steph looks to Jasper

Steph: Come on in, guys!

Jasper smiles

Steph 'see, i'm not some kind of wuss.. it's rational fear.'

Gabby opens door, but not boob.

Forrest pokes his head in thru the doorway

Forrest: We got her.
Jasper: Oh no. A gun-toting Nihilist.
Stephanie, what ever will we do.
Forrest: ...?
Gabby: Like, don't worry too much, it went good. There's this weird rain out there,
but no monsters.
Steph: ...C'mon, dude.

Jasper just mellows in her seat

Jasper: Run along now.
Forrest: ....You plan on staying here?
Jasper: Maybe.
Maybe not.
We'll see what I feel.
Forrest: I certainly don't feel comfortable leaving you out of our sight, with an
answer like that.
Steph: ...You really should come with us.
Gabby: Yeah, frickin'–... It's just not safe, y'know?
Jasper: I'm afraid that's the situation

Jasper chuckles at Gabby's concern

Jasper: I'll be fine.
Don't worry about the bed bugs biting me.
Forrest: Really.
Jasper: I saved you, didn't I, Forrest?
Gabby: Jasper, please...
Forrest: .....
Forrest frowns
Gabby: Just 'cuz you got lucky a bit doesn't mean you're, like...
Steph: ...
Gabby: Some frickin' lone wolf who can just...
Jasper: Luck has nothing to do with anything.
Steph: You need to cut it out, Jasper.
Gabby: Just solo everything!
Jasper: Luck does not exist.
There is only fate.
Gabby: Chance exists, though.
Jasper: Everything happens for a reason.
Steph: Stop. Okay? Just stop.
Gabby: We live in a random universe and you will be subject t–

Jasper looks at Steph, unconcerned

Forrest: ....
Gabby: …
Steph: I don't really care if you feel taken by some -- some bullshit whimsy to
just go around doing whatever the fuck you please! This is bigger than you, and
it's bigger than whatever -- whatever stupid baggage you're carrying around! Okay?

Jasper can't help but break an ear-to-ear grin, the most amused she's seemed in a
long time
Jasper: I know.
That's why I do what I do.
This is so much bigger than any of us.
We're just specks of dust floating in a hurricane.
Gabby: ...Yeah? Maybe it's big in a way you didn't fricking expect. And maybe we
dust motes gotta cling together.
Forrest: ....
Jasper: We can't.
Gabby: Put your sick thoughts aside for just– just one second...
Jasper: The winds will tear us apart.
Forrest: ...So, what, you think it's all pointless.
Jasper: Oh, no.
There's a point to this.
But not to us.
We're just incidental.
Our roles can be filled by any other players, we're just the ones who happened to
take them.
Steph: Would you shut the fuck up?
Good GOD!
Forrest: ....
Gabby: For frick's sake.

Jasper continues smiling, seeming increasingly pleased

Forrest: ...How like a nihilist, to think that.
Jasper: Is that how you feel?
Gabby: Why– why are you like this...?

Gabby looks actually a bit scared

Jasper: Because I don't have anything else.
Gabby: You have us... Please, Jasper...
Jasper: I don't.
Gabby: Why...
Jasper: I don't have you, and you don't have me.
Gabby: What stops you from having us?
Forrest: ....
Jasper: It's how it is.
If you're smart, you'll leave me alone.
Gabby: It isn't! It fricking isn't! And I won't! I'm not just gonna let you give up
on everything just 'cuz you're a sicko!
Forrest: ...That's enough, Gabby.
Gabby: Wh–... No, Forrest, are you– are you gonna just let her do this...?
Steph: ...

Steph narrows her eyes, then sits back down

Steph: You guys go on ahead.
Jasper: Why do you seem to care so much?
Don't you hate me?
Gabby: No! Why would I hate you, you're a human being just like me?
Forrest: This is what she wants.
Jasper: But I'm not like you..
Gabby: If she wants to be hated and forgotten, then too bad for her.
Jasper: We are nothing alike.
Gabby: How?
Steph: ...
Jasper: There exists between us a rift so profound it reaches deeper down than the
Second Heaven itself.
Gabby: You've got blood in you, and lungs, and a brain, and two X chromosomes just
like me.

Steph has just fallen silent, watching Jasper now

Jasper: We are nothing alike.
I am nothing like anyone else.
A minority of one.
Gabby: ...Did–... What happened to you?
Jasper: I was born wrong.

Jasper seems to be becoming bored

Forrest: ....
Gabby: ...Wrong how?
Jasper: Well, I believe we discussed...

Jasper smashes her arm on the desk

Jasper: That.
Forrest: ...!
Gabby: …–!!
Steph: ...
Forrest: .....
...You can't feel pain.
Jasper: Not well.
I can't feel anything, really.
I suppose emotionally that's less true, but I've never cried before.
Gabby: …

Gabby folds her arms

Gabby: That doesn't make you hateable and you know that.
Jasper: No, you're right.
That's not what makes me hatable.
There's more than that, but you're starting to tire me out with these questions.
Steph: Aw.
That's too bad.
Gabby: Fat lotta good being coy is gonna do you...
Forrest: ....
Jasper: You're all very nosy for people with their own secrets, aren't you.
Gabby: I'm just– I'm gonna be extra nice to you until you let up, you fricking
sicko... I want you to be okay...

Jasper smiles broadly again

Steph: It sucks when you've gotta deal with other people's bullshit, huh...

Steph scowls
Jasper: Yes...
Forrest: ...Do you want to be hurt, Jasper.

Jasper laughs
Jasper: What a silly question..
Forrest: Well?
Jasper: Who doesn't.

Steph raises her hand, looking dead ahead at Jasper

Steph: Me.
I don't.
Gabby: ...Like, d'you wanna my secrets?
Forrest: ....
Jasper: You're a liar.
Gabby: *knoiw
Steph: Okay. Tell me how I want to be hurt.
Jasper: Everything you do is ultimately directed towards the end of inviting pain.
Love gives way to grief.
Attachment to loss.
Happiness to despair.
Anticipation to disappointment.
Jasper: to death.

Jasper stares directly at Steph as she says that

Steph: ...

Steph stares back, not blinking

Jasper: Everything positive, constructive, ultimately creates the future subject of
loss, which will cause you pain.
Everything is pain.
Steph: Maybe that's true for someone who can't feel anything.
But for the rest of us...

Steph looks over her shoulder

Jasper: That's right.
Not for the rest of you.

Jasper stands up

Forrest 's expression has become progressively softer over the course of the

Jasper begins walking to the door

Forrest is standing in the doorway

Steph: Looks like she's finally decided.
Jasper: Excuse me.
Gabby: I'm gonna make sure nothing happens to you, you fricker...
Forrest: .....
Forrest steps to the side
Forrest: ...Jasper.
Jasper: Yes.
Forrest: ...Why do you enjoy being insulted so much?
Jasper: I can't feel anything.
Forrest: ....But you can feel on the inside.
Jasper: I'm not sick.
I'm dead inside.
I'm just a walking corpse.
Gabby: …

Jasper starts walking off

Forrest: .....

Gabby looks to Steph, kind of sickened

Steph she's looking off into the middle distance, her jaw set, with the look in her
eye that someone only gets when they're replaying an argument over and over in
their head after the fact
Gabby: ...C'mon, Steph, we gotta–... we gotta focus...

Forrest looks down

Forrest: ....So that's what it was.
Gabby: …?
Steph: ...
Gabby: What was...?
Forrest: It's the only high she can get.
Gabby: ...That's why she's going to Dr. Hall.
...He must've fricked her up.
Forrest: ....Or maybe he's just exactly what she wants.
Gabby: ...god.
It's no wonder, she likes when he–... god...
Forrest: A therapist who delights in causing discomfort, and a student who delights
in being berated.

Gabby looks like she might cry a bit

Gabby: ...That's so sick...
...Can– can she be helped...?
Forrest: .....Hard to say, at this point.
Steph: ...Are we gonna waste more time here?
Forrest: ...?

Forrest looks at Steph

Steph: Regardless of how you feel about her. Saying how it's sad doesn't do
Ken: ... I don't think anyone is beyond helping.
Steph: So let's go.
Forrest: .....
....Alright, yeah, let's get moving.
Gabby: …

Gabby nods sadly and walks along

Forrest steps out

Narrator : The party make their way...
James: Hey!
Forrest: ....?
James jogs over

Forrest looks toward James

Gabby: ...James, hey!
Steph: ...Oh!
Where were you?
James: You, uh, almost forgot me!
Forrest: ......

Gabby legit almost forgot about James being a thing

James: I was at, erm, your house, Steph.
Forrest: ...(fuck..)

Forrest clears his throat

Steph: ...
Forrest: ....Did you run into any trouble getting here.

Steph buries her face in her hands, silently

Gabby: ...Sorry, James.

Steph is fed up with herself and everything adjacent to such

James: Uh, nah.
Forrest: No nihilists? Or anything else?
James: Just sort of a rough job.
No, not at all.
Forrest: ...That's good to know, at least.
Gabby: ...Why are they, like, not out there?

James shrug
Forrest: ....It could just be that they're not able to reach this far up, yet.
Steph: ...
I guess this is a good spot to mention it.
Forrest: .....?
Steph: I've been seeing visions of death and decay... every so often now?
Forrest: .....
Gabby: ...Uh... Oh frick, like... How?
Steph: First it was at the hospital. Uh...
Forrest: ......Hallucinations?
Steph: I don't know if that was related. I had a... weird, emotional freakout.
Not a hallucination... but it's where, you know.
It was where my, um, parents died.
Gabby: …
Forrest: ...Right, yeah.
Steph: ...And then, at breakfast, I saw a rotting skeleton corpse sitting at the
Forrest: Has that been on your mind since we went th-
...Oh, okay.
Steph: Then, like... I double-take, and it's just my grandpa.
Forrest: That's a hallucination.
Gabby: ...Yeah...
Steph: Yeah. I don't get the significance, or if it's a Nihilist, or whatever. But
it's a thing.
Forrest: .....
Gabby: But... I mean, it'd be really important and also really hard to discern
whether or not it's stress or something from this crap we're dealing with.
Forrest: Keep us up to date on this, if it keeps happening.
Gabby: Yeah, definitely.
Forrest: Anyone else experiences it, you should share it as soon as possible, as
Suzie: It'll be alright.
Try to keep in mind during that it's not real.
We're here for you, though.
Steph: Thank you...

Steph sighs
Steph: Sorry. I didn't mean to make it Steph Problems hour.
Forrest: No, it's good that you let us know.
Suzie: Yeah.
Your problem is our problem.

Gabby nods
Faceless One: Yeah!

Faceless One pats her on the back

Gabby: We're all here for you and we wanna help as much as we can, okay?
Steph: --!
Faceless One: We're the nakama!

Steph looks startled

Gabby: Yeah, nyeheheh!
Steph: ...
Forrest: ....Mm.

Steph she exhales, smiling

Steph: Nakama, yeah... thank you a lot.
Gabby: That's, uh... That's family in Japanese, right? Or was that ohana?
Steph: That's Hawaiian!
Forrest: We can explain it to you some other time
Gabby: Oh! Oh yeah, okay.

James nervously adjusts his collar

Forrest: So. We good to go, now?
James: Uh, sure. Yeah.

Gabby nods
Steph: Yeah, let's roll.

Forrest nods and ROLLS OUT

Gabby produces the Unnecessarily Long Book from her bag, getting that game face
back on
Narrator : The party head down the familiar paths, down the prismatic, achromatic
And into the blue fog.
Forrest: ....hate these fucking stairs........

Gabby wonders how the Lethe Lady is doing

Steph: Be careful, guys...
Stay close.
Forrest: Think we could get the attention of the one of the robots.
Gabby: I don't see any yet...
Forrest: ....Right, yeah. Stay close. Try to think hard about not forgetting
Faceless One: We could hold hands!
Forrest: ..........
Faceless One: That way no one could break off!
Gabby: Hey, yeah, that's a good idea!

Gabby gets VERY close to Ken

Steph: Shit, yeah... uh, who wants to hold my hand?
Forrest: ...............

Forrest touching.....PEOPLE......HEAUGH.....

Gabby is making A Face Like This C:

Faceless One grabs hands

Forrest: .......

Gabby blushes a bit... ohhhh ken, oh my...

Ken takes a firm grip on her hand

Gabby: c: ...
Forrest: .....

Forrest looks at the union of hands

Forrest: ......

Steph takes Forrest's hand


Gabby takes Steph's other hand. Her hand is so TINY...

Steph ew its sweatey..

Steph forrest not gab

Steph gab is a little baby

Forrest it is very sweaty.

Gabby like a little mouse paw...

Gabby don't break her tiny fingers DON'T DO IT

Forrest: ......................................
Steph: crunch
Gabby: ;A;

Forrest would win gold if Discomfort was an olympic event

Steph has slender hands

Faceless One: So what direction are we heading in???

Faceless One has a slight metallic feeling to her hands

Forrest: Good QUEStion.

Faceless One has a very tight grip

Forrest throat clear

Gabby: Forward?
Steph: Let's go eats.
Steph coughs
Faceless One: eats
Steph: East, even.
Forrest: ...God-...ow-.....E-...
Gabby: …
Forrest: ...Hold on, wasn't her kingdom southward.

Gabby thinks sadly about her uneaten lunch

Steph: Well, are we trying to find her, or are we trying to find the next floor
Forrest: I don't need to remind you of what else is down here, do I.
Steph: That was to the north.
Forrest: Northeast.
East is in North-East.
Steph: But so's north.
Gabby: Are we gonna go or are we gonna just bicker and get sweaty.
Steph: ('Get' is future tense, though...)
Forrest: ....Fine- Southeast.
Suzie: Okay... let's move...
Forrest: foot in front of the other....
Gabby: Yeah, like that song from the... uh... I think it was that show about Santa
Steph: 'uhh who are you guys again? haha just a prank'
The one with the Hear Miser?
Forrest: No, that's a different one.
Steph: The one with Burgermeister Meisterburger?
Forrest: Now you're just being obnox-.....

Forrest sees NIHILISTS.

Gabby: That was the one, though!
...Aww frick/
Forrest: ....Hold on.

Forrest narrows his eyes toward where the Nihilists are standing
Forrest: Is that?.....
Suzie: What?
Steph: That's the fountain.
Forrest: ...It is.
James: That is absolutely not the fountain.
Gabby: ...Eh?
Forrest: ...You remember it?
James: I think?
Steph: Aren't there multiple?
James: That isn't it.
Are there?
Forrest: Does anyone actually want to go check-


Steph: Let's just keep goin--
Gabby: …??
Servitor: Halt.
Forrest: .....
....We, uh, come in peace.
Gabby: Yeah...
Servitor: Under what authority or permission do you enter this sanctuary of Utopia.
Steph: Uh... the Lady's.
Forrest: ....We're friends with the Lady, aren't we.
Steph: ...god i hope she didn't forget us
Gabby: We talked to her and she liked it?
Forrest: ......shit she probably did
Gabby: ...frick!!!
Forrest: ...Uh.
Steph: Iced tea?
Forrest: Iced tea?
Gabby: Yeah!
Steph: We gave her iced tea.
Servitor: Provide evidence of such an occurence.
Steph: Does she remember that?
Forrest: Can you bring her over here.
Servitor: You shall be brought to her.
Steph: Uh... hold on.

Steph fishes in her bookbag for an empty Snapple bottle

Follow: .
Servitor: Follow.
Forrest: ....

Forrest glances at the others

Steph: Nngh... shit.

Steph links up hands again


Lady of Lethe: Well...
What have we found, or brought, or made?
Gabby: ...Hi, uh... We met before!
Forrest: ..It's us.
Steph: Iced tea!
Lady of Lethe: Did we? Or will we meet later?
Iced tea...
Steph: Does that ring a bell?
Gabby: Yeah!
Lady of Lethe: What an unfamiliar notion.
Steph: ...
Lady of Lethe: Bell?
Forrest: .....
Lady of Lethe: I haven't heard one of those in ages..
Forrest: Take our word for it, we've met.

Gabby poor lady... poor thing... :<

Steph: This is just a thing we're gonna have to deal with, isn't it...
Lady of Lethe: Did we?
Forrest: Yeah, we did.
Here, actually.
Lady of Lethe: Right here?
On this exact spot?
Forrest: Here, there, around.
Lady of Lethe: Around where, here?
Steph: Around here.
Forrest: We shared iced tea with you, you had a good time.
Lady of Lethe: Here or there?
Did I?
Forrest: Yeah.
Lady of Lethe: What is this iced tea?
Steph: It's tea, but chilled.
Lady of Lethe: What's tea?
Forrest: It's a drink.
Steph: You've heard a bell, but not tea?
Lady of Lethe: Such notions are terribly arcane.
Oh, right...
It's been too long since Ive heard one...
Forrest: ....Is there a bell down here?
Lady of Lethe: Hm...
Gabby: Yeah, see? See, we're probably– we've gotta be familiar, though I know it's
been a long while...
Lady of Lethe: Who wants to know...?
Forrest: ...I do.
Lady of Lethe: I do...
Gabby: Well, us! Nyeheheh, ya silly...
Steph: We could get you a bell if you want.
Lady of Lethe: Us!
I remember us...
Oh! A bell!

Gabby god this poor lady... god...

Steph: ...
Lady of Lethe: Too long since I've heard one of those...

Steph maybe it's a better idea to let her talk instead of redirecting her
Steph: You remember us?
Lady of Lethe: Us!
Forrest: Us.
Lady of Lethe: Yes, that name's familiar.
Steph: Who is us?
Lady of Lethe: You, I thought?
Forrest: That's right, we're Us.
Gabby: Yeah!
Lady of Lethe: Yes...
Steph: ...
Lady of Lethe: So, bells...

Steph puts a hand to her chin, thinking

Lady of Lethe: I used to hear one.

Steph ...hmm... maybe you can beat her at her own game?
Forrest: Do you remember where you heard it?

Steph clever...
Steph: What's 'hear?'
Lady of Lethe: Have you ever heard a bell?
Or there?
Forrest: ....

Forrest glances at Steph

Steph: What's 'or?'
Lady of Lethe: Or...?
Gabby: (steph, don't be MEAN...)
Lady of Lethe: Or?
Steph: (this is a strategy...)
Lady of Lethe: Oar?
How do you spell it?
Forrest: (i think you're making her glitch out.)
Steph: Or.
O, r.
Lady of Lethe: O r...
It means...
Well, it means that...

Steph waits patiently

Lady of Lethe thinks

Space: upside down..
Lady of Lethe: Well, it's used to link alternatives.
Steph: Like what?
Lady of Lethe: Two distinct options.
Light or dark.
Gabby: Conjunctions...
Lady of Lethe: Living or dead.
Hot or cold.

Steph is about to ask 'what's dead', but glances nervously at the Servitors
Lady of Lethe: Big or small.
Steph: Iced tea is cold.
Lady of Lethe: Yes!
It's in the name.
Steph: Oh, so you've heard of it?
Lady of Lethe: Have I?
I must have...
Forrest: ...
Steph: It's how you know that it's cold...
'Cause you've had it.
Lady of Lethe: Ah, yes...
I must have been a major consumer...

Steph gives a quiet wink to the party

Steph: ...

Steph oh.
Lady of Lethe: Where do we find such things, such time for things, such things to
fill the time...
Forrest: ...Or.
Lady of Lethe: I always have too much of one or-
O r.
Forrest: You must have been a major consumer, or.
Lady of Lethe: It links alternatives.
Or what?
Gabby: …
Forrest: Can you think of an alternative.
Lady of Lethe: Do you know something I don't?
Gabby is getting a bit confused by this
Lady of Lethe: I've heard of it.
From someone else.
Forrest: Some like Us.
Lady of Lethe: Us?
Forrest: Us.
Steph: Us!
Lady of Lethe: Us...
When do you use Us?
Let us see...
Let Us see...!
Let Us see when we let us see...
Gabby: ...Well, like... When?
Lady of Lethe: When?
What about where?
I have so much time it 's all rather meaningless.
But very limited space.
Forrest: Where would you drink something.

Lady of Lethe languishes despairingly

Lady of Lethe: It is so unjust, for a Sovereign such as myself to be so limited, so
confined to this demesne...
What a prison...
Forrest: .....
Steph: ...Are Sovereigns normally not confined?
Lady of Lethe: Should it be that I could rule over the whole of the world...!
Not in the past!
I used to roam free as I wished!
Though this land was me and I it, I was its hands!
Forrest: ...
Steph: What changed?
Forrest: ...So what happened.
Lady of Lethe: Oh, calamitous fate!
Forrest: Where did it change.
Lady of Lethe: What DID happen...
It changed here, I assume.
And there.
And everywhere.
Forrest: But where did you go from being free to being confined.
Lady of Lethe: From there to here.
Forrest: And when?
Lady of Lethe: In the past.
Long in the past.
Forrest: And what.
Lady of Lethe: What?
Gabby: …
Forrest: What.
Lady of Lethe: What.
Forrest: Do you know what 'what' is.
Lady of Lethe: Which what?
Forrest: What what is.
Lady of Lethe: What...
Gabby: Yeah, what's what?
Steph: Do you know what caused you to be confined to this particular area and
Lady of Lethe: It was quite large, to make me so small.
Steph: ...
Lady of Lethe: I do.
I know it like the back of my hand.
Forrest: ...So what was it.
Lady of Lethe: I'm gloved.
Forrest: ....
...Can you take your glove off.
Steph: ...Metaphorically gloved, or physically gloved? Is that glove on your hand
what you mean?
Lady of Lethe: Can I?
Forrest: Have you tried before?
Lady of Lethe: Oh... good question.
Have I?
Steph: What happens if you take the glove off?
Forrest: I haven't seen you do it.
Lady of Lethe: Do we want to find out?
Forrest: Kind of.
Gabby: ...It's not, like, part of your hand, is it?
Steph: Do you want to find out?
Lady of Lethe: What if it's frightening?
Steph: ...
Lady of Lethe: What if I don't have a hand?
And it's just a floating glove.
Forrest: ...What would you do, if that was the case?
Steph: Did you ever lose your hand?
Lady of Lethe: What if my hand is a monster?
I'd die.
Oh, I don't know...
How horrible a thought...
Gabby: ...I mean, I don't think it could be a monster.
Lady of Lethe: Gloves with no hands...
Steph: Did you have a hand before you were gloved?
Lady of Lethe: How do you know?
When was I gloved?
Gabby: Gloves with no hands doesn't sound so bad, that'd be kinda cool...
Steph: ...god, what the hell...

Steph rubs her face

Lady of Lethe: But once I break the illusion, I won't be able to forget it...
It's hard work, forgetting.
Steph: Forget w--

Steph obviously don't ask

Forrest: ....

Steph fakes a sudden coughing fit

Lady of Lethe watches her

Forrest: .....Do you know what friends are?

Lady of Lethe imitates her

Steph: Sorry, sorry...
Lady of Lethe: Friends?
I've never had any.

Steph blinks watching her cough

Steph: ...Gabby's your friend!
She's everyone's friend.
Lady of Lethe: What's that.
Forrest: ....Say, you take off the glove, and there's no hand underneath.
Lady of Lethe: I don't want to do that.

