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1Zl Choose the right alternative 4. Yestetelny, | am cafas date for my Interview. 2. Was Literit they selling fake cxttency on the black market? 3, My mother were / (vag disappointed with the art she saw in the gallery. 4, I bet he wasn. iv] eenvt expecting to win the lottery. S. The officist ver / alysays very pleased with the outcome. 6, My sister did / way very quick when she took her exami 7, She frag f vias expecting to be home by 9:30, 8. Ne were / was on the escalator when someone pushed the stop button. 9. He? grandparents was / vere born in Japan, so.they are fapanese citizens. 10. What are/ ves minimum wage in your country ten years ago? Write a question for 3, "ae te | 1 He seemett likes be 5s Alay nd egecti ng ra Gen fase” ? woh iy myc AQ\ > 0—0—oo Choose the right alternative 1, Weren't you 1 _-___ with the interviewer's questions? a) seemed bi disappointed, cy seraus 2. Uthought the att --__gaing ta be here tonight, a} weren't b) bet <) east 3. Grandma, whatwas 2... sa when you wert my age? 4) minimum wage b) possibility a ) button. / 4. He se eepeeneg to wit, be forrery. a) weren't b) were not Hs 4 5. Howasn't.— in _—. be this country. 4) bom ‘bh bath Listoriing 122 Text & ee a eel) Billy bleeds ton tame inthe: evening and read the newspaper. One day his young son Billy Jintl dete Re AAS, 30 he asked: “Dad. how many XJ tin the solar system?” “I don’t know son” he’ 2 = Billy fi asked: “What's the sv the solar system” “1 don't know” his father wered. ek Se ee ty“ curso answered Bill Jack How Soe a pep mn ifyou don't. questions?” Question 1. Who is in this dialogue? What is Billy tack doing? What did his son want to know? thee L. — eH Questions Cowhar did you ers your father or mother on tis her bt pee Keay { gl Siathed > of music do you usually listen wr : =r = 8 iat vind Se Nihon s vein favbitite: season of the year. Nf What kind of websites do you like ta visit? = 3 How fong do you use the Intemet every day? a - pe Do you prefer to ga to a pizza place orto a snack ban * 2, Would you like to live in an exotic country with a Very different cultured 8. What colors are on our national fiag? 9. Where is the famous Coliseum located? Gr a 10. Do you always have your meals with your family? ee ELS iplete . We used to go ae hn i a .. Did you use to play — Nea i as > = OOM ian, : Y bused to SE ou wy | dys Swe pei VAI 1 = a. Theyused to Ane i Pos ps ol 3, He didn'tuse to vig tine 4 (an, ye ug tt. By P 6. This restaurant usedto_ 208 oo od a ee ray 7. Didshe _£ ah schogaf ‘thes Mn ume o, Rett te chal. 8. Ididn'tusetoeat forced oe fe A —Ait wiping J fies \\ fo det 9, You didn’t use to be ofl Aa toe do gga ee 1b, The hostess used to__ Ae fea ide ag eee Listen and write 4) a eglie TF ac (eels) coed sag ok ge Kg ne Agate ‘ ey SE poor cnetlh Lawl sane oan enh 9 eeu he ‘tnteractive’ era i eel a Q aad Nae FJ Z on Mies 1 {fad the weds on Lanen 7 eiguto aut / 423 1, This is what you call the gitl who greets you at a restaurant, 2. You may order this to eat before your meal comes. 3, This contains gas and is used to help start a fire. 4, Something small to eat between the gin meats x os 5. Meh or women may go here to wash their hands before they cat Ce 6. Arestaurant will give this to you so you “know What they have to eat. 7, They put this on the menu so you knaw how much something costs. fi 8. This is what you call someone who lives in the country abave the United States. eed vi "9. Ten years, ee A 10. Shrimp and lobster are this kind of food, — 2 Se My last holiday 125 Complete Cor sing simple past, past continuous, or used to + verb: 1 ‘We acu a fot of inns before we found one with a vacancy. (to pass) By Me to the fibrary when twas a kid. (to go) ACI, ® My sister = 8 ks My her bike to school when it started io rain, (to ride) 4.\ The interviewer a little disappointed with his answers. {lo setim) “sq Vestoriday, we 1 i ____ theart gallery, (to visit) ‘ey Iremember when we peste at the beach on weekends, {10 play} z She WS Qushin the door open tothe ladies’ room when she slipped. (to push) Ore wed te Whnoge. Say i Two days ago, | someone stealing luggage. {to catch) oct t ato @) The frontdesk J V3 c. Fate but now they only accept cash. (to accept) @ big hotel, but now he is a bellboy, {to manage} Aad ren and answer a : ty yr ry ho’ set a 5. ) ist 4 if ar We \\ t S a Listening ‘« 1. a) Becausa she needs a bellboy. bj Because it is too expensive. Because she doesn't have a car. 2. a) He would like two queen-size beds. \b) He would like one king-size bed. ) He would Ike two single beds. 3. a) Because he lost-his luggage. b) Because he didn't get the partnership at the company. ‘Because he didn't get'a scholarship, 4, B Because mom is looking for something. ‘b) Because dad leftit on. Because the baby is asleep in the crib, 5. a) The reservation was under the receptionist’s name. $9 The reservation was under Kelly's name. The reservation was under the woman's name, 6, a) Because he fs getting married. ) Because he ts ina fight with Sareh, Because he called off his wedding with Jessica. ‘Composition My ancestors MeraGhess 2 Write an email: invite 2 fiend to go 10 the movies vith you listening | a) They are going to stay at a hotel because it’sinice. They ate going to stay ata hostel because i cheap. ©) They are going to stay at an inn because it’s expensive. 2. a) Because the room was too small. Xo Because he paid extra money fora betterroom. ¥) Because same things were wrong with the room. 3. a) Because the food is excellent and they decided to go again. b) Because their friend Lucy told them not to go, but they decided ta give ita try, Because her friend Lucy told her that it was a good restaurant. 4. @) He studied really hard and watched {ots af football games. \ yf He practiced foothall every day and studied really hard. c) He only studied. §., &) They have an important meeting in an hour and they need to go get some reports but \\ the tratfic is really bad. b) They need to write a report for their directors. ©) They are late for an important meeting. 6. 3) She caughta cold and is not feeling well. Ae She ate something bad and is feeling sick. She doesn't know yet, $0 she's qoing to see a doctor, In the iT owt Review. 1 Choose the right alternative 1, The tourists Uf! not_Olis» pe with the art gallery. was / disappointed b) were f disappointed Al were / disappoint Y] 2. He hopes his parents willbe __." © _with his good grades. © a) pleased b) pleases Aiplease é 3. Idon't know «© 2" who has won the lottery. #) nobody b) them oC) anybody { 4. How Sater your day at work? 9a) was b) weren't eiwere &. She wasn't 2pe= 24 them to be: home a+ 5's" ow. 2) expecting / left $b) expecting / right expected / until 6: Doyourwant 2 Lt bt of eike etore youge homer jase By. litle much alittle bit Nh ‘What doyou Seto! ___J.order from the menu? +8) choose b) suiggest ¢) push 8: The hostess, =} —_ the door open for us when we left NS Aosta "pl © push litte At lk__at the snack bat . 