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BUS3004 Proposal Page 1

Proposal to Zilack Board of Directors

By FMPP Corp., Christina Fedele – Operation and Production, Shaneika Martin -

Marketing, Megan Palmeri – Accounting & Finance, Donna Proctor – Human
[Friday June 18, 2010]


Zilack Corporation is a medium-sized manufacturing company with 250

employees. It directly markets one product: the Zilack coffee cup with a patented ball
bearing sliding mechanism. James Jr. and a group of 15 other executives run the

Zilack Corporation has just received a large sum of money from a venture
capitalist. The venture capitalist and James Jr. are predicting 100% growth. To achieve
that growth, productivity will need to increase by a similar amount. Therefore, the
business model needs to be updated. The functional areas area must be updated to assist
Zilack’s business model to predict, plan, and implement future growth and profits.

This is a unique opportunity. James Jr. has taken over from his father, James Sr.,
CEO of Zilack for 37 years. The problem lies in Zilack’s outdated business model and
functional areas. Zilack in need of new ideas and new employees to implement then. The
100%t growth projection has James Jr. concerned with these questions:

1. How can my functional area managers modify their activities and objectives to
help Zilack achieve 100% growth?
2. How can we adhere to our Code of Ethics with such fast growth?
3. What new ideas can we implement in the functional areas?
4. What are the issues facing the company and the employees?
5. What will be the job titles, descriptions, and skills of our new employees in the
updated functional areas?
6. What will my updated business model look like? A business model describes
these components of how the business or organization:
A. Acquires, selects, and keeps employees and customers.
B. Creates value for its employees and customers.
C. Goes to the market with promotion strategy and distribution strategy.
D. Defines and differentiates its product offerings.
E. Defines the tasks that the business will perform.
F. Develops a sustainable presence with respect to the environment and
G. Plans for its resources to capture profit.
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This proposal describes ideas for Zilack’s updated business model. Specifically
managers from Zilack’s functional areas are providing ideas to address James Jr.’s

Accounting and Finance Manager Executive Summary

Employees are to be held at highest level of ethical manor. A meeting will take place to
describe code to all current employees and a signature is required that they understand.
New employees will be told upon hire with a required signature.

Impending Issues
Impending issues include lack of communication and unknown new software.
To prevent lack of communication weekly meetings will be held. In said meeting
all department questions will be answered. Any other department with issues that will
affect Accounting Department will be resolved in meeting if necessary.
IT will be holding short seminars to teach new software to department as needed.
And help transfer any old information into new system.

New Ideas
Update any and all software. IT will research the best and then give seminars.
New software available today will lessen the hard copy load and lessen human error.
Hire any need associates to help take on the workload from the expansion. New
employees will also help establish a more diverse management team for the department.
Create a new organization that will combine both computer files and hard copies.
Make them easily accessible yet out view.
Last, establish online banking that will free up time usually spent for bill pay and
even payroll.

Human Resources Manager Executive Summary

Human resources alignments means integrating decisions about people with decisions
about the results an organization is trying to obtain. Therefore, Zilack executives and
Human Resource leaders need to work together to fully integrate Human Resource
Management into the planning process so that it will become a fundamental,
contributing factor to the company’s planning success.

Each employee is responsible for respectfully reflecting on this code of ethic. Because
of the importance of this code, each employee is required to review and sign to let
management know that he/she understands.

Exiting Issues - Poor human relations, overlapping authority and responsibility, and
misuse of staff personal by top management, lack of communication among staff
departments and employees.
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New Ideas
Career Development, Health Benefits, Tuition Assistance, Training, Goals for
Performance Appraisal, Bonuses, Communication within and among departments and
managers, improvement of interpersonal communications, clear expectations.

Marketing Manager Executive Summary

Introduction- All marketing employees attending the meeting are expected to

understand and follow the code of ethics. There will be a session where employees may
ask questions that pertain to any confusion of what is to be expected of them. Once it is
clear that all employees understand the ethics then they will be asked to sign the paper
signaling that they understand fully what they are expected to do as well as what not to

Current Issues affecting the marketing functional area

1. Lack of communication with the workplace- more communication is suggested
through different avenues of communication.
2. Training and retraining of employees- creating a online seminar that is available for
all employees
New Ideas for updating
1. Creating a detailed marketing plan
2. Identify the targeted audience(the customer)
3. Update advertisements- be useful of every communication source that is available
to reach the customer

Production and Operations Executive Summary

Zilack Corporation Manufacturing Company business model needs to be updated as well

as the functional areas to assist in future growth and profits. To achieve the necessary
growth, productivity needs to be increased. In order for Zilack’s to achieve the updated
model business the need for new ideas and new (more head count) employees must
implement them. New ideas for the updated system have been considered. A business
must conduct itself in such a manner that all the functional areas work together. If a firm
is operating without cooperation and communication, growth and other areas will be at a
loss. In perspective, in order for any business to be successful team work is required.
There are three different types of teams a company uses to accomplish a task, quality
improvement (which Zilack needs), problem solving which is also an issue within Zilack,
and natural teamwork. If Zilack utilizes these teams to accomplish improvements within
the organization, resolving problems becomes less complex and completing a big project
then helps a business to be successful by ensuring the highest levels of productivity
possible. Applying these steps will improve the business model that Zilack is seeking and
obtain the growth needed.
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BUS3004 Proposal Page 5

Functional area Plan: Accounting and Finance

By Megan Palmeri
Member of FMPP Corp.

