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1.PHAPHAT (MILL) 59611456
3.NUTCHANON (NONT) 5961217
4.TANAKOM (GUN) 5961120

- To be able to understand about torques

and how it's work.

- To be able to measure and calculate

Force computed and percent different.

- To applied torque to use machine in daily

routine that can help labor saving.
Torque is an amount of force which can cause the
object to rotate among an axis. Torque causes an object to acquire
angular acceleration. Since torque is a vector quantity, it’s direction
depends on the direction of the force on the axis. Given that the
counterclockwise direction is positive. If the summation of torque is
positive, then it is moving on the counterclockwise direction while
if it is negative, it is moving on the clockwise direction. If the
summation of torque is zero, meaning it is not rotating on either
clockwise or counterclockwise, it is in equilibrium. One of the
common examples of torque is opening the doors. If the force acts
nearby the axis of rotation, the force needed is more than further to
the axis. However, the lager force requires smaller distance
compared to the smaller force, so the work done on them are the
same. Torque can be classified into a static torque and a dynamic
torque. Static torque is not producing an angular acceleration while
dynamic torque is. Since torque is calculated by multiplying force
that is perpendicular to the length from the axis of rotation or the
fulcrum, the SI unit of it is Newton-meter. Sometimes, it is required
to resolve the force into the components that are perpendicular to
the length. Torque can also be called as “moment” by some
In this experiment, the ruler is hung on the stand as
well as the counter weight on one end of the ruler. The
experiments were done three times with different amount of forces
which are 1N, 2N and 3N. On another end, the spring scale is
pulled in different angles which are 51°, 32°, and 13°. Clay was put
to equalize the weight between the two sides. The angles were
measured by using protractor.

Fulcrum ruler

mass hanger protractor

clay newton meter


1. Hang the Newton meter and balance it with clay.

2. Hang the mass.

3. Pull the Newton meter until we reach equilibrium.

4. Measure the force.

Data & Result
When the torque is be in the rotational equilibrium
point, the torque on rotational object will be zero. This means
that they are no the angular acceleration. The system is being at
rest (not moving). . In the first experiment, the force F2 are
apply perpendicular to the length of the moment arm. When the
force of F1 is increase, the force F2 will be also increase to
make the torque become equilibrium because the distance d1,
and d2 is constant (no changing in position). This means that the
F2 will be lowest when the force F1 is 1N and will be highest
when the force F1 is 3 in this first experiment. In the second
experiment, the force F2 have been apply with the three different
angle (13, 32, and 51 degree measure from the line that are
perpendicular to the length of moment arm) and the force F1 is
being constant at 2N at another side of the moment. The lowest
force F2 have been apply is when at the angle of 13 degree
because cos13 higher than cos32, and cos51. So that the force
F2 have been lowest to make the torque equilibrium. The
highest force F2 have been apply is when at the angle of 51
because cos 51 is lower than cos32, and cos13. So that the
force F2 have to be higher to make the torque equilibrium.

Torque is produced by force (F) multiple by the
distance from the pivot point to the point that force is apply on
with the angle . In order to make the net torque of the rotational
object becomes equilibrium (at rest, no angular acceleration), the
net torque of the rotational object have to becomes zero
Torque. (n.d.) Retrieved from

(n.d.). Retrieved February 17, 2018, from

Torque. (n.d.). Retrieved February 17, 2018, from

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