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APPLE -1 OPERATION MANUAL APPLE ee COMPANY Pal 1. ae, a M 94004 SPECIFICATIONS MICROPROCESSOR: Microprocessor Glock Frequency: Effective Cycle Frequency: (Including Refresh Waits) vivEo ouTPUT Line Rate: Frame Rate: Format: Display Memory: Character Matrixt RAM MEMORY: On-board RAM Capacity: POWER SUPPLIES: Input Power Requirements: Recommended Transformers: MOS TECHNOLOGY 6502 1.023 Mite 0.960 Mile, Composite positive video, 75 ohms, level adjustable between zero and #5Vpp. 15734 He 60.05 He 40 characters/line, 24 Lines: with automatic scrolling Dynamic shift registers (1K x 7) 5x7 16-pin, 4K Dynamic, type 4096 (2104) 8K bytes (4K supplied) 8 Volts @ 3 amps, 4/~ 12 Volts @0.5 amps, and ~5 Volts @ 0.5 amps 8 to 10 Volts AC (RMS) @ 3 amps, 26 to 28 Volts AC (RMS) Center-Tapped, 1A. Stancor # P-8380 or Triad F31-X Stancor # P-8667 or Triad FA0-X APPLE COMPUTER COMPANY 770 Welch Road, Suite 154 Palo Alto, California 94304 Phon (415) 326-4248, INTRODUCTION ‘The Apple Compater is a complete micro- processor syatem, consiating of a Mos Technology 6502 microprocessor and support hardware, in tegral video display electronics, dynamic memory. and refresh hardware, and fully regulated power supplies. It contains’ resident system monitor Software, enabling the user, via the keyboard and display, to write, examine, debug, and run programe efficiently; thus being an educational tool for the learning of microprocessor program= ‘ming, and an aid in the development of software, ‘The integral video display section and the keyboard interface renders unnecessary the need for an external teletype. The display section con tains its own memory, leaving all of RAM for user programs, and the output format i# 40 characters/ Tine, 24 lines/page, with auto serclling. Almost any ASCI encoded keyboard will inter‘ace directly. swith the Apple system, ‘The board has sockets for upto 8K bytes of the 16 pin, 4K type, RAM, and the system is fully expandable to 65K via the edge comiector. The system uses dynamic memory (4K bytes #up— plied), although static memory may also be used. All refreshing of dynamic memory, including all "off=beard" expansion memory, is done auto- matically. The entire system timing, including the microprocessor clock and all video signals, originates in a single crystal oscillator Further, the printed clreult board contains a “breadboard area", in which the user can add additional "on-board" hardware (for example, extra PlA's, AGIA's, EROM's, and a0 08) ‘This manual is divided into three Sections: Section I GETTING THE SYSTEM RUNNING. Section I USING THE SYSTEM MONITOR, (isting included) Section Il! EXPANDING THE SYSTEM. Please readSectionTthoroughly, before at~ tempting t0 "power-up" your system, and. study Section III carefully before attempting to expand your system. In addition to this manual, Apple "Peck Notes” are available which contain exam: ples of expansion hardware ang techniques. SECTION T GETTING THE SYSTEM RUNNING ‘The Apple Computer is fully assembled, tested, and burned in. The only external devices necessary for operation of the system are: An ASCII encoded keyboard, a video display monitor, and AC power sources of 8 to 10 Volts (RMS) @3 amps and 28Volts (RMS) @1amp, The following three articles describe the sttachmont of theae devices fn detail. Keyboard: ‘Any ASCITencoded keyboard, with positive DATA outputs, interfaces directly with the Apple system via a "DIP" connector. If your keyboard has negative logic DATA outputs (rare), you can install inverters (7404) in the breadboard area. ‘The strobe can be either positive ar negative, of long or short duration, The "DIP" keyboard con nector (B4) has inputs for seven DATA lines, one 86 FROM 86 To Kad KEYBOARD CONNECTOR 87. 