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“Employees’ reactions to change are influenced by a number of factors.

It is reasonable to expect
employees to react since the process of change involves going from the known to the unknown,
and when employees react, it is important to distinguish between the symptoms of their
reactions and the causes behind them.”

Employees’ Reactions to
Organizational Change

By Cynthia Wittig Literature indicates that a high proportion Employees’ Emotions and Cognitions
of change initiatives are unsuccessful (Beer
& Nohria, 2000). Researchers generally Many change efforts fail since change
agree that employee resistance is one of the agents underestimate the importance of
leading causes for the failure of change ini- the individual, cognitive-affective nature
tiatives (Bovey & Hede, 2001b; Waldersee of change (Ertuk, 2008), and emotions
& Griffiths, 1996). Such findings indicate and cognition are closely intertwined
that change agents focusing on employee (Pessoa, 2008). The following separate
reactions—including resistance and accep- yet interrelated aspects of emotions and
tance—during organizational change is of cognitions impact employees’ reactions
utmost importance to the success of the to organizational change: emotional
initiative. In response, this paper provides intelligence, irrational thoughts, defense
a model that illustrates the process of how ­mechanisms, and employee attitudes.
employees’ reactions to change are formed.
Emotional intelligence. Emotional intel-
Employees’ Reactions to ligence (EI) is “the capacity for recognizing
Organizational Change our own feelings and those of others, for
motivating ourselves, and for managing
Employees’ reactions to change are influ- emotions well in ourselves and in our rela-
enced by a number of factors. It is reason- tionships” (Vakola, Tsaousis, & Nikolaou,
able to expect employees to react since the 2004). The role of EI in employees’ reac-
process of change involves going from the tions to change is important because indi-
known to the unknown, and when employ- viduals with high levels of EI experience
ees react, it is important to distinguish more career success, feel less job insecu-
between the symptoms of their reactions rity, are more effective in team leadership
and the causes behind them (Bovey & and performance, are more adaptable to
Hede, 2001b). Following is an analysis of stressful events, and exhibit better coping
three factors that research strongly identi- strategies than those with low EI levels
fies as influencing employees’ reactions to (Vakola, Tsaousis, & Nikolaou, 2004).
change: employees’ emotions and cogni-
tions, communication, and employees’ Irrational thoughts. Research indicates
participation in decision making. Evidence that irrational ideas are significantly and
suggests that these factors explain much of positively correlated with employees’ resis-
employees’ reactions, arguably more than tance to change. Individuals tend to have
other factors present during organizational automatic thoughts that incorporate what
change. Although these factors are closely has been described as faulty, irrational, or
related and can even be considered inter- “crooked thinking” (Bovey & Hede, 2001a).
woven in many ways, each factor contrib- During change, employees create their own
utes individual and important information. interpretations of what is going to happen,

