Strategic Plan

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The University of Zambia

2013 - 2017

Promoting Excellence in Teaching, Research

and Community Service
The University of Zambia

2013 - 2017

December 2012

Foreword....................................................................................... v
Acknowledgements........................................................................ vi
Acronyms and Abbreviations......................................................... vii
Definition of Key Terms................................................................. ix

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY........................................................... xi
1 Introduction................................................................ xi
2 Vision, Mission and Strategic Directions...................... xii
3 Areas of Focus............................................................. xii
4 Core Values................................................................. xiv
5 Management Philosophy.............................................. xiv
6 Key Performance Indicators......................................... xiv
7 Financing the Strategic Plan........................................ xv
8 Institutional and Legal Framework, Implementation,
Monitoring and Evaluation........................................... xvi
9 Strategic Assumptions.................................................. xvii
10 Preconditions............................................................... xviii

1.0 BACKGROUND................................................................. 1
1.1 Historical Perspective................................................... 1
1.2 Functions of the University of Zambia.......................... 2
1.3 Governance of the University of Zambia....................... 4
1.4 Funding....................................................................... 4

2.0 SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS.................................................. 5
2.1 Introduction................................................................. 5
2.2 The Internal Environment............................................ 5
2.3 The External Environment........................................... 10
2.4 SWOT Analysis............................................................. 15

3.0 THE STRATEGIC PLAN..................................................... 16

3.1 Introduction................................................................. 16
3.1.1 Theme................................................................ 16
3.1.2 Vision................................................................. 16
3.1.3 Mission............................................................... 16
3.2 Values.......................................................................... 16
3.3 Management Philosophy............................................... 17
3.4 Strategic Directions...................................................... 18
3.5 Strategic Objectives, Strategies and Activities.............. 20
3.6 Performance Indicators................................................. 42

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 iii

4.0 FINANCING THE STRATEGIC PLAN................................ 44


5.1 Institutional Arrangement........................................... 44
5.2 Legal Framework......................................................... 45
5.3 Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation of the
Strategic Plan.............................................................. 45


PLAN.............................................................................. 46
6.1 Strategic Assumptions................................................ 46
6.2 Pre-conditions............................................................ 46

Appendix 1: Members of the Strategic Plan Steering Committee..... 69
Appendix 2: Strategic Directions, Objectives, Activities, Indicators,
Targets and Estimated Budget................................. 70
Appendix 3: University of Zambia Strategic Plan, 2013-2017
Implementation Chart ............................................. 97
Appendix 4: High Level Implementation Plan............................... 104

iv The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017


I am pleased to provide some introductory thoughts to this document, which

has come at an important turning point in the history of university education
in Zambia.
In the recent past, the term ‘University’ was synonymous with ‘University of
Zambia’ but the scenario has now changed as more players have come ‘in the
field to play the game of providing higher education’, simply stated, competition
in providing higher education is now a reality. This therefore calls for a paradigm
shift in the manner the University of Zambia conducts its business.
Thus this five-year plan, which partly builds upon our previous Strategic
Plan, focuses on repositioning the University of Zambia by transforming the
challenges arising from the merging competitive era into ultimate opportunities
for exploitation. The Plan summarises our priorities and sets out a series of
programmes and projects that we believe will transform the University into
‘A Provider of World Class Services in Higher Education and Knowledge
The heart of our mission, our integrated mandate, means that we will act
across all the areas of higher education for which we are responsible, that
is, teaching, research/consultancy, and community service. Guided by our
management philosophy in our decision making process and believing, and
upholding our core values of Innovativeness, Integrity, Accountability,
Academic Freedom, Green Environment, Equity, Excellence, the University
of Zambia is strategically poised to ride the high tidal wave of competition and
continue providing quality higher education.
One of the strengths of the University is its diversity of highly qualified
and dedicated academic, administrative and technical staff. It is this unique
resource which will drive this Strategic Plan to ensure that the Vision, Mission
and Strategic Directions are realised.
We will not be working alone in delivering this Plan. We already have a number
of partner organisations which share our dedication to providing sustainable
quality higher education, intellectual capital development, community service,
and we consider it vital to work in close collaboration with them.
I would like to thank all the people who took part in our Strategic Planning
process by offering their insights, evidence, experience and ideas.
As we reposition ourselves in the coming five years, we intend to capitalise
on the relationships we have been building with people and organisations who
have an interest in the work of the University of Zambia. We will find more
ways to secure the expert advice of many in our projects and our decision-
making process. The high benchmark we have set of delivering this Strategic
Plan can only be successfully attained with the involvement of the widest
possible coalition. I hope and believe that our plans match that ambition.

Mrs Sherry Mary Anne Thole


The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 v


I express profound appreciation to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Chairman

of the Strategic Plan Steering Committee, who continually and convincingly
conveyed a spirit of adventure in regard to providing inspirational leadership
to the team. Without his leadership and visionary determination this Plan
would not have been possible.
I thank each member of the Committee whose work and determination
demonstrate a strong ardour of sharing a common dream of repositioning the
University of Zambia in the emerging competitive and technologically-driven
era and the desire to provide excellence, which should always transcend
academia and provide a quest for our times. The list of the committee is at
Appendix 1.
I thank the University of Zambia Council for its strategic critique and timely
guidance during the process of formulating this Plan. I further express my
gratitude to the Government and other key stakeholders for providing a solid
anchor for the University of Zambia at all times.
Contributions to such a document come in different forms and as such, let
me conclude by thanking all the University staff members, especially those
who completed and submitted review reports and questionnaires on the last
University Strategic Plan (2008-2012). I wish to assure you that your labour
was not in vain.

Professor Stephen Simukanga


vi The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017


BoZ : Bank of Zambia

BPR : Business Processes Re-engineering
CICT : Centre for Information and Communication Technologies
CPD : Continuous Professional Development
CSO : Central Statistical Office
DE : Distance Education
DVC : Deputy Vice-Chancellor
DRGS : Directorate of Research and Graduate Studies
E-Learning : Electronic Learning
MCDMCH : Ministry of Community Development, Mother and Child
MGCD : Ministry of Gender and Child Development
MoESTVTE : Ministry of Education, Science and Technology,
Vocational Training and Early Education
GRZ : Government of the Republic of Zambia
HIV & AIDS : Human Immuno Deficiency Virus and Acquired Immuno
Deficiency Syndrome
HoD : Head of Department
HRM : Human Resource Management
HRD : Human Resource Development
ICT : Information Communication Technology
IDE : Institute of Distance Education
IEC : Information, Education and Communication
INESOR : Institute of Economic and Social Research
ITC : Innovation and Technology Centre
JICA : Japanese International Cooperation Agency
KRA : Key Result Area
M&E : Monitoring and Evaluation
MoF : Ministry of Finance
MoH : Ministry of Health
MoU : Memorandum of Understanding
MYS : Ministry of Youth and Sports
NAC : National Aids Council
ODL : Open Distance Learning
PESTLIED : Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal,
Internationalisation, Environmental and Demographic
PMS : Performance Management System
PF : Patriotic Front
PPP : Public Private Partnership
PSMD : Public Service Management Division
RDCs : Recurrent Departmental Charges
SMART : Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 vii

SNDP : Sixth National Development Plan
SWOT : Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats
TDAU : Technology Development Advisory Unit
TV : Television
USAID : United States Agency for International Development
UNZA : University of Zambia
UNZASEC : University of Zambia Secondary School
VC : Vice-Chancellor
ZMK : Zambian Kwacha

viii The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017


In this Strategic Plan, unless the context otherwise requires:

Baseline The existing situation in the planned activities that
will be used as the basis for tracking and measuring

Key Result Area Grouping of a number of related activities or areas from

which a main result is expected.

Management The style of management which the University will use

Philosophy during the implementation of the Strategic Plan in order
to ensure unity of purpose towards achievement of the
planned activities.

Mission The fundamental purpose of the University that

describes the reason of its existence, what it does and
how it does its business to achieve its vision.

Performance A pointer that will be used to measure the attainment/

Indicator achievement of strategic directions and objectives.

Output A tangible result or product from the implementation of

the objectives.

Pre-Conditions Conditions that are internal in nature that will need to

be put in place for the University Strategic Plan to be
effectively implemented.

Responsible Officer An individual within the University administrative

system who will be assigned and be held accountable
for carrying out a prescribed activity for the attainment
of a result.

Strategic Extenuating factors outside the control of the University

Assumptions that need to be present for the University to be able to
effectively implement the Strategic Plan.

Strategic Direction Area of focus which defines the direction the University
will take in order to realise the Mission and Vision.
Describes the Plan for the University of Zambia for the
period 2013 to 2017.

Strategic Plan A measurable statement of intent that will be

Strategic Objective implemented within a given time frame in pursuit of
the strategic objective.

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 ix

Strategies and The broad and detailed actions that will be undertaken
Activities in order to realise the strategic objectives.

Target A defined measure of performance towards which

individual or group effort will be directed during the
implementation of the Strategic Plan.

Theme The approach/thrust/area of emphasis that will guide

the operations of the University during the Strategic
Plan period.

University Used synonymously with ‘The University of Zambia’

Values Core and governing beliefs through which the University
will behave, make decisions, and relate with its clients
and society at large during the implementation of the
Strategic Plan.

Vision A long-term projection and desire of what the University

would like to be, in the high education and knowledge

x The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017


1. Introduction
In its 2008 - 2012 Strategic Plan, the University of Zambia addressed
the issue of ‘Restoring Excellence in its Teaching, Research and Public

This Strategic Plan, 2013-2017 considers the University of Zambia as

a vibrant and distinct, unitary entity composed of two Institutes, one
Directorate and nine Schools and various administrative units. The
University of Zambia which is the first and oldest public institution
of higher learning, established in 1966, is today a leading institution,
endeavouring to be among the world-class higher institutions of learning
committed to, and true to its motto of ‘Service and Excellence’. The theme
of this Strategic Plan is ‘Promoting Excellence in Teaching, Research
and Community Service’.

The development of the University of Zambia Strategic Plan, 2013-2017

has taken into account both the internal and external environmental
factors that have a bearing on the operations of the University. The Plan
has also been informed by an analysis of the internal strengths and
weaknesses of the University, as well as the external opportunities and

The academic and administrative strengths of the University of Zambia

are reflected in the existence of its Schools, Institutes and Directorates
each one performing its functions in its areas of specialisation; in its
country-wide presence through distance learning and extension studies;
and indeed, in its student enrolment which cuts across the country,
region, gender and differently-abled. The Strategic Plan proposes
university-wide academic, administrative and financial goals, and
actions, building upon its wealth of knowledge and experience of its staff,
long established academic programmes and long-standing contribution
to the development of the country and improving upon its efficiency as
an institution.

At the same time, the Plan repositions the University in a competitive

environment of emerging public and private institutions of higher
learning. It has facilitated the ‘bottom-up’ approach to capture and
nurture the innovative and creative characteristics of its academic units,
departments, schools, directorates, institutes and the administrative
units. The Plan assumes that there should be a strong relationship
among the academic units, the students, staff and central administration
which should be maintained by ongoing vibrant dialogue.

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 xi

The Strategic Plan therefore builds upon the achievements of the
previous Strategic Plan, 2008-2012 and takes full cognisance of the
changing global and national terrain in the knowledge industry. The
Strategic Plan, 2013-2017 is repositioning the University of Zambia
for global excellence, a competitive environment from both private and
public universities; changing education delivery systems; new industry
relevant products; community related products with increased opening
and access to university education in various fields. There is a renewed
strong desire to promote excellence in teaching, research and community
service. Existing partnerships are being enhanced while new partnerships
are being developed to advance research, knowledge, and service to
the community and industry. While maintaining the core functions of
education, as a public university, the Strategic Plan is also addressing
increased generation of revenue through competitive fees, consultancies,
investments and partnerships for the survival of the institution.

2. Vision, Mission and Strategic Directions

The Vision of the University of Zambia in its Strategic Plan, 2013-2017
is to be a ‘Provider of World Class Services in Higher Education and
Knowledge Generation’, while the Mission is ‘To Provide Relevant
Higher Education, Through Teaching, Research and Community
Service’. In pursuit of the Vision and Mission, the University will address
the various challenges related to its functions by focusing on the following
Strategic Directions:
(a) Promote and Maintain Excellence in Teaching, Learning, Research
and Consultancy.
(b) Enhance Financial and Administrative Management Systems.
(c) Invest in New and Existing Business Ventures.
(d) Enhance Human Resource Capacity and Management.
(e) Maintain, Improve and Expand Infrastructure.
(f) Institutionalise Quality Assurance Systems.
(g) Expand and Promote Use of Information and Communication
Technologies across Campuses and the Wider Community.
(h) Provide Open Distance Learning as an Option for Mass Teaching,
Learning and Research.
(i) Harness Workers’ and Allies Energies for University’s Freedom
from Liability.
(j) Promote Beneficial Partnerships in the Knowledge Economy.

3. Areas of Focus
Through these Strategic Directions, the University will pursue the
following strategies in relation to its core functions:

Teaching and Learning

1. Rationalise the lecturer-student ratio and establish reasonable
staffing establishments in all areas of academic offerings.
xii The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017
2. Introduce a quality assurance framework to regulate the quality
of its academic activities.
3. Redress the staff development imbalance by instituting measures
to recruit, train young scholars and retain experienced academic

4. Ensure that research claims its rightful position through adequate
funding towards innovation, invention and creation of knowledge
for national, industrial, community and personal development of
individuals and society as a whole.
5. Institutionalise mechanisms for creation, storage, retrieval and
dissemination of the research knowledge outcomes.
6. Develop a vibrant postgraduate and research agenda befitting
national development priorities.

Community Service
7. Strengthen linkages with the industry and the community.
8. Institute an efficient, transparent and accountable management
system in which, schools, directorate and units will be the centre
of activities and resource allocation.

Staff Welfare
9. Make staff conditions of service competitive at national, regional
and international levels.

Staff Attitude
10. Institute a positive work culture at all levels of the University.

Student Welfare
11. Build student hostels through partnerships with industries and
investors to make the stay of students in the University conducive
to learning.
12. Stabilise the University calendar through good student-management
and worker-management industrial relations.

13. Reduce heavy dependence on Government funding for most of the
University functions.
14. Increase the efficiency of the business ventures in order to scale
up internal generation of income.
15. Dispose of non-performing assets.
16. Reduce the University debt through internal and external
generation of income.

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 xiii

17. Liquidate the current debt and institute measures to avoid falling
into unsustainable debt.

4. Core Values
The core values that will guide the implementation of the University of
Zambia Strategic Plan, 2013-2017 are:
(i) Innovativeness;
(ii) Integrity;
(iii) Accountability;
(iv) Academic Freedom;
(v) Green Environment;
(vi) Equity; and
(vii) Excellence.

5. Management Philosophy
The University will embrace a participatory management style that will
motivate employees, provide a work environment that is conducive to high
productivity, encourage teamwork in which leadership is by example,
provide effective communication and guidance, which will be accessible
to all, and promote individual growth.

6. Key Performance Indicators

The following key performance indicators will be used to assess the
achievement of the Objectives, Strategic Directions and Mission:

• Strategic Direction 1: Promote and Maintain Excellence in Teaching,

Learning, Research and Consultancy
(1) Number of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes and
courses reviewed, developed and implemented.
(2) Number and quality of research contracts and consultancies
(3) Number of publications.

• Strategic Direction 2: Enhance Financial and Administrative

Management Systems
(1) Transparent financial, planning and administrative/
management systems.
(2) Unqualified audit reports.
(3) Risk management policy developed and implemented.

• Strategic Direction 3: Invest in New and Existing Business Ventures

(1) Amount of capital invested in business ventures.
(2) Percentage increase in income raised from self-generated
business ventures.
xiv The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017
• Strategic Direction 4: Enhance Human Resource Capacity and
(1) Performance Management System implemented.
(2) Human Resource Policy developed and implemented.

• Strategic Direction 5: Maintain, Improve and Expand Infrastructure

(1) 10 000 student bed spaces established
(2) 500 new offices constructed.
(3) Increase in Library capacity (fourfold).
(4) Number of existing lecture theatres and laboratories rehabilitated
and equipped with modern equipment.
(5) Number of lecture theatres and laboratories constructed and
equipped with modern equipment.
(6) Excellent status of infrastructure.

• Strategic Direction 6: Institutionalise Quality Assurance Systems

(1) Operationalised and mainstreamed quality assurance framework.

• Strategic Direction 7: Expand and Promote Use of Information

and Communication Technologies across Campuses and the Wider
(1) 100 per cent computer literacy by all staff.
(2) 100 per cent access of ICTs by all students.

• Strategic Direction 8: Provide Open Distance Learning as an Option

for Mass Teaching, Learning and Research
(1) Full undergraduate and postgraduate Distance Education (DE)
courses developed and mainstreamed in existing programmes.
(2) Infrastructure for DE programmes developed.

• Strategic Direction 9: Harness Workers’ and Allies Energies for

University’s Freedom from Liability
(1) Degree of indebtedness.

• Strategic Direction 10: Promote Beneficial Partnerships in the

Knowledge Economy
(1) Tangible benefits realised.

7. Financing the Strategic Plan

The estimated amount for the implementation of the University Strategic
Plan, 2013-2017 is K3.6 billion. The resources will be generated from
both internal and external sources. Internal sources will include funds
generated from areas like tuitions fees, consultancy fees, business
ventures, and sale of some University assets. External sources will

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 xv

include funds drawn from Government grants, collaborative efforts of
alumni, development partners and other sources.

It is expected that implementers of various activities will participate in

raising and contributing funds for undertaking respective activities in
their domain. The Strategic Objectives will guide the implementation
of the Plan. As such, any development partner wishing to support the
University is encouraged to support those activities that are in line with
the activities under the Strategic Directions.

The Strategic Plan will be implemented through a ‘basket fund’ approach.

This is aimed at ensuring transparency and accountability in the use of
funds, as well as to facilitate effective monitoring. In this regard, a separate
account will be created in which all funds raised will be deposited and
drawn for implementation of activities.

8. Institutional and Legal Framework, Implementation, Monitoring and

8.1 Institutional Framework

All levels of the University will be involved in the implementation of
the Strategic Plan as follows:

8.1.1 University Council

The Council will be responsible for providing policy guidance
and strategic direction.

8.1.2 Offices of the Vice-Chancellor and Deputy Vice-Chancellor

The two offices will provide high level strategic and
administrative leadership to the implementation of the
Strategic Plan. The offices will also be responsible for resource
mobilisation, engagement of stakeholders, convening and
organising stakeholder bi-annual reviews, and holding
consultations with stakeholders and cooperating partners.

8.1.3 Monitoring and Evaluation Committee

A Monitoring and Evaluation Committee will be established
to undertake the following activities:
(i) develop the M & E framework that will guide the
monitoring and evaluation of the Strategic Plan;
(ii) facilitate the development of annual work plans in
each School/Directorate/Unit;
(iii) monitor the implementation of work plans;
xvi The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017
(iv) obtain and review quarterly and annual progress reports;
(v) prepare policy briefs and progress reports for submission
to higher management for decision making; and
(vi) provide technical guidance as required;
(vii) ensure that appropriate Information, Education and
Communication (IEC) activities/programmes are
carried out; and
(viii) recommend appropriate intervention measures.

8.1.4 Deans, Directors and Heads of Department

Working closely with their members of staff, the principal
officers, deans, directors and heads of department will be
responsible for operationalising the Strategic Plan. This
will include, among other things:
(i) preparing annual work plans which will be based
on the Strategic Directions, Objectives and Activities
derived from the Strategic Plan.
(ii) preparing instruments for monitoring plans;
(iii) implementing and monitoring of annual work plans;
(iv) preparing monthly, quarterly and annual progress
reports; and
(v) participating in evaluation activities.

8.2 Legal Framework

The Strategic Plan will be implemented within the existing legal
framework for the University. As implementation unfolds, any norms,
practices or legislation that might inhibit the successful implementation
of the Strategic Plan will be reviewed/revised accordingly.

8.3 Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation

The implementation of the Strategic Plan will be operationalised by
annual work plans which will be prepared at the end of each year
for the following year.

A Monitoring and Evaluation frame work will be developed to guide

the monitoring and evaluation of the Strategic Plan. The University
administrative system through the principal officers, deans, directors
and heads of department/unit will monitor the performance of the
Strategic Plan using the agreed set of key performance indicators
described above. Evaluation exercises will be carried out by independent
evaluators in order to ensure independence and objectivity.

9. Strategic Assumptions
To successfully implement this Strategic Plan, a number of environmental
conditions that need to be in place, but outside the control of the
University, have been identified as follows:

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 xvii

(a) There will be improved Government funding to support the
implementation of the Strategic Plan budget.
(b) The Government’s budgetary subventions to the University will be
disbursed on time.
(c) Economic climate remains conducive for business and investment.
(d) Existence of a conducive environment for appreciating science and
technology in development and innovation.
(e) Other research institutions and the corporate world will be willing
to partner with the University.
(f) Financial institutions will be willing to lend money to the University.
(g) The society will continue to hold the University in good esteem.

10. Pre-Conditions
In addition to the assumptions, there are a number of internal conditions
that must be put in place for the Strategic Plan to be effectively
implemented. These are:
(a) Schools and the Directorate shall have approved research agenda.
(b) A positive staff attitude towards University-driven research and
(c) The University will have built capacity to develop bankable usiness
proposals to undertake research contracts and consultancies.
(d) The University will be able to attract collaboration with other
research institutions and the corporate world.
(e) The University will ensure that it does not fall into a spiral of
unmanageable debt.
(f) The University will have sustainable investments to generate
adequate resources for debt liquidation.
(g) The University will seal financial leakages in its operations.
(h) The University will manage its resources prudently.
(i) Change of mindset and managing change.

xviii The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

1.1 Historical Perspective
The University of Zambia, the first public university in the country, was
established by the University of Zambia Act of 1965 and consequently
opened in 1966. The University had an initial challenge of producing
professional and trained human resources to meet the needs of the
rapidly growing economy that characterised the post-independence

The University has undergone a number of transformations regarding

its governance and operations since the first University of Zambia Act
(No. 66) of 1965. Among the provisions of the Act, the Chancellorship of
the University was vested in the Head of State. The Chancellor, under the
Act, was given the authority to appoint the Vice-Chancellor and the Deputy
Vice-Chancellor. The University started with three Schools in 1966, namely
Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, and Natural Sciences. In its
first academic year, 1966, the University enrolled 312 students.

As facilities developed and needs were recognised, new Schools were

added, namely Law (1967), Engineering (1969), Medicine (1970),
Agricultural Sciences (1971), Mines (1973), Business & Industrial
Studies (1978, at Ndola Campus), Environmental Studies (1981, at
Ndola Campus) and Veterinary Medicine (1983). With the expansion
of academic programmes and consequently the rising numbers of
student enrolments, the University of Zambia, Great East Campus in
Lusaka could not provide adequate facilities to accommodate the high
demand for higher education. Therefore, in 1975 it was decided that
the University be developed on a federal basis with three constituent
institutions, one at Lusaka, one at Ndola on the Copperbelt and the
third at Solwezi in North-Western Province. The Solwezi Campus was,
however, never established. A new University of Zambia Act (No. 17) that
came into operation in 1979 provided a definitive constitution for this
federal structure. The University of Zambia Act of 1979 was reviewed and
repealed in 1987. This was largely because the Nyirenda Commission of
Inquiry of 1981 concluded that the centralised administrative system
created by the federal system was too cumbersome, top heavy, too
bureaucratic and inefficient. The subsequent new University Acts (Nos
19 and 20) of 1987 created two independent universities; the University
of Zambia and the Copperbelt University.

After the 1991 transition to the multi-party system of political

governance, the University Acts of 1987 were repealed and replaced
by the University Act of 1992. The Chancellorship of the universities
changed, for the first time, from the Head of State to citizens that had
distinguished themselves in their professional careers and contribution
The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 1
to national development. The University Act of 1992 reduced the
powers of the Minister of Education over the governance of the public
universities to matters of general policy on higher education. It made
serious efforts to reassert the autonomy of public universities.

The University Act of 1992 was repealed and replaced by the University
Act No. 11 of 1999, which is the one in current use. Under this Act, the
Minister of Education has considerable powers over the operations of
both the public as well as private universities.

1.2 Functions of the University of Zambia

The University of Zambia is a post-independence creation, whose major
mandate was to produce the nation’s high level human resource. The
University Act No. 11 of 1999 provides a legal framework for university
education in Zambia and defines, broadly, the purposes of a public
university, which are to: (a) provide university education, promote
research and advancement of learning; (b) disseminate knowledge and,
without discrimination, to hold out to all persons, who meet all the
stipulated academic or professional qualifications, the opportunity of
acquiring university education; (c) to provide facilities, appropriate
to a university of the highest standing, for the pursuit of learning
and research and for the acquisition of both liberal and professional
education, which is responsive to the needs of Zambia; (d) to make
those facilities available to persons equipped to benefit from the use of
the facilities on such terms and conditions as Council may determine.
Within this context, the major functions of the University of Zambia are
teaching, learning, research and community service.

