Radical Birth of Jesus

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Jesus was born by a virgin mother called

Mary. Just before this happened, Mary was
engaged to a man called Joseph. So one
night an angle came from heaven and
came to Mary to give her a message. The
angle, “You are highly favoured by God.”
Then the angle said, “You will be the carrier
of Gods son.” She asked, “But how can this
be I’m virgin?” Then the angle vanished.
The same vision to Joseph so they both new
what was going to happen. So they set off
on a donkey to find a place to give birth to
Jesus. They finally find a place called
Bethlehem and found a place for Mary to
give birth to her baby. They had no open
rooms for giving birth but they had an old
shack with a manger and that’s where
Mary gave birth to Jesus.

By Connor Young

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