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Patient-Specific Modeling of Blood Flow and

Pressure in Human Coronary Arteries

Article in Annals of Biomedical Engineering · October 2010

DOI: 10.1007/s10439-010-0083-6 · Source: PubMed


225 648

6 authors, including:

Irene E Vignon-Clementel Carlos Alberto Figueroa

National Institute for Research in Computer S… University of Michigan


Kenneth E. Jansen
University of Colorado Boulder


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An Integrated Computer Modelling Framework for Subject-Specific Cardiovascular Simulation:

Applications to Disease Research, Treatment Planning, and Medical Device Design View project

Extreme Scale Unstructured Adaptive CFD View project

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Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 38, No. 10, October 2010 ( 2010) pp. 3195–3209
DOI: 10.1007/s10439-010-0083-6

Patient-Specific Modeling of Blood Flow and Pressure in Human

Coronary Arteries
and C. A. TAYLOR3,4
Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309, USA; 2INRIA, Paris-Rocquencourt
BP 105, 78153 Le Chesnay Cedex, France; 3Department of Bioengineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA; and
Department of Surgery, Stanford University, E350 Clark Center, 318 Campus Drive, Stanford, CA 94305, USA
(Received 29 September 2009; accepted 20 May 2010; published online 18 June 2010)

Associate Editor Peter E. McHugh oversaw the review of this article.

Abstract—Coronary flow is different from the flow in other and the prediction of the outcomes of interven-
parts of the arterial system because it is influenced by the tions.16,23 As the computing capacity and numerical
contraction and relaxation of the heart. To model coronary methods for simulation of blood flow advance, further
flow realistically, the compressive force of the heart acting on
the coronary vessels needs to be included. In this study, we applications are anticipated.
developed a method that predicts coronary flow and pressure However, computational simulations have been
of three-dimensional epicardial coronary arteries by consid- rarely used to predict pulsatile flow and pressure fields
ering models of the heart and arterial system and the of three-dimensional coronary vascular beds, in part
interactions between the two models. For each coronary because the flow rate and pressure in the coronary
outlet, a lumped parameter coronary vascular bed model was
assigned to represent the impedance of the downstream vascular beds are highly related to the interactions
coronary vascular networks absent in the computational between the heart and the arterial system. Unlike flow
domain. The intramyocardial pressure was represented with in other parts of the arterial system, coronary flow
either the left or right ventricular pressure depending on the decreases when the ventricles contract and increase the
location of the coronary arteries. The left and right ventric- intramyocardial pressure, which exerts an extravascu-
ular pressure were solved from the lumped parameter heart
models coupled to a closed loop system comprising a three- lar compressive force on the coronary vessels.17 Coro-
dimensional model of the aorta, three-element Windkessel nary flow increases when the ventricles relax, thereby,
models of the rest of the systemic circulation and the decreasing the intramyocardial pressure and extravas-
pulmonary circulation, and lumped parameter models for the cular compressive force. Therefore, to model coronary
left and right sides of the heart. The computed coronary flow flow and pressure realistically, it is necessary to have a
and pressure and the aortic flow and pressure waveforms
were realistic as compared to literature data. model of the heart and a model of the arterial system
with consideration of the interactions between the two
Keywords—Blood flow, Coronary flow, Coronary pressure, models. Because of this complexity in modeling coro-
Coupled multidomain method. nary flow and pressure, most three-dimensional com-
putational studies have been conducted with only the
coronary arteries, ignoring the interactions between the
INTRODUCTION heart and the arterial system and prescribing, not pre-
dicting, coronary flow. Further, these studies have not
Computational simulations have been proven useful modeled realistic pressures and generally used traction-
in studying blood flow in the cardiovascular system24: free outlet boundary conditions whether the lateral
assessing hemodynamics of healthy and diseased blood surfaces of the coronary arteries are considered as rigid
vessels,4,6 helping in the design and evaluation of vas- walls1,6 or compliant walls18,30 or the cardiac motions
cular medical devices,1,14 planning of vascular surgeries, due to the contraction and relaxation of the heart are
considered19,21 or not. Migliavacca and coworkers12,16
computed three-dimensional pulsatile coronary flow
Address correspondence to C. A. Taylor, Department of Surgery,
Stanford University, E350 Clark Center, 318 Campus Drive, and pressure in a single coronary artery, but this study
Stanford, CA 94305, USA. Electronic mail: taylorca@stanford.edu was performed with an idealized model and low mesh
0090-6964/10/1000-3195/0  2010 Biomedical Engineering Society
3196 KIM et al.

