Loras College Women's Volleyball Assistant Coach: Dylan Ross

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Loras College Women’s Volleyball

Assistant Coach

Dylan Ross

Table of Contents

Learning Plan Draft 1……………………………………………………………………………….3

Learning Plan Final Draft………………………………………………………………………….5

Informational Interview…………………………………………………………………………..7

Final Paper……………………………………………………………………………………………..10

Weekly Reflections…………………………………………………………………………………12

Updated Resume……………………………………………………………………………………24


Learning Plan Draft 1

Center for Experiential Learning Internship Experience

Loras College Learning Plan

 *Identify two job/career objectives or skills this internship will help the student develop.
A. improve my time management skills

B. improve my communicating skills

Means: I will use my crazy busy schedule to try and be at as many girls volleyball
event possible and communicate with Jenna what I have that week so we both can be on
the same page about what is going on.

Assessment: I will be able to look at my semester grades and see if they are up to
par as well as see my growth throughout the year on and off the court in the internship.

 Supervisor goals (What does the supervisor want the intern to learn/accomplish?)
Increasing communication as

Daily running a successful division 3 volleyball program: organization, making

schedules: road and practice, large picture

Creating an event

Understanding what goes into a weekend trip

Building a coaching identity

 Supervisor expectations (What does the supervisor expect from the student?)

How to more ineptly scout an opponent

How to analyze stats more in depth

How to manage and market the team

Understanding a budget and monthly credit card reports

Managing 37 student athletes and holding them to higher standards

Creating, planning, executing and finalizing the foundation of a camp

 How will the intern be a successful part of the organization?

Assisting with day to day operations like doing weekly scouting reports, traveling to
away games, being at practices weekly, being a leader on and off the court for the girls.

The student is responsible for inquiring about the following and understanding
the internship site’s office expectations.

 Office etiquette and policies, including dress code and general behavior;
 The student is a member of the Loras College community and is expected to follow the
college’s student conduct rules. The student will not be expected to participate in
situations that revolve around alcoholic beverages or an atmosphere that encourages
inappropriate behaviors.

Learning Plan Final Draft

Center for Experiential Learning Internship Experience

Loras College Learning Plan

 *Identify two job/career objectives or skills this internship will help the student develop.
C. Learn the everyday duties of a college coach

D. Improve upon foundational skills like time management and

Means: I will use my crazy busy schedule to try and be at as many girls volleyball
event possible and communicate with Jenna in order for me to get the best knowledge of the
everyday duties of a head coach.

Assessment: I will be able to look at my semester grades and see if they are up to
par as well as see my growth throughout the year on and off the court in the internship.

 Supervisor goals (What does the supervisor want the intern to learn/accomplish?)
Increasing communication as

Daily running a successful division 3 volleyball program: organization, making

schedules: road and practice, large picture

Creating an event

Understanding what goes into a weekend trip

Building a coaching identity

 Supervisor expectations (What does the supervisor expect from the student?)

How to more ineptly scout an opponent

How to analyze stats more in depth

How to manage and market the team

Understanding a budget and monthly credit card reports

Managing 37 student athletes and holding them to higher standards

Creating, planning, executing and finalizing the foundation of a camp

 How will the intern be a successful part of the organization?

Assisting with day to day operations like doing weekly scouting reports, traveling to
away games, being at practices weekly, being a leader on and off the court for the girls.

The student is responsible for inquiring about the following and understanding
the internship site’s office expectations.

 Office etiquette and policies, including dress code and general behavior;
 The student is a member of the Loras College community and is expected to follow the
college’s student conduct rules. The student will not be expected to participate in
situations that revolve around alcoholic beverages or an atmosphere that encourages
inappropriate behaviors.

Informational Interview

I chose Jeremy Thornburg, Head Men’s Volleyball Coach at Loras College as my interview. I

chose him because he has always been someone I looked to and learned from in volleyball.

