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This is a template file for implementing state machines.


When Who What/Why
-------------- --- --------
02/27/17 09:48 jec another correction to re-assign both CurrentEvent
and ReturnEvent to the result of the During function
this eliminates the need for the prior fix and allows
the during function to-remap an event that will be
processed at a higher level.
02/20/17 10:14 jec correction to Run function to correctly assign
ReturnEvent in the situation where a lower level
machine consumed an event.
02/03/16 12:38 jec updated comments to reflect changes made in '14 & '15
converted unsigned char to bool where appropriate
spelling changes on true (was True) to match standard
removed local var used for debugger visibility in 'C32
commented out references to Start & RunLowerLevelSM so
that this can compile.
02/07/13 21:00 jec corrections to return variable (should have been
ReturnEvent, not CurrentEvent) and several EV_xxx
event names that were left over from the old version
02/08/12 09:56 jec revisions for the Events and Services Framework Gen2
02/13/10 14:29 jec revised Start and run to add new kind of entry function
to make implementing history entry cleaner
02/13/10 12:29 jec added NewEvent local variable to During function and
comments about using either it or Event as the return
02/11/10 15:54 jec more revised comments, removing last comment in during
function that belongs in the run function
02/09/10 17:21 jec updated comments about internal transitions on During
02/18/09 10:14 jec removed redundant call to RunLowerlevelSM in EV_Entry
processing in During function
02/20/07 21:37 jec converted to use enumerated type for events & states
02/13/05 19:38 jec added support for self-transitions, reworked
to eliminate repeated transition code
02/11/05 16:54 jec converted to implment hierarchy explicitly
02/25/03 10:32 jec converted to take a passed event parameter
02/18/99 10:19 jec built template from MasterMachine.c
02/14/99 10:34 jec Began Coding
/*----------------------------- Include Files -----------------------------*/
// Basic includes for a program using the Events and Services Framework
#include "ES_Configure.h"
#include "ES_Framework.h"
//#include <stdio.h>
//#include "ES_Port.h"
//#include "ES_DeferRecall.h"
//#include "ES_Timers.h"
//#include "termio.h"
//#include "BITDEFS.h" // standard bit definitions to make things more readable
/* include header files for this state machine as well as any machines at the
next lower level in the hierarchy that are sub-machines to this machine
#include "OffenseSM.h"
#include "Beacon.h"
#include "DCMotor.h"
#include "ServoMotor.h"

/*----------------------------- Module Defines ----------------------------*/

// define constants for the states for this machine
// and any other local defines

#define ENTRY_STATE OffDrive4Offset

#define RED 1
#define BLUE 0

//Assume 1000 ticks per sec

#define ONE_SEC 1000

#define TWO_SEC 2*ONE_SEC
#define ROTATE_TIME 0.5*ONE_SEC //rotation time per time
#define D4O_TIME 0.5*ONE_SEC
#define D2G_TIME 5*ONE_SEC //drive to goal time

//motor defines
#define Forward 0
#define Backward 1
#define CWTurn 2
#define CCWTurn 3
#define LeftMotor 0
#define RightMotor 1

//positon defines
#define P3X 1235
#define P3Y 946

#define P3T 90

//IR beacon periods defines

#define TicksPerMS 40000 //use system clock
#define USperMS 1000
#define P_REDRELOAD 600 //red reload station period is 600 us
#define P_BLUERELOAD 500 //blue reload station period is 500 us
#define P_REDGOAL 800 //red attack goal period is 800 us
#define P_BLUEGOAL 700 //blue attack goal period is 700 us
#define P_THRES 25 //set period threshold to 25 us, need to tune
/*---------------------------- Module Functions ---------------------------*/
/* prototypes for private functions for this machine, things like during
functions, entry & exit functions.They should be functions relevant to the
behavior of this state machine
static ES_Event_t DuringDrive4Offset(ES_Event_t Event);
static ES_Event_t DuringLook4Goal( ES_Event_t Event);
static ES_Event_t DuringDrive2Goal( ES_Event_t Event);
static ES_Event_t DuringFire( ES_Event_t Event);
static ES_Event_t DuringRest(ES_Event_t Event);

