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The Effect of Varying SPF Levels on UVB Intensity

Amber Agusti, Taylor Aleo, and Madison Scally

Macomb Mathematics Science Technology Center

Honors Chemistry

Section 10B

Mrs.Hilliard, Mr. Supal, and Mrs. Dewey

24 May 2017
Agusti - Aleo - Scally 1

Table of Contents


Review of Literature……………………………………………………………………...…….4

Problem Statement………………………………………………………...……………....….10

Experimental Design…...…………………………………………………………………......11

Data and Observations…………………………………………………...….…………...…..14

Data Analysis and Interpretation…………………………………………..……......….....…31


Appendix A: Index Card Construction…………………………………….…...……....…...50

Appendix B: UVB Box Construction………………………………………...………...…….52

Appendix C: LabQuest………………………………………………………………………..55

Appendix D: Two - Sample T-Test Calculations……...……....………………..….…..…..57

Appendix E: Research Charm…………………………………………………..…………...60

Works Cited………………………………………………………………………......…..…...61
Agusti - Aleo - Scally 2


More people develop skin cancer from tanning than people who develop lung

cancer from smoking. The Skin Cancer Foundation reports that a study in the UK found

that nearly 86% of melanomas can be attributed to UV exposure. The Skin Cancer

Foundation also reports that a person’s risk of melanoma doubles after he or she has

had five or more sunburns. To combat the effects of the UV exposure, the Skin Cancer

Foundation recommends that a person should apply a sunscreen of SPF 15 daily and

stay in the shade whenever possible; many people, however, ignore these statistics and

recommendations. The harmful UVB rays are almost always a threat, even on overcast

days. Studies have even shown that clouds reflect the radiation and can enhance it by

up to 25%. Knowing the harmful effects of UV radiation and how to effectively avert

them is very important.

The emphasis of this research was to advise the consumer on how to select the

proper sunscreen for themselves. There are many different types of SPF in the market,

and it can be challenging to make a decision with little information. This research project

was done to answer common questions posed by consumers. Sadly, during evaluation,

it was found that data could not be used to make certain conclusions.

The method of finding the difference in UVB intensity between the different SPF

factors that were used in this experiment was placing an index card with sunscreen on it

inside a UVB safe box with a UVB light bulb placed directly across from the card. The

UVB intensity was then collected using a UVB sensor probe placed directly behind the

card. Among the abundance of sunscreen users and non-users, the idea that any SPF
Agusti - Aleo - Scally 3

higher than SPF 30 is irrelevant when in use to protect the skin from UVB rays. With the

increase in SPF higher than 30, it was presumed that the protection level is equivalent

to the protection in the SPF 30 sunscreen.

The trials ran kept the card in the box for only two minutes. The results of the

experiment would be more valid if the card had remained in the box for an hour. This

assumption can be made using the definition of SPF, which shows the amount of times

longer someone can remain in the sun than they normally would without having to

reapply the sunscreen. The inaccuracy in the results was majorly because of this error,

and could have been prevented if the data was interpreted throughout the trials. This

problem could have been identified early and the experimental design could have been

Agusti - Aleo - Scally 4

Review of Literature

On a hot summer day, imagine heading to the beach wearing sunscreen and

feeling protected. What most people do not know is that not all sunscreen protects skin

from the harmful UV rays that come from the sun. Throughout the world today, more

and more people develop skin cancer and other diseases caused by extensive sun

exposure (“Center for Devices and Radiological Health”). This is due to the fact that

most people are not educated about how each SPF factor affects them. Becoming

educated on how the SPF factors and types of sunscreen affect the amount of UVB

rays that reach the skin can help people make good choices when choosing a


One of the many important factors in nearly every sunscreen is the SPF or sun

protection factor. SPF represents the number of times longer a person can stay outside

without burning or having to reapply the sunscreen: a higher SPF value represents an

increased amount of time that one is protected against UVB rays (“Effects of UV

Radiation”). SPF only protects against UVB radiation, which is only one type of UV

radiation that is emitted by the sun. To receive the full effects of the SPF in the

sunscreen, one must apply at least two milligrams of sunscreen per square centimeter

(“Best Sunscreen”). SPF is determined by collecting a group of sun sensitive people,

Agusti - Aleo - Scally 6

by the SPF factor to find the maximum amount of time that the person can stay in the

sun while using the SPF sunscreen

Figure 3. Electromagnetic Spectrum

The figure above shows the electromagnetic spectrum, and it help put each

individual type of light in perspective with others. Ultra violet light (or UV light) is a type

of light emitted by the sun. UV light falls between x-rays, which are used to photograph

bones within the body, and purple visible light on the electromagnetic spectrum. The UV

rays that are emitted by the sun are split into 3 categories: UVA, UVB, and UVC. UVA

penetrates deeply into the skin and reaches the dermis layer; UVA exposure can lead to

skin cancer and premature aging. UVB causes tanning and burning of the top layers of

the skin, and the ozone layer partially absorbs UVB. UVC is completely absorbed by

Earth’s atmosphere, so it does not reach the skin. A sunscreen that is not specified as a
Agusti - Aleo - Scally 7

broad spectrum sunscreen will only protect one from UVB rays, while a broad spectrum

sunscreen protects against UVA as well.

