Lecture Summary 1

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- a collection of known truths about the Universe that develops and expands over time.
- Dynamic and ever changing.

- perfect hence can only be made up of the perfect substance they called “ether” and can
only move in perfect motion: circular in path and constant in speed.

Diurnal motion of the sky

- the appearance that the objects in the sky moves relative to the Earth’s local horizon
(celestial objects: moon, Sun, stars, planets; there were only five known planets:
Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn) as observed for one whole day at the same
location on Earth.
Annual motion of the sky
- the appearance that objects in the sky moves relative to the background stars as
observed at the same time of the day and at the same location on Earth.

Modern scientists know these patterns are produced because the Earth spins on its
own axis and revolves around the sun. In contrast, ancient observers created many myths and
legends about these stars and planets to explain the regularity of the patterns in the sky.

Greeks chose to avoid supernatural beliefs (gods and goddesses) in explaining phenomena and
focused instead on natural causes.

- objects are imperfect and that the tendency of things to attain perfection is the cause of
their motion.

1. NATURAL MOTION – proceeds from the nature of the object

dependent on what combination of the
Four elements


- Every object in the universe has a proper place, any object not in its proper place
will “strive” to get there.
- Objects should fall at speeds proportional to their weights, the heavier the object
the faster it should fall.
- Celestial bodies are perfect spheres made of a perfect and unchanging
substance, which he called quintessence.
based from circular motion, has no
beginning or end

MOON – only celestial object with any detectable variation.

- refers to as imposed motion
- resulting from pushing or pulling

Scientific progress is a process that includes making mistakes in trying to discover the right
path. Science requires patience and diligence.

1. It is the appearance that the objects in the sky moves relative to the Earth’s local horizon
2. It is the appearance that objects in the sky moves relative to the background stars as
observed at the same time of the day and at the same location on Earth.
3. A motion that proceeds from the nature of the object.
4. He said that objects should fall at speeds proportional to their weights
5. Give the two types of domain as viewed by the Greek Philosophers.


1. Research about the contributions related to astronomy and physics of different

philosophers. (include range of lifetime, how they are possibly related to each other, and
provide names of other philosophers connected to them.)
2. List some naked-eye observations showing that the Earth is round.

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