91 money with mete boys at a) took/ food (bias Oleave/ snatk Choose the right alternative 1. The vt. ee _ is dosed because they are cleaning it. a) woman Tooms: 46) men's room ) manroom 12. Doyouwantto (s.: _the appetizer? Naya) choose b} chosen ) chose qa, — 8 > goto an.) ne 67 pestaurant tomorrow night. meckc ater oa yeu con eat ‘bb let's / snack bar €) let's all you can eat 14, {Tike to the window in an airplane. Ny al sity b) sat by e)/sitnext 15, Ud you. Dt ___to play sports in high school? Ny adi / ute Hdo1 we did / used 46, They used to" "2 the hotel by the beach. Nj al eateh b) accept manage 7. Do you want to leavea Yi for the skycap? ND a) locker b)tip dac 48, Wos ith. who Booked ourreservation ic 44 the wrong name ‘.) al him / under Bi she / over ef under nate He QS the eam andthe sty a ena th S geass 1) caught/ partnership pass, stholarstip 20, He {2° sass, 12 her when her dog died, 3) a) feel sorry for b) felt sorry for fe sorry to. ’ 127 Choose the right alternative 1. The airline are used was going to cancel the flight to New York. 2. She hadn't /wivsn’t going to request an aisle seat. U~ Ss, 3. WWaui't/Aren’t the flight attendant going to fasten her seat belt? _—~ ; 4. The people had were going to miss their connecting Hight because of the bad weathin~ \ = Tthought he ‘was going /is being to get lost in the airport. "pn. brother were going / was going to join the Navy, but he joined the Marines instéad, 7. The officials were going / wore used to $0 slow at customs, | almost missed my flight. 8. The'man is going/-was going to jump from the plane, but he forgot his parachute. ¢-—~ 9. Aren‘t/ Wasn't she going to keep her bag in the overhead compartment? 10. | used to / was going to buy a one-way ticket to California to visit my parents. Writea question for ile hele peoup mi Aion be te Sipeon cake Data jee tithe, . eta ang hon oe 87 oy The passengers began boarding twenty minutes ago i pe , = ore cae eal pigle pe : bo ba we voor oat cn ds a, Bg Np A Gas ep es oe 1a oy oa 5; bet oS ba NAO st he i i TK Tolle ge 9 When bef frished wth. college he kon to Join the-ain force, 443- Choose the right alternative 1, Everyone —__———____ to miss their flight because of the line at customs, a} were going b). was. going ¢) weren't going 2. Weren't you going to bea __ ______ when: you finish’school? a) airline b) chartered ¢) flight attendant 3. | Ss. 9p 5 ____to meet them at the terminal. A a) was going. b) be going 6) were going a ‘ ‘ 4. She wasn't gaging tositinan - ) 5 gat, a) smoking bhaisle ©) valid 5. Itwas going'to Fk $0) threw it-away. fa 8) produce b) Inspect ne expire Listening © pee Sos resem LiL gy 2 _ a big fight at Jimmy's house, He wee pt fet with his wife and she was very\y ==. = — at her husband. For Nyttidlest days the couple aE : One evening when Jimmy came home, his wit \y ala? sd gfe ep herfavor eng pee “on TW. i ee a and after drinking a glass of milk, went ta bed, Whenjane went to bed shty._/o-ue. -i__amessage one, Hoot The: message said: “Jane, wake me up at 6 o'dock up tomorrow Jimmy.“ it was:almost 8:30 when Jimmy\y ste 2p the next moming. He peat another. message beside te allen w Boe! - The message sak, aes ek hP> Jimmy. Hs already’ st o'clock. Question. . What happened at Jimmy's house? What was Jimmy's wife doing when he came home Xone evening? What did Jimmy do then? What time did he want his wife to wake him up eth morning? Did she Wake him tip? What did she do? ‘What time did he wake up? i Phin Met At aite, fe raey eA bape Mee cance. Layattit susp MK, faite tees Plat 2h fae : lng = Questions X! Howe much does a can of sotla cost in your city? x What other types of f you like to eat besides the ones from your county? \ Hatten Bo a 6a ott oo :. . What are some gp considered pani i 5. bit common in your country to buy groceries online? Xi rs ibs — : fee Re eg Baty 7 PERT el soe Fe aegis Skat Phen, ' ey T Ba _— SW ar he Famous pop you ance? 5 ‘ = gl i “ 9. Can you name ate San polticians from around the world? \ Ae Wi ber yt N le fare three | things that mnie youat ‘work / sch Complete ee Supposed to = fh £ she apr fou A Wien afewe supposed ta { Sea SI Ar A\ They are supposed $0;,00" 5. ot He isn'tused to._— ‘iste Is supposed ta. go _— poping 6, Aren't they used to - =e ihe— ia 7. \em supposed tod gst Figire out 7. You dive this person your money when x you buy something at the store. 2. Its really hard to runt this way, 3. Many states put these upto remember“. important people or events 4, Stores will often have one of these to increase their business, 5. You make this with someone when itis Ny good for youiand good for them. = 6. This is the main part of a car and it makes it nin, 7. You have to be careful when you cross ‘one of these riding your bike. 8. fanitem is damaged, a-store will give S tre \ you this'so that you still’ buy it, Ss Cpe 9. This helps you find yout way, when your. Ny ' are dtivinig. Neath 40. This:is what yourare if: you are sure you Ke 9 can do'something. ror oe Ps cet 131 Complete omplete the sentences using to be supposed to + verb or to be used to + verh: x » ‘Alwomen a4: tofoied fr“! ean to. work Irom next week on: (to wear} ~ My sister is a great salesperson.|_ : E = with fhe public: tto word NS The official gtaite +15. everyone's luggage before boarding. (to insect) Oe Wil be fancy wedding. He | {oo ps.) f __@ tuxedo. {to wear) Yous Seen bs ie tt the director before making plans, (to talk) She lived in the U.S, fora year, so she —— 1 ‘me Sth away from her family, (to lve} SQ \want other pants, |: T= uivens f — tight pants, (to wear) ae Hurry! S-=}_ faster? (to walk / negative) Teed silence, |= <2 ‘ve Bact ee ee Usten nd \. et ° Chere ye \, af Sh ye the = listening 1, a), The woman might show up late, b) The woman might have to set upiat the party. $f The woman might get fired. 2. 2) He wants to try on the striped pants. b) Hewants to make., 2 He wants to try on'a tuxedo, \ Becatise it ls opening day today. Bj Becauise it is opening day tomorrow. © Betause it was opening day yesterday. 4, a) He doosn't like her outfit, “B) He thinks her outfits: ugly \) of He thinks her outhitas beautifull 5. a) He likes the striped one the most. b) He likes the plain:one the most. He likes the flowered one the most. 5 #) celebrate Chiistiias with him ata party) by Set up decorations in the department store. © Close the store early and go home. The best teacher fever had eee PA. SS ee ee — = Write an email: Cancela meeting with pourstat; Listening 1.0) She ware a flowered dkess and red shoes, +b) She wore'a black and silver diess and black Sandals, S14 She wore a social black dress and silver sandals: 2,,a) Just one black dress that she saw on display. ‘HY A red dress that she Saw on-display and maybe othersimilar models, NOES display but-the doesn't say whith one. 3. a) They met in'high school. ali ro x b) They met each ‘other, over the Intemet. . 3 They met at a party. Ae he's very cirious and doesn't give up on his patients. wy Because he studied in the best umversityin the country, (¢) Because hats very talkative and cumous about people's lives, : ja) She used to Wear ler mother's clothes anc shots to go to school: So ‘She used|to try on herrmothers dressesandshioes. %) she used ita buy new eres make up for her mother, ‘ 6 Ay Becalise there Wasa huge dog cunning after hin Sb) Because there was a-dog on topiat tie tree and he wanted to: save | Hecause fe used to cimb trees. 5 on exercise cellege, = Review 2 Choose the right alternative Norn your passport doesn't seem tobe f= expire bh vatid ©} delay SQ The fight attendant = 4.4 ____ her to put har purse in the overhead 2% -0ue5Uour y fet! department b) inspected / daim asked / compartment ue is 2... be inspected at customs. gning to : b) will cat least . Ladies and gentlemen, please tum your cell phones off and = "+—____ your seat belts. make b) connect Af fasten Ss. When Is your visa going to 2. 