Employees’ Reactions to Organizational Change 23

how others perceive them, and what Processes of Communication. There are is positively associated with employees’
­others are thinking or intending (Bovey several communication processes that perceptions of fairness, which is vital for
& Hede, 2001a). impact employees’ reactions, including acceptance of change and commitment
frequency, mode, content, and flow of to organizational goals (Bordia, Hobman,
Defense mechanisms. Defense mecha- communication. Gray and Laidlaw (2002) Jones, Gallois, & Callan, 2004).
nisms arise involuntarily in response to argued that the more embedded these pro-
perceptions of danger and are adopted to cesses are within management, the more Type of change decision. The type of
alleviate anxiety (Bovey & Hede, 2001b). effective the outcomes are because they change decision presented in PDM initia-
According to Bovey and Hede (2001b), enhance the quality of working relation- tives impacts the resulting influence
employees who are unconsciously inclined ships, harmony, and trust. on employees’ reactions to the change
to use maladaptive defenses are more initiative. The positive effects of PDM
likely to resist change. Employees with a Social accounting. Social accounting on employees seem to be greater when
tendency to unconsciously adopt adaptive influences the quality of the communica- tactical decisions (the “what” and “how” to
defenses are less likely to resist change. tion and, therefore, impacts employees’ change) rather than strategic decisions (the
reactions. According to Lines (2005), social “if” of the change) must be made (Sagie &
Employee attitudes. Vakola, Tsaousis, and accounting is defined as the process used Koslowsky, 1994).
Nikolaou (2004) identified multiple stud- for explaining the reasons for the decision
ies in which employees’ positive attitudes to those affected by the decision. Successful Spectrum of Employees’ Reactions to
toward change were vital in achieving suc- social accounting leads to a positive influ- Organizational Change
cessful organizational change initiatives. ence on the likelihood of implementation
Several factors impact employees’ attitudes success (Lines, 2005). The above literature review strongly sup-
toward change, specifically gender, tenure, ports that a number of factors impact
educational attainment, and social systems Leader-member exchange. An aspect of employees’ reactions to change. Through-
(Vakola, Tsaousis, & Nikolaou, 2004; Oreg, communication that impacts employees’ out the remainder of this paper, a model of
2006). Stanley, Meyer, and Topolnytsky resistance is the leader-member exchange the process of how employees’ reactions to
(2005) identified that a relationship exists (LMX) relationship, or the quality of change are formed is proposed, supported
between employees’ cynical attitudes and relationships between employees and their by three propositions. The author also
resistance. supervisors. Employees with high q ­ uality demonstrates application of this model in
LMX accept change more readily than practice to increase employees’ acceptance
Communication employees with lower quality LMX, argu- of change.
ably due to increased access to information, Several theories support that distinct
The vital importance of communica- assistance, and involvement in decision phases are encountered throughout the
tion during the change process has been making (Farr-Wharton & Brunetto, 2007). process of initiating change (Lewin, 1951).
empirically demonstrated and generally However, based on both the author’s
agreed upon among theorists (Lewis, Employee Participation in Decision Making experience with change initiatives in the
2006). Since the success of organizational travel industry and scientific literature, the
change initiatives lies in the reaction of One specific method of communication argument that change does not occur in
employees, it is crucial to communicate to that strongly impacts employees’ reac- distinct phases is provided. Rather, change
employees information about the change tions is employee participation in decision occurs as a flow of processes and endeav-
to positively influence their reactions. making (PDM). PDM is a process in which ors that is not static. This perspective does
Poorly ­managed change communication influence or decision making is shared not undermine the importance of Lewin’s
can result in resistance and exaggerating between superiors and their subordinates theory of “freezing” and “unfreezing” each
negative aspects of the change. Effective (Bordia, Hobman, Jones, Gallois, & Callan, stage, but suggests that these states are not
communication reduces employees’ uncer- 2004). The structural characteristics of identifiably distinct. Therefore, consider-
tainty, and a negative correlation exists PDM initiatives impact the degree to which ing a model of change that represents a
between uncertainty and employees’ will- the initiative affects employees’ reactions non-static, dynamic flow of processes is
ingness to accept change (Elving, 2005). (Dachler & Wilpert, 1978). imperative.
The amount and quality of information
that is communicated to employees can Positive effects. Key attributes of PDM, Employees’ Reactions to Change:
influence how employees react (Wanberg & such as open communication, expressing Acceptance and Resistance
Banas, 2000). Such evidence acknowledges new ideas, shared vision, common direc-
that communi­cation is a key factor, and tion, mutual respect, and trust, are also Many researchers have reported findings
its importance cannot be understated in suggested as the key elements in manag- in terms that suggest employee acceptance
impacting employees’ reactions. ing change (Erturk, 2008). Participation and resistance are concrete milestones that