There are two types of sunscreen: chemical and physical. This experiment only

used chemical sunscreen, which is made of covalent bonds and works by absorbing the

UV rays. The molecules in the sunscreen absorb the UVB rays, as they do so the

components of the sunscreen start to breakdown and the energy from the UVB rays

give the molecules thermal motion and that energy is sent back as a harmless infrared

wave. Chemical sunscreen can contain Octocrylene, Avobenzone, Octinoxate,

Octisalate, Oxybenzone, Homosalate, Helioplex, 4-MBC, Mexoryl SX and XL, Tinosorb

S and M, Uvinul T 150, and Uvinul A Plus. Most of the chemical sunscreens are broad

spectrum sunscreens, meaning that the filters in chemical sunscreen provide protection

against both UVA and UVB. Chemical sunscreens are normally thinner in formula than

physical sunscreen and are colorless.

Erythema, commonly known as sunburn, happens when the skin cells are

damaged from the UVB radiation. When a person is tanning, the UVB rays trigger the

melanocytes to produce melanin, which absorbs UVB radiation. This process takes

time, so after being exposed to the sunlight for a while the skin will still produce melanin

for a few more hours. Individuals with darker skin color have more melanin to protect
Agusti - Aleo - Scally 8

against UVB radiation and have a lower chance of developing skin cancer. Sunburn

occurs when there is cell damage from UVB radiation and the body responds by

sending excess blood to the capillaries in the dermis to heal the damage, which

accounts for the red color of the sunburn.

Figure 4. Skin Diagram

The figure shown above diagrams the epidermis layer of the skin where damage

from UVB exposure happens. The inflammation caused by the sunburn is what triggers

the cancerous cells to develop.

In addition to the previous information, papers and articles from past researchers

are being used to help conduct this experiment. The research paper, “The Effects of

Sunscreen a Brand, SPF Rating, and Sunscreen Type on the Penetration of UVB

Radiation” by Miranda Buchowski and Melissa Zuteck, focuses on the Effects stated
Agusti - Aleo - Scally 9

above. While their experiment has three factors, this experiment will only have two--SPF

rating and Sunscreen type. Both experiments are testing the penetration of the UVB

radiation that the Sunscreen is exposed to. Due to the differences in the effect values

that are being used between the two experiments, the trials will vary slightly. Based on

the example experiment having limited time and more factors to test, there most likely

weren't many trials run. In the case of the current experiment, running as many trials as

possible is the goal; furthermore, more trials will be able to be ran in class due to only

having to test two factors--not three. Although the experiments slightly differ, the two

share the main concept and scientific information. The major component that this

experiment is using from the example research paper is the experimental design.

Although the factors vary, the experimental design will be very beneficial to use due to

how and why it was done. The two experiments are applicable with each other because

they share the same common goal and design.

With this example research paper as an aid to help others with their project, the

cross-text between the two can also aware others with the results of the experiment and

the effects of importance of the sun.

Agusti - Aleo - Scally 10

Problem Statement


The purpose of this experiment is to determine which sun protection factor (SPF)

will prevent the most UVB radiation from penetrating the skin.


If sunscreens that vary in SPF (15, 30, 70) are spread on plastic wrap under a

UVB light and set for two minutes, the SPF factor of 70 will allow the least amount of

UVB radiation pass through the wrap.

Data Measured​:

To statistically analyze this experiment, a 2-sample t-test will be used. This

method uses a statistical test to compare the results from two populations. There will be

three tests conducted. In this case, the dependent variable will be the amount of UVB

radiation that will permeate the skin, which is simulated by the plastic wrap. These rays

will be measured in milliwatts per square meter (mW/m²) . Equally important, the

independent variables will be the varying SPF levels (15, 30, 70). When the experiment

is conducted, the brand of sunscreen that will be used is Coppertone Sport, which is a

chemical sunscreen.
Agusti - Aleo - Scally 11

Experimental Design


Logger Pro 7 oz Coppertone Sport Sunscreen SPF 70

UVB Sensor Probe 7 oz Coppertone Sport Sunscreen SPF 30
150 4 X 6 Cut Index Cards 7 oz Coppertone Sport Sunscreen SPF 15
12x12x24 Wooden UVB Box 50 W Repti Basking Spot Lamp
150 Coffee Filters Scale
Sharpie Marker 200 Popsicle Sticks


1. Measure 0.05 grams of SPF 15 sunscreen out on a coffee filter using a scale and

a clean popsicle stick.

