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Instructions: If applicable, check the indicators demonstrated by the student. Circle the score that best describes the level of the performance for each criterion. Write positive,
constructive comments to help participants identify their strengths and areas for improvements. Points deducted must be explained in the comments section.
 State name  State project that will be completed  Speaks clearly with appropriate voice level
 Maintains eye contact  Offers hand and gives firm handshake
Does not Attempts introduction Lack of confidence and Confident, poised, Comments:
attempt self- and/or exhibits 3 or poise and/or exhibits 4 enthusiastic self-
introduction. fewer indicators. indicators. introduction exhibiting
all 5 indicators.


 Clean, pressed uniform acceptable to commercial food service  Hair is controlled, clean and away from face
 Uniform is appropriately sized to body  Clean nails, short nail length and no nail polish
 Shoes are clean and safe  Light makeup or no makeup
 No jewelry  Body is free of odors and strong fragrances
Non-professional appearance, Neat appearance, attire and Professional appearance, Comments:
attire and/or grooming grooming but lacks polish attire and grooming
exhibiting 5 or fewer and/or exhibits 6-7 indicators. exhibiting all 8 indicators.


DEMONSTRATES BASIC KNIFE CUTS** Each student must complete the required 2 ounces of each designated cut (except Brunoise which is 1 ounce)
 Distinguishes verbally between names, shapes and dimensions of cuts  Cuts are uniform and consistent (2 ounces of each designated cut per student)
 Demonstrates proper shapes and dimensions of cuts (2 ounces of each designated cut per student)
 Demonstrates all three cuts safely and according to industry standards (2 ounces of each designated cut per student)
Fails to produce Demonstrates knife cuts Demonstrates knife Demonstrates knife cuts Comments:
the required 2 and exhibits cuts safely and safely, efficiently and
ounce minimum 1-2 indicators. efficiently and exhibits according to industry
of each cut with 3 indicators. standards exhibiting all
the exception of 4 indicators.
Brunoise (1 oz.)


Judges Name (you must print your name)_____________________________________ PAGE TOTAL ____________
October 2014

Instructions: If applicable, check the indicators demonstrated by the student. Circle the score that best describes the level of the performance for each criterion. Write positive,
constructive comments to help participants identify their strengths and areas for improvements. Points deducted must be explained in the comments section.
 Organized and complete job station (mise en place)  Works efficiently as a team leader/member
 Locates, checks and tests all equipment (including temperatures) to be used  Demonstrates confidence in team members and oneself
 Communicates clearly and consistently with team members  Task is completed within time limit or less (through cleaning)
 Uses time and motion properly
Members lack team Members demonstrate Effectively and efficiently worked Comments:
organization and work minimal teamwork and/or as a team exhibiting 6-7 indicators.
independently and/or exhibit 3 exhibit 4-5 indicators.
or fewer indicators.

SCORE 0 1 2 3 4 5 SCORE 11 12 13 SCORE 14 15

6 7 8 9 10 *if a point is deducted, please explain why


Selection and usage of Selection and usage of Selects and uses all tools/equipment Comments:
tools/equipment lacks tools/equipment correctly and safely.
understanding and occasionally lacks safe
demonstration of skills. and appropriate industry

2 3 SCORE 7 8 SCORE 9 10
5 6 *if a point is deducted, please explain why
Fails to answer Partial answers Communicates Communicates procedures Comments:
questions. show limited procedures during correctly and confidently
knowledge and/or demonstrations only while demonstration and
lack of skills and when asked and/or answers all questions
/or confidence. answers most questions correctly concisely, and
correctly. confidently.


Judges Name (you must print your name)_____________________________________ PAGE TOTAL ____________
October 2014

Instructions: If applicable, check the indicators demonstrated by the student. Circle the score that best describes the level of the performance for each criterion. Write positive,
constructive comments to help participants identify their strengths and areas for improvements. Points deducted must be explained in the comments section.

 Maintains clean area (safety) as work progresses  Follows general safety procedures
 Maintains organized work area and floor  Utilizes tools and equipment safely
Disregard of Safety concerns need to Shows minimal Follows safety practices Comments:
safety creates be corrected and/or safety concerns exhibiting all 4
unsafe situation. exhibits 2 or fewer during the event indicators.
indicators. and/or exhibits 3

SCORE 0 SCORE 1 2 3 4 5 6 SCORE 7 8 SCORE 9 10

*if a point is deducted, please
explain why
 Washed hands completely (minimum 20 seconds)  Prevented cross contamination
 Re-washes hands when soiled or contaminated  Kept ingredients at proper storage/cooking/holding temperatures
 Cleaned and sanitized area before starting  Food tasted in a sanitized manner during the production and before presentation
 Maintains clean (sanitary) area as work progresses  Left area clean and sanitized for the next participants
Unsanitary Sanitary concerns Shows minimal sanitary Follows sanitation Comments:
situation creates need to be addressed concerns during event practices exhibiting all 8
unsafe product. and/or exhibits 5 or and/or exhibits 6-7 indicators.
fewer indicators. indicators.