/*---------------------------- Module Variables ---------------------------*/

// everybody needs a state variable, you may need others as well
static OffenseState_t CurrentState;
static uint16_t TEAM = 1; //set default team color to red
//static uint32_t P_GOAL= 0; //reload station period in ticks
//static uint32_t P_IR_Ticks = 0;
static uint8_t FireSeqCount = 0; //init FireSeqCount to 0, the whole seq contains
ChargeBall, FireBall and ResetBall

/*------------------------------ Module Code ------------------------------*/


ES_Event: the event to process

ES_Event: an event to return

add your description here
uses nested switch/case to implement the machine.
J. Edward Carryer, 2/11/05, 10:45AM
ES_Event_t RunOffenseSM( ES_Event_t CurrentEvent )
bool MakeTransition = false;/* are we making a state transition? */
OffenseState_t NextState = CurrentState;
ES_Event_t EntryEventKind = { ES_ENTRY, 0 };// default to normal entry to new
ES_Event_t ReturnEvent = CurrentEvent; // assume we are not consuming event

switch ( CurrentState )
case OffDrive4Offset : // If current state is Look4Reload
// Execute During function for state one. ES_ENTRY & ES_EXIT are
// processed here allow the lower level state machines to re-map
// or consume the event
ReturnEvent = CurrentEvent = DuringDrive4Offset(CurrentEvent);
//process any events
if ( CurrentEvent.EventType != ES_NO_EVENT ) //If an event is active
switch (CurrentEvent.EventType)
printf("we waited 2s before offense\n\r");
SetRobotSpeed(LeftMotor, 13);
SetRobotSpeed(RightMotor, 15);
SetTargetPosition(P3X, P3Y);
NextState = OffDrive4Offset;
MakeTransition = false;
EntryEventKind.EventType = ES_ENTRY_HISTORY;
ReturnEvent.EventType = ES_NO_EVENT;

printf("we have reached firing position \n\r");
NextState = Look4Goal;
MakeTransition = true;
EntryEventKind.EventType = ES_ENTRY_HISTORY;
ReturnEvent.EventType = ES_NO_EVENT;
// repeat cases as required for relevant events

// repeat state pattern as required for other states

case Look4Goal : // If current state is Look4Reload

// Execute During function for state one. ES_ENTRY & ES_EXIT are
// processed here allow the lower level state machines to re-map
// or consume the event
ReturnEvent = CurrentEvent = DuringLook4Goal(CurrentEvent);
//process any events
if ( CurrentEvent.EventType != ES_NO_EVENT ) //If an event is active
switch (CurrentEvent.EventType)
printf("we turned 90 deg, now we are pointing to the goal\n\r");
NextState = Drive2Goal;
MakeTransition = true;
EntryEventKind.EventType = ES_ENTRY_HISTORY;
// optionally, consume or re-map this event for the upper
// level state machine
ReturnEvent.EventType = ES_NO_EVENT;
// {
// case EV_BEACON_FOUND : //If event is EV_BEACON_FOUND
// // Execute action function for Look4Reload, EV_BEACON_FOUND
// //need to verify if we find the right beacon
//// #ifdef FACEOFF_DEBUG
//// printf("Got EV_BEACON_FOUND\n\r");
//// printf("The period measured is %d\n\r", CurrentEvent.EventParam);
//// StopBeaconCapture();
//// StopBeaconOneShot();
//// #endif
// if((CurrentEvent.EventParam <=
(P_GOAL+P_THRES))&&(CurrentEvent.EventParam >= (P_GOAL-P_THRES))){
// printf("we found the goal beacon\n\r");
// #endif
// StopRobot();
// //stop capture and one shot
// StopBeaconCapture();
// StopBeaconOneShot();
// NextState = Drive2Goal;//Decide what the next state will be
// // for internal transitions, skip changing MakeTransition
// MakeTransition = true; //mark that we are taking a transition