resolution. The analytic models used as boundary METHODS

conditions were coupled explicitly, necessitating either
subiterations within the same time step or a small time Three-Dimensional Finite Element Model of Blood
step size bounded by the stability of an explicit time Flow and Vessel Wall Dynamics
integration scheme. To predict physiologically realistic Blood flow in the large vessels of the cardiovascular
flow rate and pressure in the coronary arterial trees of a system can be approximated by the flow of a Newto-
patient, computational simulations should be robust nian fluid. Blood flow is modeled using the incom-
and stable enough to handle complex flow character- pressible Navier–Stokes equations, and the motion of
istics and the coupling with different scales of computer the vessel wall using the elastodynamics equations. In
models should be efficient and versatile.10 these equations, fluid–solid interface conditions, as
In previous studies, Vignon-Clementel et al.27,28 well as the initial and boundary conditions, are
developed boundary conditions for three-dimensional required to solve for the blood flow and the vessel wall
models of blood flow that can represent physiological dynamics of the fluid and solid domains, respectively.
conditions of each subject. For outlet boundaries of In this study, we used a fixed fluid mesh assuming
the arterial system excluding the coronary vascular small displacements of the vessel wall.5
beds, simple analytic models such as resistance, For a fluid domain X with its boundary C and a
impedance, and the three-element Windkessel model solid domain Xs with its boundary Csg ; the following
were assigned to model the arterial system absent in equations are solved for velocities ~ v; pressure p, and
the computational domain. This method is fully wall displacement ~ u .5,27
implicit and has proven to be versatile and robust. In a Given ~ f: X  ð0; TÞ ! R3 ; ~ fs : Xs  ð0; TÞ ! R3 ;
related study, we implemented a lumped parameter g: Cg  ð0; TÞ ! R ; ~
~ 3
g : Cg  ð0; TÞ ! R3 ; ~
s s
v0 : X ! R 3 ;
heart model as an inflow boundary condition of a s 3
u0 : X ! R ; and ~
~ s 3
u0;t : X ! R ; find ~ vð~ x; tÞ; and
x; tÞ; pð~
three-dimensional finite-element model of the aorta to uð~
~ xs ; tÞ for 8~x 2 X; 8~ xs 2 Xs ; and " t 2 (0, T), such
consider the interactions between the ventricle and the that the following conditions are satisfied:
arterial system.11 Again, a fully implicit method was
used to couple the heart model to the aortic model. We v;t þ q~
q~ v ¼ rp þ divðs Þ þ ~
v  r~ f
showed physiologically realistic flow and pressure 
fields for a subject-specific three-dimensional model of for ð~
x;tÞ 2 X  ð0;TÞ
the aorta with these boundary conditions.11 In addi- divð~vÞ ¼ 0 for ð~x;tÞ 2 X  ð0;TÞ
tion, constraints on the shape of the velocity profile at
the aortic inlet and select outlet boundaries were
q~ s ~s
x s ;tÞ 2 Xs  ð0; TÞ ð1Þ
u;tt ¼ r  r þ f for ð~

enforced using an augmented Lagrangian method to
where s ¼ lðr~ vÞ T Þ
v þ ðr~
resolve numerical instabilities that result from reverse 
and complex flow structures at boundaries.10 1
and rs ¼ C : ðr~ uÞT Þ
u þ ðr~
In this paper, we describe a method to calculate the   2
flow and pressure of three-dimensional coronary vas-
with the Dirichlet boundary conditions,
cular beds by considering the models of the left and
right sides of the heart, arterial system, and the inter-
~ x; tÞ ¼ ~ gð~x; tÞ for ð~ x; tÞ 2 Cg  ð0; TÞ
actions between them. For each coronary outlet, a ð2Þ
lumped parameter coronary vascular bed model was x s ; tÞ ¼ ~
~ g s ð~
x s ; tÞ for ð~
x s ; tÞ 2 Csg  ð0; TÞ
assigned to represent the impedance of downstream
the Neumann boundary conditions,
coronary vascular networks absent in the computa-
tional domain. We solved for coronary flow and ~
t~n ¼ ½p I þ s ~ ~ v; p; ~
n ¼ hð~ x 2 Ch
x; tÞ for ~ ð3Þ
pressure as well as aortic flow and pressure in patient-
specific models for rest and light and moderate exercise and the initial conditions,
conditions. Additionally, to demonstrate that these
methods can be utilized in clinical investigation, we ~vð~
x; 0Þ ¼ ~ v0 ð~
xÞ for ~ x2X
studied blood flow and pressure with different degrees uð~
~ s
x ; 0Þ ¼ ~ u0 ð~ s
x Þ for ~ x s 2 Xs ð4Þ
of stenosis. We created a stenosis in the left anterior x s ; 0Þ ¼ ~
u;t ð~
~ x s 2 Xs
x s Þ for ~
u0;t ð~
descending coronary artery by reducing the local
diameter of the geometric model by 40%, 50%, 60%, where the boundary C of the fluid domain is divided
and 75% and simulated a baseline (resting) condition into a Dirichlet boundary portion Cg and a Neumann
and a moderate exercise condition, where in the latter boundary portion Ch. Similarly, the boundary Cs of the
case we assumed that the downstream coronary vas- solid domain is divided into a Dirichlet boundary
cular beds were maximally dilated. portion Csg and a Neumann boundary portion Csh. They
Patient-Specific Coronary Flow Modeling 3197

satisfy ðCh [ Cg Þ ¼ C; ðCsh [ Csg Þ ¼ Cs ; Ch \ Cg ¼ /; a model developed by Mantero et al.15 (Fig. 1). The
and Csh \ Csg ¼ /: coronary venous microcirculation compliance was
The density q and the dynamic viscosity l of the eliminated from the original model in order to simplify
fluid, and the density qs of the vessel walls are assumed the numerics. The coronary pressure and flow waveforms
to be constant. The external body force on the fluid retained realistic waveforms without the coronary
domain is represented by ~ f: Similarly, ~
fs is the external venous microcirculation compliance. The coronary vas-
body force on the solid domain, C is a fourth-order cular bed model consists of coronary arterial resistance

tensor of material constants, and rs is the vessel wall Ra, coronary arterial compliance Ca, coronary arterial

stress tensor. microcirculation resistance Ra-micro, myocardial compli-
To assign coronary outlet boundary conditions, the ance Cim, coronary venous microcirculation resistance
coupled multidomain method27 is utilized with a Rv-micro, coronary venous resistance Rv, and intramyo-
lumped parameter coronary vascular bed model. Simi- cardial pressure Pim(t). The modeling of the intramyo-
larly to the treatment of other outflow boundary con- cardial pressure is explained in the next subsection.
ditions, a lumped parameter model of coronary
 For each coronary outlet surface Chcork we defined
~c the operators M and H as follows by replacing the
beds defines boundary operators M ¼ M ; M
m Chcor
coronary outlet pressure P(t) with the ordinary dif-
  ferential equation obtained from the lumped parame-
and H ¼ H ; H~c that represent the traction and ter coronary vascular bed model:
m Chcor   Z
flow at each coronary outlet surface Chcor . For the other M ð~ v;pÞ þ H ¼ R vðtÞ ~
~ ndC
boundaries, the same method is applied to assign an m m C Chcor
hcor k
impedance using a three-element Windkessel model.28 Z Z
The lateral surface of the fluid domain coincides with a þ ek1 ðtsÞ Z1 vðsÞ ~
~ ndCds I
0 Chcor 
membrane model of the vessel wall in the coupled k
momentum method for fluid–solid interaction.5 A sta- Z t Z
bilized semi-discrete finite element method25 is utilized þ ek2 ðtsÞ Z2 vðsÞ ~
~ n  s ~
ndCds ~ njChcor I ð5Þ
0 Chcor  k 
to solve for Eqs. (1)–(4) in this study.   k