2. Apply the measured SPF 15 sunscreen to the plastic wrap circle that covers the

hole in the card using the end of a new clean popsicle stick and spread it thinly

and evenly over the hole on the card. The sunscreen should appear nearly


3. Label the card with the SPF factor, run number, and mass in grams to keep track

of it.

4. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each run.

5. Connect the UVB sensor to the LabQuest and start a new file.

6. Place the sensor in the hole within in the wooden UVB box that is across from

the light.

7. Place one card in the paper clips that are connected to the bottom of the box so

that the sunscreen will be on the opposite side of the plastic than the sensor, this

is to make sure that no sunscreen gets on the sensor and skews the data.
Agusti - Aleo - Scally 12

8. Measure to the estimated center of the plastic hole, this distance should be 13


9. Place the top part of the box on the bottom so that the bottom fits perfectly within

the top part and there are no cracks.

10. Click the collect data button on the LabQuest.

12. Once the 2 minutes is up and data collection is over, look at the graph and take

the average reading from the most consistent part of the graph and fill it in on a

data table then save the data to a flash drive.

13. Remove the top part of the box and dispose of the index card.

14. Repeat steps 5 - 9 for each run.


Figure 5. Materials

In Figure 5 above, the materials that are needed for the experiment are shown.

During the trials, the index cards, UVB lamp, sunscreen, plastic wrap, masking tape,
Agusti - Aleo - Scally 13

and the ring stand are used to conduct each trial. For the most part, the index cards,

tape, and the plastic wrap are used to hold the sunscreen in a place where it can be

identified and tested. The UVB probe is used to measure the amount of UVB rays that

are capable of passing through each type of sunscreen. The LabQuest and the Logger

Pro application help to analyze and organize the data that is read from the UVB probe.

Figure 6. Trial Layout

Above, Figure 6 shows the setup and layout of each trial of the experiment. The

labels on the index cards will vary based on the level of the factor. For instance, if the

SPF 15 is used, then the index card would have that indicated on it as well as the run

number and the mass of the sunscreen so it can be identified. This makes it easier for

the scientist or experimenter to visualize and understand the setup of each trial.
Agusti - Aleo - Scally 16

Table 2
SPF 15 UVB Intensity
UVB Intensity UVB Intensity
Trial Trial
(mW/m²) (mW/m²)

1 16.3194 20 15.9516

2 16.8290 21 15.9323

3 16.2161 22 16.0065

4 16.7613 23 15.9194

5 16.3419 24 15.6839

6 16.0839 25 15.7484

7 16.5452 26 15.7710

8 16.2774 27 15.9032

9 15.5484 28 15.9581

10 16.4226 29 15.8032

11 15.7097 30 15.8903

12 16.0677 31 15.0742

13 16.0419 32 15.9968

14 16.3129 33 15.9161

15 16.1419 34 15.8387

16 15.7258 35 16.0935

17 15.5387 36 16.2290

18 15.9742 37 16.2129
Agusti - Aleo - Scally 17

UVB Intensity UVB Intensity

Trial Trial
(mW/m²) (mW/m²)

19 15.9774 Average: 16.0207

Above, Table 2 displays the amount of UVB rays that were able to pass through

the SPF 15 sunscreen. The average measure of UVB rays that passed through the

index card was about 16.0153 mW/m².

Table 3
SPF 30 UVB Intensity
UVB Intensity
Trial Trial UVB Intensity (mW/m²)

1 15.7194 19 16.0323

2 16.1710 20 16.0323

3 16.4419 21 15.8387

4 16.5290 22 15.8935

5 16.8613 23 15.3032

6 16.7516 24 15.4839

7 16.2968 25 15.7000

8 15.6387 26 15.6226

9 16.3548 27 16.0645

10 16.0806 28 15.7355

11 16.0129 29 15.8000
Agusti - Aleo - Scally 18

UVB Intensity
Trial Trial UVB Intensity (mW/m²)

12 16.4613 30 15.8226

13 16.1613 31 16.1935

14 16.6097 32 16.3065

15 16.3000 33 15.9548

16 15.7548 34 16.4774

17 15.6161 35 16.6290

18 15.6968 36 16.1548

19 16.0323 37 16.0290

20 16.0323 Average: 16.0684

Table 3 shows the different amounts of UVB rays that were able to pass through

the SPF 30 sunscreen. The average amount was 16.0684 mW/m².