Accounting and Finance Manager Composition

Just like anyone in the medical or law profession, accountants have to adhere to a
code of ethics. They are responsible for tracking all financial gains and losses for a
company. If there is hint of dishonesty it will result in loss of jobs and even persecution.
Not only do accountants follow their own professional code of ethics, they also adhere to
their business’ code of ethics.
This also holds true for any employee in the Accounting and Finance Department
of Zilack Corporation. As we look to expand the company, it is important that the
Accounting Department understands the high standards at which they are kept. Failure to
adhere to the code of both accountants and Zilack Corporation will result in legal action
and/or termination.
The employees are required to act in the highest ethical manor. Zilack employees
are expected to be honest and forthright in dealings with managers, subordinates and with
one another as well as with clients, suppliers, business partners and the general public.
(SRA International, Inc. (2010). Zilack employees are not to behave in any way that will
disgrace themselves or this company.
The new code of ethics will be communicated to each employee and there will be
a short training meeting to answer any questions. Each old and new employee of the
Accounting and Finance Department will be required to sign stating that they understand
the new code of ethics. It will then be printed and put in view of all employees and
customers. “We will use of the external media to communicate the content of the code to
external stakeholders” (Defense Corporate Communication. (March 10, 2009).
Enforcement of Code will be carried out and monitored by the head of the Accounting
Department. Any proof of misconduct will result in legal action and or termination.

Possible Issues for Accounting and Finance Department

We understand expansion of this magnitude will be difficult for everyone. We are taking
steps to ensure that the expansion proceeds as smoothly as possible. Each functional area
will need to work together to make sure the growth is a success. Communication will be
crucial; no longer will one person be able to be in charge of everything. “The Accounting
and Finance Department will be in charge of tracking all profit and loss and updating
management of strengths and weakness. Also, they will complete all bookkeeping needs”
(Seabury, Chris. n/a). A couple of issues for the accounting department that we will try
to discourage before they become problems are:

• Lack of communication. To prevent this from becoming a major issue the

department will hold a weekly meeting to answer any questions and to discuss
where the department stands. Also, any and all problems another department
foresees that will involve the Accounting Department can be handled as they
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• Being up to date with new software needed to support all employees, tracking
inventories and monitoring cash flow. IT will need to work with the Accounting
Department to determine what software is needed and have short seminars to
teach any new programs. As one business owner told Nation's Business, "if you
double the size of the company, the number of bills you have goes up by a factor
of six" (Business Expansion, n/a).
If we prevent these issues then the accounting department should have an easy time with
the expansion. They will be prepared for new situations thrown at them.

New Ideas for Accounting and Finance Department

Since the company is running under an old business model, and an old way of
thinking, we need to bring every department up to speed to take on the responsibility of
expansion. One way to update each department is to make sure that everyone is
communicating. Like previously stated with a growing business it is impossible to
believe one person can run everything. It is time that each functional area works together.
Accounting will work with Human Resources to get payroll adjusted for new employees
and with Production and Operation to discuss the new equipment needed.
The first area of change for the accounting department will be the technology. All
systems will need to be updated with the newest software for accounting. It will lessen
the need for the possibility of losing paperwork and reduce human error. “A
computerized accounting system saves a great deal of time and effort, considerably
reduces (if not eliminates) mathematical errors, and allows for much more timely
information than does a manual system. If someone were to attempt to input data
containing an inequality, the system would not accept the input. Since the computer is
programmed to post amounts to the various accounts and calculate the new balances as
new entries are made, the possibility of mathematical error is markedly reduced.”
(Accounting Cycle, (n/a). Also, with a computerized system it will make it easier to track
employee’s time and complete payroll. A small business that is not computerized would
be simple but the more employees the harder it is to track.
Second, more people need to be hired to handle the work. “As the business
becomes successful and grows, however, there is generally more work, and more people
are needed to perform various tasks” (Organizational Structure, n/a). Hiring even one
additional person will help divide the work into manageable parts. It will lower the risk of
theft or embezzlement with more eyes on the numbers. With there being multiple people
in the Accounting Department it is possible to establish a managerial system. Every
department will need someone in charge, to help run things smoothly and make sure
everything is done within a timely manner.
Third, the department will need a new organization to it; one that grows with the
company. As the company expands and becomes more technologically advanced it will
have to decide what paperwork (if there is any) is relevant. It will need to be determined
what paperwork needs to be kept, organized or destroyed properly. The new organization
needs to combine both computer and hard copy files. This will help keep different
information from mixing together and becoming confusing or even be calculated
incorrectly. Paperwork with sensitive information will need to be readily accessible but
still out of eyes sight. It is suggested that an office of any size needs a filing system.
“Invest on filing equipment. Depending on the size of your business or company, you
BUS3004 Proposal Page 7