þ s jChcor  Aek1 t  Bek2 t I

Z t Z t 
The Lumped Parameter Model of Downstream k1 ðtsÞ k2 ðtsÞ
Coronary Vascular Beds  e  Y1 Pim ðsÞds  e  Y2 Pim ðsÞds I
0 0 
h i
The lumped parameter model of coronary vascular M~c ð~
v;pÞ þ H ~c ¼~vjChcor
Chcor k
beds coupled to each coronary outlet surface is based on k

C D EF A: Inlet - coupled to lumped parameter heart model

RLA-V L LA-V RLV-art L LV-art


B-H: Outlets - coupled to A -Inlet
a three-element Windkessel
Elastance function

i A model
ELV ( t) k c b Rp Rd
j e C
h gd f 0
V 0 Time (s) 0.952

H a-k: Coronary outlets - coupled to lumped

Rpd Rpp LRV-art RRV-art LRA-V RRA-V ERA parameter coronary vascular model
Ra Ra-micro
- Rv-mi
v cro

Ca Rv
Cp ERV (t ) Pim


FIGURE 1. Problem specification of the inlet, upper branch vessels, the descending thoracic aorta, and coronary outlets for
simulations of blood flow in a normal thoracic aorta model with coronary outlets. Note that all the outlets of the three-dimensional
computational model feed back in the lumped model at (V).
3198 KIM et al.

where P(t) and Q(t) are the pressure and flow at the The velocity and pressure fields in the three-dimensional
coronary outlet surface and I is an identity tensor. The domain and its boundaries were solved implicitly.

coefficients k1, k2, A, B, R, Z1, Y1, Z2, and Y2 are
defined using the lumped parameter model of down- Computation of the Intramyocardial Pressure
stream coronary vascular beds as follows:
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Depending on the location of the coronary vascular
p1 þ p21  4p0 p2 beds, the coronary beds experience different intramy-
k1 ¼ ocardial pressure Pim. Coronary flow in the left coro-
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi nary vascular beds is decreased significantly in systole
p1  p21  4p0 p2 because the left ventricle operates in a high pressure
k2 ¼ range. However, the right coronary flow does not
" decrease in systole because the right ventricle operates
1 dQ in a lower pressure range than the left ventricle.17 Even
A ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ðq2 k1 þ q1 ÞQð0Þ þ q2 ð0Þ
p21  4p0 p2 dt the maximum right ventricular pressure is one-fifth of
  # the average aortic pressure.17 To accommodate the
dP change in the intramyorcardial pressure depending on
þ b1 Pim ð0Þ þ p2 k2 Pð0Þ  ð0Þ
dt the location of the coronary vascular beds, we imple-
" mented a closed loop system and computed the left and
1 dQ right ventricular pressure. Previously, we had devel-
B ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ðq2 k2 þ q1 ÞQð0Þ þ q2 ð0Þ
p21  4p0 p2 dt oped a boundary condition coupling a lumped
  # parameter model representing the left side of the heart
dP to the inlet of the thoracic aorta to compute the left
þ b1 Pim ð0Þ þ p2 k1 Pð0Þ  ð0Þ
dt ventricular pressure.11 In this study, another lumped
q2 parameter right heart model was coupled to the pul-
R¼ monary circulation to compute the right ventricular
pressure. Depending on the location of the coronary
q2 k21 þ q1 k1 þ q0 outlet boundaries, we used the left ventricular pressure
Z1 ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
p21  4p0 p2 to represent the intramyocardial pressure of the left
coronary arteries and the right ventricular pressure to
b1 k1 þ b0
Y1 ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi represent the intramyocardial pressure of the right
p21  4p0 p2 coronary arteries. The closed loop system implemented
in these simulations is plotted in Fig. 1.
q2 k22 þ q1 k2 þ q0
Z2 ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
p21  4p0 p2 Choice of the Parameter Values for the Coronary Model
b1 k2 þ b0
Y2 ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi The flow distribution to each primary branch of the
p21  4p0 p2 coronary arteries was calculated on the basis of mor-
phology data and data from the literature.31 We
with the following coefficients: assumed that the mean coronary flow is 4.0% of the
p0 ¼ 1 cardiac output.17 For each coronary outlet surface,
coronary venous resistance was calculated on the basis
p1 ¼ Ra-micro Ca þ ðRv þ Rv-micro ÞðCa þ Cim Þ
of the mean flow and assigned venous pressure
p2 ¼ Ca Cim Ra-micro ðRv þ Rv-micro Þ according to literature data.17 We then computed
q0 ¼ Ra þ Ra-micro þ Rv þ Rv-micro coronary arterial resistance and coronary arterial
q1 ¼ Ra Ca ðRa-micro þ Rv þ Rv-micro Þ microcirculation resistance on the basis of mean flow,
mean arterial pressure, and the coronary impedance
þ Cim ðRa þ Ra-micro ÞðRv þ Rv-micro Þ
spectrum using literature data.3,26 The capacitance
q2 ¼ Ca Cim Ra Ra-micro ðRv þ Rv-micro Þ values were adjusted to give physiologically realistic
b0 ¼ 0 coronary flow and pressure waveforms using literature
b1 ¼ Cim ðRv þ Rv-micro Þ data.3
During simulated exercise, the mean flow to the
Using these operators defined above, we couple the coronary vascular bed was increased to maintain the
flow and pressure at each coronary outlet surface mean flow at 4.0% of the cardiac output. However, we
between the upstream three-dimensional finite element set a threshold value below which the resistance cannot
model and the downstream lumped parameter model. decrease. The coronary parameter values for each
Patient-Specific Coronary Flow Modeling 3199

