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Hasil Uji Manova Menggunakan Software SPSS 21

General Linear Model

Between-Subjects Factors

Value Label N
Penggunaan SIM 3,00 Cukup 1
Berbas is Teknologi 4,00 Baik 35
Informasi 5,00 Sangat baik 5

Descriptive Statistics

Penggunaan SIM Mean Std. Deviation N

Motivas i Kerja Berbas
Cukup is Teknologi 59,0000 . 1
Baik 57,3714 2,83969 35
Sangat baik 61,4000 ,54772 5
Total 57,9024 2,94792 41
Kepuasan Kerja Cukup 67,0000 . 1
Baik 66,4286 4,97219 35
Sangat baik 73,6000 4,33590 5
Total 67,3171 5,34059 41
Budaya Kerja Cukup 65,0000 . 1
Baik 73,6571 4,07245 35
Sangat baik 78,0000 4,63681 5
Total 73,9756 4,51380 41

Box's Test of Equality of Covariance Matrices a

Box's M 15,946
F 1,871
df1 6
df2 273,266
Sig. ,086
Tests the null hypothesis that the obs erved covariance
matrices of the dependent variables are equal across groups.
a. Design: Intercept+Penggunaan_SIM
Multivariate Testsc

Partial Eta
Effect Value F Hypothesis df Error df Sig. Squared
Intercept Pillai's Trace ,994 1964,693a 3,000 36,000 ,000 ,994
Wilks' Lambda ,006 1964,693a 3,000 36,000 ,000 ,994
Hotelling's Trace 163,724 1964,693a 3,000 36,000 ,000 ,994
Roy's Largest Root 163,724 1964,693a 3,000 36,000 ,000 ,994
Penggunaan_SIM Pillai's Trace ,476 3,850 6,000 74,000 ,002 ,238
Wilks' Lambda ,568 3,928a 6,000 72,000 ,002 ,247
Hotelling's Trace ,685 3,999 6,000 70,000 ,002 ,255
Roy's Largest Root ,545 6,727b 3,000 37,000 ,001 ,353
a. Exact s tatis tic
b. The statistic is an upper bound on F that yields a lower bound on the significance level.
c. Design: Intercept+Penggunaan_SIM

a s
Le vene's Test of Equality of Error Varia nce

F df1 df2 Sig.

Motivasi Kerja 2,706 2 38 ,080
Kepuasan Kerja 1,836 2 38 ,173
Buday a Kerja ,782 2 38 ,465
Tests the null hypothesis t hat the error varianc e of the dependent
variable is equal ac ros s groups .
a. Design: Intercept+ Penggunaan_SIM

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Type III Sum Partial Eta

Source Dependent Variable of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Squared
Corrected Model Motivas i Kerja 72,238 a 2 36,119 4,984 ,012 ,208
Kepuasan Kerja 225,107b 2 112,553 4,670 ,015 ,197
Budaya Kerja 165,090c 2 82,545 4,827 ,014 ,203
Intercept Motivas i Kerja 25723,112 1 25723,112 3549,672 ,000 ,989
Kepuasan Kerja 34886,722 1 34886,722 1447,627 ,000 ,974
Budaya Kerja 38207,235 1 38207,235 2234,047 ,000 ,983
Penggunaan_SIM Motivas i Kerja 72,238 2 36,119 4,984 ,012 ,208
Kepuasan Kerja 225,107 2 112,553 4,670 ,015 ,197
Budaya Kerja 165,090 2 82,545 4,827 ,014 ,203
Error Motivas i Kerja 275,371 38 7,247
Kepuasan Kerja 915,771 38 24,099
Budaya Kerja 649,886 38 17,102
Total Motivas i Kerja 137808,000 41
Kepuasan Kerja 186936,000 41
Budaya Kerja 225183,000 41
Corrected Total Motivas i Kerja 347,610 40
Kepuasan Kerja 1140,878 40
Budaya Kerja 814,976 40
a. R Squared = ,208 (Adjusted R Squared = ,166)
b. R Squared = ,197 (Adjusted R Squared = ,155)
c. R Squared = ,203 (Adjusted R Squared = ,161)
Pengujian scr Multivariat

Multivariate Testsc

Partial Eta
Effect Value F Hypothesis df Error df Sig. Squared
Intercept Pillai's Trace ,994 1964,693a 3,000 36,000 ,000 ,994
Wilks' Lambda ,006 1964,693a 3,000 36,000 ,000 ,994
Hotelling's Trace 163,724 1964,693a 3,000 36,000 ,000 ,994
Roy's Largest Root 163,724 1964,693a 3,000 36,000 ,000 ,994
Penggunaan_SIM Pillai's Trace ,476 3,850 6,000 74,000 ,002 ,238
Wilks' Lambda ,568 3,928a 6,000 72,000 ,002 ,247
Hotelling's Trace ,685 3,999 6,000 70,000 ,002 ,255
Roy's Largest Root ,545 6,727b 3,000 37,000 ,001 ,353
a. Exact s tatis tic
b. The statistic is an upper bound on F that yields a lower bound on the significance level.
c. Design: Intercept+Penggunaan_SIM

Uji secara parsial (individual)

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Type III Sum Partial Eta

Source Dependent Variable of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Squared
Corrected Model Motivas i Kerja 72,238 a 2 36,119 4,984 ,012 ,208
Kepuasan Kerja 225,107b 2 112,553 4,670 ,015 ,197
Budaya Kerja 165,090c 2 82,545 4,827 ,014 ,203
Intercept Motivas i Kerja 25723,112 1 25723,112 3549,672 ,000 ,989
Kepuasan Kerja 34886,722 1 34886,722 1447,627 ,000 ,974
Budaya Kerja 38207,235 1 38207,235 2234,047 ,000 ,983
Penggunaan_SIM Motivas i Kerja 72,238 2 36,119 4,984 ,012 ,208
Kepuasan Kerja 225,107 2 112,553 4,670 ,015 ,197
Budaya Kerja 165,090 2 82,545 4,827 ,014 ,203
Error Motivas i Kerja 275,371 38 7,247
Kepuasan Kerja 915,771 38 24,099
Budaya Kerja 649,886 38 17,102
Total Motivas i Kerja 137808,000 41
Kepuasan Kerja 186936,000 41
Budaya Kerja 225183,000 41
Corrected Total Motivas i Kerja 347,610 40
Kepuasan Kerja 1140,878 40
Budaya Kerja 814,976 40
a. R Squared = ,208 (Adjusted R Squared = ,166)
b. R Squared = ,197 (Adjusted R Squared = ,155)
c. R Squared = ,203 (Adjusted R Squared = ,161)

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