// }else{ //althoug we find a beacon, that is not the

reload beacon we want
// NextState = Look4Goal;
// MakeTransition = false;
// }
// // if transitioning to a state with history change kind of entry
// EntryEventKind.EventType = ES_ENTRY_HISTORY;
// // optionally, consume or re-map this event for the upper
// // level state machine
// ReturnEvent.EventType = ES_NO_EVENT;
// break;
// // repeat cases as required for relevant events
// //perform dummy searching, rotate a small angle per time
// printf("we didn't find the goal beacon\n\r");
// #endif
// SetRobotDir(CCWTurn);
// SetRobotSpeed(LeftMotor, 10);
// SetRobotSpeed(RightMotor, 10);
// //start a timer for rotating
// NextState = Look4Goal;
// MakeTransition = false;
// // if transitioning to a state with history change kind of entry
// EntryEventKind.EventType = ES_ENTRY_HISTORY;
// // optionally, consume or re-map this event for the upper
// // level state machine
// ReturnEvent.EventType = ES_NO_EVENT;
// break;
// // repeat cases as required for relevant events
// case ES_TIMEOUT: //if event is EV_BEACON_NOTFOUND
// // printf("time out, we restart timer\n\r");
// #endif
// StopRobot();
// StartBeaconOneShot(); //restart oneshot after turning a fixed
angle to determine if we find the beacon
// NextState = Look4Goal;
// MakeTransition = false;
// // if transitioning to a state with history change kind of entry
// EntryEventKind.EventType = ES_ENTRY_HISTORY;
// // optionally, consume or re-map this event for the upper
// // level state machine
// ReturnEvent.EventType = ES_NO_EVENT;
// break;
// default:
// ;
// }
// repeat state pattern as required for other states
case Drive2Goal : // If current state is Look4Reload
// Execute During function for state one. ES_ENTRY & ES_EXIT are
// processed here allow the lower level state machines to re-map
// or consume the event
ReturnEvent = CurrentEvent = DuringDrive2Goal(CurrentEvent);
//process any events
if ( CurrentEvent.EventType != ES_NO_EVENT ) //If an event is active
switch (CurrentEvent.EventType)
case ES_TIMEOUT : //If event is event one
// Execute action function for state one : event one
//stop the robot upon time out from MOTOR_TIMER
printf("we arrived goal\n\r");
NextState = Fire ;//Decide what the next state will be
// for internal transitions, skip changing MakeTransition
MakeTransition = true; //mark that we are taking a transition
// if transitioning to a state with history change kind of entry
EntryEventKind.EventType = ES_ENTRY_HISTORY;
// optionally, consume or re-map this event for the upper
// level state machine
ReturnEvent.EventType = ES_NO_EVENT;
// repeat cases as required for relevant events
// repeat state pattern as required for other states
case Fire : // If current state is Reload
// Execute During function for state one. ES_ENTRY & ES_EXIT are
// processed here allow the lower level state machines to re-map
// or consume the event
ReturnEvent = CurrentEvent = DuringFire(CurrentEvent);
//process any events
if ( CurrentEvent.EventType != ES_NO_EVENT ) //If an event is active
switch (CurrentEvent.EventType)
printf("we are firing the ball\n\r");
NextState = Rest;
MakeTransition = true;
EntryEventKind.EventType = ES_ENTRY_HISTORY;
// optionally, consume or re-map this event for the upper
// level state machine
ReturnEvent.EventType = ES_NO_EVENT;
// repeat cases as required for relevant events
case Rest : // If current state is Reload
// Execute During function for state one. ES_ENTRY & ES_EXIT are
// processed here allow the lower level state machines to re-map
// or consume the event
ReturnEvent = CurrentEvent = DuringRest(CurrentEvent);
//process any events
if ( CurrentEvent.EventType != ES_NO_EVENT ) //If an event is active
switch (CurrentEvent.EventType)
case ES_TIMEOUT: //If event is event one
// Execute action function for state one : event one
//stop the robot upon time out from MOTOR_TIMER
printf("we are resting in Offense\n\r");
NextState = Rest;//Decide what the next state will be
// for internal transitions, skip changing MakeTransition
MakeTransition = false; //mark that we are taking a transition
// if transitioning to a state with history change kind of entry
EntryEventKind.EventType = ES_ENTRY_HISTORY;
// optionally, consume or re-map this event for the upper
// level state machine
ReturnEvent.EventType = ES_NO_EVENT;
// repeat cases as required for relevant events
// If we are making a state transition
if (MakeTransition == true)
// Execute exit function for current state
CurrentEvent.EventType = ES_EXIT;

