Smart Parking System - Final Report 11111

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The deployment of smart parking systems is becoming the need of time. Smart parking system
constitutes of a mechanical model along with high power actuator to lift and lift down vehicles
when parked at specified slots. Cities are expanding day by day and having to park your vehicle
at safe slot is becoming an issue. Many people, in the rush, park their vehicles at wrong slots
and either end up causing traffic congestion or getting ticket. Government in major cities
has acted and have built parking plazas but parking is still an issue that needs to be addressed
because parking plazas are unable to accommodate great number of vehicles in limited space.
Solution to that problem is a smart parking system. This report will explain the development of
such smart parking system at demonstration level.


Problem Statement:
At a global scale traffic congestion caused by vehicle is an alarming problem and it has been
growing exponentially. As a result of the rising number of vehicles geared by the fast population
growth in urban areas, the burden on the parking infrastructure for the common public has
significantly grown. Car parking problem is a major contributor and has been, still a major
problem with increasing vehicle size in the luxurious segment and confined parking spaces in
urban cities. So, finding an empty parking space has become a challenging task, especially at
peak hours. Drivers have to cycle back and forth a many number of times before to find a
parking space. This cause to increased fuel consumption, air pollution and increase the chances
of accidents. About one million barrels of the world’s oil burns every day. As the global
population continues to urbanize, without a well-planned, convenience-driven retreat from the
car these problems will worsen. Paying for the parking is also a difficult task, as the ticket
machines, on top of being located at a distance, in many times, they have several payment
methods drivers must prepare for.

Need For Selection:

A smart city is an urban development vision to manage a city's assets. Smart city consist of local
department information systems, schools, libraries, transportation, hospitals, power plants
water supply networks, hospitals, power plants, waste management system and smart parking
system. A smart city is promoted to improve the efficiency of services. The use of sensors
interfaced with real-time monitoring, data are collected from citizens and devices to be
processed and analyzed. To implement the smart city successful, the implementation of the
smart parking system is the one of the key areas of this project. Parking in the urban areas are
always been a difficult problem to solve, so the implementation of the smart parking system in
the urban smart city will be essential for its success.

A parking solution can greatly benefit both the user and the lot owner. It would provide
optimized parking, users, find the best spot available, saving time, resources and effort. Reduce
traffic as traffic flow increases as fewer cars are required to drive around in search of an open
parking space and it also reduces pollution as it is mentioned earlier that searching for parking
burns around one million barrels of oil a day. An optimal solution will greatly decrease driving
time, lower the amount of daily vehicle fuel emissions which reduce the global environmental
pollution. It also provide increased Safety, parking lot employees and security guards contain
real-time data that can help prevent parking violations and suspicious activity. Decreased spot
searching traffic on the streets can help reduce accidents caused by the distraction of searching
for parking. Reduction of Management Costs, more automation and less manual activity saves
cost of labor and resource exhaustion.

The main objective of this smart parking system
 Minimization of the irritation which is caused by gates and management of queues so
that traffic flows smoothly.
 Providing the ability to increase security during terrorism threats.
 Providing a system that not only works well for regular parkers which can be employees,
but also for the common populations who visit one time.
 While high income, credit card-toting technology workers may be relatively easy to
serve with advanced technology, cash-only contractors also have successful interactions.
 Minimization of the capital and operational costs.
 Reduce the human interaction with the customer.
 Operate most parking spaces without parking enforcement, make it impossible to
violate the parking rules.
 Allow the flexible sharing of parking lots between adjacent employers
 Follow an open frameworks approach with capacity to improve framework abilities.
Abstain from being bolted into restrictive innovation.
We are not alone in our quest to create a more interactive parking experience and there exist
systems already out there that attempt to tackle in many ways, each with pros and cons. One
such system would be the robotic garage. The concept of the robot garage is to fully automate
the placement of a car in an efficient manner without the aid of the driver. The driver only drive
up to the elevator or robotic stand at the entrance to the facility and then exit the vehicle.
Sensors are used to confirm that there are no passengers left in the vehicle and then machines
move the vehicle into a storage area.