(a) Teaching and Learning

Teaching and learning are central to the University of Zambia
functions. They are an important part of its mandate of providing
education to appropriately qualified persons. Historically, the quality
of graduates from the University of Zambia has stood the test of
time, as these graduates have been absorbed in the job markets
widely, thus benefiting public and private sectors both locally and
internationally. Due to the ever changing environment in the job
market, demand for professional upgrading of individuals from
private and public sectors is increasing and the University of Zambia
is committed to meeting this need.

(b) Research
In addition to learning, the University of Zambia is expected to
provide an environment in which one is able to discover, create
and innovate. It is the University’s major responsibility to create
2 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017
knowledge through various research activities, the results of which
are crucial in making informed decisions and policies by industry,
Government and society at large. Research is also expected to
generate knowledge, which should provide the basis for teaching
and learning.

The University supports various types of research, including

postgraduate, commissioned and responsive research in various
crucial areas such as education, agriculture, health, environment
and natural resources, energy and poverty reduction, which
contribute immensely to national development.

(c) Community Service

The University of Zambia provides a variety of services to various
stakeholders through consultancy, outreach and extension activities.
The stakeholders in consultancy services include the private sector,
non-governmental organisations and the Government. Outreach
services normally operate on partnership basis with communities
which are responding to a particular need. Extension services are
normally offered to the communities which require introduction to,
or upgrading of, particular new knowledge and skills that enhance
the development endeavours in their environment.

For the purpose of carrying out its functions, the University of Zambia
provides facilities appropriate to a university of the highest standing
through various functional units. It offers various undergraduate
programmes through its nine schools, namely the School of
Agricultural Sciences, School of Education, School of Engineering,
School of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Law, School of
Medicine, School of Mines, School of Natural Sciences and Samora
Machel School of Veterinary Medicine.

Postgraduate programmes offered by the various schools are

coordinated by the Directorate of Research and Graduate Studies
while the Institute of Distance Education coordinates distance learning
courses offered by the Schools of Education, Humanities and Social
Sciences, Natural Sciences, Medicine and Veterinary Medicine.

The Institute of Economic and Social Research is a full-time research

unit of the University of Zambia. It is a multidisciplinary research
establishment, which has contributed immensely to the development
of the country through both basic and applied research in over thirty
years of its existence.

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 3

There are six support units, namely, the Library, the Centre
for Information and Communication Technologies, Technology
Development Advisory Unit, the University Press, the University
Printer, and the University Health Services.

1.3 Governance of the University of Zambia

The University Council is responsible for the governance, control and
administration of the University of Zambia. The Chancellor is appointed
by the President of the Republic from among eminent Zambian citizens,
on recommendation by the Minister responsible for Education. She/
he presides at all ceremonial assemblies of the University and confers
all degrees, other academic titles and distinctions of the University.
The Senate is the supreme academic authority of the University. The
principal officers of the University are the Vice-Chancellor, Deputy
Vice-Chancellor, Registrar, Librarian, Bursar and dean of students.
All schools are headed by deans while the directorate, institutes and
centres are headed by directors.

1.4 Funding
The University of Zambia is funded through Government grants, tuition
fees and through other self-generated income. The current structure of
these resources is that about 60 per cent is from Government grants,
25 per cent from tuition fees, while the balance is from self-generated
income. On funding the focus of this Strategic Plan is to reduce the
dependence on Government grants.

4 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017


2.1 Introduction
The development of the University’s Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 is a
commitment to addressing various challenges that the institution has
faced over the years, and translate into action lessons learnt during the
implementation process of the Strategic Plan, 2008-2012. A Situational
Analysis undertaken towards the end of the implementation period of
the Strategic Plan, 2008-2012 revealed that two sets of environmental
variables affected the development and growth of the University. These
were internal and external environmental variables which have been
identified and are discussed below.

2.2 The Internal Environment

The internal environment of the University was analysed by looking at
seven inter-related factors that examine the internal dynamics of an
institution, namely, strategy, structure, staff, skills, systems, style (of
leadership) and shared values. This analysis is presented below.

(a) Strategy
The institution has been operating and guided by a Strategic Plan
that provides it with a current operational framework. The University
has a Strategic Plan covering the period 2008-2012. The University
has developed a successor plan covering the period 2013 – 2017 as
detailed in this document. There is need for the University to develop
systems to ensure that the Plan is monitored and evaluated to ensure
effective implementation of programmes contained therein.

(b) Structure
The University of Zambia has clear and appropriate governance,
administrative and academic structures that have enabled it to provide
quality services in a coherent and organised manner to its clients. In
the broader context, the University of Zambia organisational structure
comprises Council, Central Administration, Schools and Directorate,
Institutes, Departments/Units. The Senate is the supreme academic
authority of the University. The principal officers of the University are
the Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Registrar, Librarian,
Bursar and Dean of Students. All schools, institutes, directorate and
units are headed by Deans, Directors and Managers, respectively.

In order to obtain maximum advantage from the structure, there is

need to enhance communication and institutionalise principles of

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 5

good corporate governance if the institution is to remain focused,
relevant and meet the expectation of Government, the general public
and other local and international stakeholders.

Location of the University

The University of Zambia is located in the heart of the City of
Lusaka, which is the centre of business in the country. This presents
opportunities for multi-sectoral cooperation and linkages. Currently,
the University is faring quite well but requires repositioning to remain

Public Relations and Image Building

The University of Zambia has a Public Relations section that has a
clear mandate to build a positive public image of the institution. It
has been acknowledged that the operations in this section require
to be enhanced in form of resource and capacity building so that
the intended objective for establishing the Unit could be realised.
To realise this goal (positive image building) the Strategic Plan
has identified activities that will ensure that the Unit creates and
projects the desired image for the University.

(c) Staff
The core resource of the University lies in its diversity of highly
qualified and skilled, academic, administrative and technical staff.
Currently the University has a total of 621 full-time lecturers.
The total establishment of lecturers stands at 879 against a total
population of 12 450 full-time students, translating into a lecturer-
student ratio of 1:20. This is compounded by the lecturer attrition
rate that stands at 4.00 per annum. The leading cause of attrition is
attributed mainly to death (3.5 p.a.) and partly to natural resource
(labour) relocation (0.50), constituting 12.5 per cent of all annual
attrition. There is need to develop and implement staff retention
schemes for various categories of staff. Apart from the need to
increase staffing levels, attention should be paid to gender balance,
staff mix and the implementation of the staff appraisal system.

Staff Welfare
In terms of staff welfare, the conditions of service offered at the
University of Zambia are not competitive enough for the institution
to recruit and retain adequate numbers of competent academic,
technical and administrative staff. Strides have however, been
made in the recent past to increase pay packages to levels that are
close to the Zambian market rates.

6 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

In spite of the efforts made to make the personal emoluments
competitive, a number of factors relating to staff welfare still remain
a challenge and these include the following:
1. Terminal packages for all categories of staff have still continued
to be a major contributing factor to UNZA’s indebtedness.
2. While numbers of student enrolments have been steadily
increasing, the facilities in terms of lecture rooms, lecture
theatres, laboratories, students hostels, office space, Library, have
remained relatively static leading to excessive over-utilisation.
3. Staff recruitment has greatly been hampered by non-
recruitment of new staff due to inadequate resources. This
has led to an increase in the lecturer-student ratio.
4. Additionally, retirees who have not yet been paid off have
continued to receive their salaries/wages thereby increasing the
payroll costs.

Academic Staff: Full-time and Part-time Lecturers

A number of factors have affected the effective performance of both
full-time and part-time lecturers as follows:
(a) The remuneration for part-time lecturers is not very attractive.
This has resulted in prospective lecturers declining to take up
teaching positions.
(b) The University of Zambia has not adequately attracted
knowledge and experience from industry and consequently
synergy has remained low.
(c) There is inadequate infrastructure to support both full-time
and part-time lecturers.
(d) There is no mentoring programme for young lecturers.
(e) There are no induction programmes for teaching staff.
(f) There is no exposure to new teaching methodologies and
new knowledge, a situation which is affecting the delivery of

(d) Skills
As already stated in the preceding section, the core resource of the
University lies in its diversity of highly qualified and skilled, academic,
administrative and technical staff. The University boasts of a pool of staff
that is highly skilled in lecturing and teaching. In addition, the institution
has excellent research skills that are being used to enhance academic
excellence and in providing practical solutions to societal problems.
There is need for the University to increase its budgetary provision to
continuous professional development (CPD) programmes so as to update
the skills base of staff.

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 7

(e) Systems:
Work and Business Processes
Although the University can boast of very reliable structures, it needs
Business Processes Re-engineering (BPR) so as to reposition itself as
an innovative, responsive and competitive public university. In this
regard, there is need for the University to critically re-assess the work
and business process through which the various services are provided.
This will help in streamlining the process and removing non-value
adding processes and thereby save time and resources which can be
channelled to other critical areas.

In addition, the University should develop various mechanisms to ensure

that the various constituents of the institution singularly and collectively
contribute to the implementation of the Strategic Plan. For instance,
the current structure is devoid of a stand-alone ‘progress chaser’ who
should ensure that all activities at the school and unit level are Strategic-
Plan-compliant. In this regard, an institutional-wide monitoring and
evaluation system should also be developed and implemented

Financing and financial management systems

The main sources of funding for the University are the Government
grants constituting 54 per cent, tuition fees constituting 36 per cent
and other incomes constituting 10 per cent. Most of the funding
covers personal emoluments and partly operational costs. Very little
is released for maintenance of infrastructure and construction of new
additional lecture theatres, offices and hostels. In addition, there is
inadequate financing generated from both tuition and other income
generation activities. The University faces some challenges in its
financial management systems, and these affect its operations. There
is, therefore, need to improve financial management systems and broaden
the sources of financing. For example, the University should cease the
opportunities in the following areas:
(i) multiplicity of mining and other business corporations;
(ii) availability of great number of school leavers willing to enroll in
the programmes of the University;
(iii) consultancy services, which are on higher demand after the
liberalisation of the economy;
(iv) increased demand for higher education due to privatisation of
(v) strengthening links with corporate world given growth in the
economy; and
(vi) embracing new technology in teaching, like visual learning.

8 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

The University of Zambia has assets and owns prime land which is
available for public private partnership.

Investment of Funds
The University of Zambia is mandated under The University Act, 1999
to invest any surplus funds which it may not immediately require to
meet its operations. Part III, Section 13 of the said Act states, ‘The
Council may, with the approval of the Minister, invest in such manner as
it may determine any of its funds which it does not immediately require
for performance of its functions’.

Infrastructure systems
The infrastructure of the University includes the lecture theatres/rooms,
libraries, students’ hostels, the offices for Central Administration, and
office spaces in schools, directorate, institutes, centres and units. The
following are the key infrastructural related problems:
(a) Dilapidated infrastructure and poor physical working and learning
environment - Much of the infrastructure is not user and gender
friendly, especially to the physically challenged.
(b) Inadequate and poorly - equipped lecture theatres, library,
laboratories and offices.
(c) Poor state of infrastructure - The infrastructure is in a poor state
due to inadequate funding. While the university has embarked on
rehabilitation of some of the infrastructure, budgetary constraints
have hampered progress. It is noted that much of the rehabilitation
has focused on provision of temporary solutions.
(d) Inadequate hostels - Currently, the University has a total of 3 700
bed space against a population of 12 450 full-time students. This
means that the University is only able to accommodate 30 per
cent of the students.
(e) The ICT infrastructure is currently inadequate to meet the dictates
of modern learners, research and teaching.

Teaching Systems
The University offers postgraduate programmes at diploma and degree
levels. It also has ability to produce new programmes since it has a high
concentration of skilled human resource. This is supplemented by the
availability of land for future expansion and development of physical

Despite its ability to provide a wide range of academic programmes, the

University faces challenges in the following areas:
(i) teaching staff members do not have adequate equipment for
efficient delivery of lectures and for carrying out research;

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 9

(ii) the teaching and learning environment is not very conducive;
(iii) teaching loads are generally heavy due to the high lecturer-
student ratio; and
(iv) limited infrastructure has affected the teaching schedules.

The accreditation system is not consistent because some schools like
Education, Mines and Engineering offer exemptions in some of their
programmes whilst other schools do not.

Support Systems for implementation of Research Programmes

Research and development is key for attainment of academic excellence.
While the University has a critical mass of skills, there is inadequate
research taking place due to the following problems:
(i) meagre funding for research;
(ii) academic seminars are no longer part of the schedule of teaching
and research in most schools; and
(iii) journals are printed outside the University and this has financial

(f) Style of Management

The University of Zambia operates by using a participatory democratic
system of governance, for example election of Deans, rotation of
departmental headship and use of committees.

(h) Shared Values

During its Strategic Plan, 2008-2012, the University management
adopted core values underpinned by academic freedom, accountability,
critical thinking, equity, excellence, inclusiveness, integrity,
innovativeness, search for new knowledge, service, social justice,
and transparency.

2.3 The External Environment

In addition to examining the internal environment, the development of
the Strategic Plan also took into account external factors that have a
bearing on the operations of the University. The external environment
was analysed by looking at the major Political, Economic, Social
(Cultural), Technological, Legal, Internationalisation, Environmental
and Demographic (PESTLIED) factors. This analysis is provided below.

2.3.1 Political Factors - These refer to developments or changes in the

political arena which provide a governance platform and which
may impact or affect the direction or operations of the University.

10 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

These include changes in governments, political reform, policy
changes or political/administrative pronouncements. Some of
these factors are discussed below:

Government Policy on Public Universities

The government recognises the importance of higher education
and pledges to increase access to university education. The
Government has also pledged to increase and streamline budgetary
allocation on tertiary education so as to increase the human
resource development, improve and expand infrastructure.

In line with this policy, the Government has set out to establish
universities across the country. This policy means that the
University of Zambia has to compete for the limited public funds
with the new universities.

Private Universities
In addition to the public universities, there are about twenty
private universities registered by Government offering a range
of programmes most of which are also offered by the University
of Zambia. Some of these private universities have invested in
developing demand-driven curricula. The private universities
have new products and projects which may make University of
Zambia remain behind. These developments call for the University
to reposition itself in this emerging competitive environment if it
has to remain a centre of excellence as well as a trend setter.

Autonomy and Independence of the University

The University could be more self-sustaining through fees
payments. However, Government has not allowed the University
to charge economic fees on account that there has been a public
outcry every time the University has tried to increase fees.

In addition to the above, the University of Zambia is influenced

politically by all kinds of political players (it is like a political
battleground). There is need to build a politically neutral and
academically focused, liberal institution.

The University of Zambia Council is currently appointed in line

with the Universities Act No 11 of 1999. However, it has been
observed that some Councillors representing certain stakeholder
interest groups are compromised in terms of their objectivity
in decision making on matters that may involve their interest

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 11

groups vis a vis those of the University as a corporate entity. The
Council should be appointed from eminent and respected senior
members of the society, independent of any political or affiliation

Sixth National Development Plan (SNDP)

The Sixth National Development Plan (SNDP) provides a national
planning framework. The objective for university education in
the SNDP is to increase access, participation and equity in the
provision of university education. This means that the University
has to take into account the provisions of the national framework
in its development of the Strategic Plan.

2.3.2 Economic Factors - These refer to variables in the macroeconomic

management that may either impact negatively or positively on
the performance of the University of Zambia. Primarily, these
may include interest rates in the financial markets, changes
in taxation legislation, patterns of economic growth, trends in
inflationary pressure and movements in the foreign currency
exchange rates.

The impact of some of these factors on the University of Zambia

may be summarised as follows:
(a) The high cost of living in the economy has had a negative
impact on all the stakeholders of the University although
the degree of effect is not the same. Generally, the degree of
autonomy in the setting of tuition fees by the University of
Zambia is extremely limited and consequently, the income
generated through non-government sponsored students
still remains economically below market rates
(b) The trend in the Government grant has exhibited a pattern
of consistent decline in real terms and this calls for the
University to seek alternative means of income generation.

Weak Investments
The University of Zambia is operating in a liberalised economy
in which investment opportunities are numerous. However, the
University has not effectively utilised opportunities to attract
investments. This is one area that requires concerted effort.

Weak linkages with industry

It has been observed and established that there is a very weak
link between industry and UNZA. The University of Zambia has
not established strong collaborative linkages with the industry

12 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

over the years. Consequently, UNZA has not benefitted much
from the business opportunities that ordinarily could have
contributed immensely towards enhancing total self-generated

2.3.3 Social/Cultural Factors - These are factors that relate to

changes in social trends and could have an impact or effect on
the operations of the University. One such factor is the fact that
the socialisation process continues to still keep the numbers of
the girls low in Natural Sciences and high in Social Sciences

2.3.4 Technological Factors - These are variables that refer to

technological changes and advancements which can be exploited
to improve performance. When used appropriately, technology can
enhance effectiveness and efficiency in the production and provision
of products and services. In the case of the University of Zambia,
advancements in technology have led to massive cost reduction,
improvements in quality and generally to new innovations. Some
of these developments and investments in technology which have
benefited the University community include:
(i) online registration;
(ii) streamlined payment of fees;
(iii) internet acceleration of access to the worldwide e-library; and
(iv) lecturers use of ICTs to provide virtual lectures to a very
large number of students at the same time.

2.3.5 Legislation Factors - These relate to the legal environment

within which all organisations are expected to operate. In the
Zambian legal environment, there are two main pieces of legislation
that have recently been made that have had an impact on the
University of Zambia and these are:
(1) Issuance of the Statutory Instrument Number 45 of 2012,
which has increased the minimum wage payable to all non-
unionised workers in Zambia irrespective of the sector in
which an employee works.
(2) Issuance of Statutory Instrument No. 11 of 2012, which
has made the use of the Zambian Kwacha as the only legal
tender in the country.

In addition to the new pieces of legislation, the University

of Zambia is currently operating under The Universities Act
Number 11 of 1999 which inhibits sustainability and growth of
the University. The Act needs to be reviewed in order to give more
autonomy to the management of public universities in general.

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 13

2.3.6 Internationalisation - Internalisation includes factors like staff
and student exchanges, as well as partnerships. Having a long
standing existence, the University of Zambia needs to position
itself and collaborate with other local, regional and international
universities, organisations and industries, thereby expanding its
international recognition. In addition, staff and student exchange
programmes need to be enhanced in order to keep the international
standards that the University requires.

2.3.7 Environmental Factors - Environmental factors include the

weather and climate change. With major weather and climate change
occurring due to global warming and with greater environmental
awareness this external factor is becoming a significant issue for
any organisation to consider. The growing desire to protect the
environment is having an impact on many industrial sectors such
as the travel and transportation industries, and the general move
towards more environmentally-friendly products and processes is
affecting demand patterns on one hand and creating business
opportunities on the other hand.

To this effect, the University of Zambia is expected to harness

these opportunities by applying its capacity to undertake various
environmental analyses such water analysis, engineering testing
and fostering green environment.

2.3.8 Demographic Factors - The population of Zambia is increasing

and therefore, there is growing demand for higher education. This
is manifested by the high number of Grade Twelve school leavers
being higher than the available university places. This has resulted
in the University only being able to absorb 30 per cent of the over
10 000 applicants annually. In addition, the population of people
who would like to pursue long life learning has increased.

14 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

2.4 Analysis of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats
In addition to analysing the internal and external factors that have a
bearing on the operations of the University of Zambia, an analysis of the
internal Strengths and Weaknesses, as well as the external Opportunities
and Threats to the University was also undertaken in order to gain a better
understanding of the prevailing situation. A summary of the analysis is
presented in the matrix below.

Internal Strengths (S) External Opportunities (O)

1. Oldest public university. 1. Multiplicity of mining and other
2. Enjoys international recognition. business corporations in Zambia
3. One of the only three public universities in offer opportunity to work with
Zambia. University of Zambia.
4. Most programmes offered at Diploma, 2. Availability of great number of
Degree and Postgraduate levels are not school leavers willing to enroll in
offered elsewhere in Zambia. the programmes of the University.
5. Capacity to develop and run new programmes. 3. Liberalisation of the economy has
6. Availability of land for future expansion and increased the need for research
development of physical infrastructure. and consultancy service.
7. High research capacity profile. 4. Privatisation of industries leading to
8. High concentration of skilled human new interest in higher education.
resources. 5. High demand for environmental
9. Has a strong ICT support base. knowledge
6. Potential links with corporate world
given growth in the economy.
7. Existence of new technology in
teaching like visual learning.
Internal Weaknesses (W) External Threats (T)
1. Uncompetitive salary structures nationally 1. HIV/AIDS taking a toll on the highly
and regionally. educated and productive group of
2. Inadequate funding for research and absence the Zambian economy.
of a vibrant publishing culture. 2. Increasing competition from industry
3. Inadequate number of staff, gender for academic staff because of
imbalance and poor staff mix, as well as widening gap in staff remuneration.
non-implementation of staff appraisal 3. International competition from other
system (Council approved appraisal system) universities in and outside the
(UNZA-friendly and developmental-oriented region.
appraisal). 4. Increased local competition due to
4. Inadequate funding for staff development increase in tertiary institutions in
5. Insufficient number of lecture theatres, the country.
conference rooms, office space, laboratories, 5. Reduced Government funding.
libraries and research facilities. 6. Increased number of public and
6. Inadequacies of finances generated from both private universities.
tuition fees and other income-generating
7. Frequent closures due to student unrest
because of staff industrial actions due to
external funding.

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 15


3.1 Introduction
The University of Zambia Strategic Plan, 2013-2017 succeeds the one for
the 2008-2012 period. The new Plan seeks to reposition the University
in this competitive era by refocusing its operations in its core functional
areas namely; teaching, research, and community service. The Theme,
Vision, Mission, Values, Management Philosophy and Strategic Directions
for the Strategic Plan are presented below:

3.1.1 Theme
‘Promoting Excellence in Teaching, Research and Community

3.1.2 Vision
‘A Provider of World Class Services in Higher Education
and Knowledge Generation’.

3.1.3 Mission
‘To provide relevant higher education, through teaching,
research and community service’.

3.2 Values
The University will be guided by the following values:
(i) Academic Freedom;
(ii) Accountability;
(iii) Equity;
(iv) Excellence;
(v) Green Environment;
(vi) Innovativeness; and
(vii) Integrity.

These values are described below:
Academic Freedom: we shall uphold:
(i) the right to search for truth, speak and write the truth and argue
with evidence;
(ii) freedom to question and test received wisdom, and to put forward
new ideas and opinions, without academics placing themselves
at the mercy of superiors for loss of jobs or privileges they may
enjoy at the institution;
(iii) the academic freedom for the advancement of education and
knowledge; and

16 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

(iv) scholarly expression free from threat of severance of the contract
of service and intellectual property rights.

We shall oblige to account for our activities, accept responsibility for
our decisions, and disclose financial and non-financial results in a
transparent manner.

We shall be fair, just and impartial in all our dealings.

We shall strive to go beyond the ordinary in order to ensure that we have
superior standards in our teaching, research and community service.

Green Environment
We shall:
(i) uphold the common value to strive for better understanding of
environmental issues, support environmental causes, and promote
the protection of living organisms, including humans, from harmful
actions that impact on the air, land and water;
(ii) advocate for sustainable biodiversity management, ecologically-
friendly production and provision of goods and services for healthy
living on earth and, especially in our immediate environs.

We shall search and research for and apply new/novel ideas, methods
and practices in our areas of operation.

We shall be consistent in our actions and will conduct ourselves in
accordance to our values, beliefs and principles.

These values will help in nurturing an organisational culture that will

influence the behaviour of academic, technical and administrative staff
as they relate to clients and stakeholders.

3.3 Management Philosophy

The University will embrace a participatory management style that will
motivate employees, provide a work environment that is conducive to
high productivity, teamwork in which leadership is by example, provide
effective communication and guidance, which will be accessible to all,
and promote individual growth.

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 17

3.4 Strategic Directions
The following Strategic Directions will provide a roadmap for realising
the Vision and Mission of the University:

3.4.1 Strategic Direction 1: Promote and Maintain Excellence in

Teaching, Learning, Research and Consultancy
The quest for continuous improvement in the quality of teaching,
research and consultancy is born out of the University’s desire not
only to provide competitive products but also to provide leadership
necessary for national development, through knowledge, to
industry and community.

3.4.2 Strategic Direction 2: Enhance Financial and Administrative

Management Systems
The University of Zambia considers efficient and prudent financial
management as key to the realisation of the Strategic Directions.
Good financial management ensures maximum application
of resources to intended areas, thereby contributing to the
attainment of objectives. However, good financial management is
only possible where there are good administrative management

3.4.3 Strategic Direction 3: Invest in New and existing Business

To ensure sustainability in the provision of quality teaching,
research, consultancy and community service, the University
seeks to engage in profitable business ventures, in the knowledge
economy. Despite its status as a public University, the University
of Zambia would like to increase the share of internally-generated
revenue as a percentage of total annual revenue.