Forrest holds up his hands

Forrest: But I have hands.
Gabby: ...Yeah, me too!
Lady of Lethe: ... Big ones.
Forrest: ....Yes. Big.
Space: just callin my man forrest fat
Gabby: I'm sure your hands are just fine under there.
Forrest: If you needed a pitcher of iced tea, I could grab it.
Gabby: Maybe the air will help them breathe a bit.
Lady of Lethe: I could grab it as well.
My Servitors could as well.
Perhaps not?
Do they have hands?
Forrest: .....
Steph: I don't think we want to know.

Forrest looks at one

Forrest: ....Do you guys have hands.

Lady of Lethe peeks under the robe

Gabby: ...He looks like they're just under his robe.
Lady of Lethe: ... Huh.
Gabby: ...Eww, uh–! I-I hope he has pants too!
Forrest: .....So do they have hands.
Lady of Lethe: What are pants?
I forgot about those, I was too busy thinking about pants.
Forrest: ....Well, okay, back to the discussion of hands.
Lady of Lethe: Why do you so fixate on hands?
Forrest: Humor me.
Lady of Lethe: Perhaps I will.
Forrest: Friends are like.....having hands, when you don't have hands.
Lady of Lethe: I believe the term is called prosthetic.
Forrest: Kind of, but not really.
It's not just for limbs, Friends can make up for all sorts of things you lack.
Gabby: Yeah, by helping.
Faceless One: Yeah!
They're your Nakama!
Forrest: ............
Lady of Lethe: Nakama??
What's that?

Forrest god. damn it.

Steph: .......

Lady of Lethe curiously sticks her face into Naomi's hole

Space: choosing to belive that lady of lethe is sticking her head into--
Lady of Lethe: ... Spooky...
Forrest: ....Please don't do that.
Steph: ...

Lady of Lethe pulls it out

Steph incredibly awkward
Lady of Lethe: What's a Nakama?
Forrest: .........
Steph: It's a friend, but ...
Lady of Lethe: Are you a Nakama?
Steph: Yes...

Forrest exhales
Forrest: ....It's like a Friend, but more so.
Steph: We're all, uh... what's the plural of nakama? Nakamai...?
(No, that sounds fake...)
Lady of Lethe: So a prosthetic that is better than the real thing...
Forrest: It's just Nakama....
...No, it's-
.....It's an emotional thing. Comrade, Compatriot, Colleague, that sort of thing.
It's someone you can trust with anything.
Lady of Lethe: Will you be my Nakama?
Forrest: ...............................
Steph: Of course!

Forrest shuts his eyes tight and rubs his temples

Lady of Lethe: Good...
Gabby: Yeah!
Lady of Lethe: So what do you trust to your Nakama?
Forrest: .....A lot.
Steph: Basically everything.
Forrest: They're people you can....(god).
They're people you can believe in.
Lady of Lethe: ...
I believe in you.
You clearly exist right here.

Gabby nods encouragingly

Lady of Lethe pokes Forrest

Lady of Lethe: Real.
Forrest: ......
...It's not easy to explain. It's a deeper sort of belief than just acknowledging
our existence.

Steph smiles at Forrest

Forrest: ....It's easy to say we exist, but if you were in danger, can you say you
believe we could save you.
Gabby: Yeah, it's like... You have to believe that we'll be there for you and do
things in your best interest, is basically what.
Lady of Lethe: Hah!
I wouldn't believe it.
Forrest: ....And what if you took your glove off.
Lady of Lethe: I wouldn't do that.
Forrest: Why?
Lady of Lethe: There's no danger if the glove's on.
Steph: ...What about that big guy? Isn't he dangerous?
Lady of Lethe: What big guy?
Forrest: Erebus.
Mobile L: BRB a sec, battery almost dead
Lady of Lethe: ...
Lady of Lethe seems striken, acutely
Steph: .....

Steph fear
Forrest: .....
Lady of Lethe: Oh, Erebus!
Not Chaos, not
The darkest pit of lowest Erebus,
Nor aught of blinder vacancy, scooped out
By help of dreams—can breed such fear and awe
As fall upon us often when we look
Lady of Lethe: Into our Minds, into the Mind of Man—
My Haunt, and the main region of my song.
Those words hold true to my heart despite these years!
Forrest: ....
Gabby: …

Gabby wow, that's pretty...

Steph: ...
Lady of Lethe: ...
Forrest: ....Impressive poem. I'm surprised you have it memorized.
Lady of Lethe: ...
... Why would you wound me so...?
Why, when I have done you no harm, pierce my heart with such shrieking steel, such
vicious pains upon my soul!
Gabby: …?
Forrest: .....

Gabby oh geez...
Lady of Lethe: Oh, bitter lament!
Acheron and Asphodel!
The plains of Elysium, turned filthy and black!
Gabby: …
Forrest: ...
.....Is Erebus what's keeping you confined.

Gabby looks very, very sad for the poor dear

Lady of Lethe: No one keeps me confined!
No one!
I am here of my own will and no one else's!
No one commands me!
Gabby: ...But... But why...?
Forrest: ....
Lady of Lethe: Why?
Why what?
Forrest: Why do you stay here. Why do you forget.
Steph: I... don't think we should ask that...
Lady of Lethe: Is that not my own perogative? Is that not my right?
Forrest: ...
Lady of Lethe: I rule here!
I rule as I see fit!@
I could cast all of you into the darkness!
Have you torn asunder!
And why should I not, you, who bring pain to my Utopia?
Steph: 'Cause... we're... nakama, and... all of that... right?
Gabby: ...W-we didn't mean to...
Forrest: ....
Lady of Lethe: ....
I'd almost forgotten the term.
Gabby: ...We really do wanna help, please believe us...
Steph: ...
Lady of Lethe: I can trust you, can I not?

Steph exhales, slowly

Forrest: ....You can.
Steph: Of course you can...
Lady of Lethe: Yes...
Why did you come here?
Forrest: ....
Steph: ...Because... we want to set things right.
Lady of Lethe: For whom?
Steph: For... for us. And for everyone.
Forrest: ....And you
Lady of Lethe: Who is everyone...?
Steph: ...Everyone is everyone. All people. All humankind.
Lady of Lethe: ...
Is something wrong?
For everyone?
Forrest: ....Yes, there is.
And that's why we're here.
To set it right.
Lady of Lethe: What could you possibly hope to do...?
Save... everyone?
Gabby: …
Forrest: Yes.

Gabby slowly nods

Lady of Lethe: There is no saving everyone...
Steph: ...But, you've gotta try, don't you?
Forrest: ...Maybe.
Lady of Lethe: You simply gather what you can...
Save what can be salvaged...
And wait...
Forrest: Wait for what.
Lady of Lethe: ...
Gabby: …

Lady of Lethe stares upwards

Lady of Lethe: I don't remember.

Gabby winces at the thought of her feeling more bad things

Forrest: .....
Steph: ...
Forrest: .....Can I make a suggestion.
Lady of Lethe: No. But do it anyway.
Forrest: You could be waiting for the end. For the inevitable loss of everything
you have.
Lady of Lethe: ...
There is no end.
Forrest: ...
Gabby: …?
Lady of Lethe: ...?
O r.
Forrest: Or.
What is "Or."
Lady of Lethe: It links alternatives.
Forrest: So how about an alternative.
You're wating for nothing.
You've been waiting for Us.
Lady of Lethe: ...
That's an interesthing thought.
Forrest: You've been waiting for someone to come.
Lady of Lethe: ...
Forrest: Someone to come and fight.
Lady of Lethe: Perhaps.
Gabby: …
Lady of Lethe: I've lost the past.
Forrest: Then maybe we can save the future.
Lady of Lethe: ... But will I lose the present in doing so...?
Forrest: No.
Lady of Lethe: It is so peaceful to regard neither and simply be.
Forrest: The present is just the future's gift.
Gabby: Yeah...
Forrest: ...You want to see it again, don't you?
The world outside these walls.
Lady of Lethe: There is no world.
This is all that's left.
I took what I could, when it all was burning.
Forrest: You've got about seven rebuttals to that standing right in front of you.
Lady of Lethe: And I ran.
Forrest: ...

Forrest glances at James

Forrest: ...Eight.

James is just incredibly uncomfortable

Lady of Lethe: ...
Gabby: We didn't just poof outta nowhere, did we?
Lady of Lethe: ...
Forrest: There's something beyond this. Something tangible and real.

Lady of Lethe turns away from them on her perch

Lady of Lethe: Leave me...
Forrest: ....
Steph: ...

Forrest looks at the others

Narrator : Everyone is confused and weary and foggy.

Steph feels a strange melancholy

Forrest: .....
Gabby: …

Forrest looks back at Lethe, then looks at the others again and nods, motioning to
mosey on outta there
Gabby almost wants to cry for the poor thing...

Steph hurries after Forrest, sparing a sad second glance over at the lady

Forrest stops as he exits, staring out into the fog

Forrest: ......

Gabby follows, reluctantly. She just wants to give her a hug... and one to Jasper,
too, and Naomi, and Ms. Lao...
Forrest: ....
....Let's kill it.
Steph: ...

Forrest looks back at the others

Gabby nods solemnly

Narrator : The chain follows, in a questionable state of lucidity

Forrest looks back forward

Forrest: ...We'll need a plan.
Steph: I assume we're not gonna just do the 'hit it until it dies' strategy.
Forrest: .....We'll need help, too.
Steph: Who are you thinking?
Gabby: ...Perkins?

Forrest looks at Steph, thinking that she already knows

Forrest: ....They want it dead as much as we do.
Steph: ...You can't be serious.
Forrest: You think we can do it by ourselves?
Steph: The fact that we know what it is at all they don't like...
Forrest: Yeah, well, we do.
No reason to not pool resources toward a common goal.
Steph: Well, irregardless... this is kind of counter to the whole theft strategy.
Forrest: You had any other ideas for help?
Steph: ...No, not really.
Forrest: .....

Forrest glances back towards where they left

Narrator : The fog is thick.
Forrest: ....
....Think she could help.
Steph: I don't think so.
Forrest: She has an army.
Steph: I think this is a principle thing.
It's the same way Mu wouldn't be able to help us beyond.. giving us the tools to do
Forrest: ...Mm.
That leaves us with Option A, then.
Gabby: She doesn't seem like she'd know how to handle herself...
Steph: ...Okay, so we break in after we get them on our side, then?
I have their address written down...
Forrest: We'll cross that bridge when we get to it.
Steph: ...

Steph sighs - she's clearly not happy about this

Forrest: ....
......This is for them, and for her.
Steph: I know. I know I'm being selfish about it, too.
I'm not saying not do it.
Forrest: ....

Forrest looks at the Team

Forrest: ...I think the others are fading.
Steph: We should probably hurry back.
Forrest: ...Yeah.
Narrator : They are.
The party hurries out...
As they go, they spot... corrosion.
All over the door frame to the shed.
Forrest: ...
Narrator : It's like it's melted.
Forrest: ...Jesus...
Gabby: ...What the frick–...? What happened?
Steph: ...That's scary.
Forrest: .....
Narrator : The party gather back in the classroom...

Forrest , as they walk out, quickly looks at the others through his Magic Rock
Narrator : Everyone is clean.
Forrest: ....
Gabby: …

Forrest sits in his desk, stewing

Steph is low on spirit and drive

Gabby looks for Jasper

Narrator : Jasper is still gone.
Gabby: …

Gabby frowns and shuffles back to her seat

Narrator : James went back to Steph's
Naomi went back to Forrest's
Forrest: .....
Narrator : The party waits and waits for class to resume...
Space: good GOOD SESH
Mobile L: Lady... :c
SR3NORMANDY: good SESH even tho i missed a bunch
Space: you missed steph pulling a gun on gabby norm
Mac D.: shot her kneecaps and everything
Mobile L: Gabby called Steph a bitchass cracka, it was her only way out
SR3NORMANDY: holy shit
Gabby: bitchass cracka.
Forrest: gook.
Space: duff came to say hello to me in cypress :>
Mac D.: she was lonely
Mobile L: Awww c:
It's bullshit I can't do a heart
Mac D.: wheres seer
kotomine: rmember me
role: call
Mobile L PTSD flashbacks
kotomine: rolecall
Space: .
eldritch s. (GM): duff you verminous fuck....
eldritch s. (GM): i kept you waiting for longer so i understand
Mac D.: ya go downstairs to make a sandwich.....
eldritch s. (GM): what kind of sandwich
does it taste good
Mac D.: idunno i never actually made it
Forrest: .....
Narrator : Time, after a while, jerks back into motion.
Nathan: ....
Gabby: …
Nurse Foxhole: ...
What were we talking about?

Nurse Foxhole scartches his head

Gabby: Uh...

Gabby tries to recall herself

Nurse Foxhole: Oh!

Steph says nothing

Nurse Foxhole: That's right, I-

Nurse Foxhole is interrupted by the bell

Nurse Foxhole: Oh wow...
Time flies, huh?
Well, see you kids later!
Forrest: ......

Forrest exhales
Steph: ...

Forrest perhaps the rest of the day will go smoothly...

Steph keeps looking over at Jasper's desk

Steph tapping her fingers on her own

Gabby: (...They didn't even notice...)
(...God, she'd better be okay...)
Steph: (Didn't even bother coming back, I guess.)

Mr. Hawthorne walks in, carring Theodore

Steph: (Whatever...)
Mr. Hawthorne: Children!

Steph jolts back to reality, looking at the Chicken KFC man

Forrest: .........

Forrest shit
Mr. Hawthorne: Am I ever happy to see my favorite, and I me my favorite bunch of
little learning boys and girls!
Forrest: ..............

Gabby gives a very hesitant smile, steeped in ungodly dread

Mr. Hawthorne: Now I hope, and I say I hope, that all of you have been finding your
education and your lives to me enjoyable?

Gabby stiff nod with stiff smile

Steph: ...

Forrest feels a tension in the air

Mr. Hawthorne smiles

Mr. Hawthorne: Very good!
So, I have... re-assesed our here... educational methods.
And I have determined that no matter what the emotional cost to myself is: taking
questions and answers from the class is the only just way to proceed- for your own
So, I have a hat here....

Mr. Hawthorne takes a hat from Theodore

Mr. Hawthorne: Each of you can put one question in on any, and I mean any, topic.
Steph: ...
Mr. Hawthorne: And I will answer.

Steph is in not in any mood for any of this

Mr. Hawthorne watches Theodore as he brings the hat around for everyone to dispense
their question
Steph: rolling 1d2
= 1
Mr. Hawthorne: Ah!

Mr. Hawthorne takes the hat from Theodore

Mr. Hawthorne: Shall we proceed?

Steph watches, quietly

Steph there's a little smile on her face

Gabby noddd... please God make it end quickly and painlessly...

Mr. Hawthorne reaches in and pulls a question out

Mr. Hawthorne: whisper me the question as is procedure
Mobile L: i love u eldyyyyyy

Mr. Hawthorne looks at it

Mr. Hawthorne looks up

Mr. Hawthorne quickly looks from side to side

Space: god

Mr. Hawthorne 's eyes begin to widen

Mr. Hawthorne: rolling 1d20
= 6
(To eldritch s.): why do you think that this is the best procedure? I don't wanna
be mean but its kept causing problems to happen.

Mr. Hawthorne is shaking violently

Gabby: ........
Steph: .....

Steph this... this'll be good...

Mr. Hawthorne: N---
Mac D.:
Space: would he just start projectile vomiting if you got a 1 on the roll
rolling 1d20
= 11
Forrest: ..............................

Mr. Hawthorne seems like he's not going to keel over yet
Space: oh mmy god duff
(To eldritch s.): why does my butt hole ich at night.

Mr. Hawthorne but clutches his heart

Steph ... maybe this is a bit much

Mr. Hawthorne: GOD IN HIS MERCY
(To eldritch s.): why does my mom call my dad "daddy" and scream sometimes when the
door is shut are they hurting each other?

Forrest just

Forrest closes his eyes


Mr. Hawthorne throws the hat in the air

Gabby: ............

Mr. Hawthorne runs screaming from the room

Gabby: ...Already?

Mr. Hawthorne shouts from the hall

Steph: ...
Steph: ...Ah.

Steph thinks on this

Gabby: Uh–...

Mr. Rosencrantz runs into the doorframe in his rush

Mr. Rosencrantz falls onto the floor

Steph: ...Are... are you okay?
Mr. Rosencrantz pops up, his glasses cracked
Mr. Rosencrantz: Fine!
Mac D.:
goddddd perfect
Mr. Rosencrantz: So!
Mobile L: We need a fucking animatic of this please
Mr. Rosencrantz: Questions?
Gabby: ...yeah.
Mr. Rosencrantz: We're doing questions, yeah, right?
Oh, good...

Mr. Rosencrantz picks the hat up

Mr. Rosencrantz: So, first question...
Forrest: ...

Mr. Rosencrantz reads one

Forrest just keep those eyes closed

Mr. Rosencrantz reads out loud

Mr. Rosencrantz: why does my mom call my dad "daddy" and scream sometimes when the
door is shut are they hurting each other?
Steph: ...

Steph coughs

Forrest just let it this class BLOW ov- for god's sake
Gabby: ..............

Mr. Rosencrantz adjusts his glasses

Mr. Rosencrantz blushes

Mr. Rosencrantz: Uh. Well.
It's, uh.
Two adults.
Mobile L: mr. rosencrantz likes being called daddy.
Mr. Rosencrantz: It's two adults doing adult things.
And you'll figure it out when you're older.
Steph: ...Um... this is, like, health class.
You can say sex.
Mr. Rosencrantz: ...
Forrest: ......

Gabby has her hands buried in her face

Mr. Rosencrantz: Next question.
Steph: ...

Forrest count to four, INHALE. count to four, EXHAAAALE....

Mr. Rosencrantz takes one

Mr. Rosencrantz: ....

Steph uncomfortable
Mr. Rosencrantz: Why does my 'butt hole' itch at night.
Space: did he do air quotes
Mr. Rosencrantz: yes

Mr. Rosencrantz looks at the class, stern

Mr. Rosencrantz: C'mon.
Take this seriously, please.
Gabby: (i changed my mind i hate other high schoolers again)
Mac D.:

Mr. Rosencrantz reaches into the hat

Gabby exudes despair and misanthropy

Mr. Rosencrantz: Why do you think that this is the best procedure? I don't wanna be
mean but its kept causing problems to happen
... I don't know myself, personally.
I have no idea why Principal Hawthorne choses to do this.

Forrest is just sitting at his desk, solemnly and quietly, hands folded over
Mobile L: The students all have the shadow eyes
Steph: ...............
Forrest: ...................

Gabby prays to any deity for mercy

Mr. Rosencrantz: ...
It says on the lesson plan after questions you're supposed to watch.
A video.

Gabby oh NO

Mr. Rosencrantz gets the tv on the trolly ready

Forrest: ....(A video?...)
who's doodling on my face.
Steph: What's the video...?
Mr. Rosencrantz: You''ll see.
It's like Bill Nye for big kids.
Steph: ...

Steph feels condescended to

Mac D.: seer why'd you get rid of Dr. Weird and Steve
Narrator : He puts on the video.

Gabby GOD if this is avout sex

Narrator : the lights are dim.
A boy comes on the screen
Boy: Hello, my name is Shaun.
Mac D.: "hello i'm Richard Owens for Safe Sex."
Shaun: I have a problem, it's a special problem.
will you keep my scret?
Forrest: . . . . .

Steph shakes her head

Gabby: ...what?
Forrest: not a bad trace.
Mobile L: Ghost Forrest
Shaun: ... When I'm alone, I like to touch my genital.
Forrest: .

Forrest ENOUGH


Space: fuck
i just looked up
and saw the outline of forrest there
and i just
Shaun: ... Sometimes, when I see my friends lying in a coma, I also touch my
Steph: ...


Steph: Can I be excused, Mr. Rosencrantz?


Forrest: I need to use the restroom.

Gabby is lightly thudding her head against the desk

Shaun: No, you can't leave the room. Don't ask your teacher to go.
Steph: ...

Steph is utterly terrified

Shaun: I have things to tell you, so pay attention to me.
Forrest: I need to use the restroom Mr. Rozencrantz
Steph: ...
Shaun: If you ask him to leave again, I'm going to teach you the meaning of pain,

Steph gets her notebook out of her backpack, staring at the TV all the while

Mr. Rosencrantz is sleeping at his desk

Forrest: son of a bitch.

Forrest sees him asleep

Steph carefully writes in it

Forrest: .......
Shaun: If you touch the doorknob, you'll regret it, that's a promise.
Steph: 'I can leave the room'

Forrest just sloooowly starts to rise out of his desk

Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + -1
= 16

Forrest go tooooooo the door

Shaun: You can leave, but it's what happens after that's the problem.
Steph: ...
Steph adds onto it


Steph: 'and Shaun cannot stop me'
Narrator : Forrest touches the door.
Forrest: ....
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + -1
= 15
Space: oh no
Mobile L:
Mac D.: oh no
Gabby: ...........
Forrest: ......
Space: holy shit

Forrest tuuuurns the knob?....

Mobile L: shaun../
Narrator : The class ends as normal!
Gabby: ......................
Narrator : It's lunch!

Steph feels like something unspeakable and profane has happened

Forrest: ..........
Steph: ...

Steph to the lunch room...

Gabby tries to repress this

Gabby: …
...FRICK I'm hungry! Lunch, yay!


Forrest: . . . . . . . . .

Forrest sits there, in his desk, for a minute after everyone leaves
Forrest: ..............

Forrest slowly gets up and leaves

Jason: Uh.

Forrest inexplicably for some reason

Steph: Oh, yeah?
Jason: You mentioned a while ago possibly going on a hike with me?

Forrest feels a bit out of it, as if he is existing in two places at once

Jason: I was just checking to talk about the possibility.
Steph: Oh! Yeah, I did, didn't I?
Sure, that'd be cool...

Gabby ravenously begins consuming her lunch

Jason: When works for you?
Steph: How 'bout this weekend?
Gabby: hngmgrrghhh... wash the pain away...

Forrest just sits at a table

Jason: That sounds, uh, really nice.
Forrest: .....
Jason: We'll meet at your place, okay?
Mobile L: forrest's tortured ghost floats around
Steph: Sounds like a plan!
Jason: Thanks!
Forrest: ....?

Forrest notices Foxhole working at the Lunch Counter today

Space: your presence still lingers here...

Forrest goes to grab some GRUB

Steph brought her own lunch cause she's not a bastard fool
Steph: So...
Nurse Foxhole: Today- Sloppy joes- work of yours truely!
Steph: Gabby.
Nurse Foxhole: It's a family recipe...

Nurse Foxhole hands forrest the joe...

Forrest: .....Really.

Forrest looks at the Joe

Forrest: ...What makes it special;
Gabby: …?
Nurse Foxhole: You'll have to find that one out.
Forrest: ............

Gabby looks up with her mouth fulla spring roll

Forrest doesn't like the sound of that....

