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Violence Secrets
Drama Emotional
All genres I enjoy and why… Suspense
GENRES I ENJOY: The main reason I chose to do the genre Emotional
was because its has such a broad and wide range of
audiences with all different views and perspectives.
o My favourite genre would be action, simply because I adore the on
This is the reason I chose Emotional Drama as my
edge feeling you get whilst watching the action packed film unwind.
coursework A2. Emotional Drama is designed to
o I adore Action films due to the rapid, action packed scenes which
make the viewers build an emotional attachment with
keep you on edge.
the film and to feel the emotion the film is conveying.
o Action films are usually directed to a specific audience, around the
age starting 16/24.
When being able to create a successful Emotional
o Watching Action films as a child really got me into the genre, it
Drama film/programme you will need to show how
became my favourite film genre alongside Horror.
your unique and how you are different from other film
and what makes your film the best and have the best
narrative. There are different types of genres within
Examples of the Emotional Drama films I like: the Emotional Drama range including aspects such
Marley and Me: as death and suicides. Films such as Marley and Me,
Marley and me is an emotional drama, I like the film because the film me before you and Shawshank redemption. Also
connects to the audience on a personal level making it hard to witness the films such as the green mile.
death of the dog Marley.
The reason I like Hush, I like the film hush because of the unexpected plot
and the nature behind the film is not a common plot which makes the film
more unique and unpredictable.
 This scene will be the funeral of the parents who died in the
car crash and the camera shots will be focused on the son
of the couple killed and the ceremony being held in the
grounds of a cemetery. From a blacked out screen the
camera angle will be a birds eye view (quite high) which will
slowly get closer down scene. The camera will be at a mid-
shot of the vicar who will be at the top of the head stone
saying the prayers. In sync we will hear the vicar stating the
reasons of being here, for example, Vicar- ‘ we are here
Identifying the narrative.. today to give a lovely send off to the remarkable Jenifer and
Robert Smith.’ Pan around the circle of people around the
 The vicars voice will be a voice over and will say ‘ from ashes to
 The narrative for my film is about a young married couple who are on ashes dust to dust (PAUSE) we will meet again, depart my
their way to work and end up in a horrendous car accident costing friend, you may be gone (PAUSE) but I know your near, in my
them their lives. To connote this you will hear at the start of the film heart I hold you dear , ashes to ashes dust to dust.’ Whilst the
opening an awfully loud screeching of tyres and a loud crash. This will vicar is saying his speech, we see the introduction of Tom, the
convey the crash that the parents were in. Whilst the crash noises are son of Jenifer and Robert Smith and now orphaned after the
on in the background there will be a blank screen (blacked out death of both his parents. We see the family surround the grave
screen). as they all break down in tears, this is now in silence whilst music
 After the crash scene has ended you will hear (like a phone call) a is playing in the background.
voice over of a man saying ‘999 what’s your emergency’ in reply we  We then cut to the next scene where you see him as a orphan
will have an onlooker of the crash scene explaining what’s happened and being shouted at by his new carer which is his great uncle,
whilst panicking and panting as he is also looking for help. The they don’t get on you’ll see this by the shouting and the
onlooker (Man) will state that there is a fire caused by the crash which slamming of doors. There is a brief argument which lasts for
has been unleashed on the bonnet of the cars and they need to send around 10/15 seconds, Toms great uncle derrick states out of no
help straight away. The 999 operator states ‘emergency air and where that he can stay in his room and make something of his
ground units have been dispatched and are on their way to your life as he has nothing, not even parents and begins to laugh.
location immediately, please stand at a safe distance away from the Toms reply to this is ‘I will make something of my life just you
vehicles.’ This will all be on a black screen and take around 40 watch me’.
seconds long from the start.  The rest of the film will show his development through his life
and how he came to terms with his parents death. The film will
also show the development of his character and how he made it
in life and became the person he wanted to be which would also
make his parents proud.
I think my target audience would appeal to people from the age of
21-45. I wouldn’t set this any lower due to graphic contents but no
actual gore. My target audience would be for people who enjoy
emotional dramas, and for people who can emotionally connect
with the story line (Narrative). The gender I think that would
connect more with the narrative would be woman as they are more
emotional than men. Would you agree? If not explain why…

I think it would appeal to my target audience because of the reality

Identifying the narrative. of the story line which potentially can attract people to watch it.
The opening 2 minutes shows a sad start of a young married
Questions and feedback couple who are killed in a fatal car accident which unfortunately
takes their lives. Being left an only child with a restricted amount of
 The genre of my film is an emotional drama, I picked it family he becomes orphaned and in care by his great uncle who
because I feel you can get the most emptions out of the happens to be a crude, rude and vile man and has no sympathy at
characters and connect more with the audience, also I all for Tom. However, the story progresses and in the near future
feel personally I can relate with the story line on a level Tom turns his life around and eventually gets a job and lives a
which I think bring more reality to it. Do you like this good life.
specific genre? What is your genre of preference?
Is there anything you think wouldn’t work with this narrative?
 My film narrative is about a young boy called Tom 16, Or anything you think I could add in order to make my film better?
who unfortunately has just lost both his parents in a car
crash on the motorway on their way to work. Next scene The three main films I based my film on were ‘The Lovely Bones’
he is suited up, with most his family (not many) and the where I took inspiration of my genre, the genre was emotional
minority of his friends they gather round the grave of his drama, I thought I could connect more with my audience through
newly deceased parents, as the vicar says the prayers. using this genre as people will be able to relate to our narrative.
This will be in the opening two minuets. At the end of the ‘Ride Along’ would be another film I based my film on due to the
grave yard scene we will dedicate all the actors, staff and tension filled scenes, for example during the process we lead up to
producers. And will fade out will a happy song by ‘ Cat of Tom wanting to commit suicide, we see this through different
Stevens – The Tillerman’ this will portray a happy ending. types of ways which keep people on the edge of their seat and
This will contrast this to the start with the sad music make people anxious on his behalf. And last but not least, the
‘Ludovico Einaudi – I Giorni’. most tension filled film, JAWS. I took inspiration from the film Jaws
 Does this narrative seem appealing to you as a viewer? and looked at how to build tension. Jaws helped me understand
ways you can build tension, the build up of music – which in my
film we are using at the start in order to set the scene of a
Evidence of feedback
An individual who answered my questionnaire was Jack Dreyer. A 16 year old boy and A-
Level media, technology and English literature student

