Expression Lesson Plan

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Lesson Title: Forms of Expression

Length of Lesson: 3-4 class periods

Unit: The Art of Storytelling

In this lesson… students will explore how a message can be expressed

through various forms including dance, music, and poetry. They will
Overview then relate it to their reading of Beowulf and how the Anglo-Saxons
expressed their beliefs in an epic poem.

Communication: Speaking, Listening, Media Literacy

● 8.2 The student will develop and deliver oral presentations in
groups and individually.
1. Choose topic and purpose appropriate to the audience.
2. Choose vocabulary and tone appropriate to the audience,
topic, and purpose.
Standards of 3. Use appropriate verbal and nonverbal presentation skills.
Learning 4. Respond to audience questions and comments.
5. Differentiate between standard English and informal
6. Critique oral presentations.
7. Assume shared responsibility for collaborative work.
8. Use a variety of strategies to listen actively.

● What values and lessons are embedded in literature (and art)?

● What do writers (or artists) need to know about their audiences in
order to best address them?
Essential Questions ● How do good writers (or artists) organize and unify their
writing/art to best convey message and meaning?

Students will be able to… identify different forms of expression and

Objectives create one form for a specific purpose.

I can identify and create various forms of expression in literature and art.
Learning Target I can relate different examples of expression to the epic poem, Beowulf.

Necessary Prior Students should be aware of the purposes of expression in literature in

order to relate it to other forms of art.
● Promethean Board
● Chromebooks
Materials ● Practice space for some groups
● Auditorium reserved for presentations (last block of lesson)

Day 1-
Introduction/Hook Introduction to Expression: As seen in the Civil Rights Movement
1. Have students define “expression” in their own words as a table.
Then, have each group share this with the class. After doing this,
show them the true definition of “expression.”
2. Show students the poem, “Ballad of Birmingham” by Dudley
Randall and discuss its effect on the reader.
a. Show the poem in the form of a song: (3.02 min)
b. How does the addition of music, and the fact that the
words are being sung, contribute to the overall impact?
3. Show students an excerpt of Revelations by Alvin Ailey
American Dance Theatre. Before viewing the video, share the
background of the piece and Ailey’s purpose behind it: (2.45 min)
4. Briefly compare and contrast all forms of expression and how one
may alter the message conveyed.
5. Have students take an interest survey on which area they are more
comfortable with or hope to explore: poetry, dance, music.

6. Homework: After viewing types of expression centered around

issues during the Civil Rights Movement, have students find a
broad problem in their community, or the country as a whole, that
they feel passionate about.

Day 2-
Expression Projects
1. From the homework assigned the previous class, have students
share the problems they found have a huge impact on their
community. As a class, pick a problem from these examples. It
should be broad (ex: issue of civil rights).
2. According to an interest survey given the class before, divide
Instructional students into three groups: dance, poetry, and music.
3. Explain the project sheet to the class and ask individual groups if
Activities & they have specific questions about getting started. Some groups
Strategies will need different resources or spaces to prepare their
Day 3 & 4-
Expression Projects
1. Students will present their group projects in the schola.
2. Have students not presenting individually complete a guided
reflection while the other groups are performing. This will be a
part of their project grade.
Key Vocabulary or ● Types of expression
Expression Project group presentations and individual reflections (to be
Assessments completed during the presentations).
Have students complete a brief guided reflection on each Expression
Closure Activity Project.
Some students may need help beginning their Expression Projects or
Accommodations finding the resources to best present them.

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