Forrest: ....
....So-...How's she doing.
Steph: Mr. Hawthorne got pretty, uh, freaked out about Jasper being gone.
Nurse Foxhole: Oh, yknow.
Forrest: Better?
Nurse Foxhole: Better than she was.
Not great.
Gabby: ...Yeah, uh... Didn't even see her leave.
Forrest: ....
Gabby: I mean, he wasn't in the room when...
Nurse Foxhole: I think she'll be recovered by next Wednesday.
Steph: Yeah. So...
Nurse Foxhole: At least enough to come back to work.
Steph: As far as he knew, she suddenly vanished in the middle of class.
Forrest: So she won't quit?
Nurse Foxhole: No.
Steph: Which, to a normal principal, would probably be... something to look into.
Forrest: ....
Steph: But not something to freak out about.
You know?
Forrest gives a little nod
Gabby: ...D'you think he has a history with her?
Forrest: ...Okay, that's....That's good to know.
Steph: No, that's not really what I think is happening.
Forrest: Thanks for the food.
Nurse Foxhole: No problem!
Gabby: Well, like... What is it, then?
Forrest: Right.
Steph: He's in on it for sure.

Nurse Foxhole goes back to reading manga while he attends the food
Steph: The snake stuff.
Space: what manga

Forrest shuffles his way over to an empty table

Nurse Foxhole: monster musune

Forrest pops a squat and eats, minding the Eye

Gabby: …
Forrest: ...

Forrest checks to see if it's Peepin'

Gabby: ...Like... You're sure it's not just a stress reaction?
Narrator : define peeping
Gabby: my spirit... it leaves...
Steph: That was absolutely not ordinary stress.
Forrest: is the eyeball lookin' around n shit
Narrator : i mean it's carved into the table

Forrest what about through.....the MAGIC ROCK

Narrator : that's sum spooky shit
it's moving in the magic rock
Gabby: …
Narrator : It stares directly at you, though, Forrest, when it stops.
Forrest: ....
Steph: Just something to consider.

Forrest narrows his eyes at The Eye

Steph takes a bite of her honey-on-pumpernickel sandwich

Forrest pockets the Rock

Gabby: ...I mean, I get you, but like... He's a weird fricking guy.

Forrest time to take a NIBBLE ON THIS SLOPPY JOES

Gabby: With his suicidal insistence on Q&A and like– the chicken.
Narrator : is a sloppy joe
is nice if that's your thing

Gabby feels ethereal

Forrest goot

Forrest oh yom yom

Forrest: steph where the fuck you goin'
Suzie: I think that we should come up with a plan of action.
We need a definite course for what we're going to do next.
Gabby gobbles down more Vietnamese food with the voraciousness of someone thrice
her size
Forrest: .....

Forrest glances up at Suzie

Steph: We gotta decide for sure. Robbery-then-teamup? Or teamup-then-robbery.

Forrest clears his throat LOUDLY.

Suzie: What. No one's listening.
Forrest: You sure about that.
Suzie: I wouldn't have spoken if I wasn't sure.
Gabby: …

Gabby looks around

Space: steph has a long fuckin ponytail

Forrest gestures to the Eye on his table

Gabby: …

Gabby stares the eye right in its eye

Suzie: It's an eye.
Forrest: Your point?
Suzie: I was hoping you could cover it up with something that muffles sound.
Steph: Put your tray on it.
Gabby: ...Yeah, it can probably read lips.
Suzie: And my hoodie.
Just in case it senses sound.

Gabby mouths "frick you" at the eye.

Forrest: Hit it for good measure.

Suzie hands Forrest her hoodie

Gabby pokes it repeatedly in its cornea

Forrest just starts stackin' shit on the eye

Suzie: is a soft hoodie
A plan.
Forrest: .....

Forrest thuds his bookbag on top of it for good measure

Steph: Robbery-then-teamup... that's my suggestion.
Forrest: I thought the plan was Teamup, then Robbery.
Steph: Well.
Mobile L: BRB for just a sec, snack
Steph: I mean, it's a suggestion.
Suzie: What are the merits and flaws in both?
Steph: Well... the flaw with not doing the robbery first is that they could hide or
destroy files if we don't go there sooner than later.
Suzie: What are we hoping to find in particular?
Steph: Stuff about...
...Their organizational... inner workings... and stuff.
Forrest: .....You wanted us to help you commit a felon with no clear goal in mind.
Steph: No!
I mean, it's about my mom. It's clear she's connected to all this now.
Forrest: .....I think we should prioritize killing Erebus over finding out more of
your family history, personally.
Steph: ...
Suzie: Do we have a plan to kill Erebus? If we team up with the snake-gang, how do
we do that?
How would we get their documents if we look for them?
It's good to have contingencies, even if we don't need them.
Forrest: The plan is to pool resources with the snake-gang on this endeavor.
Steph: They've gotta be in Ruddman's office.
...Or maybe his house...
Forrest: They know far more about dealing with it than we do, assuredly.
Steph: Sure, evidenced by the fact that they've beaten it. Of course.
It's also a sure thing that they'd be willing to help us...
Gabby: ...If they beat it, why didn't it die?
Forrest: She's making fun of me, Gabby.
Steph: Yeah, that was sarcasm.
Space: try to fucking keep up gabby
Suzie: I don't think that's necessary.
Steph: ...
Suzie: This is tense enough, we need to focus.
Mobile L: damn...
Gabby: ...Rrgh, yeah, like... Stuff the sarcasm, I'm crap at it.
(and grandma's spring rolls are too distracting...)
Forrest: ...
....We'll need to convince them to help, of course. That much is true.
Steph: ...The question we need to be asking is, what do we stand to lose from
closer cooperation with them.
Forrest: Good question. What, exactly.
Steph: You're right, Forrest. They're more experienced than us. It'd be stupid to
expect that they aren't gonna try and use us for their own ends - or get us out of
the way.
Forrest: You expect them to try and kill us?
Gabby: Well, for starters–... Is that fricking sarcasm again?
Steph: ...No, that wasn't.
Listen... If you compromise with people like this, you lose a little bit of what
you stand for.
Forrest: What exactly do we stand for here, Steph.
Steph: Well, you're for uncovering the truth. For finding stuff out.
Forrest: Yes. And?
Steph: It's obvious these guys want to keep the truth very much under wraps.
Gabby: ...Okay. Like... I just find it concerning, even with how cool Ruddman's
been, that there are those among them who are okay with hurting young people like
Forrest: We're not exactly blabbing about this situation to random passerby,
Steph: Gabby's got a good point, Forrest.
Forrest: ...
Steph: They did try to murder us... you weren't there for that. But I got shot at
with a gun.
Forrest: ...I was almost drowned in a lake.
I am aware of the attitudes these men possess.
Steph: That's not gonna suddenly change because we say we want a team up.
What is the incentive for them?
Gabby: ...This whole thing kind of hinges on Ruddman's ability to keep the others
at bay, I think.
Forrest: The chance of killing that thing is a strong incentive.
Gabby: *Perkins
ahaha surnames
Steph: Assuming that killing it is their goal.
Did they say to you, 'hey! We want this guy dead. It's the only way to get on down
past - there's no other door or nothing, just kill this dude.'
Those words?
Gabby: …
...Look, uh–... Maybe we're looking at this from the wrong angle.
Forrest: It's an obstacle in their way, and Perkins has said as such.
Gabby: Maybe we need to like–... I mean, ask yourself this:
What would drive grown men with reputations and outside interests to pull guns on
and try to drown children?
Steph: It'd be nice if we knew that.
Maybe if there was some way to get more info about these guys...
Forrest: I can hazard a guess and say they're not fully there.
Gabby: ...Will we be fully there after we get to the point they have?
Forrest: ....I have a feeling their baggage has less to do with this than we think.
The cop.
Steph: Yeah. Don't worry about that, Gabby.
Gabby: …
Forrest: The cop's a vet of some war.

Gabby doesn't seem terribly satisfied, but doesn't press for now
Steph: He sure acts like he's still in the army...
Forrest: I have a feeling the experience was a lot less pleasant than most.
He's broken, I think.
Steph: Lemme just, like... redirect for a second.
What exactly are the drawbacks of theft first?
Forrest: Getting caught.
Getting arrested.
Getting shot.
Steph: These are all the same drawbacks of if we go to meet them, and they aren't
happy about it.
Forrest: Yeah, but we won't have the added baggage of trying to explain why we were
robbing them earlier.
Gabby: …
Steph: At the point when they have a gun pointing at your face... I don't think it
really makes any difference.
Forrest: I'm pretty sure it does.
Gabby: Well, like... If there truly is no difference, why domn
*don't we just flip a coin or something? Why is anyone pushing for anything?
Forrest: Why don't we do it democratically.
Steph: Like... the difference is, they could get rid of files if they know we're
getting closer to them.
Forrest: The difference is also that one situation is much harder to negotiate out
of getting shot in than the other.
Gabby: ...If they catch us doing it after we team up, like–...
Steph: I really think that they've got the drop on us either way...
Gabby: ...Torture is a possibility. There's an element of betrayal instead of just
like, being adversaries from the start.
Forrest: You don't think they'd torture us if we got caught by them before that?
Steph: Honestly...
If they catch us, we're fucked. If they disagree with joining us, we're fucked...

Steph stops
Steph: ...
Hey. Hey, hey, hey.
Forrest: ..?
Steph: I had a Stephanie Karloman Trademark Good Idea.
Forrest: Oh, god.
Steph: What if... while you were trying to arrange a teamup at the warehouse... I
was doing the larcency?
Forrest: .......
Steph: This way, we know for sure they're not at the office.
Gabby: ...Frick.
Forrest: ....There's a chance that could go very, very badly.
Gabby: That sounds really promising, though, I mean– we have that chance either
way... But I think, like–... I think you need a buddy, so you're not just fricked
if you're caught.
Forrest: .....
Especially with the hallucination problem.
Steph: ...
It's not... that big of a deal...
But... yeah, it'd be a good idea to have someone with, anyways.
Forrest: ....So who's volunteering.
Ken: I can do it.
Gabby: …

Gabby was about to raise her hand

Gabby feels a chill

Steph: Awesome, great.
Gabby: …

Forrest physically moved to stop Gabby from raising her hand

Gabby ... :c
Gabby: (ken...)

Forrest B[
Steph: So! When will this go down.
Forrest: Good question. We'd need to arrange a meeting with them somewhere,
Steph: I have their hideout's address written down.
They said, y'know... if I ever wanted to bring back the gun
Forrest: .....
...Well, then.
We have our location, and our excuse.
I suggest sometime on the weekend, so we have time to thoroughly plan this out.
Steph: I also have Ruddman's home address written down, so like... if I don't find
anything at the office...
...Aw, geez, I had weekend plans... okay.
Forrest: Do not push it.
Steph: ...For now.
I finished your sentence.

Gabby has gone quiet

Forrest: You did no such thing. You can break into someone's house on your own
Steph: Point conceded.
Forrest: Alright. I think that settles everything, for the time being.

Gabby stares intensely and concernedly at Ken

Gabby is watching every breath like an utter creep

Ken doesn't seem very bothered

Steph: Coolin'.
Ken: I'm happy to have a plan.
How will we set up this meeting?
Steph: Forrest, you've got an in with 'em, right?
Forrest: ....I have Perkins' number.

Gabby clasps her hands, sighing deeply

Forrest: ...?

Forrest looks at Gab

Steph: Yeah, I bet.

Forrest looks RRRIGHT back at Steph

Forrest: ...What is that supposed to mean?
Steph: Like... y'know. It doesn't surprise me.
It's sort of what I figured...

Gabby 's gaze is fixed ahead and slightly to her left

Forrest narrows his eyes at her

Ken seems kinda fatigued

Ken rubs his eyes

Lilly frowns in her seat

Forrest: ...

Steph finishes up her lunch

Gabby squirms in deep empathic discomfort

Narrator : Now...
we're done this time for the eve i think
nest sesh we'll handle the weekend and its intrigue
Mobile L: Yehhhhh!
look at the blackboard
Mac D.: oooOOOOooo
Space: cock
Mobile L: I'm OOC pleased with the IC ability to plan
Space: bickers endlessly until an accord is reached
Mac D.: "okay here's the plan: fuck you."
Mobile L: gabby's gonna cry so much if ken dies...
Narrator : The school day proceeds... it is suffer incarnateb ut it ends...
it's Friday afternoon!
aiight we good
Forrest: .....

Forrest exhales

Forrest is a man....on a mission.

Forrest Phase 1: Head into the town. Find...the SHOPPING CENTER.

Forrest: .....

Forrest Actual Phase 1 get the heck outta this school

Narrator : Forrest flees this hell on earth.

Forrest TO TOWN
Narrator : What manner of shopping center is Forrest lookingfor?
Forrest is on the hunt for a shop that recording devices
Narrator : roll mind
Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 43
Narrator : Ah yes...
Forrest knows a place on the way home.
Dan's Digitals and Tech Emporium

Forrest nods silently to himself. Easy Peasy...

Narrator : I've marked it on your map...
Forrest: mister narrator i am still outside of the school.

Forrest walks WITH PURPOSE AND DRIVE down the street

Forrest turns the corner

Minerva O'Malley glances at Forrest, glasses shining

Forrest: ......

Minerva O'Malley snorts like a pathetic dork before speaking

Minerva O'Malley: Fancy seeing you here, Forrest Freeman.
From Hoboken.
It's almost like I knew you'd come, huh?
Forrest: ..........
....Did you?
Minerva O'Malley: What do you think.
Forrest: .....What is it you want.
Minerva O'Malley: Information.
Forrest: ...On?
Minerva O'Malley: You know.
Forrest: ....

Forrest narrows his eyes

Forrest: ...I'm afraid I don't. You'll have to fill me in.
Minerva O'Malley: Don't play games with me, Forrest Freeman.
We both know what I know you know.
Forrest: ....
...I don't have a clue what you're talking about.
Minerva O'Malley: Is that what you're going to tell the school when your info
Forrest: ...
Minerva O'Malley: If it's online, Forrest Freeman, I know it.
Forrest: ..........!

Forrest 's eyes widen

Forrest: .......How'd you-...
Minerva O'Malley: I have ways, Forrest Freeman from Hoboken.
Forrest: ......
Minerva O'Malley: And time.

Forrest 's frown deepens

Forrest: ....If you know about it already, then why are you asking to know more.
Minerva O'Malley: I don't want to know about your little...
I want to know what is happening here, Forrest Freeman.
My real, pressing concerns.
Forrest: .......
......So you want to learn about "that."
Minerva O'Malley: Yes.
How did you find out about Dasani, Forrest.
Forrest: ....I have my methods, and my sources.
Are you one of "Them?"
Minerva O'Malley: I might be, Forrest Freeman.
Think carefully when you're thirsty next.
We know what beverage you'll drink.
Forrest: .......

Forrest narrows his eyes

Forrest: ...You can't hide the truth forever. There'll be others.
Minerva O'Malley: And they'll have to drink too.
Out of our bottle.
Delete your blog.
Forrest: Or else?
Minerva O'Malley: Drink well, Forrest.

Minerva O'Malley heads down the alley

Forrest: ......

Minerva O'Malley trips

Forrest: ...
Minerva O'Malley: ....
Forrest: .....You alright.
Minerva O'Malley: Shut up.

Minerva O'Malley gets up and walks away

Forrest: ......

Forrest exhales. He knew he couldn't run forever...

Forrest makes his way down the street to DAN'S

Narrator : There is the store...
At the counter...
Forrest: .....?

Forrest looks at him

Narrator : He stands there in the staff uniform, looking miserable
Forrest: ......

Forrest coughs awkwardly and just goes in, trying not to make eye contact

Vlad doesn't even look at Forrest

Vlad speaks in a pleasant cadence

Vlad: Hello! Welcome to Dan's.
Forrest: .....

Forrest damn, what an actor

Forrest searches about for AUDIO RECORDERS
Vlad: Audio recorders are in the third aisle, second case.
Forrest: ....!
Vlad: I recommend Dan's Selecto-matic Recorders, they're inexpensive and good for
the price.
Forrest: ....Yeah, that'll work.

Forrest takes a SELECTOMATIC RECORDER, then stands there for a moment, thinking
Forrest: ......
...Do you sell filtration devices?
Vlad: We have some, yes. Not a huge selection.
Forrest: I will take whatever you've got.

Vlad walks from behind the counter

Vlad heads to the locked cabinet

Forrest: ...

Vlad opens
Forrest: . . .

Vlad climbs a stepladder to the top shelf

Forrest: ................

Vlad grabs the box and carefully climbs down

Vlad heads back the counter with it

Vlad: This is forty-five CAD, just letting you know.
Forrest: .....

Forrest checks his current Funds

Vlad checks the calculator

Vlad: That's forty USD...
Forrest: ......
Narrator : rolling 1d100 + 20
= 95
Oh wow...
Someone must have snuck some money into your wallet, Forrest!
You have 95 bucks.
Mac D.: all that Horse Race Gambling must have paid off
Forrest: . . . . . . . . .
....Can I take a look at that filter?
Vlad: Absoutely.

Vlad opens it

Vlad shows him the fairly compact filter

Forrest: ....

Forrest inspects it for various things

Forrest most importantly: Brand
Narrator : rolling 1d20
= 7
It's a generic.
Forrest: ...

Forrest exhales, then looks at Vlad

Forrest: ..Alright, I'll take it. The recorder, too.
Vlad: Alright! In total that comes to sixty two dollars.


Vlad takes money

Vlad: Here's your change.

Vlad gives change

Forrest takes change

Forrest: Thank you.
Vlad: No problem!
Come back anytime!
Forrest: ....

Forrest goes to exit the store, Disturbed

Vlad goes back to looking miserable

Forrest a model employee, that one......

Narrator : You have what you came for, Forrest...

Forrest , with an Audio Recorder and a Questionable Filter obtained, begins the
Journey to Home....
Maria MacArthur: Hey.
Forrest: ...

Maria MacArthur youthrolls to Forrest.

Maria MacArthur: ...
Forrest: ....Did you just-
Maria MacArthur: The Dark Mistress thanks you for hanging out.
Forrest: ...Oh.
Maria MacArthur: She appreciates it.
Forrest: Uh...No problem, I had a good time.
Maria MacArthur: Okay.

Maria MacArthur runs off

Forrest: ..Wh-

Forrest stands there a moment more, before shaking his head and Resuming
Narrator : hold a minute
Forrest: gosh my house got teal the cap on a dasani bottle
Narrator : ok
Forrest steps inside
Lel Shitkid: Big bro!

Lel Shitkid zooms up

Forrest: ...Heeey, look who it is.

Forrest smiles and crouches down to her eye level

Forrest: What's up, have a good day?
Lel Shitkid: Yeah!
I saw a doctor today!
He said I was in a clean bill of health!

Forrest exhales slightly out of his nose in relief.

Forrest: No kidding? Well, it's no surprise to me that a little genius like you's
so healthy.
Lel Shitkid: Yay!

Bryce Freeman walks out of the kitchen, eating wholegrain Cheerios from the box, a
few dusting his jacket
Bryce Freeman: Hey there, champ!
Forrest: ..?

Forrest looks up at him, and his Vile Cereal

Forrest: ..Oh-...Hey dad. How was work?
Bryce Freeman: I took the day off to make sure Sooz was taken care.
*care of
Forrest: .....
..Oh-...Right, yeah.
..Kind of obvious, yeah....sorry.
Bryce Freeman: No, it's fine, i forgot I took the day off even after I took her to
the doctor.
Forrest: .....Pfft, for real?
Bryce Freeman: Yeah, I was half way out of town before she asked where we were
Lel Shitkid: We did a U-turn!
Forrest: ...Oh, geeze-...

Forrest gives a small, wheezy laugh

Bryce Freeman: So that happened...
Your mom's home as well!
She got in early today.
Forrest: ..Oh-..Any reason?
Bryce Freeman: No, not really.
It just played out that way.
Forrest: ...Huh...Alright, then, I oughta say hi.
Bryce Freeman: Sure!
Lel Shitkid: I talked to Adelisa!
Forrest: ...?

Forrest stops, and looks back at her

Forrest: You did?
Lel Shitkid: Yeah!
Forrest: 'Bout what?
Lel Shitkid: Video games!
Forrest: Ohhh, yeah? You play any with her?
Lel Shitkid: Yeah!
I won.
Forrest: Oh, oof...How bad'd you school her?
Lel Shitkid: I was going easy! It was close...
Forrest: Ahh, good, good. Don't wanna thrash her TOO badly.
Reigning World Champ as always, Sooz.
Lel Shitkid: Yeah!
You're close though...
You'll beat me some day!
Forrest: Idunno, I think I'm still a hundred years too early...

Forrest holds out a hand

Forrest: C'mon, let's go talk to Mom.
Lel Shitkid: Yeah!

Forrest steps INTOOOO the KITCHEEEN

Narrator : Loren sits in her chair, reading the paper.
Bryce is busy cooking dinner.
Forrest: Hey, mom.

Loren Freeman sets the paper down

Loren Freeman: Forrest!
How was school?
Forrest: .....
Same old, same old. Nothing crazy.
Loren Freeman: That's good.
Have you been making friends?
Forrest: ...........Uh-...
....Yeah, uh...Yeah.
Loren Freeman: That's great!
You should have them over some time!
Forrest: .................
.....yeah, maybe.

Forrest NEVER
Bryce Freeman: You could have a sleepover!

Forrest shuffles his feet

Mac D.: brb
Loren Freeman: So, any assignments due
Mac D.: mmmmBACK
Forrest: .....-
rolling 3d20 +2
= 45

Forrest did not have any upcoming assignments slip his mind
Forrest: ....There's a, uh....Essay.
Loren Freeman: Oh, alright.
How is it going?
Forrest: .........It's uh....It's fine. It's going fine.
Nothing....really much to say.
It's school.
Loren Freeman: That's good!
Are you hungry?
Forrest: ...
...Not right now...maybe in a bit...
Loren Freeman: That's fine!
We'll have some grub ready for you two when you're hungry.
Forrest: ....

Forrest nods
Forrest: ...T-thanks, Mom.
Loren Freeman: Hey. don't worry about it!
Give me a hug!
Forrest: .....

Forrest shuffles on over

Loren Freeman hugs her boy

Loren Freeman: I'm sorry I'm not around much.
Forrest: .......
....s'-...s'fine, i know you're busy.

Forrest awkward hug

Mac D.: damn mom you're like twelve feet tall or some shit
Loren Freeman: rcmp.
You're a good son.
I'm proud of you.
Forrest: .....

Forrest says nothing, his desire to leave the room at a fever pitch

Loren Freeman lets go

Loren Freeman starts reading the paper again

Forrest: .....

Forrest looks over at Dad and Sis

Narrator : She's helping him cook dinner.
Forrest: ....

Forrest quietly excuses himself and heads up the stairs

Narrator : They creek lightly as Forrest heads up.
Forrest: ....

Forrest stares down at them the whole way up

Forrest: .....

Forrest stands briefly in the hallway, taking in the solitude and silence
Forrest: ......

Forrest deep inhale, deep exhale....

Forrest goes to his room to drop off the Filtration Device

Narrator : Oh...
She was hanging out in your room!
Forrest: ...?
Faceless One: Heya!
Forrest: ....Hey.
Faceless One: Took you a while to get hom.

