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BC on edge' ~
of defeat
iri Iraq
dossier row
By Tom Batdwm, tact the source agam and ask
-David Charter snpplementaryquesponssn .ce
and ban Cob .. . the oagmal report on Mav :9, I I
but has been unsuccessfuPbe-
TPE BBC was unsparing for cause o. the naN"e of Ws
dcfea' bast night m it battle postbon
u,th Dov.nmg Street as i be- It emerged! that Mr Gilhgan
cameaPparent that a reportby bid net take a pen and note-
MPs will dear Alastair Carap- book to his meehng wth the
be :l of 'se~mg up' the mtelh- sourue and apprently wmte
gence dassier on nod up lbus notes of tne meeting on
Corporabon execvbves n Palm Nut This has noon
have acrtnm+eaged to He been handed to the BBC,
I aneathat "headsmayroll"af- which says that it is s.hf,,.
'or sudtaverd~ctf-omtheFr- the notes are contemp-
eign Affairs Conumittee and o,aneous
that they will have to oroad- Pubhdy, the BBC is still
1: a correchon over the most standmg by Mr Gilhgan's re-
m, Oargelevelled at port, with ececubres maestv :g
Downing Street that someofwhatwasallegeo
This was a report by the de- has been shown to be [rue
fenoe pendent Andrew This indudedmformabonthat
Gilhgan"To' that Downing Street the 45-mamt=- daun was mc-

BBC on brink ®f
fo-ceotaemtelhgu,cesenrces sertedmmtheclassier atalate
to_ mdnde '_tmrebable°-mfoi- stage and thin it came from a
smgle mtelhgence sauroa
to deploy weaoons of muss de- IastmghttheBBCalsolugh-

dossier defeat
struenon tmtbm 45 mmutes bghted what it said were dts-
Mr GJhgans Vosthon u up- aepannes between the raw m-
,,dl threat not telugence, uarn,ng hat Iraq a
least because
of an and, he 9NIVID aoule be "deLaeren to
"mtefortheMail an 5uridayal- mots" within 45 mwutes,and I
legmg trial Mr Campbell had the dossier's deampbon 0' Continued ftom page I However, Mr Campbell s
personally ordered that the sort weapons being 'it,- effeabvely rlear hf" Campbell, undetstoad to have Mr Dyke
daim be ms^_rted ,loved- within such a period, its mndasnins will be birthh m nis sights behevrng tha- the
The arhcre, for which the The BBC beheves that Nir fied by sa7mg that they were BBC should not be allowed to
coroarahoo accepts'vmarmus Gdugans soutce ts credtb.e reached onlv on the basis on make Mr Gilhgan a whippmg
I abdry" is nnderstood to but accepts that the descip- toe mformahon a .vlaole boy far decrsootus made by the
have dismayed Rrzhard Sam, bon af Mr Campbeil's mvol,r The coamnttee will rabl, coroorahon s senior huerarcny
brook, the BBC's Head of ment m "sevng up" the dossi- the Govemments retusal in al- Mimsters are especial to
News He has hanned Mr Gdb- er may I:are been a "genertc" low MPs to cross-eramme use Monday's report as in
gan f"om hr.-bier freelance ay- term for political pressure on Junta Scarl_^S, the marrman of opportum,y m attadc the "cul-
tort, toid promised to tighten the mtaBrgeace They the Jom' Intelugence Commit- ture of cytncism" umuh they
niles on his Joameksts wnbng ,met aat that the ongmxu To- tee, and union, scathmg crth- say penades poIdhcaIJOUmaI-
dm, prog.amme report did mat osms afa Febnary bnehng pa- am at the BBC
for nev,spapecs
In a further srgn that the mention MrCempba", becaue pe ; - the so-calisl "dodgy Tbere were signs not night
BBC s begmmng to dim, editors feared the reference aossrer"-whim mcluded of .- that the BBC was ready to
down me mrpombon began was "ambiguous" parsed maternal from a st- change the line of attack, with
deot theins The BBC is eepect- news bulletins, concertrabng
an mtemal maturv into its hr - If the BBC, nee were to
dhng of the storv and whether cumole because of bb . 6dlr ed to sense on this as ev,dence a Commans row, over to ;
the Government had sufficient getis it paper.. the Government mishandled ododgy dossier" The Tens
aboon,In.-it mtelbgence ma"eval and in took the same .. . ...ob ad
opomtumty to respano before eoWd have'or serious
some ceses used unrebable in- Michael Auction, the Shadow
the report was broadast sequ^.nces for Iban' than for
`Ar Gilhgans mfomtahon other "no, staff, one exeou- formation to sustam it case Fure~gn Secre"ary, pravorzed
oa Iraq s Vr'MD threat fury bv telling MPs yestertlay
e from a smg .e source bve sa.d vesterday However, I
wdhm me mtelhgeace rnmma- he adden' :f we are - Nr Dyke is said to beLe :e tie' Mr Blatr had "duped"Par-
that Mr Campbell has been bament over tte Feba.ary dos-
nm, said to be =edible lignite. eqmvoally, to have proved,
got Nns
wrong then people v .]I have "Stchmg' to mundk '-he BBC sier "Far from being an mtelh-
but not a name mYantly recog-
orvable svec to 7eople :amihar to go, up to and possibly M<- after being ar,i-ecl It, its gence servse or even a Joint
reports from Baghdad and to, lntelhgence Committee pro-
with me sub)eQ The mfprm- ludmg ILChard Sambmo¢. Bu;
prommence it gave to the La- ductmn, its autha¢ were the
ants idenmty has smc<-been we are a long way from thaC
bour revolt against war This ubiqurtous Alestan Campbell
dudosed to Mr Sambrook A-theugt the We repaC to has been a long bme m ma- and his small band of a .o-
a and his poubon is know, m he pubbsned on Monday wal
mg Steam has neen bw :d .ng lytes," he said
Kin, in?farsh, the editor of the Continued on page 2, col 3
for some tore," an maide, said David Blunkett protested
Tons y pmg :amme, and in
Greg Dyke, the BBC DveCOr- Campbell plant . page 13 M: Dyke a former Lzbou--do- that the mmarks were 'scurn :-
Philip Howard, page 22 nor and has been determined ous unsi.bstanhated and dis-
Letters, page 23 to Prove his indeperideor, graceful"
The BBC hrs biEd to cao-

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