coronary outlet surface were modified by decreasing arteries). For the inlet, we coupled the lumped
the total resistances and increasing the capacitances parameter heart model.11 For the coronary outlets, we
and the ratio of the coronary arterial resistance to the assigned lumped parameter coronary vascular mod-
total coronary resistance based on literature data.3 els.15 For the upper branch vessels and the descending
The parameter values of the lumped parameter thoracic aorta, we assigned three-element Windkessel
heart model and three-element Windkessel models models (Fig. 1). The flow distribution used to evaluate
were determined to match subject-specific cardiac the resistance/impedance of each coronary, upper
output and pulse pressure.11 branch, and descending thoracic aortic outlet was set
based on literature data.29 Boundary conditions were
adjusted to match both the flow distribution and the
Exercise Simulations
measured brachial artery pulse pressure.13,22 Addi-
In this study, we simulated two different levels of tionally, we adjusted the Young’s modulus of the
exercise conditions. First, for the simulation with blood vessel walls to match the measured wall defor-
normal coronary arteries, we simulated rest and light mations of the aorta on the basis of the cardiac-gated
exercise conditions. The light exercise condition is computer tomography data. In this study, we modeled
similar to a brisk walk. We doubled the cardiac output the wall deformability with the uniform Young’s
and heart rate, and the coronary flow was doubled to modulus of 6.26 9 106 dynes/cm2. We also found
meet the increased metabolic demands accordingly. tethering areas using this patient’s cardiac-gated com-
However, the downstream coronary vascular networks puter tomography data and fixed those areas in space
were not dilated maximally. Second, for the simula- and time in the computer model. For the coronary
tions with different degrees of stenosis, we simulated vessels, we identified thin strips approximating the
moderate exercise to approximate maximal dilation of intersection between the coronary arteries and epicar-
downstream coronary vascular networks. This way, we dial surface of the heart and fixed the surface of the
can study how different degrees of stenosis reduce the coronary arteries along the strips.
coronary flow reserve affecting the coronary flow and To demonstrate that these methods can be utilized
pressure waveforms. To simulate moderate exercise, in clinical investigation, we studied blood flow and
we tripled the cardiac output and heart rate and the pressure with different degrees of stenosis. We created
mean coronary flow was increased by 350%. a stenosis in the left anterior descending coronary
artery by reducing the local diameter of the geometric
model by 40%, 50%, 60%, and 75% and simulated a
Simulation Details
rest condition and a moderate exercise condition,
Blood was approximated as incompressible New- where in the latter case we assumed that the down-
tonian fluid with a density of 1.06 g/cm3 and a stream coronary vascular beds were maximally dilated.
dynamic viscosity of 0.04 dynes/cm2 s for all the
simulations. The blood vessel walls were modeled with
a linearly elastic material. Poisson’s ratio was 0.5 with RESULTS
a wall density of 1.0 g/cm3 and a uniform wall thick-
Simulations of Coronary Flow and Pressure of a Normal
ness of 0.1 cm. The inlet and the outlet rings were fixed
Thoracic Aortic Model with Epicardial Coronary
in space and time.5 The mesh generated was aniso-
Arteries at Rest and During Light Exercise
tropic with local refinement on exterior surfaces and
coronary vascular beds with five semi-structured layers In these simulations, we studied coronary flow and
within the boundary layer.20 The solutions were run pressure of normal coronary arteries for rest and light
until the relative pressure fields at the inlet and outlets exercise conditions. Solutions were obtained using a
did not change more than 1.0% compared to those in 1,768,953 element (339,664 node) finite element mesh
the solutions at the same phase in the previous cardiac with a time step size of 0.25 ms to simulate a resting
cycle. condition and 0.125 ms to simulate a light exercise
We constructed the geometrical model used in these condition. The shape of the velocity profiles of the inlet
simulations from cardiac-gated computer tomography and of the outlets of the upper branch vessels, and the
data of a 36-year-old healthy male subject. The model descending thoracic aorta was constrained to an axi-
started from the root of the aorta, ended above the symmetric shape with a profile order of nine.10
diaphragm, and included major coronary arteries (left To simulate light exercise, the resistance value of the
anterior descending, left circumflex, and right coronary descending thoracic aorta was decreased in order to
arteries) and major branches of them and main upper increase flow to the lower extremities. The cardiac
branch vessels (right subclavian, left subclavian, right cycle was shortened to simulate increased heart rate
vertebral, left vertebral, right carotid, and left carotid until the systolic pressure of the thoracic aorta
3200 KIM et al.

increased by 20% compared to the resting state.2 The the stroke volume increased little from 83 to 86 cc
boundary conditions of the upper branch vessels were signifying the increase in the cardiac output was mainly
unchanged. The parameter values of the closed loop due to the shortening of the cardiac cycle, not due to
system are shown in Table 1, and the parameter values the increase of the stroke volume.
of the Windkessel models are shown in Table 2. The Figure 2 also shows that the upper branch vessels
contractility of this subject was not changed for the experience retrograde flow in diastole. Retrograde flow
light exercise simulation. Table 3 shows the parameter to the upper branch vessels is severe in the light exer-
values of the lumped parameter coronary vascular cise condition, even though the same boundary con-
models assigned to each coronary outlet for rest and ditions were assigned to the upper branch vessels,
light exercise conditions. likely due to the increased flow demand of the
Figure 2 shows computed pressure and flow wave- descending thoracic aorta. Figure 2 also shows the
forms of the inlet and the outlets for rest and light pressure waveforms of the upper branch vessels and
exercise conditions of the normal thoracic aorta. The the descending thoracic aorta. The pressure waveform
pressure–volume loops of the left and right ventricles of the descending thoracic aorta decays faster during
for both conditions are also shown. The cardiac cycle exercise than in the resting condition.
decreased from 1.0 to 0.5 s, the cardiac output In Fig. 3, coronary flow and pressure waveforms of
increased from 5 to 10.3 L/min, and systolic blood the left anterior descending, left circumflex, and right
pressure increased from 124 to 149 mmHg. However, coronary arteries are plotted for rest and exercise

TABLE 1. Parameter values of the closed loop system at rest (R), during light exercise (E1), and during moderate exercise (E2)
for the simulations of thoracic aorta with coronary arteries.