24 OD PRACTITIONER  Vol. 44 No. 2  2012

Figure 1: Spectrum of Employees’ Reactions to Organizational Change

Resistance Neutral Acceptance

Strong reaction Mild reaction Strong reaction

can be attained, and that once attained, such different levels of acceptance in Orga- Traversing the spectrum
remain attained. Phrases such as “elimi- nization A (mild acceptance) and Organi-
nate employee resistance” (Jones & Smith, zation B (strong acceptance), stating that As employees’ levels of acceptance and
2001) and “gain employee acceptance” each organization achieved the same level resistance fluctuate during the change
(Sigler, 1999) may indicate that organi- of employee acceptance is hardly plausible. initiative, the employees’ location on the
zations can reach these milestones in Herein lays the framework of the Spectrum spectrum moves from one end to the
change initiatives in the same manner; for of Employees’ Reactions to Organizational other. Factors and events that impact
example, that the organization may achieve Change (SEROC), as illustrated in Figure 1. employees’ reactions affect employees’
the goals of completing the initiative in The fundamental concept of the locations on the spectrum and are repre-
the number of days allotted (the project is SEROC is that different degrees and inten- sented on the SEROC by vectors exhibit-
either completed in less or more than the sities of employee reactions to change exist. ing the same properties as vectors found
days allotted). However, this is not the case Employees’ reactions, as defined by the in mathematical contexts, as illustrated
in the author’s experience. Rather, the line employees’ level of resistance and accep- in Figure 2 (next page). Vectors originate
in employees’ reactions to organizational tance, are polar opposites on a spectrum, at the neutral point, and vectors vary in
change between resistance and acceptance and neutral or indifferent reactions that are direction (pointing toward the acceptance
is often blurred. mild in strength are found in the middle or resistance end of the spectrum) and
To enable change agents to identify of the spectrum. Employees are always magnitude (large magnitudes indicate very
employees’ acceptance and resistance, it located on the spectrum, and their loca- influential factors and small magnitudes
is important to operationalize definitions tion is determined by the strength of their indicate mildly influential factors) depend-
of reactions to change. Resistance is a reaction. ing on the factors of change they represent.
multidimensional attitude toward change, The scale of the spectrum is con- The employees’ position on the spectrum
comprising affective (feelings toward the sidered both ordinal and cardinal. An is determined by the overall sum of the
change), cognitive (evaluations of worth employee who is twice as accepting of (or vectors.
and benefit of the change), and behav- resistant to) the change is on the spectrum Although factors (represented by
ioral (intention to act against the change) twice as far from neutral. Since there is no vectors on the spectrum) actively change
components (Oreg, 2006). Each of these “zero” of reactions to change, neutral or employees’ levels of resistance and
dimensions can be characterized as rang- indifferent is considered “zero,” or equilib- acceptance, change agents’ passiveness
ing from “acceptance” to “resistance.” rium. When analyzing employees’ loca- also impacts employees’ reactions. In
When these three dimensions are con- tion on the spectrum, one must consider the author’s experience, when change
sidered in the aggregate, the result is the that reactions to change are relative, and, agents fail to introduce new factors to
employees’ overall acceptance or resistance therefore, one must recall the operational elicit employee acceptance of change, the
to change. definitions of reactions to change. intensity of the employees’ acceptance of
The author experienced change initia- change dwindles and they begin to resist
tives in two unrelated organizations that P1: O
 ne cannot achieve minimal resistance or the change. To illustrate this phenomenon
through juxtaposition illustrate the com- attain maximum acceptance as concrete on the SEROC, without the introduction
plexity of employees’ reactions. In Organi- milestones. Rather, employees’ reactions to of vectors to continually move employees
zation A, employees were mildly accepting organizational change, as defined by the toward the acceptance polar end of the
of the organizational change and passively employees’ level of resistance and accep- spectrum, employees return to the neutral
gave into the changes. In Organization B, tance, are represented by polar opposites position on the spectrum as time passes.
employees were strongly accepting of the on a spectrum, and neutral reactions that As employees continually regress toward
change and actively demonstrated their are mild in strength are represented in the neutral, it becomes increasingly easier for
support by embracing the changes and middle of the spectrum. them to become located on the resistance
initiating actions aligned with the initiative. section of the spectrum.
One could argue that both Organization
A and Organization B achieved employee
acceptance of the change. However, with

Employees’ Reactions to Organizational Change 25

Figure 2: Vectors represent factors that influence employees’ reactions to change

Vector representing a factor that strongly increases

employees’ resistance to change.

Vector representing a factor that increases

employees’ resistance to change.

Resistance Neutral Acceptance

P2: F
 actors and events that impact employees’ employees were partially hesitant to accept Subsequently in the course of the
resistance to change are represented on the the change and mildly resisted because initiative, the change agents failed to
spectrum as vectors of varying magnitudes they perceived that their jobs may be provide employees with sufficient com-
and directions. The effect of all factors eliminated. Overall, the employees on the munication regarding a new policy, despite
(represented by the sum of all vectors) is organizational level reacted to the change otherwise effective communication. There-
the employees’ level of acceptance or resis- with somewhat strong resistance, as shown fore, the employees’ acceptance of the
tance to change. in Figure 3. change started to diminish and employees
To illustrate the application of SEROC, Later in the course of the change, returned toward the resistance end of the
return to the author’s experience of Organi- change agents created a PDM initiative in spectrum. Because this factor only slightly
zation A, in which employees were mildly which employees’ concerns were addressed increased employees’ resistance, ineffec-
accepting of a change initiative to restruc- and the employees felt they had contrib- tive communication processes are repre-
ture organizational roles. Examination of uted to the outcome of the initiative. On sented by a vector with a small magnitude
the employees’ initial reactions indicated the SEROC, the PDM initiative is repre- positioned toward the resistance end of
most employees resisted the change. They sented by a vector that moves the organi- the spectrum.
feared for their job security and lacked trust zation toward the acceptance end of the After the two aforementioned factors
in management. A small group of employ- spectrum. Because the PDM accounted for occurred and impacted employees’ reac-
ees, however, accepted this change because a great deal of acceptance in the employ- tions, the employees still mildly accepted
they saw opportunity for promotion. ees, the vector is of a large magnitude (see the change. This mild acceptance of the
Despite their acceptance of the change, the Figure 4, next page). change is represented by the sum of the