Fig. 1. Computer generated model (left) parking system real world example (right).

According to a report, Smart Parking could result in 2, 20,000 gallons of fuels saving till 2030
and approx. 3, 00,000 gallons of fuels saved by 2050, if implemented successfully.
The quick development in the quantity of vehicles worldwide is escalating the issue of the
shortage of parking spot. Again as per industry information, 30% of movement blockage
happens because of vehicle drivers attempting to discover parking spot. These thusly are
amplifying the need of shrewd and productive stopping frameworks. The present astute
stopping administration frameworks are equipped for giving outrageous level of comfort to the
drivers, and also streamlining and computerizing the business operation and regulatory
elements of the stopping site proprietors.

Emerging Trends in Parking

Following are the trends having the greatest effect on Parking Industry

The parking administration advertise is assessed to be at $5,025.9 million in 2014. The market is
relied upon to develop pair with the development in vehicle possessions and stopping offices
advancement. Requirement for smooth movement stream, business advantages to the parking
site administrators, and diminishing equipment and availability costs are the key drivers for the
parking administration industry.
Traffic congestion and gasoline prices leads the list for the major societal changes having
significant influence on parking.
Marketing Requirement:

The market is essentially determined by variables, for example, rising worry over developing
movement clog in urban areas, restricted parking spot accessibility, and stringent outflow
directions. Positive government strategies are likewise promising the market development of
traveler autos furnished with smart parking system.

“Smart parking would be the fastest growing segment in the passenger cars park assist

So the smart parking requirement is that it would provide effective and efficient performance in
parking the vehicle and that solution should be feasible enough to be profitable in the market.
It should provide the ability to increase security during terrorism threats. Increasing the security
of the user can lead to the increase in the customer and can help to build a reputation the
market which would benefit the company in the long run both in terms of customers and
revenue. The solution of parking should facilitate both the regular user and the one time
customer. As the name implies the parking solution should be smart and should minimize the
human interaction and promote the use of automated machinery.

Project Objective:
The objective of this project is to develop a technological system which can prove to be
economical as compared to huge parking plazas and will be able to accommodate more
vehicles. The system will be automated and reduce operational cost by reducing the human
Literature Review:

1. Automatic Parking Management System and Parking Fee Collection Based on Number
Plate Recognition By M. M. Rashid, A. Musa, M. Ataur Rahman, and N. Farahana, A.
Farhana in International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, Vol. 2, No. 2,
April 2012 discuss the automatic parking system and electronic parking fee collection
based on vehicle number plate recognition. The point of this research is to create and
execute a programmed parking system that will build accommodation and security of
people in general parking part and gathering parking expense without bothers of
utilizing magnetic card. The auto parking system will ready to have less connection of
people and utilize no magnetic card and its gadgets. In increments to that, it has parking
direction system that can show and guide client towards a parking space. The system
utilized picture preparing of perceiving number plates for operation of parking and
charging system. Generally speaking, the systems keep running with pre-modified
controller to influence least human inclusion in parking system and guarantee to get to
control in limited spots. This paper presents calculation innovation based technique for
tag extraction from auto pictures took after by the division of characters and
rearrangement and furthermore create gadgets parking charge gathering system in view
of number plate data.

2. Intelligent Parking Management System Based on Image Processing by Hilal Al-

Kharusi, Ibrahim Al-Bahadly published in World Journal of Engineering and
Technology, 2014, 2, 55-67 aims to present an intelligent system for parking space
detection based on image processing technique. The proposed system catches and
forms the adjusted picture drawn at parking part and delivers the data of the unfilled
auto parking spaces. In this work, a camera is utilized as a sensor to take photographs to
demonstrate the inhabitance of auto parks. The motivation behind why a camera is
utilized is on the grounds that with a picture it can recognize the nearness of numerous
autos without a moment's delay. Likewise, the camera can be effortlessly moved to
identify diverse auto parking parts. By having this picture, the specific auto parks empty
can be known and afterward the prepared data was utilized to direct a driver to an
accessible auto stop as opposed to dawdling to discover one. The proposed system has
been created in both programming and equipment stage. A programmed parking
system is utilized to make the entire procedure of parking autos more proficient and
less intricate for the two drivers and administration.