3.4.4 S t r a t e g i c D i r e c t i o n 4 : E n h a n c e H u m a n R e s o u r c e
Capacity and Management
The academic, administrative and technical staff play a critical
role in the general functioning of the University. Human Resource
Management (HRM) is thus a critical area of focus. The University of
Zambia has identified the rationalisation of staffing levels, human
resource development, and good performance management as key
aspects of improved human resource management.

18 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

3.4.5 Strategic Direction 5: Maintain, Improve and Expand
The University of Zambia requires continuous infrastructure
development in order to ensure excellence in teaching, learning,
research and consultancy. Lecture theatres, libraries, student
hostels, staff offices, among others, ensure that there is a
conducive environment for the fulfilment of all the functions of
the University.

3.4.6 Strategic Direction 6: Institutionalise Quality Assurance

Excellence in teaching, learning, research and consultancy is only
possible when operational systems are continuously checked and
improved through a deliberate quality assurance system. Once
performance outputs and performance standards have been set,
the quality assurance system should be able to function as a
sensor, comparator and corrector.

3.4.7 Strategic Direction 7: Expand and Promote Use of Information

and Communication Technologies across Campuses and the
Wider Community
The University of Zambia cannot fulfill its functions of teaching,
research and consultancy without reliable Information and
Communication Technologies (ICTs). The provision of services in
the University in the 21st Century will be heavily dependent on
the various types of ICTs.

3.4.8 Strategic Direction 8: Provide Open Distance Learning as an

Option for Mass Teaching, Learning and Research
The growing demand for open distance learning has exerted
pressure on the University of Zambia in terms of having to meet
the diverse needs of scholars in different far places. To ensure
excellent service provision, there is need to create the necessary
capacity at the institutional and individual level. The Institute of
Distance Education (IDE) is expected to develop new infrastructure,
new curricula, new technologies and teaching aids that will meet
the new dimensions of open distance learning.

3.4.9 Strategic Direction 9: Harness Workers’ and Allies Energies

for University’s Freedom from Liability
A favourable financial situation is needed for the University
to achieve its various objectives. Over the last few years, the

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 19

University of Zambia has been struggling to liquidate its statutory,
contractual and business debt stock. With the liquidation of
the debt as a priority, the University has not had the necessary
resources for investment. In the Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017, the
University seeks not only to substantially clear the debt, but also
avoid falling into unnecessary debt traps.

3.4.10 Strategic Direction 10: Promote Beneficial Partnerships

in the Knowledge Economy
The University of Zambia has faced a number of challenges in
fulfilling its functions of teaching, research, consultancy and
public service. In order to overcome some of these challenges, the
University will continue to forge partnerships of mutual benefit
with relevant players in both the public and private sectors.

3.5 Objectives, Strategies and Activities

For each strategic direction, specific objectives, strategies and associated
activities are outlined below.

20 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

Strategic Direction
Direction 1

3.5.1 Strategic Direction 1: Promote and Maintain Excellence in

Teaching, Learning, Research and Consultancy
Objective 1.1: By 30 September 1.1 Review and develop programmes and courses as
2013 the University will have UNZA changes from Semester to Terms system
developed courses in line with the for its academic operations in 2013 Academic
Term System. Year.
1.1.1 Review courses in line with the Term
System in all schools, directorate,
institutes and units.
1.1.2 Develop new programmes which are
Activities relevant and responsive to the corporate
world and society.
1.1.3 Implement, review and evaluate impact
and relevance of new programmes.
Objective 1.2: By 30 June 2015 the 1.2 Review and mainstream gender, HIV and AIDS,
University will have completed entrepreneurship, and environment in all
university-wide curricula reform that academic programmes.
will enable the institution to offer
relevant gender and HIV and AIDS
responsive academic programmes.

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 21

1.2.1 Review and mainstream gender, HIV and AIDS,
entrepreneurship and environment in schools,
Activities directorate, institutes and units curricula.
1.2.3 Review and mainstream gender, HIV and AIDS
and environment in all research activities.
Objective 1.3: By 31 December 1.3 Develop and implement the Human Resource
2014, the University will have Development training plan in Finance and Management
developed and implemented functions.
Human Resource Development
training plan
1.3.1 Develop a Human Resource Development plan.
1.3.2 Disseminate the Human Resource Development
1.3.3 Implement the Human Resource Development
Activities plan.
1.3.4 Undertake periodic audit of staff retention.
1.3.5 Implement new staff appraisal system.
1.3.6 Introduce induction training for new
employees of the University.
Objective 1.4: By 31 December 1.4 Operationalise the research policy for strengthening
2017 the University will have the capacity to undertake and coordinate quality
operationalised the research research.
policy for strengthening the
capacity to undertake and
coordinate quality research
1.4.1 Disseminate the research policy electronically
and through workshops in schools and units.
1.4.2 Schools, directorate, institutes, units and
the central administration mobilise more
resources for research.
1.4.3 Provide and facilitate adequate funding for
academic staff to present their research
findings at institutional, national and
international conferences.
Activities 1.4.4 All schools, directorate, institutes, units and
the central administration disseminate
information about research opportunities
within and outside the University.
1.4.5 Train staff in resource mobilisation, research
methodologies, analytical, report writing and
presentation skills.
1.4.6 Conduct trainer of trainers in research
methodologies, analytical report writing and
presentation skills.
1.4.7 Develop a system in which senior academics
and researchers mentor junior researchers.
1.4.8 Establish research audit and monitoring
committee in line with research policy.
1.4.9 Facilitate publication of research findings in
local and international refereed journals.

22 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

Objective 1.5: By 31 December 1.5 Establish a central consultancy unit for improved
2013 the University will internal and external coordination of consultancy
have established a central activities.
consultancy unit and improved
the internal and external
coordination of consultancy

1.5.1 Establish a fully-functional and adequately-

resourced consultancy unit.
1.5.2 Train academic and support staff in consulting
Activities 1.5.3 Develop a system in which senior staff mentors
junior staff in consultancy.
1.5.4 Develop a system for recognising and rewarding
merit or excellence in consultancy.
Objective 1.6: By 30 June 1.6 Strengthen the human and financial capacity to
2015 the University will have undertake quality consultancy.
strengthened human and
fi nancial capacity to undertake
quality consultancy

1.6.1 Develop inter- and intra-institutional linkages

for promoting efficient utilisation of research
facilities and expertise.
1.6.2 Mobilise financial resources for consultancy
1.6.3 Recruit skilled and experienced consultants.
1.6.4 Undertake consultancies.
Objective 1.7: By 30 June 1.7 Improve the research capacity in the undergraduate
2017 the University will and postgraduate programmes.
have improved the research
capacity in its undergraduate
and postgraduate programmes
1.7.1 Develop and deliver courses in research
methodologies and skills in all the schools,
Activities directorate, institutes and units.
1.7.2 Mobilise research funds for undergraduates
and postgraduates research.
1.7.3 Develop and implement compulsory research
seminars in all schools at departmental level.

Objective 1.8: By 30, September 1.8 Develop a Course Credit system in all the programmes.
2013, the University will have
developed a credit system in
all the programmes.

Activities 1.8.1 Operationalise the Course Credit system in

all courses
Objective 1.9: By 31December 1.9 Establish an International Office.
2013, the University will have
established an International
1.9.1 Develop an operational framework for
Activities International Office.
1.9.2 Operationalise International Office.

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 23

Strategic Direction 2

3.5.2 Strategic Direction 2: Enhance Financial, Planning and

Administrative Management Systems
Objective 2.1: By 31 December 2.1 Put in place a sustainable and improved Financial and
2014, the University will have Administrative Management systems.
put in place a sustainable
and improved Financial and
Administrative Management
2.1.1 Revise and enhance budgetary system
to monitor the performance and use of
University financial resources.
2.1.2 Train key staff in the management, development
planning and budgetary resource allocation
and utilisation in schools, directorate,
institutes and units.
2.1.3 Develop and strengthen a monitoring system on
the use of resources in schools, directorate,
institutes and units.

24 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

Objective 2.2: By 31 December 2.2 Build capacity in schools and units in development
2013, the University will planning, coordinating and decision-making.
have built capacity in schools
and units in development
planning, coordinating,
decision-making and provide
an institutional framework
to support decision-making
at school and unit level

2.2.1 Develop short term training programmes

for various categories of staff in planning,
coordinating and decision-making.

Activities 2.2.2 Expose management staff in team building

2.2.3 Develop a strong and clear supervisory and reporting
system in the university from administration
down to units and vice- versa.

Objective 2.3: By 31 2.3 Improve/enhance transparency and accountability

December 2013, the in resource allocation and utilisation at the centre,
University will have improved/ schools and units.
enhanced transparency and
accountability in resource
allocation and utilisation at
the centre, schools and units
2.3.1 Review and implement a transparent and
accountability system in the allocation and
utilisation of resources through quarterly
2.3.2 Develop and implement a framework for clear
differentiation of roles and responsibilities
at Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellor,
Registrar and Bursar.
2.3.3 Strengthen controls and effective supervision
of staff to do their duties within the specified
time to avoid excessive expenditure.
Objective 2.4: By 31December 2.4 Develop and implement the risk management policy.
2013, the University will have
developed and implemented
the risk management policy
2.4.1 Identify various areas of risk which affect the
2.4.2 Develop counteractive activities to alleviate and
manage the risks.
2.4.3 Develop and disseminate a manual on risk

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 25

Strategic Direction 3

3.5.3 Strategic Direction 3: Invest in New and Existing Business


Objective 3.1: By 31 December 3.1 Develop capacity to engage in entrepreneurship and

2014, the University will have business for sustainability and competitiveness in the
developed capacity to engage knowledge economy.
in entrepreneurship and
business for sustainability
and competitiveness in the
knowledge economy

3.1.1 Identify business investment opportunities.

3.1.2 Conduct feasibility studies and prepare business
Activities 3.1.3 Mobilise funds for establishing business and
3.1.4 Maximise income on investment from business
3.1.5 Build capacity in engaging in entrepreneurship
Objective 3.2: By 31 December 3.2 Operationalise the Business and Investment policy.
2014, the University will have
operationalised the Business
and Investment Policy
3.2.1 Approve the Business and Investment policy.

26 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

3.2.2 Disseminate the Business and Investment policy.
3.2.3 Identify and develop business plans with local
industry and other investors.
3.2.4 Sign 15 MoUs on Business Development and
3.2.5 Implement at least 5 business ventures.

Objective 3.3: By 31 December 3.3 Increase self-generated income by at least 50 per cent of
2017, the University total revenue from self-generated sustainable sources.
will have increased self-
generated income by at
least 50 per cent of total
revenue from self-generated
sustainable sources
3.3.1 Increase income from tuition fees by charging
cost reflective fees.
3.3.1 Increase income from tuition fees by charging
cost reflective fees.
3.3.2 Increase income from tuition fees by introducing
more parallel degree programmes and short courses/
training in schools.
3.3.3 Increase income from affiliation and underwriting
fees by expanding affiliation programmes in
3.3.4 Increase number of programmes and courses on
parallels in schools, institutes and units.
3.3.5 Increase income from funded research and projects by
targeting industry and collaborating with universities
and other institutions.
3.3.6 Increase income from extension studies by developing
more demand-driven programmes.
Objective 3.4: By 30 June 3.4 Transform UNZASEC into a University teaching high
2017, the University will school.
have transformed UNZASEC
into a University teaching
high school
3.4.1 Prepare a business plan for UNZASEC.
3.4.2 Mobilise funds for construction of class rooms and
offices for relocating UNZASEC.

Activities 3.4.3 Apply mobilised funds to construction of University

teaching academy.
3.4.4 Identify and engage business partners in provision
of education at all levels.
3.4.5 Market the University teaching schools.
Objective 3.5: By 30 June 3.5 Establish a fully functioning Business School.
2015, the University will
have established a fully
functioning Business School

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 27

3.5.1 Develop a business plan for establishing
the Business School.

3.5.2 Develop and have approved an inter-disciplinary

Activities curricula for the Business School.
3.5.3 Mobilise funds for construction of Business
School infrastructure.
3.5.4 Apply mobilised funds to the construction of
Business School.
3.5.5 Recruit staff for the Business School.

Objective 3.6: By 31 December 3.6 Transform TDAU into an Innovation and Technology
2015, the University will have Centre (ITC) responsive to industrial and societal
transformed TDAU into an needs.
Innovation and Technology
Centre responsive to
industrial and societal needs

3.6.1 Develop mechanisms for transforming TDAU

into an Innovation and Technology Centre.
3.6.2 Mobilise funds for transforming TDAU into an
Innovation and Technology Centre.
Activities 3.6.3 Apply mobilised funds for the construction of
the Innovation and Technology Centre.
3.6.4 Recruit staff for the Innovation and Technology
Centre as required.
3.6.5 Establish partnerships with industry and other
innovation and technology centres.

Objective 3.7: By 31 December 3.7 Transform current business undertakings into viable
2014, the University will business centres.
have transformed the current
business undertakings into
viable business centres
3.7.1 Review the status of all existing business
3.7.2 Develop strategy to revamp the underperforming
business ventures.
3.7.3 Identify and develop business plans for joint
ventures and partnerships.
3.7.4 Implement at least 5 business ventures and

Objective 3.8: By 30 June 3.8 Establish a Leadership and Knowledge Centre on

2015, the University will have issues of national and global concern.
established a Leadership
and Knowledge Centre on
issues of national and global
3.8.1 Develop a plan for the establishment of Leadership
Activities and Knowledge Centre

28 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

3.8.2 Establish 5 Think Tanks
3.8.3 Mobilise funds for construction of Leadership
Knowledge Centre
3.8.4 Apply mobilised funds to the construction of
Business School.
3.8.5 Recruit staff for the Centre

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 29

Strategic Direction
Direction 4

3.5.4 Strategic Direction 4: Enhance Human Resource Capacity

and Management

Objective 4.1: By 31 December 4.1 Determine the desired establishment of academic and
2014, the University will have support staff.
a desired establishment of
academic and support staff

4.1.1 Carry out an audit to determine the desired

number of academic and support staff.
4.1.2 Determine the desired number of part-time
academic staff including adjunct professors.
4.1.3 Design and implement an effective staff
succession plan.
Objective 4.2: By 31 December 4.2 Implement the Staff Performance Management System
2017, the University will (SPMS).
have Implemented the staff
Performance Management
4.2.1 Review and implement the staff Performance
Management System.
4.2.2 Monitor and evaluate impact of PMS.
Activities 4.2.3 Budget adequately for performance related
4.2.4 Develop a staff recruitment and retention plan.

30 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

Objective 4.3: By 31 December 4.3 Review, develop and implement the Human Resource
2014, the University will Management (HRM) policy.
have reviewed, developed
and implemented the Human
Resource Management Policy
4.3.1 Review the existing HRM policy.
4.3.2 Develop the HRM policy.
4.3.1 Identify priority areas for Staff
4.3.2 Mobilise resources to support the implementation
of the HRM policy.
4.3.3 Develop mechanisms for harmonising
Staff Development and human resource
4.3.4 Disseminate the HRM policy (Staff development
policy) to all key stakeholders
4.3.5 Implement, monitor and evaluate the HRM
policy (Staff Development policy).

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 31

Strategic Direction
Direction 5

3.5.5 Strategic Direction 5: Maintain, Improve and Expand


Objective 5.1: By 31 December 5.1 Increase student bed space by 10 000 and office space
2017 the University will have by 500.
increased student bed space by
at least 50 per cent and offi ce
space by at least 30 per cent
5.1.1 Survey sites for construction of student bed
space and new offices.
5.1.2 Establish the total cost for constructing 10
000 student bed space in five years.
5.1.3 Enter into new Public Private Partnerships.
5.1.4 Implement current Public Private Partnership
5.1.6 Allocate 6 per cent of the University’s internally-
generated revenue per annum towards new
hostels and office construction.
5.1.7 Build 500 office space university-wide.
Objective 5.2: By 31 December 5.2 Increase/improve University capacity to rehabilitate
2017 the University will have and maintain the physical infrastructure.
increased/improved its capacity
to rehabilitate and maintain
the physical infrastructure.

32 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

5.2.1 Conduct an infrastructure inspection/audit
in order to establish the current state of
infrastructure in the University.
5.2.2 Prepare a comprehensive and prioritised
maintenance and rehabilitation plan.
5.2.3 Mobilise resources internally and externally
(increase annual budgetary allocation to the
Activities Resident Engineer’s Department by 15 per cent.
5.2.4 Determine jobs to be outsourced.
5.3.5 Procure more and better equipment for Resident
Engineer’s Department.
5.2.6 Undertake maintenance and rehabilitation
5.2.7 Fund construction of hostels and offices.
Objective 5.3: By 31 December 5.3 Improve and expand the physical and technical capacity
2017, the University will of the libraries and archives.
have improved and expanded
the physical and technical
capacity of the Libraries and
Activities 5.3.1 Establish the current demand for library services
in terms of reading space, ICTs and archives.

5.3.2 Evaluate the option of establishing a library in

each school/institute in addition to the main
5.3.3 Develop a phased University library development
5.3.4 Implement the library development plan.
Objective 5.4: By 31 December 5.4 Improve, expand and equip lecture theatres and
2017, the University will have laboratories with state of the art equipment.
fully improved, expanded and
equipped lecture theatres
and laboratories with state
of the art equipment
5.4.1 Conduct an audit to establish the current state
of the lecture theatres and laboratories.
5.4.1 Conduct an audit to establish the current state
of the lecture theatres and laboratories.
5.4.2 Prepare and cost a phased plan for improving,
Activities expanding and equipping lecture theatres and
5.4.3 Determine the cost of improving the facilities
5.4.3 Mobilise resources internally and externally.
5.4.4 Implement the phased plan for the improvement
and expansion of lecture theatre and

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 33

Strategic Direction 6


Quality Strategy

Complaints &
Referrals Continuous

3.5.6 Strategic Direction 6: Institutionalise Quality Assurance


Objective 6.1: By 31 December 6.1 Develop and operationalise/implement a

2013, the University will have university-wide Quality Assurance Framework.
developed and operationalised/
implemented a university-wide
quality assurance framework

6.1.1 Draw up the Terms of Reference for the

establishment of a Quality Assurance
6.1.2 Appoint a task team to develop the Quality
Activities Assurance Framework Document.
6.1.3 Establish and operationalise the Quality
Assurance Unit.
6.1.4 Monitor and evaluate quality in all functions of
the University.

34 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

Strategic Direction 7

3.5.7 Strategic Direction 7: Expand and Promote Use of Information

and Communication Technologies across Campuses and the
Wider Community

Objective 7.1: By 31 December 7.1 Implement a fast internet system, e-learning and
2013 the University will have ICT learning tools.
implemented a fast internet
system, e-learning and ICT
learning tools
7.1.1 Engage Computer Studies students in
practical ICT works at CICT.
7.1.2 Conduct Certification courses for students
and University staff.
7.1.3 Promote the use of digital XVD technology
in the University.
7.1.4 Promote access to locally available online
digital resources and libraries.

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 35

7.1.5 Promote video and audio recording of lessons.
7.1.6 Promote use of ICT simulation tools for science-based

7.1.7 Promote mobile systems and e-mails for

teaching and learning.
7.1.8 Facilitate collaborations with television
stations for Distance Education.
Objective 7.2: By 31 December 7.2 Train lecturers and researchers in the use of ICTs.
2013, the University will have
trained 300 lecturers and
researchers in the use of ICTs.
7.2.1 Train heads of department in Web 2.0 and
social media.
7.2.2 Train all lecturers in statistical packages.

7.2.3 Train lecturers in the use of module and

D-space e-learning system.
Objective 7.3: By 31 December 7.3 Provide ICT tools for differently-abled students and
2014, The University will staff as well as plagiarism control.
have put in place ICT tools for
differently abled students and
staff as well as plagiarism
7.3.1 Implement an anti-plagiarism system.
7.3.2 Develop software for differently-abled
students and staff.
Objective 7.4: By 31 December 7.4 Facilitate student access to social media tools and
2013, the University of various ICT accessories for education.
Zambia will have facilitated
student access to social
media tools and various ICT
accessories for education
7.4.1 Train students in Web 2.0 and social media.

Activities 7.4.2 Facilitate acquisition of laptops by students.

7.4.3 Train students in the use of various ICT
accessories for academic purposes.

36 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

Strategic Direction 8

3.5.8 Strategic Direction 8: Provide Open Distance Learning as an

Option for Mass Teaching, Learning and Research

Objective 8.1: By 31 December 8.1 Provide higher level courses to distance learners and
2017, the university will have develop relevant instruction materials.
developed third and fourth year
Distance Education courses in
existing programmes

8.1.1 Conduct training workshops for lecturers

in instructional material designing.

Activities 8.1.2 Develop third and fourth year instructional

materials in all courses on offer.
8.1.3 Conduct summative assessments in courses
on offer.

Objective 8.2: By 31 December 8.2 Construct two-storey building at two IDE centres.
2017, the university will
have completed building a
two storey infrastructure in
Lusaka and multi-purpose/
examination halls in the
other provincial centres for
distance education
8.2.1 Carry out feasibility studies on the construction
Activities of the infrastructure.

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 37

8.2.2 Construct a two-storey building in Lusaka and
multipurpose halls at provincial centres for
Activities Distance education which are responsive to
gender and differently-abled persons.

Objective 8.3: By 31 December 8.3 Offer postgraduate programmes to Distance learners.

2017, the university will
have started offering post
graduate distance learning
8.3.1 Advertise programmes annually.
8.3.2 Implement, monitor and evaluate relevance of
the programmes.
Objective 8. 4: By 31 8.4 Build capacity to train all distance educators in
December 2017, the presentation of TV lecture broadcasts.
University will have built
the capacity of all Distance
educators in conducting TV
lecture broadcasts
8.4.1 Train lecturers in teaching via TV.
8.4.2 Monitor and evaluate relevance of mode of
Objective 8.5: By 31 December 8.5 Develop programmes for Distance learners, sensitise
2017 the University will have lecturers the importance of ODL, in writing modules,
developed new programmes for and recruit staff.
Distance Education in school
8.5.1 Sensitise lecturers on importance of Open and
Distance Learning.
8.5.2 Conduct workshops for lecturers in module
8.5.3 Develop new programmes.
Objective 8.6: By 31 December 8.6 Recruit staff for the Institute of Distance Education.
2017 the University will
have recruited 7 academic
staff and 39 support staff
8.6.1 Recruit academic and support staff.
8.6.2 Induct new staff.
Objective 8.7: By 31 December 8.7 Establish e-learning centres in all provinces and provide
2017, the University will have ICT equipment and facilities.
established e-learning centres
in all provincial pentres
8.7.1 Procure and install ICT accessories at all
provincial centres.
8.7.2 Conduct training for lecturers in the use of
electronic platform
8.7.3 Carry out ‘last mile’ on fibre connection to
UNZA campuses in Kitwe and Chipata.
8.4.4 Procure office equipments for UNZA offices in
the provinces.

38 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

Objective 8.8: By 31 December 8.8 Decentralise Distance Educations by induction lecturers
2017, the University will through workshop.
have decentralised Distance
Education residential sessions
to all provinces
8.8.1 Induct lecturers in ways of conducting
decentralised, residential sessions.
Activities 8.8.2 Conduct residential sessions in provincial

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 39

Strategic Direction 9

3.5.9 Strategic Direction 9: Harness Workers’ and Allies’ Energies

for University’s Freedom from Financial Liability
Objective 9.1: By 31 December 9.1 Liquidate 100 per cent of UNZA’s debt by 2017.
2017, the University will have
liquidated its debt
9.1.1 Identify, compile and quantify UNZA’s debt.
9.1.2 Quantify the total debt portfolio per centre.
Activities 9.1.3 Mobilise 20 per cent proportion of the debt
of the year.
9.1.4 Apply annually 20 per cent of mobilised
funds to liquidate debt for five years.
Objective 9.3: By 31 December 9.3 Develop and implement a plan that would trade off its
2014, the University will have assets with liabilities.
developed and implemented
a plan that would trade off
its assets and liabilities
9.3.1 Identify and determine the tradable assets.
Activities 9.3.2 Match the liabilities with assets and liquidate
each year’s 20 per cent proportion of liabilities.
Objective 9.4: By 31 December 9.4 Institute cost-saving measures to mitigate debt
2014 the University will have increase.
instituted cost saving measures
to mitigate debt increase
9.4.1 Audit budget cost centres (human resources,
operations capital).
9.4.2 Profile debt within the cost centres.
9.4.3 Match the debt within the broad centres
and determine cost saving measures that
mitigate the debt increase.