Table 4
SPF 70 UVB Intensity
UVB Intensity
Trial Trial UVB Intensity (mW/m²)

1 15.9871 20 16.0903

2 16.0000 21 15.9516

3 16.0197 22 15.8323

4 16.5742 23 15.3355

5 16.7548 24 15.2645
Agusti - Aleo - Scally 19

UVB Intensity
Trial Trial UVB Intensity (mW/m²)

6 16.4581 25 15.5290

7 16.2806 26 15.8419

8 15.9065 27 15.6839

9 16.3290 28 15.7323

10 16.0839 29 15.7290

11 16.6516 30 15.9516

12 16.1677 31 15.9645

13 16.9323 32 16.6839

14 16.3387 33 16.0387

15 15.9355 34 16.1161

16 15.6581 35 16.2484

17 15.7516 36 16.6097

18 15.8226 37 16.3258

19 15.9000 Average: 16.0671

Table 4 displays the values of UVB rays that were sensed through the SPF 70

sunscreen by the UVB probe. On average, about 16.0671 mW/m² is the intensity of the

UVB rays.
Agusti - Aleo - Scally 20

Table 5
Average of Each Sample Population
Average UVB Intensity (mW/m²)

Control SPF 15 SPF 30 SPF 70

15.9814 16.0207 16.0684 16.0671

The table above shows the averages from each sample population side by side,

as can be seen, the data for the control and SPF 15 doesn’t make sense because it

says that the average UVB intensity is lowest without sunscreen, which is not correct

when applied in the real world. The issues that caused this discrepancy is further

explained in the conclusion section.

Table 6
Observations Made During No Sunscreen Control Runs

Trial Type Observations Day

No sunscreen used because it was a control; Light

1 Control 1
hasn’t been on for long

2 Control No sunscreen used because it was a control 1

Ran during pretrials; No sunscreen used because it

3 Control 1
was a control

4 Control No sunscreen used because it was a control 1

5 Control No sunscreen used because it was a control 1

6 Control Sat out for a while before testing 1

7 Control No sunscreen used because it was a control 1

Agusti - Aleo - Scally 21

Trial Type Observations Day

8 Control No sunscreen used because it was a control 1

Ran during pretrials; No sunscreen used because it

9 Control 2
was a control

No sunscreen used because it was a control; Light

10 Control 2
hasn’t been on for long

No sunscreen used because it was a control; Light

11 Control 2
hasn’t been on for long

No sunscreen used because it was a control; Light

12 Control 2
hasn’t been on for long

13 Control No sunscreen used because it was a control 2

14 Control No sunscreen used because it was a control 2

15 Control No sunscreen used because it was a control 2

Ran during pretrials; No sunscreen used because it

16 Control 3
was a control

Ran during pretrials; No sunscreen used because it

17 Control 3
was a control

Ran during pretrials; No sunscreen used because it

18 Control 3
was a control

Ran during pretrials; No sunscreen used because it

19 Control 3
was a control

Ran during pretrials; No sunscreen used because it

20 Control 3
was a control

No sunscreen used because it was a control; Light

21 Control 3
wasn’t turned on long
Agusti - Aleo - Scally 22

Trial Type Observations Day

No sunscreen used because it was a control; Light

22 Control 3
wasn’t turned on long

23 Control No sunscreen used because it was a control 4

24 Control No sunscreen used because it was a control 4

25 Control No sunscreen used because it was a control 4

26 Control No sunscreen used because it was a control 4

27 Control No sunscreen used because it was a control 4

No sunscreen used because it was a control; Light

28 Control 4
wasn’t turned on long

29 Control No sunscreen used because it was a control 4

30 Control No sunscreen used because it was a control 5

31 Control No sunscreen used because it was a control 5

32 Control No sunscreen used because it was a control 5

33 Control No sunscreen used because it was a control 5

34 Control No sunscreen used because it was a control 5

Ran during pretrials; No sunscreen used because it

35 Control 5
was a control

36 Control No sunscreen used because it was a control 5

37 Control No sunscreen used because it was a control 5

Agusti - Aleo - Scally 23

Table 6 shown above displays the observations made while running each control

in the experiment. Control cards did not have any sunscreen on them, thus making

them the most consistent in observations.