R E1 E2 R E1 E2

RLA-V (dynes s/cm5) 5 5 5 RRA-V (dynes s/cm5) 5 5 5

LLA-V (dynes s2/cm5) 5 5 5 LRA-V (dynes s2/cm5) 1 1 1
RLV-art(dynes s/cm5) 10 10 10 RRV-art (dynes s/cm5) 10 10 10
LLV-art (dynes s2/cm5) 0.69 0.69 0.69 LRV-art (dynes s2/cm5) 0.55 0.55 0.55
ELV,max (mmHg/cc) 2.0 2.0 2.2 ERV,max (mmHg/cc) 0.5 0.5 0.5
VLV, 0 (cc) 0 0 0 VRV, 0 (cc) 0 0 0
VLA, 0 (cc) 260 260 260 VRA, 0 (cc) 260 260 260
ELA (mmHg/cc) 270 350 360 ERA (mmHg/cc) 60 80 80
tmax (s) 0.33 0.25 0.15 Cardiac cycle (s) 1.0 0.5 0.3
Rpp (dynes s/cm5) 16 16 2 Cp (cm5/dynes) 0.022 0.022 0.02
Rpd (dynes s/cm5) 144 144 38

TABLE 2. Parameter values of the three-element Windkessel models at rest (R), during light exercise (E1), and during moderate
exercise (E2) for the simulations of thoracic aorta with coronary arteries.

B-R B-El B-E2 C-R C-El C-E2 D-R D-El D-E2

Rp (103 dynes s/cm5) 1.49 1.49 0.20 1.41 1.41 0.19 10.7 10.7 1.44
C (1026cm5/dynes) 235 235 31.8 248 248 33.5 32.9 32.9 4.45
Rd (103 s/cm5) 15.1 15.1 20.0 14.3 14.3 19.0 108 108 143

E-R E-El E-E2 F-R F-El F-E2 G-R G-El G-E2

Rp (103dynes s/cm5) 1.75 1.75 0.24 7.96 7.96 1.08 1.80 1.08 0.24
C (1026 cm5/dynes) 201 201 27.1 44.0 44.0 5.95 195 195 26.3
Rd (103 dynes s/cm5) 17.6 17.6 23.4 80.5 80.5 107 18.2 18.2 24.1

H-R H-El H-E2

3 5
Rp (10 dynes s/cm ) 0.227 0.225 0.08
C (1026 cm5/dynes) 1540 1600 1200
Rd (103 dynes s/cm5) 2.29 0.676 0.45

B denotes right subclavian artery, C denotes right carotid artery, D denotes right vertebral artery, E denotes left carotid artery, F denotes left
vertebral artery, G denotes left subclavian artery, and H denotes descending thoracic aorta. Note that the parameter values of the upper
branch vessels are the same for the light exercise and resting conditions and change for the moderate exercise condition.
Patient-Specific Coronary Flow Modeling 3201

TABLE 3. Parameter values of the lumped parameter models of the coronary vascular beds at rest (R), during light exercise (E1),
and during moderate exercise (E2) for the simulations of thoracic aorta with coronary arteries.

Ra Ra-micro Rv + Rv-micro Ca cim

R E1 E2 R E1 E2 R E1 E2 R E1 E2 R E1 E2

a: LAD1 183 177 76 299 56 24 94 44 18 0.34 0.75 0.75 2.89 6.88 6.88
b: LAD2 131 126 52 214 40 16 67 32 13 0.48 1.02 1.02 4.04 9.34 9.34
c: LAD3 123 91 51 148 39 16 65 31 12 0.49 1.07 1.07 4.16 9.74 9.74
d: LAD4 75 55 31 90 24 10 40 19 7 0.80 1.74 1.74 6.82 15.9 15.9
e: LCX1 49 47 20 80 15 6.2 25 12 5 1.28 2.79 2.79 10.8 25.4 25.4
f: LCX2 160 154 65 261 49 20 82 39 15 0.39 0.85 0.85 3.31 7.78 7.78
g: LCX3 216 208 87 353 66 27 111 53 21 0.29 0.63 0.63 2.45 5.74 5.74
h: LCX4 170 164 68 277 52 21 87 41 16 0.37 0.80 0.80 3.12 7.29 7.29
i: RCA1 168 163 71 274 51 22 86 40 16 0.37 0.83 0.83 3.15 7.60 7.60
j: RCA2 236 229 98 385 72 31 121 56 23 0.26 0.59 0.59 2.24 5.38 5.38
k: RCA3 266 257 110 435 81 35 136 64 25 0.23 0.52 0.52 1.99 4.72 4.72
c*: LAD3 100 51 146 16 65 12 0.49 1.07 4.16 9.74
c**: LAD3 89 51 146 16 65 12 0.49 1.07 4.16 9.74
c***: LAD3 80 51 98 16 65 12 0.49 1.07 4.16 9.74
c****: LAD3 57 51 93 16 65 12 0.49 1.07 4.16 9.74
d*: LAD4 65 31 89 10 40 7 0.80 1.74 6.82 15.9
d**: LAD4 54 31 89 10 40 7 0.80 1.74 6.82 15.9
d***: LAD4 48 31 58 10 40 7 0.80 1.74 6.82 15.9
d****: LAD4 35 31 57 10 40 7 0.80 1.74 6.82 15.9

c* denotes LAD3 with 40% diameter reduction, c** denotes LAD3 with 50% diameter reduction, c*** denotes LAD3 with 60% diameter
reduction, and c**** denotes LAD3 with 75% diameter reduction. Similarly, d* denotes LAD4 with 40% diameter reduction, d** denotes LAD4
with 50% diameter reduction, d*** denotes LAD4 with 60% diameter reduction, and d**** denotes LAD4 with 75% diameter reduction. Note
that the unit of the resistance values are in 103 dynes s/cm5 and the unit of the capacitance values are in 1026 cm5/dynes.