40 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

Strategic Direction 10

3.5.10 Strategic Direction 10: Promote Beneficial Partnerships in

the Knowledge Economy

Objective 10.1: By 31 December 10.1 Establish partnerships for teaching, research and
2013, the University will have consultancy and public service and sign and
established partnerships for the implement 60 MoUs.
University functions (teaching,
research, consultancy and
public service)
10.1.1 Identify potential institutions to partner with
in teaching, research, consultancy and
community service.
10.1.2 Determine comparative advantages of each
potential institution to partner with.
10.1.3 Engage the relevant partners through MoUs.
10.1.4 Develop and implement mechanisms for
sustaining the partnerships.
10.1.5 Monitor and evaluate benefits and impact of

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 41

3.6 Performance Indicators

3.6.1 Key Performance Indicators

For purposes of monitoring the implementation of the Strategic
Plan, the key performance indicators in Table 1 will be used to
assess the achievement of the Objectives, Strategic Directions and

3.6.2 Detailed Performance Indicators, Targets and Baseline

Detailed performance indicators, targets and baseline have been
developed for each Objective under the Strategic Directions. These
will be used for operational monitoring as well as for developing
annual work plans at department/unit level. These are presented
at Appendix 2.

Table 1: Key Performance Indicators for Monitoring the Strategic Plan

Strategic Directions and Key Performance Indicators
Strategic Direction 1: Promote and Maintain Excellence in Teaching, Learning,
Research and Consultancy
(1) Number of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes and courses reviewed,
developed and implemented.
(2) Number and quality of research contracts and consultancies undertaken.
(3) Number of publications.
Strategic Direction 2: Enhance Financial and Administrative Management Systems
(1) Transparent financial, planning and administrative/management systems style.
(2) Unqualified audit reports style.
(3) Risk management policy developed and implemented styles.
Strategic Direction 3: Invest in New and existing Business Ventures
(1) Amount of capital invested in business ventures.
(2) Percentage increase in income raised from self-generated business ventures.
Strategic Direction 4: Enhance Human Resource Capacity and Management
(1) Performance Management System implemented.
(2) Human Resource Policy developed and implemented.
Strategic Direction 5: Maintain, Improve and Expand Infrastructure
(1) 10 000 student bed spaces established.
(2) 500 new offices constructed.
(3) Increase in library capacity (fourfold).
(4) Number of existing lecture theatres and laboratories rehabilitated and
equipped with modern equipment.
(5) Number of lecture theatres and laboratories constructed and equipped with
modern equipment.
(6) Excellent status of infrastructure (maintenance).
Strategic Direction 6: Institutionalise Quality Assurance Systems
(1) Operationalised and mainstreamed quality assurance framework.

42 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

Strategic Direction 7: Expand and Promote Use of Information and Communication
Technologies across Campuses and the Wider Community
(1) 100% computer literacy by all staff.
(2) 100% access of ICTs by all students.
Strategic Direction 8: Provide Open Distance Learning as an Option for Mass
Teaching, Learning and Research
(1) Full undergraduate and postgraduate Distance Education (DE) courses developed
and mainstreamed in existing programmes.
(2) Infrastructure for DE programmes developed.

Strategic Direction 9: Harness Workers’ and Allies Energies for University’s

Freedom from Liability
(1) Degree of indebtedness.
Strategic Direction 10: Promote Beneficial Partnerships in the Knowledge Economy
(1) Tangible benefits realised.

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 43

The estimated amount for the implementation of the University Strategic
Plan, 2013-2017 is K3.6 billion. A Strategic Plan is a developmental plan
that requires concerted effort in mobilisation of funds. The University of
Zambia will therefore require assistance from its cooperating partners and
stakeholders in the financing of the Strategic Plan. Possible sources of
funding have been identified in Table 2. However, this is not exhaustive.
It is expected that implementers of various activities will participate in
raising and contributing funds for undertaking respective activities in
their domain. The Strategic Objectives will guide the implementation
of the Plan. As such, any development partner wishing to support the
University is encouraged to support those activities that are in line with
the activities under the Strategic Directions.
The Strategic Plan will be implemented through a ‘basket fund’
approach. This is aimed at ensuring transparency and accountability
in the use of funds, as well as to facilitate effective monitoring. In this
regard, a separate account will be created in which all funds raised will
be deposited and drawn for implementation of activities. For accessing
funds from the basket fund, it will be prudent that one of the signatories
to the account is a member of the Monitoring and Evaluation Team once

5.1 Institutional Arrangements
The operations of the University of Zambia will be anchored on the Strategic
Plan, 2013-2017. As such the Strategic Plan will guide the operations of
the various units of the University. In order to ensure unity of purpose,
all levels of the University will be involved in the implementation of the
Strategic Plan as follows:

5.1.1 University Council

The Council will be responsible for providing policy guidance and
strategic direction during the implementation of the Strategic Plan.

5.1.2 Vice-Chancellor and Deputy Vice-Chancellor

The offices of the Vice-Chancellor and Deputy Vice Chancellor will
provide high level strategic and administrative leadership to the
implementation of the Strategic Plan.
The two offices will also be responsible for:
(i) resource mobilisation;
(ii) engagement of stakeholders;
(iii) convening/organising stakeholder bi-annual reviews; and
(iv) holding consultations with stakeholders and cooperating
44 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017
5.1.3 Monitoring and Evaluation Committee
A Monitoring and Evaluation Committee will be established to
undertake the following activities:
(a) Develop the M&E framework that will guide the monitoring
and evaluation of the Strategic Plan.
(b) Facilitate the development of annual work plans in each
(c) Monitor the implementation of work plans.
(d) Obtain and review quarterly and annual progress reports.
(e) Undertake or commission a mid-term review as well as
end of Plan evaluation.
(f) Prepare policy briefs and progress reports for submission
to higher management for decision making.
(g) Provide technical guidance as required.
(h) Ensure that appropriate Information, Education and
Communication (IEC) activities/programmes are carried out.
(i) Recommend appropriate intervention measures.

5.1.4 Deans, Directors and Heads of Department

Working closely with their members of staff, the deans, directors
and heads of department will be responsible for operationalising
the Strategic Plan. This will include, among other things:
(i) preparing annual work plans which will be based on the
Strategic Directions, Objectives and Activities derived from
the Strategic Plan;
(ii) preparing instruments for monitoring plans;
(iii) implementing and monitoring of annual work plans;
(iv) preparing monthly, quarterly and annual progress reports; and
(v) participating in evaluation activities.

5.2 Legal Framework

The Strategic Plan will be implemented within the existing legal framework
for the University. As implementation unfolds, any norms, practices
or legislation that might inhibit the successful implementation of the
Strategic Plan will be reviewed/revised accordingly.

5.3 Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation of the Strategic Plan

The implementation of the Strategic Plan will be operationalised by annual
work plans which will be prepared at the end of each year for the following
year. A Gantt chart and high level implementation plan (Appendices
3 and 4) have been prepared to facilitate and guide the preparation of
annual work plans.
A detailed monitoring and evaluation framework will be developed
by the monitoring and evaluation team. This will be in line with the
monitoring framework already incorporated in the Strategic Plan.
Routine and periodic monitoring and supervision will be carried out

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 45

by the monitoring and evaluation team which will be supervised by the
offices of the Vice-Chancellor and Deputy Vice-Chancellor. In addition,
the University administrative system through the deans, directors and
heads of department/unit will monitor the performance of the Strategic
Plan using the agreed set of key performance indicators shown in Table
1 as well as the detailed performance indicators in Appendix 1. It should
be appreciated that these indicators are not cast in concrete and will
thus be reviewed and revised annually in line with changes in the
implementation process. Such reviews will be done in consultation with
all key stakeholders. Evaluation exercises will be undertaken at mid-
term, end-of-the plan and at such other times as may be determined.
While the monitoring and evaluation team will facilitate the process, all
evaluation exercises will be carried out by independent evaluators in
order to ensure independence and objectivity.

6.1 Strategic Assumptions
To successfully implement this Strategic Plan, certain environmental
conditions that are basically outside the ambit of the University of Zambia
are expected to exist. To this effect, the following strategic assumptions
have been formulated to buttress the Strategic Plan:
1. There will be adequate Government funding to support the
implementation of the Strategic Plan budget
2. The Government’s budgetary subventions to the University will be
disbursed on time.
3. Economic climate remains conducive for business and investment.
4. Existence of a conducive environment for appreciating science and
technology in development and innovation.
5. Other research institutions and the corporate world will be willing
to partner with the University.
6. Financial institutions will be willing to lend money to the University.
7. The society will continue to hold the University in good esteem.

6.2 Pre-Conditions
In addition to the assumptions which are outside the control of the
University, there are also a number of internal conditions that must be put
in place for the Strategic Plan to be effectively implemented. Key among
these are the following:
1. Schools and directorate shall have approved research agenda.
2. A positive staff attitude towards University-driven research and
3. The University will have built capacity to develop bankable business
proposals to undertake research contracts and consultancies.
4. The University will be able to attract collaboration with other
research institutions and the corporate world.

46 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

5. The University will ensure that it does not fall into a spiral of
unmanageable debt.
6. The University will have sustainable investments to generate
adequate resources for debt liquidation.
7. The University will seal financial leakages in its operations.
8. The University will manage its resources prudently.
9. Change of mindset and managing change.

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 47

Table 2: Financing Plan for the Implementation of the Strategic Plan, 2013-2017

Overall Targeted Source of Responsible

No. Objectives Activities Funds (ZMK) Funds Officers
1 Strategic Direction 1: Promote and Maintain Excellence in Teaching, Learning, Research and Consultancy
Objective 1.1: By 30 September 1.1 Review and develop programmes and
2013, the University will have courses as UNZA changes from Semester
developed courses in line with to Terms system for its academic
the Term System operations in 2013 Academic Year.
1.1.1 Review courses in line with the Term 2,000,000 UNZA Deans,
system in all schools, directorate, Directors
institutes and units.
1.1.2 Develop new programmes which are 300,000 UNZA Deans,
relevant and responsive to the corporate Directors
world and society.
Objective 1.2: By 30 June 1.2 Review and mainstream gender, HIV and 2,300,000 UNZA Deputy Vice-
2015, the University will have AIDS, enterpreneurship, and environment Chancellor
completed university-wide in all academic programmes.
curricula reform that will 1.2.1 Review and mainstream gender, 300,000 UNZA, MoH, Dean, Directors,
enable the institution to offer HIV and AIDS, entrepreneurship and NAC, In- Heads of Unit
relevant gender and HIV and environment in schools, directorate, vest- Trust,
AIDS responsive academic institutes, and units curricula. MGCD,
programmes Industry

48 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

Overall Targeted Source of Responsible
No. Objectives Activities Funds (ZMK) Funds Officers
Objective 1.3: By 31 December, 1.3 Develop, disseminate and implement the Vice-
2014, the University will have Human Resource Development training Chancellor
developed, disseminated and plan in Finance and Management
implemented Human Resource functions.
Development training plan
1.3.1 Develop a Human Resource Development 50,000 UNZA Registrar
in Finance and Management
1.3.2 Disseminate the Human Resource 50,000 UNZA Registrar
Development plan.
1.3.3 Implement the Human Resource 0 Registrar
Development plan.
1.3.4 Undertake periodic audit of staff retention. 0 Auditor
1.3.5 Implement new staff appraisal system. 500,000 UNZA, PSMD Registrar
1.3.6 Introduce induction training for new 100,000 UNZA Deans,
employees of the University. Directors,
Heads of Unit
Objective 1.4: By 31 December 1.4 Operationalised the research policy for UNZA Vice-
2017, the University will have strengthening the capacity to undertake Chancellor
operationalised the research and coordinate quality research.
policy for strengthening the 1.4.1 Disseminate the research policy 50,000 UNZA Registrar
capacity to undertake and electronically and through workshops
coordinate quality research in schools and units.
1.4.2 Schools, directorate, institutes, units 100,000 UNZA, Deans,
and the central administration mobilise Partners: Directors,
more resources for research. Omnia, Heads of Unit

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 49

Overall Targeted Source of Responsible
No. Objectives Activities Funds (ZMK) Funds Officers
1.4.3 Provide and facilitate adequate funding for UNZA Deputy Vice-
academic staff to present their research Chancellor
findings at institutional, national and 50,000
international conferences.
1.4.4 All schools, directorate, institutes, UNZA Deans,
units and the central administration Directors,
disseminate information about research 150,000 Heads of Unit
opportunities within and outside the
1.4.5 Train staff in resource mobilisation, UNZA, Deans,
research methodologies, analytical, 1,000,000 Industry Directors,
report writing and presentation skills. Heads of Unit
1.4.6 Conduct trainer of trainers in research UNZA, Deans,
methodologies, analytical report writing 5,000,000 Industry Directors
and presentation skills.
1.4.7 Develop a system in which senior Deputy Vice-
academics and researchers mentor junior 15,000 UNZA Chancellor,
researchers. Deans, Directors
1.4.8 Establish research audit and monitoring Deputy Vice-
committee in line with research policy. 0 Chancellor
1.4.9 Facilitate publication of research findings in 5,000,000 UNZA Deans,
local and international refereed journals. Directors,
Heads of Unit
Objective 1.5: By 31 December 1.5 Establish a central consultancy unit for Vice-Chancellor
2013 the University will improved internal and external coordination
have established a central of consultancy activities.
consultancy unit and improved
the internal and external 1.5.1 Establish a fully-functional and adequately 1,100,000 UNZA, Deputy Vice-
coordination of consultancy resourced consultancy unit. BoZ, CSO, Chancellor

50 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

Overall Targeted Source of Responsible
No. Objectives Activities Funds (ZMK) Funds Officers
1.5.2 Train academic support staff in 300,000 UNZA Registrar
consulting skills.
1.5.3 Develop a system in which senior staff 15,000 Deputy Vice-
mentors junior staff in consultancy. UNZA Chancellor,

1.5.4 Develop a system for recognising 200,000 Consultancy Registrar

and rewarding merit or excellence in Unit
Objective 1.6: By 30 June 1.6 Strengthen the human and financial Vice-
2015 the University will have capacity to undertake quality Chancellor
strengthened human and consultancy.
financial capacity to undertake
1.6.1 Develop inter- and intra-institutional 200,000 UNZA Registrar
quality consultancy
linkages for promoting efficient utilisation
of research facilities and expertise.
1.6.2 Mobilise financial resources for 300,000 UNZA, Deans,
consultancy activities. Consultancy Directors,
Unit Heads of Unit

1.6.3 Recruit skilled and experienced 1,000,000 UNZA Registrar

Objective 1.7: By 30 June 1.7 Improve the research capacity in
2017, the University will have undergraduate and postgraduate
improved the research capacity programmes.
in its undergraduate and
postgraduate programmes

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 51

Overall Source of Responsible
No. Objectives Activities Targeted Funds Funds Officers
1.7.1 Develop and deliver courses in research 1,000,000 UNZA Deans,
methodologies and skills in all the Directors, Heads
schools, directorate, institutes and of Unit
1.7.2 Mobilise research funds for under- 500,000 UNZA, GRZ, Deans,
graduates and postgraduates research. Industry Directors, Heads
of Unit
1.7.3 Develop and implement compulsory 500,000 UNZA Deans,
research seminars in all schools at Directors, Heads
departmental level. of Unit

Objective 1.8: By 30 September 1.8 Develop a Course Credit system in all the Vice-Chancellor
2013, the University will have programmes.
developed a credit system in all
1.8.1 Operationalise the Course Credit system 200,000 UNZA Deputy Vice-
the programmes
in all courses. Chancellor,
Deans, Directors
Objective 1.9: By 31 December 1.9 Establish an International Office. Vice-Chancellor
2013, the University will have
established an International Office 1.9.1 Develop an operational framework for 70,000 UNZA Deputy Vice-
International Office. Chancellor
1.9.2 Operationalise International Office. 1000,000 UNZA, Registrar

52 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

Overall Targeted Source of Responsible
No. Objectives Activities Funds (ZMK) Funds Officers
II Strategic Direction 2: Enhance Financial and Administrative Management System
2.1 Ensure availability of sustainable and Vice-Chancellor
Objective 2.1: By 31 December improved Financial and Administrative
2014, the University will Management systems.
have ensured development
of sustainable and improved 2.1.1 Revise and enhance budgetary system 0 Registrar
Financial and Administrative to monitor the performance and use of
Management systems University financial resources.
2.1.2 Train key staff in the management, 200,000 UNZA Bursar
development planning and budgetary
resource allocation and utilisation in
schools, directorate, institutes and
Objective 2.2: By 31 December 2.2 Build capacity in schools and units in Vice-Chancellor
2013, the University will development planning, coordinating and
have built capacity in schools decision-making.
and units in development
planning, coordinating, 2.2.1 Develop short term training programmes 200,000 UNZA, Registrar
decision-making and provide for various categories of staff on Partners,
an institutional framework planning, coordinating and decision- Industry
to support decision-making at making.
school and unit level 2.2.2 Expose management staff in team 150,000 UNZA Registrar
building skills.
2.2.3 Develop a strong and clear supervisory 0 Registrar
and reporting system in the University
from administration down to units and

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 53

Overall Source of Responsible
No. Objectives Activities Targeted Funds Funds Officers
Objective 2.3: By 31 December 2.3 Increase transparency and accountability Vice-Chancellor
2013, the University will have in resource allocation and utilisation at
increased transparency and the centre, schools and units.
accountability in resource
2.3.1 Implement a transparent and 200,000 UNZA Registrar
allocation and utilisation at the
accountability system in the allocation
centre, schools and units
and utilisation of resources through
quarterly audits.
2.3.2 Enhance a framework for clear 100,000 UNZA
differentiation of roles and
responsibilities at Vice-Chancellor,
Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Registrar
and Bursar levels.
2.3.3 Strengthen controls and effective 0 Registrar
supervision of staff to do their duties
within the specified time to avoid
excessive expenditure.
Objective 2.4: By 31 December 2.4 Develop and implement the Risk Vice-Chancellor
2013, the University will have Management policy.
developed and implemented the
risk management policy 2.4.1 Identify various areas of risk which 100,000 UNZA Registrar
affect the University.
2.4.2 Develop counteractive activities to 100,000 UNZA Bursar
alleviate and manage the risks.
2.4.3 Develop and disseminate a manual on 80,000 UNZA Registrar
Risk Management.

54 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

Overall Source of Responsible
No. Objectives Activities Targeted Funds Funds Officers
III Strategic Direction 3: Invest in New and Existing Business Ventures
3.1 Develop capacity to engage in entrepreneurship Vice-Chancellor
Objective 3.1: By 31 December and business for sustainability and
2014, the University will have competitiveness in the knowledge economy.
developed capacity to engage 3.1.1 Identify business investment opportunities. 100,000 UNZA Vice-Chancellor
in entrepreneurship and
business for sustainability 3.1.2 Conduct feasibility studies and prepare 1,000,000 UNZA, Deputy
and competitiveness in the business plans. Industry Vice-Chancellor
knowledge economy
3.1.3 Mobilise funds for establishing business and 4,000,000 UNZA Deputy
investment. Vice-Chancellor
3.1.4 Apply raised funds. 0

3.1.5 Maximise income on investment from 0 Vice-Chancellor

business ventures.

Objective 3.2: By 31 December 3.2 Operationalise the Business and Investment Vice-Chancellor
2013, the University will policy.
have operationalised the 3.2.1 Approve the Business and Investment policy. 100,000 UNZA Registrar
Business and Investment
policy 3.2.2 Disseminate the Business Investment 200,000 UNZA Director, Business
policy. Development
3.2.3 Identify and develop business plans with 10,000 Director, Business
local industry and other investors. Development
3.2.4 Sign 15 MoUs on Business Development and 20,000 UNZA, Vice-Chancellor
Investment. Local
3.2.5 Implement at least 5 business ventures. 100,000 UNZA Director, Business

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 55

Overall Targeted Source of Responsible
No. Objectives Activities Funds (ZMK) Funds Officers
Objective 3.3: By 31 3.3 Increase self-generated income by at least 50 Vice-Chancellor
December 2017, the per cent of total revenue from self-generated
University will have sustainable sources.
increased self generated 3.3.1 Increase income from tuition fees by introducing 4,000,000 UNZA Vice-Chancellor
income by at least 50 more parallel degree programmes and short
percent of total revenue courses/trainings in schools.
from self-generated
sustainable sources 3.3.2 Increase income from affiliation and 25,000 UNZA, Deputy
underwriting fees by expanding affiliation Industry Vice-Chancellor
programmes in schools.
3.3.3 Increase number of programmes and 100,000 UNZA Deans, Directors
courses on parallel in schools, institutes
and units.
3.3.4 Increase income from funded research 300,000 UNZA, Director,
and projects by targeting industry and Industry, Consultancy and
collaborating with universities and other other Research Unit.
institutions. universities
3.3.5 Increase income from extension studies by 15,000 UNZA Deans
developing more demand-driven programmes.
Objective 3.4: By 30 3.4 Transform UNZASEC into a University teaching Vice-Chancellor
June 2017, the University high school.
will have transformed
3.4.1 Prepare a business plan for UNZASEC. 20,000 UNZA Dean, Education
UNZASEC into a university
teaching high school 3.4.2 Mobilise funds for construction of class rooms 500,000 UNZA, Dean, Education
and offices for relocating UNZASEC. Partners,
3.4.3 Apply mobiles funds to construction of 500,000,000 UNZA Dean, Education
university teaching academy.
3.4.4 Identify and engage business partners on 200,000 UNZA Deans
provision of education at all levels.
3.4.5 Market the University teaching schools. 100,000 UNZA Deans

56 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

Overall Targeted Source of Responsible
No. Objectives Activities Funds (ZMK) Funds Officers
Objective 3.5: By 30 June 3.5 Establish a fully-functioning Business School. Vice-Chancellor
2015, the University will
3.5.1 Develop a business plan for establishing a 20,000 UNZA Dean, Humanities
have established a fully-
Business School. and Social
functioning Business
3.5.2 Develop and have approved an inter-disciplinary 300,000 UNZA, Registrar
curricula for the Business School. Industry,
3.5.3 Mobilise funds for construction of business 2,000,000 UNZA, Deans
school infrastructure. Industry,
3.5.4 Apply mobilsed funds to the construction of 500,000,000 Bursar
Business School.
3.5.5 Recruit staff for the Business School. 100,000 UNZA Registrar

3.5.6 Develop a marketing plan for the Business 100,000 UNZA Deans
3.5.7 Establish a Green Campus Initiative by staff 200,000 UNZA Deans, Directors
and students.
Objective 3.6: By 31 3.6 Transform TDAU into an Innovation and Vice-Chancellor
December 2015, the Technology Centre (ITC) responsive to
University will have industrial and societal needs.
transformed TDAU
3.6.1 Develop mechanisms for transforming TDAU 500,000 UNZA Director, TDAU
into an Innovation
into an Innovation and Technology Centre.
and Technology Centre
responsive to industrial 3.6.2 Mobilise funds for transforming TDAU into 1,000,000 UNZA, Vice-Chancellor
and societal needs an Innovation and Technology Centre. Industry,
3.6.3 Apply mobilised funds to construction of 250,000,000 Manager, TDAU
Innovation and Technology Centre.

