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Database best practices for

Developers -MongoDB
Adobe IT Cloud - DaaS

Database Services Team

 Getting started with Mongo DB:-
o To connect to Mongo DB database that you just created using Adobe DaaS portal, you need
mongo shell binary on your computer. To get this mongo shell binary you need to download
Mongo DB binaries from and install on your computer at
desired location. Installing these binaries is as simple as unzipping downloaded file. “mongo”
usually located under bin directory of downloaded package.
o Once you have mongo shell installed, connect to mongo DB database using following command.

mongo --port <Port> --host <Server Name> -u <User Name> -p <Password> <Database Name>

Note: <….> fields should be filled with details you received via email after you created Mongo
DB database.

There are other multiple ways to connect to mongo DB database using different supported
drivers and clients. See more details in

o By default, mongo looks for a database server listening on port 27017 on the localhost interface.
To connect to a server on a different port or interface, always use the --port and --host options.

o When we create a new database using “use mydb”, please note Mongo DB will not permanently
create a database until you insert data into that database.

Create a Collection and Insert Documents:-

a. Mongo DB will create a collection implicitly upon its first use. You do not need to create
a collection before inserting data. Furthermore, because Mongo DB uses dynamic
schemas, you also need not specify the structure of your documents before inserting
them into the collection.

b. All Mongo DB documents must have an _id field with a unique value. These operations
do not explicitly specify a value for the _id field, so mongo creates a
unique ObjectId value for the field before inserting it into the collection.

Restriction on Collection Names

Collection names should begin with an underscore (_) or a letter character and cannot:

i. contain the $.
ii. be an empty string (e.g. "").
iii. contain the null character.
iv. begin with the system. prefix. (Reserved for internal use.)

In the mongo shell, use db.getCollection() to specify collection names that might
interact with the shell or are not valid JavaScript.
Limit the Number of Documents in the Result Set:-
a. To increase performance, you can constrain the size of the result by limiting the amount
of data your application must receive over the network. To specify the maximum
number of documents in the result set, call the limit() method on a cursor.

 Mongo DB CRUD operations:-

Mongo DB queries exhibit the following behavior:-

a. All queries in Mongo DB address a single collection.

b. You can modify the query to impose limits, skips, and sort orders.
c. The order of documents returned by a query is not defined unless you specify a sort ().
d. Operations that modify existing documents (i.e. updates) use the same query syntax as
queries to select documents to update.

Mongo DB Indexing best practices:-

a. Each index requires at least 8KB of data space. Adding an index has some negative
performance impact for write operations. For collections with high write-to-read ratio,
indexes are expensive since each insert must also update any indexes.
b. Collections with high read-to-write ratio often benefit from additional indexes. Indexes
do not affect un-indexed read operations.
c. When active, each index consumes disk space and memory. This usage can be significant
and should be tracked for capacity planning, especially for concerns over working set
d. In general, the performance gains that indexes provide for read operations are worth
the insertion penalty. However, in order to optimize write performance when possible,
be careful when creating new indexes and evaluate the existing indexes to ensure that
your queries actually use these indexes.

 Operational Factors and Data Models:-


a. In Mongo DB, operations are atomic at the document level. No single write operation
can change more than one document. Operations that modify more than a single
document in a collection still operate on one document at a time. Ensure that your
application stores all fields with atomic dependency requirements in the same
document. If the application can tolerate non-atomic updates for two pieces of data,
you can store these data in separate documents. A data model that embeds related data
in a single document facilitates these kinds of atomic operations. For data models that
store references between related pieces of data, the application must issue separate
read and write operations to retrieve and modify these related pieces of data.

Document Limitations:-

Documents have the following attributes:-

a. The maximum BSON document size is 16 megabytes. The maximum document size
helps ensure that a single document cannot use excessive amount of RAM or, during
transmission, excessive amount of bandwidth.

b. Documents have the following restrictions on field names:-

1) The field name _id is reserved for use as a primary key; its value must be unique
in the collection, is immutable, and may be of any type other than an array.
2) The field names cannot start with the $ character.
3) The field names cannot contain the. Character.

c. Mongo DB does not make guarantees regarding the order of fields in a BSON document.
Drivers and Mongo DB will reorder the fields of a documents upon insertion and
following updates.

The _id Field:-

The following are common options for storing values for _id:-

a. Use an ObjectId.
b. Use a natural unique identifier, if available. This saves space and avoids an additional
c. Generate an auto-incrementing number. See Create an Auto-Incrementing Sequence
d. Generate a UUID in your application code. For a more efficient storage of the UUID
values in the collection and in the _id index, store the UUID as a value of the
BSON BinData type.
a. Index keys that are of the BinData type are more efficiently stored in the index
1) The binary subtype value is in the range of 0-7 or 128-135, and
2) The length of the byte array is: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20,
24, or 32.

 FAQ: Mongo DB for Application Developers:-

If you remove a document, does Mongo DB remove it from disk?

Yes. When you use remove (), the object will no longer exist in Mongo DB’s on-disk data

When does Mongo DB write updates to disk?

Mongo DB flushes writes to disk on a regular interval. In the default configuration,

MongoDB writes data to the main data files on disk every 60 seconds and commits
the journal roughly every 100 milliseconds. These values are configurable with
the journalCommitInterval and syncdelay.

Why does Mongo DB log so many “Connection Accepted” events?

If you see a very large number connection and re-connection messages in your Mongo DB
log, then clients are frequently connecting and disconnecting to the Mongo DB server. This is
normal behavior for applications that do not use request pooling, such as CGI. Consider using
FastCGI, an Apache Module, or some other kind of persistent application server to decrease
the connection overhead.
Why are Mongo DB’s data files so large?

Mongo DB aggressively preallocates data files to reserve space and avoid file system
fragmentation. You can use the smallfiles setting to modify the file preallocation strategy.

How do I optimize storage use for small documents?

Each Mongo DB document contains a certain amount of overhead. This overhead is

normally insignificant but becomes significant if all documents are just a few bytes, as
might be the case if the documents in your collection only have one or two fields.

Consider the following suggestions and strategies for optimizing storage utilization for
these collections:-

o Use the _id field explicitly.

To optimize storage use, users can specify a value for the _id field explicitly when inserting
documents into the collection. This strategy allows applications to store a value in
the _id field that would have occupied space in another portion of the document.

o Use shorter field names.

Mongo DB stores all field names in every document. For most documents, this represents a
small fraction of the space used by a document; however, for small documents the field
names may represent a proportionally large amount of space.

o Embed documents.

In some cases you may want to embed documents in other documents and save on the per-
document overhead.
How does Mongo DB address SQL or Query injection?

BSON. As a client program assembles a query in Mongo DB, it builds a BSON object, not
a string. Thus traditional SQL injection attacks are not a problem.

How does Mongo DB provide concurrency?

Mongo DB implements a readers-writer lock. This means that at any one time, only one
client may be writing or any number of clients may be reading, but that reading and
writing cannot occur simultaneously.

Are there any restrictions on the names of Collections?

Collection names can be any UTF-8 string with the following exceptions:-

• A collection name should begin with a letter or an underscore.

• The empty string ("") is not a valid collection name.
• Collection names cannot contain the $ character. (version 2.2 only)
• Collection names cannot contain the null character: \0
• Do not name a collection using the system prefix. Mongo DB reserves system for system
collections, such as the system.indexes collection.
• The maximum size of a collection name is 128 characters, including the name of the
database. However, for maximum flexibility, collections should have names less than 80

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