Table 7
Observations Made During SPF 15 Runs

Trial Type Observations Day

1 SPF 15 Spread evenly 1 0.0531

2 SPF 15 Spread thin 1 0.0564

No sunscreen used because

3 SPF 15 1 0.0524
it was a control

Sat out for a while before

4 SPF 15 1 0.0543

No sunscreen used because

5 SPF 15 1 0.0599
it was a control

No sunscreen used because

6 SPF 15 1 0.0516
it was a control

7 SPF 15 Light hasn’t been on for long 1 0.0525

8 SPF 15 Light hasn’t been on for long 1 0.0536

9 SPF 15 Spread evenly 2 0.0536

10 SPF 15 Spread evenly 2 0.0569

11 SPF 15 Chunky texture 2 0.053

12 SPF 15 Spread evenly 2 0.0506

13 SPF 15 Thin amount 2 0.0555

Agusti - Aleo - Scally 24

Trial Type Observations Day

14 SPF 15 Ran during pretrials 2 0.0503

15 SPF 15 Ran during pretrials 2 0.0598

16 SPF 15 Ran during pretrials 3 0.0561

17 SPF 15 Ran during pretrials 3 0.0574

18 SPF 15 Ran during pretrials 3 0.0563

19 SPF 15 Ran during pretrials 3 0.0587

20 SPF 15 Ran during pretrials 3 0.0518

Didn’t spread as well; light

21 SPF 15 3 0.0572
wasn’t turned on long

22 SPF 15 Light wasn’t turned on long 3 0.0581

23 SPF 15 Chunkier texture 3 0.0587

24 SPF 15 Spread evenly 4 0.0519

25 SPF 15 Chunkier texture 4 0.0557

26 SPF 15 Spread unevenly 4 0.0519

27 SPF 15 Spread evenly 4 0.0596

28 SPF 15 Ran during pretrials 4 0.0505

29 SPF 15 Light wasn’t turned on long 5 0.0524

30 SPF 15 Light wasn’t turned on long 5 0.0558

31 SPF 15 Spread evenly 5 0.0566

Thinner layer
32 SPF 15 5 0.0598
Agusti - Aleo - Scally 25

Trial Type Observations Day

Light has been on for a long

33 SPF 15 5 0.0565

Light has been on for a long

34 SPF 15 5 0.0513

Light has been on for a long

35 SPF 15 5 0.0559

Light has been on for a long

36 SPF 15 5 0.0552

37 SPF 15 Light hasn’t been on long 5 0.0552

The table shown above showcases the observations made during the 37 runs of

the SPF 15 sunscreen. These observations also include the mass of the sunscreen that

was placed on the index ard during the trial. The mass of each run was measured to be

within 0.5000 and 0.6000 to keep the trials consistent. The massing is the same for all

of the other trials.

