Business Deliverable 2-Simran Pental

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Lululemon  Mock  Agency  

334  Santana  Row  Unit  1035,  San  Jose,  CA  95128  
(408)  557-­‐8721  
January  25th,  2018  
Ms.  Lauren  Smith  
Project  Director  
334  Santana  Row  Unit  1035,  
San  Jose,  CA  95128  
Dear  Ms.  Smith:    
Thank  you  for  your  assistance  in  starting  the  implementation  of  the  large  company  project.  I  
appreciate  your  trust  in  us  for  helping  push  forward  the  company’s  strategic  plan  for  2018.  The  
group  has  successfully  embarked  on  distributing  responsibility;  however,  with  ten  members  
placed  on  this  project,  I  am  writing  to  you  to  receive  some  feedback,  in  order  to  best  achieve  
project  goals.    
Recently,  there  has  been  a  reoccurring  issue  with  some  of  our  group  members,  which  has  been  
negatively  impacting  the  overall  growth  of  our  project.  In  particular,  some  group  members  are  
failing  to  fulfill  their  required  responsibility,  and  have  failed  to  show  up  to  important  project  
meetings  on  time.    
Our  team  consists  of  talented  and  dedicated  individuals;  however,  the  unproductive  behavior  of  
some  team  members  is  slowly  rubbing  off  on  the  rest  of  the  team.  In  the  beginning,  our  project  
was  moving  very  efficiently  and  the  members  were  correctly  following  the  project  timeline,  yet  
the  behavior  of  some  individuals  highlights  that  the  goals  of  the  project  are  being  interpreted  
differently.  We  are  slowly  falling  behind  on  our  deadlines,  which  is  creating  a  lot  of  frustration  
amongst  the  group.  In  addition,  members  are  unsure  of  how  to  communicate  their  frustration,  
leading  to  a  decrease  in  productivity  and  unkind  language  use  during  out  meetings.      
So  that  business  is  not  further  disrupted,  I  request  your  guidance  on  how  to  best  resolve  this  
situation,  in  order  to  complete  our  project  with  maximum  productivity.    
Thank  you,    
Simran  Pental  

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