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1.The value of the enthalpy change for the process represented by the equation
Na (s) → Na+ (g) + e-
is equal to
A.the first ionisation energy of sodium.
B.the sum of the first ionisation energy and the electron affinity of sodium.
C.the sum of the enthalpy change of atomisation and the first ionisation energy of sodium.
D.the sum of the enthalpy change of atomisation and the electron affinity of sodium

2.Which equation represents the standard enthalpy change of formation of ethanol, C2H5OH?

2 C (g) + 3 H2 (g) + 1/2 O2 (g) → C2H5OH

A. (l)
B. 2 C (s) + 3 H2(g) + 1/2 O2 (g) → C2H5OH (l)
(g) → C2H5OH
C. 2 C (s) + 3 H2(g) + 1/2 O2 (g)
D. 2 C (g) + 6 H (g) + O (g) → C2H5OH (l)

3.Ethanol is increasingly being used as a fuel for cars.

The standard enthalpy change of formation of carbon dioxide is – 393 kJ mol–1. The standard
enthalpy change of formation of water is –286 kJ mol–1.
The standard enthalpy change of formation of ethanol is –277 kJ mol–1.
What is the standard enthalpy change of combustion of ethanol?

A. –1921 kJ mol–1 B. –1367 kJ mol–1 C –956 kJ mol–1 D. –402 kJ mol–1

4.In which reaction does hydrogen behave as an oxidising agent?

A. H2 + Cl2 → 2 HCl B. C2H4 + H2 → C2H6

C. N2 + 3 H2 → 2 NH3 D. 2 Na + H2 → 2 NaH

5.The e.m.f. of a simple cell was found to be + 1.2 V under standard conditions. The following standard
electrode potentials are given. [The letters are not the usual symbols for the elements concerned.]

Half cell P+/P Q2+/Q R+/R S2+/S

E0 -1.8V +0.3 V -0.9V -0.3V
What were the two electrodes of the cell?
Q and
A P and Q B. P and S C. Q and R D. S

6.X and Y are oxides of different Period 3 elements. If one mole of Y is added to water, the solution
formed is neutralised by exactly one mole of X. What could be the identities of X and Y?

X Al 2O3 Al 2O3 Na2O Na2O

Y P4O10 SO3 P4O10 SO3

7.Element X, in Period 3, has the following properties.
•Its oxide has a giant structure.
•It forms covalent bonds with chlorine.
•Its oxide will neutralise HCl (aq).
What is element X?
A. Mg B. Al C. Si D. P

8.Which statement about the oxides and hydroxides of the Group 2 elements Mg, Ca, Sr and
Ba is correct?
A.Each of the oxides reacts readily with water to form a solution of pH 12 or above.
B.Magnesium oxide is used as a furnace lining because it has a giant molecular structure and hence
a high melting point.
C.The hydroxides are produced directly by the thermal decomposition of the corresponding
D.The solubility of the hydroxides increases from Mg(OH)2 to Ba(OH)2.

9.When 3.00 g of an anhydrous nitrate of a Group II metal is decomposed, 1.53 g of gas is produced.
What is

the nitrate compound?

A. beryllium nitrate B. nitrate
C. magnesium nitrate D. strontium nitrate

10.Which property is true of the elements in Group 14 of the Periodic Table on descending
the group?
A.The electrical conductivity of the elements decreases.
B.The electronegativity of the elements increases.
C.The stability of the +4 oxidation state of the elements increases.
D.The catenation of the elements decreases.

11.SiCl4 forms an acidic solution with water while CCl4 does not dissolve in water because

A silicon atom has empty 3d orbital while carbon atom does not.
B Si–Cl covalent bond is weaker than the C–Cl covalent bond.
CSiCl4 molecule is polar while the CCl4 molecule is non-polar.
Dvan der Waals forces between SiCl4 molecules are weaker than those between
CCl4 molecules

12.Which properties of the hydrogen halides, HX, decrease as Group 17 is descended?

I. bond energy of the H-X bond II. thermal stability

III. boiling point IV. Acidity
I and III only
A. I and II only correct B. correct
III and IV only
C. II and III only correct D. correct

13.Chlorine gas reacts with cold aqueous sodium hydroxide. It can also react with hot aqueous
sodium hydroxide. What are the oxidation numbers of chlorine in the products of these
cold aqueous sodium hydroxide hot aqueous sodium hydroxide
A. –1, +1 –1, +5
B. –1, +1 +1, +6
C. –1, +2 –1, +5
D. –1, +2 +1, +6

14.Iron has a proton (atomic) number of 26. What is the valance electronic configuration of the iron
cation which can form the complex ion [Fe(CN)6]4- ?

