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Search Discordia – Retribution Character Heavy Myrmidon

Discordia, the favored myrmidon of

Adeptis Rahn, is arguably the
pinnacle of Iosan warjack
Models listed by Faction technology. Capable of projecting a
Models listed by Expansion wall of force energy around friendly
List of Spells forces or focusing that energy into a
List of Special Abilities concentrated wave to shatter all
opposition in its path, Discordia is
a singular symbol of House Shyeel’s
—if not the Retribution’s—might.

Cryx Discordia has the same stats and
Cygnar damage grid as the other Shyeel-
Khador chassis Retribution heavy
Protectorate of Menoth
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Protectorate of Menoth myrmidons with higher MAT and
Retribution of Scyrah
Convergence of Cyriss
Four Star Syndicate Weapons and Attacks
Highborn Covenant Sonic Pulse Cannon – The only in-faction large spray attack the Retribution has
Puppet Masters
access to.
Searforge Commission
Talion Charter Magical Weapon
Blade Fist (x2) – Same idea as the Manticore's Saber Fists, but slightly more
Open Fist

Special Abilities
Field Dependent – Discordia loses the ability to use the Sonic Pulse Cannon and its
imprint if the Field Generator system is crippled.
Circle Orboros
Special Issue [Rahn] – Discordia was built just for Adeptis Rahn, allowing it to be
Legion of Everblight
Skorne taken in all of Rahn's tier lists. This also allows Rahn to bond with Discordia.
Trollbloods Imprint: Kinetic Field – Discordia's Imprint gives immunity to blast damage and a
Minions bonus to ARM against ranged attacks to all friendly models within 3".
Blindwater Congregation
Thornfall Alliance Thoughts on Discordia
Retribution heavy warjacks are multipurpose tool kits, and Discordia is no exception. It
provides interesting options for players as well as a potential solution for models with

Discordia is a character warjack, and as such it has higher MAT than non-character heavy
Newbie Page 'jacks (it also cannot be marshaled, which should be kept in mind). It has two fairly high P+S
Faction Overview attacks compared to other myrmidons, and it hits more reliably. All of this translates into a
General Strategies bladed killing machine. Its power attacks are also more accurate, which can be crucial when
Scenario Play you need a head butt, lock, or double-handed throw.
Tournament Analysis
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Tournament Analysis
Army List Builders While Discordia's generator is up and running, it has a max-length, magical high-POW
Army List Archive spray. Ain't nothing wrong with that. This allows you to open charge lanes, remove
Theme Forces problematic stealthy solos, kill Incorporeal troops, kill troops in cover, or eliminate the odd
Glossary of Abbreviations utility solo hugging a 'jack or 'caster. Discordia's relatively high RAT gives you a better
chance of killing high-DEF solos with a judicious boost. This works wonders during
Ravyn's feat turn, as every attack roll is boosted and its POW can pulp most infantry with
ease. Likewise, Ossyan's feat turn turns the spray into a cone of doom for heavier targets.
Rules for Editors Ossyan's somewhat-maligned Chronomancer spell can come in handy with Discordia's
Pages which need work spray, too. If you're spraying an infantry unit, you can reasonably hit 4-6 models. Future
How can I help? Sight will help mitigate random bad rolls that prevent you from killing squishy infantry, as
How to Edit you can give Discordia three focus and only use what you need, when you need it.
A common technique with Kinetic Field is to have infantry advance in a chevron, and have
Other Discordia use its imprint and move into their midst. It is worth noting that you can imprint
Mk I Archive
and then run. The Kinetic Field provides significant protection to units normally extremely
Terrain Archive
vulnerable to blast templates. Invictors bump up to ARM 19, arranged into 4 triangles of 3
around Discordia with the point of each facing inward. Mage Hunter Strike Force units
become a lot more resilient, able to hide behind Discordia to make best use of Phantom
Hunter while leaving open charges against warjacks.

Remember, Kinetic Field makes your troops immune to blast damage from both from enemy
and friendly fire. Should an annoying high DEF unit try to bog down one of your key units
(Winter Guard Infantry under the Bob & Weave order and Iron Flesh, for example), move
Discordia into range and have Stormfall Archers lob in blasts to clear out the bad guys.

With Vyros1, a unit of Dawnguard Sentinels with UA, and Discordia you can take the
chevron advance to the next level. Cast Inviolable Resolve on the Sentinels, keep them
touching at least one other model in the unit, and use Discordia's Imprint to give the
Sentinels ARM 21 against ranged attacks. Should anything crack the armor of the Sentinels
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they'll be getting a Vengeance move + Weapon Master attack, and then Discordia can jump
in to finish off any resilient targets.

Dawnguard advancing in chevron

Remember that even if a model is immune to blast damage, it is not immune to continuous
effects from blasts. A medium AOE template causing continuous fire (stupid Vanquisher...)
makes clustering troops near Discordia a very bad idea indeed. Be aware of what your
opponent can throw at you before relying too heavily on its Imprint.

Theme Forces this is a member of

Rahn1 - Charge of the Battle Mages

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Rahn1 - Fires From On High


################## Retribution Index

Warcasters Garryth - - Issyria - - Kaelyssa
- - Ossyan - - Rahn - - Ravyn -
- Thyron - - Vyros 1 - - Vyros
Warjacks - Light Aspis - - Chimera - - Gorgon -
(Light Myrmidion) - Griffon
Warjacks – Heavy Banshee - - Daemon - - Hydra
(Heavy Myrmidion) - - Manticore - - Phoenix - -
Discordia - - Hypnos - -
Warjacks - Colossals Helios - - Hyperion
(Colossal Myrmidion)
Units Dawnguard Destors - -
Dawnguard Invictors (UA) - -
Dawnguard Sentinels (UA) - -
Battle Mages - - Houseguard
Halberdiers (UA) - -
Electromancers - - Heavy Rifle
Team - - Houseguard Riflemen
(UA) - - Mage Hunter
Infiltrators (UA) - - Mage
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Hunter Strike Force (UA) (UA)
- - Stormfall Archers
Special Weapon Attachment:
Soulless Escort
Special Unit Attachment:
Solos Arcanist - - Dawnguard
Destor Thane - - Dawnguard
Scyir - - Ghost Sniper - -
Artificer - - Magister - -
Houseguard Thane - - Mage
Hunter Assassin - - Soulless
Eiryss1 - - Eiryss2 - - Skeryth
Issyen - - Narn - - Nayl
Warcaster Attachment: Sylys
Journeyman Warcaster: Elara
Battle Engines Arcantrik Force Generator


Retribution Mercenary
Mercenary None at present
Mercenary Different types of
Warjacks Mercenary warjacks
can only be taken by
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specific Mercenary
models ... which means
there's too many
permutations to list
here (in any sort of
meaningful way).

However, note that the

following Retribution
mercenary models can
warjacks/warbeasts (in
addition to the
Mercenary Warcasters
listed above):
Dahlia Hallyr &
Mercenary Nyss Hunters • Lady
Units Aiyana & Master Holt
Mercenary Lanyssa Ryssyll •
Solos Madelyn Corbeau •
Dahlia Hallyr &

Note: To field a mercenary warcaster with Retribution (ha ha ha ha), you need to
be playing a game which allows 2 (or more) warcasters.

Or see the Retribution Theme Forces

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Tags: character field dependent force field heavy imprint kinetic field magical w eapon myrmidon open
fist retribution retribution of scryah special issue w arjack

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Privateer Press, Iron Kingdoms, The Witchfire Trilogy, WARMACHINE, HORDES, Warcaster, Warjack, Cygnar, Khador, Cryx, Menoth, Protectorate of Menoth,
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