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Hydraulic lift modernization

with the Hydroelite Drive & Control System

Hydroelite® Key Benefits

 Installation time cut by up to half.
 Dramatically reduced heat output and
energy consumption.
 Complete system tested before delivery.
 Improved ride quality with direct approach
to floor.
 Self learning no adjustments to be done
4 by commissioning.
 Full flexibility Pre-engineered but easy to
adapt on site.
Hydroelite® VVVF
With the latest development we also
significantly reduce the required power

Hydroelite comprise
1 1 Control panel
2 Valve unit
3 Pump unit
4 Shaft encoder
5 Car node
6 Shaft nodes
7 Shaft wiring
3 8 Shaft flexes

Optional components
 Car & landing fixtures
7  Cylinders

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