CurrentState = NextState; //Modify state variable

// Execute entry function for new state

// this defaults to ES_ENTRY



Does any required initialization for this state machine

J. Edward Carryer, 2/18/99, 10:38AM
void StartOffenseSM ( ES_Event_t CurrentEvent )
// to implement entry to a history state or directly to a substate
// you can modify the initialization of the CurrentState variable
// otherwise just start in the entry state every time the state machine
// is started
//if ( ES_ENTRY_HISTORY != CurrentEvent.EventType )
CurrentState = ENTRY_STATE;
//grab team info and reload station period info
TEAM = CurrentEvent.EventParam; //grab TEAM color info

printf("in offense, we are TEAM %d\n\r", TEAM);


// else P_GOAL = P_BLUEGOAL;

// call the entry function (if any) for the ENTRY_STATE



TemplateState_t The current state of the Template state machine

returns the current state of the Template state machine

J. Edward Carryer, 2/11/05, 10:38AM
OffenseState_t QueryOffenseSM ( void )

private functions
static ES_Event_t DuringDrive4Offset( ES_Event_t Event)
ES_Event_t ReturnEvent = Event; // assume no re-mapping or consumption

// process ES_ENTRY, ES_ENTRY_HISTORY & ES_EXIT events

if ( (Event.EventType == ES_ENTRY) ||
(Event.EventType == ES_ENTRY_HISTORY) )
// implement any entry actions required for this state machine
//upon entering this state, we start a timer and start to drive the robot
// SetRobotDir(Backward);
// SetRobotSpeed(LeftMotor, 15);
// SetRobotSpeed(RightMotor, 15);
// SetTargetPosition(P3X, P3Y);
//ES_Timer_InitTimer(MOTOR_TIMER, D4O_TIME);
// after that start any lower level machines that run in this state
//StartLowerLevelSM( Event );
// repeat the StartxxxSM() functions for concurrent state machines
// on the lower level
else if ( Event.EventType == ES_EXIT )
// on exit, give the lower levels a chance to clean up first
// repeat for any concurrently running state machines
// now do any local exit functionality

// do the 'during' function for this state
// run any lower level state machine
// ReturnEvent = RunLowerLevelSM(Event);

// repeat for any concurrent lower level machines

// do any activity that is repeated as long as we are in this state

// return either Event, if you don't want to allow the lower level machine
// to remap the current event, or ReturnEvent if you do want to allow it.

static ES_Event_t DuringLook4Goal( ES_Event_t Event)

ES_Event_t ReturnEvent = Event; // assume no re-mapping or consumption

// process ES_ENTRY, ES_ENTRY_HISTORY & ES_EXIT events

if ( (Event.EventType == ES_ENTRY) ||
(Event.EventType == ES_ENTRY_HISTORY) )
// implement any entry actions required for this state machine
//entry Look4Reload state by starting capture and oneshot
SetRobotSpeed(LeftMotor, 8);
SetRobotSpeed(RightMotor, 10);
// InitBeaconEdgeCapturePeriod();
// InitBeaconOneShot();
// StartBeaconCapture();
// StartBeaconOneShot();
// after that start any lower level machines that run in this state
//StartLowerLevelSM( Event );
// repeat the StartxxxSM() functions for concurrent state machines
// on the lower level
else if ( Event.EventType == ES_EXIT )
// on exit, give the lower levels a chance to clean up first
// repeat for any concurrently running state machines
// now do any local exit functionality