3. Automatic Smart Parking System using Internet of Things (IOT) By Mr. Basavaraju S R
published in International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 5,
Issue 12, December 2015 portrays a plan of Smart Parking System (SPS) which
empowers the client to discover the closest parking territory and gives accessibility of
parking openings in that particular parking zone. Furthermore, it for the most part
concentrate on decreasing the time in finding the parking parcels and furthermore it
keeps away from the pointless going through filled parking parcels in a parking territory.
In this way it decreases the fuel utilization which thusly diminishes carbon impressions
in an air.
Anand, Vinay Kumar, and Ankit Sharma published in International Journal of
Engineering and Computer Science ISSN: 2319-7242 Volume 3 Issue 5, May 2014, Page
No. 5773-5775 aims for the possibility of building up a completely robotized parking
system for bikes and autos. This proposed system extemporizes upon the current
parking system by improving its security includes and robotizing the parking procedure
accordingly disposing of the requirement for manual mediation. For validation and
proprietor recognizable proof the parking system has an inbuilt Bluetooth. The client
needs to begin his/her mobile's Bluetooth for recognizable proof and enrollment. The
Bluetooth gets the client's Bluetooth number and exchanges it to database. The client
needs to re-begin his/her Bluetooth at the season of exit. This dispenses with the
utilization of tokens or paper bills. The space administration and mechanization is
performed with the assistance of an ARM microcontroller which controls the mechanical
engines to stop the vehicle at a suitable parking area.

5. Car parking Android app using Wireless Sensors Network by Tanvi Gaikwad, Shreya
Kadam, Sheetal Shinde published in International Journal of Research in Advent
Technology, Vol.4, No.4, April 2016 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 The objective of the car parking
system is to give flow parking accessibility of various parking lots, diminish the normal
time it takes drivers to achieve their goal ,gather parking data for future parking
enhancement and decline the utilization of the gas need to discover a parking space.
The proposed conspire comprises of remote sensor systems, focal web-server and cell
phone application. In the system, minimal effort remote sensors systems modules are
conveyed into each parking space furnished with one sensor hub. The condition of the
parking space is identified by sensor hub and is accounted for occasionally to focal web-
server through the sent remote sensor systems. This data is sent to the vehicle driver
that can discover empty parking spots utilizing standard cell phones.

6. “Smart Parking” System Based on Resource Allocation and Reservations by Yanfeng

Geng , Christos G. Cassandras published in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent
Transportation Systems Volume: 14 Issue: 3 propose a "smart parking" system for a
urban domain. The system relegates and saves an ideal parking space in light of the
driver's cost work that joins nearness to goal and parking cost. Our approach settles a
mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) issue at every choice point characterized in a
period driven grouping. The arrangement of each MILP is an ideal allotment in light of
flow state data and is refreshed at the following choice point with a certification that
there is no resource reservation conflict and that no driver is ever appointed an asset
with a cost work higher than this current driver's cost function and flow cost work value.
In light of recreation comes about, contrasted and uncontrolled parking procedures or
best in class direction based systems, our system diminishes the normal time to discover
a parking space and the parking cost, though the general parking limit is all the more
productively used. We additionally portray full execution in a carport to test this system,
where another light system plot is proposed to ensure client reservations.
Project Management
Project Schedule

Gantt chart

Chart Title
2/Oct/17 12/Oct/17 22/Oct/17 1/Nov/17 11/Nov/17 21/Nov/17 1/Dec/17 11/Dec/17 21/Dec/17

Buying Components

Testing the components Individually

Writing Code for each component Separately

Assembling all the parts


Bug fixing

Feedback And Improvement

Team Members:
1. Shaihan Aldosari
2. Maher Muawwadh
3. Abdullah Almisfer
4. Sultan Bahlol

Roles and Functions:

* Shaihan, Abdullah Almisfer, and Sultan Bahlol
Will be in charged to build and test the mechanical assembly. Mechanical
assembly needs to be rigid and able to support the automobile on itself. Its dimensions
needs to exact to hold the automobile. It should not be congested as the vehicle can
collide with it and damage itself and the structure. As space is a constraint in the parking
system so there should not be any useless extra space.

