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special Net bankingservices are: Demat

accounts for sale/purchase of stocksand

6) Hobbies and e-commerce- shares, Foreign Exchange services,
The most popular hobbiesfrom time Direct/Instantpayment of bills on the
immemorial are reading, music and films. account-holder’s behalf, FinancialPlanning
Thebooks cover a wide range of topics like & advice, Electronic Funds Transfer,
Business, Art,Cookery, Engineering, Loans toaccount-holders.
Children’s Stories, Health,Medicine, 2) Credit/Debit Cards-
Biographies, Horror, Home & Garden, etc.
7) Matrimony and E- commerce- Banks facilitate E-commerce byproviding
the most vital trade instrument, namely
It is said that marriagesare made in heaven, theCredit or Debit Card, without which E-
but in the world of E-commerce theyare commerce wouldbe impossible.
made on marriage portals One can search 6.
for asuitable match on their websites by
region of residence(India or abroad), List of Top E-Commerce Companies
religion or caste. Allied services of India
forregistered members: Astrological 1)
services, Information onCustoms and ASA Systel Communications Pvt Ltd:
Rituals, Legal issues, Health & It is a leading E-commerce company in
Beauty,Fashion & Style, Wedding India whichprovides innovative and superb
Planners. quality web serviceswhich encompasses
the building of e-commerce
8) Employment and e-commerce- relatedwebsites and portals. The company
also uses the latestpayment modes and
Two major portals security. The company has its officesin and Chennai, Lucknow and will shortly set up (meaning in offices inDelhi, Mumbai, Kathmandu,
Hindi) are instrumental in providing Bhopal.
jobseekers with suitable employment at the 2) Candid Info:
click of a mouse.The service for job This Indian E-commerce company is based
seekers is free and for Employers in New Delhi.It is a renowned Offshore
theycharge a nominal fee. Jobs are Outsource Web designingdevelopment e-
available online in fieldsranging from commerce Company. It offers off
secretarial to software development, shoreweb development, designing, and
andfrom real estate to education. SEO solutions for largecorporations and
5. SME's.
Facilitators of e-commerce in India 3) Chenab Information Technologies
A. Information directories: Private Limited:
The products and services arelisted with This E-commerce company in India
appropriate sub-headings to make it easy comprises of webenabled business and
for aserious information-seeker to find web bases services, airline andsecurity
what he wants. Alliedservices provided by systems by using the internet technologies
them: Message boards, chat rooms,forums, andtools of the state of the art. The
etc. company has threeSoftware Development
centers in Mumbai and theoverseas branch
B. Banks:1) Net banking/phone banking: office in New York. It is the firstsoftware
This is an online bankingfacility available company across the globe to get the
for savings account holders as well certificationof ISO 9001:2000.
ascurrent account holders. Some of the 4) Euro link Systems Limited:
This leading E-commercecompany
provides consulting and e-business Web Solutions for the design and
solutions,FlexTCA Systems, Trillium development of dynamic web sites .The
Protocol services to theglobal community. clients of the e-commercecompany spans
The company has its office inEngland, from the small scale companies
U.S, Switzerland, and India with about tocorporate organizations.
200employee strength. 10) Trisoft Design:
5) HashPro Technologies: Trisoft Systems is a software
It offers e-business andtraditional analysis, servicescompany that offers solutions
development, implementation, designand exclusively on theMicrosoft Platform to
strategic planning. It is a leader in the customers worldwide. 10
provider of integrated talent management years of experience on the Microsoft
software organization inIndia. It is key
technology consulting provider. It Platform puts the company atthe forefront
rendersservices like the E-commerce of .Net Technology. We invite you
Hosting, Internet Marketingand Human toexplore our website and we look forward
Resources. The e-Workforce initiative of to helping yourbusiness unleash its
thecompany will enable the company to potential.
become a 100percent e-Corporation.
6) Compare Info Base: 7. Benefits of E-Commerce to Businesses
The company is leading providerof e- There is a growing awareness among the
commerce portals and IT solutions. The businesscommunity in India about the
companymanages about 1500 websites and opportunities offered byeCommerce. Ease
portals with 4000domain names. It has of Internet access and navigation arethe
web presence in critical factors that will result in rapid
Maps,SoftwareDevelopment, GISTravel, adoption of Netcommerce. Safe and secure
Education, Media, andGreetings etc. It payment modes are crucialtoo along with
specializes in Content the need to invent and
developmentservices, Website popularizeinnovations such as Mobile
development services; PHPProgramming Commerce. India Reportsprovides accurate
& Development etc. It has its office and easy to understand India
inMumbai, Kolkata and Delhi. specificreports that capture trends, map
7) Sanver E-solutions: business landscapes andcustom-made
This company is based in Mumbai. They reports for specific needs. The other
believe thatInformation Technology is a reportsavailable on India Reports are on
way to the businessobjectives. It is a IT retail, outsourcing,tourism, food and other
consulting and Solutions Providerwhich emerging sectors in India.