Right now he is in his upper 20s and is the head coach of a college volleyball program. If I could

fast forward in life to that I would do it in a heartbeat. From talking with Jenna and Jeremy they

are way different people handling their office work way differently. Jenna gets her budget and

doesn’t look at it at all and just makes the best effort to save as much money as possible. She

also tries to fundraise everything as much as she can too to give her the highest possible

spending for the program. She is the head down and focus on what is going on right now.

Where Jeremy has everything planned out and written down. He will have itineraries for every

trip and want to know exactly where he is at with the budget. He is the plan ahead and adjust

based on where he is at with the budget.

Jeremy started with volleyball all the way back in high school. He helped out with his girls’

team because they had no boys’ team. Then moving to college he began as a manager for the

IPFW men’s team then going into being a student assistant coach. After that he really didn’t

know where to go as a career path so his head coach helped him get into collegiate coaching.

Next Jeremy explained the application process to get a head coaching job. First he sent in

his resume. From that point an Athletic Director and others on the school’s search committee

name the semi-finalists for the job. Once he was named a semi-finalist he had to have a phone

interview with Denise Udelhofen. Based on the phone interview two candidates were brought

on campus to see the school and a full day of interviews. All types of interviews like with

associate athletics director, other coaches individually and in groups and administrative

members on campus. I think the process is long and tough but looking at it from an in school

standpoint it makes sense. The school wants the person that fits the school and the team the

best. Jeremy in this case started the program so there wasn’t any athletes involved so it took a

step out of the process. All around it was interesting to see how the process is not a very simple

process of applying for a job it is really a drawn out process.

Jeremy is the head men’s coach and assistant women’s coach. I asked him to explain some

of the differences. I kind of understand the difference form an outside perspective from

knowing how Jeremy coaches my team and how he coaches the women too. Jeremy described

it as the pressure of making all the decision. Everything rides on you the pressure of making the

final call and just giving your input on decisions is way different. I kind of felt that pressure

when I was head coaching the JV conference championship. I realized for the first time you

need to not only make the big decision that sways the game but also give the girls good

feedback on the fly. It was very eye opening for me to see the difference between assistant

coaching and head coaching.

Finally Jeremy said the hardest part of his job is balancing everything. Of course being

someone who loves volleyball they are just going to want to be on the court getting their team

better or watching film. But really there is a lot of other behind the scene work that goes on.

Knowing there is a budget that you must hold up and all the fundraising for it is a lot to come

up with. Jeremy said it is like running a business. You have to brand your name and logo. The

more you are known the better the program will run. One thing that is hard is also balancing all

that with a life outside, it is easy to get sucked in to the job and be in the office all the time.

All in all after talking with Head Men’s Volleyball Coach I have gotten a better

understanding of the life of a head volleyball coach. I learned about the hardest part of the job,

the difference between assistant coaching and head coaching and how to get started with

application processes.

Final Paper

All in all my experience as an assistant volleyball coach for a college program was

awesome. Going into the year I had no expectations for myself I was really going in blind. I felt

that there was a lot riding on the season that I cannot be a distraction but also want to be a key

part of the program. My main objective for the year was to learn the day to day operations of a

Division III Women’s Volleyball Head Coach. I feel that I accomplished this objective. This could

be measured by the countless meetings I had going budgets, recruiting or scouting. I could also

measure it by my growth in leadership or ability to communicate with people I never could at

the beginning of the year. But I feel that two things that happened successfully this year shows

my accomplishment, one being the clinic that raised almost $1000 for the program and another

by head coaching the JV Conference Tournament.

The first accomplishment was putting on a clinic for little kids. This was a real struggle

for me in preparation. I have never been someone to plan out a whole event step by step from

nothing. Looking back at it I am surprised it played out as well as it did. It all started when I

went into Jenna’s office with the idea to partner with the YMCA. That was basically my whole

marketing strategy. They were able to email a flier I made out to all the kids that qualified to

the camp. My back up plan was to get fliers into all the local elementary schools. I talked with

the YMCA and they had all that contact information and were able to distribute that for me all

together. That worked out as well as it could and I exceeded Jenna’s goal of getting 25 kids to

attend the camp. The final count of kids at the camp was 49. It was a huge success all the kids

saying they had a great time. This accomplishments shows that I was able to successfully

market an event, plan the schedule of workers as well as the event itself and fundraising money

for the program. Basically the behind the scenes office work of sports management.