7 ; ) expires by expire chexpired, gerdra you Lopils v pore el ordepartoes) Na ldokitig farivals i) Took taiige dain’ Qladking entrance: 7, The children were nies thes tg besad. Nay joining i) presenting, aiding Does anybody in thelr fatily have 3 Sens itl see Xa b) anger ee Idon't £1. —___. this intersection onthe _= = Ewes oie fanaa isce/ map o) save / map yor ng yusuted to —_/6 2s alorct omen Mare having b).did / having fare / have . SU Oe Choose the right alternative rays 4 \nyuc0* totell us when to get off the bus. ‘a) are supposed b) was supposed was suppase Naa, They — tos the Army when they were teenagers. Sa} joined b} intended © join Na The cashieris -0.- 5 togive usa detent 8) suppose / sale b) supposed / discount suppose / monument Nag. Vm notused to f°: _ the us to work. a) tide by riding oO ridden Nis, You don'twantta _!.\"\ __ the opening day of the new department store. @) miss b) lose Q sale 46, This is the tie that__- ts “her dress. a) shows SW matches ) wears 7% ts this the shirt’ -youwantedto Tix ona a) that / mouel ‘b) for (show Athat/-try eu pants don't J. very well. Ja) fit b) fitted «} loose | 9, She wore that_o-—~4 |. to school yesterday, | 3} outtit b) casual ¢) social agy| arttbeieve that they ait hse aera 4) shows up b) showed up _@ show up jose the right alternative haces who + very successful at his jab. Ne: Are we used to J supposed ts wear high heels to the dance? SS Apparently, ity 23 On sale two days 390, and they ren out. gina to be Benctual, but now he is alweys tate. Ng That is / Thos# atethe sandal “Ss De you know if she is the one why / who developed the anti-spam software? Ng. His mother was uonosed to ! used to re him 10 weas tennis shoes to the game. > . Igida’t / warh't oxing to make promises until I was-certain, 8 That i5/ Is th3q the jewelry that was on sale the other day? ae Do you know anyone wb / how has recovered from an illness? fy sister got for her birthday Nite a question for Nh dou. Haya! a No, I don't know who calted you this moming: % Tt hte = The de: hin ad ‘Yes, her new car seemed to bé very comfortable. “NS fwhane: uath he Aatouen Z. : The doctor sald she will tecover soon. ee Did fb Qeyt a pera tifa! fence) fie fee ? He gave her a beautiful jewel, = \ gull = Pere ao bi fee f= ot eu _? Sure. remind him right ewey. pepe ents ee house the right alternative T= Ho you knawiwhoithe most mon on the planer is? a) success b) successful cHantasy ZaMy boss is the one who _ Ls mea raise. a) punctual b) promise @ promised 3. I don't know who bought all this t “Y) jewelry bi) jewel O jewels 4 Who Was ‘going 10 her about the party? a) recover b) remind d develop 5., Who doesn't love to buy high heels _ Ab. : 2 4) good bargain b) on bargain don sale Listening Iternative Choose the right a 4. Do you know who the most a) success h) successful 2, My boss Is the one who a) punctual b) promise 3. Idon't know who bought all this a) jewelry b) jewel 4, Who was going to &) Foner b) remind 5, Who doesn't love to buy high heels b) on bargain a) good bargain Listening ©) man on th c) fantasy ’ Planes; mea raise, ©) promised ¢) jewels her about the party? c) develop ¢) on sale othe A Tved alan tng peor Lo: ei ‘arr his Apartment, Billy jack's yyi work, so she started hi aha nC cleaning trad’, ‘partment, § ee ent, Sho didn't work oe ‘. PATMONL wos always very om moto Fred alot, One day Fred voor hera message in the-disston his Th The message yet coughing 4 lot, because everything is very in thi ' | is room.” arene got home that evening everything was still yery od é in pay sac’s wife hadn't Se apartment pope, sea she had Peiee for-his cough. question 4, Where did Fred work? Where did he live? What did fred need? Who was looking fora job? Row was Billy Jack's wife supposed to help Fred? Did she help him? What did Fred do? Did it solve the problem? What did the housekeeper-do? Questions 1. Are you good at using a computer? 2. Bo you read blogs? Would you. haveone? 3. Do you have a Facebook account? 4. What do you think about kids playing online games? 5. Do you use your cell phone to do more things than just calling someone? 6. Do you prefer to first call a friend or send him / her a text message? 7. How isa tablet different from anotebook? = 8. Do you use your computer to study English? at : 9. How much does itcosttobuyagood compute? | =§3 = 10. When did you first get a computer? . = 7 Listening ©) 1. a) b) a) 2. a) b) q 3. a) b) ¢) ot Id bi ii 1 gudents couldn't be i be ,coad yo" couldn't continue } They can't be can anybody tell there could be more The laundromat could be she could knock here couldn't be ——_ gut if cents: Ag can put your dollars in thin to get coins. iw } __gwhere the coin goes when yoy 3 e drink out of a machine. py 7 gg cents- people <2" take their clothes here to be yasned- ‘ kinds of cars are usually more “gapensive than manual cars, 5. this 6 what you call a spot that stays on ui your datties, even after washing them, 4g One cent. : | 4 Weshould study this so that we don't make the same mistakes again. ‘10, Big families have a lot of this to do, 136 Living abroad _ a 3 ice SOURCES SHIR CONES be, shons be or wsed 10 + verte ae omy bat i don't Ge tend, eae ee Sr eae — hese by now. ol — 7 — 2 Naiaraadi pale cet aed a BE a ce ratanre of mine. to bel aes —_——-_______ cheap a tong time ago. ho ba ————_—__—.-_..____ gue? The baby’s sleeping. a sllence daring the west Listening © 1. a) They have a Chevrolet. b) They have a Volkswagen c) The have a Toyota. . a) Because they are going crazy. b) Because they are having a lot of fun. c) Because they heard a funny joke. . a) He thinks he is a very good player. b) He doesn't think he will have a good career. ¢) He thinks he is very quiet. 4. a) He is going to fix the door tomorrow. b) He is going to remove the spot from his shirt. ¢) He is going to call a handyman. 5. a) She lent him her calculator. b) She lent him her pencil. c) She lent him her book. 6. a) They are just acquaintances, b) no have been friends since they were children. ¢) They meta long time ago and see each other every weekend, —— lO 4. a) Because he isin Africa and they don’t have his hotel's phone nu b) Because he'ls going to Africa and he can't answer his phone, ¢) Because he is in.a safari in Africa and will be back only inten days, 2. a) He is looking for an apartment on a quiet street. b) He is looking for an apartment on a noisy street. ¢) He is looking for an apartment close to his office, Imber, 3. a) He forgot to make reservations at his favorite restaurant, b) It’s his 10th anniversary and the restaurant didn't write down his TESerVation ¢) They reservedia table for him/at the bar, 4. a) Because he ran out of gas and needs to go to the supermarket. b) Because his car is not working and he needs to go to the gas station to Diy some ¢) Because his friend ran out of gas and he needs to drive him to the a5 Station, 5. a) Call aiplimberand an electrictan'to fix everything that is not working jpropetly h) Visit the property more than once and check for bugs and ants, ¢) Don't buy the property if the building is very old. ‘6. a) Becalise there is a competition and he wants to be the first to solve the math prc to be on a TV show, b) Because he wants to'go to a university but he needs to solve.a math problemto oat ©) Becalise fe needs to solve a math problem and can't use the calculator. Tair LW) . | tiv Ney i? right alternative her same Very expensive To the, ’ at the Ue por) promise "F€ today ay er, yh ‘ «) On Sale | reminded their parents that ge pone = Madea on - Someone who can ; b) hire / develop nant ~ her shirts at night, b) knocks ) continues ————— for my ticket but they Only accepted cash edto pay by — b) cash © credit cary —_—__——___ the stairs. b) fell ©) fell down me where the ladies’ room 5s got 0 told /is b) tell are youonthersomeveryexpensive ta anc birthday b) jewelry / anniversary Ocha a la ; iehaelary agood —_______ at the store today. om b) promise onsale qildren reminded their parents that they ___ to take them to Disnevand. 