 Converts a recipe by making correct and consistent weight and measurement conversions  Correctly converts temperature between conventional and
 Uses a portion scale correctly and consistently convection oven
 Correctly and consistently measure dry and liquid ingredients  Properly uses, reads and calibrates a bi-metallic stem thermometer
Skills need improvement and/or Demonstrates adequate skills but not as Demonstrates Comments:
exhibits 2 or fewer indicators. precise as needed for the commercial knowledge and accurate
food industry and/or exhibits 3-4 skills exhibiting all 5
indicators. indicators.

SCORE 0 1 2 3 4 5 SCORE 6 7 8 SCORE 9 10

*if a point is deducted,
please explain why
Judges Name (you must print your name)_____________________________________ PAGE TOTAL ____________
October 2014

Instructions: If applicable, check the indicators demonstrated by the student. Circle the score that best describes the level of the performance for each criterion. Write positive,
 Most appropriate selection of sizes/shape of dinnerware to enhance food production  Food attractively displayed on selected dinnerware
 Selected dinnerware wiped free of fingerprints, drips and smudges  All 4 identical plates presented to the judges
 Food color appropriate for recipe  Proper temperatures (hot foods hot and cold foods cold)
 Utilized all recipe ingredients (no missing ingredients on final plate)  Texture suitable to product
Presentation needs Presentation is acceptable Presentation is pleasing to the palate Comments:
improvement and/or exhibits but lacks professional and attractively displayed exhibiting
4 or fewer indicators. qualities and/or exhibits all 7-8 indicators
5-6 indicators.
SCORE 0 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 SCORE 11 12 13 SCORE 14 15
*if a point is deducted, please explain why
 Seasoning appropriate to recipe  No off-flavor due to improper food preparation techniques
 Tartness, sweetness, salty and bitter appropriate to recipe  Texture suitable to product
 Taste is suitable to product served
Questionable taste needs Adequate but not Pleasing, appropriate taste for Comments:
improvement and/or exhibits outstanding taste and/or food/recipe exhibiting all 5
2 or fewer indicators. exhibits 3-4 indicators. indicators.

SCORE 0 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 SCORE 11 12 13 SCORE 14 15
*if a point is deducted, please explain why
constructive comments to help participants identify their strengths and areas for improvements. Points deducted must be explained in the comments section.

Judges Name (you must print your name)_____________________________________ PAGE TOTAL ____________
October 2014
Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

Judge 1 ________ Judge 1 ________ Judge 1 ________ Judge 1 ________

Judge 2 ________ Judge 2 ________ Judge 2 ________ Judge 2 ________

Judge 3 ________ Judge 3 ________ Judge 3 ________ Judge 3 ________

Judge 4 ________ Judge 4 ________ Judge 4 ________ Judge 4 ________

Average __________ Average __________ Average __________ Average __________

Regional/State Rating PAGE 1 TOTAL ________ Total (Evaluators please initial after rating) ________

3 STAR Rating 90 -100 pts. PAGE 2 TOTAL ________ Verification of Total Scores (Please Initial) ________
2 STAR Rating 70 - 89 pts.
1 STAR Rating 1 - 69 pts PAGE 3 TOTAL ________ Room Consultant (Event Chairperson) ________

PAGE 4 TOTAL _______ Lead Consultant (Tally Room) ________

EVENT TOTAL______ Final Verification ______

* First Tiebreaker ** Second Tiebreaker *** Third Tiebreaker (for tiebreaker use total score for criteria)

Judges Name (you must print your name)_____________________________________ PAGE TOTAL ____________
October 2014
Culinary Team Event
October 2014
Description of Event
A culinary team will demonstrate knowledge and skill when preparing a quality meal.

This skill event supports and integrates the following Hospitality and Tourism/Lodging Career Field


Hospitality and Tourism Core Body of Knowledge and Culinary Pathway

3.4 Deliver presentations

5.1 Follow safety procedures
5.2 Apply sanitation procedures
15.2 Maintain compliance with health codes
15.3 Practice sanitation duties
15.4 Control pests
15.5 Follow the hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) system
15.6 Explain garbage disposal procedures
15.7 Maintain a safe work environment
21.1 Demonstrate operation of food preparation equipment
21.2 Demonstrate operation of nonfood kitchen equipment
22.1 Apply calculations essential to culinary
22.2 Demonstrate artistic presentation
22.3 Demonstrate scientific knowledge of food preparation, storage and presentation
22.4 Prepare mise en place
22.5 Demonstrate various cutting operations
22.6 Apply basic kitchen cooking techniques
23.1 Prepare salads and dressings
24.2 Utilize milk products
24.3 Prepare egg dishes
24.4 Prepare cheese dishes
24.5 Prepare vegetable dishes
24.6 Prepare pasta dishes
24.7 Prepare grain and cereal dishes
24.8 Prepare rice dishes
24.9 Prepare legume dishes
24.10 Prepare vegetarian dishes
24.11 Prepare meat dishes
24.12 Prepare poultry dishes
24.13 Prepare seafood dishes
24.14 Prepare game dishes
25.1 Prepare stocks
25.2 Prepare soups
25.3 Prepare sauces
26.8 Prepare specialty desserts

Judges Name (you must print your name)_____ PAGE TOTAL _____

1. Participant is an affiliated member of the state and national FCCLA organizations.
2. Participant is enrolled in a Culinary and Food Service program or Family and Consumer Sciences
program where the course of study includes competencies related to the food service industry.