27 (84) STROBE line, and two normally-open pushbutton switches, used for RESET (enter monitor), and CLEAR SCREEN (ace schematic diagram, sheet 3 of 3, for exact circuitry), This keyboard con= nector also supplies three voltages, (#5V, 412V. and=12V) of whieh one or more may be necessary to operate the Keyboard, Pin 15 of the keyboard connector (B4) must be tied to 4SV (pin 16) for normal operation. NOTE: The system monitor accepts only upper case alpha (A-F, R). It is therefore convenient, though it's not ‘essential, tohave akeyboard equipped with upper case alpaa lock (usually inthe electronics), Either of the following suggested circuits may be used to provide alpha lock capability, if needed, and ccan be built in the breadboard area, Display: ‘The Apple Computer outputs @ composite video signal (composite of ayne and video infor- mation) which can be applied to any standard raater-scan type video display monitor. The out= pat level is adjustable with the potentiometer Iocated near the video output Molex connector, J2, ‘The additional two outside pins on the Molex con~ nector supply # and#iz volts, to be used in future Apple accessories. The composite video signal can algo be modulated atthe proper RF frequency, withan inexpensive commercially available device | and applied to the antenna terminale of a home television receiver. Since the character format is 40 characters /Tine, all television receivers Will have the necessary bandwidth to display the entire 40 characters, Two large manufacturers of video display monitors, which connect directly with the Apple Computer, are Motorola and Ball. ‘The mating four-pin Molex connector is provided. AG Power Source: Two incoming AC power sources are re- quired for operation: Bto10 VAG (RMS) at 3 amps, and 28VAC (RMS) Center-Tapped at lamp, These AG supplies enter the system at the Molex con nector, JI. The #1010 valte AC provides the raw AG for the 4 volt supply, while the 28 VCT sup- plies the raw AG for the #12 and -12 volt supplie. and the ~5V supply ls derived from the -12V reg~ ulated ontpt, ‘The board, as supplied, requires no more than 1.5 amps DG from the #5V supply, while the regulator is capable of supplying 2 amps. The remaining 1.5 amps DC from the +5V- supply is available for user hardware expansion (provided suitable transformer ratings are employed). A suitable source of the raw AC voltage: required, are two commercially available trans~ formers; Staneor P/N P-8380 or equivalent (8 0 10 volte st $amps), and Stancor P/N P-8667 oF equivalent (28VCT at 1 amp). Simply wire the ‘condaries tothe mating slx-pin Molex connector supplied, and wire the primaries in parallel, as shown in the schematic diagram (power supply section, Dwg-No, 00101, aheet 3 of 3. TEST PROGRAM After attaching the keyboard, dleplay, and AG power sources, you can try a simple program to test if your system and the attachments are functioning together properly. While it does not test many possible areas of the microprocessor system, the test program will test for the correct attachment of the Keyboard, display, and power supplies. FIRST: Hit the RESET button to enter the system monitor, A backslash shouldbe displayed, andthecursor should droptothe nextline, SECOND: Type- J: A9 DO DAA D2ODEF DEF» EBD 8A b4C b2 bG(RET) (Wis a zero, NOT an alpha "0"; b means Dlank or space; and (RET) hit the "return" key on the keyboard) THR Type 6. A (RET) (This should print out, on the display, the program you have just entered.) FOURT: Type-R (RET) (Uimeans ron the program.) THE PROGRAM SHOULD THEN PRINT OUT ON THE DISPLAY A CONTINUOUS STREAM OF ASCII CHARACTERS, TO STOP THE PRO- GRAM AND RETURN TO THE SYSTEM MONITOR, HIT THE "RESET" BUTTON, TO RUN AGAIN, TYPE: R(RET). 