My other accomplishment that shows I successfully accomplished my objective is me

head coaching the JV team at their conference tournament. Both the Jenna’s were busy with

varsity and it worked out that i was the next best option. But it wasn’t that simple I was able to

gain Jenna’s trust and allow her to be comfortable with me taking the team by myself to a

tournament. Then with that it was just icing on the cake that we went 4-0 that day winning the

conference championship. It was an awesome experience for me as my first time head


This internship has taught me a lot about myself and about the sports management

world. Dr. Garrett, head of Loras College Sports Management Major, always says in the Sports

Business Industry you must fundraise your own wage. This meaning you must be able to bring

in to your organization what you are paid or you are expansible. I never fully understood or

thought that was truer until now. Jenna was all for me traveling and paying for my meals and

doing everything for me that she did all year, and I think she would have if I wasn’t able to have

a successful clinic. But with letting me travel and do everything that I did all year comes a cost

to the program. That being kind of like my wage I made in the future, then with my clinic I was

able to repay the program everything that was spent on me by fundraising my own wage. That

is a really good lesson to learn because generating money is the whole point of having a job. So

that is the one main life lesson I learned that will be most beneficial for me going forward in


Week 1

1. What are the key events and features of this experience?

Key events of this experience are all the trips I will be taking with the team and planning

and running a clinic for high school girls. Going with to the trips I will understand how

long the days actually are as a coach. The detailed planning of a trip in order to have the

team eat the right amount and at the right time before the match while being on time. This

weekend we were in the twin cities. There was about an hour of extra time we had in

between brunch and our arrival time. Jenna didn’t want the girls sitting around right

before the game so we choose to go to a water fall and walk around in the park around it.

On the go planning isn’t the easiest because a lot of times you aren’t familiar with the

area in order to know all the options you have. The features I will be gaining experience

in with doing my own clinic are planning, marketing, fundraising and leadership. My task

will be to market the whole clinic by myself and get all the local high school girls

notified. It will also be a fundraiser for the program and I can learn how that money

impacts the budget. Also it will be planning a practice plan by myself and having the

leadership skills to carry out that plan.

2. Hours? Tasks? Learning? Ties to personal and professional goals?

Monday through Thursday I attended a practice each day which are two hours each. At

JV practices I am able to coach more. For JV Jenna Sullivan is the head coach and I am

usually the only assistant there so when we break up position based I have my own

group of girls that I am coaching. Then varsity practices I am the third assistant in the

gym so I have less to lead but am still very involved in running drills. Other tasks Tuesday

I met with Jenna about all the scouting and discussed her expectations of a scouting

report. That meeting lasted a couple hours and we went over a few different things

leading into our Minnesota trip. This week there wasn’t any scouting due to it being the

beginning of the season and not having film. Then Friday morning we left for Minnesota

at 6 am and got back Sunday at 12:30. We had 4 games over the weekend, my in game

duty is to stat and keep track of our serve receive passing and offense. Letting Jenna

know what runs have been working and possible combinations of plays could potentially

work. It’s really interesting for me to see that side of the game because I see how

important it is to run plays that work and to change it up keeping the other team on

their toes. This will be especially beneficial to me when I go back to playing and in my

head slow down the game and understand what would work in what situations.

Coaching at the college level would be an amazing job and all this ties into experiencing

what all coaching entails. The season should be a great experience for me.

Week 2

The assumptions I am making about the people all involved in my job are that they know

exactly what they are doing. They have their goal in sight of winning each and every game and

they stride to do that in everything that goes on. Jenna plans out weeks based on who we play

and what type of schedule we have. Her goal is to put the team in the best possible shape in

order to win the games. When her techniques don’t work she refines them and does her best to

alter them for the team. For myself I try and piggy back on what she does and help out where I

can. And this week especially I think I felt more confident pointing out things to the girls and to

the other coaches.