Figure 3: An illustration of an organization’s reaction to change (mildly resistant reaction)


Individual employees

Organization (Aggregate of Individual Employees)

Resistance Neutral Acceptance

Strong reaction Mild reaction Strong reaction

26 OD PRACTITIONER  Vol. 44 No. 2  2012

Figure 4: An illustration of an organization’s employees’ reactions to change (mildly accepting),
based on two factors that are present in the change

Vector representing a factor that strongly increases employees’

acceptance to change (a successful PDM initiative).

Vector representing a factor that mildly increases employees’

resistance to change (ineffective communications).
Overall mildly accepting reaction

Resistance Neutral Acceptance

two vectors, which both originated at neu- Application of employees’ reactions because in reality
tral on the spectrum, as shown in Figure 4. there can be n-dimensions. Factors that
As the process described above continued Change initiatives are dynamic, and factors impact employees’ reactions do not have
and factors were continually introduced continually arise that affect employee’s additive properties like one-dimensional
to employees, their reactions to change reactions. As a result, employees’ reactions­ vectors in the SEROC, but rather, the
fluctuated and the employees’ location on are consistently fluctuating and never factors interact in a multiplicative, multi-
the spectrum traversed the length of the stagnant. Employees’ reactions to organi- dimensional manner that makes employ-
spectrum. zational change must be considered “in the ees’ reactions complex. Second, although
moment” rather than over the span of the this model is based in empirical evidence,
Mutually Exclusive entire initiative (Lewin, 1951). As change being tested in authentic settings during
agents progress through the process of the organizational change initiatives would
Examining the relationship between resis- change initiative, it is important that they validate the model. Despite these limita-
tance to and acceptance of change is impor- continually assess the employees’ reac- tions, the SEROC model does present a
tant to fully understand the SEROC. The tions to change, diagnose the causes for unique lens through which to view employ-
former example illustrates that employees their reactions (both negative and positive ees’ reactions to change that should not be
can react with both resistance and accep- causes), address the employees’ concerns, disregarded.
tance (Harding, 2005). This concept is and repeat the process.
logical because situations rarely exist with When applied to the SEROC model, Conclusions
purely positive outcomes or purely nega- the latter process translates to identifying
tive outcomes. Rather, almost all situa- where the employees are located on the Organizational change is necessary for
tions present both positive and negative spectrum, diagnosing the reasons that businesses to remain competitive in today’s
outcomes. Therefore, it is expected that determine their location on the spectrum, market. To successfully implement change
even employees who are very accepting addressing the employees’ concerns to ini- initiatives, change agents must understand
of change exhibit resistance as a result of tiate a factor (represented by a vector) that that the role of employees is highly impor-
identifying negative aspects of the change. moves the employees toward the accep- tant, and employees’ reactions to change
Consequently, the argument can be made tance end of the spectrum, and repeating are influenced by a number of factors,
that acceptance and resistance are not the sequence. Continually monitoring including employees’ emotions and cogni-
mutually exclusive and employees exhibit employees’ reactions is especially impor- tions, communication, and participation in
both of these reactions. When respond- tant because evidence exists that change decision making. Change agents can apply
ing to the question, “did the employees initiatives fail due to the lack of attention the Spectrum of Employees’ Reactions to
accept or reject the change initiative?”, to human factors in the long run (Eilam & Organizational Change as a unique model
change agents should usually state that the Shamir, 2005). that illustrates how employees react to
employees partially accepted and partially change. This model is based in the concept
rejected the change initiative. Limitations that the degree of employees’ acceptance
of or resistance is an important factor that
P3: E mployees react to organizational change Despite the model of SEROC being based change agents should examine. Overall,
with both micro-levels of resistance and in scientific literature, the model does this paper provides OD practitioners
acceptance. Employees’ overall reaction is possess certain limitations. First, one important information about employees’
dependent on which reaction (resistance could argue that this two dimension model reactions to change, and organizations will
or acceptance) is stronger. over-simplifies the highly complex nature benefit from further research in this field.

Employees’ Reactions to Organizational Change 27

Cynthia Wittig, Montclair State
University MBA Graduate Student
concentrating in MIS, specializes
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28 OD PRACTITIONER  Vol. 44 No. 2  2012

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