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 57

Overall Targeted Source of Funds Responsible Officers
No. Objectives Activities Funds (ZMK)
3.6.4 Recruit staff for the Innovation and
Technology Centre depending on demand. 100,000 UNZA Registrar
3.6.5 Establish partnerships with industry and
other innovation and technology centres. 300,000 UNZA ITC Director
Objective 3.7: By 3.7 Transform current business undertakings into
31 December 2014, viable business centres. Vice-Chancellor
the University will 3.7.1 Review the status of all existing business Director, Business
have transformed ventures. 100,000 UNZA Development
the current business
undertakings into 3.7.2 Develop strategy to revamp the under- UNZA Deputy Vice-
viable business performing business ventures. 200,000 Chancellor
centres 3.7.3 Identify and develop business plans for joint UNZA Director, Business
ventures and partnerships. 200,000 Development
3.7.4 Implement at least 5 business ventures Director, Business
and partnerships. 0 Development
Objective 3.8: By 3.8 Establish a Leadership and Knowledge Centre
30 June 2015, the on issues of national and global concern. Vice-Chancellor
University will 3.8.1 Develop a plan for the establishment of Deputy Vice-
have established Leadership and Knowledge Centre. 100,000 UNZA Chancellor
a Leadership and
Knowledge Centre on UNZA, Deans, Directors
issues of national and 3.8.2 Establish 5 Think Tanks. 50,000 Investrust, BoZ
global concern 3.8.3 Mobilise funds for construction of Leadership UNZA, Partners: Vice-Chancellor
Knowledge Centre. 500,000 German
3.8.4 Apply mobilised funds to construction of
Leadership Knowledge Centre. 80,000,000 Bursar
3.8.5 Undertake staff recruitment for the Centre. 100,000 UNZA Registrar

58 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

Overall Targeted Source of Responsible
No. Objectives Activities Funds (ZMK) Funds Officers
IV Strategic Direction 4: Enhance Human Resource Capacity and Management
Objective 4.1: By 4.1 Determine the desired establishment of academic Vice-Chancellor
December 31, 2014, and support staff.
the University will
4.1.1 Determine the desired number of academic staff. 100,000 UNZA Registrar
have a desired
establishment of 4.1.2 Determine the desired number of support staff. 100,000 UNZA Registrar
academic and support
staff 4.1.3 Determine the desired number of part-time academic 100,000 UNZA Registrar
staff including adjunct professors.
4.1.4 Design and implement an effective staff succession plan. 100,000 UNZA Registrar
Objective 4.2: By 31 4.2 Implement the staff Performance Management system. Vice-Chancellor
December 2017, the
4.2.1 Implement the staff Performance Management system. 1,000,000 UNZA Registrar
University will have
Implemented the 4.2.2 Budget adequately for performance related rewards. 0 Registrar
Staff Performance
Management System 4.2.3 Develop a staff recruitment and retention plan. 100,000 UNZA Registrar

Objective 4.3: By 4.3 Review and develop a Human Resource policy. Vice-Chancellor
31 December 2014, 4.3.1 Identify priority areas for staff development. 300,000 UNZA Registrar
the University will
have reviewed and 4.3.2 Mobilise resources to support the implementation of 1,000,000 UNZA, Registrar
developed a Human the Staff Development plan. Partners
Resource policy UNZA
4.3.3 Develop mechanisms for harmonising staff development 10,000 Registrar
and Human Resource development
4.3.4 Disseminate the Staff Development policy to all key 1,000,000 UNZA Registrar
4.3.5 Implement the Staff Development policy. 10,000,000 UNZA Resident

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 59

Overall Targeted Source of Responsible
No. Objectives Activities Funds (ZMK) Funds Officers

V Direction 5: Expand, Improve and Maintain Infrastructure

Objective 5.1: By 31 5.1 Increase student bed space by 10 000 and office space Vice-
December 2017, the by 500. Chancellor
University will have
5.1.1 Survey sites for construction of student bed UNZA Resident
increased student bed
space. 500,000 Engineer
space by at least 50 per
cent and office space by at 5.1.2 Determine the total cost for constructing 10 000 Registrar
least 30 per cent. student bed space in five years. 750,000
5.1.3 Enter into new Public Private Partnerships. 600,000 Registrar
5.1.4 Implementation of the current Public Private UNZA, Registrar
Partnership agreement. 500,000 artners
5.1.6 Allocate 6 per cent of the University’s internally generated Bursar
revenue per annum towards new hostels construction. 0

5.1.7 Survey the site for the construction of new offices. 300,000 UNZA Registrar

5.1.8 Build 500 office space university-wide. 20,000,000 GRZ, UNZA, Registrar
China, Japan
Objective 5.2: By 31 5.2 Increased University capacity to rehabilitate and Registrar
December 2017, the maintain the physical infrastructure.
University will have
5.2.1 Conduct an infrastructure inspection in order to 1,000,000 UNZA Registrar
increased its capacity to
establish the current state of infrastructure in the
rehabilitate and maintain
the physical infrastructure
5.2.2 Increase annual budgetary allocation to the 2,000,000 UNZA, GRZ Registrar
Resident Engineer’s Department by 15 per cent.

60 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

Overall Targeted Source of Responsible
No. Objectives Activities Funds (ZMK) Funds Officers

5.2.3 Undertake maintenance and rehabilitation works. 15,000,000 UNZA Resident

5.2.4 Procure more and better equipment for Resident 0 Registrar
Engineer’s Department.
5.2.5 Determine jobs to be outsourced. 0 Registrar
5.2.6 Ensure that the Resident Engineer’s Department has 50,000 UNZA Registrar
a comprehensive and working maintenance plan.

5.2.7 Mobilise Resources internally and externally. 200,000 UNZA, Vice-

Partners, Chancellor
5.2.8 Fund construction of hostels and offices. 350,000,000 Bursar

Objective 5.3: By 31 December 5.3 Improve and expand the physical and technical Vice-
2017, the University will capacity of the libraries and archives. Chancellor
have improved and expanded
5.3.1 Determine the current demand for library services 10,000 UNZA Lbrarian
the physical and technical
in terms of reading space, ICTs and archives.
capacity of the Libraries and
Archives 5.3.2 Evaluate the option of establishing a library in each 15,000 UNZA Libraries,
school/institute in addition to the main library. Deans
5.3.3 Develop a phased University library development 15,000 UNZA Libraries,
plan. Deans
Objective 5.4: By 31 December 5.4 Improve, expand and equip lecture theatres and Vice-
2017, the University will have laboratories with state-of-the-art equipment. Chancellor
fully improved, expanded and
equipped lecture theatres and
5.4.1 Conduct an audit to establish the current state of 500,000 UNZA Registrar
laboratories with state of the
the lecture theatres and laboratories.
art equipment

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 61

Overall Targeted Source of Responsible
No. Objectives Activities Funds (ZMK) Funds Officers

Objective 5.4: By 5.4 Improve, expand and equipp lecture theatres and Vice-Chancellor
31 December 2017, laboratories with state of the art equipment.
the University will
have fully improved, 5.4.1 Conduct an audit to establish the current state 500,000 UNZA Registrar
expanded and equipped of the lecture theatres and laboratories
lecture theatres and 5.4.2 Draw a phased plan for improving, expanding and 50,000 UNZA Dean, Directors,
laboratories with state equipping lecture theatres and laboratories. Heads of Unit
of the art equipment.

5.4.3 Determine the cost of improving the facilities. 2,000,000 UNZA Bursar
5.4.4 Mobilise resources internally and externally. 200,000 UNZA Vice-Chancellor
5.4.5 Apply funds to the improvement and expansion 250,000,000 Bursar
of lectures theatre and laboratories.

VI Strategic Direction 6: Institutionalise Quality Assurance Systems

6.1 Develop a university-wide quality assurance Registrar
Objective 6.1: By 31 framework.
December 2013, the
University will have 6.1.1 Draw up the terms of reference for the establishment 0 Registrar
developed a university- of a Quality Assurance Framework.
wide quality assurance 6.1.2 Appoint a task team to develop the Quality 10,000 UNZA Vice-Chancellor
framework Assurance Framework Document.
Objective 6.2: By 31 6.2 Establish a Quality Assurance Unit. Vice-Chancellor
December 2014, the 6.2.1 Create office space for the Quality Assurance 50,000 UNZA Registrar
University will have Unit.
established a Quality
Assurance Unit 6.2.2 Recruit staff for the Quality Assurance Unit. 90,000 UNZA Registrar
6.2.3 Operationalise the unit. 1,500,000 UNZA Registrar

62 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

Overall Targeted Source of Responsible
No. Objectives Activities Funds (ZMK) Funds Officers
6.2.4 Monitor and evaluate quality in all functions 0 Head of the
of the University. Quality Assurance

VII Strategic Direction 7: Popularise and Expand Use of Information and Communication Technologies across Campuses and
the Wider Community
Objective 7.1: By 31 December 7.1 Implement a fast internet system, e-learning and ICT Vice-Chancellor
2013, the University will learning tools.
have implemented a fast 7.1.1 Engage Computer Studies students in 20,000 UNZA Director, CICT
internet system, e-learning practical ICT works at CICT.
and ICT learning tools
7.1.2 Conduct Certification courses for students 150,000 UNZA Director, CICT
and University staff.
7.1.3 Promote the use of digital XVD technology in 500,000 UNZA Director, CICT
the University.
7.1.4 Promote access to locally available online 100,000 UNZA Director, CICT
digital resources and libraries. Librarian
7.1.5 Promote video and audio recording of lessons. 400,000 UNZA, Director, CICT
7.1.6 Promote use of ICT simulation tools for 800,000 UNZA Director, CICT
science-based programmes.
7.1.7 Promote mobile systems and e-mails for 300,000 UNZA Director, CICT
teaching and learning.
7.1.8 Facilitate collaborations with television 0 Director, IDE
stations for Distance Education.

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 63

Overall Targeted Source of Responsible
No. Objectives Activities Funds (ZMK) Funds Officers
Objective 7.2: By 31 December 7.2 Train lecturers and researchers in the use of ICTs. Vice-Chancellor
2013 the University will have
trained 300 lecturers and 7.2.1 Train heads of department in Web 2.0 and 250,000 UNZA Director, CICT
researchers in the use of ICTs social media.
7.2.2 Train all lecturers in statistical packages. 800,000 UNZA Director, CICT
7.2.3 Train lecturers in the use of module and 250,000 UNZA Director, CICT
D-space e-learning system.
7.3 Provide ICT tools for differently-abled students Vice-Chancellor
Objective 7.3: By 31 December and staff as well as plagiarism control.
2014, the University will have put
in place ICT tools for differently 7.3.1 Implement an anti-plagiarism system. 200,000 UNZA Deans
abled students and staff as well 7.3.2 Develop software for differently-abled students 350,000 UNZA, Director, CICT
as plagiarism control and staff. Partners,
Objective 7.4: By 31 December 7.4 Facilitate student access to social media tools and Vice-Chancellor
2013, the University of Zambia various ICT accessories for education.
will have facilitated student 7.4.1 Train students in Web 2.0 and social media. 800,000 UNZA Director, CICT
access to social media tools
and various ICT accessories 7.4.2 Facilitate acquisition of laptops by students. 0 Director, CICT
for education
7.4.3 Train students in the use of various ICT 400,000 UNZA Director, CICT
accessories for academic purposes.

VIII Strategic Direction 8: Provide Open Distance Learning as a Preferred Option for Mass Teaching, Learning and Research
Objective 8.1: By 31 December 8.1 Provide higher level courses to distance learners
2017, the University will have and develop relevant instruction materials.
developed third and fourth year 8.1.1 Conduct training workshops for lecturers in UNZA Vice-Chancellor
Distance Education courses in instructional material designing. 800,000
existing programmes
8.1.2 Develop third and fourth year instructional
materials in all courses on offer. 1,500,000 UNZA Director, IDE

64 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

Overall Targeted Source of Responsible
No. Objectives Activities Funds (ZMK) Funds Officers
8.1.3 Conduct summative assessments in courses on offer. 100,000 UNZA Director, IDE
Objective 8.2: By 31 December 2,400,000
2017, the University will 8.2 Facilitate construction of two-storey building at Vice-Chancellor
have completed building a two IDE centres.
two-storey infrastructure in
Lusaka and multi-purpose/ 8.2.1 Construct a two-storey building in Lusaka Director, IDE
examination halls in the other and multipurpose halls at provincial centres
provincial centres for Distance for Distance Education which are responsive
Education to gender and differently-abled persons.

Objective 8.3: By 31 December 8.3 Offer postgraduate programmes to distance learners. Vice-Chancellor
2017, the university will have
8.3.1 Advertise programmes annually. 500,000 UNZA Deans
started offering post graduate
programmes 8.3.2 Implement the programmes. 4,000,000 UNZA Director, IDE

Objective 8.4: By 31 December 8.4 Train all distance educators in presentation of Vice-Chancellor
2017, the University will have TV lecture broadcasts.
trained all Distance educators in 8.4.1 Train lecturers in teaching via TV. 350,000 UNZA Director, IDE
conducting TV lecture broadcasts
Objective 8.5: By 31 December 8.5 Develop programmes for Distance learners, Vice-Chancellor
2017, the University will have sensitise lecturers on the importance of ODL, in
developed new programmes writing modules, and recruit staff.
for Distance Education in 8.5.1 Sensitise lecturers on importance of Open and 150,000 UNZA Director, IDE
schools. Distance Learning.
8.5.2 Conduct workshops for lecturers in module 1,500,000 UNZA Director, IDE
8.5.3 Develop new programmes. 2,000,000 UNZA, Director, IDE

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 65

Overall Targeted Source of Responsible
No. Objectives Activities Funds (ZMK) Funds Officers
Objective 8.6: By 31 December 8.6 Recruit staff for the Institute of Distance Vice-Chancellor
2017, the University will have Education.
recruited 7 academic staff
8.6.1 Recruit academic and support staff. 90,000 UNZA Director, IDE/
and 39 support staff
8.6.2 Induct new staff. 40,000 UNZA Director IDE

Objective 8.7: By 31 December 8.7 Establish e-learning centres in all provinces and Vice-Chancellor
2017, the University will have provide ICT equipment and facilities.
established e-learning centres
8.7.1 Procure and install ICT accessories at all 980,000 UNZA Director, IDE
in all Provincial Centres
provincial centres.
8.7.2 Conduct training for lecturers in the use of 200,000 UNZA Director, IDE
electronic platform.
8.7.3 Carry out ‘last mile’ on fibre connection to UNZA Director, IDE
UNZA campuses in Kitwe and Chipata. 1,000,000

8.7.4 Procure office equipment for UNZA offices 50,000 UNZA, Director, IDE
in the provinces. Partners
Objective 8.8: By 31 December 8.8 Decentralise Distance Education, offer Vice-
2017, the University will induction to lecturers through workshops. Chancellor
have decentralized Distance 8.8.1 Induct lecturers in ways of conducting 500,000 UNZA Director, IDE
Education residential sessions decentralised, residential sessions.
in all provinces
8.8.2 Conduct residential sessions in provincial 2,000,000

66 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

Overall Targeted Source of Responsible
No. Objectives Activities Funds (ZMK) Funds Officers

IX Strategic Direction 9: Harness Workers’ and Allies’ Energies for University’s Freedom from Financial Liability
Objective 9.1: By 31 9.1 Compile and quantify UNZA’s debt, mobilise funds Vice-
December 2017, the and pay off debtors at 20 per cent of annual debt. Chancellor
University will have
9.1.1 Identify and list the debt centres in the 0 UNZA Director,
liquidated its debt
University. IDE
9.1.2 Quantify the total debt portfolio per centre. 0 UNZA Bursar
9.1.3 Mobilise 20 per cent proportion of the debt of 500,000 UNZA, Bursar
the year. Financial
9.1.4 Apply annually 20 per cent of mobilised funds to 1,600,000,000
liquidate debt for five years.
Objective 9.2: By 30 June 9.2: Conduct a risk analysis of financial houses that Vice-
2013, the University of would provide facilities to liquidate the debt. Chancellor
Zambia will have conducted 9.2.1 Engage potential financial institutions to partner 250,000 UNZA Bursar
a risk analysis of financial with the University on liquidation of the debt.
houses that would provide
facilities to liquidate the 9.2.2 Determine risks specific to each preferred partner 50,000 UNZA Bursar
debt contribution.
9.2.3 Prepare a mitigation plan specific to each 0 Bursar
preferred partner in debt liquidation.
9.2.4 Implement the mitigation plan. 0 Bursar
Objective9.3:By31December 9.3: Develop a plan that would trade off its assets with Vice-
2014, the University will liabilities. Chancellor
have developed a plan that
9.3.1 Identify and determine the tradable assets. 250,000 UNZA Bursar
would trade off its assets
and liabilities 9.3.2 Match the liabilities with assets and liquidate 10,000 UNZA, Bursar
each year’s 20 per cent proportion of liabilities. Partners

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 67

Overall Targeted Source of Responsible
No. Objectives Activities Funds (ZMK) Funds Officers
X Strategic Direction 10: Promote Beneficial Partnerships in the Knowledge Economy
Objective 9.4: By 31 9.4: Institute cost saving measures to mitigate debt
December 2014, the increase.
University will have
instituted cost saving
9.4.1 Audit budget cost centres (Human Resources, 10,000 UNZA Bursar
measures to mitigate
Operations, Capital).
debt increase
9.4.2 Profile debt within the cost centres. 10,000 UNZA Bursar

9.4.3 Match the debt within the broad centres and 0 Bursar
determine cost saving measures that mitigate
the debt increase.
Objective 10.1: By 10.1 Establish partnerships for teaching, research Deputy
31 December 2013, and consultancy and public service and sign Vice-Chan-
the University will and implement 60 MoUs. cellor
have established
10.1.1 Identify potential institutions to partner 30,000 UNZA
partnerships for the
with in teaching, research, consultancy and
University functions
community service.
(teaching, research,
consultancy and public 10.1.2 Determine comparative advantages of each 40,000 UNZA Deans,
service) potential institution to partner with. Directors,
10.1.3 Engage the relevant partners through MoUs. 30,000 UNZA Vice-Chan-
10.1.4 Develop and implement mechanisms for 50,000 UNZA, Registrar
sustaining the partnerships. Partners
GRAND TOTAL COST K3,660,820,000

68 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

Appendix 1: Strategic Plan Steering Committee Members

1 Dr Wilson Nelson Mulenga Mwenya Deputy Vice-Chancellor Vice Chancellor’s Unit
2 Mr Donald Chanda Lecturer (Vice- Department of Development
Chairperson) Studies, School of
Humanities and Social
3 Dr Mick Sikaenyi Mwala (PhD) Dean School of Agricultural
4 Dr Oswell Chilungu Chakulimba Dean School of Education
5 Dr Henry Mweempwa Sichingabula School of Natural
(PhD) Dean Sciences
6 Mr Willa Mulabika Laboratory Technician Department of Biological
& UNZAAWU Deputy Sciences, School of Natural
President Sciences
7 Mr Nkumbu Nkonde Director, Business De- Vice Chancellor’s Unit
8 Mr Jason Mwanza Lecturer School of Humanities and
Social Sciences
9 Dr Euston Kasongo Chiputa (PhD) Head of Department & Department of History,
UNZALARU President School of Humanities and
Social Sciences
10 Mr Phineas Bbaala Lecturer School of Humanities and
Social Sciences
11 Ms Tomaida Chilumbu Milingo Assistant Dean II School of Education
12 Mr Sangayakula Sanga Lecturer Department of Development
Studies, School of
Humanities and Social
13 Mr James Njamba Sitwala Senior Administrative Centre for Information
Officer & UNZAPROSA and Communication
President Technologies
14 Ms Charlotte Wonani Lecturer Department of Development
Studies, School of
Humanities and Social
15 Dr Mubanga Lombe Head of Department Department of Mathematics
& Statistics, School of
Natural Sciences

16 Mrs Winnie Sinde Mulongo-Luhana Manager, Strategic Vice Chancellor’s Unit


The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 69

Appendix 2: Strategic Directions, Objectives, Activities, Indicators,
Targets and Estimated Budget
In order for the implementation of the University Strategic Plan, 2013-
2017 to be successful, it is important that all aspects of the Plan are
clearly understood by all key stakeholders, well wishers and development
partners. As such, all major areas of the Plan have been presented in
a matrix in Appendix 2. These areas include Strategic Directions,
Objectives, Activities (derived from Objectives), Responsible officers
at various levels in University administration, indicators of success
for achieving planned activities, quantitative or qualitative targets to
be achieved for respective indicators, achievement of success for the
indicators expressed as percentage, and baseline. However, it should
be noted that it is not in all cases where targets will begin from zero as
some activities would have already been undertaken before or during the
last University Strategic Plan, 2008-2012. Additionally, it is important
to know the types and amount of available resources required for the
implementation of the activities. The last column of the matrix presents
the estimated budget for each activity. It should be noted that where some
activities will be undertaken as in-house and/or as routine activities, the
cost may be indicated as a zero cost to the implementation of the Plan.

70 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017


No. Objectives Activities Responsible Indicator Target Percentage Baseline Resources Estimated
Officer of for Level of for Required for Budget
Success Indicator Achieve- Target Activities (ZMK)
ment Indicator

I Strategic Direction 1: Promote and Maintain Excellence in Teaching, Learning, Research and Consultancy
Objective 1.1: By 30 1.1 Review and develop programmes Vice- Number of 900 100% 0 Staff time,
September 2013, the and courses as UNZA changes Chancellor programmes meetings,
University will have from Semester to Terms system and courses workshops,
developed courses in line for its academic operations in reviewed and transport
with the Term System 2013 academic year. developed

1.1.1 Review courses in line with Deans, Number of 600 100% 0 Staff time, 2,000,000
the term system in all schools, Directors programmes meetings,
directorate, institutes and mainstreamed workshops,
units. transport
1.1.2 Develop new programmes Deans, Number 300 100% 0 Staff time, 300,000
which are relevant and Directors, of courses meetings,
responsive to the corporate reviewed workshops,
world and society. transport,
Objective 1.2: By 30 June 1.2 Review and mainstream Deputy Vice- Number of 900 100% 0 Staff time,
2015, University will have gender, HIV and AIDS, Chancellor programmes meetings,
completed university–wide enterpreneurship and mainstreamed workshops,
curricula reform that will environment in all academic transport,
enable the institution to programmes. technical
offer relevant gender and assistance
HIV and AIDS responsive
academic programmes 1.2.1 Review and mainstream Deans, Number of 600 100% 0 Staff time, 300,000
gender, HIV and AIDS, Directors, programmes meetings,
entrepreneurship and Heads of Unit mainstreamed workshops,
environment in schools, transport,
directorate institutes, and technical
units curricula. assistance
1.2.3 Review and mainstream Deans, Direc- Number of 450 100% 0 Staff time, 200,000
gender, HIV and AIDS and tors, Heads of research meetings,
environment in all research Unit projects main- workshops,
activities. streamed transport,

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 71

No. Objectives Activities Responsi- Indicator Target Percent- Baseline Resources Required Estimated
ble Officer of for age for for Activities Budget
Success Indicator Level of Target (ZMK)
Achieve- Indicator

Objective 1.3: 1.3 Develop, disseminate and Vice- Approved Plan 100% 0 Staff time, meetings,
By 31 December implement the Human Resource Chancel- Human document workshops,
2014, the Development training plan lor Resource available transport, technical
University will in Finance and Management Development assistance
have developed, functions. plan
and implemented 1.3.1 Develop a Human Resource Registrar Approved Plan 100% 0 Staff time, meetings, 50,000
Human Resource Development plan. Human document workshops,
Development Resource available transport, technical
training plan Development assistance
in Finance and plan
1.3.2 Disseminate the Human Registrar Dissemination Report 100% 0 Staff time, meetings, 50,000
Resource Development Report and available/ workshops,
plan. number of 300 transport, technical
workshop assistance

1.3.3 Implement the Human Registrar Report on Report 100% 0 Staff time, meetings, 0
Resource Development Human available workshops,
plan. Resource plan transport, technical
implementation assistance

1.3.4 Undertake periodic audit of Audit Audit Report on Audit 100% 0 Staff time, meetings, 0
staff retention. staff Report workshops,
retention available transport, technical

1.3.5 Implement new staff Registrar Report of imple- Appraisal 100% 0 Staff time, meetings, 500,000
appraisal system. mentation of Report workshops,
Staff Appraisal available transport, technical
system assistance

1.3.6 Introduce induction Deans, Number of staff 2 600 100% 0 Staff time, meetings, 100,000
training for new employees Directors, inducted workshops,
of the. Heads of transport, technical
Unit assistance


72 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

No. Objectives Activities Responsi- Indicator Target Percent- Base- Resources Required for Estimated
ble Officer of Success for age line for Activities Budget
Indicator Level of Target (ZMK)
Achieve- Indica-
ment tor

Objective 1.4: 1.4 Operationalise the research policy Vice- Number of quality 1,500 100% 0 Staff time, meetings,
By December for strengthening the capacity to Chancel- research papers workshops, transport,
31, 2017 the undertake and coordinate quality lor technical assistance
University research.
will have
operationalised 1.4.1 Disseminate the research policy Registrar Approved 2,000 100% 0 Staff time, meetings, 50,000
the research electronically and through Human Resource workshops, transport,
policy for workshops in schools and units. Development plan technical assistance
the capacity 1.4.2 Schools, directorate, institutes, Deans, Amount of money to K200 100% 0 Communication, 100,000
to undertake units and the central Directors, be raised million transport,
and coordinate administration mobilise more Heads of meetings,
quality resources for research. Unit technical
research. assistance
1.4.3 Provide and facilitate adequate Deputy Amount of money K25 100% 0 staff time, travel ex- 50,000
funding for academic staff to Vice- for staff million penses and per diems
present their research findings Chancel- attending
at institutional, national and lor conferences
international conferences.
1.4.4 All schools, directorate, Deans, Number of dissemi- 25 100% 0 Staff time, 150,000
institutes, units and the central Directors, nation materials communication,
administration disseminate Heads of transport,
information about research Unit printing services
opportunities within and
outside the University.
1.4.5 Train staff in resource Registrar Number of staff 1 500 100% 0 Training workshops 1,000,000
mobilisation, research trained requirements,
methodologies, analytical report stationery, technical
writing and presentation skills. assistance

1.4.6 Conduct trainer of trainers Deans, Number of trainers 250 100% 0 Training workshops 5,000,000
workshops in research Directors, trained requirements,
methodologies, analytical report Heads of stationery, technical
writing and presentation skills. Unit assistance

1.4.7 Develop a system in which Vice- Produce Manual 100% 0 Staff time, training 15,000
senior academics and Chancel- manual on staff avail- workshops, technical
researchers mentor junior lor mentoring able assistance

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 73

No. Objectives Activities Responsible Indicator Target Percentage Baseline Resources Required Estimated
Officer of for Level of for for Activities Budget
Success Indicator Achievement Target (ZMK)
1.4.8 Establish research audit Registrar Produce Audit Report 100% 0 Staff time 0
and monitoring committee and Research available
in line with research policy. Monitoring Report
1.4.9 Facilitate publication of Registrar Number of papers 1 200 100% 0 Publication fees nd 5,000,000
research findings in local published in journal subscriptions
and international refereed refereed journals

Objective 1.5: By 1.5 Establish a central onsultancy Vice- Consultancy Unit Consultancy 100% 0 Staff time, meetings, 0
31 December 2013, unit for improved internal Chancellor established Unit workshops, ransport,
the University will and external coordination of operational technical assistance
have established consultancy activities.
a central
consultancy unit
and improved
the internal 1.5.1 Establish a fully-functional Deputy Consultancy Unit Consultancy 100% 0 Staff time, meetings, 1,100,000
and external and adequately resource Vice- established Unit workshops,
coordination of consultancy unit. Chancellor operational transport, technical
consultancy assistance

1.5.2 Train academic support Deans, Number of staff 750 100% 0 Staff time, meetings, 300,000
staff in consulting skills. Directors, trained workshops,
Heads of transport, technical
Unit assistance

1.5.3 Develop a system in which Deputy Produce Manual 100% 0 Staff time, training 15,000
senior staff mentor junior Vice- manual on staff available workshops, technical
staff in consultancy. Chancellor, mentoring assistance
1.5.4 Develop a system for Registrar Manual on Manual 100% 0 Recognition and 200,000
recognising and rewarding rewards system available awards
merit or excellence in produced


74 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

No. Objectives Activities Responsible Indicator Target Percentage Baseline Resources Required Estimated
Officer of for Level of for for Activities Budget (ZMK)
Success Indicator Achievement Target

Objective 1.6: By 1.6 Strengthen the human Vice- Number of 120 100% 0 Staff time,
30 June 2015, the and financial capacity Chancellor consultancies workshops,
University will to undertake quality done transport, technical
have strengthened consultancy. assistance
human and
financial capacity 1.6.1 Develop inter- and intra- Deputy Vice- Number of 40 100% 0 UNZA staff, 200,000
to undertake quality institutional linkages Chancellor internal and ex- internet
consultancy for promoting efficient ternal linkages
utilisation of research established
facilities and expertise.