3} makes a promise b) made a promise ¢) make a promise some women don't like to wear high ———__ because they're uncomfortable. a) heel b) leather O heels Who is that guy who walked ___ __—— into the restaurant? a) barefoot b) punctual excellent They wantto ____someane who can _an anti-spam progre “ad hires / develops b) hite / develop hired / developed her shirts at night. b) knocks c).continues for my ticket but they only accepted cash, cash ©) credit card the stairs. fell down Choose the right alternative for a dollar? "4 pacuse me, do you have 2 nite a) change by sien j only. This skirt 5 , i a) dryer b) washer ©) dry clean 43, There more cashiers in this store. a) could have b) could be ©) couldn’, hin 14. She always to make other people happy, a) lent b) sought ©) seeked 15, There be someone here who can a) should / helps b) must / help ©) could / hetp th 46. Did he ask you if he could some money? 8) borrow b) lent lend 47. Tecan _ you my car until yours is fixed. a) borrow b) lent lend 18. The students didn’t have any for the teacher, a) respect b) joke ¢) silence 49. Will the handyman take @ $$ to get here? B) long time ¢} career a) make of a car 20. Shouldn't _. _——_— a) that b) this _be more rooms. available? c)there 7 a ae choose the right alternative 1 39 4, Has Have you been to an open-air market? 2 yink they will had to/ have to San 5, Has LHawe she called you after the talk you pe <4 4. Americans aren't being to/ used to eating a lot aa os. 5, Blueberries are the fruit who / 10 / that | love th e most. ¢. Atthe store, you must be / must buy e Bs: you diana ly eggs by either the dozen or half-dozen. es yourself on a scale lately? ; g. They hasn't / haven't called me for a second intervi ew. ; g, The girls haven't / hasn't had passion fruit in a long time. 10. He doesn’t know if is this / this is included in the price. P| Write a question for = 1. — No, | haven't. aig ) or ee rious woman who liked _ - and — 10 0PeN a clothing store, On “ “ome Mone nth bank _— to see her first _ WENE to the 4 Conversation Supposedly with anoth Or her (Maginary customer to Come in'and ——-~ Some clothes, said good-bye, e man who was patiently waiting at the ____-—__—. She set up atime f and then went tp for you, sit she said in 2 refined tone = —— ma'am, | came here to install your iS the woman in the story ambitious or not ambitious? Where did she keep her oy? What kind of business did the woman open? Why did she start a phone sation when a customer came in? What did she say to the customer who was ing? What did the customer say to her? Questions 9, 10 Is there good public transportation ? What is the average speed limit in our State for highways er Have you ever been in a traffic accident of seen on where you live? Have you ever missed a bus home? How is public transportation in our city? What is the longest trip you have ever taken by car? Do people usually carpool in your city? . Do you think is right to set paid parking zones in city centers? How can your life get easier by accessing the Internet by mobile phone? Do you follow anyone on Twitter? Listening & —— 155 Complete 1. Why have they been 2. Thave bean sO 3. Why hasn‘t She been 4. The Meeting has been 5. How have they been since 6. The employees haven't been 7. Hehasbeenvery Sa 8, My!Dcardhasbeen 9, The service at the restaurant has been 40. Why have you been ww Listen and write © 1 Interactive listening ©, - figure out 154 1. Itis important to good job. have this to get a - 2. The team who Scores more Points than the other team. 3. This activity is great to do in the mountains. _ 4. You do this when visit all the famoy. YOU go ona trip and S places of the City. ips. Ifyou want to know Everything about a museum, JO On one of these. | a This kind of trip is when YOU go out of the country. 7. This person must be responsible and a know how to give good instructions. ee Someone who works with you as a team. | Take one of these camping so you don't get lost. The last concert I've been to Interactive listening & ff you are invited by a friend far dinner aver to their ho [> you if you give them @ small grit such as a box of choca 155 a OOS complete plete the sentences using have gone, has gone, have been, has been « since: (a you ever 1. to another Country? along time _ =. t-— he has been in control of the organ ization, 3, They don't live here anymore; they to a new neighborhood It - days they haven't had this much fun 5. Do you know where they for the summer? 6. she —_— EET to Japan. 7. Her father a member 1985, 3, | never to an island before. 9, Many people to the forest, but few people remain there. 10. It's been a couple of days _ | last talked to them. Listen and answer ° 1 Listening o 1. a) Because she likes the scenery. b) Because she wants to work out. c) Because she likes to go skiing. 2. a) She went to China. b) She went to Germany. c) She went to Hawaii. 3. a) She got married two weeks ago. b) She got married a long time ago. ©) She got married a few days ago. 4. a) She asked them to speak loudly. b) She asked them to not scream, ©) She asked them to remain in their chairs. 5. a) You could get fired. b) You could see the sunset. ¢) You could get lost, 6. a) She had a great time. b) She thought it was terrible. ¢) She doesn’t want to go to the Bahamas ever again. a 156 composition Someone who has made a difference in my life | ae 7 | Write an email: Were a “Thank you Gard 1 SSPRTOAE Listening @ 1. a) twenty years b) Eight years © Eighteen years 2. a) Because he has to wake ap hare b) Because he has:-to wake up early. ©) Because he doesn't have to wake up early. 3. a) The ocean was very.calm, b) She got sick, c) Her family got sick, 4, a) He has been on a yacht, b) He has been in Europe. c) He has been skiing. §. a) The pilot b) The man's wife ¢) The passengers 6. a) Dessert b) Lobster ¢} Italian food 82 "in NS the right alternative : remind him to _ Sehad to ——— the sales for thi T yagree b) report 4 despise” this month. have - to New Yory os 2 they to be musicians, 290 b) went ©) gone {have gained a lot of : since June, 2i goal b) wealthy ©) weight 4, That guy Was —___ : « but he was very rude, a) handsome b) profession ©) patience 5, They ___— to meet at the restaurant at seven o'clock. aagreement b) agreed C) agree £ Weare trying to fit by going to the gym and eating healthy. aj kept b) gain €) stay 7 Faveyou ___________ to the beach this year? aj been b) be ¢) being CC _ | forgot my ID card when I arrived at work. 2) repeated b) realized ©) reformed 3. You shouldn't go on a if it is windy in the mountains, A rorth b) sightseeing ¢) hike — him as the man who took her purse. ¢) identity Bidentity b) identified Choose the right alternative Th. 72. id, 1S. 16. 17. 18. 19, 20. They been partners in the company for 12 years, a) has b) are ©) have - The teacher — —— softly so the children would calm down a) speak b) spoke ¢) to speak - long has it been since you graduated from college? a) how b) who ©) what Is she going to see a ; ? a) psychology b) psychologist ¢) psycho The ———. on the tour was beautiful. a) scene b) scream c) scenery She _ ~ her vacation in the email she sent. a) remained b) controlled ©) described They overcame a lot of Problems last year, a) financial b) repetition ¢) partner He went to college and received a degree in Business 4) Education b) Financial ¢) International . It was hard to control the car when it ——__ snowing. a) has b) was cis It has been three years _ ——..