Forrest sets the Shopping Bag down

Faceless One: *home
Forrest: I had to make a stop.
Faceless One: I felt a bit weird waiting for this long in your room.
What'd you buy??
Forrest: ....How long, exactly?
Faceless One: Uh....
Maybe ten minutes.
Forrest: ..Oh. Alright, then.

Forrest pulls the filter out of the bag

Forrest: This is for me, don't touch it.

Forrest takes out the recorder

Forrest: This is for us.

Faceless One looks at the recorded

Forrest: Or, you, mostly.

Faceless One scartches her head

Faceless One: What's that?
Forrest: It's an audio recorder.
It can record sound and play it back.
Mac D.: Big Steph
Faceless One: ... Oh....
Forrest: ....
...You wrote a letter, last time.
I think this time we should use this.
Faceless One: ...
That's a really good idea.
Forrest: I know, I thought of it.
You can't make any mention of me, or anything that would make it sound like you're
here in town.
Faceless One: That's fine.
Forrest: Alright, then. Here you go.

Forrest hands it off to her.

Faceless One grabs it

Faceless One holds it gently

Forrest: .....
....Do you...Want to find a place to record it.
Faceless One: I can, uh.
Just do it here.
I won't be loud.
Forrest: ....
...That's fine, I'll keep quiet.
me steps back

Faceless One turns it on

Forrest: ....
Faceless One: ...
Hi, mom.
I just want to say first off that I'm... I'm okay.
Well okay is kind of a stretch, but I'm alright.
I'm sorry I'm not there right now, I know you're really worried about me.
I didn't run away, this isn't what happened, but it's not like I've been kidnapped.
It's really complicated and I want to explain it to you in person some time.
Faceless One: None of this is your fault.
I love you, mom. I really do.
And I miss you.
I'm gonna try to be strong, so please try to be strong with me.
I'm gonna hang this up now, okay?
I'll talk to you later.

Faceless One stops recording

Forrest: ....

Forrest walks up
Forrest: .....Good message.
First try, too, that's impressive.
Faceless One: ... Thanks.

Faceless One gently hands it to him

Forrest reaches out and gently takes it

Forrest: ....

Forrest checks the clock and looks out the window

Narrator : It's md-later afternoon.
If you go now it'll be dark by the time you come back.
Forrest: ....

Forrest there's time

Forrest: ...I'll get this to her.
I'll have her record something when I get there for you to listen to.
Narrator : Naomi nods, quiet
Forrest: ....
...I'll be back soon.

Forrest turns and heads for the door

Faceless One: I'd cry but I have no face.
Forrest: .....
....We'll fix that, somehow.
Faceless One: ... Yeah.
We will.
Forrest: ...

Forrest lingers at the door a moment, before going through

Forrest calls to the kitchen

Forrest: I'm going out again.
Bryce Freeman: Alright! Come back soon, though!
Forrest: Will do.

Forrest g o

Forrest The Journey To The Way Manor In That Shitty Part Of Town Begins
Narrator : I've marked the Way residence on your map.
Forrest: thank you Nebulous Voice In My Head That Tells Me Who To Kill
Narrator : Fuck her up.
Forrest walks down the lonely streets.
Sunset's coming, real sunset.
Forrest: ......
Forrest eyes the sun going down and picks up the pace
Narrator : He sees a man standing on the srteetcorner.
Forrest: .....?....

Forrest narrows his eyes and stares

Forrest: .........

Lunatic spins around

Forrest: ....!!
Lunatic: you have a second to react forrest


Lunatic: rol finesse
Forrest: rolling 3d20 -1
= 31
Mac D.: curse these fat legs.
Lunatic: he knocks over a garbage can

Lunatic casts a long shadow

Forrest: Gh-...Fuck.

Lunatic has his bat out.

Lunatic just stands there, casting his shadow

Forrest: .....

Lunatic his long shadow

Forrest looks around from where he's standing for People

Lunatic his lengthening shadow

Forrest: ...!?!

Forrest backs the FUCK up.

Narrator : Thee are some people milling about.

Lunatic slides on his shadow like it was some kind of conveyor belt
Forrest: ...!?!!?
Lunatic: Stop.
Into the alley.

Lunatic points
Forrest: .....

Forrest stands there, still as stone

Forrest: .......

Forrest glances at his bat

Lunatic it's badly bent and busted up

Forrest: gonna hit me with that?
Lunatic: Don't make me.
If you don''t come in right now I'm going to kill both of these people on the
street and then I'm going to kill you.
Forrest: .......
.......You won't if I come.
Lunatic: Not if you don't make me.
Forrest: .....
Lunatic: If you run.

Forrest tries to steady his breathing

Lunatic: I'm going to catch you.
And they'll never find the body.
Forrest: .....

Forrest slow inhale, slow exhale

Forrest: .....fine. fine...

Forrest fearfully makes his way toward the alley...

Lunatic looks at Forrest

Forrest: .....

Forrest looks at Lunatic

Lunatic crouches down to his level

Lunatic: You were there.
You were there.
Forrest: .....
...I-...watched you die.
Lunatic: I can see it in your eyes.
There's no such thing for us.
Forrest: .....
....Are you-?.......
Lunatic: Not unless He gets us.
I've been there too.
I've watched you.
Forrest: .......
......Wh-...Which one are you, then.
Lunatic: I'm not one of them.
Those snakes...
Those cocksuckers...
Forrest: ......
....Are you with us?
Lunatic: I'm not with anyone...
Forrest: .....
Lunatic: I tried to talk to your friends.
They wouldn't do it..
Forrest: .....
Lunatic: They wouldn't FUCKING listen to me!
Forrest: ...1
Lunatic: But you're gonna listen.
If you open the Third Heaven.
You're going to die.
Forrest: .....
Lunatic: What do you think it looks like.
What do you think is there.
Forrest: .....Wh-...Third Heaven?
Lunatic: At the door.
I've seen it.
Only one person alive has seen it.
And that was me.
Forrest: ....
...What-....What does it look like.
Lunatic: What do you imagine.
I'm curious.
What do you see in your mind's eye.
Forrest: .....I haven't-....Thought about it, really.

Lunatic places a hand on his shoulder

Forrest: ..

Lunatic presses his face very close to Forrest's

Lunatic: Think.
Forrest: ..
Lunatic: Now.
Forrest: ....A-Alright, alright, jesus...

Forrest closes his eyes and tries to picture SOMETHING

Lunatic: Tell me what you see.
Forrest: ....Idunno...This town, but brighter and cleaner?
Lunatic: ...
It has six locks.
And six keys.
Those pins.
Do you know the pins?
Those are keys...
Lunatic: Mu handed them out...
Forrest: .....Okay, right, a door with six locks.
.....Our Archetypes?
Lunatic: Do you know what was waiting for me after I scaled those mountains.
Forrest: ....What?
Lunatic: Blackness.
I saw seas of tar.
Seas of black ichor.
Oozing from the gate.
I saw thousands of a screaming faces sinking into the murk.
And millions of lost souls, waiting by the gates..
Forrest: ....
Lunatic: I saw the face of God.
And it was full of hatred.
For you.
For me.
For all of us.
Forrest: .....
...Is that why the gate is locked?

Lunatic stares Forrest down

Lunatic: You want it.
You want it.
Forrest: ...Want what.
Lunatic: You're going to take it...

Lunatic lets go of him

Forrest: Take what?
Lunatic smashes the dumpster
Forrest: ...!?!
Lunatic: YOU FUCKING WANT IT...!!!
Forrest: ...!!

Lunatic looks at him

Lunatic: You listen.
If you so much as think about that gate again
You're going to wake up in the night, and I'll be standing over your bed.
And I will be the last thing you ever see.
Forrest: Okay, okay.
Lunatic: NO.

Lunatic swings his bat so hard it breaks on the dumpster

Forrest: ...!!
....I-...I'm listening, I'm listening. I won't.

Lunatic starts yanking on his hair

Lunatic: *his own
Forrest: okay okay okay.

Forrest baaaacks the FUCK out of that alley

Lunatic crouches like a vulture over his broken bat

Lunatic rambles to himself frantically

Forrest power walks a WAAAAYS away, before stopping to lean on a building and try
and regain composure
Narrator : Forrest can see Officer Quest down the road, talking to one of his
Forrest: .....!

Forrest oh GOD rock and a hard place

Forrest looks back toward the road he just walked down

Narrator : The Luntatic stands on the sidewalk.
Staring him down.
Forrest: ............

Forrest walk

Forrest waaaaaaalk away WAAAAALK

Narrator : rolling 1d20
= 1
Quest looks directly at Forrest.
Forrest: ...!?!?

Forrest god DAMN IT

Officer Quest 's eye widen

Officer Quest pulls out his gun
Forrest: ....!!

Forrest freezes, holding his hands up

Officer Quest fires

Narrator : ... But Forrest isn't hit.
Instead, he feels a hand land on his shoulder.
Forrest: .........
Lunatic: Hhhhggh....

Forrest , slowly turns his head to look at the Loony behind him

Lunatic was inches away from hitting Forrest with what remained of his bat
Forrest: . . . .
Officer Quest: Leave.

Forrest looks back at Quest and Pink

Space: markiplier is scared

Officer Quest looks at Forrest

Officer Quest: Leave. Now.

Forrest swallows, and hurries down the alley

Narrator : Jesus Christ, Forrest...
Another Snake Frick is just standing on the street.
Forrest: ....!!!
Narrator : He's reading the paper, thankfully.

Forrest looks, coming out of the alley, at the Fuck Who Tried To Throttle Him

Forrest OUT

Forrest OOOUT

Forrest comes to a stop around the final corner, just leaning against the wall and
Narrator : You're nearly to Naomi's moms.
Forrest: ......

Forrest looks at the Recorder, and shake the willies out of his head

Forrest soldiers on...

Forrest knock.....on....THE door....

Lucille Way opens it after seeing him through the peephole

Lucille Way: ... Hello.
Forrest: ....

Forrest is a sweaty boy

Forrest: ....Hello, Ms. Way.

Lucille Way smiles

Lucille Way: Hello, Forrest.
Do you have another letter?
Forrest: ....Not this time.
Lucille Way frowns

Forrest holds up the recorder

Forrest: ...I have this.

Lucille Way looks at it

Lucille Way smiles

Lucille Way: Oh... oh wow...
Forrest: ...

Lucille Way opens the door

Lucille Way: Come in.
Are you thirsty?
Do you need anything to eat?

Forrest nods, and quietly steps inside. QUITE grateful to be off the godamn street
Forrest: ...W-
.....No, no, I'm fine.
Thank you.
Lucille Way: Alright.
Do you mind if I listen to the recording now?
Forrest: Go ahead, it's fine.
Mac D.: brb grabbin food from downstairs

Lucille Way plays it

Lucille Way tears up a bit

Lucille Way quietly walks off somewhere else in the house for a bit

Lucille Way walks back to Forrest and hands it to him

Lucille Way: I recorded my own message.
Forrest: ....

Forrest nods to her, taking it

Lucille Way: Thank you.
Forrest: ...I'll...get it to her.
Lucille Way: ....

Lucille Way hands him five bucks

Forrest: ....?
...What's this for?
Lucille Way: ... It's token. But I wanted to give you something.
Forrest: ....
...That-...That really isn't-...
Lucille Way: Just take it
Forrest: .....
....O-okay. Thanks.
...Thank you for, um-...letting me in as well. I'll keep in touch, Ms. Way.

Forrest awkwardly sliiiips on out

Lucille Way nods

Lucille Way closes the door.

Forrest: ...
Forrest stands back on the street, exhaling

Forrest now how to get home without dying.

Forrest: ....

Forrest looks up at the Night Sky

Forrest: .....

Forrest starts for Home....periodically looking over his shoulder as he goes

Forrest: .....

Forrest stands at the mouth of Loony Alley

Mac D.: does he see Iblis
Lucille Way: not yet
Mac D.: ....

Forrest glances down the street.....the alternative is walking passed The Newspaper

Forrest exhales, steels himself, and goes to walk through the alley
Forrest: ...!?

Forrest picks up the pace a SIGNIFICANT amount as he walks


Forrest: .....
Narrator : He's in.
The house is dark. everyone seems to have turned in.
There's a letter on the door for Forrest.
Forrest: ...?

Forrest takes it off and reads it

Narrator : "We left two plates by your door, don't forget to lock the front door!"
Forrest: .....

Forrest exhales, and locks the door behind him

Forrest using his phone as a light, he makes his way upstairs and to his room
Narrator : The plates have been taken inside yoru room, Forrest.
Forrest: .....?

Forrest opens the door and looks inside

Faceless One is watching anime and snacking on one of the bowls of soup
Faceless One: Hi Forrest!
Forrest: ....
Faceless One: I saved your bowl for you.

Faceless One gestures to it

Faceless One: It's still warm!

Forrest breathes out, feeling both relieved and a little silly that he assumed it
was anything else
Forrest: ...Ah, cool.

Forrest walks over, taking the Soop

Faceless One puts the food in her face hole and it vanishes
Forrest: ...........
.....Do you taste that?
Faceless One: Yeah.
Forrest: .....Huh.

Forrest sets the soup bowl down and hands her the recorder
Forrest: Here you go.
Faceless One: Oh!
I'm gonna listen to this in private, okay?

Faceless One puts her mask on

Faceless One: I'll BRB!

Faceless One heads off

Forrest: ...Uhh, oka-

Forrest gone
Forrest: ....

Forrest starts into his SOUP

Faceless One: is a nice soupe

Forrest delish
Forrest: .....

Forrest thinks about how thirsty he is

Forrest: ......

Forrest looks at the Filtration Device

Narrator : It sits there.
Forrest: ......

Forrest narrows his eyes

Forrest goes to get a glass of water

Narrator : Water get.
Forrest: ....

Forrest stares at the water, his eyes narrowed in suspicion


Narrator : He filters...
It is now Clean

Forrest looks at it briefly before drinking. Ahhh...the sweet fulfilling taste of

Narrator : You're safe...

Faceless One hands him the recorder

Faceless One: I put my message on it.
Thank you a lot.

Forrest takes it
Forrest: ....No problem.
...What'd she say?
Faceless One: ... Mom stuff.
Forrest: ......"Did you change your underwear" kinda stuff.
Faceless One: ....

Faceless One clears her throat

Faceless One: Maybe.
Forrest: .....?
You alright.
Faceless One: It was just kinda personal.
Forrest: .......Oh, uh...I see.
I understand.
Faceless One: Thanks, again.
You're a really good person.
Forrest: .....
....I'm kind of exhausted.
Faceless One: Geeze, I bet...
I guess you wanna sleep early, huh?
Forrest: A little bit.
Faceless One: That's fine!
I'll sleep early too then.
Forrest: .....

Forrest INNNN...ooout
Forrest: ....Would you like the stay in my room.
Faceless One: ....
I'd appreciate that.
Forrest: .....
...Alright, uh.
....You meditate, right.
Faceless One: Yeah.
Forrest: .....

Forrest he looks around the room for something comfy to Sit On that's Not His Bed
Faceless One: I can sit on the floor.
It doesn't matter.
Forrest: That can't be comfortable.
Faceless One: It's pretty good.
Forrest: ...(There's the pillow in the closet, but....)
....You sure?
Faceless One: I'm sure.

Faceless One sits near his bed

Forrest: ......

Faceless One slumps over pretty quickly

Forrest: .....

Forrest retires to his bed and lies down

Forrest: .....

Forrest just stares at the ceiling

Forrest thinking about that riveting conversation with the madman

Forrest: ..........
Forrest ain't getting much sleep tonight
Narrator : good
that's it
go home
Space: whispers hes here..
Mac D.: whispers if we're quiet he might no notice us......
Mobile L: whispers he's so quiet...
Mac D.: whispers lets try and tiptoe outta here. . . . . .
Space: whispers i got croutons as a snack
Mac D.: no don't eat those

Space CRONCh
Narrator : Morning, she comes!
Mobile L: Like the trinacria
Forrest: .........

Steph hops out of bed, doing her ponytail up

Forrest eyes slowly, exhaustedly open, as he's lying face-down on the bed

Steph looks in the mirror

Steph: Okay, Steph. You can do it. Today's gonna be a big day.
Mac D.: "today is the day you become a felon"

Gabby awakens from a nightmare about being at Ken's funeral

Gabby: …! Ghh... Frick...

Faceless One is playing vidya game on Forrest's machine

Forrest: . . . .

Gabby rubs her eyes and exhales deeply

Forrest: ....mrrghm.

Faceless One is very into it

Forrest: ....Mrrrghmrrgh
Steph: So, chin up!
Narrator : Gabby smells bacon.

Steph beams
Narrator : Steph hears conversation from below
Steph: ...?

Steph eavesdrops to try and hear who's talking...

Faceless One: C'mon Nipples!!!!!
Narrator : roll mind you fucking stupid bitch
Gabby: ...Hghh... frick, that smells good.

Gabby SCURRIES into the kitchen, trying to shake off the bad vibes and worry
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 13
Narrator : Grandpa and James
Forrest: .......
Narrator : Douglas is cooking the family breakfast.

Forrest achingly gets into an upright position on the bed, rubbing his eyes
Douglas: Gabby, it's good you're up!
Do you like your bacon crispy or chewy?

Steph ah... it's not the cops then, good

Steph heads on down

Forrest rubs his face

Forrest: ....Naomi.
Gabby: Oh, uh–! Crispy, please. That smells really good...

Gabby smiles at her papi

Faceless One: Huh???

Faceless One looks at him

Faceless One: What's it?
Ronald Karling: Hello, Stephanie.
James here and I were talking about music in the 80s.
Steph: Oh, wow, cool. What's the thoughts so far?

Steph goes for BreakFast

Ronald Karling: James is a big Smiths fan.
Forrest: ...Could you turn it down a little...
Steph: What about you, Grandpa?

Steph what is the Eats... ??

Douglas: Crispy bacon, coming right up...

Douglas serves Gabby the meats

Douglas: along with eggs and toast
Faceless One: Wh- oh. Sorry!
Gabby: Nyeheheh, thank you!

Gabby gleefully digs in

Faceless One: I'll make it up to you somehow, Forrest-s-... Forrest.

Faceless One turns the volume down

Narrator : Eats are toast and some fruit, two jars of marmelade are out, and some
Forrest: ....You don't need to make it up, you just needed to turn it down.

Steph spreads some goddamn Marmalate on some TOAST

Forrest runs a hand through his messy hair

Forrest: God....barely slept a wink.....

Steph and puts some god damn FRUIT in her YOGHURT

Ronald Karling: I have eclectic tastes.

Forrest shifts a little and puts his feet on the floor

Space: healthy eating at the karling household..
Ronald Karling: But I heard a song I truly loved once.
And I never could find it again.
Steph listens, chowing down on toast as she sits
Ronald Karling: Something about music in the air.
Makes you want to dance.
Steph: Huh... well, you never know. Eighties stuff is getting popular again...
maybe you'll find it again?
Forrest: .....

Forrest paws at his phone for a second before grabbing it, and texting
Ronald Karling: Possible.
Forrest: [When are we doing this.]

Ronald Karling sips his coffee

Gabby CRONCH chew gobble gulp mun–

Gabby: …!

Gabby FRICK, a text...!

Douglas gives himself the smallest share and eats lightly

Faceless One: I didn't notice you awake!
Forrest: I just woke up.
Steph: [do your thing whenever lmao]
eldritch s. (GM): Huh...
Steph: So, uh, how'd you sleep, James?
Forrest: ......
James: Well enough.
I'm a light sleeper.
Forrest: [What does that mean? Is this not something we're supposed to be
Steph: I guess this is the house of light sleepers, haha. Grandpa usually gets up
around five in the morning...
Steph: [its not like we gotta set a stopwatch]
Space: oh my god gaby
Mac D.: GAB

Steph stifles a giggle

Forrest: .....

Forrest forrestfaces at his phone

James eats happily, seemingly savouring the food

Steph: [lmao not lameo gabby, means Laughing My A Off]
Gabby: ...Aren't you gonna get some more, Dad? This is really good.
James: It is still, uh, very considerate of you to host me.
Steph: Oh, dude, don't worry about it.
Steph: It's not like you're, y'know, bad company.
Forrest: [Just let me know when you're ready.]
Douglas: Oh, no. I'm trying to watch my weight.

Forrest puts his phone away, exhaling

Steph: [kk probly soon]
[you should go first]
Faceless One: Steph?
Forrest: Yeah, Steph.

Forrest re-checks phone

Steph: [so if he's not there, they can call him over]
Gabby: ...Oh. Uh, okay, that's–... That's good! And so was the bacon.

Gabby small smile

Douglas: I'm glad you liked it...
Forrest: ....
James: If you say so.
Gabby: Yeah!It's best crispy, I think.

Ronald Karling: I also told James about some interesting movies.
Forrest: [Alright, I'll make the call now.]
Steph: [i can just go next door after breakfast gabby, it's ok]
What movies?
Mac D.: ....i lost track who is currently in possesion of The Gun
Ronald Karling: We were talking about The Adventures of Pluto Nash, Steph, released
in 2002.
It was one of the largest box office flops in film history.
Mac D.: does Steph still have it
Space: forrest is
i remember dropping it off at his house
Ronald Karling: James never saw this movie, but the facts surrounding it are
Mac D.: ah okie
Steph: rolling 1d2
= 2
Forrest: ....

Forrest time to DIAL PERKINS

Steph: I remember you showing me that one...
Ronald Karling: It starred Eddie Murphy as Pluto Nash and Rex Crater.

Roger Perkins picks up quickly

Roger Perkins: Hello.
Steph: Man... it's a good thing Eddie Murphy has name recognition, I guess. He's
been in a lot of flops...
Forrest: ....It's Forrest.
Roger Perkins: I see.
Forrest: I'm calling about returning the gun.
Roger Perkins: Today?
James: What happened to him...
Forrest: Are you preoccupied?
Steph: I guess after Shrek, you don't really need to like... worry about making
more money.
Roger Perkins: Yes. But I can let the others know to expect you.
Eunice Trần: What will you beng doing today my darling Gabriella?
Ronald Karling: I enjoyed Shrek.
Gabby: Oh, uh... Me and some friends were gonna go hang out for a while and maybe
study again... Same ones you saw yesterday, actually!
Steph: Shrek 2 was better.
That's just a fact.
Forrest: I admit, Mister Perkins, that I don't quite feel safe delivering the gun
if you're not there.
Ronald Karling: Mm.

Ronald Karling sips

Ronald Karling: Do you have plans today.
Roger Perkins: ...

Roger Perkins sighs

Forrest: What time will you be available to pick up the gun.
Steph: Just some, uh, studying with friends!
Roger Perkins: I can be at the appointed place at noon.
Please be punctual.
Ronald Karling: Where.
Forrest: Can do.

Forrest checks the time on his phone

Jasper Trần: Gabby.
Gabby: …?
Jasper Trần: Don't let them try to peer pressure you into drugs, okay? If you start
using weed, you'll start smoking heroin!
Steph: We're probably gonna hang out at the library...
Gabby: ...Nyeheheh! Oh, Grandpa, you don't have to worry about that!
I'm still straight as a frickin', uh... edge that's straight. Drugs are for losers!
And I'm a winner.

Ronald Karling watches her

Gabby tiny confident gab smile

Ronald Karling: Good.
Be safe.