1.6.2 Mobilise financial Director, Con- Amount of K200 100% 0 Staff time, transport, 300,000
resources for consultancy sultancy Unit money raised million technical assistance

1.6.3 Recruit skilled and Registrar Number of staff 5 100% 0 Staff time, technical 1,000,000
experienced consultants. recruited assistance,

Objective 1.7: By 1.7 Improve the research Deputy Vice- Report on Report 100% 0 Staff time, equip-
30 June 2017, the capacity in undergraduate Chancellor capacity bulding available ment, seminars
University will and postgraduate in school
have improved the programmes. programmes
research capacity in
its undergraduate 1.7.1 Develop and deliver Deans, Direc- Number of re- 45 100% 0 Staff time, meetings, 1,000,000
and postgraduate courses in research tors, Heads of search methods transport, equip-
programmes methodologies and skills in Unit courses devel- ment
all the schools, directorate, oped
institutes and units.

1.7.2 Mobilise research funds Deans, Direc- Amount of K2 million 100% 0 Staff time, statio- 500,000
for undergraduates and tors, Heads of money to be nery
postgraduates research. Unit raised

1.7.3 Develop and implement Deans, Direc- Number of 650 100% 0 Staff time, meetings, 500,000
compulsory research tors, Heads of seminars held transport, equip-
seminars in all schools at Unit ment
departmental level.


The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 75

No. Objectives Activities Responsible Indicator Target Percentage Baseline Resources Estimated
Officer of for Level of for Required for Budget
Success Indicator Achievement Target Activities (ZMK)

Objective 1.8: By 30 1.8 Develop a Course Vice- Course Credit system Course 100% 0 Staff time,
September 2013, the Credit system in all the Chancellor operational in all Credit wokshops,
University will have programmes. schools, directorate system in use meetings,
developed a credit and institutes transport,
system in all the technical
programmes assistance
1.8.1 Operationalise the Course Deputy Vice- Number of courses 720 100% 0 Staff time, 500,000
Credit system in all Chancellor, with Credit system in equipment,
courses Deans, schools, directorate office space,
Directors and units transport and

Objective 1.9: By 1.9 Establish an International Vice- Establish International 100% 0 Staff time, office 70,000
31 December 2013, Office. Chancellor International Office space, furniture,
the University will Office operational equipment
have established an
International Office 1.9.1 Develop an operational Framework for Framework 100% 0 Staff time, 1,000,000
framework for Deputy Vice- Internaltional available meetings,
International Office. Chancellor Office operations transport
1.9.2 Operationalise Registrar Operational Manual 100% 0 Staff time, 1,070,000
International Office. manual available equipment,
developed office space and


II Strategic Direction 2: Enhance Financial and Administrative Management Systems

Objective 2.1: By 2.1 Ensure a sustainable and Vice- Report on Audit Report 100% 0 Staff time,
31 December 2014, improved Financial and Chancellor Unqualified available workshops
the University will Administrative Management Audit
have ensured a system.
sustainable and
improved Financial 2.1.1 Revise and enhance Registrar Report on Report 100% 0 Staff time 0
and Administrative budgetary system to Budgetary and available
Management Systems monitor the performance Monitoring system
and use of University enhancement by
financial resources. Management

76 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

No. Objectives Activities Responsible Indicator Target Percentage Baseline for Resources Estimated
Officer of for Level of Target Required for Budget
Success Indicator Achievement Indicator Activities (ZMK)

2.1.2 Train key staff in the Bursar Number of 35 100% 0 Staff time, 200,000,000
management, development Management workshops,
planning and budgetary resource staff trained transport
allocation and utilisation in
schools, directorates, institutes
and units

2.1.3 Develop and strengthening Dean, Directors, Reports on 18 100% 0 Staff time 0
a monitoring system on the Heads of Unit Budgetary and
use of resources in schools, monitoring system
directorates, institutes and enhancement
units. in schools,
directorate, units

Objective 2.2: By 31 2.2 Build capacity in schools and Vice-Chancellor Report on capacity Report 100% 0 Staff time,
December 2013, the units in development planning, building activities avail- workshops
University will have coordinating and decision-making. in schools able technical
built capacity in and units assistance
Schools and units in
development planning, 2.2.1 Develop short-term training Registrar Number of 130 100% 0 Staff time, 200,000
coordinating, decision- programmes for various staff trained workshops,
making and provide categories of staff on planning,
an institutional coordinating and decision-
framework to support making.
decision-making at
2.2.2 Expose management staff in Registrar Number of 35 100% 0 Workshop 150,000
School and Unit level
team building skills. management requirement
staff trained
2.2.3 Develop a strong and clear Registrar Report 100% 0 Staff time 0
supervisory and reporting avail-
system in the university from able
administration down to units
and vice-versa.
Objective 2.3: By 31 2.3 Increase transparency and Vice-Chancellor Decrease in zero 75% 0 Staff time
December 2013, the accountability in resource number of audit
University will have allocation and utilization at the queries 200,000
increased transparency centre, schools and units
and accountability in
resource allocation and
utilisation at the cen-
tre, schools and units

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 77

No. Objectives Activities Responsible Indicator Target Percentage Baseline for Resources Estimated
Officer of for Level of Target Required for Budget
Success Indicator Achievement Indicator Activities (ZMK)

2.3.1 Implement a transparent Registrar Report on allocation Report 100% 0 In-house

and accountability system and utilisation of available seminars and
in the allocation and funds materials
utilisation of resources
through quarterly audits

2.3.2 Enhance a framework Registrar Report on development Report 100% 0 Staff time, 100,000
for clear differentiation of of functions and available meetings
roles and responsibilities responsibility roles at
at Vice-Chancellor, Deputy management
Vice-Chancellor, Registrar level
and Bursar levels.

2.3.3 Strengthen controls and Registrar Report on development Report 100% 0 Staff time 0
effective supervision of staff of systems of controls available
to do their duties within for effective superviion
the specified time to avoid of staff in performaing
excessive expenditure. their duties

Objective 2.4: By 31 2.4 Develop and implement the Approved Risk Risk management 100% 0 Staff time,
December 2013, the risk management policy Management policy policy imple- workshops,
University will have document mented technical
developed and assistance
implemented the risk
management policy 2.4.1 Identify various areas Registrar Report of Report available 100% 0 Staff time 100,000
of risk which affect the identified risks and technical
university. assistance
2.4.2 Develop counteractive Bursar Report on how to 100% 0 Staff time 100,000
activities to alleviate and alleviate and manage Report available and
manage the risks risk meetings
2.4.3 Develop and disseminate Registrar Number of 1,200 100% 0 Staff time, 800,000
a manual on risk participants at stationery
management dissemination and
workshops meetings


78 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

No. Objectives Activities Responsible Indicator Target Percentage Baseline Resources Estimated
Officer of for Level of for Required for Budget
Success Indicator Achievement Target Activities (ZMK)

III Strategic Direction 3: Invest in New and Existing Business Ventures

Objective 3.1: 3.1 Develop capacity to engage Vice- Number of 5 100% 0 Staff time,
By 31 December in entrepreneurship and Chancellor approved new meetings with
2014, the business for sustainability business plans internal and
University will and competitiveness in the developed external experts
have developed knowledge economy.
capacity to
engage in 3.1.1 Identify business Vice- Business 10 100% 0 Staff time, 100,000
entrepreneurship investment opportunities. Chancellor investment meetings with
and business for opportunities internal and
sustainability identified external experts
3.1.2 Conduct feasibility studies Deputy Vice- Number of 10 100% 0 Staff time, 1,000,000
and prepare business Chancellor business plans meetings with
in the knowledge
plans. approved internal and
external experts

3.1.3 Mobilise funds for Deputy Vice- Amount of money K5 80% 0 Staff time, 1,500,000
establishing business and Chancellor raised billion meetings with
investment. internal and
external experts
3.1.4 Maximise income on Vice- Value of dividends K100 100% 0 Staff time 0
investment from business Chancellor and management million
ventures. fees paid to UNZA
Objective 3.2: 3.2 Operationalised the Vice-Chan- Approved Policy 100% 0 Staff time,
By 31 December Business and Investment cellor Business Policy document meetings with
2013, the Uni- policy. document available internal and
versity will have external experts
the Business .2.1 Approve the Business and Registrar Approved Business 100% 0 Staff time, 100,000
and Investment Investment policy. Business and and Invest- meetings
Policy Investment Policy ment policy
document document
3.2.2 Disseminate the Business Director, Number of 130 100% 0 Workshop
Investment policy. Business workshop requirements, 200,000
Development participants transport,
3.2.3 Identify and develop Director, Number of 20 100% 0 Staff time, 10,000
business plans with local Business corporate firms meetings
industry and other investors. Development identified

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 79

No. Objectives Activities Responsible Indicator Target Percentage Baseline for Resources Estimated
Officer of for Level of Target Required for Budget
Success Indicator Achievement Indicator Activities (ZMK)

3.2.4 Sign 15 MoUs on business Vice- Number of 15 100% 0 Staff time, sta- 20,000
development and investment. Chancellor MoUs signed tionery

3.2.5 Implement at least 5 business Director, Number of 5 100% 0 Management 100,000

ventures. Business business expertise
Development venture


Objective 3.3: By 3.3 Increase self-generated Vice- Amount of 100% 0 Staff time, lecture
31 December 2017, income by at least 50 percent Chancellor money raised K200 rooms, labs,
the University will of total revenue from self- thousand teaching aids
have increased self generated sustainable sources.
generated income by
at least 50 percent 3.3.1 Increase income from tuition Deans Percentage 100% 0 Staff time, lecture 4,000,000
of total revenue fees by introducing more increase of rooms, labs,
parallel degree programmes earnings from K15 teaching aids
from self-generated
and short courses/trainings tuition fees by million
sustainable sources
in schools. 50%

3.3.2 Increase income from Deans Percentage 100% K300 Staff time, 25,000
affiliation and underwriting increase in K150 million meetings
fees by expanding affiliation income from thousand
programmes in schools. fees by 50%

3.3.3 Increase number of Deans, Percentage 100% 6 Staff time, 100,000

programmes and courses Directors increase in meetings,
on paralells in Schools, number of workshops
Institutes and Units. programmes
3.3.4 Increase income from Director, Percentage 100% 0 Staff time, 300,000
funded research and Consultancy increase in transport,
projects by targeting and earnings from K2.5 communication,
industry and collaborating Research research and million meetings
with universities and other Unit projects by
institutions. 50%
3.3.5 Increase income from Deans Percentage 100% 4,136,312 Staff time, lecture 15,000
extension studies by increase in fees rooms, labs,
developing more demand teaching aids
driven programmes.


80 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

No. Objectives Activities Responsible Indicator Target Percentage Baseline for Resources Estimated
Officer of for Level of Target Required for Budget
Success Indicator Achievement Indicator Activities (ZMK)

Objective 3.4: By 3.4 Transform UNZASEC into Vice- Approved UNZASEC 100% 0 Staff time, meet-
30 June 2017, the a University Teaching High Chancellor business Plan relocated to ings, transport,
University will School for UNZASEC new site commuication,
have transformed technical
UNZASEC into a assistance
university teaching
high school 3.4.1 Prepare a business plan Dean, Approved Business plan 100% 0 Staff time, 20,000
for UNZASEC Education business plan available meetings

3.4.2 Mobilise funds for Dean, Amount of K500 50% 0 Staff time, 500,000
construction of class Education funds raised million meetings,
rooms and offices for transport,
relocating UNZASEC commuication

3.4.3 Apply mobile funds to Dean, Amount of K500 100% 0 Consultants and 500,000,000
constrction of University Education money dis- million contractors
teaching academy. bursed
3.4.4 Identify and engage Deans Number of 100% 0 Staff time, 200,000
business partners on business meetings,
provision of education at partners transport,
all levels. commuication,
3.4.5 Market the University Deans Number of 100% 0 Funds for 100,000
teaching schools. student enrol- advertisement,
ments 360 communication,


Objective 3.5: By 3.5 Establish a fully-functioning Vice- Approved plan Business 100% 0 Staff time,
June 30, 2015, Business School. Chancellor for Business School committee of
the University will School operational experts meetings
have established
a fully functioning 3.5.1 Develop a business Dean Approved plan Business 100% 0 Staff time, 20,000
business school plan for establishing a Humanities for Business School Plan committee of
business school. and Social School available experts meetings

3.5.2 Develop and have Registrar Approved Inter-discip 100% 0 Staff time, 300,000
approved an inter- inter- linary committee of
disciplinary curricula for disciplinary curricula experts meetings
the business school. curricula available

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 81

No. Objectives Activities Responsible Indicator Target Percentage Baseline for Resources Estimated
Officer of for Level of Target Required for Budget
Success Indicator Achievement Indicator Activities (ZMK)

3.5.3 Mobilise funds for Dean Amount of K500 million 70% 100% Staff time, 2,000,000
construction of Humanities money raised meetings,
business school and Social transport,
infrastructure. Sciences communication

3.5.4 Apply mobilsed funds Dean Amount K500 million 100% 0 Consultants 500,000,000
to the construction of Humanities of money and contractors
Business School. and Social disbursed
3.5.5 Recruit staff for the Registrar Number of 30 100% 12 Funds for 100,000
business school. staff recruited advertisement,
3.5.6 Develop a marketing Deans Approved Approved 100% 0 Staff time, 00,000
plan for the business business Business plan meetings
school. school plan available

3.5.7 Establish a Green Deans, Approved Green Campus 100% 0 Staff time, 200,000
Campus Initiative by Directors Green Cam Initiative meetings
staff and students. pus Initiative document
document available
Objective 3.6: By 31 3.6 Transform TDAU into Vice- TDAU Innovation and TDAU TDAU premises,
December 2015, the an Innovation and Chancellor transformed Technology staff time,
University will have Technology Centre into Innovation Centre meetings,
transformed TDAU responsive to industrial and Technology operational transport
into an Innovation and societal needs. Centre
and Technology
Centre responsive 3.6.1 Develop mechanisms Manager Approved TDAU 100% TDAU TDAU, premises, 500,000
to industrial and for transforming TDAU TDAU TDAU Development staff time,
societal needs. into Innovation and Development Plan available meetings,
Technology Centre. plan transport
3.6.2 Mobilise funds for Vice- Amount of K500 50% 0 Staff time, 1,000,000
transforming TDAU Chancellor money raised million meetings,
into Innovation and transport,
Technology Centre. communication
3.6.3 Apply mobilised Manager Amount of funds K500 50% 0 Consultants and 250,000,000
funds to construction TDAU disburses million contractors
of Innovation and
Technology Centre.

82 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

No. Objectives Activities Responsible Indicator Target Percentage Baseline Resources Estimated
Officer of Success for Level of for Required for Budget
Indicator Achievement Target Activities (ZMK)
3.6.4 Recruit staff for the Registrar Number of staff 30 100% 0 Funds for 100,000
Innovation and Technology recruited advertisement,
Centre (ITC) depending on communication,
demand. transport,

3.6.5 Establish partnerships ITC Number of 20 80% 0 Staff time, 300,000

with industry and other Director partnerships meetings,
innovation and technology established transport,
centres. communication

Objective 3.7: By 31 3.7 Transformed current Vice- Review Report on Business Operate at Break Staff time,
December 2014, the business undertakings into Chancellor existing business ventures least 10% above even meetings for
University will have viable business centres. centres profitable and break-even point committee of
transformed the self-sustaining point experts
current business
undertakings into 3.7.1 Review the status of Director, Approved review Business Plan 100% 0 Staff time,
viable businesses all existing business Business report on business review report meetings 100,000
ventures. Development development available
3.7.2 Develop strategy to revamp Deputy Vice- Approved Business 100% 0 Staff time, 200,000
the underperforming Chancellor strategy strategy meetings for
business ventures document document committee of
available experts
3.7.3 Identify and develop Director, Approved Number 10 80% 0 Staff time, 200,000
business plans for joint Business of joint business meetings for
ventures and partnerships Development ventures committee of
3.7.4 Implement at least 5 Director, Number of 5 100% Staff time 0
business ventures and Business business ventures
partnerships Development and partnerships

Objective 3.8: By 3.8 Establish a Leadership Vice- Leadership Report on 100% Staff time,
30 June 2015, and Knowledge Centre on Chancellor Knowledge Centre operations of meetings for
the University will issues of national and global established Leadership committee of
have established concern Knowledge experts
a Leadership and Centre
Knowledge Centre available
on issues of national
and global concern

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 83

No. Objectives Activities Responsible Indicator Target Percentage Baseline Resources Required Estimated
Officer of Success for Level of for for Activities Budget
Indicator Achievement Target (ZMK)

3.8.1 Develop a plan for Deputy Approved plan of Plan of the 100% 0 Staff time, 100,000
the establishment Vice- the Leadership Leadership meetings
of Leadership and Chancellor and Knowledge
Knowledge Centre Centre
3.8.2 Establish 5 Think Deans and Number of Think Knowledge 100% 0 Staff time, 50,000
Tanks. Directors Tanks Centre available meetings,
established stationery
3.8.3 Mobilise funds for Vice- Amount of money 5 100% 0 Staff time, 500,000
construction of Chancellor raised meetings,
Leadership Knowledge transport,
Centre commuication

3.8.3 Mobilise funds for Bursar Amount of money K200 million 40% 0 Consultants and 800,000
construction of disbursed contractors
Leadership Knowledge
3.8.5 Understake staff Registrar Number of staff K800 thousand 100% 0 Funds for 100,000
recruitment for the recruited advertments,
Centre communication,
transport, meetings


IV Strategic Direction 4: Enhance Human Resource Capacity and Management

Objective 4.1: 4.1 Determine the desired Vice- Approved new All 100% 0 Staff time,
By 31 December establishment of academic Chancellor staff establish- establishment meetings,
2014, the and support staff ment positions filled transport,
University will commuication
have a desired
establishment 4.1.1 Determine the desired Registrar Percentage in- 50% 100% 621 Staff time, 100,000
of academic number of academic crease in number meetings,
and support staff of transport,
staff academic staff commuication

4.1.2 Determine the desired Registrar Percentage in- 100% 2,600 Staff time,
number of support staff crease /decrease 25% meetings, 100,000
in number of transport,
support staff commuication

84 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

No. Objectives Activities Responsible Indicator Target Percentage Baseline Resources Required Estimated
Officer of Success for Level of for for Activities Budget
Indicator Achievement Target (ZMK)
4.1.3 Determine the desired Registrar Percentage increase 50% 100% Staff time, 100,000
number of part-time in number of meetings,
academic staff including part-time academic transport,
adjunct professors staff commuication,
4.1.4 Design and implement an Registrar Approved staff Staff 100% 0 Staff time, 100,000
effective staff succession succession plan Succession meetings,
plan Plan available

Objective 4.2: 4.2 Implement the staff Vice- Approved Staff Staff 100% Staff time, workshop
By 31 December Performance Management Chancellor performance performance requirements,
2017, the System system system in use technical assistance
will have 4.2.1 Implement the Registrar Performance All staff 100% 0 Staff time, 100,000
Implemented staff Performance Management workshop require-
the staff Management system system in use ments, technical
Performance assistance
4.2.2 Budget adequately for Registrar Percentage amount 0.05% 100% Staff time 0
performance related of money to UNZA
rewards budget
4.2.3 Develop a staff Registrar Approved staff Recruitment 100% 0 Staff time 100,000
recruitment and recruitment and and Retention meetings
retention plan retention plan plan available

Objective 4.3: 4.3 Review and develop a Vice- Approved Human Human 100% 0 Staff time,
By 31 December Human Resource Policy Chancellor Resource Policy Resources meetings,
2014, the policy transport,
University will implemented commuication
have reviewed
and developed a 4.3.1 Identify priority areas for Registrar Approved staff Report on 100% 0 Staff time, meetings 300,000
Human Resource staff development priority areas prioritised
Policy development development
report areas available
4.3.2 Mobilise resources Registrar Amount of K350 million 100% 0 Staff time, meetings, 1,000,000
to support the money raised transport,
implementation of the commuication
staff development plan

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 85

Activities Responsible Indicator Target Percentage Baseline Resources Estimated
No. Objectives Officer of Success for Level of for Required for Budget
Indicator Achievement Target Activities (ZMK)

4.3.3 Develop mechanisms for Registrar Approved Human Human 100% 0 Staff time, 10,000
harmonising staff Resource Develop- Resources meetings
development and Human ment Plan Plan avail-
Resource development able

4.3.4 Disseminate the Staff Registrar Number of partici- 3 000 100% 0 Staff time, 1,000,000
Development policy to pants at dissemina- workshops,
all key stakeholders tion workshops transport

4.3.5 Implement the Staff Registrar Number of staff 500 100% 0 Training funds, 10,000,000
Development policy trained transport,
research funds


V Direction 5: Maintain, Improve and Expand Infrastructure

Objective 5.1: 5.1 Increase student bed space by Vice- Numbers of bed 10 000/500 100% 3 554 Consultants
By 31 December 10 000 and office space by 500. Chancellor spaces/offices and contractors
2017, the increased
University will
have increased 5.1.1 Survey sites for construction Resident Report on Report 100% 0 Staff time and 500,000
student bed of student bed space. Engineer survey of sites available Consultants
space by at 5.1.2 Determine the total cost for Registrar Report on cost of Report 100% 0 Consultants 750,000
least 50% and constructing 10 000 student construction available and
office space by bed space in five years. works contractors
at least 30%
5.1.3 Enter into new Public Private Registrar Number of 15 100% 0 Meetings of technical 600,000
Partnerships. partnerships team, transaction
entered into advisor, council,
and advertisements

5.1.4 Implementation of the current Registrar Report on Report 100% 0 Management time, 500,000
Public Private Partnerships implementation of available Meetings of technical
agreements. current Public Private team, transaction
Partnerships advisor and council

5.1.6 Allocate 6% of the University’s Bursar Amount of funds 6% 100% Management 0

internally generated revenue allocated at 6% time
per annum towards new towards hostel
hostels construction. construction

86 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

Activities Responsible Indicator Target Percentage Baseline Resources Estimated
No. Objectives Officer of Success for Level of for Required for Budget
Indicator Achievement Target Activities (ZMK)

5.1.7 Survey the site for the Registrar Report on survey Report 100% 0 Architectural drawings, 300,000
construction of new of sites available quantity surveyors,
offices. structural engineers
and architects

5.1.8 Build 500 office space Registrar Number of bed 500 100% Architectural engineers, 20, 000,000
university-wide. space constructed quantity surveyors,
structural engineers,
civil engineers and


Objective 5.2: By 5.2 Increased University Registrar Number of 2 000 100% 0 Transport,
31 December 2017, capacity to rehabilitate completed maintenance
the University will and maintain the physical rehabilitation plan, staff time
have increased its infrastructure. works
capacity to
rehabilitate and 5.2.1 Conduct an Registrar Report on Report 100% 0 Architectural 1,000,000
maintain the infrastructure inspection current state of available engineers, quantity
physical in order to establish infrastructure surveyors, structural
infrastructure. the current state of engineers, civil engi-
infrastructure in the neers and architects

5.2.2 Increase annual Registrar Amount of K15 100% 0 Management time, 2,000,000
budgetary allocation to money million meetings
the Resident Engineer’s allocated
Department by 15%.