___ they went on a cruise, a) since b) while c) before S 3 oD 3 a & = 5 = 3 3 g mined by the Veterinarian _ All students have been lested / test this week? _ Ithave / has been more than six months 2 3 4 5 6, Have you ever / has you never been atta 7 8 9 ONCE I've talved to her, ched by a vicious dog? . How much/ How long has it been since you had your eyes esamined? Vou I Id be very careful when you are near Stray animals, | It'll been / it’s three weeks Since | lost my parrot 40. Ithas been one year for/ since | Graduated frorn College The students have been tested three times. | eae . He has been sent to work overseas. = ——— ? Yes, the university has accepted her, Ao ? No, | haven't had my eyes examined yet. 5. ? No, it hasn't been done yet. WIZARD 6 Choose the right alternative 1. Should we a surprise party for his birthday) \ ty a) throw out b) throw away c) throw ite 2. Her costume was made from a fuzzy —__ a) vicious b) material C) grass = 3. She has already. === —___alllof the presents for Christmas this a) wrapped b) rowed ¢) thrown es 4. My pet —— -____ can whistle and sing songs, can yours? a) puppy b) parrot c) kitten 5. They testedthe === _animal to see if he had any diseases a) asleep b) guy c) stray 86 pilly Jack had fr-take tang trip by Plane. He had Never pane before, so everything was new to him. His ” would _ at 8 a.m. atabout 10 p.m. fe - his wife, Billy Jane, and told her that he ill at the airport. as still att “What __—-___ darling? she asked in - “Everything sweetheart.” Billy Jack said. “I got my and | waited in line _ =. = “= | the other — and _ all in the plane | saw my cousin Jack Mack, so I shouted to him and they me. *My goodness. Why did they arrest you?” ‘Idon't know _________ honey. All | said was Hi Jack.” oat Question 1. What was Billy Jack doing for the first time? How long after his plane should have left did he call his wife? Who did he see in the plane? What did he say that caused him to be arrested? 1 2 3 w 10 Listening ©) 88 Questions . How many email addresses . What do you think about reading online books? . Why are websites for online 7. Do you think that Skype can help people . Do you think teenagers should travel abroad with . Do you think people should adopt children fr sure Do people use the computer more often for work or for leisure? Have you ever lost an important file for not doing regular backups? What is the most common item you buy online? do you have? dating so popular nowadays? when they’te living far from their homes? out their parents? ‘om other countries? Have you ever lived with a grandparent or a cousin? Toni) i U.S.A. I MWyou are invited for dinner don’t arrive late. guahl F.. complete tn not being very - ; Why are they being _ 3, That hostess was being - — = 4. cogent is being —_ — _ - ees 5, Why ene being —_ - . ; ; ~ ee 6. ieuntbeng | — — 1. kilos - _ oe ; : ; epenenieng 9. You are not being __ 10. They are being very Listen and write © 1: Interactive listening © _————______160 figut® out 4, When something isn’t easy. ni miss work a lot, you might get "this on your paycheck. ee 5, Busses, rs, and trains are examples of this, - 4, Ifthere are a lot of people in one place. __ 5, You are making this if you give money to charity. a g. Ateacher is being this when he / she reads your homework slowly. ca 7, When someone isn't guilty. = _ 8. This is another word for created. eer 9, The place you were born and grew up. — _ a 10. An example of this is when a group of people won't let anybody else in. Vt Dete WIZARD 1 estate sentences using would have, woutdn thave or the Present perfect ~ 1. Hs book ——— yet. (to pubtishy 2. The thieves already = (to arrest) 3. Why fear —— here for two days? (to park) 4. Do you think she $$ - liked the suspense Movie better? 5. She - ~~—— femoved all the furniture before selling the house. gl : ———E ~~ gone with somebody else to the movie. 7. Many problems since he started working in our group. (to start) gimsrehe Pushed him to do it 9, Ithink they se = asked her about this. 0. He ——____ res by all the thorns. (to scratch) dé Listen and answer ©) 1. Listening © i a) He is looking for a job. b) He is looking for a movie theater. ©) He is looking for his car. . a) Mary is on welfare. b) Mary's cousin is on welfare. c) Mary’s sister is on welfare. . a) They are dirty because of pollution. b) They are dirty because of corruption. ¢) They are dirty because of poverty. . a) Anybody else. b) Nobody else. c) Somebody else. . a) Drama b) Animated c) Suspense . a) Because he wanted to sleep longer. b) Because he wanted to wake everyone else up. ¢) Because he is making breakfast for his father, 162 My favorite book ' .. ——— . — ae aan i j is friend Write an email: Arrange a surprise party to 2 ee a _ pee Ee Listening © 1. a) The man told her. b) There is a notice on the window. c) She saw it on the Internet. 2. a) Horror b) Drama c) Romance 3. a) Somebody else. b) Anybody else. c) Nobody else. 4, a) Welfare b) Healthcare c) Pollution 5. a) He would have scratched. b) He would have stretched. c) He would have told the other runners good luck, 6. a) From Canada. b) From down the Street. ¢) Three weeks ago. | Always arrive early for business meetinas | Americans respect punctuatity a lot, ; : This material % p have 2 please throw we round 3) around 3 | wouldn't a) has Cone Haven't you _ 3) been te The. a) Oxa) we om a) st 3 17. The test has a) was From a) by # transportation She taught her puppy how to 2 been chosen fp b) has ©) ha — the trash before b) up ©) out ~~ it without you. b) have done C) have did a about the Meeting yer? } tell © been told Was examined b) asleep c) material down. b) stand ©) throw ~ —~ given to everyone at the school. b) been Chis —. 0n, ride your bike to school, b) now C) to being very thorough with their examination. b) has ¢) are is too crowded where | live. C) discrimination b) communication YOU go to school, many times before they used it, Choose the right alternative 11. [think he is running president next year, a) for b) to 0) from 12. Anew neighborhood is developed on the other side of town a) been b) was ©) being 13. Do you know anything about the in this hometown? a) deduction b) beat it ©) nightlife 14. She would have after her exercise class, a) mistaken b) stretched ©) animated 15. Is else worried about the pollution in our city? a) nobody b) something ©) anybody 16, They have gone to a suspense movie, a) wouldn't b) will ©) won't NZ: else in your family likes to watch dramas? a) somebody b) who ©) anybody 18. My older sister just into my neighborhood, a) stretched b) scratched ©) moved 19. They wouldn't interrupted the silence. a) has b) have c) had 20. She doesn't know which to go. a) direction b) idol €) notice a 163. 005° the right alternative C j could has could have admired that beautiful bouquet all day They could be / could have caught a tot of fish with worms as bait. 1. a 3, Do you ever wonder what would have / would has happened if we stayed? This historical landmark have been / has been here for hundreds of years. it's being / it’s been a long time since | had a nightmare. iknow she could be / could have accomplished a lot more witha little help. _ Don't worry, everything have being / is being set in order. _ Cquidn't we have / couldn't have we gone toa more peaceful place to rest? Our vacation could has been / could have been more enjoyable in a warmer climate. 