* Maher
Will interface the Arduino with 3x4 keypad. He will also write, test and debug
the Arduino code for the keypad interfacing. Keyboard will be used to take input from
the user. User enters the block number in which he wants to park its vehicle through
this keyboard.

Will interface the Arduino with 16x2 LCD. He will also Write, test and debug the
Arduino code for the LCD interfacing. LCD will be controlled by the Arduino. It will
display the user input and will display the massage after the vehicle is parked or

Will interface the Arduino with servo motor. He will also Write, test and debug
the Arduino code for the servo motor interfacing. Arduino will run the servo motor
according to the input from the keyboard. It will be used to lift the automobile to the
user desired spot.
Equipment and Facilities:
1. Computer:
To write code to program the Arduino.
2. Arduino IDE:
IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment. Arduino IDE is used to
write and compile the program and to fix errors. It will also be used to burn the code in
Arduino. Arduino will be connected to the computer using usb port. After the IDE
recognize the Arduino, code can burned in the Arduino.
3. Proteus:
It is a simulation software and can be used to fix programming errors prior to
testing code on hardware. It is very useful to test the code on simulation before
implementing it on hardware.

1. Arduino UNO:
It is a microcontroller and it is used to control the multiple components by
programming. It is basic building block of the project as keypad will send data to
Arduino and Arduino will process it and give appropriate commands to servo
2. Keypad:
It would be a 3x4 keypad and will be used to take input from the user. User
enters the block number in which he wants to park its vehicle through this
3. Servo Motor:
Arduino will run the servo motor according to the input from the keyboard.
It will be used to lift the automobile to the user desired spot.
4. LCD:
It will 16x2 LCD and will be controlled by the Arduino. It will display the user input
and will display the massage after the vehicle is parked or recovered.

Name of component Cost of component

Arduino UNO R3 $16

3x4 Keypad $12

16x2 LCD $15

Servo Motor $22

Total $65
Vehicle traffic congestion is major problem all over the globe and it is also increasing day by day
at an alarming rate. Increase in the living standard along with the rapid population growth
results in the increase number of vehicles on the road and put strain on the parking
infrastructure which is also not capable of handling huge number of traffic. It has become a
challenging task to find finding an empty parking space in peak hours, drivers a have to cycle
back and forth a many number of times before to find a parking space. This cause to increased
fuel consumption, air pollution and increase the chances of accidents. About one million barrels
of the world’s oil burns every day. A smart parking system will provide necessary infrastructure
to deal with these challenges.

A smart city is an urban development vision to manage a city's assets. Smart city consist of local
department information systems, schools, libraries, transportation, hospitals, power plants
water supply networks, hospitals, power plants, waste management system and smart parking
system. To implement the smart city successful, the implementation of the smart parking
system is the one of the key areas of this project. Smart parking system can greatly benefit both
the society and the owner. It would provide optimized parking, users, find the best spot
available, saving time, resources and effort. Reduce traffic as traffic flow increases as fewer cars
are required to drive around in search of an open parking space and it also reduces pollution.
An optimal solution will greatly decrease driving time, lower the amount of daily vehicle fuel
emissions which reduce the global environmental pollution. It also provide increased Safety,
parking lot employees and security guards contain real-time data that can help prevent parking
violations and suspicious activity. Decreased spot searching traffic on the streets can help
reduce accidents caused by the distraction of searching for parking. Reduction of Management
Costs, more automation and less manual activity saves cost of labor and resource exhaustion.