Table 8
Observations Made During SPF 30 Runs

Trial Type Observations Day

1 SPF 30 Ran during pretrials 1 0.0513

2 SPF 30 Thick layer 1 0.0504

3 SPF 30 Spread evenly 1 0.0568

Agusti - Aleo - Scally 26

Trial Type Observations Day

4 SPF 30 Spread evenly 1 0.0559

5 SPF 30 Ran during pretrials 1 0.05

6 SPF 30 Spread evenly 1 0.0519

Sat out for a while before

7 SPF 30 1 0.0537

8 SPF 30 Thick layer 2 0.0546

9 SPF 30 Spread evenly 2 0.0581

10 SPF 30 Spread evenly 2 0.0589

11 SPF 30 Ran during pretrials 2 0.0546

12 SPF 30 Smooth texture 2 0.055

13 SPF 30 Spread evenly 2 0.0539

14 SPF 30 Sat out before testing 2 0.0594

15 SPF 30 Sat out before testing 3 0.0521

16 SPF 30 Ran during pretrials 3 0.0585

17 SPF 30 Ran during pretrials 3 0.0596

18 SPF 30 Light wasn’t turned on long 3 0.0586

19 SPF 30 Ran during pretrials 3 0.0529

20 SPF 30 Thicker sunscreen texture 3 0.0555

Agusti - Aleo - Scally 27

Trial Type Observations Day

21 SPF 30 Spread evenly 3 0.0534

22 SPF 30 Spread evenly 3 0.0524

23 SPF 30 Ran during pretrials 4 0.0524

24 SPF 30 Spread thinner 4 0.0552

25 SPF 30 Spread evenly 4 0.0562

26 SPF 30 Sat out longer before tested 4 0.0543

27 SPF 30 Sat out longer before tested 4 0.0558

28 SPF 30 Light wasn’t turned on long 4 0.0512

29 SPF 30 Light wasn’t turned on long 4 0.0561

30 SPF 30 Light wasn’t turned on long 5 0.0599

31 SPF 30 Spread evenly 5 0.0596

32 SPF 30 Spread thin 5 0.0591

33 SPF 30 Spread evenly 5 0.0559

Light has been on for a long

34 SPF 30 5 0.0555

35 SPF 30 Light hasn’t been on long 5 0.0574

36 SPF 30 Light hasn’t been on long 5 0.0553

37 SPF 30 Light hasn’t been on long 5 0.0583

Agusti - Aleo - Scally 29

Trial Type Observations Day

13 SPF 70 Spread evenly 2 0.0579

14 SPF 70 Sat out before testing 2 0.0557

15 SPF 70 Sat out before testing 3 0.0547

16 SPF 70 Ran during pretrials 3 0.0525

17 SPF 70 Ran during pretrials 3 0.0595

18 SPF 70 Ran during pretrials 3 0.0523

19 SPF 70 Ran during pretrials 3 0.0523

20 SPF 70 Light wasn’t turned on long 3 0.0559

21 SPF 70 Smooth texture 4 0.0553

22 SPF 70 Spread evenly 4 0.0513

23 SPF 70 Spread evenly 4 0.0504

24 SPF 70 Spread evenly 4 0.0512

25 SPF 70 Sat out longer before tested 4 0.0502

26 SPF 70 Sat out longer before tested 4 0.0543

27 SPF 70 Sat out longer before tested 4 0.0545

28 SPF 70 Light wasn’t turned on long 5 0.0539

29 SPF 70 Spread evenly 5 0.0593

30 SPF 70 Ran during pretrials 5 0.0507

Agusti - Aleo - Scally 30

Trial Type Observations Day

31 SPF 70 Thicker texture 5 0.0543

32 SPF 70 Spread evenly 5 0.0502

33 SPF 70 Ran during pretrials 5 0.0579

Light has been on for a long

34 SPF 70 5 0.0513

Light has been on for a long

35 SPF 70 5 0.0538

36 SPF 70 Light hasn’t been on long 5 0.0503

Took out probe too early;

37 SPF 70 5 0.0581
Light hasn’t been on long

Table 9 displays the observations for the trials that used the SPF 70 sunscreen.

The masses on the far right represent the mass of sunscreen that was used for each

trial, which was between 0.0500 and 0.0600 grams as previously stated. Notes,

observations, and sightings are listed in the table also.

Agusti - Aleo - Scally 31

Data Analysis and Interpretation

Three aspects of this experiment that make it reliable include, first, the use of a

control. The control results will be consulted in comparison to the results for SPF trials.

They simulate the subject not wearing any sunscreen. Thus, the results of the control

runs were expected to show higher UVB intensity than the other trials. Also, the

significant amount of repetition factors into reliability. With more than 30 runs of four

populations being looked at, similar results within each population show the experiment

works properly each time. Additionally, the randomization done using TI-Nspire CX

calculator assures that one trial does not continuously have one factor over another

being time, heat, etc. The part being randomized was whichever trial would be done at

what time. As the sun-simulating light is running continuously and heat may have

accumulated, which could have changed results if the trials were done in the same

order each time.

In order to analyze this experiment, a 2-sample t-test is used. This particular

method of analysis is appropriate for this research because each test is comparing two

individual populations, which is what this research mainly constitutes as it is comparing

each of the SPFs, 15, 30, and 70, and the control, to see which one differs in its abilities

to protect against UVB intensity.

Agusti - Aleo - Scally 36

The figure exhibited above displays the null and alternative hypotheses for the

two-sample t-test of SPF 15 against SPF 30. A two-sample t-test can be used to

compare SPF 15 and SPF 30 because they agree with the assumptions and conditions

of a two-sample t-test: SPF 15 and SPF 30 are from two distinct populations, n, the

number of samples, is greater than 30 and the central limit theorem states that when n

is larger than 30, the sample distribution of the sample mean is close to normal

distribution, and N, the total amount of Coppertone SPF 15/30 sunscreen, is greater

than n, the samples taken in this experiment. If the two-sample t-test confirms the null

hypothesis, then the results would report that there was not a significant difference

between the SPF 15 and SPF 30 sunscreen. However, if the null hypothesis is rejected

that will mean that there was a statistically significant difference between the SPF 15

and SPF 30 sunscreen according to this data.

Agusti - Aleo - Scally 37

Figure 12. Calculations for SPF 15 v.s. SPF 30

Above, Figure 12 exhibits the data that was found when conducting the two

sample t-test between the SPF 15 and SPF 30 sunscreen. With the t-value of -0.5785, it

is evident that the x₂ is 0.5785 standard deviations to the left of x₁. Due to the t-value

being so small, it was not found on Table C; therefore, the p-value of 0.7176 had to be

calculated with the TI-nspire.

Agusti - Aleo - Scally 41

Figure 16. P-Graph for SPF 30 v.s. SPF 70

The figure above shows that p-graph for the two-sample t-test of SPF 30 and

SPF 70. This graph shows the chance that when the experiment is replicated that the

same p-value will be generated based on chance alone in the shaded area of the graph.

This p-graph in comparison to the other p-graphs for SPF 15 v.s. SPF 30 and SPF 15

v.s. SPF 70 shows the lowest chance that this p-value can be achieved by chance alone

if the experiment is repeated; however, the shaded region is very large.