10, She would has / would have liked to study tourism. oe 4s KH wT em —__-_—o SS $< Write a question for She would have helped you with that. : - a ; 2. eer ae a eeenramet You could use the worms as bait. bes an - _ ee ee SS He has already set everything in order for us. 4. eee Yes, | have already been to that landmark. - 5. zs eee Ht My father is the person who | admire the most. Choose the right alternative 1. She wants to have a ~-. of white roses at her wedding, a) bouquet b) peace c) bush 2. love te ____ the mountains; they‘re so peaceful, a) accomplish b) achieve c) admire 3. The fisherman uses worms as ——-— when he goes to the late. a) habit b) bait ¢) warehouse 4. He tried to lay down and rest, but he had the most awful ___ 4) climate b) peace c) nightmare 5. This historical landmark is ____.; it’s been here for thousands of a) ancient b) modern c) eccentric Listening © er" 164 there was a who Tied ta ° job’ ter boy: He was sixteen years old 4nd had las Z tobe very willing to work, young he stuttered. The theboy te some but he tad 9 Sinall protitern ola 4nd unload Cases of + but that was no problem Sire he was very hired YH LINKS, The boy spot wth because he to work hard, One day owhen the driver Wat trying to cross che asked the hoy: “Any cats coming trom “No, 110, no cars coming” The truck Crossing the avenue when the boy said, alarge and very yourside, young man?" The boy “Only a tig; hig, big ted bus.” Question 1. How old was the boy in the story? Who wanted to help hit to get a job? What was tis Small problem? What kind of job was he hired ta da? i ——__ ee i fw ff WIZARD 10! a eee Questions 1. What cities have you visited in our country? 2. Which celebration was your favorite when you were a child: Christmas, Easter or your bi 3. How often do you order food to your home? 4. How can you keep in touch with friends you don’t see often? - 5. What makes friends different from family? = 6. Does anyone in your family speak English? 7. What are an easy and a difficult thing about learning English? 8. Have you ever spoken English on the phone? 9. When was the last time you read a book? What was it? . Have you ever studied any other foreign language besides English? ~ __———_____165 complete 1, You should have told Shouldn't they have ~~ The teacher shouldn't have we He should have gone = She shouldn't have wn | should have We should have = . Shouldn't the painter have . My parents should have 10. Shouldn't your brother have 103 Listen and write © ee LOG. figute out 1 Aparty for a special occasion. _ An opinion or explanation for why something happens. 3. Awhole group of animals that are the same kind. 4, Parents take their kids here to see animals. 5. This is a wild place full of trees and plants and animals, and it is hard to get there, 6. Its easy to like someone when they have a friendly one of these. 7, People use this to clean the floor with water. 8. This is what famous people are called, especially movie stars. 9. A person who signs a fake name, 10. Ajob is very stressful if you have a heavy one of these. Pa het en de Lert New Year Interactive listening © é toiling neva bee om est 8 pm Unless it’s an emere 1G F complete ences usin , agit the sentence 9 must have, should have or shouldn't have: 4. They - an ambulance after the crash. (to call) te —__—_—— without her: fto travel) She very upset. (to get! 4 He _— nervous about getting in a wreck. (10 get) ee your eyes on the kids. (to keep) 5, The flight attendant already that. (to announce) g. She really _________ the house before her mother got home Her mother must be really mad now. (to clean) 7, He —_— 4 spare tire, because he pulled over to help. (to: have} © 5 You ________fistened to him, because none of this would have happened, to lstent 9. Ohno, | ___ the announcement. (to miss) 10. You ___— more for this test. You got a terrible grade. (to study) Listen and answer © 1. Listening © 1. a) Because she was in a car crash. b) Because she got the job she interviewed for. ©) Because she doesn't think she will get the job she interviewed for. 2. a) He thinks he will do great. b) He thinks he will fail. c) He thinks he will forget to take it. 3. a) His mother took him to the hospital. b) The police man took him to the hospital. c) The ambulance took him to the hospital. 4. a) She is going to China on business. b) She is going to China to see her family. ¢) She is going to China on vacation. 5. a) They announced that no one was hurt. b) They announced that more than 100 people had died. c) They announced that everyone was safe. 6. a) You must be optimistic. b) You have to be lucky to be successful, ¢) Do anything that makes you feel good. al - ~~ 168 Write an email: Ask about a job opening. listening © 110 1. . a) Because the couple doesn’t know who is coming to their wedding. . a) She has been pulled over three times. . a) They told them to turn off their cell phones. - a) She felt happy because she likes meeting new people. . a) He saw a plane crash. a) Because they didn't study hard enough. b) Because they don’t havea very good teacher. ©) Because they don't go to class. b) Because the couple hasn't reserved a place for the wedding. ©) Because the couple hasn't set a date for the wedding yet. b) She has been pulled over thirteen times. c) She has been pulled over thirty times. b) They told them they were arriving at their destination. ¢) They told them to keep their seatbelts fastened, b) She felt apprehensive because she was the only new person. ©) She felt excited because she loves training. b) He saw a ship wreck. ¢) He saw a train wreck. neview 8 ‘Goose the right alternative 1, You really could have 3 4) agreeable b) admired i more in scoot 2. There are many — landmarks in the United a) historical b) warehouse Suet sates. 3. He gets bad grades because he loves to __ about socc a) bunch b) daydream ch rest 7 , 4. She have chosen a more beautiful bouquet. a) won't b) can't ¢) couldn't 5, Last night | had a terrible @) habit b) peace ¢) nightmare 6. We could have gone somewhere away. a) far b) so ¢) over 7. Do you like to visit the popular sites when you travel? a) eccentric b) tourist ©) nasty 8, We . have celebrated her birthday yesterday. a) shall b) will ©) should 9. The animals at the zoo are all : a) species b) domesticated «) fake 10. big is that table over there? aHow b) Who <) What th, yw 13, 14. 15. 16. 17. Choose the right alternative He should _ sent her flowers when she was sick, ad be b) have Ode tm sorry, | should have _____ you to my mother. a) decreased b) celebrated ©) introduced Who is your favorite. = right now? a) species b) celebrity © presidency The police should have known it was a a) plains. b) intake © forgery Someone have been injured in the car crash. a) must will can Vreally hope you have'a tire in your trunk. a) flat b) fake ©) spare The girl must have been : about her new job, a) incohivenience b). apprehensive c) pain Did you hearthe =._______ enthe radio this morning? a) announcement b) failure c) destination, The traffic must have. very inconvenient. a) being b) be ©) been, . ltis hard to fail if you are always === a) convenient b) optimistic oO hurt 169 i choose the right alternative _ The seminar haven't been / may have been scheduled for tamorrow morning. _ If she was accepted to a university, she must have / would have gotten good grades. | think it's been / has been two hours since they notified us of the change. The meeting may has / have been scheduled for next Friday, . Getting in touch with her have been / has been a great decision, Don’t you think he should has / should have chosen a different major? . Her father said it’s being / it's been six years since they lost touch. The children must have / would have been on their best behavior to get such good reports. The book may has been / may have been a national best seller, 10, They should have / should being gone to the meeting at headquarters yesterday. Pw NM a se a HH Write a question for —————————— = =} We get in touch with each other once in a while. 