offers personalized and personal business •
solutionsusing Information and
Communication Technology. Easy reach to a fast growing online
8) Planet Asia: community
This E-commerce company in India •
usestrack record and deep experience in
externalizedapplications to produce high Unlimited shelf place for products
quality B2SPEC(Business toPartner, and services
Supplier, Customer) solutions to •
9) Candid Web Technology- Fuse the global geographical and time
This fast growing ECommerce Company zoneboundaries
in India is a provider of Complete •
becomemerchant’s responsibility and
Helps reach national and global markets at hence to be accounted for inthe business
lowoperating costs.Research studies have model.
indicated several factorsresponsible for the B. Logistics:
sudden spurt in growth of E-Commerce in You have to deliver the product, safe
India such as: andsecure, in the hands of the right guy in
• right time frame.Regular post doesn’t offer
an acceptable service level;couriers have
Rapidly increasing Internet user base high charges and limited reach.
• Initially,you might have to take insurance
for high value shippedarticles increasing
Technology advancements such as VOIP the cost.
(Voice-over-IP) have bridged the gap C. Vendor Management
between buyersand sellers online : However advanced system maybe,
• vendor will have to come down and deal in
aninefficient system for inventory
The emergence of blogs as an avenue management. This willslow down
forinformation dissemination and two- drastically. Most of them won’t carry
waycommunication for online retailers anydigital data for their products. No nice
andeCommerce vendors lookingphotographs, no digital data sheet,
• no mechanism to check for daily prices,
availability to keep your site updated.
Improved fraud prevention technologies D. Taxation:
thatoffer a safe and secure business Octroi, entry tax, VAT and lots of
environment andhelp prevent credit card statespecific forms which accompany
frauds, identity theftsand phishing them. This can beconfusing at times with
• lots of exceptions and specialrules.E.
Limited Internet access among customers
Bigger web presence of SME’s and and SMEsF. Poor telecom and
Corporatebecause of lower marketing and infrastructure for reliableconnectivityG.
infrastructurecosts. Multiple gaps in the current legal and
• regulatoryframework H. Multiple issues of
trust and lack of payment
The young population find online gateways:privacy of personal and business
transactionsmuch easier data connected over theInternet not
8. assured; security and confidentiality of
datanot in place.
Bottom of Form Barriers to Ecommerce
Some of the infrastructural barriers 9. Future of E-Commerce in India
responsible for slowgrowth of eCommerce Today, we are talking about e-commerce
in India are as follows. Some of these even progress level of India, the seventh-largest
present new business opportunities. by geographical area, thesecond-most
A. Payment Collection: populous country, and the most
When get paid by net banking onehas to populousdemocracy in the world. Indian
end up giving a significant share of eCommerce spacepercentage is getting
revenue (4% ormore) even with a business higher as more and more onlineretailers
of thin margin. Thiseffectively means y enter the market. Although this level of
parting away with almost half of profits. entry inthe e-commerce market is good
Fraudulent charges, charge backs etc. all
from a long termperspective, the challenge competitiveness, develop e-commerce and
is that most entrepreneurs don’thave the e-governance applications. Aninformation-
resources or capital to wait for years based society or knowledge based society
before theycan get profits. iscomposed of IT products, IT applications
in society andeconomy as a whole. Many
The past 2 years have seen a rise in the countries in Asia are takingadvantage of e-
number of companies' embracing e- commerce through opening of
commerce technologies and theInternet in economies,which is essential for
India. Most e-commerce sites have promoting competition anddiffusion of
beentargeted towards the NRI's with Gift Internet technologies. Large enough to
delivery services,books, Audio and have acritical mass of 10 to 20 million
videocassettes e.t.c. Major Indian users to be able to makean impact on e-
portalsites have also shifted towards e- commerce and e-governance. In the next
commerce instead of depending on 3to 5 years, India will have 30 to 70
advertising revenue. The web million Internet userswhich will equal, if
communitiesbuilt around these portal sites not surpass, many of the
with content have beeneffectively targeted developedcountries. Internet economy will
to sell everything from event andmovie then become moremeaningful in India.
tickets the grocery and computers.This is With the rapid expansion of
not to say that the e-commerce scenario internet,ecommerce, is set to play a very
has beenbad in India as highly successful important role in the 21
e-business like bababazaar and India mart st
have proved. Indian Banks too havebeen century, the new opportunities that will be
very successful in adapting EC and thrown open,will be accessible to both
EDITechnologies to provide customers large corporations and smallcompanies.
with real time accountstatus, transfer of The role of government is to provide a
funds between current and legalframework for E Commerce so that
checkingaccounts, stop payment facilities. while domestic andinternational trade are
ICICI Bank, GlobalTRUST BANK AND allowed to expand their horizons,basic
UTI-Bank also have put theirelectronic rights such as privacy, intellectual
banking over the internet facilities in place property,prevention of fraud, consumer
forthe up coming e-commerce market protection etc are all takencare of.
speed post also plainto clone the federal REFERENCES
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