3 TION TT The Hex Monitor is a PROM program in locations FFUGtoF FFF (hex) which uses the key~ board and display to perform the frost panel fanc~ Hons of examining memory, and running programe The monitor program is entered by hitting (RESET), which displays backslash~ return. A backslash ‘alone (cursor remains on same Line ag backslash) indicates bad page 0 RAM, Commands are typed ona "Hine-at-a-time" basis with editing, Each line may consist of any number ofcommands (uptol28 characters). None fare executed until (RETURN) is typed. The {SHIFT-0) (backarrow) backspaces and echos an underline. The (FSC) enacels a line and echos backslash-return, One or more hexadecimal digits (0-9, A-F) are used for address and data values, Addresses tise the four least significant digits of a group, and fdata values, the two least significant digits. The following examples illustrate the variety of ac~ ceptable commands: 1, Opening a location (examining the contents of a single address) USER TYPES/\ 4F (RET) MONITOR TYPES/ —GU4F: OF (contents of 48) 2. Examining ablock; fromthe last examined Jocation, to a specified one. USER TYPES/ .5A (RET) MONITOR TYPES/ 05H: G9 Ji 92 93 04 95 06 97 4958: 08 49 JA Note: 4F is atill considered the most recently opened location. Combining examples 1 and 2 to print a Block of memory in a single command. USER TYPES/ 4F.5A (RET) MONITOR TYPES/ 950: 69 1 dz 03 04 05 06 07 958: 68 09 dA Note: Only the first location of the block (4F) is considered "opened!" 4. Examining several individual locations at USER TYPES/ MONITOR TYPES/ 4F b 52.5 56(RET) OoaF: OF ase: az 956: 66 Note: Note: Note 10 USING THE SYSTEM MONITOR] 56 4s considered the most recently "opened! location. The "b" is @ blank or comma, and ig a delimiter for separation parposes only. A string of delimiters has the same felfect aga single one (bbb is as effective a8 b). Examining several blocks of memory at USER TYPES/ 49,52 5 56 6 58,54 (RET) auar: oF 9950: 09 01 bz 956: 96 4958: 68 09 08 MONITOR TYPES/ 58 is considered the most recently""opened” location. Refer to example 2. Examining successive blocks. USER TYPES/4F.52 (RET) MONITOR TYPES/ O94F: OF 950: 49 01 a2 USER TYPES/ .55 (RET) MONITOR TYPES/ 0954: 03 04 95 USER TYPES/ 5A (RET) MONITOR TYPES/ 956: 46 97 0958: 48 09 da Depositing data in a single Location USER TYPES/ 39: Ag (RET) MONITOR TYPES/ 030: FF (prior contents) Location 39 is considered opened and now contains 30. Depositing data in tuccessive locations from that lastused ina deposit command. USER TYPES/ : ALL AZBA3D AG AS (RET) (This deposite Al in location 31, AZ ie 32, and #0 00.) Combining examples 7 and 8 in a single command. USER TYPES/ 30: Adb ALD AZ ABD ASD AS (RET) MONITOR TYPES/ 930: FF (prior contents of location 30) Depositing data in successive locations with separate commands. USER TYPES/ 3: AG b Al (RET) MONITOR TYPES/ 030: FF USER TYPES/ :A2 5 A3 (RET) USER TYPES) :A4 » A5 (RET) NOTE: Capital letters enclosed in parenthesis represent single keystrokes. Example: =3- (RET) means hit the "return" key, Note: A colon in a command means "start de~ positing data from the most recently de~ posited location, or if none, then from the ‘most recently opened one, 11, Examining a block, then depositing into it. USER TYPES/ 30.35 (RET) MONITOR TYPES/ 030: AG AL AZ AS AG AS AG USER TYPES/ :BO b BI b B2bB3b Bab BS (RET) New data deposited beginning at most re~ cently opened location (30) 12, Runa program at a specified address. USER TYPES/ —19F9 R (RET) MONITOR TYPES/ —19F: A9 (contents) The cursor isleft immediately to the right of the "AQ"; it le not returned to the next Hine. 13, Runatthe most recently examined Location. USER TYPES/ 14F9 (RET) MONITOR TYPES/ 16F0: A9 USER TYPES/ R (RET) 14, Enter a program into memory and run i in one line. USER TyPES/ 40: A9 bg b 20 DEF DEF b 385 69» 05 4C 54d 5OR (RET) MONITOR TYPES/ 40: BF (prior con tents of 40) 15, 16, MONITOR TYPES/ 40: FF (prior con- tents of 49) ‘An Mon Line" error correction, USER TYPES/ 4G: Alb AZ b A3A4ASA6 b AT (Gata A6 will be loaded in focation 