2. —— ee . : ? He may have talked to her last week. Oe = : a 2 Unfortunately, we lost touch after we finished college. boo _ — ? The conference is going to last for three days. 5 z My appointment is scheduled for Friday. - it WIZARD 113 Listening © Choose the right alternative 3 a) reach b) sight ¢) touch » The author's last book was a - ____ bestseller. a) nation b) national ©) nationality . Can you please. the students that class has been canceled t a) notify b) reach c) last . She majored in English, and gota __.____________ in psychology. a) grade b) minor c) emphasis . The seminar is scheduled to take placeat === —_ this year. a) warehouse b) landmark c) headquarters He tried to get in _ __ with her, but she never returned his calls, ol = 70, as | ypon arriving home after a hard day's work Billy Jack he ee had his. k eys —_ —+ He rang the doorbell and a __———— from inside the house said: “ ee eT immediately — : “Il can't come in. | left my keys at the office” He a for & litte -vitiia but ———— to open the door. He rang the doorbell | —. and once more the voice said: “___________" He patiently explained: “I can’t, 1 don't have the keys” ——... the door. Billy Jack was about to HH ___ when Billy Jane = ____ her car in front of the house. Surprised Billy Jack asked: “Who is in the house?" answered: “ Billy Jane —————. It’s just our new parrot.” Question 1. Why couldn't Billy Jack get into his own hotise one day? What did he do to try to get in? What did he hear when he rang the bell? Did anyone open the door for him? How did he feel after a while? Who arrived home on a bicycle? What did she say to him? boi 4. WIZARD 115 on Le ae Questions 1 fh _ 15 “Cutting and pasting’ texts from the Internet a way of learning? . Have you ever had to study the whole night through? . What's the importance of the teacher on students’ motivation? . Do you think technology causes unemployment? . How is life going to be easier for the next generations? . Why do people like to join social network websites? . What items do you prefer to buy directly at the store? . Bo you use online banking? Do you trust it? What are the pros and cons of taking an online university course? How can people develop their careers? com 4. Their family might have wc we wae 4. techs might lve ae gwenehiee _ 6. shears might have : - — . — 7. He might have = _ 8. rh ase sa = a _ 7 9. His boss might have - mi 0. The seminar might have Listen and write © ee igure ont 4, This is your main course of study in college. Someone who writes books, n You often have to put this on an application. ee we Teachers give these to students at the end of the year. ee > You can study this in addition to your major. = - be Askill or talent, - - _ a You can put this on your computer to let you know about important events. : a Another name for your country. = wo . This is what you call things that you own. — 10. Many people used this word to describe Princess Diana. = Date of WIZARD 119 rr f A re os Baia) Ai eT et, New Poal A good advertisement | = j SG) aaah ey Interactive listening © 120 ao HS complete yete the sentences using present perfect, present continuous, or present perfect cone us: | 4, The musicians —— ——————___ Since 6:00 this morning. (to record) . My secretary — : up the report right now. (to type) a tdon't think she 5 _—_ a taxi before. (to take) 4, His throat ——______ ae a lot right now. | think he’s sick. (to hurt) ie == to call you for a couple of weeks now. (to mean) g. The woman an opera singer for many years. (to be) I ————— = so indecisive, it's making me crazy. (to be) g. Myfather __ to classical music since he was a boy. (to listen) 9. The wound on his leg _ = —_ very painful for days. (to be) 10. The children _ oi z a [ot lately, (to get hurt) ee a WIZARD 12) Listening & . a) Because he is right-handed. 1 . 8) She records rock and jazz music. . 3) The letter is about Santa Gaus. . a) The taxi cab is around the comes. . a) He has had pain in his back for an hour. . a) Because he got hurt on his bake. b) Because he hurt hes feft arm. ¢) Because he is left-handed. b) She records rock and classical music. ©) She records jazz and pop music. b) The letter is about different kinds of diseases. ©) The letter is about what to de if shoplifting happens in the store. , b) The taxi stand is in front of the mall. ¢) The taxi stand is down the street. b) He has had pain in his back for six months. ¢) He has had pain in his back for two years. b) Because he has a very painful stomach ache. ¢) Because he fell off the swing set and hurt his knee. 1174 My first computer — Name Dare i WIZARD 123 Write an email: Get in touch with an old friend. Listening © 1. a) Because he doesn’t like rock music very much. b) Because he had to type up a project. c) Because he didn’t want to go to the concert with Sandy. 2. a) She is playing tennis with her doctor tomorrow. b) She will play tennis every day for three weeks. c) Her ankle injury is very painful. 3. a) Sam is going to do the assignments for him. b) Brian is left-handed. ©) Brian is right-handed. 4. a) She meant to call him. b) He has just eaten dinner without her. ¢) He has been playing video games and did not call her. 5. a) He is going to take a cab, b) Peter will pick him up from the airport. ¢) He is going to ride his bike. 6. a) Jason called the police. b) A boy was caught for shoplifting. ©) The clerk does not know why the police are there. “Choose the right alternative a ee ; om b) = with . fate Many years ayo, “ : ideal b) eeu * eshould has ia om. been in by reach ve the author tecently? 5. His parents may been notitied about his qatades. a) has b) are iV Nave 6. Please take all of your with you when you leave, a) emphasis 6) belongings O ability 7. They may have in touch a few days ago, a) get b) got gotten 8. The new girl might gotten tired yesterday, a) have b) did Ohas 9. Sdence fiction is my favorite movie a) drama b) aenre O naive 10. Does anybody else want to hang on Friday? a) out b) up din megs WIZARD 125 Choose the right alternative A. 12. 13. 14, 13, 16. a7. 18. 18. 20. The phone all day yesterday. a) ring b) rung ¢) rang Do you know who wrote his ___—? ’ a) advertisement b) biography c) conversation She lovesto _ her friends and family members. a) compliment b) complain ¢) conversation He might have felt __ ______ after the terror movie. a) complex b) gossip ¢) disturbed She ______ been typing a letter to the editor. a) have b) has c) have to Do you know anyone who is left-__ St a) hand b) handsome c)handed I don't want a ride, | prefer to a cab. a) hurt b) take c) mean The musicians have been. ________ classical music. a) recording b) recorded ¢) record We don't knowthe ._______ of these lyrics. a) mean b) meant ©) meaning How long has your _________ been hurting? a) sand b) wound ¢) pain ee choose the right alternative 1. Her brother have already / had already gotten two degrees by the time he was 24. 