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Factor Analysis Table

Topic: Factors impacting the technological innovation adaption among Indian IT

professional services.

Factor Factor Explanation/Definition about the Factor

the degree to which using an innovation is perceived as
1 Relative Advantage
being better than using its precursor
the degree to which an innovation is perceived as being
2 Compatibility consistent with the existing values, needs, and past
experiences of potential adopters
Rate of response to new technologies. It is a measure of
3 Willingness to change voluntariness of use or the degree to which the innovation
is readily adopted
Degree to which use of an innovaton is perceived to
4 Image enhance one’s image or future employability status in the
work society
Degree to which an individual believes that using an
Percieved usefulness/ ease of
5 innovation would enhance their job performance and how
easy an innovation is to learn and use
6 Result Demonstarbility The visibility of advantages of using an innovation
Sensitivity to competitive and customer environments and
7 Customer orientation is an extent to which the firm is providing customer
satisfaction and value relative to competitors
Perceptions of technology technological opportunity recognition and its attitude of use
feasibility for long term and short term
Support from different levels of management like
Management support encouragement of creativity and production of ideas,
support from executives or heads of departments and
innovation as organizational goal
the extent to which one perceives the financial amount
10 Cost
involved to inhibit him/her using innovation.

Reference Scale
0- No influence
1- Low Influence
2- Medium Influence
3- High Influence
4- Very High Influence

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