42) USER TYPES/ 4936070: AA (data AA will be Loaded in location 6870) Useful routines in monitor which can de accessed by user programs. GETLINE: location FFIF: monitor entry point (Gumping to FFF will enter monitor and echo carriage retura. You can then examine memory locations with the monitor.) ECHO: location PFEF: prints one byte (ASCII) (aata from "A" (accumulator), con tents of "A" not disturbed. Example: 26 b EF » FF (IRS ECHO). PRBYTE: location FFDG: prints one byte (HEX) (gata from "A", contents of turbed.) PRHEX: location FFES: prints one hex digit (data from four least significant bite of "A", contents of "A" disturbed, ) NOTE: RAM locations 0924 to 0J2B are used as index pointers by the monitor, when using monitor. Also, used as input buffer storage, User ase when using the monitor. ‘and are invalid for user use, Iecations 0200 to 027 are ‘and are also invalid for Foo FFOL FRO FFU FUT FOO FFOC FFOF FFU FFIS PIS FFIT FFIS FIA FFIC FFIF FF21 FF24 FF26 FF29 FF2C FFOE FFM FFM FFT FEI9 FPSB FFD FFIE Frag FFA FFAS rsa FRAT FFS9 FRSB FFaD FFaF PFS1 PSS FFSS PFS? FFS9 FPSB FFSD FPSF FFE Fr6d FF66 FR6S FF6A FF6C PF6E BFOF FFG EFT FFI. FFM pe RESET 58 Ag TE 8c 12 Da AAT ap 11 og apis ps c9DF = NOTCR Pols co 9B F903 cs 10 oF Ag DC ESCAPE 20 EF FF a9 8D GETLINE, 20 EF FF Aga 88 BACKSPACE sO AD 116 NEXTGHAR FB AD 19 Do 99 09 oz 20 EF FF co 8D Dg D4 AO EF A900 oa SETSTOR 85 2B SETMODE, cs. BLSKIP B90002 0 NEXT ITEM 9 8D FO D4 G9 AE 90 Fs FORO co BA FOEB 9 po FU SB 86 28 86 29 84 24 3B9d002 © NEXTHEX 49 BO ca aa 98 v6 69 88 Cora 9g ga bic. oa, ga ga Az ot aa, HEXSHIET 6592 HEX MONITOR LISTING cup cu Loy #s7F STY DSP. LDA #SA7. STA KBD CR STA DSP CR CMP #SDF BEQ BACKSPACE CMP #598 BEQ ESCAPE ny BPL NEXTCHAR LDA #06 JSR ECHO LDA #889. JSR ECHO LDy #891 DEY BMI GETLINE LDA KBD CR BPL NEXTCHAR LDA KBD, STA IN, ¥ ISR ECHO CMP #580, BNE NOTCR LDY #SFF LDA #890 TAX ASL STA MODE, INy LDA IN, ¥ CMP 98D BEQ GETLINE CMP ISAE BCG BLSKIP BEQ SETMODE CMP #$BA BEQ SETSTOR CMP #02, BEQ RUN STXL. STX H Sy Ysav LDA IN, ¥ EOR 4SBd CMP #504, BGG DIG ADG #888 CMP #$FA BCC NOTHEX ASL ASL ASL ASL LDX #564 asl Clear decimal arithmetic mode Mask for DSP data direction register. Set it up. KBD and DSP control register mask Enable interrupts, set CAl, CBI, for positive edge sense/output mode. ng? Yes ESC? Yes Advance text index. Auto ESC if > 127 ang Output st. cr. Output it. Initiatlize text index. Backup text index. Beyond start of line, reinitialize. Key ready? Loop until ready. Load character. BT should be ‘1 Add to text buffer. Display character, cR? No. Reset text index. For XAM mode. ox. Leaves $7B if setting STOR mode, $00 * XAM, $7B= STOR, SAE = BLOK XAM. Get character, cR? done this line Skip delimiter. Set BLOCK XAM mode, Yes, set STOR mode. Ry Yes, ran user program. SdeL. and H Save ¥ for comparison, Get character for hex test. Map digits to $09. Digit? Yes. Map letter "A’ Hex letter? No, character nat hex. NE" to SPA-EF. Hex digit to MSD of A. Shift count. Hox digit left, MSB to carry. 6502 HEX MONITOR LISTING (continued) FETS 26.28 ROL L Rotate into LSD. FIT 2629 ROL Rotate into MSD's. FFI) CA DEX Done 4 shifts? FIA Dd FS BNE HEXSHIFT No, loop. FIC C8 Inv Advence text index. FFID DO EO BNE NEXTHEX ‘Always taken. Check next character for hex, FEIF G4 2A NOTHEX PY YSAV Check if L, H empty (no hex digits). FF8l F997 BEQ ESCAPE Yes, generate ESC sequence, FFG3 2423 BIT MODE Test MODE byte. PFS 5019 BYC NOTSTOR BG = 9 for STOR, 1 for KAM and BLOCK xAM FFE A526 LDA L. D's of hex dat FFE) $126 STA (STL, x) Store at current ‘store index! EFEB E626 INC STL Increment store index. FFSD DdBS BNE NEXTITEM Get next item. (no carry) FFOF £627 INC STH Add carry to ‘store index’ high order. FF9 4¢44FF | TONEXTITEM JMP NEXTITEM, Get next command item FFO4 6¢ 2409 RUN IMP (XAML) Run at current XAM Index. FFT 3 2B NoTSTOR BMI XAMNEXT BT= 0 for