2. Ithad ever/ had already been a stressful situation before her boss showed up. I think they maybe have/ may have been waiting to resume the meeting. 4. They have may been / may have been giving their belongings to charity, They had already / have already suffered a big loss when their vice president was let go. | might already / have already been swimming for a couple of hours. That guy over there is being / has been sleeping on the grass for hours. . You has been / have been making fun of me all day. . 1am being / have been standing up all day; my legs are tired. 10. He have already / had already presumed they weren't coming anymore. “ a ow pe ws Write a question for ie = ? | missed the bus because | had been walking too slow. 2. 2s — ee Yes, he had already graduated from college by the time we got married. 3, = oe ? No, he didn't send the message on purpose. He sent it by accident. 4, _ a eee No, I didn’t, He had already left when | arrived there. §. - = gn __ ? They had already gone to lunch by the time we were done with our project. — pate WIZARD 127 Sn ——— fem him because he cant read © having accident, but | think she did A wito by by on . She sagatees ae om Viowe ep —_—_—___ i the summer time: & }tsume 0) Swim ® peoktahie d) orofit ao qext ©} GIR WR a ae ——.. what her gwo little chicks at school, Every day when they a she asked about their class, (i ——— when they came home she asked: “Can you — me what you ———— at school today?" One of them feo as * peep, peep, peep. She _ —_—_____ to see that her chickwas ——_ —.to speak so fast and so well. Then she — = fohis brother and asked himwhathe _.. Cuckoo, cuckoo. She ————— what she had heard. He answered: "Don't worry mother. I'm learning a ——________________ this semester.” Question 1. Where had the two little chicks in the story been to? How did the chicken show her interest in the little chicks? How did she feel about what the first chick told her? What surprised her in the second little chick’s answer? What did the second chick answere? me of WIZARD 128 i _dee Questions - Have you ever broken a bone or been hospitalized? . Would you trust a doctor from another country? . What do you think about the health system in our country? . Are you afraid of going to the dentist? - Have you ever had to leave school or work for being sick? . What are the pros and cons of living in a big city? . Do you like your neighborhood? Why? . Which places would like to see around the world? . Would you travel to space if you had the chance? . Do you think that tablets will make books obsolete? . a) 4. a) b) b) 0) 0) . a) 5. a) b) b) ra 0) . a) TTT 4, you don't wear a tuxedo to the wedding _Wewould gotothe beachif _ Ifyou : you won't get good grades . Would you go to Europe if - tf css she would go to the party. . Would she _ if | worked for her? . If he hits the ball, . Ifthey — a they will speak better English. . [would buy you dinner if _ . Willyou let me know if— Listen and write © 1. Interactive listening © 178 figure out 10. 1. These animals fly and only come out at night. 2. Many people have this when they speak another language. All new employees have to have this. bad A person who supports traditional values, = When you have a lot of something. » Someone who supports change and political reform. a This is what you call someone who is receiving training ~ When you love someone, this 1s impor- tant to you. =» Yours should be clean and conservative when you go to a job interview. 1 A quality of something or someone that is nice to look at. ° Going to a job interview Comments Interactive listening It’s common and very polite to say to “hi” to strangers when a ——— alll night tong. fo tain) a in this city since he left school. (to woet) a On a long trip and she was tired. mo 3 a He 2 great opportunity of living abroad. (to mex 5. She - Of being a businesswoman. (ts think newe: & S| from his cold yet? (5 recover A ee this possibility. (to consider not 8 bh snowing when we arrived in the city. (to ér5p 9, She = how to cook with her mother. ‘to learn rot 40. ae Hy -_ —..—. tO your house? (to be » ever listening © 1 a) She heard thunder. b) She heard lightning, ©) She heard her dog barking. 2.) Linda spilied the beans. b) Ashley spilled the beans. c) Mark spilled the beans; 3. a) He likes sweet and sour ‘candy. b) He‘only likes sweet caridy, ©) Hé doesn't like sweet or sourcandy, 4. a) Sheis'a doctor. b) She is:a sociologist. ©) She is'a lawyer. 5. a) She told him that Julie didn’t give up on hertest, b) She told him that Julie was adorable. ©) She told him that Julie spilled juice'on her dress. 6. a) Because she thinks Jake is an embarrassment. b) Because she knows he will regret it if he gives up. ©) Because she already bought tickets to the concert. 136 137 Write an email: send @ graduation announcement i: Listening © - a) The doctor told him he didn’t need to be examined. . a) She finished his test. . a) Sarah did not go to the musical. - &) Troy likes to eat desserts that are sweet, not sour. . a) Jill couldn’t sleep because the thunder was so loud. a) She was going to spill the beans about Megan’s surprise party. b) Amanda does not like Kristen. ¢) Today is Megan’s birthday, and you cannot talk on someone's birthday, b) The secretary told him to leave, €) The doctor was taking a long time, and the man was in a hurry. b) The test is too hard for her. ©) She loves to spell and has good grades. b) Sarah and Brad are going to the musical on Saturday. ¢) Sarah could not see the stage or the actors. b) Troy loves to eat cookies and milk. c) Troy is on a diet and does not eat dessert, b) Jill thought the rain was really cool, ¢) Jill saw an accident caused by the thunderstorm. Review 10 Choose the right alternative 1. . The meeting had - Ifyou leave right now, you will have Slavery - ——————— alread: < = ¥ ended by th aj hes thaws ” ae he was born, . He was mean to her _ purpose. a) on b) in oto , - Mysisterhad already —— When | got into college. a) graduation b) graduated ©) graduate . The company has been 2), year, a) profitable b) profit ©) profited . swam the wrong direction ——_—__________ accident. a) to b) as ©) by Ss — . resumed by the time | walked in, a) never b) already c) ever *——-——— you go te the beauty parlor, you ——.. look great tonight. a) If/ so b) Will / you ©) If / will » My friend is from France, and has a thick French __ = a) accent b) appearance ©) percent - Nobody is __ _____.. attention to the important announcement. a) pay b) paying ©) paid ee of time. a) plenty b) plentiful c) plant Choose the right alternative Itlooks like the two are really hitting it att ia on off ~ to be the best hairdresser in the city. b) aims 9 daiming 13. The interviewer ___________ that the girl's appearance was not professional, a) to.note b) notes €) noted 14. Oh no! He _______ the beans about the surprise party. a) Spelled b) spilled ¢) spoiled 15, 1__.__________ have given up, if you hadn't been there, a) would b) must Q should 16. The ______ was so loud last night, | couldn't sleep. a) lightning b) radical ¢) thunder 17. Would you have to the concert if had invited you? a).go ¢) went —_——__________ celebrity in Hollywood. a) embarrassment b) hate ©) fashionable 19. That little baby is so : a) adorable b) peace ©) convenient 20. If she had _ —. the word correctly, __________ she have passed the te a) spilled / could b) spelled / would ©) listed. / must

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