This week was our third week of season so I was being able to settle into my role in

practice and in games. In games I do a lot of stats. The more I have done it the more I am able

to actually participate in some of the in game adjustments. It is a very different view of how

volleyball game works. Siding out is one of the most important stats. You can see how well the

team passes is exactly identical to what is on the score board.

This week I took Monday off and Tuesday did a scouting report for St. Olaf, helped set

up a practice plan and went to JV’s practice. Wednesday was our home opener against UW

Platteville. Then Thursday I tagged along to Clarke to the JV game helping Jenna with some in

game adjustments and stating. Friday and Saturday was our home tournament that I helped

organize the teams and kind of supervised the away teams helping them get to locker rooms

and miscellaneous things like that. Was there all night Friday and most of the day Saturday as

we ended up going 2-2 for the weekend. All in all I am getting more comfortable and confident

and am excited to keep going with the internship.

Week 3

This experience points out my lack of knowledge in the marketing area. I am beginning

to market my clinic that is scheduled for October 8th. I have reached out to the YMCA and they

agreed to help out and send an email to all their 1st through 6th graders. I had the hardest time

making a brochure that looked good and had the information about the clinic. Eventually I

asked my old roommate for help as he is one of the lead interns in athletic communications for

Loras. Then I had trouble with to working around his schedule. I planned on sending out the

email to Casey, my contact with the YMCA, on Thursday. But he ended up sending me the

rough draft of the brochure Thursday night. I went over it and had it send out Friday morning.

That was a struggle this week but other than that I have enjoyed everything else. Jenna is

letting me go over her weekly budget next week and I will see how that goes.

I am learning that coaching is not just helping student athletes be better on the court. It

is way more trouble to do the simple tasks. In order to put on a clinic everything needs to be

prepared. Like the online webpage needs to be updated with a new camp for people to sign up

for. Attention to detail is very necessary as if one thing is left out the clinic will not go smoothly.

Jenna has really helped me with everything go as smoothly as possible. I have also realized that

it takes a lot of time out of your life. As this week I traveled twice and those days I combined for

5 quizzes in my classes so that was a struggle for me. But all in all I have enjoyed the time

spending with the girls and the coaches just makes me really manage my time.

This week Tuesday I met with Jenna for guidance on the brochure and how to go about

marketing the clinic. Then I began the brochure and went to a practice Monday and Tuesday.

Then Wednesday and Thursday I went with to Cedar Rapids to play Coe and Cornell. Then we

had Friday and Saturday off so I finished the brochure with Darin Friday morning and still am

waiting on a response from the YMCA.

Week 4

The emotions and thoughts that the experience brings out is interesting to me. Having

coached high school girls’ volleyball before I didn’t know what to expect coaching college. All

the girls on the team being my friends now having to coach them. But so far it has been

awesome, I have gotten to be closer friends with all of them. With my teams I have played on

my teammates are like family and I care about all them a lot and with this it is kind of like all

them are really close friends. As for the other coaches, it is the same coaching staff that I play

for. I have grown closer and am really happy to learn how to coach from them. They have

become sort of like friends but also when it is time to get serious it is easy for Jenna or Jeremy

to tell me when I go too far with it.

My work environment is very laid back but also serious. Jenna is super organized and

competitive so whether it is office work or talking about volleyball, the task will be handled

well. One thing I like is the dress code, I’m not against dressing up but it I super convenient to

be able to wear whatever I am wearing that day. Another thing I like is the flexibility. I am able

to talk with Jenna and work out my schedule around tests or other things I have going on. One

thing I would rather is if there weren’t general deadlines on things, but more specific ones. Like

the brochure I wish I would have gotten on top of it earlier. I think if I had a strict deadline it

would have gone better.