Overall, the null hypothesis was failed to be rejected because the p-value,

0.4937, was larger than the alpha level of 0.0500. Because of the t-test, there is no

evidence that states that SPF 30 sunscreen has more UVB intensity than SPF 70

sunscreen. When the null hypothesis is true, the recreation of this experiment would
Agusti - Aleo - Scally 45

sunscreen. If this experiment was redone, and the null hypothesis is true, there is about

a 71% chance that the sample means would be the same.

According to the data that was analyzed, there was no statistically significant

evidence that any of the sunscreens had a difference in the UVB intensity that went

through it. All the tests reported more than a 49% chance that these results happened

by chance alone. With the results of the two sample t-tests being this high, there is not

enough statistical significance to prove that these results would happen again if the

experiment was to be repeated. The bottom line is that the analysis showed the differing

SPFs did not show a considerable change in UVB intensity.

Agusti - Aleo - Scally 47

would have been a higher amount of UVB radiation that was able to pass through the

control run cards, rather than the SPF 70 sunscreen.

The results do not agree with the science previously researched; however, this is

likely due to the length of the experiment and each individual trial. The review of

literature section explains what SPF is: the amount of time that one can stay protected

for in the sun. SPF 15, for example, should keep one protected for 15 times longer

than no sunscreen. It is very likely that the reason that the results do not agree with

previous science is that the trials were too short to show the amount of time that each

SPF protected for.

The design of the experiment contributed to the majority of the problems involved

in this experiment and the rejection of the hypothesis. The length of the individual trials

and the time frame for total trials allowed was the greatest complication in the design.

Each trial card sat in the UVB light for 2 minutes, and in order to achieve normality

according to the central limit theorem, there were 30 trials that were run for each SPF

factor as well as 30 control runs. To accomplish this, researchers need at least 240

minutes to have the cards in the UVB light, excluding the time needed to set up and

clean up the experiment. When the experiment was run during pre-trials, it should have

been noticed that these results were too similar to one another, and the experimental
Agusti - Aleo - Scally 48

design should have been redone; however, this is not the case. If this experiment were

to repeated, it is suggested that the researchers allow longer time for each trial, about

30 minutes in the UVB light for each trial, and more time to make more accurate

measurements of sunscreen. The use of the UVB box in this experiment helped to

prevent other sources of UVB light from disturbing the experiment and removed other

“noise” factors.

From the beginning of this experiment, this group encountered several

complications. In pre-trials, the first problem was time. During the first three days of

pre-trials, researchers were only able to complete 10 or so out of the 90 trials. To

combat this, the team began to run the samples down from the weighing stations to the

box where the trials were being conducted instead of walking. Another problem that

arose was that there were countless opportunities for human error, including measuring

of the height of the card in the box that could be slightly different throughout the trials

and allowing certain cards to exposed to more UVB radiation than others; the spreading

of the sunscreen, which was never exactly the same and making for uneven protection

coverage on each card; the proximity of the probe to the UVB light bulb was slightly

different each time that it was taken out of the box and replaced, this changes the

results because the UVB intensity is higher closer to the light bulb; and the massing of
Agusti - Aleo - Scally 50

Appendix A: Index Card Construction


120 4 X 6 Index Cards Plastic Wrap

Tape Quarter
Scissors Pencil


1. Lay out an index card and place a quarter in the center of the card with the pencil

2. Use a craft knife to cut the traced circle out of the index card

3. Cut a 2 square inch piece of plastic wrap from the roll and apply it to the blank side

of the index card, taping the corners down with masking tape

4. Repeat steps 1 - 3 for each of the 150 cards used in the experiment


Figure 20. Index Card

Figure 20 above shows the index cards that were used in the experiment,

sunscreen applied would be spread only on the plastic circle on the striped side. The

sunscreen information was also written on the striped side before placing in the box to
Agusti - Aleo - Scally 51

keep track of each sunscreen. The other materials that were used are also pictured,

besides the pencil which is not pictured.

Agusti - Aleo - Scally 52

Appendix B: UVB Box Construction


Makita LXT Drill 1in Drill Bit

(2) ¾ in screws Bostik Glide Coat
Philips Head Screw Driver Senco SLP 20 Nail Gun
Dynablade Sander/Positioner Irwin 16’ Measuring Tape
Makita Drill 4in Pony Clamp
¾ in Brad Nails ⁄​16​ in Twist Drill Bit
(4) 11 ⅝ x 24 in ⅜ in Particle Board Project Source Matte Black Spray Paint
10 3​​ ⁄​16​ x 10 3​​ ⁄​16​ in ⅜ in Particle Board IPG ½ in Masking Tape
(4) 10 ¾ x 7 in ⅜ in Particle Board Glue Gun
12 x 12 in ⅜ in Particle Board Superbonder All Purpose Glue Stick
11 ⅛ x 11 ⅛ in ⅜ in Particle Board HFT Electrical Tape
Franklin Titebond Wood Glue Delta Unisaw Tablesaw
MT Claw Hammer ¾ in Hole Saw
Lowes Lamp Kit (2) 12 in Square Dowels