XAM, | for BLOCK XAM. FFO9 AZ @2 LDx #302 Byte count, FFOB BS 27 SETADR, LDA L-1,x Copy hex data to FFD 9525 STA STL“, x Tetore index", FOF 9523 STA XAML-1, And to 'XAM index’, FFAL CA DEX Next of 2 bytes FRA2 DO FT BNE SETADR Loop unless X= 4 FFA‘ O14 NXTPRNT BNE PRDATA NE meang no address to print, FFAG A9 8D LDA #$8D. cR. FPAS 2) EF FF JSR ECHO Output it FFAB A525, LDA XAME "Examine index! high-order byte. FAD 29 DC FF JSR PRBYTE Output i in hex format. FFB A524 LDA xAML Low-ordes ‘examine index! byte. BPB2 26 0G FF ISR PRBYTE Output it in hex format. FFBS A9 BA LDA 45a, mo FFB? 20 EF FF ISR ECHO Output st. FFBA A9 Ad PRDATA LDA vag Blank RBC 20 EF FF ISR ECHO) Output tt. FFEF Al 24 LDA (XAML, x) Ger data byte at 'examine index'. FECL 29 DG FF ISR PRBYTE Output i in hex format FFCA 8623 XAMNEXT STX MODE G-> MODE (XAM mode). FFG? A524 LDA XAML FRCS C528 MPL Compare ‘examine index! to hex data, FCA A525 LDA XAME FFCC E529 SBC H FFGE BO CI BCS TONEXTITEM Not less, s0 no more data to output. FFDO E6 24 INC XAML FFD2 Dg 92 BNE MODSCHK Increment ‘examine index, FFDS 5625 INC XAMIT RDS A5 24 MODSCHK LDA XAML Check low-order ‘examine index’ byte FFDS 29 47 AND 4807 For MOD 8= 0 FFDA 198 BPL NXTPRNT Always taken. FFDC 48 PRBYTE, PHA Save A for LSD. FFDD 4A LsR FFDE 44 isk. FFDF 4A. ISR MSD to LSD position. FFEG 4A isk FFEL 2055 FF JSR PRHEX Output hex agit. PRES 68 PLA Restore A. FFES 2005 PRHEX AND ASE. Mask LSD for hex print. FFET 99 Bd ORA #559 Aad "9", FFE9 C9 BA GMP #5BA Digit? 6582 HEX MONITOR LISTING (continued) FFEB 9002 BCG ECHO Yes, output it. BFED 69 06 ADC #306 Aad offset for letter. FFEF 26 12D9 ECHO BIT DSP DA bit (B7) cleared yet? FFF 3 FB BMI ECHO No, wait for display. FFA 8D 12 Dd STA DSP Output character, Sets DA, FFF? 65 RIS Return, FFFS 00 00 (unused) PFFA 00 OF (NMI) FFFC 09 FF(RESET) FFFE 09 00 (IRQ) HARDWARE, NOTES Other Variables In 209-278. KBD bas KBDCR Dil PIA bsP. paz DSPCR DUL3, KBD/DSP Intezface BI DATA BUS Bz ag xep | Bs al asc 4 Ba Aa Data} Bs b+. BS By cr ode A1S, Ald, A13, AlZ to $Dxxx a2 car RW RT ‘One Shot call ET (3. Susec) JARDA (wART style) (irom display) cra DA (UART atyle) (to display) ppt] PBep—+ 56 [ees [na — ASCIL to display: Pes — [ea KBD STROBE | ¥ Reset PIA 6820 SECTION UT HOW TO EXPAND THE APPLE SYSTEM ‘The Apple system can be expanded to in clude more memory and 10 devices, via a 44-pin edge connector. ‘The system is fally expandable to 65K, with the entire data and address dusses, clocks, control signals (i.e. IRQ, NMI, DMA, RDY, ‘etc.), and power sources available at the connector, All address lines are TTL buttered, and data lines can drive ten equivalent capacitive Toads (one TTL load and 130pf) without external buffers, All clock signals are TTL. The Apple system runs at approcimately 1 Mile (see spec sheet) and is fully compatible with 6800/6500 style timing. Three power sources are available at the edge connector: #5 volts regulated, and raw DC (approximately #/~ 14V) for the H2V, —12V, and SV supplies. If H12V, -12V, or -SV supplies are required, EXTERNAL REGULATORS MUST BE USED, An excess of 1.5 amps from the "on= board!" regulated #5V supply is available for ex- panaion (assuming suitable transformer ratings are employed). Exercise great care in thehandling fof the raw DG, as no short-circuit protection is provided. REFRESH: Four out of every 65 clock cycles is dedi- cated to memory refresh. At the start of a re fresh cycle (150 ne after leading edge of G1), RF goes low, and remaine low for one clock cycle, G2 is inhibited during s refresh cycle, and the processor is held in 1 (it's Inactive state). Dy~ namic memories, which must clock during refresh eyeles, should derive their clock from #0, which is equivatent to #2, except that it continues during a refresh eyele, Devices, such as PIA's, will not be affected by a refresh cycle, since they react to 