This week Monday I went over Jenna’s travel budget plan. She explained to me how

much she is allowed for meals, hotels, and buses/vans. It was obvious she had a tight budget

and there wasn’t much room to splurge on one area, her plan is to save on travels by taking

vans as many places as possible. If she goes over that amount in any category she has to

fundraise for that overage. That week I then filed out a rough draft of her travel plan for the

weekend to Wartburg. Then Tuesday I dropped off hard copies of the brochures at the YMCA to

get more kids advertised to. Then that night we had a home game against UD that I did stats

for. Then went to a practice Wednesday and Thursday. Then Friday morning we left for

Wartburg getting back late Saturday night. This week was hard for me as I had two tests in

other classes, but I made it through.

Week 5

This experience pushes me in many different ways. In game I am in charge of keeping

stats. I have to do a lot of quick math. It is also analyzing those numbers that could get

confusing. Under the distress of a fast game and the need to get them right away it gets

difficult. The other challenging part of stats is in putting them in after games. Making an excel

account with all the right equations to get the correct numbers for different things wasn’t easy.

Overall it is challenging but gets easier and easier the more I do it.

Jenna helps me through everything pretty well. I am approaching my clinic next

Saturday and am a little nervous about that. I feel like I marketed it well enough and have 13

kids signed up right now. Jenna said Dubuque people either just show up or sign up last second.

She has been getting a lot of publicity about it and is happy with how it has gone so far. I am

really excited for it but uncertainty makes me a little uncomfortable.

This week was another busy week in school for me especially it was my last week of

marketing the clinic. I ran brochures up to the YMCA and met with them some more about

getting the word out. We are getting it out to the majority of elementary schools. I am learning

how hard it is to start a camp that never was done in the fall. Now I just have to make a

schedule for the girls to work that day and make the practice plan. Other than that had a few

practices and traveled for the weekend.

Week 6

This week Monday and Tuesday was just game prep for Wednesday’s game against BV. I

filled out a scouting report for them and did some more stats. Then Thursday I went to JV

practice and Jenna let me run practice by myself. I made the practice plan myself and it took a

little bit more time than I expected. I was a little nervous because I didn’t know how the girls

would respond to just me. But it all went well and we had a really good practice with the girls

having fun as well as getting after it and getting better. Friday we played one of the best games

of the year. Was pretty cool that they made me look good from practice on Thursday. This week

I also found out that I will be the head coach for the JV Conference Championship. I am excited

for the opportunity and to see how that goes. Going to be a big weekend for me and hoping it

goes well.

Then Saturday I had my clinic. The couple days before I was making a practice plan and

really didn’t know how to make because I didn’t know how many kids would be coming.

Thursday we had 31 signed up and a few who contacted us by email. Then Saturday about 5

minutes until 9 we only had 23 and I got a little worried. Then all of a sudden a rush came and

we ended up with 43 kids. My practice plan I planned way too much and we ended up skipping

about a third of what I had planned. But overall it went smoothly the kids had fun and Jenna

was happy with it too. After the clinic we had a JV and Varsity game that a lot of the girls came

back to and watched too.

At the beginning of this week I was a bit nervous not knowing what to expect. But

overall everything worked out and it was a huge success. The goal of 25 girls almost doubled.

Jenna even mentioned maybe doing this annually now because we made a good amount of

money for the program.

Week 7

This internship has helped me learn a lot about myself, volleyball and my

readiness for jobs in the future. All in all season is almost over and the majority of the hours are

done but seeing how coaches interact with each other was interesting. As I inspire to be a

coach a lot depends on assistant coaches where a head coach needs them. If the head coach

doesn’t develop good relationships with them then the program will never succeed. Another

interesting thing was looking at a team from a coach’s view instead of a players view. It took

time adjusting during games to watching looking at what I could do as a player to helping out

analyzing the stats and seeing what we can do as a team. This internship prepares my for the

future as I will have to adjust to different roles based on my different jobs I encounter.

This week I took Monday off after a long weekend with the clinic and games.