1. To demonstrate appropriate attire: each participant will control hair, have clean hands, wear a clean
uniform and shoes acceptable to commercial food service standards.
2. To demonstrate basic knife cuts according to industry standards. (Reference: On Cooking, Prentice
3. To demonstrate skills and knowledge in sanitation, safety, tool usage, time motion, in the preparation
of a quality meal using professional industry techniques and equipment, basic food preparation
skills, menu planning, creativity, and time management using teamwork.
4. To prepare four identical plates to be presented to a panel of evaluators. All plates will be evaluated
for appearance. One plate will be used for tasting.
5. To demonstrate the ability to present final products to evaluators.

1. Participants will register and be assigned a designated time for the event.
2. Participants will bring a clearly labeled box (es) of equipment to the designated area.
3. Participants will report to the designated area five minutes before the assigned time to check in with
the chairperson.
4. Teams will begin the demonstration with a self-introduction, description of project to evaluators, set-
up the work areas.
5. Team members will be given fifteen minutes at the beginning to perform assigned knife cuts.
6. Teams will be given 75 minutes to set-up, collect needed food items from the grocery area, prepare
recipes, present finished product to evaluators, clean and sanitize the area for the next team. Rally
site will provide all food items for recipe preparation and knife cuts. Evaluators may ask questions
any time during the 75 minute period.
7. Teams will be periodically notified of the time remaining to finish the food production, clean-up and
presentation. Production stops at 75 minutes, if needed, penalty time will be used for cleanup.
8. The students must transport the finished product to the designated judges area for evaluation. This
may be any of the team members/ all of the team and may or may not include the alternate; it is up to
the individual team. Must be a minimum of 1 team member. The transporting is not part of the
overall time.

Total Time for event: 90 min.

Judges Name (you must print your name)_____ PAGE TOTAL _____

1. Participant will have 90 minutes maximum to set-up, prepare, present and cleanup.
2. The preparation time will be stopped after 90 minutes. Questioning will occur during the 90 minute
time period. Scoring will be based on completed work.
3. No alcoholic beverage or liqueurs may be used.
4. All preparation must be on site.
5. In the first fifteen minutes of the event each of the participants will be asked to demonstrate 3 basic
knife cuts from the list below on a #70 count Idaho or russet potato. A minimum of 2 ounces of each
cut is required. The chairperson of the event will determine which cuts will be demonstrated that
Julienne Batonnet Brunoise (1 ounce)
Paysanne Small Dice Medium Dice
Large Dice

6. Recipes will be provided to each participating team a minimum of one week in advance of the event.
All participating teams will prepare the same recipes at the rally site. Any of the following products
may appear on the menu: Appetizers, Soups, Salads, Beverages, Sauces, Desserts, Vegetables,
Sandwiches, Entrees
7. Each team member will control hair, have clean hands, wear a clean uniform and shoes acceptable to
industry standards.
8. All food will be provided. No other food products, garnishes, or condiments may be brought to the
event. Presentations are entirely up to the contestants. Recipes may suggest presentation, but the
final choice is up to the contestants. There may or may not be extra ingredients. If there are extra
ingredients, they may be used as garnishes.
9. No table setting or decorations are permitted. Evaluators will be supplied with tasting utensils.
10. A team of evaluators will rate the food preparation skills, presentation, appearance, taste, work
habits, and techniques used and will mark the rubric and ask questions relevant to the menu and
preparation throughout the session. Evaluators will rate plate for presentation, appearance and taste.
11. The time for the team preparation/presentation starts when the first team member enters the kitchen.
Participants will have to clean up the work station. Time ends when the last member leaves the
kitchen area. The team will not have to wash and sanitize utensils, pots/pans and other equipment
supplied by the participants.
12. The team alternate is simply that- an alternate who steps in, in case of illness, absence, etc. Teams
will not be penalized for bringing three team members only. The alternate does not advance to
National STAR Events.

Judges Name (you must print your name)_____ PAGE TOTAL _____

Supplies and Equipment
Provided by Participant
1. Equipment needed to prepare the required menu
2. Disposable gloves
3. Cleaning and sanitizing solutions and buckets
4. Towels

Provided by Rally Site

1. Food ingredients
2. 12-15 #70 count Idaho or russet potatoes
3. 4 copies of recipes
4. Commercial Range top
5. Oven-conventional or convection
6. Work surface
7. Refrigerator/Freezer
8. Water source
9. Chairs and white cloth covered table for food presentation
10. Electric source for mixer
11. Serviceware for food presentation and sampling
12. Calculator

Judges Name (you must print your name)_____ PAGE TOTAL _____


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