Changing Drawing To Be Without Z Dimension (Flatten All Into 2d Drawing)

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Changing drawing to be without z dimension (Flatten all into 2d drawing)

Hi, in this post, we will create convenient command button for flatten line, polyline, blocks,
spline, dimension, text, mtext, hatch,circle,arc, leader and all thing in to 2d without z
dimension. Very easy to create and useful!!

1.type "cui" in command line then hit space bar to open customize user interface "create new command button" image for new command to be easy to recognized and remembered

4.type name on the right hand side properties (in this demonstration is named "z0").
5.then copy and paste this below macro code in properties
^C^C_UCS;;_select \_move _p;;0,0,1e99;;_move _p;;0,0,-1e99;;
6.Apply, ok and close cui window
Next, we will locate this new created button in our work space.
1.type "cui" in command line then hit space bar to open customize user interface again. new created button in command list window(in this demonstration is type "z0")
3.drag icon to work space. can drag to anywhere you want. (in this demonstration, the button
is placed in view command set)

Now it is ready to use!!

1.hit the new button and see the command line
2. select object you want to be flatten and hit space bar
please note that if you want to solve for the block reference, you will need to edit in place
and then use the button.
1. Clash register work in progress-MOM
2. Defined schedule for sponson & accommodation. BOW to be confirmed

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