Then Tuesday during the day I finalized come camp things. Depositing fundraiser money was

interesting and realizing how much the money helped out buying hotels, meals or whatever

other miscellaneous things. Then I had to file every kid that camp so future camps we can send

their parents emails and they will be notified and get them back for other things. I have learned

about this type of stuff in Principals of Marketing class. They take sampling to see what

products are liked and use those participants as part of their target customers. Then Tuesday

night we were at Wartburg for a conference game. The rest of the week was rather easy

Thursday and Friday just had practice then left Friday for St. Paul, Minn.

Week 8

This week ended out regular season due to struggles that we have had this year.

Monday was a simple day, all that was going on was varsity practice. Then Tuesday was Senior

Night. The game against Luther was extra important game to Jenna because this was her first

recruiting class she brought in. Before the game Luther was in line to finish first in the

conference until we beat them. Then Wednesday I had to plan out the travel itinerary for the JV

tournament. It was actually rather time consuming, I expected it to just take a few minutes but

it took a little over an hour. I had to figure out times of departure and two meals around a 4

game schedule. A complication that arose during this was getting all the girls orders. Some took

a while to respond so it prolonged the process. Other than meals it was pretty easy because we

were sharing a bus with UD. Then Thursday and Friday I ran the JV practice to prepare for my

head coaching debut. Saturday went well all in all. It was rough start but the girls pulled it

together and we finished 4-0 to win conference. All in all I learned a lot about in game decisions

and how fast the game is as a coach. It was actually a lot of pressure on me to make a game

changing substitution. It was a really good end of the year and it was a fun experience.

Week 9

Three things I would put on my resume that this internship helped me get better:

• Working as a team as one coaching staff while being a leader for the players

• Planning as a whole whether it is a weekend budget, bus schedule or practice plan

• Fundraising/marketing a clinic by myself

This week was kind of my first off week and kind of a reflection week for me. Jenna and I

talked a lot about what could have been changed to make the team more successful. Of the

many lessons I learned from her this year I learned to not be indecisive in anything, to go with

something all in no matter what. This is in budgeting, marketing or on the court. If she is

indecisive in the budget she will be spending money on the wrong thing and if she chooses

wrong then she still spends money on the wrong thing so there isn’t much of a loss. On the

court you have to be decisive because that puts confidence in the people around you. That is

huge especially in coaching because if a team doesn’t have confidence to make the right call

then how is the team going to function.

This week Tuesday the Jennas and I made a recruiting trip to Chicago. We went to recruit

Jackie, the girl that I coached over last summer and have been recruiting the whole year.

Jenna’s had me plan out the trip with Jenna Sullivan being dropped off in Huntley which is

about an hour and twenty minutes away from Chicago Christian where Jackie plays. So first I

had us taking the south route and having Jenna Sullivan go up North to Huntley. But then Jenna

Ness was like we can just rent a car. That was something I didn’t even think about. So we ended

up scraping my whole plan and just going to Huntley first renting a car and driving down to

Chicago Christian. All in all it was a good experience I think a lot of times people think recruiting

is easy. But really it isn’t coaches literally have to go out and find good players they don’t really

come to you that often. All in all this week I did learn a lot about different approaches to

recruiting and what Jenna likes to do vs what other coaches will do.

Week 10

This week Jenna was out of town in Minnesota being the representative from the NCAA

for Regionals. So this week I continued some recruiting things like watching some girls videos

on youtube and ranking the recruits based on skill. It was interested how organized you have to

be. Mixing up one thing could be pretty embarrassing if you text the wrong girl wrong

information then it would look bad on you as a coach and as a program. The whole year I have

been seeing everything you do reflects yourself, your program and your school. The reputation

you build up within all three of those factors effects everything from how opposing coaches

treat you to how recruits look at your school.