Steph smiles
Steph: 'Course I will!
Eunice Trần: Yes, you are a winner Gabby!
Narrator : It's currently 10:00.
Forrest: ....
...Alright, about an hour and a half to kill.
Steph: Okay! Ready to go, James?
Forrest: ......
James: Yes.

James nods

Forrest thinks briefly, before texting again

Gabby c: c: c:
Forrest: [I need to talk to you both about something at some point.]

Gabby rinses her plate off

Gabby: [WHAT IS IT]

Steph gives her Grandpa a hug, trying not to worry about the fact that this might
be the last time she hugs him
Forrest: [Something happened last night]

Ronald Karling hugs back

Ronald Karling: you smell like beef
Steph: Thanks for breakfast, Grandpa! I love you!
Space: frdfsd
Gabby: Uh... I'm gonna go ahead and head out, if that's okay.

Ronald Karling pats her on the back

Mobile L: i smell like BEEEEEEEEEF
Ronald Karling: I love you too.
I have to finish reading my novel, if you'll excuse me.

Ronald Karling rises and heads to his office

Forrest: I got a little over an hour and a half to kill.
Steph: Okay... so, James.
Faceless One: Any idea what we're gonna do?
Steph: Do you wanna come with me, or do you wanna backup Forrest and the gang?
Douglas: It's fine, yeah...
James: I don't truly understand what is happening.
Forrest: ....Hm.
....It is the weekend, isn't it....
....Want to help me prep for something.
Steph: Oh. Uh...
Faceless One: Yes!
Steph: Basically, Forrest is gonna try and get those Snake Guys to team up with us
against Erebus.
I'm gonna be tactically infiltrating Ruddman's office...
Gabby: ...I love all of you guys a lot, okay?

Gabby runs up and hugs Grandma, Grandpa and Dad

James: ... I knew these guys.
It's strange to me.
They're stangers now.
Narrator : Gabby recieves physical hug affection
Steph: Do you think it'd be a good idea if they saw you?
They'd probably recognize you...
Forrest: Good. We're going to need duct tape, string, about six or seven of Suzie's
stuffed animals, and a torrented copy of the Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol

Gabby scurries out, taking her backpack with her and doing the unthinkable:

Gabby Texting... while WALKING.

James: I'm unsure.
Forrest: [I can discuss it when we're together]
[The appointed time is 12:00]
Steph: Well, which do you feel safer doing?
Faceless One: What do you want me to get?
James: I am unsure if I want them to meet me again.
Forrest: I already have the soundtrack. Go get the dolls.
Steph: Okay, that's fine. Let's go get Ken then, he's the only one coming with us.
Faceless One: Can do!!!!

Faceless One goes to get them

Forrest: ....

Steph goes Next Door

Faceless One: where is gabby going
Forrest goes to get the string and tape. THE PREPARATION....BEGINS
Mobile L: Where was the agreed-upon meetup place?
Mac D.: Snakebase

Ken answers his door

Ken: Hello!

Faceless One returns with the gear

Steph: Sup sup!
Ready to get rockin' and rollin'?

Gabby is aiming to go near-ish, while not directly to the base so she can see if
suspicious things are brewing

Forrest reaches into his desk and pulls out.....a pair of sunglasses
Ken: Ah, yes.
My morning routine was ust finished with.
Steph: Cool! Let's see...

Steph checks her phone

Narrator : Gabby starts heading to the waterfront...
rolling 1d20
= 12
It's pretty nice, actually.
Steph: [ken's feeling good, james is coming with too so the snake club doesn't see
Narrator : Belmont's docks and piers get a fair bit of tourism.
Space: gentrified...

Narrator : There's some cute houseboats with sailors selling snacks.

Forrest starts to write multiple notes down on his notepad, tearing them out and
stacking them up

Gabby plops down at dockside and lets her little legs dangle from the sides,
inhaling the seabreeze and allowing herself some relief about Ken
Gabby: Frick... This is nice.
Narrator : i thought she said fuck
Forrest: Alright, there we go....
Space: she only says it when noone's around

Forrest writes a small list and hands it to Naomi

Steph: Let's go scope out the premises...

Steph to la oficina!
Forrest: I need you to stick the dolls somewhere in these locations around the
Faceless One: I will!
Gabby: bitch shit titties mothafucka dick

Forrest nods
Forrest: Good.

Forrest peeks at the time, again...

Gabby: …

Gabby is feeling powerful

Gabby tries to solo that fricking history assignment while she waits
Mac D.: time for gabby to perform a power move
the ol' yawn into arm around the shoulder maneuver
she's ready.
Narrator : roll gabby
Gabby: rolling 3d20 + 2
= 25
Narrator : 10:45 once all the prep is done and the toys are hidden.
Gabby beats the history dragon
The three amigos end up walking along the Wheel, Belmont's downtown, upscale
business district.
Forrest: ....Alright. I got a little bit of time before I should probably get
Narrator : With its old timey streetlamps and carefully looked after streets.
They end up at the foot of a tall, intimdiating highrise.
NewPath HQ.

Gabby does a celebratory dance on the pier

Forrest: We could probably get it started tonight or tomorrow, depending on how
beaten to shit I am by the end of this.
Steph: ...Ugh.

Mr. Schmidt watches

Steph: Well, here we are, boys.
Forrest: ...Thanks again, for helping me with this. Usually takes a lot longer to
set up.
Gabby: …!!!!

Gabby FRICK M-Mr. Schmidt–...?!?

Gabby: ...U-uh... uh...
Mr. Schmidt: ... It is fancy seeing you here, Gabby.

Mr. Schmidt is dressed in a fishing getup

Mr. Schmidt is carrying a tacklebx and rod

Steph: This den of vice, sin, gentrification, bourgeois oppression... et cetera.

Steph is having second thoughts a little bit

Faceless One: No problem!!
Gabby: ...Y-yeah, uh... Sorry for yelling. I just finished some really hard
homework a second ago, and–... yeah.
Faceless One: I'm very happy to help my buddy!
Gabby: ...Are you going fishing?
Forrest: .....
....Yeah, uh...
Faceless One: So? What's the plan now?
James: ... We can at least go in.
I don't see the harm in it.
Forrest: I'm going to return the gun we have to those snake gentlemen, and
hopefully that can lead into negotiating their cooperation in helping us fight
Ken: We'll be alright!
We have each other.
Mr. Schmidt: Yes!
I fish here every weekend, even in the depths of winter.
Mobile L: I'm having a stroke, I thought James said something about steamed hams
Mr. Schmidt: i don't steam the ham in it
Faceless One: Oooh...
I wonder what I'll do today...
Gabby: ...Frick. Never thought to fish here. Like–... What kinda fish even are
Are they edible?
Steph: Yeah... yeah, you guys are right.

Steph walks into... the scarey building

Forrest: ....
Mr. Schmidt: Well, all kinds.
Forrest: ....You can stay in my room and play video games, if you'd like.
Narrator : The three of them enter the building.
The expanse of the lobby stretches out, filled with stern, suited security
personnel, employees, and various pedestrians milling about.
The architecture is imposing and austere.
Faceless One: Works for me...
Space: t-this map...!
Faceless One: ALthough I'd like to keep in touch with you...
i reuse

Steph steps aside so she's not standing in the middle of the doorway
Forrest: I'll have my cell phone on me, if you need to make a call.
Steph: What a big place...
Forrest: Try not to call least the first few hours, though.
Space: fuck this music is really good for setting the mood

Gabby is a nosy frick and is inspecting Schmidt's fishing setup

Ken: Yes... but it's just dreadful... it oozes fascism.
James: ...
Someone I knew built this?
Steph: The pillars... it's like, Roman.
Faceless One: I don't have a cell...
Forrest: Don't want to use our home phone?
Narrator : it's a pretty professional setup.
Closed tackelbox.
He's covered in fishing paraphenlia from all over thep lace.

Steph tries to look for a floor directory sign somewhere

Mr. Schmidt: Oh, all kinds, if you know how to fish for them...

Faceless One facepalms

Faceless One: I forgot the home phone...
Mac D.: gets her hand caught in the hole
Faceless One: I'm just a Baka...
Forrest: .....
Gabby: ...Can I watch you?
Forrest: .....You're not going to follow me in secret again, are you?

James points at the brown thing on the pillar

James: There.
Gabby: Uh... I mean, unless it scares the fish.
James: Directory.
Faceless One: ...
Forrest: ...
Faceless One: No.
Forrest: ....Naomi.
Steph: Oh!
Mr. Schmidt: Ah, of course!

Steph goes to Read

Mr. Schmidt: It would not scare any fish.

Mr. Schmidt sets up right there

Mr. Schmidt: Have you fished before?
Faceless One: I won't.
I promise.
Forrest: .....
Narrator : What is Steph looking for?
Forrest: rolling 3d20 +2
= 45

Faceless One means it and seems hurt

Gabby shakes her head

Forrest: . . .
Space: she wants to see

Forrest feels a pang of guilt

Space: 1. a floor that's like, 'private offices' or 'administrative offices' or
2. a floor that could conceivably be visited by civilian teens

Mr. Schmidt begins telling her about techniques

Gabby: I, uh... watched my cousin David do it once, but I was afraid about the
hooks he was using, 'cuz he said they're really hard to get out.

Mr. Schmidt casts

Gabby: Ooooh...
Mr. Schmidt: Fishing is primarily a test of patience.
Forrest: ....
Mac D.: how much taller is Naomi compared to Forrest
Mr. Schmidt: she's 5'10
Forrest: .....

Forrest sighs through his nose

Forrest: ....Bend down a little.
Narrator : Each floor has its security clearence listed.
Gabby: ...Kinda like math.
I think I'm pretty good at being patient.

Gabby ahaha no...

Narrator : The first level is accessible to the general public.
The second level is a mix of basic security and public access.
Everything afterwards is basic security until the fourth floor, which ranks up, and
so on until Executive Offices, which is maximum clearence.
Executive Offices is on the...
rolling 1d20
= 19
19th floor.

Steph whistles
Steph: Okay...
C'mon, Scooby Gang.
Faceless One: Oh???? Okay!

Faceless One does so

Forrest: .....

Steph starts walking around the first floor, looking for some kind of secluded
corridor they can duck into
Mr. Schmidt: In a sense, yes...

Forrest reaches UUUUUP

Mr. Schmidt: That is the start of a good fisher.

Forrest and awkwardly pats her Spooky Mannequin head

Narrator : do you know how like
napoleon iii
redesign paris
to have no like chokepoints or tight streets
and made everything really open
Mac D.: what an asshole
Narrator : so that people couldn't set up barricades/slink away
that's what this building is
Faceless One: ...
Steph: ...

Faceless One does an anime like pleased handgesture

Faceless One: Kawaii!!
Thank you...!

Forrest makes a noise in his throat

Steph gets out her notebook and starts writing

Forrest lowers his hand

Forrest: alright time to go.
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 2
= 15

Forrest STEEEEEPS out the door and DOOOOWN the stairs and OOOOUT into THE CITY

Steph 'Only Ken Barrows and James Watanabe can hear or notice me speaking.'
Gabby: ...So, like... I know you have to pull a bit when you get one on there, but
how hard? Like, does the fish sometimes get its lips ripped off

Gabby is watching with religious intent

Mac D.: steph can no longer hear or acknowledge the sound of her own voice;
Faceless One: yes
Steph: Okay, can you guys--

Steph frowns in utter confusion

Narrator : Forrest makes his journey...
He comes to the Waterfront and finds Gabby with Schmidt

Forrest walks WITH PURPOSE

Steph: Hello? Testing? Am I... what the fuck.
Mac D.: (also he grabbed the gun before leaving.)
Mr. Schmidt: As hard as is necessary.
It depends...
Space: mr. schmidt: 'mein gott forest whats that gun'
Ken: What's wrong Steph?
James: Uh, yeah, what's the problem?
Forrest: "i am an american and i still have rights god damn it"

Forrest notices gab and Schmidt

Steph: I wrote in my notebook that only you two can hear me talk.
Forrest: Hey.
Gabby: I can't help but wonder what happens to the fish when they're hooked, but
get away... I mean, their brains are small, so they can't b–
Steph: Now I can't hear myself talk...
James: I can hear you.

Steph exhales

Gabby looks over her shoulder at Forrest

Steph: Whew...
Okay, good.
I guess this is how we'll have to plan.
Mac D.: steph is loud and slurs her words like a deaf person
Gabby: ...Oh! Hey, Forrest, I finished my history assignment!
Forrest: ...Did you? Nice.

Forrest glances at Shmiddit

Mr. Schmidt: Ah, hello.
Steph: So, we need to get security clearance, first things first...
Space: does james have an Awakened Archetype yet
Mr. Schmidt: maybe
Mac D.: "tho we need to get thegyuridy clearenth"
Narrator : A guard comes over.
Gabby: Yeah! I just– I just puzzled it out here on the pier, and Mr. Schmidt's
giving me some fishing pointers.
Guard: Excuse me.
Steph: ........
Mac D.: "ow fuck i bid my tongue"

Steph deer-in-headlights look

Forrest: ....You fish, Mr. Schmidt?
Guard: If you have business here, I encourage you to proceed with it. We do not
welcome loitering.

Steph nodnods quickly

Steph gives him a thumbs up

Mr. Schmidt: Every weekend, yes.
Narrator : He watches her.
Guard: ... your face is familiar.
Forrest: ...I see. I've never done it.
Guard: Haven't I see you here before.
Steph: ...?

Steph shakes her head

Steph: I'm mute. Tell him I'm mute.
Ken: Ah, sorry, sir.
This is my friend.
She's mute.
Mr. Schmidt: It's quite stimulating!

Mr. Schmidt proceeds to start rambling about techniques

Forrest: ...........

Forrest check time on PHONE

Gabby is just watching the waters like an excited cat, the old impatience from
watching Cousin David do it ebbing back
Guard: ... Very well.
Narrator : He heads back to his spot.
Steph: Nice save... okay, we'd better go... somewhere.

Steph did the sign say what stuff was on the first floor?
Narrator : informatin desks, some like public entertainment stuff, actually, a
also a company shop
it is 11:45.
Forrest: ....Gabby?
Shouldn't we be getting started on that project?
Gabby: ...Oh! Oh, frick, whoa, sorry!
Got so caught up in, uh–...

Gabby looks sadly at the fishless waters

Forrest: Thank you for the tips, Mister Schmidt. My interest in fishing has never
been greater.
Steph: We need somewhere we can stand around and plan... let's get lunch?
Mr. Schmidt: Excellent...!
James: ... I don't have any money.
Steph: I have some...
James: ... I won't order much.
Gabby: Thank you so much! And uh– I hope you catch lots of good ones, okay?
Forrest: Yes. Good luck.

Gabby frick frick FRICK hustle

Forrest GOOOO

Forrest once Schmidt's out of earshot

Forrest: ....
....Had a visit from an old friend last night.
Steph: Order whatever you want. The point is planning, anyways.../


Gabby: ...What do you mean? Like, someone from the states, or...?

Gabby has a bad feeling

Narrator : The amigos pass a corporate event, with several senior employees having
a minor speaking session in the middle of the lobby.
Steph: ...
Forrest: ....No.
Steph: (I like that mustache guy...)
Forrest: Remember our mutual friend with the baseball bat.
Gabby: ..........

Gabby gets a bit pale just remembering

Gabby: ...yeah.
Forrest: We had a chat.
Gabby: ...Did he hurt you?
Narrator : An elegant man approaches.
Forrest: ....No.
Didn't even try, at first.
He just.....wanted to talk.
Waiter: Hello. Welcome to the Belmont Broadhouse.

Steph oh god fuck this is more upscale than she thought...

Waiter: We are currently seating all customers as per Mr. Ruddman's "Lap of Luxury"
policy for the week, with all prices being half off.
Gabby: ...What did he talk about?
Steph: ...

Steph Ruddman, you bastard... you made her save money

Steph smiles, looking towards Ken

Forrest: ...
Ken: Ah, pardon her, sir, she's mute.
Forrest: ...He's one of us.
Ken: Yes, we would appreciate seats.
Waiter: This is no problem. Follow me.
Narrator : He goes to a free table in the packed eatery.
Gabby: ...He's–... He's got an archetype too?
Steph: ...Snazzy...
Forrest: Yeah, and he's been to the Second Heaven.
Narrator : The three of them are left with the menus.
This place specializes in steaks.
Steph: ...
Forrest: ...Most definitely a lot further than we have.
Steph: ...Okay...
Gabby: ...He tried t–... I– I got put in the hospital because– because of him...
Steph: So, we need security clearance, or we're fucked right out the gate.
Forrest: .....
Steph: I can probably do that for me... but it might be tricky to handle it for you
guys both.
James: Couldn't you write that we have clearnece?
In your book.
Steph: It only affects me...
Forrest: ......He asked me what I thought the Third Heaven looked like.
Ken: There were gentlemen in the lobby who seemed to have some title.
Gabby: …
...It must have–...
...He's– he's been driven crazy...

James begins reading through the menu while they talk

Steph: Maybe I could find a way to, like... transfer the security clearance?

Steph eyes the filet mignon

Forrest: ....Considering what he told me he saw, I'm inclined to agree.

James begins sweating

James: ... I think I'll just order garlic bread.
Steph: Oh.

Gabby doesn't say a word after that, but her eyes betray all the foreboding
Steph: Ohh.
Yikes, this is...
Forrest: ....
Steph: ...Maybe we could share appetizers.
Ken: That sounds optimal.
Forrest: ....Gabby, were you there when Quest shot at Steph?
Ken: What do you think looks suitable?
Steph: ...Oh my god, they have steak tartare....
Let's... let's not.
Maybe the oysters rockefeller...?
Mobile L: She was, right?
Ken: yes o tjoml sp
James: rolling 1d20
= 9
... I can't eat oysters.
Mac D.: yes o tjoml sp
Gabby: ...Yeah.
Forrest: ....
Steph: Oh. Geez. I'm glad you remembered it... is it a shellfish thing?
Forrest: ....What were you doing then, exactly?
The both of you.
James: ... Maybe.
Steph: Okay... uh, I guess we're skipping the shrimp, then.
Mobile L: Hold on
I need to read back
If I go quiet a while, this is why
the ages...
Steph: ...What're cheese curds?
Space: dont forget u must check the forum for the First Log
Ken: They're nice, I think.
Mac D.: space do YOU remember
Ken: They're little bits of curdled milk
Space: i do i think
Ken: Safe and edible.
then help mobile
Mobile L: Aw shit wait
She WASN'T there
I just read back
Space: problem solved..!
Steph: Let's get those.
Mobile L: May I amend reality real quick?
Ken: sure

Gabby: ...No, uh–... I was just told about it.
Narrator : THey order a shared plate of the curds. What do they order for drinks?
Forrest: .....
...Do you remember what you were told?
Gabby: He had a gun out another time, when he was chasing us in town, but I wasn't
there that first time...

Steph absolutely just water

Narrator : THe other two order water as well.
Gabby: Uh... Frick... She came to me and she was really freaked out because that
was the first time everything froze, and–...
James: ... What do you think we should do?
Steph: And this is just with the prices half off, sheesh...

Gabby scrunches her face as she tries to remember

Steph: ...Hmm...
Forrest: ....
Steph: One thing that worked last time was making people think I was Ruddman.
Maybe, I could, like...
Something like, 'I, Stephanie Karloman, am Unofficial CEO of NewPath and am Allowed
To Go Wherever I Want?
Gabby: ...The guy... The baseball bat guy, he got–... he got shot by Quest. She
told me, so– so how's–...
Ken: I think it could be worth trying.
Forrest: ....I have a feeling he's not going to be put down so easily.
...I'll need to ask Steph, about what exactly happened.
Gabby: ...You should...
Forrest: ....Quest...was there, that night.
Gabby: …

Steph writes in her notebook

Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 2
= 5
Gabby: ...Did–... Did he try to hurt you...?!
Forrest: ....No. Not at all.
Steph: "I, Stephanie Karloman, am Unofficial CEO of NewPath and am Allowed To Go
Wherever I Want"
Ken: okay guys how does this get interpreted badly
Mobile L: SHE
Ken: SHE
Forrest: stephanie Actually Believes This
Mobile L: Can clip through shit
Ken: oh god
Forrest: and just starts clipping through walls and shit
Mobile L: Like a bad videogame
Ken: two good options
Mobile L: Or
Forrest: because she is the CEO of NEWPATH and she can GO WHEREVER SHE WAAAAANTS
Mobile L: Or she like
If there's a place
She'd rather be
She teleports there
Narrator : Steph.
Forrest: steph, now wholly convinced she owns Newpath, now begins to uncontrollably
teleport to whatever location she thinks of
Narrator : Who are these fucking plebs sitting at the table with you.
You own this shit.
Forrest: ...The psycho lost it midway through our conversation, and told me to go.
I wasn't a block down the street when he came after me.
Quest saw, and shot him down.
Told me to leave.
Gabby: …
Steph: ...

Steph sneers in disgust

Gabby blinks
Steph: Excuse me, waiter? Waiter?

Steph starts snapping her fingers

Narrator : no
she calls him
Steph: Garçon?? Come here, please!
Narrator : He runs over.
Steph: What are these... these...
Waiter: Y-yes, ma'am?
Steph: Ragamuffins doing at my table, garçon?
Forrest: ....
Waiter: You invited them to eat with you, Ms. Karloman.
Forrest: ...So yeah. I'll need to talk to Steph about that.

Ken :|
Forrest: Are we at this freaking base yet?
Gabby: ...It's–... It's all gone backward.

James is confused
Narrator : i was jsut letting you finish convo

Gabby is if u is
Steph: What?
Preposterous. Don't say such rubbish around me -- I want them out. Out, out!
Narrator : The two of them end up by the building.
Forrest is if u is
Forrest: .....
Gabby: …
Narrator : It is a stern, creeping structure made out of brick.

Gabby sharp inhale

Forrest: ....Hell of a headquarters.
Do we knock?
Waiter: Yes... certainly.
Narrator : The waiter gestures to the guards.
Gabby: Uh... Frick... There's probably a secret knock.
Waiter: Dispose of them.

Steph looks at them with an utterly smug look on her face

Steph: Ta-ta...~
Mac D.: out come the automatic rifles
Narrator : The guars physically remove them from the premises
Space: just gun em down right there
Ken: s-Steph!
Steph: What an insolent little brat, garçon... acting like he knows me, well! I've
quite lost my appitite.
Forrest: ....
Waiter: I apologize, Ms. Karloman.
Narrator : brb

Forrest approaches the door

Steph gives a flippant wave of her hand

Forrest when all else fails: Shave And A Haircut. Two Bits.
Steph: Yes, yes. You may go back to your work now, garçon. Have my cheese curds
delivered up to my office, if you will.

Steph stands up, heading for the elevator

Mobile L:

Gabby waits expectantly, hands clasped in pre-emptive fright

Waiter: Yes, Ms. Karloman...
Narrator : The door opens.
Gabby: …

Gabby 's heart flutters in her chest

Narrator : What will Bitch Steph do next
Forrest: . . . .
Narrator : oh i missed that
Ken: Steph!
Steph: ...Tch. You two, again...?
Ken: Steph, th-

Ken is tazed by a guard for getting too close.