First question, Jack stated ‘I think this genre is nice however, in my opinion this type of film
is for people older than my age which is 16.’

Second question Jack answered – ‘I think the plot is a very detailed and descriptive, I feel
the narrative is very realistic which appeals to me because I loathe animations and non
realistic films.’

Third question – ‘ I think the target audience may bit a bit too young however, this is
personal preference as I usually like horror films and less upsetting films, as us viewers can
relate to topics like this which causes upset. On the other hand, the realistic narrative
makes the film look good and appealing too most ages.’

Fourth and final question jack replied– ‘I think what would make this narrative better would
be more drama as it’s a emotional drama but all I am hearing about it the emotional side.’
Evidence of feedback
An individual I asked to complete my questionnaire was Megan Roger, a 17 year old girl
and A-Level Psychology, English, Art and media student from Harlington upper school
sixth form.
Megan stated to the first question- ‘ i prefer romantic films however, I like emotional
dramas as they’re mostly realistic.’
For the second question Megan was asked she replied – ‘ yes it does appeal to me
because we can see how he overcomes it all.’
The third question Megan stated ‘ I agree with the gender the film is aimed at and the
age range from 21-45.’
The fourth question Megan answered ‘ no it seems good.’
Evidence of feedback

This is the third individual I asked to complete my questionnaire, Luke

Charalambous a 17 year bold boy and A-Level Business, travel and tourism and
btec sport student.
For the first question Luke stated – ‘ I like horror, drama and thrillers. I think
emotional dramas are okay however, not my preference.’
Second question Luke replied – ‘ its appealing as a viewer but personally i don’t
like emotional dramas.’
Third question Luke responded with – ‘I agree with the gender the film as women
prefer sad films as they can emotionally connect more with them, the age range
from 21-45 is right in my opinion.’
The fourth question ‘It all seems good to be honest.’
This individual I asked to take part in my questionnaire is Zak Barnaville, a 17 year old A-
Level English, History and Biology student, at Harlington Upper Sixth form.
In reply to the first question Zak stated – ‘my favourite genre of film is horror. My favourite
horror film is the Babadook. I don’t really like emotional dramas as there not really suited to
me or what I really like.’
For the second question Zak replied – ‘ I find this narrative appealing however, personally I
wouldn’t watch it as my preference is horror films.
In response to the third question Zak said – ‘I agree with the gender type for this film as
personally I don’t think many boys/men would watch this as its more emotional and would
often be more suited to girls/women.
For the fourth and final question Zak stated – ‘All seems pretty good.’
Evidence of feedback
This individual I asked to complete my questionnaire was Anisha Patel, a 16 year old female A -
Level Biology, Chemistry, Maths and business student from Harlington Upper sixth form.
First question Anisha Patel replied – ‘ I love Romantic comedy's. I think emotional dramas are
very realistic which makes them nicer to watch.’
For the second question Anisha stated- ‘ personally, I find the narrative appealing as a viewer
and would personally go and see this film.’
The third question, - ‘I 100% agree with the specific gender type for this film, I also think the age
range is about right however, I think the age range could go from 16-45 instead of 21-45.
The fourth and final question, ‘I wouldn’t change anything to be honest everything seems
accurate and of a nice flow, in my opinion it’s a very good narrative.’
Identifying The Target Audience

Primary Target Audience Secondary Target Audience

 My target audience would be mainly for people who like emotional
dramas, and for people who want to connect with the emotion shown  My secondary target audience are slightly older than the 60+
on the film. My audience like emotion drama as they are willing to target audience, personally I think could be a family film due
connect to the characters in the film and also emotion dramas show a to the lack of gore, horror or indecency.
very normal aspect on life which could be the reason why individuals  I’m targeting all ethnicities, genders, religions, different
enjoy emotion dramas. occupations, whether you have a job at school or college.
 The audience age range I am focusing to direct my film to would be 12
to 35 and directed for both men and women.
 Both genders will take the emotional drama in different ways, for
example women will find the film more emotional and connect to the
characters story line of losing his parents through a fatal crash,
whereas men watching my film would interact with the braveness of
Toms character and how he tries to turn his life around for the better
even though he was orphaned and left with a great uncle who he
doesn’t get on with.
 In terms of social class my target audience would be C1 and C2
 The lifestyle of the audience would appeal to mostly to carers, as they
care more about people and this would appeal to them as the film is
about loss of parents and being orphaned.

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