Our objective is to develop a technological system which can prove to be economical as

compared to huge parking plazas and will be able to accommodate more vehicles. The system
will be automated and reduce operational cost by reducing the human interaction. To complete
this objective will be need a 16x2 LCD, a microcontroller (Arduino), a servo motor, a keypad and
mechanical assembly. Arduino will be the heart of the system. Servo motor, keypad and LCD
will be controlled by the Arduino. The system starts and wait for user to enter the slot number
using keyboard. When user enters the desired slot number (user can see which slot is free on
the LCD screen) that slot lifts down to home position using servo motor so that user can park
his/her vehicle on that slot. Once parked, user can freely leave his/her vehicle. Next user will
follow the same procedure and so on. When user will come back to take his/her vehicle, he will
just have to re-enter his/her slot number using keypad and that position will lift down to home
position so he/she can take his/her vehicle.

We have developed a smart parking system to address one of the major problems that aroused
with the increase in use of vehicles. Our newly designed system is very efficient in terms of
finance and technicality. The components used for prototyping were very efficient, easily
available and its costs is affordable. For real-time deployment of this system, heavy duty
actuators will be needed which can also be found at affordable rates. The algorithms applied on
the microcontroller are very efficient that they extract maximum technical efficiency out of the
system. The project can now be concluded in terms of economic efficiency and technical

Our system have completed our objective of providing an efficient and optimal solution for
parking. It would minimize the traffic congestion which is caused by gates and management of
queues so that traffic flows smoothly. It will also providing the ability to increase security during
terrorism threats by registering the car data in the parking space. This system will not only
works well for regular parkers which can be employees, but also for the common populations
who visit one time. While high income, credit card-toting technology workers may be relatively
easy to serve with advanced technology, cash-only contractors also have successful interactions
with this system. The main advantage of this system is the minimization of the capital and
operational costs and the reduction of the human interaction with the customer. System will
operate most parking spaces without parking enforcement and make it impossible to violate
the parking rules. It will allow the flexible sharing of parking lots between adjacent employers,
follow an open frameworks approach with capacity to improve framework abilities.

To further improve this newly made development, one can introduce the number of sensors in
the system like distance sensors so that car will not face any hard stroke on its body in lifting
and down process. One can also introduce RFID tagging system so that driver gets his own RFID
tag after parking and when he/she gets back, he/she will have to verify RFID tag to take his/her
vehicle. This will increase the security in this system.
Appendix A
Bar charts
Bar charts included in this document is analysis done by Happiest Minds Technologies. They are
taken from their website.

Happiest Minds Technologies is a digital transformation, infrastructure, security, and product

engineering services company. The company was founded by Ashok Soota In 2011. It’s
headquartered In Bangalore, India and has its operations in the United States, United Kingdom,
Canada, Singapore, and Australia. Sashi Kumar is the present MD & CEO of the company. They
provides digital transformation services through disruptive technologies like internet of things,
cloud, unified communications, big data analytics, mobility and security. They apply product
engineering, IPs and functional expertise In IT services and Infrastructure Management and
Security to provide domain centric solutions to different sectors like e-commerce, insurance,
banking, manufacturing, retail, travel and automotive.

They explained using these bar charts that Traffic congestion caused by vehicle is an alarming
problem at a global scale and it has been growing exponentially. Car parking problem is a major
contributor and has been, still a major problem with increasing vehicle size in the luxurious
segment and confined parking spaces in urban cities. They concluded that the major enablers or
drivers for smart parking, essentially are the problems of urban livability, transportation
mobility and environment sustainability. Primarily Smart Parking technology is about enhancing
the productivity levels and the service levels in operations.

Appendix B
References (Literature Review)
1. Automatic Parking Management System and Parking Fee Collection Based on Number
Plate Recognition By M. M. Rashid, A. Musa, M. Ataur Rahman, and N. Farahana, A.
Farhana in International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, Vol. 2, No. 2, April
2. Intelligent Parking Management System Based on Image Processing by Hilal Al- Kharusi,
Ibrahim Al-Bahadly published in World Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2014, 2,
3. Automatic Smart Parking System using Internet of Things (IOT) By Mr. Basavaraju S R
published in International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 5,
Issue 12, December 2015
Anand, Vinay Kumar, and Ankit Sharma published in International Journal of Engineering
and Computer Science ISSN: 2319-7242 Volume 3 Issue 5, May 2014, Page No. 5773-

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