Steph: 'Steph,' Steph... Tch.
Steph: Don't be too gentle on these... cretins, now.
Guard: Certainly not.
Forrest: ....
Steph: They're lucky I don't press charges, I'll have you know... the utter gall!
Forrest looks at Gab
Gabby: …
Narrator : The guard drag Ken off as James hides behind a potted plant.

Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 6
Space: in this instance
is it a good result if steph notices james, or a bad one
Narrator : bad
Steph: You there! I can see you hiding!

Steph points at James

Narrator : oh sorry i meant the other one
Steph: oh WHops

Steph does not notice the hidden boy, and smiles self-importantly as she goes to
the elevator
Steph: Nineteenth floor, nineteenth floor... Aha! There we are.~
Narrator : THe door just hangs open.
Forrest: .....

Forrest faces forward and sTEEEEPS inside

Gabby: …

Gabby follows, trying to stuff the dread

Narrator : It's pitch black, in the warehouse...
Steph emerges from the elevator on the 19th floor.
Various senior employees run hither and tither.
Steph: ...
Narrator : There's an exclusive exeutive store for the highest employees here, all
manner of goods.
Forrest: ....
Narrator : All the guards nod to Stepjh as she goes by, and the staff cower.

Gabby hangs very close to Forrest

Forrest clears his throat, loudly

Narrator : The lights in the warehouse then come on all at once
Steph: I suppose I could manage a little bit of shopping whilst I'm here...

Steph goes to see what they HAVE IN STORE....!

Forrest: ...!
Roger Perkins: ... Be blew a fuse.
Forrest: .......Oh.

Forrest looks past Perkins' fat shoulder at the Tattletale Strangler

Gabby: …!!
Roger Perkins clears his throat.
Roger Perkins: This is our base.
Forrest: .....
Narrator : The employees bow their heads to Steph.
Forrest: ...Where's the cop?
Drone: Hello ma'am!
Narrator : It's all kind of luxury shit
ritzy snakes
Mobile L: SNAKES...
Steph: Employee...
Mobile L: conspiracy.
Narrator : stuff that like an executive would want on a day to day basis
sandwiches can be made
Gabby: ...It's... uh... spacious.
Mac D.: i am EXTREMELY curious as to how this is going to be reversed
Narrator : there's all kind of bottled and sparkling water

Gabby tries hard not to be visibly afeared

Space: she'll just be like this the rest of the campaign
Forrest: steph no it's a trap.
Space: do they have wine or beer
Mac D.: oh GOD
Roger Perkins: ... So, I suppose this is a time to sort of.
Give you a primer on our organization.
Don't worry about Quest, he's doing his real job.
Gabby: …
Forrest: ....Oh.
Roger Perkins: We all work, you know.
It's very inconvenient.
Forrest: I guess it's hard finding break time when you're a cop, yes.

Forrest takes a step forward

Forrest: .....So.....about your organization.
Roger Perkins: I'll answer any questions you have before I give you the overall
Narrator : They do!
Fine red wine.
Forrest: I'll save my questions until the end.

Forrest glances back at Gabbers

Roger Perkins: We met in highschool, like you.
There are a number of us.
We did everything you did.
Steph: Hm... have a glass of your finest red delivered to my office, s'il vous
Forrest: ...
Roger Perkins: Long story made short, we had nearly achieved our goal of reaching
the Third Heaven.
Gabby: …
Forrest: ....But there was a roadblock, right.
Roger Perkins: But as we were just a day away from reaching the gate...
Our time ran out.

Gabby seems unsettled by this information and looks back to Forrest

Roger Perkins: We had been to cautious, too slow.
Gabby: ...Ran out?
Forrest: ......You had...a time limit?
Roger Perkins: The period when our world regularly comes into contact with the
Second Heaven is rare.
It comes once every thirty years or so from our research.
Forrest: .........
Roger Perkins: We ran out of time.
Gabby: …
Forrest: ......The long does it last.
Roger Perkins: It varies.
No more than a few months.
Gabby: ...It's like... like the planets.
Forrest: ......
Drone: Yes, your excellency...
Narrator : The Drone nods.
Forrest: ....So you were the previous ones before us, but didn't make it.....and
now you're trying again?
Roger Perkins: Yes.
We've spent the years since in contact.
Steph: Good... yes, good.
Roger Perkins: Mustering our abilities, organizing ourselves into a serious group.
Steph: Also a thing of gummy bears.
Roger Perkins: This has been our dream since it closed.
We are, as an organization, called the Society for the Liberation of the Third
It wasn't my choice.
Gabby: ...Whose was it, then?
Forrest: ....SLTH.
...Is that the reason for the serpent motif.
Roger Perkins: The others.
That exists beyond us.
Space: ahaha
Forrest: Beyond you?
Roger Perkins: Yes.
It's a motif of the situation.
Forrest: .....
Narrator : The Drone bows again.
Forrest: ...Ouroboros?
Drone: Yes...!
Gabby: …
Roger Perkins: ... Dragon is not snake.
It's complicated.
Steph: Very good... And put it all on my tab.
Forrest: ....Clearly.

Steph turns briskly, walking towards her offie

Steph: ce
Forrest: ....That phrase. I've heard it before.
What does it mean?
Narrator : Steph heads to the CEO Office.
Roger Perkins: ...
It's a long story.

Gabby is taking notes

Roger Perkins: We haven't agreed on whether tellign you is advisable.
Forrest: .....That's understandable. I won't pry.
.....What about the nutbar with the bat.
Space: OH DEAR
Narrator : Steph walks into the smoke-filled office.
Mac D.: i really do genuinely love this theme
Narrator : The entire board of health is seated in it.
Ruddman sits at the largest desk, and watches her as she enters, smoking a cigar.
Mac D.: "ah good ms. CEO you're here."
Steph: ...Ah. Gentlemen... what an unexpected surprise.
Roger Perkins: ... Former member.
He overused his abilities.
It adversely impacted his mind.
Gabby: …
Forrest: ......
....His archetype?
Gabby: ...Overused...
Roger Perkins: Yes.
Forrest: ...Which was it.
Victor Sherrings: ... Ah.
She's here.
Larry Shotterman: About time!
Tom Jones: Yes.... we have been waiting for the co-CEO....

John Ruddman just watches her

Roger Perkins: Outlaw.
Forrest: .....
Steph: Hm... my apologies. it must have slipped my mind that we were meeting...

Steph goes to sit

Gabby: …

Forrest briefly has thoughts of Hair Gel

Roger Perkins: ... Archetypes can break your mind, if you don't know how to use
John Ruddman: ...
Forrest: .........So if you abuse them, you go insane.
John Ruddman: Hall.
Karloman, stay.
Space: i love how tom jones is explicitly palpatine
John Ruddman: The rest of you, leave.
Tom Jones: But what about the culimation of ou-
John Ruddman: Leave.
Narrator : The men file out.
Mobile L: Shit's all Downfall
Mobile L: Steph's about to get Fegeleined

Dr. Hall sits in the chair next to Steph

Roger Perkins: ... Yes.
More or less.
Gabby: …
...How is abuse defined?
Roger Perkins: Overuse.
Forrest: .....

Gabby tries to quell her hands from shaking

Steph: Ruddman. Why is... he here?
John Ruddman: ...
John Ruddman takes his glasses off, rubbing his face
Forrest: .........What were his symptoms, before he fully went.
John Ruddman: I'm tired of you, to be honest.
If you want to fool around with my enterprise in the Second Heaven, so be it, we
will fight there.
Steph: ...What?
John Ruddman: But now you come into my business, in my life, and you're going to
try and usurp me here?
You have some painful lessons to learn about the consequences of your actions.
Steph: Have you lost your mind? What on Earth are you talking about?
Dr. Hall: She is delusional, sir.
Steph: Is this about -- the cheese curds? I would have ordered more had I expected
we were going to have company...
Roger Perkins: ... Exaggeration of relevant traits.
Mobile L: fuck, steph,,.
Forrest: .....
Roger Perkins: To extreme degrees.
Forrest: ....!

Forrest 's eyes widen, briefly

John Ruddman lifts his hand

Gabby: ..........
Narrator : Steph feels an overwhelming urge to hand him her Notebook
roll spirit to resist

Gabby frick...
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + -1
= 10
Space: fjd k

John Ruddman takes it from her

John Ruddman opens it

John Ruddman: ...

John Ruddman begins reading through it

Steph: ...What? How did you...?
John Ruddman: You're onto us, aren't you?
Steph: Onto what...?
Forrest: .......
John Ruddman: But you have no idea what you're dealing with.

Forrest takes a breath

John Ruddman flips to the page with her Words Written On It

Forrest: .....Is that why you've been so adamant on keeping us out of this.

John Ruddman slowly begins to erase the text she wrote saying she's ceo
Roger Perkins: One of many reasons.
Steph: ...
John Ruddman: ...
Gabby: (...Steph...)
John Ruddman: I want you to understand the situation we're in.
I do not play games.

Steph all the color has drained from her face

John Ruddman: I am the one thing keeping you alive at any given moment.
In that vein, I ask that you do the one thing I ask you for.
Forrest: .....
John Ruddman: Stay out of my business.
Forrest: ....How do we keep it at bay.

John Ruddman presses his cigar into the paper of her notebook
Steph: No!

Steph grabs for it, vainly

John Ruddman: roll
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 2
= 18
Roger Perkins: Cautious use. Mental fortitude.
Techniques you haven't developed yet.
Gabby: …
Forrest: .....
Gabby: ...How can we learn?

John Ruddman watches her take it from him

John Ruddman: Are we clear?
Steph: ...

Steph says nothing at all

Roger Perkins: We've had thirty years to figure it out.
It took us that long to master it.
This is not something for amateurs.
Steph: ...
Forrest: .....Use those thirty years to help us, then.
Roger Perkins: No.
There is no better remedy than abstaining from use.
Steph: I... I didn't come here for you...
Gabby: …
John Ruddman: You came here to steal from me, didn't you.
Like that little stunt where my guards thought I took my own files out of the
Forrest: ........
Steph: ...
John Ruddman: You're not that clever.
Forrest: .....I know you want us to just....quit.
But I can't.
Roger Perkins: You have to.
Steph that was probably the most withering thing he could have said to her
Steph: ...
Roger Perkins: I am pleading with you.

Steph very quietly

Steph: oh...
John Ruddman: I'm going to let you go.
Forrest: Not after everything that's happened.
John Ruddman: But if you try this again.
And I catch you.

John Ruddman 's glasses glint

John Ruddman: I won't just be taking that notebook.
Forrest: I need to see this through.
Steph: ...Okay. Okay. Loud and clear.

John Ruddman signals security to drag her out

Forrest: So I am pleading with you.

Steph couldn't leave that place fast enough

Forrest: Help us see this through.

Gabby has a very dark and pensive look on her face, and has fallen dead silent
Roger Perkins: ...
I can't do that.
Forrest: ....
Roger Perkins: We caught one of your friends snooping around here last week.

Steph is basically just trying her best to not let the security guards see her cry
at this point
Narrator : Teddy is dragged from a holding cell.
Space: TEDDY
Forrest: ....!!

Teddy Reinside is gagged

Roger Perkins: ...
Forrest: .....
Roger Perkins: Please let us work in peace.
Forrest: ....

Roger Perkins holds out his hand

Roger Perkins: The gun.
Forrest: . . .
Gabby: ............

Forrest looks at his hand

Gabby has to stop herself from screaming out Teddy's name

Space: forrest raises the gun
Forrest: ....Can I ask you one more thing. Then I'll give it to you.
Guard: You are banned from visiting again.
Roger Perkins: Alright.

Steph gives no audible acknowledgement

Steph looking down at her feet and sniffling

Forrest: .....You said you've been planning a full-on raid of the Second Heaven,
Roger Perkins: Yes.
Narrator : She gets shunted out the door.
Forrest: How exactly do you intend to deal with Erebus.

Steph stumbles, and immediately bursts into tears

Steph sits down on the steps to the building, covering her face
Roger Perkins: If you pin him in his nest near Lethe, he's more vulnerable.
We planned a concentrated assault with automatic weapons.
Steph: Idiot, idiot, idiot...
Roger Perkins: Alongside use of Archetypes.
Forrest: ...Can conventional weapons hurt those things?
Roger Perkins: When in the hands of an Archetype user, yes.
Forrest: ....

Gabby is just looking concernedly at Teddy

Forrest: ...I wasn't aware of that.
Space: 'you could have had guns this entire time idiots'
Narrator : Ken is pulling his hair out, really visibly mad
Ken: Think...!!! I have to get in there, fucking damn it!!
Forrest: ...That would have been nice to know a lot earlier.
Space: ...
Forrest: Might have mitigated Archetype use.

Ken hasn't noticed Steph

Space looks up
Forrest: A shame no one ever told me.
Space: ...
Mac D.: what's wrong, space?....
Roger Perkins: ... You shouldn't have used it in the first place.
The gun.
Forrest: .....

Forrest quietly hands it to him

Steph can't bear to let him see her

Gabby: …
Steph: Gffgfhhhh...

Roger Perkins takes it

Roger Perkins: We're going to give you your friend back once.
Stop doing this.
Steph: I-- I'm a stupid idiot! I'm so sorry, I-- I fucked up...
Roger Perkins: I-
Forrest: ....
Shady Man: I'm a bit tired of Roger speaking to you.
I'm going to make this clear.
Gabby: .........
Shady Man: If this keeps happening, I will kill you.
I will kill your family.
Forrest: .......
Shady Man: I am not a cartoon villain.
I am serious.
Forrest: ....
Forrest feels his own neck
Shady Man: We're not the bad guys, but what we are doing matters more than anything
Respect that.
Forrest: . . .
Gabby: ........

Forrest stares at the Shady Man

Harry: He's telling the truth, yknow?

Gabby is trying not to cry

Forrest and stares, and stares

Harry: He'll circumcise you with a rusty sardine can ld.
I've seen him do it.

Forrest 's face just twitches

Gabby: ...s-stop...

Ken runs to her

Ken: Steph!
Thank God you're okay!
What happened?

Forrest eventually forces himself to look back at Perkins

Forrest: .....Good luck on your raid.
Harry: I wish I could make him stop, but he just loves cutting dicks...

Steph hugs him so tightly, face wet with tears

Roger Perkins elbows him harshly

Roger Perkins: ...
I'm sorry it's like this.
Try to understand.
Forrest: It's fine.
I don't blame you.
I understand.
Steph: Thh--t--th -- h-- h'fuckin-- h... that piece of shit... I... I-- bhhuuhhhh!

Gabby bites her lip hard, choking back tears

Steph is a fucking wreck

Forrest 's hands tremble

Ken hugs her and pats her very tenderly

Ken: It's okay, it's going to be alright...
Forrest: ......
.....Thanks for the info.

Forrest turns to leave

Narrator : They leave freely.
Forrest: .......
Gabby: .........

Gabby here come the gushers... again...

Forrest quietly power walks to the nearest wall and just leans against is, dry
Steph: I ruined it... I fucked it all up!
Narrator : Teddy gestures for them to untie his hands and ungag him
Forrest: In a minute.
Teddy Reinside: Mrrghghm...
Ken: It's okay...

Steph crying into his shoulder now

Ken: You're okay, you're alright.
You're alive.
THat's what matters.
Gabby: ......

Forrest 's fingers dig into the wall, scraping against it

Gabby goes over to him, hands trembling horribly

Forrest looks like he actually might blow chunks

Steph her crying slows a little. There's still intermittent sobs and sniffles.

Gabby tries through the mist of her own tears to undo Teddy's restraints

Ken gently shushes her, despite them getting weird looks from people going by
Forrest: ...son of a bitch......sonofaBITCH-

Forrest punches the wall, and immediately regrets it

Forrest: FUCK-
Ken: roll decreased finesse gabby
Steph: ...W... we should just...

Forrest clutches his now hurting fist

Gabby: rolling 3d20
= 28

Forrest deep breaths. Deep breaths.

Forrest: .....
Steph: He nearly burned my notebook... A-and Hall was there, too! Just sitting
there quiet the whole time...

Teddy Reinside groans gently as the knots is tightened

Teddy Reinside: Ighogh...

Teddy Reinside tries to pat Gabby's head

Gabby: Ghhnnghhfffhhk...
Teddy Reinside: Ighthgoghgbeogh...
Steph: T-th--they know about the first time... H-- he's gonna kill us if we try it

Gabby feels like she could faint

Forrest: .....
Teddy Reinside: Sighgdn, Ghgb..

Forrest takes a shuddering breath, and pulls out his phone to text Steph
Gabby: ......
Forrest: [plase]

Gabby plops into the grass onto her butt

Ken: It's okay.
Forrest: [*please tell me you have good news]
Steph: ...

Steph fumbles to pull out her phone

Ken tries to place his hands on Gabby's shoulder

Ken: teddy does tht

Steph and just starts sobbing again when she sees it

Narrator : As Steph starts to read...
Forrest: ......
Gabby: ken-sempai, you come through for me through time and space...

Gabby weeps into Teddy's knee like a frightened child

Forrest closes his eyes, and puts his forehead against the wall
Forrest: ....think. think, think, thinkthinkthink....

James trips down the stairs and falls on her

James: D'ugh!!
Steph: Aah!

James has arms full of papers

Steph: ...

Steph blinks

James they scatter across the sidewalk

Steph blink blink blink

Mac D.: "they just GAVE em to me on my way out"
Steph: Get them. Get them, get them!
James: They just gave them to me on the way out!

Steph scrambles to her feet faster than you ever saw

Steph and starts gathering them up

James starts clumsily gathering them along with Ken

James: rolling 1d20
= 10

Steph with the fury of a woman possessed

James gets about half of them

Forrest: ....think, think, think.....think.
James: along with ken
Forrest starts thudding his head against the wall
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 2
= 7
Space: god is dead
Narrator : Steph is too disoriented from crying to be much use.
Mac D.: the one last glimmer of hope, clutched away from her

James holds up the papers he got

James beams
Forrest: ......
James: I was just sort of walking around and someone just handed me these!

Forrest is struck by a random thought

Forrest: .........we know.
James: Isn't that lucky?
Forrest: ...We know, we know. We know.
Gabby: .....................?

Steph hugs James with incredible force

Forrest just stares at that wall

Steph: Thank you, thank you, oh my God...
Forrest: We know what they're going to do.
Steph: W-- we need to go. We gotta hurry before anyone sees...
Narrator : the papers are all like fucking newspaper ads
could you imagine
Space: pamphlets
Mobile L: It's porn
Forrest: We don't know when. But we know WHAT.
Narrator : playboy
Mobile L: Steph runs out with an oiled-up dickgirl "LOOK LOOK WE FOUND IT"
Narrator : James is already running off with the papers
Gabby: ...g-grandma 'n grandpa...
...g-gonna... hh– fhh...
Forrest: We-

Steph runs after him, a fearfully optimistic grin on her face

Forrest looks over at Gab

Narrator : He ends up running to an alley.

James begins sorting the papers

James: Now, I don't know what precisely all of these are...

Gabby is about the Scared Child-est she's ever been in this whole ordeal, leaned
into the still-gagged Teddy
Forrest: .......

Forrest straightens himself out, and goes to untie Ted

Steph: It's something. Oh, god, it's something... Thank you so so so so much...!
Steph remembers to text back
Narrator : finesse gorrest
Forrest: rolling 3d20 -1
= 39

James smiles
James: It's nothing...

Teddy Reinside immediately hugs Gabby, awkwardly and smelling like BO and bad
Forrest: .....
Teddy Reinside: It'll be okay, kiddo...
Forrest: ...Ted.
Steph: [ruddman nearly burned my notebook and said he'd going to kill me + hall was
Teddy Reinside: Yeah?
Forrest: What the fuck you were doing.

Forrest looks down at the phone

Teddy Reinside: I was on the case...
Gabby: ...nn... hhh... t-they're gonna– k–... hh... m-my family–... nhhh...
Forrest: .......
How long were you THERE.
Teddy Reinside: Nah... not if we're on the job.

Forrest textext
Teddy Reinside: A few days.
Forrest: (We need to meet up and talk. Now.)
Steph: [yes]
Forrest: ....................
Steph: [where]

Forrest takes a shot in the dark

Forrest: ....Did you find out anything.
Steph: God, I could kiss you both...
Teddy Reinside: ...

Teddy Reinside thinks

Steph: Okay... okay. Forrest wants to meet us. Like, right now.

Forrest looks at the text and briefly considers

Forrest: ....
Teddy Reinside: They fed me Chinese at differing intervals each day.
Forrest: (What's nearest to you.)
Teddy Reinside: I think I figured out their schedules.
Forrest: .......What are they.
Space: whats the nearest Safe-House
Teddy Reinside: I'll write it down for you later...
Forrest: Please do.
Anything else?
Teddy Reinside: gabby's haus
Forrest: Did you overhear anything??
Teddy Reinside: ... No. Thick walls.
Steph: [gabbys house]
[going there now]
Forrest: .....
Steph: C'mon, we gotta get moving...

Steph starts towards Tran Castle

Forrest makes a very loud sound in his throat

Gabby Madame Tran herself is again, a wreck

Forrest: ......Alright. The schedules are good enough.

Forrest looks at Gabby

Forrest: C'mon, we've gotta meet Steph at your place.
Gabby: ...h– N-N–... they're– they're gonna KILL my FAMILY–!
Forrest: ......

Gabby clenches her little hands around Teddy's pant-legs

Teddy Reinside: forrest just indifferent to family murder
Forrest: ....Gab-....Breathe, Gabby...
Gabby: ...d-don't you– any of you lead them back...!
Forrest: I will look over my shoulder at all times, I promise.
Teddy Reinside: Hey, kiddo... I deal with worse on a daily basis.
They're scary, but they're just bluffing.
Gabby: ........
Teddy Reinside: They're really little grey men in man-suits, okay?
They can't survive without their respirators...
Forrest: ....Besides, Perkins is with them.
Teddy Reinside: You could beat them in a fight.
Gabby: …
Forrest: He'd never allow them to endanger your family.

Gabby: ...h-he's like you... yeah...

Gabby wipes her eyes and nose on her sleeve

Teddy Reinside: C'mon, champ.
The investigation needs you to be tough as nails, and I know you're that.
Gabby: ...please... p-please don't let them... I-I'd rather die and g-go to Hell
than– than...
Teddy Reinside: We won't.
Forrest: Never.
They'll have to go through all three-hundred-plus pounds of me, first.
Teddy Reinside: Not to mention, Greys, when exposed to water, begin to dissolve.
Gabby: …
Forrest: Ted, please.

Gabby sniffles
Teddy Reinside: It's the truth.

Gabby and musters a very weak smile

Gabby: ...y-you're not that big... F-Forrest...
Forrest: Never mind that, let's get moving.
Gabby: …


Forrest: .....
Narrator : THe lot of them head to Gabby's


Forrest is immediately visibly a sweaty haggard wreck the minute he walks inside

Steph is quietly going through her notebook looking to see what got burned

Gabby WALK HARD GET HAPPY hrrrrrrhhhhh

Forrest is also bleeding slightly from the forehead

Narrator : thankfully little got burned because steph got it quick
Forrest: ....
Narrator : her attempt to draw a naughty holden caulfield is ruined though....
his bulge is destroyed

Forrest looks at the others

Forrest: ........
....So how'd it go.
Steph: ...