1. Glue two 11 ⅝ x 24 in ⅜ in particle board pieces together and apply three nails

with a nail gun

2. Repeat step 1 with the two remaining 11 ⅝ x 24 in ⅜ in particle boards

3. Apply glue to the 24 in edges of the two pieces, clamp them together, and apply

six nails with the nail gun

4. Apply glue on the top edge of all four parts of the clamped sides of the box

5. Place the glued edges of the box on top of the 12 x 12 in ⅜ in particle board

6. Remove the clamp from the sides and clamp the top on

7. Attach 4 nails to the top of the box using the nail gun
Agusti - Aleo - Scally 54

22. Drill a hole using a ¾ in drill bit in the opposite side of the 24 in tall box 13 in from

the bottom

23. Apply electrical tape around the outside of the light kit

24. Screw in lightbulb

25. Draw an x on the side across from the applied square dowel sticks of the shorter



Figure 21. UVB Box

The figure above shows the UVB box with and without the top on. This box was

used to keep outside variable like other sources of UVB radiation out of the experiment.

The X drawn on the box indicates the side that the light bulb should be on when the top

goes on.
Agusti - Aleo - Scally 55

Appendix C: LabQuest


LoggerPro Electrical Tape

Stylist UVB Probe
Flash drive


1. Turn on the LabQuest with the “power” button and start a new file

2. Plug in the UVB probe and a flash drive into the top of the LabQuest

3. Wrap electrical tape around the probe 3 in from where the cord starts until the probe

fits tightly into the hole of the UVB box

4. Press the “play” button with the stylist to start the trial

5. The LabQuest will automatically stop recording the data from the probe after 120


6. With the stylist, click the “save” icon to continue to the next trial

7. Repeat steps 3-5 until all of the trials are complete

8. Click on “file”, then “save as”, name the file as that day's date, and then save to a

flash drive

9. Remove the flash drive and UVB prove from the LabQuest

10. Press the “power” button to turn off the LabQuest

Agusti - Aleo - Scally 56


Figure 22. LabQuest Set Up

Figure 22 above, shows all the materials used, with the exception of the flash

drive that data was kept on. The probe pictured already has the electrical tape wrapped

around it to help it fit in the UVB box.

Agusti - Aleo - Scally 57

Appendix D: Two - Sample T - Test Calculations

To find the t-value, which determines whether the SPF of sunscreen that is being

tested made a difference that matters, one must use a two - sample t - test. The

equation needed is shown below.

Figure 23.Sample T-Value Calculation for SPF 15 v.s. SPF 30

Above, Figure 23 displays the formula for how to find the t-value between the

SPF 15 and SPF 30. Using the averages (x); standard deviations (s); and the sample

sizes (n), the second equation shows the substitution that took place into the original

formula. The t-value that was found was -0.5785, which means that the x₂ is 0.5785

standard deviations to the negative end of the x₁ mean. As an additional note, the

standard deviation of the sampling distribution is found using the denominator. The

standard deviation of the experiment is the measure of how spread out the numbers are

from the sample mean.

Agusti - Aleo - Scally 58

A two - sample t - test also needs to be used in finding the importance of using

SPF 30 and SPF 70 sunscreen. This equation is shown below.

Figure 24. T Calculation for SPF 30 v.s. SPF 70

The figure above shows how “t” was found in the two-sample t-test of SPF 30

against SPF 70. The first equation shows the variables needed to conduct the test: x,

the sample mean, s, the sample distribution, and n, the sample size. These values were

found by first entering the averages from the data tables in the data and observations

section into the Ti - Nspire calculator in a spreadsheet page for both SPF 30 and SPF

70 and then entering a one-variable calculation based on those sets of data. The

denominator of the formula calculates the standard deviation of the two sample t-test.

The same test that was needed to determine if SPF 30 made a difference when

comparing it to SPF 70 is needed to determine if SPF 15 made a difference in

comparison to SPF 70. This test is shown below.

Agusti - Aleo - Scally 59

Figure 25. Calculation of T-Value for SPF 15 v.s. SPF 70

The preceding figure shows how to calculate the t-value for the two-sample t-test

on SPF 15 and SPF 70. The first equation includes x, the sample mean, s, the sample

standard deviation, and n, the sample size. These variables were then substituted with

the values that were calculated on the Ti - Nspire using the one variable statistics option

in the Data Analysis and Interpretation section. The denominator of the equation for the

two-sample t-test represents the standard deviation of the data.

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