5.2.3 Undertake maintenance Resident Number of works 2 000 100% 0 15,000,000

and rehabilitation works. Engineer completed

5.2.4 Procure more and better Registrar Report on pro- Report 100% 0 Transport, 0
equipment for Resident cured equipmnt available maintenance plan, staff
Engineer’s Department. time

5.2.5 Determine jobs to be Registrar Number of jobs out 300 100% 0 Staff time, transport 0
outsourced. sourced Staff time

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 87

Activities Responsible Indicator Target Percentage Baseline Resources Estimated
No. Objectives Officer of Success for Level of for Required for Budget
Indicator Achievement Target Activities (ZMK)
5.2.6 Ensure that the Resident Registrar Report on working Report 100% 0 Staff time and work- 50,000
Engineer’s Department maintenance plan available shop requirements
has a comprehensive and
working maintenance plan.

5.2.7 Mobilise resources Vice- Amount of money to K350 million 100% 0 Management 200,000
internally and externally. Chancellor be sourced time/task force

5.2.8 Fund construction of Bursar Number of bed 10 000/500 100% 0 Architectural 350,000,000
hostels and offices. space and office engineers, quantity
constructed surveyors, structural
engineers, civil
engineers and


Objective 5.3: By 5.3 Improve and expand the Vice- Report on demand Report 100% 0 Staff time,
31 December physical and technical Chancellor for library services available meetings
2017, the capacity of the libraries
University will and archives.
have improved
5.3.1 Determine the current Librarian Report on demand Report 100% 0 Staff time, 10,000
and expanded
demand for library for library services available meetings
the physical
services in terms of
and technical
reading space, ICTs and
capacity of the
Libraries and
Archives. 5.3.2 Evaluate the option of Librarian, Evaluation report Libraries 100% 0 Staff time, 15,000
establishing a library in Deans on provision of ad- Development meetings
each school/institute ditional plan avail-
in addition to the main libraries able
5.3.3 Develop a phased Librarian, Develop a Library Report 100% 0 Staff time 15,000
University library Deans development plan available
development plan.

88 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

Baseline Resources Estimated
No. Objectives Activities Responsible Indicator Target Percentage for Required for Budget
Officer of Success for Level of Target Activities (ZMK)
Indicator Achievement Indicator

Objective 5.4: By 31 5.4 Improve, expand and Vice- Report on demand for Report 100% 0 Staff time,
December 2017, equipp lecture theatres and Chancellor library services available meetings
the University will laboratories with state of
have fully improved, the art equipment.
expanded and
equipped lecture 5.4.1 Conduct an audit to Registrar Report of state of Report 100% 0 Staff time, 500,000
theatres and establish the current lecture theatres and available technical
laboratories with state of the lecture laboratories assistance
state of the theatres and laboratories.
art equipment.
5.4.2 Draw a phased plan for Dean, Lecture theatres, Development 100% 0 Staff time, 50,000
improving, expanding and Directors, laboratories plan available stationery
equipping lecture theatres Heads of development plan
and laboratories. Unit
5.4.3 Determine the cost of Bursar Report on improvement Report 100% 0 Staff time, 2,000,000
improving the facilities. of facilities available technical
5.4.4 Mobilise resources Vice- Amount of funds K250 million 100% 0 Management 200,000
internally and externally. Chancellor sourced time, task force

5.4.5 Apply funds to the Bursar Report on Report 100% 0 Staff time 250,000,000
improvement and improvement of available
expansion of lecture facilities
theatres and laboratories.


VI Strategic Direction 6: Institutionalise Quality Assurance Systems

Framework 100% 0 Management
Objective 6.1: By 6.1 Develop a university- Registrar Approved Quality document time, meetings
31 December 2013, wide Quality Assurance Assurance Framework availabale
the University will Framework
have developed a
university-wide 6.1.1 Draw up the Terms Registrar Terms of Reference for Terms of 100% 0 Management 0
quality assurance of Reference for the the Quality Assurance reference time, meetings
framework establishment of a Quality Framework available
Assurance Framework

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 89

Baseline Resources Estimated
No. Objectives Activities Responsible Indicator Target Percentage for Required for Budget
Officer of Success for Level of Target Activities (ZMK)
Indicator Achievement Indicator
6.1.2 Appoint a task team Vice- Approved Quality Quality Assurance 100% Management 10,000
to develop the Quality Chancellor Assurance Framework Framework time,
Assurance Framework document document meetings
document. available
Objective 6.2: By 6.2 Establish a Quality Vice- Report on demand for Report 100% 0 Staff time,
31 December 2014, Assurance Unit. Chancellor library services available meetings
the University will
6.2.1 Create office space for the Registrar Identify office space Office Space 100% 0 Management 50,000
have established a
Quality Assurance Unit. for the Unit available time, space
Quality Assurance
6.2.2 Recruit staff for the Registrar Number of staff 12 100% 0 Staff time, 90,000
Quality Assurance Unit. recruited meetings

6.2.3 Operationalise the unit. Registrar Provide requisites Quality Assurance 100% 0 Furniture, 1,500,000
for the unit Unit functional equipment
and in-house

6.2.4 Monitor and evaluate Head of the Quality Report 100% 0 Report 0
quality in all functions of Quality Assurance available available
the University. Assurance monitorinbg reports


VII Strategic Direction 7: Expand and Promote Use of Information and Communication Technologies across Campuses and
the Wider Community
Objective 7.1: By 7.1 Implemented a fast internet Vice- Availability of internet Privide high quality 100% 0 Staff time,
December 31, 2013 system, e-learning and ICT Chancellor system, e-learning ICT services for in-house
the University will learning tools. systems, and ICT internet, e-learning, workshops,
have implemented Learning tools at learning tools in use internet
a fast internet all campuses and at all campuses and and ICT
system, centres centres accessories
e-learning and ICT
learning tools 7.1.1 Engage Computer Studies Director, Numbers of 160 100% 20 Staff time, 20,000
students in practical ICT CICT students engaged in in-house
works at CICT. practical ICT works seminars

90 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

Activities Responsible Indicator Target Percentage Baseline Resources Estimated
No. Objectives Officer of Success for Level of for Required for Budget
Indicator Achievement Target Activities (ZMK)

7.1.2 Conduct Certification Director, Numbers of 800 100% 0 Staff time, 150,000
Courses for students and CICT certificates training
University staff. awarded workshops,
ICT accessories

7.1.3 Promote the use of digital Director, Number of 40 100% 2 Staff Time, XVD 100,000
XVD technology in the CICT working XVD accessories
University. systems

7.1.4 Promote access to locally Director, Number of users 10,000 100% 0 Staff time, 100,000
available online digital CICT/ visiting the In-house
resources and libraries. Librarian UNZA library training
e-resources workshop

7.1.5 Promote video and audio Director, Number of video 16,000 100% 0 ICT accessories, 400,000
recording of lessons. CICT audio lessons staff time,
recorded in-house

7.1.6 Promote use of ICT Director, Number of 80 100% 0 ICT accessories, 800,000
simulation tools for CICT science-based staff time
science-based programs. programme simu-
lations provided

7.1.7 Promote mobile systems Director, Number of 14,000 100% 0 Training work- 300,000
and e-mails for teaching CICT students on shop, staff time
and learning. mobile email
learning systems

7.1.8 Facilitate collaborations Director, Number of MoUs 3 100% Staff time 0

with television stations for IDE with TV stations
Distance Education.


The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 91

Activities Responsible Indicator Target Percentage Baseline Resources Estimated
No. Objectives Officer of Success for Level of for Required for Budget
Indicator Achievement Target Activities (ZMK)

Objective 7.2: By 31 7.2 Train lecturers and Vice- Number of lecturers 300 100% 0 Staff time,
December 2013, the resaerchers in the use of Chancellor and researchers internet, ICT
University will have ICTs. trained equipment
trained 300 lecturers
7.2.1 Train Heads of Director, Number of HoDs 100 100% 0 In-house 250,000
and researchers in the
Department in Web 2.0 CICT trained workshops, ICT
use of ICTs
and social media. accessories,
staff time

7.2.2 Train all lecturers in Director, Number of lecturers 621 100% 0 Statistical 800,000
statistical packages. CICT trained packages, staff
time, workshops

7.2.3 Train lecturers in the use Director, Number of lecturers 621 100% 0 In-house 250,000
of module and D-space CICT trained in module training work-
e-learning system. writing shops, staff time


Objective 7.3 By De- 7.3 Provide ICT tools for Vice- ICT Tools for ICT 100% Staff time,
cember 31 2014 The differently abled students Chancellor disabled students Tools equipment,
University will have put and staff as well as installed ICT Tools in- workshops,
in place ICT tools for plagiarism control. installed stalled transport
differently abled stu-
dents and staff as well 7.3.1 Implement an anti- Deans Number of PCs 621 100% 0 Anti-plagiarism 200,000
as plagiarism control plagiarism system. installed with software, in-
anti-plagiarism house work-
system shops, staff time

7.3.2 Develop software for Director, Number of softwares 120 100% 0 Staff time, 350,000
differently-abled students CICT developed technical
and staff. assistance

Objective 7.4: By 31 7.4 Facilitate student access Vice- Number of students 14 000 100% 0 Staff time,
December 2013, the to social media tools and Chancellor accessing social workshops,
University of Zambia various ICT accessories for media transport
will have facilitated education.
student access to
social media tools and 7.4.1 Train students in Web 2.0 Director, Number of students 14 000 100% 0 ICT accessories, 800,000
various ICT accessories and Social media. CICT trained workshops, staff
for education time

92 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

Activities Responsible Indicator Target Percentage Baseline Resources Estimated
No. Objectives Officer of Success for Level of for Required for Budget
Indicator Achievement Target Activities (ZMK)
7.4.2 Facilitate acquisition of laptops by Director, Number of 12 000 100% 0 Staff time 0
students. CICT laptops sourced

7.4.3 Train students in the use of Director, Number of 12 000 100% 0 Workshops, 400,000
various ICT accessories for CICT students trained staff time
academic purposes.


VIII Strategic Direction 8: Provide Open Distance Learning as a preferred Option for Mass Teaching, Learning and Research
Objective 8.1: By 31 8.1 Provide higher level courses to Vice- Number of Third 160 100% 0 Staff time,
December 2017, the Distance learners and develop Chancellor and Fourth Year workshops,
university will have de- relevant instruction materials. DE courses transport,
veloped third and fourth developed meetings
year Distance Educa-
tion courses in existing 8.1.1 Conduct training workshops for Director, Number of 160 100% 0 Workshops, 800,000
programmes lecturers in instructional material IDE lecturers staff time
designing. trained

8.1.2 Develop third and fourth year Director, Number of 240 100% 0 Staff time 1,500,000
instructional materials in all IDE instructional
courses on offer. materials

8.1.3 Conduct summative Director, Number od 240 100% 0 Workshop 100,000

assessments in courses on offer. IDE courses assessed and staff
Objective 8.2: By 31 De- 8.2 Facilitate construction of two storey Vice- Multi-purpose Multi- Works 0 Staff time,
cember 2017, the univer- building at two IDE centres. Chancellor hall constructed purpose hall completed meetings,
sity will have completed multi-purpose completed consultants
building a two storey hall completed and in use and
infrastructure in Lusaka and in use works works contractors
and multi-purpose/ex- completed completed
amination halls in the
other provincial centres 8.2.1 Construct a two storey building in Director, Multi-purpose Multi- Works 0 Consul- 7,000,000
for distance education Lusaka and multipurpose halls IDE hall constructed purpose hall completed tants, Con-
at provincial centres for distance completed at 2 centres tractors,
education which are responsive and in use Advertise-
to gender and differently abled ment

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 93

Activities Responsible Indicator Target Percentage Baseline Resources Estimated
No. Objectives Officer of Success for Level of for Required for Budget
Indicator Achievement Target Activities (ZMK)
Objective 8.3: By 31 Decem- 8.3 Offer postgraduate programmes Vice- Number of pro- 40 100% 0 Staff time,
ber 2017, the university will to distance learners. Chancellor grammes to be workshops,
have started offering post offered transport,
graduate programmes technical
8.3.1 Advertise programmes Director, Number of 40 100% 0 Advertise- 500,000
annually. IDE programmes to ment, staff
advertised time

8.3.2 Implement the programmes. Director, IDE 40 100% 0 Staff time


Objective 8.4: By December 8.4 Train all distance educators Vice- Number of 80 100% 0 Staff time,
31, 2017 the university will in presentation of TV lecture Chancellor distance transport,
have trained all distance broadcasts. educators trained meetings
educators in conducting TV
lecture broadcasts 8.4.1 Train lecturers in teaching Director, Number of 80 100% 0 Workshops, 350,000
via TV. IDE lecturers trained staff time,

Objective 8.5: By 31 De- 8.5 Develop programmes for distance Vice- Number of 300/9 100% 4 Staff time,
cember 2017 the University learners, sensitise lecturers on Chancellor lecturers trained workshops,
will have developed new the importance of Open and and programmes transport,
programmes for Distance Distance Learning, in writing developed technical
Education in schools. modules, and recruit staff. assistance
8.5.1 Sensitize lecturers on Director, Number of lectur- 300 100% 0 In house 150,000
importance of Open and IDE ers sensitised workshops
Distance Learning.

8.5.2 Conduct workshops for Director, Number of 300 100% 0 Staff time, 1,500,000
lecturers in module writing. IDE Lecturers workshops,
trained in transport
8.5.3 Develop new programmes. Director, IDE Number of pro- 9 100% 0 Staff time, 2,000,000
grammes to be in-house
offered workshops

94 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

Activities Responsible Indicator Target Percentage Baseline Resources Estimated
No. Objectives Officer of Success for Level of for Required for Budget
Indicator Achievement Target Activities (ZMK)

Objective 8.6: By 31 De- 8.6 Recruit staff for the Institute Vice-Chan- Number of staff 46 100% 0 Advertisements,
cember 2017, the Univer- of Distance Education. cellor recruited meetings
sity will have recruited
7 academic staff and 39 8.6.1 Recruit academic and Director IDE Number of staff 46 100% 3 Advertisement, 90,000
support staff support staff. Registrar recruited meetings
8.6.2 Induct new staff. Director, IDE Number of staff 150 100% 4 Staff time, 40,000
inducted in-house

Objective 8.7: By 31 De- 8.7 Establish e-learning centres Vice- Number of staff 46 100% 0 Advertisements,
cember 2017, the Univer- in all provinces and provide Chancellor recruited meetings
sity will have established ICT equipment and facilities.
e-learning centres in all
Provincial Centres 8.7.1 Procure and install Director, IDE Number of staff 46 100% 3 Advertisement, 90,000
ICT accessories at all recruited meetings
provincial centres.
8.7.2 Conduct training for Director, IDE Number of 240 100% 0 In-house training 200,000
lecturers in the use of lectuers trained workshop,
electronic platform. transport

8.7.3 Carry out ‘last mile’ on Director, IDE Optic fibre con- 2 100% 0 Equipment 1,000,000
fibre connection to UNZA nection installed Installation,
campuses in Kitwe and at 2 centres Transport, per
Chipata. diems, ICT

8.7.4 Procure office equipments Director, IDE Number of 40 100 0 Staff time, 50,000
for UNZA offices in the offices furnished workshop,
provinces. transport
Objective 8.8: By 31 8.8 Decentralise Distance Director, IDE Number of induc- 12 100% 3 Staff time,
December 2017, the Educations, induction tion sessions to workshops,
University will have lecturers through be conducted in transport
decentralised Distance workshops. provinces
Education residential
sessions in all provinces 8.8.1 Induct lecturers in Director, IDE Number of lec- 150 100% 0 In-house
ways of conducting turers inducted workshops, 500,000
decentralised, residential transport

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 95

Activities Responsible Indicator Target Percentage Baseline Resources Estimated
No. Objectives Officer of Success for Level of for Required for Budget
Indicator Achievement Target Activities (ZMK)
8.8.2 Conduct residential sessions in Director, Number of induc- 12 100% 3 Staff time, 2,000,000
provincial centres. IDE tion transport,
sessions conducted workshops
in provinces


IX Strategic Direction 9: Harness Workers’ and Allies’ Energies for University’s Freedom from Financial Liability
Staff time,
9.1 Compile and quantify UNZA’s Vice- Amount of debt 20% 100% 0 assests,
Objective 9.1: By 31 debt, mobilise funds and pay off Chancellor liquidated annually investments,
December 2017, the debtors at 20% of annual debt. meetings
University will have
liquidated its debt 9.1.1 Identify and list the debt Registrar Amount of debt 20% 100% 0 Staff time
centres in the University. liquidated annually 0

9.1.2 Quantify the total debt portfolio Bursar Report on total debt 100% 0 0 Staff time
per centre. Report available 0
9.1.3 Mobilise 20% proportion of the Bursar Amount of money K320 100% 0 UNZA 500,000
debt of the year. raised million assets, fees,
9.1.4 Apply annually 20% of Bursar Amount of K320 100% 0 Staff time,
mobilised funds to liquidated money isbursed million transport 1,600,000,000
debt for five ears. per year

Objective 9.2: By 9.2: Conduct a risk analysis of Vice- Financial risk Report 100% 0 Staff time,
June 2013, the Uni- financial houses that would Chancellor analysis report available meetings,
versity of Zambia provide facilities to liquidate the technicians
will have conducted debt. assistance
a risk analysis of
financial houses 9.2.1 Engage potential financial Bursar Debt liquidation Report 100% 0 Transport, 250,000
that would provide institutions to partner with the plan report available per diems,
facilities to liqui- University on liquidation of the workshops,
date the debt debt. meetings,
9.2.2 Determine risks specific to each Bursar Financial risk as- Report 100% 0 Staff time, 50,000
preferred partner contribution. sessed available consultants

96 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

Activities Responsible Indicator Target Percentage Baseline Resources Estimated
No. Objectives Officer of Success for Level of for Required for Budget
Indicator Achievement Target Activities (ZMK)

9.2.3 Prepare a mitigation plan Bursar Mitigation Report 100% 0 Staff time 0
specific to each preferred measures available
partner in debt liquidation. understood
9.2.4 Implement the mitigation Bursar Mitigation plan Mitigation report 100% 0 Staff time 0
plan. implemented available


Objective 9.3: By 31 9.3 Develop a plan that would Vice- Plan for Trading off assests 20% 0 Staff time,
December 2014, the trade off its assets with Chancellor trading off assets with liabilties report meetings,
University will have liabilities. with available
developed a plan liabilities done
that would trade
off its assets and 9.3.1 Identify and determine the Bursar Report of tradable Report available 100% 0 Consultants 250,000
liabilities tradable assets. assets to be

9.3.2 Match the liabilities with Bursar Value of Report available 100% 0 Staff time, 10,000
assets and liquidate each assests to be meetings
year’s 20% proportion of traded known
Objective 9.4: By 9.4 Institute cost saving measures Vice- Cost saving mea- Wasteful 100% Staff time,
31 December 2014 to mitigate debt increase. Chancellor sures instituted spending of meetings
the University will resources reduced
have instituted cost
saving measures 9.4.1 Audit budget cost centres Bursar Number of cost 16 100% 0 Staff time, 10,000
to mitigate debt (Human Resources, centres audited Meetings
increase operations, capital).

9.4.2 Profile debt within the cost Bursar Report on debt Report 100% 0 Staff time, 10,000
centres. profile of cost available Meetings
9.4.3 Match the debt within Bursar Report on waste Report 100% 0 Staff time 0
the broad centres and use of resources available
determine cost saving to be produced
measures that mitigate the
debt increase.

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 97

Activities Responsible Indicator Target Percentage Baseline Resources Estimated
No. Objectives Officer of Success for Level of for Required Budget
Indicator Achievement Target for (ZMK)
Indicator Activities

X Strategic Direction 10: Promote Beneficial Partnerships in the Knowledge Economy

10.1 Establish partnerships for Deputy Vice- Number of 60 100% 0 Staff time,
Objective 10.1: By teaching, research and Chancellor partnerships meetings,
31 December 2013, consultancy and public established transport,
the University will service and sign and technical
have established implement 60 MoUs. assistance
partnerships for the
University functions 10.1.1 Identify potential Deans, Number of 60 100% 0 Transport, 30,000
(teaching, research, institutions to partner Directors, partnerships meetings,
consultancy and with in teaching, Librarian to be identified staff time
public service) research, consultancy and
community service.
10.1.2 Determine comparative Deans, Report Report 100% 0 Staff time, 40,000
advantages of each Directors, on comparative available meetings
potential institution to Librarian advantages
partner with. with various
10.1.3 Engage the relevant Vice- Number of 60 100% 0 Staff time, 30,000
partners through MoUs. Chancellor MoUs to be Meetings
10.1.4 Develop and implement Registrar Number 60 60% 0 Staff time, 50,000
mechanisms for sustaining of MoUs Meetings
the partnerships. implemented


GRAND TOTAL COST K3,660,000,000

98 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017


Strategic Direction 1: Promote and Maintain Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Research

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q3 Q4

Objective 1.1: By 30 September 2013, the

University will have developed courses in line
with the Term System

Objective 1.2: By 30 June 2015, University

will have completed university – wide curricula
reform that will enable the institution to offer
relevant gender and HIV and AIDS responsive
academic programmes.

Objective 1.3: By 31 December 2014, the

University will have developed, disseminated
and implemented Human Resource
Development training plan in Finance and
Management functions

Objective 1.4: By 31 December 2013, the

University will have operationalised the

Objective 1.5: By 31 December 2013, the

University will have established a central
consultancy unit and improved the internal
and external coordination of consultancy

Objective 1.6: By 30 June 2015, the University

will have strengthened human and financial
capacity to undertake quality consultancy.

Objective 1.7: By 30 June 2017, the University

will have improved the research capacity in its
undergraduate and postgraduate programmes

Objective 1.10: By 31 December 2013, the

University will have established an International

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 99

Strategic Direction 2: Enhance Financial and Administrative Management Systems

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q3 Q4

Objective 2.1: By 31 December 2014, the

University will have ensured a sustainable
and improved Financial and Administrative
Management Systems

Objective 2.2: By 31 December 2013,

the University will have built capacity in
Schools and Units in development planning,
coordinating, decision-making and provide an
institutional framework

Objective 2.3: By 31 December 2013, the

University will have increased transparency
and accountability in resource allocation and
utilization at the centre, schools and units.

Objective 2.3: By 31 December 2013, the

University will have increased transparency
and accountability in resource allocation and
utilization at the centre, schools and units.
Objective 2.4: By 31 December 2013, the
University will have developed and implemented
the risk management policy.

100 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

Strategic Direction 3: Invest in New and Existing Business Ventures

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q3 Q4

Objective 3.1: By 31 December 2014, the

University will have developed capacity to
engage in entrepreneurship and business
for sustainability and competitiveness in the
knowledge economy.

Objective 3.2: By 31 December 2013, the

University will have operationalised the
business and investment policy.

Objective 3.3: By 31 December 2017, the

University will have increased self generated
income by at least 50 percent of total revenue
from self generated sustainable resources.

Objective 3.4: By 30 June 2017, the University

will have transformed UNZASEC into a
university teaching high school.

Objective 3.5: By 30 June 2015, the University

will have established a fully functioning
business school.
Objective 3.6: By 31 December 2015, the
University will have transformed TDAU into an
Innovation and Technology Centre responsive
to industrial and societal needs.
Objective 3.7: By 31 December 2014, the
University will have transformed the current
business undertakings into viable business

Objective 3.8: By 30 June 2015, the

University will have established a Leadership
and Knowledge Centre on issues of national
and global concern.

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 101

Strategic Direction 4: Enhance Human Resource Capacity and Management

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q3 Q4

Objective 4.1: By 31 December 2014, the

University will have a desired establishment of
academic and support staff.

Objective 4.2: By 31 December 2013, the

University will have Implemented the staff
Performance Management System.

Objective 4.3 By 31 December 2017, the

University will have reviewed and implemented
a human resource policy.

Strategic Direction 5: Expand, Improve and Maintain Infrastructure

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q3 Q4

Objective 5.1: By 31 December 2016, the

University will have increased student bed
space by at least 10,000 units and by at least
500 offices spaces.

Objective 5.2: By 31 December 2017, the

University will have increased its capacity
to rehabilitate and maintain the physical
Objective 5.3: By 31 December 2017, the
University will have improved and expanded the
physical and technical capacity of the Libraries
and Archives.

Objective 5.4: By 31 December 2017, the

University will have fully improved, expanded
and equipped lecture theatres and laboratories
with state of the art equipment.

102 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

Strategic Direction 6: Institutionalise Quality Assurance Systems

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q3 Q4

Objective 6.1: By 31 December 2013, the

University will have developed a university-
wide quality assurance framework.