Steph sighs sadly, shutting her noteboko

Steph: Um...
Gabby: …
Steph: Silver lining, but... um, mostly bad.
Forrest: ....

Gabby walks over to her bed

Steph: Do you guys want to tell them, or should...?
...I guess I should. Um...

Gabby plonk

James just looks through the papers

Forrest: ...
James: You should.
Steph: Well... we sort of, got separated. I made everyone think I was the co-CEO...
...Um... only thing is, I made myself think I was, too.
Forrest: ....
....With your power.
Steph: So I sort of... made the guards kick Ken and James out. Ken got tased.
Forrest: .....
Steph: I know. It was really stupid. I'm sorry.

Forrest has a grim look about him

Gabby: ...WHAT

Gabby SHOOTS UP and runs to Ken's side

Steph: ...!
Ken: I'm okay!

Steph scoots back

Ken: No one worry about me, please...
Gabby: Oh God– oh God, oh God, are you?!
Forrest: .....
Steph: He was up and about after, he's fine...
Gabby: ........
Mac D.: steph gon die

Gabby gets a very intense look

Mac D.: she in the house of Chopin now she will not disrespect
Gabby: ...never again.
Steph: ...
Ken: ...
Steph: Um... you can, like... punch me, if it'll make you feel better...
Gabby: ...N-no, that won't help!
Forrest: ...Let's not.
eldritch s. (GM): everyone in the room punches steph
Space: they line up
the line goes for miles
Forrest: i call first dibs.
Space: jasper has a baseball bat
SR3NORMANDY: me first
Gabby: Just, uh... Just eat some paper later on, okay? And think about what you
eldritch s. (GM): people who aren't n this game punch her
Steph: ...O...kay....?
Mac D.: richard owens literally crashes his MOT into town to run up and clock steph
Mobile L: Eldritch P. Seer himself punchers her
Steph: ...Um. Can I go on...?
Gabby: yeah...
Forrest: Please do.

Gabby gives Ken one more fretful little lookover before she lays back down on her
Steph: So, uh... I got up to the CEO's office, and he was having a meeting with the
board of health.
I guess, uh, the businessman is gonna be actually doing, business, during business

Steph looks down at her hands

Steph: Big surprise, huh.
Forrest: Really.
Never would have guessed.

Steph looks up suddenly

Steph: I know. Okay? I know it was stupid. This whole thing was stupid.
I was wrong. I fucked up.
Forrest: .....
Steph: Okay?
Forrest: .....We didn't fare much better.
Steph: ...
...I'm not done yet... um.
Forrest: ...
Steph: He had the board leave, 'cept for... Hall.
And he really... gave me the fifth degree. Um... did not like me intruding on his
personal business.
Trying to usurp him, he said.
He... made me give him my notebook.
Forrest: ...Made you?
Steph: Like... compelled.
Forrest: .....
Steph: It was an Archetype thing, I'm pretty sure.
He's the Ruler, I guess.
Forrest: ...Makes sense.
Steph: Lousy king and his lousy kingdom...
...He nearly burned it with his cigar, but I managed to grab it... and he said if
he ever caught me doing that again, he'd take more than just my notebook.
Gabby: ...That's, uh... familiar...
Forrest: .....
Steph: Um... so, I got kicked out.
While I was messing up, James was doing actually helpful stuff... he found some
files on things.
Um... that's it.
Forrest: ......
James: ... THey just gave me these as I left.
Forrest: ...What do they say?
James: The guard told me to transfer them from high security to maximum security.
Forrest: .....
James: It's hard to parse.
Gabby: ...Frick.
Forrest: ....Well, some suspicions of ours are now confirmed, and we have some
important paperwork.
Not a loss, by the looks of things.
Steph: ...
R... really?
Forrest: ......Yeah.

Gabby nods weakly... Ken's okay...

Forrest: You have more to show than we do, anyway.
Space: where is Ted
Forrest: ....Where the fuck is Teddy?
Steph: What happened with you?
Teddy? You found him?
Mobile L: Ted's chatting up Douglas about anime
Forrest: Yeah, he was sneaking around their base a few days back, apparently. He
got caught and was prisoner.
Narrator : Is waiting outside the Tran hom because it would be weird for a grown
man to go into a girl's room
Space: dfsafhjsnf
i'm just
the conversation
with gabby's grandparents
Forrest: ......The 'negotiation' was a complete bust.
They gave us some info, but are refusing to cooperate in the slightest.
Gabby: ...Th–... the ones who aren't Perkins want to... go after family members...
Forrest: My Strangling Friend threatened to kill our families.
Steph: ...
Forrest: Teddy thinks he managed to gauge out their day to day schedules from his
time as prisoner, though. So that's something.
Gabby: ...Archetypes, uh...

Gabby feels her words catch in her throat a bit

Forrest: .......
Gabby looks to Forrest
Forrest: ...Yeah, we need to talk about that.
Steph: ...About what?

Steph looks up
Forrest: ...That info they gave us....was about who they were, and how this all
They did this whole song and dance back in high school, too.
Mobile L: I love this track
Forrest: But according to them, they....ran out of time.
This whole "collision with the Second Heaven" thing apparently only lasts a few
Steph: ...
Forrest: ....So they botched it the last time, prepped for thirty years, and are
now making another go of it.

Steph scoffs bitterly

Forrest: the Society to Liberate the Third Heaven, they're calling themselves.
Steph: That sounds about right. They think they're better than us just because they
were born first... but it turns out all they did was fuck it up, too.
Forrest: .....
....That psycho, with the bat.
He was still alive.
Gabby: …
Forrest: He came to me last night, we talked.
Steph: What did he say?
Forrest: He asked me what I thought the Third Heaven was.
He described what he saw, lost his shit, and tried to brain me before Quest shot
Steph: ...
He'll save your life, but his buddies say they're gonna kill your family?
That's stupid.
Forrest: I don't think they're fully there.
....He was one of them.
He was with them, thirty years ago, he was the Outlaw.
Steph: ...
I guess that makes sense.
Gabby: ...He... His archetype, he...
Forrest: .....Overusing his archetype drove him insane, is what he told me.

Forrest is looking straight at Steph

Steph: I guess that makes sense, too...
If he's, y'know, the Outlaw, and all.
Forrest: ....No.
It applies to all of them.
Steph: Well... yeah, duh.
They're freaks.
Forrest: All of the Archetypes.
Gabby: ...Steph...
Steph: I know what you're getting at.
Forrest: They described the symptoms as an extreme fixation on core traits.

Gabby looks terrified

Forrest: And hallucinations.
Gabby: ...Steph.
Steph: ...Yeah, see. I knew you were gonna say that.
You didn't have to say it, say it.
Forrest: Steph, how often have you been using your journal?
Gabby: STEPH. You're going to fricking– y-you have to lay off.
Steph: I've been trying to keep it on the down low.
Forrest: Evidently not.
Steph: Even before we knew about this.
Yes, I have.
Narrator : third heaven but every time hse uses it it goes faster
Steph: If you use it too much, you-know-who can find you, anyways.
So I've been trying not to use it.
Forrest: You used it for this.
Steph: Yeah. There wasn't any other way.
Forrest: You've told us about hallucinations you've been having.
Steph: 'Trying not to use it' doesn't mean 'don't use it at all.'
I know you're worried. And you're probably right.
Forrest: ..Wh-...But what.
Steph: A. These guys are old. They've been routinely using this stuff for years.
Forrest: Oh, yeah, and they've all come out peachy.
Gabby: Y-you–... you could fricking... become– that.
Steph: I don't plan on using this crap after we're done with all this...
Gabby: With– with the killing...
Steph: Besides, that's not the bigger point. Okay? If that was the only point I'd
make, then you'd know I'm lying to myself about it.
What else am I supposed to do? There is no other option here. We have every single
disadvantage stacked up against us. The snake fuckers use their stuff freely. If we
want to even have a chance of leveling the playing field...
Because it's either that, or we lose.
Forrest: This isn't a competition, Steph.
Steph: There is no silver medal for trying.
Forrest: They have the exact same goals as we do.
Gabby: .....
Steph: And they'll do anything to stop us from achieving those same goals.
They're not on our side.
Forrest: And you're proving them right by using those powers against them.
Steph: Fucking listen to yourself!
I guess it's right for them to say they're gonna murder our families?
Forrest: I am NOT SAYING THAT-

Forrest just BELTS out that last bit

Steph just stares

Forrest stops himself, breathing sharply, in and out

Forrest: .......

Forrest pinches the bridge of his nose, trying to slow his breathing down
Forrest: ......

Gabby is at Sammy Classic Sonic Fan voice volume levels

Steph: I'm never going to do that.

Steph gets up
Gabby: …
Gabby shakes her head
Forrest: ...Then make a promise, right now.
Gabby: You think they fricking wanted to...

Steph looks at Forrest

Gabby: …
You idiot. G-goodbye...
Steph: I promise. Right here, right now.
Forrest: No. This is the promise.
Ken: Don't leave.
Steph: ...
Ken: Sit down.
Forrest: Stop using that fucking book in the real world.

Steph sits back down

Steph: Even if it's life or death?
Gabby: ...You're not gonna listen...
...I loved you, Steph...
Narrator : "ed"

Gabby rolls over to face the wall

Steph: ...
Forrest: Find another way.

Steph figures she'll be fine

Steph ...hopes she'll be fine

Steph: ...Okay.
Forrest: .....
rolling 3d20 +2
= 22
Narrator : steph is too steph-y for your power to work
Space: holy fucking shit
James: You okay?
Forrest: ...

Steph just wordlessly looking at him

Steph not blinking

Gabby: …

Steph not looking away

Steph just looking at him

Forrest: ...

Forrest scowls
Gabby: ...'M gonna lose everyone I cared about.
James: ...
No, you're not.
Steph: Why would you ask me if you don't trust me?
Gabby: Why not.
James: They're all still here.
They're all still alive.
Forrest: ........
James: You can protect them.
Gabby: For now.
Not Steph.
Forrest: ...Just-....
James: That's all you can do.
You can protect her by being there for her (said so steph doesn't hear)
Forrest: ...Just keep your word. That's all I can ask.
Gabby: …
...that's not gonna work...
Steph: That was the plan, Forrest.

Steph levelly
James: It will.
Have faith.
It is all that you need.
Forrest: ......Yeah, and your plans always work out.
Steph: Why are you even bothering?
If you have such a low opinion of me.
Just to keep up appearances?
Gabby: …
Forrest: ...
......We're in this mess together, whether we like it or not.
So I'd rather not see someone I'm suffering through hell with end up like that.
Steph: But you don't really think it'll work out.

Gabby curls up
Steph: You don't... think that I'm gonna stick to it, or anything like that.
I think that's crueler than just not saying anything.
James: ...
Forrest: I don't care how you take it. It's how I feel.
I'd like to trust you. I really, really would.
That's the truth.
Steph: I'm gonna keep my promise, Forrest.

Forrest 's face has hardened into stone

Forrest: Alright.
The Nihilists can be hurt by conventional weapons in our hands.
Steph: ...
The gun...
Forrest: The society plans on attacking Erebus at Lethe at some point with an array
of automatic weapons.
Steph: That seems...
...Kind of ...
Forrest: Yeah, well, this isn't a ballet.
It's a fight with a monster.
If they see us in there, they'll probably attack us again.
Gabby: …
Steph: It's a fight about... human things. I think that's really the important part
we have to take away from it.
We should try beating Erebus before they get to it.
Forrest: .....Really.
Against that.
Steph: Yeah.
Forrest: That's suicide.
Steph: We need to find out more.
I don't think attacking it head-on is the best option.
But... there's a reason it's there.
Forrest: They said Lethe was its nest.
James: *its nest was in lethe
Forrest: yeah that
Steph: They say a lot of things. Did they say why its nest was in Lethe?
Forrest: No. Do you have any particular theory of why it's there, then.
Gabby: ..........
Steph: I think it's a sickness. In Lethe itself.

Gabby starts to get up

Steph: I'm talking about the lady and about the place.
Forrest: Okay. How does that help us know how to get rid of it.
Steph: You don't get rid of a virus by curing yourself of the cough it gets you.
The cough is just a symptom, and the root problem hasn't been addressed.
I think we need to cure the disease, not the symptom.
Forrest: And what, pray tell, is this hypothetical cure.
Steph: That's what we have to find out. We've been slacking off on investigating
the things that really matter the most.
I still have Mlle. Lane's phone number written down.
Legitimately we could just call her.
Gabby: ...I don't trust her.

Gabby is not feelin' super constructive

Forrest: Fine then. Call her. Get whatever weird, cryptic message you can get out
of her.
Steph: Okay. I will.
Gabby: ......

Gabby storms over to the door

Forrest: ...?

Forrest looks at Gab

Gabby: I–... I-I hate you...

Gabby storms out of her own room like a gal in a very sour mood
eldritch s. (GM): i
Forrest: .......
eldritch s. (GM): m done i'm literalyl passing out
Space: same
Mac D.: boogidy boo, faggot
eldritch s. (GM): you're early
Mac D.: just got HOME
be advised i may be eating Hot Wings at some point in this roll
oh i didn't notice you showed up
Space: WH
w-what' tehfcuk..
Mobile L: oh no...
Mac D.: i don't LIIIIKE IT
Mobile L: Very Special Episode of Third Heaven?
Space: :< :< :< :< :<
Mac D.: Everybody Dies
Narrator : A momentary silence hangs over the room, in light of Gabby's leaving.
Forrest: ....
Steph: ...

Steph coughs
James: ..
Steph: I'm just, uh... gonna get on with that phonecall then.
Ken: ... I can get her, if you think it wise.

Gabby seethes, hands balled in tiny fists as the angry, sad tears well up in her
Steph: That'd probably be a good idea...
Forrest: ....Give her some time to herself.

Gabby goes to shut herself in the washroom for a while

Steph: ...Use your best judgement, I guess.

Steph tries to call Mlle. Lane's weird phone number

Ken: ... I myself do with some time to process my feelings, so I will allow her the
Forrest: Yeah.

Forrest paces the room, thinking

Gabby: …

Forrest looks progressively frustrated

Gabby whimpers a bit and has a quiet, wrathful cry

Narrator : There is a click from the phone.
Steph: ...Um... hello?
Space: liking the music choice
Mlle. Lane: The more you take, the more you leave behind.
Steph: ...Oh.
This is the right number, right?
Forrest: ....
Mlle. Lane: I don't much care for that answer.
Gabby: …
Steph: I thought it was a question...

Gabby dries her tears with some toilet paper, chewing her lip not quite enough to
make it bleed, but enough to make it hurt
Mlle. Lane: Interesting.
Steph: ...Um... so, uh... how are you?

Steph is a little taken off guard and trying to recentetr herself

Forrest: ...

Forrest looks at Steph

Mlle. Lane: Do you really care about that?

Steph has to think about this

Steph: Well... um. Yes?
Forrest: ...
Mlle. Lane: Interesting.
Steph: ...
Mlle. Lane: Did you call simply for the pleasure of my company.
Steph: ...Um... no, not really.
Am I interrupting something?
Gabby: …
Mlle. Lane: No.
Other than the silence.

Gabby blows her nose and trudges out of the washroom... WITHOUT WASHING HER HANDS
Mac D.: grammy tran immediately screams if she washed her hands as she takes a step
Space: fdmv dvjknj
Steph: Okay... um, we're a little stuck on something, and we were wondering if you
could point us in the right direction?
Gabby: …! O-okay, Grandma...!
Mlle. Lane: On what issue.

Gabby cries silent tears as she goes back in to wash her hands
Mlle. Lane: A compass is useless if you're on Mars.

Gabby WASH... crawling in my skin......

Forrest: ...

Forrest glances toward the doorway

Steph: What's the deal with Erebus? And... Lethe, I guess? Why's it the way it is?
Also, why's she the way she is?
Space: lane: 'youre stupid'
Mobile L: what's the deal with airline food????
Gabby: …
Mac D.: 'damn you haven't figured it out yet'
Mlle. Lane: Let us both respect each other and go forth assuming that you are not
expecting direct answers to these questions.

Gabby deliberates whether or not she wants to go back in there

Mac D.: she just immediately breaks character
out of sheer befuddlement at how clueless the chosen ones really are
Steph: Just getting pointed in the right direction is fine...
Mlle. Lane: I do not appreciate sloth and thus insist you must work at whatever
truth I should give you inkling to.
Steph: That's sort of what I figured anyways...
Mlle. Lane: Lethe, is of course, the regent of her realm, which is a component of
Or she a component of it,
Erebus is not akin to other Nihilists, except for the ones it is akin to.
There are roughly four of that kind.
They too serve as regents of a different stripe, for different domains.
Lethe's state is caused by a decision, of course, a continued although likely not
totally concious one.
Mlle. Lane: Erebus's state is not a decision, but a consequence of reality.
Or the reality.
I'll let you determine these things.
Steph: ...If Lethe gets... the glove taken off, let's say... will she be better off
or worse off?
Forrest: ....
Mlle. Lane: Her gloves make no difference, they are just trifling clothing.
Steph: Well... metaphorically!
Mlle. Lane: ...
It would depend on the manner in which the glove is taken.
She could lose the hand.
Or she could gain sensation again.
Steph: So don't yank it off?
Mlle. Lane: I did not say that.
The death of a thousand cuts could prove to be her undoing. Or her salvation.
Use your best judgement.
Steph: Best judgment... okay. Um... I have one more question.
One or two more.
Mlle. Lane: One.
Gabby: …
Steph: Okay... is there a way of... I guess, dealing with Erebus, that isn't
just... a big ol' fighting match? Fighting that guy seems kind of like suicide.
Mlle. Lane: Take heart.
The solution to one problem will prove the solution to more.
I have a gift for you.
Steph: A gift?
Forrest: ...?

Steph shifts a little, pulling her knees up to her chest

Mlle. Lane: Yes.
Steph: What is it?

Mlle. Lane hangs up

Forrest: ....
Gabby: …

Gabby hovers outside her own door, lightly eavesdropping and decision paralyzed

Forrest folds his arms

Forrest: ....So what'd you get.
Steph: ... I dunno ...

Steph sighs, putting her phone away

Forrest: ....

Forrest exhales, walking over to a window

Narrator : The sun is practically below the horizon.
Forrest: .....
Steph: It's a good idea to try and help Lethe. But we've really got to do it right
instead of, like... poorly.
Narrator : There is a bleak void in the sky that the clouds circle about.
Forrest: ....Well.
Hope you've got some ideas right this second.
Gabby: …?
Steph: Why right this second?

Steph looks up

Mlle. Lane stares into the window from a distance, beneath an umbrella

Mlle. Lane calmly begins walking away

Mobile L: mary poppins...

Forrest watches her walk off

Forrest: ...
Forrest turns around and raps his knuckle on the window
Forrest: Look.
Steph: ...
James: ... This is a soft bed.
Space: prioritys
James: Mine wasn't this soft, I don't think.
Forrest: ....
Gabby: …
Forrest: ...What do you want to do.
James: Uh, me?

Gabby cracks open her door

Forrest: N-....Know what, yeah, you.
Steph: ...?

Steph looks to the door

Steph: Gabby?...
Forrest: ...?
Steph: Is that you?

Forrest look
James: ... I think we should probably go.
Soon. Ish.
Gabby: …

Gabby wordlessly steps in a bit

Forrest: ...

Forrest looks back at the window

Steph: You feelin' okay, Gab...?

Teddy Reinside is knocking on it, hanging onto the ledge

Gabby: …
Forrest: . . . .

Forrest walks over and opens the window

Teddy Reinside climbs in

Teddy Reinside: Hyugh...
Forrest: Ted.
Teddy Reinside: It's happening again.
The Bohemian Hunt.
Forrest: I've noticed.

Teddy Reinside looks at him

Teddy Reinside: The game's on.
Forrest: ...
Steph: ...We're gonna head over to the Second Heaven, if you wanna come with...
Gabby: …
Forrest: .....Hold on.

Teddy Reinside claps his hands together

Teddy Reinside: I'm coming with.

Gabby wordlessly makes for outside

Steph: ...

Steph to no one in particular, as soon as Gabby is out of earshot

Steph: Maybe that was a bad idea...

Forrest walks up to Steph

Forrest: ....What exactly are we going to do, when we go there this time?
Teddy Reinside: We're gonna solve the mystery.\\
I have big ideas about this one.
Steph: Why do I have to have all the answers here? I don't. I could ask you the
same question, Forrest.
What's your ideas, Teddy?
Teddy Reinside: We're gonna find the Mothership.
This is a level Sigma-Delta Psychic Disturbance, I've been doing some reading...
Forrest: ...I would just like to know what exactly we plan on working on when we
get down there. Rather than just aimlessly hove our way around with no plan.
Teddy Reinside: Schwann-Flynn levels would be off the charts.
Narrator : Where has Gabby gone.

Gabby in the direction of the school

Steph: Do we wanna work on the Lethe issue or the Erebus issue?
Narrator : Gabby walks.
Forrest: What do you want to work on.

Gabby walks with head down and her posture slumped

Narrator : god fuck brb
constipation/gas is a bad combo
Mobile L: Don't die, Eldy!
Steph: I think Lethe is more important.
Forrest: Okay, then. So we spend more time with her.
Steph: That's what I'd advise. You can do what you want if you're not feeling it...
Forrest: ....
I'm following you on this one.
Steph: ...

Steph smiles
Steph: Okay, let's get going then.

Steph starts to the school...!

Forrest: Hold on.

Forrest walks after her

Forrest: I'd appreciate not walking in there unarmed, this time.
Steph: ...Oh!
Oh, firearms.
Forrest: Or anything else.
Something to hit something with.
Steph: I'll follow your lead on this one... any idea where we can find that stuff?
Forrest: ....Know any pawn shops.

Steph tries to think if she knows of any

Forrest: .....
.....Where's Gabby?
Steph: ...Uh... I assume she's already on her way there?
Forrest: ....Wh- By herself.
Narrator : The party see Gabby, a long way down the road...
Steph: Hey, there she is!
Forrest: Gabby!
Gabby: …

Gabby slows a bit

Forrest starts moving to catch up to her

Steph jogs after her

Forrest stops in front of her, short of breath and IRRITATED

Forrest: ...Gabby WHAT...[pant]....were you thinking....
Steph: Geez... be careful, okay?
Gabby: …

Gabby looks away

Steph: ...
Listen, don't sweat it...
Ken: ... We're just concerned for your safety.
Steph: ...Um... we were thinking about finding a pawn shop or something, first.
Getting equipped and all that stuff.
Wanna come with?
Gabby: …
Forrest: ...

Forrest stares at her

Space: sulky

Gabby shrugs very slightly

Ken: ...