Another thing I did this week was work on some mock scheduling for next year. Jenna

had her scheduling already done but she wanted me to experience the headaches first hand. I

had to go under the NCAA max of days players are able to play for both JV and Varsity also

going with all the other schools schedules. It was a long process and detailed a lot of trial and

error of scheduling teams where. Taking to account who you want to start the season with as

well as who to play on senior night. Also taking into account strength of schedule trying to get

an at large bid to get into the NCAA tournament. It was pretty tough to weigh in everything and

come up with a good schedule. Jenna said it would be impossible to make a perfect schedule so

trying to do best for every aspect would be good enough. All in all it was really hard.

Week 11

Couple overall things I have become better at but still need to improve are my planning

as well as my commination. Many times I go into things like a drill in practice, practice plan

meeting or else going over budgets and are not ready with a plan. One reason I did that this

year was because all in all I wasn’t the one taking the fall for it if it wasn’t done that would have

been Jenna. But really I hurt myself by doing that, it would take me way less time doing

anything if I took 10 minutes even and planned out what I wanted to do. Like during the JV

Conference Tournament I was the one taking the blame for anything that happened so I

planned out how the day was going to go. That day went really well to go 4-0 all together and

no drama or anything. The other thing I need to improve is my communication. I need to find

the happy medium in between over explaining myself and still getting my point across. I feel

like when I speak in the moment I don’t have the confidence to say exactly what I think as well

as know how to say it in the right way. Sometimes I need to take a second and then say what I

want to say other times I need to just say it and not worry about it so much after the fact. These

two things I will use later in life going into any type of meeting planning what I would say and

being able to communicate that. I think I got better with both these things as the year went on,

as time goes on I will get better and better at it.

This week I helped Jenna plan the offseason. Mostly team meetings with players,

meeting with strength and conditioning coach to talk nutrition and planning nontraditional

season and play date. All this still needs to be planned whether it is gym times with other

coaches or practice around class schedules of my athletes. There is a lot that needs to be taken

into account and it was a struggle to make schedules in order to optimize my time in the gym to

get the girls better.

Updated Resume

15423 Michaele Drive, Oak Forest Il. 60452 | Dylan.ross@loras.edu | (708)-954-7481



This was my first real job and my duties varied day to day. If I were to be the
starter, so getting people ready and in order to tee off, there would be days I let
over 300 people off onto the golf course. If I were the cart washer my duty was to
wash carts as they come of hole 18 and get them back up and ready for the next
guest to use.
SUMMERS FROM 2010-2015

I acted as an umpire for my association starting when I was in 8th grade. It was my
summer job for when I was not in school. I still do this over the summer when I
am home from college. This past summer I was taken to Dreams Park in
Cooperstown, New York. The team brought me as their umpire and after reviews I
was the youngest umpire to receive and elite 8 game.

I was a secretary for the Loras College Athletic Department. My duties are to do
everyday secretary work also whatever Denise Udelhofen (Athletic Director) asks
of me as well as any other of the coaches.
I was an assistant coach for women’s volleyball at Tinley Park high school under
Lee Rucinski. This is a seasonal job that I am go home to help him out every
FALL OF 2016
I was an assistant coach for women’s volleyball at Loras College under Jenna Ness.
This was an internship where I learned the day to day jobs of a D3 head coach.


I am currently a sophomore at Loras College with an undecided major. I plan to

major in sports management This next semester I will have my math and business
minors completed. I am pursuing options to get a third minor possibly in coaching

COMMUNICATION My whole life I have played in sports where in high school I was captain of all
three sports I played in: golf, basketball and volleyball. I have had to deal with
teammates not knowing what is going on and communicate with them about
schedules as well as setting up team bonding activities.

LEADERSHIP I am currently captain of Loras College’s Men’ Volleyball Team. As a sophomore,

on a weekly basis I have had to work around 21 other teammate’s schedules to
set up study table sessions, workouts and open gyms. I also have been an
assistant coach that demands me to be a leader and role model for high school



Phone Number: (843)-504-5545

Phone Number: (574)-360-9549

Phone Number: (802)-578-4868

Phone Number: (708)-790-7550

Phone Number: (563)-588-7742


Phone Number: (515)-588-7459


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