A. 3d34s2 B. 3d44s2 C. 3d5 D. 3d6

15.The exhaust systems of most new cars are fitted with catalytic converters that contain transition
metals as catalysts to decrease the emission of atmospheric pollutants. Platinum and
palladium are the two most common elements used. They come below nickel in the Periodic
Table. Which properties are nickel, palladium and platinum likely to have in common?
I. variable oxidation states II. high melting points
III. similar atomic radii IV. colour of metal
A.I, II and III only correct
C.I, III and IV only correct
B.I, II and IV only correct
D.II, III and IV only correct

TAHUN 2017

Section A - Answer Sheets

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Section B [15 marks]

Answer all questions in this section

16.An electrochemical cell was set up to measure the electromotive forces of a cell made of a Mn 3+ /
Mn2+ half-cell and a Fe3+ / Fe2+ half-cell. Given the standard electrode potential for Mn3+ /
Mn2+ half-cell and a Fe3+ / Fe2+ half-cell are +1.51 V and + 0.77 V respectively.

a)Based on the chemical cell above

(i) Write the overall equation and cell diagram for the cell above. [2marks]


(ii) Calculate the electromotive forces of the chemical cell involved [2marks]

(iii)The electrochemical cell in (d) was set up again but this time the concentration of
Mn2+(aq) was 0.050 mol dm–3. The Nernst equation can be used to calculate the value
of an electrode potential at different concentrations.
Ecell = Eocell + (0.059 / n) lg Q (where Q is reaction quotient)
Using the answer in (a)(ii), calculate the Ecell for the changes occur [3marks]
17.Copper is a transition element and has atomic number 29
a) Define transition element [2 marks]
b)Copper can forms complex ions such as [Cu(H2O)6]2+ and [Cu(en)2]2+ where en is the
bidentate ligand,
ethane-1,2-diamine. The stability constant, Kstab of both complex ions, [Cu(H2O)6]2+ and
[Cu(en)2]2+ , are 3.98 x 105 and 2.78 x 109 respectively.

(i) Explain the term bidentate ligand. [1 mark]

(ii)Draw the Lewis structure of ethane-1,2-diamine. From the diagram drawn, identify the
atoms by drawing circles around the atoms marks]

(iii)Which among the copper complex ions, [Cu(H2O)6]2+ and [Cu(en)2]2+, is more stable?
Explain your
answer [2 marks]

(iv) Predict the stability constant for the complex [Cu(edta)]2- [1 mark]
Section C [30 marks]
Answer TWO of these questions below in the examination pad

18.Elements in the same period of the Periodic Table show trends in physical and chemical
properties. Electrical conductivities of some Period 2 elements are given below :
Elements Lithium Beryllium Oxygen

Conductivity of electricity
18.5 31.2 0.0
/ W ⋅ (m ⋅ L)−1 at 25°C

(a) Explain the conductivities of lithium, beryllium and oxygen [5 marks]

(b)Lithium react with oxygen to give lithium oxide (Li2O) which dissolved in water to give a strong
alkaline solution, while beryllium react with oxygen to give beryllium oxide, BeO, which shows
different result when added to water.
(i) Explain the observation above with suitable equation. marks]
(ii)Using suitable equations, explain the reaction of lithium oxide and beryllium oxide when
dissolve in hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide marks]


19.SnO2 and PbO2 are two oxides of Group 14 elements

(a) Compare and explain the thermal stabilities of both oxide, SnO 2 and PbO2 marks]
(b)SnO2 and PbO2 react with acids in different ways.
•SnO2 reacts with concentrated sulphuric acid to form colourless solution with no evolution of
•PbO2 reacts with concentrated sulphuric acid to give a white solid and oxygen gas.
Explain the observation above using suitable equations marks]
(c)PbO2 reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid to give a volatile solution, X, which fumes in humid air.
When X is gently heated, a pale yellow greenish gas evolved.
Explain the formation and reaction of X marks]

20.When a heated halogen, Z2, react with hydrogen gas under the presence of nickel as catalyst, a
white fume of HZ is released. When the white fume is dissolved in water, a colourless solution
is formed. A few drop of silver (I) nitrate, AgNO3, is added to aqueous solution of HZ,
producing a coloured precipitate which dissolved only in concentrated ammonia solution.
(a) Identify halogen Z2 and explain your answer with suitable chemical equations. marks]
(b)"HZ is not suitably prepared by reacting its salt with concentrated sulphuric acid"

Explain the statement above. [5marks]

(c) Compare and explain the acidity of HZ with hydrogen fluoride, HF. [3marks]

===================END OF QUESTION PAPER==================

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KP Kimia Ting 6 SMKTU

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