Ken seems uncomfortable with the prospect

Forrest: ....
James: That's... theft, isn't it?
Forrest: Maybe, but it's toward our own survival.
Teddy Reinside: Pawnshop guys are thieves too, so it all works out.
Forrest: See? Clean conscience.
Once we've saved Creation we can return what we stole.
Steph: We could get stuff from somewhere else.. our houses, or something, if it's
that big a deal.
Teddy Reinside: What kinda loot are we aiming for exactly?
Forrest: There is nothing I own that I am comfortable bludgeoning a demon with,
Weapons of any sort. Improvised or otherwise.
A legitimate weapon, preferably.
Like an axe.
Or a sword.
Steph: Or a bow!
Gabby: …

Gabby rubs her nose a bit

Steph: I could run back home and grab my bow...
Forrest: ...
Teddy Reinside: Say...
Forrest: You have a bow?
Teddy Reinside: Let's split up into teams based on the kinda items we're looking
for, then meet up at the school.

Steph smirks smugly

Steph: I do have a bow, Forrest Freeman. I guess in America, all you hunt with is
Forrest: ....We have hunting bows, y'know.
Steph: A likely story...
Okay, so what stuff are we all looking for, then?
Ken, if you've got anything at your house you can use, we could tag along together.
Forrest: I would refrain from a non-silenced firearm.
The last thing we need is something that makes an immense amount of noise.
And even then, a silenced gun is pushing it.
Ken: ... Old antiques, mostly.
Forrest: .....
Steph: Think anything is worth grabbing?

Forrest looks back at Gab

Ken: I'm comfortable with what I have currently.

Ken manifests his sword

Steph: Okie dokes.
James: ...
Steph: D'you wanna come with, then, James?

Gabby still looks sullen and displeased

Forrest: ....
...Hey, Gab.
James: I don't really... I don't want to steal from anyone.
Forrest: What kinda weapon would you use?
Steph: If it's from my house, then it's just borrowing it.
James: That sounds alright.
Teddy Reinside: I already got a weapon, don't worry about me.

Teddy Reinside raises his fists

Teddy Reinside: This one's called the Hospital.
Gabby: ...Frickin'... I dunno. Cudgel, bat with nails in it. Some crap...
Teddy Reinside: And this one's the Cemetary.
Steph: Okay! Then let's go.
Forrest: Teddy you are not punching the hellbeasts.

Steph starts off towards her home

Teddy Reinside: Trust me.
Mobile L: holy fuck teddy

Forrest watches her go

Space: teddy is on another level
Forrest: ...

Forrest looks at the others

Forrest: ...So. Who's up for robbery.
Teddy Reinside: I can help if you need it.

Steph tries to carefully navigate through the people without bumping into anyone
Forrest: Know any pawn shops?

Gabby groans quietly, sad and annoyed

Teddy Reinside: Yeah.
I live behind one.
Forrest: .....
....In a house, right.
Steph: Alright...
Teddy Reinside: It's my forward operating base.
I'm off the grid.
Steph goes to grab her bow and quiver
Forrest: Is it a house?

James follows, quietly

Teddy Reinside: It's a home.
Forrest: ....
....Lead us to the pawn shop, please.
Steph: What kinda thing would you like?

Teddy Reinside walks like a block

Teddy Reinside: Here it is.
Forrest: ....Oh, wow.
Steph: Like a bludgeon thing, or a knife, or something?
Forrest: ken what the fuck
Teddy Reinside: get vored
Forrest: you feelin alright bro
Gabby: hot...
Forrest: is the edible kicking in

Teddy Reinside just walks in

Forrest casually follows behind

Teddy Reinside: So.
The loot.
Forrest: Right.....
James: ...

Forrest hops behind the counter to look for the HARDCORE STUFF. . . . . . .
James: All of those kind of scare me.
Narrator : what does forrest want

Gabby slinks in, muttering something about leaving fingerprints

Mobile L: Guys, I should note
This is like
Scarily similar to when the gang looted the mall in Hawthorne High

Forrest wants a practical, pragmatic weapon for a well-honed mind

Narrator : don't scare me i thought you were going to say something bad...

Forrest (he wants a katana)

Narrator : rolling 1d20
= 20
Ah, yes..
Steph: Not even if it's to keep you safe?
Forrest: the legendary masamune
Narrator : Behind the counter...
In a long, silken box.
Space: kabuki voice YOOOOOOO
Forrest: .....
Narrator : The Demon Blade.
Forrest: . . . ..
Narrator : The Blood-Drinker.
Forrest: .
Mobile L: Forrest is now The Bride

Forrest slowly approaches the silken box

Space: fucking weeb
Gabby: …?

Forrest , with trembling hands, opens it

Space: god dammit i wanna watch kill bill again

Gabby watches stupid dumb fights with Steph all the time Forrest get all sweaty
about a box or something
Narrator : THe box opens.
Space: fdjadjadjcd gabby
Narrator : Its blade glints red...
It thirsts for its next meal.
Gabby: so what. we asians see this shit all the time. grandpa has like ten..
Forrest: ...

Forrest stares at the magnificent blade

Space: 'us asiatics'
Forrest: ......
Gabby: …
Narrator : Take it.
Forrest: ......
It-....[gulps like a heroin addict]...looks sufficiently sharp.
Narrator : It can cut through the hardest steel like butter.
Gabby: ...Good...

Forrest takes hold of the Devil's Blade, and its Demonic Sheath

Gabby wipes her nose on her sleeve

Narrator : It is yours.
Mobile L: that fucking YO
Forrest: . . . . .
Mobile L: is killing me :D
Space: what a fucking utter weeb

James shrugs, umcomfortable

James: It just doesn't... I don't feel like I should do that stuff.
Doesn't sit right.

Teddy Reinside grabs a shotgun

Mac D.: brb fuckin with google translate
Teddy Reinside: Hey, Gabs-...

Teddy Reinside looks at the shotgun

Teddy Reinside: ...

Teddy Reinside looks at her

Teddy Reinside: ... Probably not.
Steph: That's okay. If you don't like it, you don't like it.

Teddy Reinside puts it back

Teddy Reinside: Do you want anything, Gabster?
Steph: Wanna head to the school now?
Gabby: ...Uh... 'm looking for something bludgeony, I guess...
Gabby has Chronic Raincloud Voice

Gabby halfheartedly searches

Forrest: ....

Teddy Reinside picks up a bust of Chopin

Teddy Reinside: Like this?

Forrest is staring silently at the blade

Gabby: …!!!

Gabby 's eyes light up

Gabby: that marble...
Teddy Reinside: How'd you know?
James: I think that'd be good.
Forrest: .....Your name henceforth. Is Tengoku no Shikaku.
Gabby: the sheen... not too matte, but not too glossy... perfect for his visage.
Mobile L: fuckl,.
Steph: Okay!

Steph starts out for... Skule

James follows
Steph: How are you holding up, anyways?
James: ... Okay.
Better than I was.

Forrest sheathesthe sword and tucks it through a belt hole and looks at the others
Forrest: Alright, I'm good.

Teddy Reinside hands her the bust

Steph: That's really good... I'm glad you're getting back on your feet again.

Ken: If that is all, we really should get going.


Gabby: ...Thank you... Teddy...

Teddy Reinside thumbs up

Forrest: Let's go.
Narrator : The parties unite at the school...
They begin to travel through the Second Heaven...
Down the Prismatic Stairs.

Forrest walks silently

Forrest like a proud and noble daimyo

Gabby caresses Frederic's cheek

Steph is quietly questioning the efficacy of having a two handed weapon when she
needs to be able to write

Gabby still hurts inside, but the pain is dulled by having the lifeless, stone head
of her favorite composer in her hands
Mac D.: dip the arrows in ink
Narrator : The fog of Lethe grows more oppressive with every visit.
Gabby: …
Steph: ...Man... is it just me, or is it worse than it was...?
...Hey, look. It's... The Special Door.
Forrest: ...

Forrest looks over at The Door.

Narrator : It simply drifts after the party like a dutiful attendant.
Steph: ...I guess Mu wants us to pop in?
Gabby: …

Gabby grunts
Forrest: .....I could peek in and see.
Steph: Okay.


Forrest: ...
Mr. Mu: No. i did not need your company for anything in particular.
Forrest: ...Oh.
Mr. Mu: I was simply drifting after you so you may have use of my services.
Should they be needed.
Forrest: Well, that's appreciated.

Forrest HOPS back out

Forrest: He's just here in case we need him.
Steph: Oh.

Forrest back in formation...

Steph: That's convenient.
Forrest: ...Worringly conveninent.
....I think we're going to get fucked up.
Steph: ...
Let's try... not to do that.
Gabby: …

Steph that said, Steph starts off

Forrest: Yeah.

Gabby hugs the bust

Mr. Mu: just immediately huh steph
Forrest: ...
Narrator : roll mind for chosing to run off
Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 12
Narrator : just steph
you little bitch huh
Space: she's an expert
Narrator : you think you're going to try to get the better of me
Forrest: ...Steph-...hold up!
Narrator : Steph stops before she gets lost.
Steph: Geez, I thought you guys were following...
Forrest: Whatever happened to linking up
Did you forget that bit?
Steph: I gotta hold my bow.
Forrest: Just put it on your body.
Steph: Fine...

Steph does this

Forrest: ...Alright.
...Let's link up arms this time.
Gabby: …

Gabby drifts near Ken

Forrest: ....

Forrest forced to touch Steph AND Ted..........

Steph everybody hold hand snow...

Forrest geeeeugh
Narrator : Which direction does the band head.
Forrest: South, right.
Steph: South!
Gabby: Yeah...

Forrest SOUTH
Forrest: ....
Steph: Is this the right way?
Forrest: ...I think this is the first time we've gotten here uninvited.
Think that'll be a problem?
Ken: .... This place is empty.
Forrest: ..Wh-
Ken: There's no trace of anyone or anything.
Steph: ...Oh, geez...
Forrest: This is supposed to be her palace, isn't it?
Gabby: …
Steph: Maybe she's out?
James: Where would she go?
Forrest: .....
Steph: I dunno... somewhere else here, right?
Forrest: ...Only other landmark I can think of that we've seen is that fountain.
Steph: Should we go that way?
James: How do we get there?
Forrest: Move...East, if I recall.
Steph: East!
Forrest: who turned out the LIGHTs.
Gabby: …?
Forrest: ....!?!

Forrest flinches, startled by the sudden Servitors

Steph: Oh-- oh, geez.
Narrator : A wall of them stand.
Servitor: No entry and no exit.
Forrest: ....
Gabby: ...Hi...
Forrest: ....What's the issue, guys.
Servitor: A breach has been found in the walls of Utopia, allowing for unwanted
entrance by servants of the Dragon.
As such, we are appointed to guard the way.
Forrest: ...Servants of-

Forrest looks at Steph

Forrest: ...That mean us?
Steph: ...Well, that's not us.
No, it's definitely not.
Forrest: We've been called that before, though.
Gabby: …
Steph: ...
Forrest: ....?
Steph: Uh.

Forrest looks past steph at WOAH NELLY

Forrest: Jesus fuck-
Gabby: ...Frick.
Steph: Thank god for those guys. Um.
We should turn around, I think.
Forrest: .....
...Are they not trying to fight them?
Servitor: Our duty is simply containment. The fogs of this place render most
Steph: ...Um... where's your Lady? Is she okay?
Gabby: ...The ones by the fountain back a while ago... They were pacified.
Servitor: Our regent has seen fit to attend to her Fountain.
Forrest: ......
....So it's hers, then.
Steph: Can we get to there from here?
Servitor: An official escort could be provided.
Forrest: That'd be appreciated.
Steph: Very appreciated.
Servitor: Very well.
Gabby: …
Forrest: ...!?!
Servitor: Proceed due East.

Forrest looks around

Forrest: ....Uh-...Thanks.
...East, then

Forrest EAST
Forrest: ....
Narrator : This close to the fountain, your senses begin to wane...
Gabby: .......
Steph: ...Nnh.//

Gabby the old dopey feeling... the Good Feeling C:

Forrest: ...

Forrest looks at the others

Gabby leans into Ken

Gabby just wants that bad icky feeling of being upset at everyone and herself to
fade away
Forrest: ....

Forrest looks at Steph

Steph: ...E-excuse me? Lethe Lady?
Forrest: ...

Forrest looks up at LADY

Gabby: ...Hello...? You there?

Lady of Lethe stares into the Fountain, eyes churning with emotion
Forrest: ...I'm going to go try and get her attention.
Lady of Lethe: I know you're there.
Forrest: ....O-
Gabby: ...Hi...

Lady of Lethe moves lethargically, no sudden motions

Lady of Lethe: Yes.

Lady of Lethe gestures to the dead Nihilists arround

Lady of Lethe: I've been doing cleaning. It occurred to me to do so.
Forrest: ....

Forrest looks among the Dead

Forrest: .....You've been-..doing a solid job of it, I see.
Narrator : Most have been brutally exploded.
With huge chunks ripped from them.
Forrest: ...fuck me...
Lady of Lethe: ...
I would have liked to forget.
Killing doesn't bring me much pleasure.
Steph: ...What happened?
Lady of Lethe: I simply remembered I wanted to be rid of them.
Forrest: ....
Gabby: ...Wow... Uh... Thanks?
Forrest: ....I'm sorry you....felt the need.
Lady of Lethe: You should be.
It's your fault.
Gabby: …
Lady of Lethe: You and your Nakama.
Gabby: U-uh...
Steph: ...Because we've been coming here...?
Forrest: ....Don't-...blame them.

Lady of Lethe snaps her head towards Forrest

Lady of Lethe: And who should I blame?

Forrest looks at her

Forrest: ....
....I...made you remember.
Steph: ...
Forrest: So I'm at fault for that.
Lady of Lethe: ...
I hate you for that.
Forrest: ....
....That's fair.
Lady of Lethe: My dreaming is ending.
Lady of Lethe stares at the fountain
Lady of Lethe: I came here to try to stay in my sleep.
Hoping that being this close would preserve me.
Gabby: …

Gabby stares uncomfortably at Forrest

Lady of Lethe runs her hand through the water

Steph: ...It doesn't seem like it's doing much.
Lady of Lethe: No.
The forces of remberance rage too ferociously.
Forrest: ....
Steph: Is remembering what caused them all to show up?
Lady of Lethe: They were here all the time.
I just didn't notice them.
Forrest: ...You just wanted to forget about them.
Lady of Lethe: ... Yes.
Forrest: ...
...Are you afraid of them?
Gabby: ...If you forgot... Like...
Lady of Lethe: Fear.
Gabby: ...They coulda crept up and hurt you.
Lady of Lethe: I'd almost forgotten it.
Nothing can hurt me.
Nothing but truth.

Lady of Lethe scowls

Lady of Lethe: I'd been so close.
I could have been numb, forever and totally.
Forrest: ......
Steph: ...What... is it... that you're trying to forget?

Lady of Lethe stares into the water

Lady of Lethe: ...
What you're trying to learn.
Gabby: …
Forrest: ....

Gabby 's eyes widen a bit

Forrest: ...What lies beyond that door.

Gabby 's fingers dig into Ken's shoulder

Lady of Lethe: ... More than that.
I don't care what's behind it.
I never did.

Ken is numb
Forrest: ...Then what scares you?
Lady of Lethe: Pain.
Steph: ...
Forrest: ...The pain of loss?
Steph: Is this what's waiting for us if we try to figure it out?
Forrest: ...
Lady of Lethe: ... It is what waits for you no matter what you do.
Gabby: …
...Even if I give up?

Gabby just blurts that out

Forrest: ...?

Forrest looks back at Gab

Lady of Lethe: ... You can't run forever...
Forrest: ...
Gabby: ...They're telling me to...

Forrest looks back at Lethe

Steph: ...Well... then what do we have to lose by trying to solve it?
Lady of Lethe: ...

Lady of Lethe stares into the water

Forrest: ...
Gabby: …

Gabby approaches the water

Forrest: ...?

Forrest sees Gabby break formation

Forrest: ...!

Forrest reaches out to try and hold her back

Lady of Lethe watches her come

Forrest: Gab-....

Gabby stares into that water too

Forrest: ....
Narrator : roll deceased mind gabby

Forrest looks at Steph, concerned

Gabby: rolling 3d20 + 2
= 25
Space: YIKES
Mac D.: BWEEEooooooop.
Narrator : Gabby's mind fades away into nothingness before she reaches the
Gabby: ........

Gabby wobbles
Steph: ...I'm gonna grab her.
Forrest: ....

Steph hurries to pull Gabby back

Forrest: ...Hold on.
Lady of Lethe: roll decreased mind steph

Steph: rolling {{3d20dl1}dh1} + 0
= 14

Lady of Lethe watches Steph fade and stop

Forrest: ....!!
Space: fucking dumbass

Gabby plunk
Steph: .... *...

Forrest looks at the two of them, his hand outstretched, holding nothing
Forrest: .....

Ken lumbers after then

Forrest: ...!?
Ken: rolling 3d20
= 39

Ken falls over

Space: fuckcfcdfcsd
Ken: brb
Forrest: ....!!

Forrest looks back at the Final Two

James 's eyes well up with tears

Lady of Lethe: ...
Forrest: ...

Gabby stares dead-eyed at the fog above, sprawled out

Forrest looks back forward

Forrest solemnly approaches the fallen trio

Lady of Lethe: Stop.
Forrest: ..!

Forrest halts

Steph quietly looks unseeing at the fountain

Lady of Lethe: What a miserable spectacle.
Forrest: ....

Lady of Lethe casts them away from the fountain like feathers
Forrest: ....!?!

Forrest clutches his ribs as he's tossed


Narrator : Their senses return as they distance.
Forrest: ....
Lady of Lethe: ...

Steph blinks back to reality

Forrest looks up at the Lady, slowly rising to his feet

Steph: ..Oh... ow.
Gabby: ...NGHHH–... ahh...

Gabby 's nose is bloodied

Forrest: ....
Lady of Lethe: ...
Forrest: ....M-....Miss.

Forrest slowly, cautiously removes his hand from his midsection

Forrest: ......I know you hate me...and you have no reason to....But...I want to
discuss something with you.
Lady of Lethe: ...
Forrest: ....Just-...Just a conversation. People talking. Listening.

Gabby whimpers and curls up

Steph: ...

Steph quietly checks on Ken to make sure he's not, like, dead
Lady of Lethe: Give me a reason.
Just one.
Consider it now.
Forrest: ....
Lady of Lethe: The reason you give me will determine everything.
Narrator : he's breathing
Steph: ...
Forrest: ......

Steph looks up at Forrest

Forrest: .....When are you ever going to get the chance again?
Lady of Lethe: ...
What did you want to tell me.
Forrest: .....I wanted to discuss truth. Not-....The Truth. Truth.
What it means to us both.
Lady of Lethe: ...
What does it mean to you.
Forrest: ....
....I can't....disagree with you. That it's a painful thing.
At times it can be torture.
....But I don't think that's the whole of it.
Steph: ... Hiding from the truth doesn't change the truth.
If you ask me.
Lady of Lethe: ...
It makes it easier to persist.
Forrest: ....
....I've had to swallow a fair bit of uncomfortable realities, in my life.
I've learned things about bottled water you wouldn't belive.
...Knowing these things, and understanding the reality.....There's a bolstering
feeling, in that. For me.
Lady of Lethe: ...
Steph: If it really is true that things are hopeless... that there's no meaning in
anything... then you have two options, basically.
You can accept it... or you can try to create your own meaning, out of

Steph looks around

Steph: This place is important to you, isn't it?
Lady of Lethe: No.
I lied.
It is.

Steph looked very surprised for a half-second there

Lady of Lethe: This is all I could save.
All I could protect from corruption.
Steph: See... That's you making meaning out of something. That's you making the
world a better place.
Forrest: ...
Steph: I think there's something... good in that, in its own way.
I don't really have a broader point to all of this. I'm just kind of talking here.
Forrest: ....You're remembering things more clearly now, aren't you? Do remember
the iced tea?
Lady of Lethe: Yes.
Forrest: Do you remember having iced tea before?
Lady of Lethe: Before?
Forrest: Before that time you tried it.
With us.
Lady of Lethe: No.
Forrest: ...It was a new experience, wasn't it.
Lady of Lethe: Yes.
Forrest: And it was nice.
Lady of Lethe: Get to the point, please.
Forrest: .....Going through life, humans get hit with a lot of unpleasant truths.
You can't get everything you want. You'll lose things. People with more power than
you will rule over you.
Eventually, you'll die.
That's a hell of a lot to take in, why do humans even bother?
And yet, we do.
We take the pain of those hard truths, and we do something about it.
Forrest: We find comfort in the little things, or in other people.
We create art, we attain knowledge, and pass it on to generations that can better
use it.
We work hard to make food taste as good as it can, to make drinks as delicious as
possible. We tell stories to each other in so many different ways.
We laugh, and share, and take, and fight, and love.
We live. We feel.
We see the end looming towards us right in front of our faces. And yet, we still
yearn to feel.
Lady of Lethe: ...
Forrest: .....I've....experienced a lot, this past....month or so. Things I never
thought I'd get to see or feel in my life. Things I never thought I'd enjoy.
.....I don't know what exactly is waiting for me, at the end of the road....I may
not even make it that far.
...But I could never trade what I've felt away for some...comfortable numbness.

Forrest glances at the others

Forrest: ....It's....something I cherish. Something I'm willing to fight for.
To the bitter end.
Lady of Lethe: ...
Forrest: ...
....But that's just me.
I talked your fuckin' ear off, I'm sorry about that.
Lady of Lethe: I have nothing left but this place.
Everything else is ruins.
This was all I could protect.
All that I could save.
And now it is decaying and lifeless.
I have no control here.
Lady of Lethe: It has escaped my grasp.
I am the regent of this land in name only.
I cannot even control the fog.
Forrest: ....That has to be painful to swallow.
But there's things you still have.
Lady of Lethe: No.
Forrest: There are. Think about it.
You've a mouth, to speak the words you want to say. You've got eyes, to see us
standing in front of you, and ears to hear us talk.
You've got a mind, to share your thoughts with us. To share your pain and sadness.
You've got legs, to carry you where you wish to go, and arms to reach out and touch
what you want to touch.
....And, well....
...Stupid as it might be to say....You've got us.
Lady of Lethe: ...
What am I to do, in your perspective.
Forrest: Well, I can't command you to do anything, and I'm not gonna be so bold as
to try. But what we're going to do is fight Erebus.
...If you'd like, you can help us out, in whatever way you feel like. You don't
have to, though. You can do what you want.
Lady of Lethe: ...
Forrest: ...
Lady of Lethe: How could I f-
Forrest: ...!?!
Lady of Lethe: ...
Forrest: ...
Servitor: There appears to be a breach in out perimeter. A great Nihilist disturbs
our ranks.
Forrest: ....Hohhh, man.
Servitor: It has, however, been contained to an outlying exclave of our realm.
We shall proceed as commanded.
Lady of Lethe: ...
Do you still have courage enough to face such a thing.
Forrest: ...

Forrest closes his eyes, lets loose a shuddered exhale, and rests a hand on the
hilt of his Nippon Steel
Forrest: .....Absolutely.

Forrest gestures to the others

Forrest: ...I doubt you'll hear any objections.
Lady of Lethe: Let these few pass your perimeter to the exclave.
... I wish you good fortune.
Forrest: ...
Forrest nods
Forrest: ...Have a little faith in us. It'll help.
Lady of Lethe: ...

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