// do the 'during' function for this state
// run any lower level state machine
// ReturnEvent = RunLowerLevelSM(Event);

// repeat for any concurrent lower level machines

// do any activity that is repeated as long as we are in this state

// return either Event, if you don't want to allow the lower level machine
// to remap the current event, or ReturnEvent if you do want to allow it.

static ES_Event_t DuringDrive2Goal( ES_Event_t Event)

ES_Event_t ReturnEvent = Event; // assume no re-mapping or consumption

// process ES_ENTRY, ES_ENTRY_HISTORY & ES_EXIT events

if ( (Event.EventType == ES_ENTRY) ||
(Event.EventType == ES_ENTRY_HISTORY) )
// implement any entry actions required for this state machine
//upon leaving this state, we start a timer and start to drive the robot
SetRobotSpeed(LeftMotor, 13);
SetRobotSpeed(RightMotor, 15);
ES_Timer_InitTimer(MOTOR_TIMER, D2G_TIME);
// after that start any lower level machines that run in this state
//StartLowerLevelSM( Event );
// repeat the StartxxxSM() functions for concurrent state machines
// on the lower level
else if ( Event.EventType == ES_EXIT )
// on exit, give the lower levels a chance to clean up first
// repeat for any concurrently running state machines
// now do any local exit functionality

// do the 'during' function for this state
// run any lower level state machine
// ReturnEvent = RunLowerLevelSM(Event);

// repeat for any concurrent lower level machines

// do any activity that is repeated as long as we are in this state

// return either Event, if you don't want to allow the lower level machine
// to remap the current event, or ReturnEvent if you do want to allow it.

static ES_Event_t DuringFire( ES_Event_t Event)

ES_Event_t ReturnEvent = Event; // assume no re-mapping or consumption

// process ES_ENTRY, ES_ENTRY_HISTORY & ES_EXIT events

if ( (Event.EventType == ES_ENTRY) ||
(Event.EventType == ES_ENTRY_HISTORY) )
// implement any entry actions required for this state machine
//upon leaving this state, we start a timer and start to drive the robot
printf("we are charging the ball\n\r");
// after that start any lower level machines that run in this state
//StartLowerLevelSM( Event );
// repeat the StartxxxSM() functions for concurrent state machines
// on the lower level
else if ( Event.EventType == ES_EXIT )
// on exit, give the lower levels a chance to clean up first
// repeat for any concurrently running state machines
// now do any local exit functionality

// do the 'during' function for this state
// run any lower level state machine
// ReturnEvent = RunLowerLevelSM(Event);

// repeat for any concurrent lower level machines

// do any activity that is repeated as long as we are in this state

// return either Event, if you don't want to allow the lower level machine
// to remap the current event, or ReturnEvent if you do want to allow it.

static ES_Event_t DuringRest( ES_Event_t Event)

ES_Event_t ReturnEvent = Event; // assume no re-mapping or consumption

// process ES_ENTRY, ES_ENTRY_HISTORY & ES_EXIT events

if ( (Event.EventType == ES_ENTRY) ||
(Event.EventType == ES_ENTRY_HISTORY) )
// implement any entry actions required for this state machine
//upon leaving this state, we start a timer and start to drive the robot
// LoadBall();
// StopRobot();
// after that start any lower level machines that run in this state
//StartLowerLevelSM( Event );
// repeat the StartxxxSM() functions for concurrent state machines
// on the lower level
else if ( Event.EventType == ES_EXIT )
// on exit, give the lower levels a chance to clean up first
// repeat for any concurrently running state machines
// now do any local exit functionality

// do the 'during' function for this state
// run any lower level state machine
// ReturnEvent = RunLowerLevelSM(Event);

// repeat for any concurrent lower level machines

// do any activity that is repeated as long as we are in this state

// return either Event, if you don't want to allow the lower level machine
// to remap the current event, or ReturnEvent if you do want to allow it.

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