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Level of Awareness of Selected Couple on Reproductive Health Law in Barangay Bagumbayan Pililla, Rizal

Directions: Read each item carefully. Kindly give the needed information or put a check ( / ) mark on the space provided before each
I. Profile of the Respondents
Names: _______________________________________ A. Length of the year/s as a married couple
( Optional ) ( ) 1-3 years
B. Status: ( ) Live-in ( ) Married ( ) 4-6 years
( ) 7-10 years and above, specify: _____
II. Directions: Read each item carefully and kindly give the needed information by putting a check ( / ) on the space provided.
Please rate each question in own understanding.

5 – Very much aware 4 – Much aware 3 – Aware 2 – Moderately aware 1 – Not aware at all
5 4 3 2 1
1. Responsible Parenthood and Resproductive Health Act was enacted by
the senate of the Philippines in December 19, 2012 ( Section 1 )
2. Reproductive Health Law is in the Republic Act No.10354 ( Section 1)
3. Individuals are free to achieve desired birth spacing and family size (
Section 4 ).
4. Reproductive Health implies that people are able to have a
responsible, satisfying and safer sex life ( Section 7 ).
5. Family Planning allows individuals to improved health outcomes for
infants, c
hildren, women, and especially for the family.
6. Abortion remains a crime and is punishable ( Section 3 ).
7. Population growth is the major reasons of the implementation of RH
Law with respect to the family planning.

8. Condoms, birth control pills and IUDS are the major devices in family
9. Family planning is the practice of controlling the number of children
in a family and intervals between their births ( Section 4 ).

10. The most effective way to avoid unintended pregnancies is the

abstinence of sexual activity.

11. Absence on the information on RH Law with respect to family

planning means to prevent an unplanned and unwanted pregnancy.
12. Calendar, natural and ligation are also ways of birth control.

13. Family Planning using contraception can help to avoid unwanted

pregnancies and space births.
14. All individuals are free to access in the services of family planning
except to the minors without permission ( Section 7 ).
15. Reproductive Health Law informed individuals to access to safe,
effective, affordable, and acceptable methods of birth control (Section 3

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