Objective 6.2: By December 2014, the University

will have established a Quality Assurance

Strategic Direction 7: Popularise and Expand Use of Information and Communication Technologies across Campuses and
Wider Community

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q3 Q4

Objective 7.1: By 31 December 2013, The

University would have implemented fast
internet system, e-learning systems, and ICT
Learning Tools.
Objective 7.2: By 31 December 2014, the
University would have trained 300 lecturers
and researchers in the use of ICTs

Objective 7.3: By 31 December 2014, the

University would have put in place ICT tools for
differently abled students and staff as well as
plagiarism control.

Objective 7.4: By 31 December 2013, the

University will have facilitated student access to
social media tools and various ICT accessories
for education.

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 103

Strategic Direction 8: Provide Open Distance Learning as Preferred Option for Mass Teaching, Learning and Research

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q3 Q4

Objective 8.1: By 31 December 2017, the

university will have developed third and fourth
year Distance Education courses in existing.

Objective 8.2: By 31 December 2017, the

university will have completed building a two
storey infrastructure in Lusaka and multi-
purpose/examination halls in provincial
centres for distance education.

Objective 8.3: By 31 December 2017, the

university will have started offering post
graduate programmes.

Objective 8.4: By 31 December 2017, the

university will have trained all distance educators
in conducting TV lecture broadcasts.

Objective 8.5: By 31 December 31, 2017, the

university will have developed new programmes
for Distance Education in schools.

Objective 8.6: By 31 December 31, 2017,

the University will have established e-learning
centres in all Provincial Centres.

Objective 8.7: By 31 December 2017, the

university will have completed building a
two storey infrastructure at Jesmondine and
multi-purpose/examination halls in provincial
centres for distance education.

Objective 8.8: By 31 December 2017, the

University will have decentralized Distance
Education residential sessions in all provinces.

104 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

Strategic Direction 9: Harness Workers’ and Allies’ Energies for University’s Freedom from Financial Liability

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q3 Q4

Objective 9.1: By 31 December 31, 2017, the

University will have liquidated its debt.

Objective 9.2: By June 2013, the University of

Zambia will have conducted a risk analysis of
financial houses that would provide facilities to
liquidate the debt.

Objective 9.3: By 31 December 2014, the

University will have developed a plan that
would trade off its assets and liabilities.

Objective 9.4: By 31 December 2014, the

University will have instituted cost saving
measures to mitigate debt increase.

Strategic Direction 10: Promote Beneficial Partnerships in the Knowledge Economy

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q3 Q4

Objective 10.1: By December 31, 2013, the

University will have established partnerships
for the University functions (teaching, research,
consultancy and public service

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 105

The high level implementation plan presents the ten Strategic Directions
as ten Key Result Areas. These are presented with the planned outputs
from the objectives, activities, implementing unit and implementation
timeframe. This high level implementation plan will guide the preparation
of annual work plans for the schools/directorate/units. The Key Result
Areas are:
1. Academic Excellence.
2. Financial and Administrative Management.
3. Investment.
4. Human Resource Management.
5. Infrastructure Development.
6. Quality Management.
7. Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs).
8. Open Distance Education.
9. Debt Management.

Key Result Area 1: Academic Excellence

Planned Activities Implementing Implementation Time Frame Completion


Outputs Units (2013-2017) Date

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Courses Review and Schools/ 30 September

developed develop Directorate/ 2013
in line programmes Institute
with the and courses
Review Schools/
courses in Directorate/

line with Institutes

the Term
system in all
Develop new Schools/
programmes Directorate/
which are Institutes
relevant and
to corporate
world and

106 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

KRAS Planned Activities Implementing Implementation Time Frame Completion
Outputs Units (2013-2017) Date
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

University-wide Review and Registrar’s 29 June

curricula reform mainstream gender Office 2015
that will enable and HIV/AIDS,
the institution entrepreneurship
to offer relevant and environment in
gender and schools, directorates,
HIV and AIDS institutes, and units
responsive curricula
programmes Review and Registrar’s
completed mainstream gender, Office
HIV and AIDS and
environment in all
research activities
Human Develop, disseminate Registrar’s 30
Resource and implement the Office December
development Human Resource 2014
training plan Development training
in Finance and plan in Finance
Management and Management
functions functions
Develop Human Registrar’s
Resource Development Office
Disseminate the Registrar’s
Human Resource Office
Development plan

Undertake periodic Registrar’s

audit of staff retention Office

Implement new staff Registrar’s

appraisal system Office

Introduction of Registrar’s
induction training for Office
new employees of the
Research Operationalise Registrar’s 30
policy for research policy for Office December
strengthening strengthening the 2017
the capacity capacity to undertake
to undertake and coordinate quality
and coordinate research
research Disseminate the Registrar’s
operationalised research policy Office
electronically and
through workshops in
schools and units
Mobilise resources for Schools/
research by Schools, Directorate/
directorates, Institutes
Institutes, units
and the central

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 107

KRAS Planned Activities Implementing Implementation Time Frame Completion
Outputs Units (2013-2017) Date
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Provide and facilitate Deputy Vice-

adequate funding Chancellor’s
for academic staff Office
to present their
research findings at
institutional, national
and international
Disseminate Schools/
information about Directorate/
research opportunities Institutes
within and outside
the University by all
schools, directorate,
institutes, units
and the Central
Train staff in resource Schools/
mobilization, research Directorate/
methodologies, Institutes
analytical, report
writing and
presentation skills
Conduct trainer of Schools/
trainers’ workshops in Directorate/

research methodologies, Institutes

analytical report writing
and presentation skills

Develop system in Schools/

which senior academics Directorate/
and researchers Institutes
mentor junior
Establish research Deputy Vice-
audit and monitoring Chancellor’s
committee in line with Office
research policy
Facilitate publication Schools/
of research findings in Directorate/
local and international Institutes
refereed journals

A central Establish a central Deputy Vice- 30 Decem-

consultancy consultancy unit for Chancellor’s ber 2013
unit and improved internal and Office
improved external coordination of
internal and consultancy activities
coordination Establish a fully- Deputy Vice-
of consultancy functional and Chancellor’s
established adequately resourced Office
consultancy unit
Train academic and Schools/
support staff in Directorate/
consultancy skills Institutes

108 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

KRAS Planned Activities Implementing Implementation Time Frame Completion
Outputs Units (2013-2017) Date
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Develop a system in Schools/

which senior staff Directorates/
mentor junior staff in Institutes
consultancy Deputy Vice-
Develop a system Chancellor’s
for recognizing and Office
rewarding merit
or excellence in
Human and Strengthen the human Registrar’s 29 June
financial and financial capacity Office 2015
capacity to to undertake quality
undertake consultancy
consultancy Develop inter- and Deputy Vice-
strengthened intra-institutional Chancellor’s
strengthened linkages for promoting Office
efficient utilization of
research facilities and
Mobilize financial Vice-
resources for Chancellor’s
consultancy activities Office

Recruit skilled and Registrar’s

experienced consultants Office

Improved Improve the Schools/ 29 June

research research capacity Directorate/ 2017
capacity in in undergraduate Institutes
undergradu- and postgraduate
ate and programmes
programmes Develop and deliver Schools/
courses in research Directorate/
methodologies and Institutes
skills in all the schools,
directorates, institutes
and units
Mobilize research funds Vice-
for under-graduates Chancellor’s
and postgraduates Offfice

Develop and Schools/

implement compulsory Directorate/
research seminars at Institutes
departmental level in all

Course credit Develop a course credit Registrar’s

system course system in all the Office
developed programmes
in all the
programmes Operationalise the Schools/ 30
credit system in all Directorate/ December
courses Institutes 2013

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 109

KRAS Planned Activities Implement- Implementation Time Frame Completion
Outputs ing Units (2013-2017) Date
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Establish an

International Office
established Develop an
framework for the
international office
of the
International Office

Key Result Area 2: Financial and Administrative Management


Planned Activities Implementing Implementation Time Frame Completion

Outputs Units (2013-2017) Date
Sustainable Revise and Registrar’s 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 30 September
and improved enhance Office 2013
Financial and budgetary
Administrative system to
Management monitor the
Systems performance

established and use of

and university
operational financial

Train key staff Registrar’s

in management, Office
planning and
allocation and
in schools,
institutes and

Develop and Registrar’s

strengthen the Office
system on the
use of resources
in schools,
institutes and

110 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

KRAS Planned Activities Implementing Implementation Time Frame Completion
Outputs Units (2013-2017) Date
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Capacity built Build capacity 30

in Schools in Schools September
and Units in and Units in 2013
development development
planning, planning,
coordinating, coordinating and
decision-making decision-making
and provision of
Develop short
an institutional
term training
to support
for various
categories of staff
at School and
on planning,
Unit level
coordinating and
management staff
to team building
Develop a
strong and clear

and reporting
system in the
university from
down to units
and vice versa
Increased Increase Schools/ 30
transparency transparency and Directorates/ December
and accountability Institutes 2013
accountability in resource
in resource allocation and
allocation and utilization at the
utilization at the centre, schools
centre, schools and units
and units
Implement a Registrar’s
transparent and Office
system in the
allocation and
of resources
through quarterly
Enhance the
for clear
of roles and
responsibilities at
Deputy Vice-
Registrar and
Bursar levels

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 111

KRAS Planned Activities Implementing Implementation Time Frame Completion
Outputs Units (2013-2017) Date
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

controls and
supervision so
that staff do
their duties
within the

specified time to
avoid excessive

Risk Develop and

management implement the Registrar’s
policy risk management Office
developed and policy
Identify various
areas of risk Registrar’s
that affect the Office
Develop Bursar’s
counteractive Office
activities to
alleviate and
manage the
Develop and Registrar’s
disseminate a Office
manual on risk

Key Result Area 3: Investment


Planned Activities Implementing Implementation Time Frame Completion

Outputs Units (2013-2017) Date
Capacity to Develop capacity Business 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 30
engage in to engage in Development December
entrepreneurship entrepreneurship 2014
and business and business for
for sustainability sustainability

and and
competitiveness competitiveness
in the in the knowledge
knowledge economy
Identify business Business
investment Development

112 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

KRAS Planned Activities Implementing Implementation Time Frame Completion
Outputs Units (2013-2017) Date
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Conduct Business
feasibility studies Development
and preparation
of business
Mobilize funds
for establishing Business
businesses and Development

income on Business
investment Development
from business
Business and Operationalise 30
Investment Policy Business and December
operationalised Investment Policy 2013
Approve the
Business and
Investment Policy
the Business

Investment Policy
Identify and
develop business
plans with local
industry and
other investors

Sign 15 MoUs Deputy Vice-

on business Chancellor’s
development and Office
Implement at Business
least 5 business Development
Increased self Increase self Deputy Vice- 30
generated income generated income Chancellor December
by at least 50 by at least 50 2017
percent of total percent of total
revenue from revenue from
self-generated self-generated
sustainable sustainable
sources sources
Generate Vice-
income from Chancellor’s
tuition fees by Office
introducing more
parallel degree
programmes and
short courses/
trainings in

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 113

KRAS Planned Activities Implementing Implementation Time Frame Completion
Outputs Units (2013-2017) Date
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Raise income Deputy Vice-

from affiliation Chancellor’s
and underwriting Office
fees by
programmes in

Raise income Deputy Vice-

from funded Chancellor’s
research Office
and projects
by targeting
industry and
with universities
and other

UNZASEC Transform Dean’s Office, 29 June 2017

transformed UNZASEC into School of
into a university a University Education
teaching Teaching

academy Academy

Prepare a Business
business plan for Development

Identify and Deputy Vice-

engage business Chancellor’s
partners on Office
provision of
education at all

Mobilize funds Vice-

for construction Chancellor’s
of class rooms Office
and offices
for relocating

Market the Business

University Development

A fully Establish a fully

functioning functioning
business school business school
Develop a
business plan
for establishing a
business school

114 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

KRAS Planned Activities Implementing Implementation Time Frame Completion
Outputs Units (2013-2017) Date
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

funds for the
construction of
business school
Recruit staff
for the business
Develop a
marketing plan
for the business
Establish a
Green Campus
Initiative by staff
and students
TDAU Transform Vice- 30
Transformed into TDAU into an Chancellor’s December
an Innovation Innovation and Office 2015
and Technology Technology
Centre Centre
responsive to responsive to
industrial and industrial and
societal needs societal needs

mechanisms for
transforming Dean’s Office,
TDAU into School of
Innovation and Engineering
Mobilize funds Vice-
for transforming Chancellor’s
TDAU into Office
Innovation and
Recruit staff for Registrar’s
the Innovation Office
and Technology
Centre (ITC)
depending on
Establish Deputy Vice-
partnerships with Chancellor’s
industry and Office
other innovation
and technology
Current business Transform the Business 30
undertakings current business Development December
transformed into undertakings 2014
viable business into viable
centres business centres

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 115

KRAS Planned Activities Implementing Implementation Time Frame Completion
Outputs Units (2013-2017) Date
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Review the Business

status of all Development
existing business

Identify and Business

develop business Development
plans for joint
ventures and

Commence Business
at least 5 Development
new business
ventures and

A Leadership Establish a Deputy Vice- 29 June

and Knowledge Leadership Chancellor’s 2015
Centre on issues and Knowledge Office
of national and Centre on issues
global concern of national and
established global concern

Develop a Deputy Vice-

plan for the Chancellor’s
establishment Office
of Leadership
and Knowledge

Establish five Deputy Vice-

Think Tanks Chancellor’s

Mobilize Vice-
funds for the Chancellor’s
construction Office
of Leadership

Undertake staff Registrar’s

recruitment Office

116 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

Key Result Area 4: Human Resource Management

Implementation Time Frame


Planned Activities Implementing (2013-2017) Completion

Outputs Units 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Date

Desired Determine Registrar’s 30

establishment the desired Office December
of academic establishment 2014
and support of academic and
staff support staff
Determine the Registrar’s
desired number of Office
academic staff

Determine the Registrar’s

desired number Office
of part-time
academic staff
including adjunct
Design and Registrar’s
implement an Office
effective staff
succession plan

Staff Implement the Registrar’s 30

Performance staff Performance Office December
Management Management 2017
System System
Implement the Registrar’s
staff Performance Office
Budget Registrar’s
adequately for Office
related rewards

Develop a staff Registrar’s

recruitment and Office
retention plan

Human Review and Registrar’s 30

Resource develop a Human Office December
Policy Resource Policy 2014
developed and
implemented Identify priority Staff
areas for staff Development
development Office

Mobilize Registrar’s
resources to Office
support the
of the staff
development plan

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 117

KRAS Planned Activities Implementing Implementation Time Frame Completion
Outputs Units (2013-2017) Date
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Develop mechanisms Registrar’s Office


for harmonizing staff

development and
Human Resource

Disseminate the Staff Staff Development

Development Policy to Office
all key stakeholders

Implement the Staff Staff Development

Development policy Office

Key Result Area 5: Infrastructure Development

Planned Activities Implementing Implementation Time Frame Completion


Outputs Units (2013-2017) Date

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Increased Increase the student Vice- 30

student bed bed space by at least Chancellor’s December
space by at 50% and office space Office 2017
least 50% and by at least 30%
office space
by at least Survey sites for Resident
30% construction of Engineer’s
student bed space Office

Determine the total Resident


cost for constructing Engineer’s

10,000 student bed Office
space in five years

Enter into new Public Registrar’s

Private Partnerships Office

Implement the Registrar’s

current Public Office
Private Partnership
Allocate 6% of Bursar’s
the University’s Office
internally generated
revenue per annum
towards new hostels
Survey the site for Resident
the construction of Engineer’s
new offices Office
Build 500 office

118 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

KRAS Planned Activities Implementing Implementation Time Frame Completion
Outputs Units (2013-2017) Date
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Build 500 office Vice-

space university- Chancellor’s
wide Office

Increased Increase the Resident 30 December

capacity to University capacity Engineer’s 2017
rehabilitate to rehabilitate Office
and maintain and maintain
physical the physical
infrastructure infrastructure

Conduct an Resident
infrastructure Engineer’s
inspection in order Office
to establish the
current state of
infrastructure in
the University

Increase the Bursar’s

annual budgetary Office
allocation to the
Resident Engineer’s
Department by 15%

Undertake Resident
maintenance and Engineer’s
rehabilitation works Office

Procure more Resident

and better Engineer’s
equipment for Office
Resident Engineer’s
Determine jobs to
be outsourced

Ensure that the Resident

Resident Engineer’s Engineer’s
Department has Office
a comprehensive
and working
maintenance plan

Mobilise resources Vice-

internally and Chancellor’s
externally Office

Fund construction Bursar’s

of hostels and Office

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 119

KRAS Implementation Time Frame
Planned Activities Implementing (2013-2017) Completion
Outputs Units 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Improvement Improve and University 30 December

and expansion expand the Librarian’s 2017
of physical physical and Office
and technical technical capacity
capacity of the of the libraries and
Libraries and archives
Determine the University
current demand Librarian’s
for library services Office
in terms of reading
space, ICTs and
Evaluate the option University
of establishing a Librarian’s
library in each Office
in addition to the
main library
Develop a phased University

University library Librarian’s

development plan Office
Having in Improve, expand Schools/ 30 December
place fully and equip lecture Institutes 2017
improved, theatres and
expanded laboratories with
and equipped state of the art
lecture facilities
theatres and
laboratories Conduct an audit Schools/
with state to establish the Institutes
of the art current state of
equipment the lecture theatres
and laboratories
Draw a phased
plan for improving, Schools/
expanding and Institutes
equipping lecture
theatres, and
Determine the cost
of improving the Bursar’s
facilities Office
Mobilize resources
internally and
Mobilize resources Vice-
internally and Chancellor’s
externally Office

Fund the Bursar’s

improvement Office
and expansion of
lecture theatre and

120 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

Key Result Area 6: Quality Management

Implementation Time Frame

Planned Activities Implementing (2013-2017) Completion
Outputs Units Date
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

A university- Draw up of Registrar’s 30

wide quality the Terms Office December
assurance of Reference 2013
framework for the
developed establishment
and of a Quality
Draw up of Registrar’s
the Terms Office
of Reference
for the
of a Quality

Assurance Task Team

Framework appointed by
Develop the Vice-

a Quality Chancellor’s
Assurance Office

A Quality Establish Vice- 30

Assurance Unit a Quality Chancellor’s December
established Assurance Unit Office 2014

Create an Resident
office space Engineer’s
for the Quality Office
Assurance Unit

Recruit staff Registrar’s

for the Quality Office
Assurance Unit

Operationalise Registrar’s
the Unit Office

Monitor and Quality

evaluate of Assurance
quality in all Unit
functions of the

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 121

Key Result Area 7: Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs)

Implementation Time Frame


Planned Activities Implementing (2013-2017) Completion

Outputs Units 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Date

A fast internet Implement a CICT 30 December

system, fast internet 2013
e-learning system,
and ICT e-learning and
learning tools ICT learning
implemented tools
Engage CICT
students in
practical ICT
works at CICT

Conduct CICT
Courses for
students and
University staff

Promote the use CICT

of digital XVD
technology in
the University

Promote access CICT

to locally
online digital
resources and
Promote use of CICT
video and audio
recording of

Promote the CICT

use of ICT
simulation tools
for science-
based programs

Promote mobile CICT

systems and
e-mails for
teaching and
Facilitate IDE
with television
stations for

122 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

KRAS Implementation Time Frame
Planned Activities Implementing (2013-2017) Completion
Outputs Units 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Three Train lecturers and CICT 30 December

hundred (300) researchers in the 2013
lecturers and use of ICTs
trained in the
Train Heads of CICT
use of ICTs
Department in
Web 2.0 and social

Train all lecturers CICT

in statistical


Train lecturers in CICT

the use of module
and D-space
e-learning system

ICT tools for Provide ICT tools CICT 30 December

differently for differently 2014
abled students able students and
and staff staff as well as
as well as plagiarism control
control put in Implement an anti- CICT
place plagiarism system

Develop a software CICT

for differently-able
students and staff

Students Facilitate student CICT 30 December

accessing access to social 2013
social media media tools and
tools and various ICT
various ICT accessories for
accessories for education
education Train students in
Web 2.0 and Social

Facilitate CICT
acquisition of
laptops by students

Train students in CICT

the use of various
ICT accessories

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 123

Key Result Area 8: Distance Education

Planned Activities Implementing Implementation Time Frame Completion


Outputs Units (2013-2017) Date

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Provide higher IDE 30 December

Third and level courses 2017
fourth year to Distance
Distance learners and
Education development
courses of relevant
developed instruction
in existing materials
Conduct IDE
workshops for
lecturers in

Develop third IDE

and fourth year
materials in all

courses on offer

Conduct IDE
assessments in
courses on offer

Completed Facilitate Vice- 30 December

building of construction Chancellor’s 2017
a two storey of two storey Office
infrastructure building at two
in Lusaka IDE centres
and multi-
halls in Construct a two IDE
the other storey building
provincial in Lusaka and
centres for multipurpose
distance halls at
education provincial
centres for
which are
responsive to
gender and
differently able

124 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

KRAS Planned Implementation Time Frame
Outputs Activities Implementing (2013-2017) Completion
Units Date
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Offering of Offer postgraduate IDE 30 December

postgraduate programmes to 2017
programmes distance learners
by distance
Advertise IDE

All distance Train all distance IDE 30 December

educators educators in 2017
trained in presentation of TV
conducting lecture broadcasts
TV lecture
broadcasts Train lecturers in IDE
teaching via TV

New Develop programmes IDE 30 December

programmes for distance learners, 2017
developed sensitize lecturers the
for Distance importance of ODL, in
Education in writing modules, and
schools recruit staff

Sensitize lecturers on IDE

importance of Open
and Distance Learning

Conduct workshops IDE

for lecturers in
module writing

Develop new IDE


Completed Recruit staff for the Registrar’s 30 December

recruitment of Institute of Distance Office 2017
7 academic Education
staff and 39
support staff Recruit academic and Registrar’s
support staff Office

Induct new staff IDE

E-learning Establish e-learning IDE 30 December

centres centres in all 2017
established in provinces and provide
all Provincial ICT equipment and
Centers facilities

Procure and install IDE

ICT accessories for all
provincial centres

Conduct training for IDE

lecturers in the use of
electronic platform

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 125

KRAS Implementation Time Frame
Planned Activities (2013-2017) Completion
Outputs 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Conduct ‘last mile’ on IDE 30 December

fibre connection to UNZA 2017
campuses in Kitwe and

Procure office IDE

equipments for UNZA

offices in the provinces

Distance Decentralize Distance IDE 30 December
Education Education 2017
sessions Induct lecturers in IDE
decentralised ways of conducting
to provinces decentralised, residential
sessions through
Conduct residential IDE
sessions in provincial

Key Result Area 9: Debt Management

Planned Activities Implementing Implementation Time Frame Completion


Outputs Units (2013-2017) Date

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Compile and Vice- 30 December

Debt quantify Chancellor’s 2017
Liquidation UNZA’s debt Office

Mobilize funds Vice-

for paying off Chancellor’s
debtors at 20% Office
of annual debt

Identify and Bursar’s


list the debt Office

centres at

Quantify the Bursar’s

total debt Office
portfolio per

Mobilise 20% Bursar’s

proportion of Office
the debt of the

Pay off 20% of Bursar’s

debt annually Office
for five years

126 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

KRAS Implementation Time Frame Completion
Planned Activities Implementing (2013-2017) Date
Outputs Units 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Plan to trade Develop a plan for Vice- 30

off assets trading off of assets Chancellor’s December
and liabilities with liabilities Office 2017
developed and
Identify and Bursar’s
determine the Office
tradable assets

Match liabilities Bursar’s

with assets and Office
liquidate each year’s
20% proportion of
Plan to trade Develop a plan for Vice- 30
off assets trading off of assets Chancellor’s December
and liabilities with liabilities Office 2014

developed and
Identify and Bursar’s
determine the Office
tradable assets

Match liabilities Bursar’s

with assets and Office
liquidate each year’s
20% proportion of

Institution of Institutionalise cost Bursar’s 30

cost saving saving measures Office December
measures to to mitigate debt 2014
mitigate debt increase

Audit budget Bursar’s

cost centres Office
(Human resources,
Operations, Capital)
Profile debt within
the cost centres

Match the debt Bursar’s

within the broad Office
centres and
determination of
cost saving measures
to mitigate debt

The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017 127

Key Result Area 10: Partnerships

Implementation Time Frame


Planned Activities Implementing (2013-2017) Completion

Outputs Units 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Establish Deputy Vice- 30

Partnerships partnerships Chancellor’s December
established for for teaching, Offfice 2013
the University research and
functions consultancy
(teaching, and public
research, service and sign
consultancy and implement
and public 60 MoUs
Identify Schools/
potential Directorate/

institutions to Institutes
partner with
in teaching,
and community

Determine Schools/
comparative Directorate/
advantages of Institutes
each potential

Engage the Vice-

relevant Chancellor’s
partners Office
through MoUs

Develop and Registrar’s

implement Office
mechanisms for
sustaining the

128 The University of Zambia - Strategic Plan, 2013 - 2017

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