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Kadir, Samir Mohammad

Reflection paper

Expectations of the community would be an unforgettable experience. In honesty, I am part

afraid in entering and cohabiting in another setting with people I barely know, and people I don’t
know. Immersion is an act to which one must allow him/herself to be absorbed by a foreign
environment. My foster parents I would expect would be accommodating as I am foreign, I
however is anxious to please my foster parents while balancing community medicine
requirements as one would be expected from a child – adopted or not in an attempt not be
rejected. Another fear of being rejected, is to reveal a personal part of me that are found only in
the select privacies, which parts may not be ideal or appropriate in such settings. Luxuries are
abandoned briefly, for a temporarily bliss in a barebones community life. I think I will be more
appreciative how the health status prevails and evolve in such communities.

The essence of a family unit against a simple provincial background allows the intrafamily
connections to fully be realized, allowing more time to interact between the members stripped
of diversional technology. Despite the apparent socioeconomic minimalism of the family, I expect
the support and happiness they have for each member of the family to be prevalent and endemic,
along within the community.

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