conditions. For the left anterior descending and cir- circumflex coronary artery, and 1.1 cc/s to the right
cumflex coronary arteries, coronary flow is high in coronary artery, and a total coronary flow of 7.0 cc/s.
diastole and low in systole because the intramyocardial Wall shear stress of the coronary arteries for the
pressure approximated by the left ventricular pressure resting condition and the light exercise condition are
is elevated in systole. On the contrary, the right coro- also plotted for peak-systole, peak left coronary flow,
nary artery has high flow in systole and low flow in and late diastole in Fig. 4. For the light exercise con-
diastole because the intramyocardial pressure caused dition, the wall shear stress increased as higher volume
by the right ventricular pressure operates in a low of flow traveled to the coronary arteries from the left
pressure range. By coupling the lumped parameter ventricle. The left coronary arteries experience higher
heart models and the lumped parameter coronary wall shear stress fields in late systole and late diastole
vascular models to a three-dimensional finite element whereas the right coronary arteries experience higher
model of the aorta, we were able to obtain realistic wall shear stress fields in systole due to the asynchrony
coronary flow and pressure waveforms17 because we of the maximum flow in the left and right coronary
considered the effects of the contraction and relaxation arteries.
of the left and right ventricles. The coronary pressure
waveforms are similar to the aortic pressure waveform
Simulations of Coronary Flow and Pressure
unlike the coronary flow waveforms, which are
with Different Degrees of Stenosis at the Left
dependent on the location of the myocardium the
Anterior Descending Coronary Artery
coronary arteries feed. During light exercise, the cor-
onary flow doubled to meet the demands of the heart. In these simulations, we studied how the degree of a
For the resting condition, the mean coronary flow to stenosis in the left anterior descending coronary artery
the left anterior descending coronary artery was 1.3 cc/s, affects coronary flow and pressure. For the normal
the mean flow to the left circumflex coronary artery case with no stenosis in the left anterior descending
was 1.5 cc/s, and the mean flow to the right coronary coronary artery, solutions were obtained using a
artery was 0.6 cc/s, to yield a total coronary flow of 1,768,953 element and a 339,664 node mesh with a time
3.4 cc/s. During light exercise, the coronary flow step size of 0.25 ms to simulate a resting condition and
doubled achieving a mean flow of 2.8 cc/s to the left 0.1 ms to simulate a moderate exercise condition. The
anterior descending coronary artery, 3.1 cc/s to the left shape of the velocity profiles at the inlet and at the
3202 KIM et al.

D-Left vertebral Pressure-volume loops E-Right carotid

138 150 138
Left ventricle (rest)
Pressure (mmHg)

Pressure (mmHg)

Pressure (mmHg)
Right ventricle (rest)
Left ventricle (exercise)
Right ventricle (exercise)

68 0 68
0 1 0 150 0 1
Time (s) Volume (cc) Time (s)
D-Left vertebral E-Right carotid
7.5 Rest 39
Flow rate (cc/s)

Flow rate (cc/s)

0 1
-1.5 -7 0 1
Time (s) Time (s)

C-Left carotid G-Right subclavian

138 138
Pressure (mmHg)

Pressure (mmHg)
68 68
0 1 0 1
Time (s) Time (s)
C-Left carotid
A G-Right subclavian
31 37
Flow rate (cc/s)

Flow rate (cc/s)

0 1 0 1
-6 -7
Time (s) Time (s)
B-Left subclavian A-Aortic inlet H-Descending thoracic aorta
138 138 138
Pressure (mmHg)

Pressure (mmHg)

Pressure (mmHg)


68 68 68
0 1 0 1 0 1
Time (s) Time (s) Time (s)
B-Left subclavian A-Aortic inlet H-Descending thoracic aorta
30 580 400
Flow rate (cc/s)

Flow rate (cc/s)

Flow rate (cc/s)


-5 0 1 -20 -40
0 1 0 1
Time (s) Time (s) Time (s)

FIGURE 2. Pressure–volume loops of the left and right ventricles and flow and pressure waveforms of the descending thoracic
aorta and upper branch vessels for resting and light exercise cases with normal coronary anatomy.
Patient-Specific Coronary Flow Modeling 3203

Pressure Rest Flow

a-d: Left anterior descending coronary a-d: Left anterior descending coronary
Pressure (mmHg) 138 Exercise 4.5

Flow rate (cc/s)

68 0
0 Time (s) 1 0 Time (s) 1

e-h: Left circumflex coronary e-h: Left circumflex coronary

138 5
Pressure (mmHg)

Flow rate (cc/s)

0 1
i 0
0 1
Time (s) Time (s)
i-k: Right coronary k c b Right coronary
138 2
Pressure (mmHg)

Flow rate (cc/s)

f e
h gd

68 0
0 1 0 1
Time (s) Time (s)

FIGURE 3. Flow and pressure waveforms of coronary arteries at rest and during light exercise case.