2 only. Referto Apple "Tech Notes" for a variety of intezvacing examples. DMA: The Apple aystom has full DMA capability. For DMA, the DMA contral line tri~states the Address buss, thus allowing external devices to control the buss. Consult MOS TECHNOLOGY 6502 Hardware Manual for details. (For DMA use, the solder jumper on the board, marked "DMA", must be broken.) For the 6502 microprocessor, the RDY Line ts used to halt the processor for single atep- ping, or slow ROM applications. Refer to Apple "Tech Notes" for exampl SOFTWARE CONSIDERATIONS: ‘The sequences listed below are the routines used to read the keyboard or output to the display. Read Key from KBD: LDA KBD CR (D811) BPL LDA KBD DATA (D419) Output to Display: {BEE DSP (812) BPL STA DSP (D412) PIA Internal Registers: KBD Data paw High order bit equals 1. KBD Control Reg. Dg11 High order bit indicates "key ready" Reading key clears flag. Rising edge of KBD sets flag. DSP DATA poz Lower seven bits are data output, high order bit ie "display ready input (Lequale ready, 9 equals Susy) DSP Control Reg. #13 C960 APPLE~1 Ess If more than one source for RDY use open-collector gate 7401 (not "J0) cs (Slow ROM ‘address decoded) [> aa needed only for single INSTR mode g SINGLE INSTRUCTION “SINGLE CYCLE (NOTE: Features not needed may be omitted) SINGLE STEP FOR 6502 ADDRESS DISPLAY 12+ ‘The Apple Computer Company hereby warrants each of its products, and all components therein contained, to be free from defects in materials and/or workmanship for a period of thirty (30) days from date of purchase, In the event of the oceur= rence of malfunction, or ether indication of failure attributable Girectly to faulty workmanship and/or material, then, upon re- turn of the product to the Apple Computer Company, at 770 Welch Road, Palo Alto, California, 94304 (postage prepaid), the Apple Computer Company will, at its option, repair or replace said products or components thereof, to what ever extent Apple Com~ puter Company shall deem necessary, to restore said product to proper operating condition. All such repairs or replacements shall be rendered by the Apple Computer Company, without charge to the customer. The responsibility for the failure of any Apple Computer product, or component thereof, which, at the discretion of the Apple Computer Company, shall have resulted either directly or indirectly from aceident, abuse, or misapplication of the product, shall be assumed bythe customer, andthe Apple Computer Com pany shall assume no liability as a consequence of such events under the terms of this warranty. While every effort, on the part of Apple Computer Com- pany, fe made toprovide clear and accurate technical instruction on the use, implementation, and application of its products, the Apple Computer Company shall agaume noliability in events which may arige from the application of such technical instruction, nor shall the Apple Computer Company be held liable for the quality, interconnection, or application of periferal products, which may have been recommended by Apple Computer Company, but which have not been supplied as part of the product, This warranty contains and embodies the limits of re~ sponsibility of the Apple Computer Company, with regard to ite products, and no other Hability is expressed, implied, or should be assumed by the purchaser, and in no event shall the Apple Computer Company be held Hable for the loss of time, effort, or transportation costs, nor for loss of potential profits or other consequential losses which might arise from the purchase, assern= bly, use, application, or subsequent sale of the products of Apple Computer Company, nor from any instructions and/or technical information thereto related, 7) 4] FO1OO] es micropnocesson FEFFEEFE jaaaaaaea ea qynsomane| | APPLE -1 “=~ 0101 a

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