outlets of the upper branch vessels and the descending artery until we obtained the same mean flow to these
thoracic aorta were constrained to an axisymmetric outlets as with the normal case. We recorded the
shape with a profile order of nine.10 For a stenosis case pressure loss through these stenosed regions in
with 40% diameter reduction in the left anterior Table 4. To dilate the downstream coronary vascular
descending coronary artery, solutions were obtained networks to maximum, we simulated moderate exer-
using a 1,813,097 element and a 350,123 node mesh cise by decreasing the resistance value of the descend-
with the same time step size as in the normal case. For ing thoracic aorta and shortened the cardiac cycle to
a stenosis case with 50% diameter reduction in the left increase cardiac output threefold compared to the
anterior descending coronary artery, solutions were resting state. In the exercise simulations, we assumed
obtained using a 2,576,721 element and a 475,723 node that the downstream coronary vasculatures were
mesh with the same time step size as in the normal case. maximally dilated and assigned the same boundary
For a stenosis case with 60% diameter reduction in the conditions with the normal case to all the stenosis
left anterior descending coronary artery, solutions cases. The flow difference downstream of the stenosed
were obtained using a 3,146,766 element and a 575,122 artery was recorded in Table 4. Table 3 shows the
node mesh with the same time step size as in the nor- parameter values of the lumped parameter coronary
mal case. Finally, for a stenosis case with 75% diam- vascular models assigned to each coronary outlet for
eter reduction in the left anterior descending coronary rest and moderate exercise conditions for the normal
artery, solutions were obtained using a 3,836,663 ele- case and all the stenosis cases.
ment and a 722,518 node mesh with the same time step At rest, the downstream coronary boundary condi-
size as in the normal case. The increase in the mesh size tions were modified until the same mean flow was
was due to the additional refinements in the area of achieved through the stenosed artery. However, as the
stenosis. same mean flow traveled through the stenosed artery, a
For resting conditions, we decreased the resistance pressure loss occurred due to the viscous loss through
of the coronary model downstream of the stenosed the stenosis and complex flow structures distal to the
3204 KIM et al.

Inlet flow rate (cc/s)

580 a
A Exercise

b c B C
0 Time (s) 1

Rest A B C

Exercise a b c

Wall shear stress (dynes/cm2 )

0 7.5 15 22.5 30

FIGURE 4. Wall shear stress of coronary arteries for peak systole, peak left coronary flow rate, and mid-diastole at rest and during
light exercise.

TABLE 4. Mean left anterior descending coronary artery flow stenosed region as shown in Table 4. During exercise,
and pressure at rest and during moderate exercise for the the same coronary boundary conditions were assigned
simulations of coronary flow and pressure with different
degrees of stenosis in the left anterior descending coronary to the coronary outlets. A noticeable pressure loss and
artery. flow rate decrease occurred in the case of the stenosis
with 75% diameter reduction.
Mean coronary Mean pressure
flow (cc/s) (mmHg)
The boundary conditions of the upper branch ves-
sels were changed to obtain the same mean flow rate as
Mean coronary flow and pressure at rest in the resting state. The parameter values of the closed
Normal 1.1 94 loop system is shown in Table 1 and the parameter
40% Diameter reduction 1.1 93
50% Diameter reduction 1.1 92
values of the Windkessel models are shown in Table 2.
60% Diameter reduction 1.1 86 The contractility of this subject was increased 10% for
75% Diameter reduction 1.1 78 this moderate exercise simulation.2
Mean coronary flow and pressure at moderate exercise Figure 5 depicts flow and pressure waveforms of the
Normal 3.7 85 left anterior descending coronary artery for rest and
40% Diameter reduction 3.4 77
50% Diameter reduction 3.2 73
moderate exercise conditions. Note that we plotted
60% Diameter reduction 3.0 67 the flow and pressure waveforms of the 50% and
75% Diameter reduction 1.8 36 75% diameter reduction cases only. We see that the
Patient-Specific Coronary Flow Modeling 3205

Normal 50% diameter reduction 75% diameter reduction

Left anterior descending coronary flow at rest Left anterior descending coronary pressure at rest
3 130

Pressure (mmHg)
50% diameter reduction
Flow rate (cc/s)

75% diameter reduction

50% diameter reduction
75% diameter reduction
0 60
0 1 0 1
Time (s) Time (s)
Left anterior descending coronary flow at exercise Left anterior descending coronary pressure at exercise
11 130
Normal Normal

Pressure (mmHg)
50% diameter reduction
Flow rate (cc/s)

50% diameter reduction

75% diameter reduction 75% diameter reduction

0 0
0 0.3 0 0.3
Time (s) Time (s)

FIGURE 5. Effect of stenosis on coronary artery flow and pressure at rest and during moderate exercise. The pressure was
computed downstream of the stenosis. Note that only 50% and 75% diameter reduction cases are plotted.

Left anterior descending coronary to the stenosed regions and they propagate longer for
more severe stenosis. Note that we selected 50% and
4 75% diameter reduction cases only.
Flow rate (cc/s)

We have successfully developed and implemented a
0 20 40 60 80 100 coronary boundary condition that couples a lumped
Diameter reduction (%) parameter coronary vascular model to each coronary
Rest Exercise Rest (Gould et al) Hyperemia (Gould et al)
outlet of a three-dimensional finite element model of the
FIGURE 6. Mean flow rate of the left anterior descending aorta and epicardial coronary arteries. We also used an
coronary artery vs. degree of stenosis for rest and moderate inflow boundary condition coupling a lumped parame-
exercise. ter heart model and a closed loop model to represent the
intramyocardial pressure by considering the interac-
coronary flow tripled and the pressure pulse also tions between the heart and arterial system. Fluid–
became larger for the exercise condition. The pressure structure interaction simulations were performed to
loss increased as more flow traveled through the ste- better represent flow and pressure waveforms. Addi-
nosed regions in the cases of 50% and 75% diameter tionally, we were able to obtain robust and stable solu-
reduction. tions by constraining the shape of the velocity profiles of
Figure 6 shows the mean flow in the stenosed artery the boundaries that experienced retrograde flow.
in both resting and moderate exercise conditions. We Using the lumped parameter coronary vascular
also plotted the experimental results of Gould et al. for model along with the inflow boundary condition that
comparison.7 Figure 7 shows volume rendered velocity couples the lumped parameter heart model and the
magnitudes of the coronary arteries during moderate closed loop system, we studied how changes in car-
exercise. Complex flow structures are observed distal diac and arterial properties affect coronary flow and
3206 KIM et al.

Inflow waveform
Velocity magnitude (cm/s)
Flow rate (cc/s)
A 0 15 30 45 60

0 0.3
Time (s) A B


50% diameter

75% diameter

FIGURE 7. Volume rendered velocity magnitudes of coronary arteries with different degrees of stenosis during moderate exer-
cise. Note that only 50% and 75% diameter reduction cases are plotted.

pressure. We examined how coronary flow and pres- different degrees of stenoses at rest and moderate
sure change for resting and light exercise conditions for exercise condition when the downstream coronary
normal coronary anatomy. We then created stenoses in vascular beds are maximally dilated.
the left anterior descending coronary artery to inves- For the simulations at rest and during light exercise,
tigate how the coronary flow and pressure change for the computed coronary flow and pressure waveforms
Patient-Specific Coronary Flow Modeling 3207

were realistic and the asynchrony of the left and right formulation, would be needed to represent the move-
coronary arteries were represented as we approximated ment of the heart over the cardiac cycle. However,
the intramyocardial pressure with the left and right previous studies showed that the effects due to the
ventricular pressure depending on the location of the movement of the heart were secondary and did not
coronary arteries. For the simulations with different affect the pressure and flow fields as much as the
degrees of stenosis in the left anterior descending cor- geometry and the boundary conditions.18,19,21,30
onary artery at rest and moderate exercise, the reduc- Second, we assumed that the left coronary arteries
tion in the coronary flow was more apparent for the transport blood to the left ventricle and the right cor-
moderate exercise case because more energy loss onary arteries transport blood to the right ventricle. In
occurs as more coronary flow travels through the ste- reality, however, the coronary vascular networks
nosed region. We also demonstrated a greater pressure experience nonuniform intramyocardial pressure
loss across the stenosed region as the degree of stenosis depending on the location of the coronary networks.
increases. Especially, the pressure loss did not increase To consider nonuniform intramyocardial pressure, a
linearly resulting from the energy dissipated due to the three-dimensional nonuniform model of the heart as
viscous loss and the turbulence in the stenosed region. well as the mapping of the coronary arteries to the
Figure 6 showed that the relationship between the location of the myocardium that the arteries perfuse
mean coronary flow and the degree of stenosis is should be considered. For example, a three-dimen-
comparable to results obtained from experimental sional model of cardiac ventricular mechanics can be
techniques.7 Gould et al.7 created temporary stenosis used to compute nonuniform intramyocardial pressure
in the left circumflex artery of canines and injected acting on the coronary vascular beds.8,9
Hypaque to simulate hyperemic conditions in canine Third, we assumed a uniform Young’s modulus for
coronary arteries. They observed that the mean flow the whole computational model although we know
did not decrease up to 85% diameter reduction at that the vessel wall properties vary spatially. To con-
rest and 30–45% diameter reduction at hyperemia. sider nonuniform vessel wall properties, noninvasive
Although our study focused on different physiologic methods of estimating wall thickness and elastic (vis-
conditions of moderate exercise rather than hyperemia, coelastic) wall properties should be developed. In this
our results with resting and moderate exercise condi- study, rather than considering nonuniform wall prop-
tions yield similar behaviors because in both maximal erties, we adjusted the vessel wall properties so that the
hyperemia and simulated moderate exercise condi- wall deformation of the descending thoracic aorta fit
tions, we assume that the downstream coronary vas- the experimental data reasonably well.
cular beds are maximally dilated to receive more flow
from the aorta. We also observed that the flow
remained the same up to 75% diameter reduction case CONCLUSIONS
at rest. In Gould et al.’s plot, the mean flow at rest
slightly increased for mild stenosis cases but in our A coronary boundary condition that couples a
study, we aimed to have the same mean flow for mild lumped parameter coronary vascular model to each
stenosis cases, thus, we maintained the same mean flow coronary outlet of a three-dimensional finite element
at rest up to 75% diameter reduction case. The slope model of the aorta and epicardial coronary arteries is
during moderate exercise is comparable to the slope in developed. An inflow boundary condition coupling a
hyperemia although there is a difference in the mag- lumped parameter heart model and a closed loop
nitude of the mean flow. In Gould et al.’s paper, the model is implemented to represent the intramyocar-
mean flow at hyperemic state increased 409% com- dial pressure by considering the interactions between
pared to the baseline value whereas in our study, we the heart and arterial system. We considered fluid–
designed that the mean flow increased 350% at mod- structure interaction to better represent flow and
erate exercise compared to the baseline value. pressure waveforms. Using the lumped parameter
Our method has three primary limitations. First, we coronary vascular model along with the inflow
did not consider the motion of the heart during the boundary condition that couples the lumped param-
cardiac cycle. We fixed the coronary arteries to the eter heart model and the closed loop system, we can
epicardial surface of the heart and fixed the surface in predict coronary flow and pressure realistically using
space and time. In reality, the heart moves significantly anatomic data obtained from medical imaging tech-
to contract and relax during the cardiac cycle. This niques and study how changes in cardiac and arterial
movement is large and cannot be modeled using the properties affect coronary flow and pressure and vice
coupled momentum method,5 which is a linearized versa. Further, we can utilize these methods to
approach using a fixed fluid mesh. A different investigate different vascular interventions of cardio-
approach, such as an arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian vascular disease.
3208 KIM et al.

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