need hanging files, box files, lever arch files, filing cabinets, colored folders, and locks”
(Joalesto, (Feb. 24, 2010). The department will have to take time to distinguish which
method of organization will work best for them. Implementing that organization and
keeping it up to date is also the departments’ responsibility. The new system should make
sense to even those who are not working in the department.
Lastly, the department should establish online banking, as it would greatly free up
the department’s time. No longer will they need to sort the bills and use the postal system
to get the bills paid. They can easily extract any payments directly from their bank and
pay online. Also new technology allows you to complete payroll, from start to finish,
through online banking. Not only will it save time, but it will save money not having to
outsource your payroll.

Accounting and Finance Manager References

Accounting Cycle. (n/a). Retrieved June 5, 2010 from


Business Expansion. (n/a) Retrieved June 4, 2010 from


Defense Corporate Communication. (March 10, 2009). Retrieved June 3, 2010 from

Joalesto. (Feb. 24, 2010). The Importance of Proper Document Management in Keeping
Offices Well-Organized. Retrieved June 5, 2010 from

Organizational Structure. (n/a) Retrieved June 5, 2010 from

Seabury, Chris. (n/a). What Role Does the Finance Department Play in a Business?
Retrieved June 5, 2010 from

SRA International, Inc. (2010). Code of Business Ethics and Conduct. Retrieved May 30,
2010 from
BUS3004 Proposal Page 8

Functional area Plan: Human Resources

By Donna Proctor
Member of FMPP Corp.

Human Resources Manager Composition

With the rapid changes occurring during the 21st century, Zilack Corporation is in
need of an updated Human Resource Department. This is a company that has a lot of
potential for the future, and with necessary changes will be able to move only in a
positive direction. Since this is a small family owned company, it will need new human
resource capabilities to assist in the building and growing with and for the company. The
problem lies in Zilack’s outdated business model and functional areas. Employees must
be able to meet the organization’s goal of increasing production by 100%. “Changes
need to meet the desired growth, by utilizing compensation and benefits, training and
development, performance appraisal, employee and labor relations, safety and health, and
human research” (Cherrington, 1995).

Code of Ethics
Employee conduct and work performance should support and promote the
mission of Zilack. Employees who exhibit inappropriate conduct or unsatisfactory work
performance are subject to appropriate disciplinary action after all employees training
and retraining efforts have been made. Hopefully, with the assistance of Human
Resources all employees will have be trained in appropriate conduct. However,
inappropriate conduct is behavior for which no reasonable person would expect to be
forewarned that such behavior is wrong and subject to severe penalty. Examples include,
but are not limited to insubordination (willfully refusing to carry out a reasonable work
assignment), stealing Zilack property, fighting, or involvement with illegal drugs.
Inappropriate conduct includes activities both on and off the job that may affect an
employee’s ability to perform duties according to the expected standards. Unsatisfactory
work performance includes lack of quality, quantity, or timelines in work assignments,
irregular and inconsistent attendance, and failure to observe safety and operational rules
and practices (Reynolda House).

Issues Affecting the Human Resource Department

Generally, in a small organization such as Zilack Corporation there is not an HR
department, and so a line manager will be responsible for the functions of HRM. In a
line organization such as Zilack, the top manager, often the owner is positioned at the top
of the organizational structure and has clear lines of distinction between him and his
subordinates. A disadvantage of a line organization is conflict between line and staff
personnel. Conflict on the part of line and staff personnel can disrupt an entire
organization. Zilack has experienced reasons for conflict. Poor human relations,
overlapping authority and responsibility, and misuse of staff personnel by top
management are all primary reasons for feelings of resentment between line and staff
personnel. Conflicts also rise because of a lack of communication among staff
departments and employees. This resentment can result in various departments viewing
the organization from a narrow stance instead of looking at the organization as a whole
BUS3004 Proposal Page 9

(Droege, 2004). As the Human Resource Manager, it will be essential for the other four
functional managers – Accounting & Finance, IT, Marketing, and Operations &
Productions to meet and discuss with James Junior and the venture capitalist. First the 6
questions must be answered by all parties working cooperatively in order to achieve a
goal of 100% growth in one year, and 100% growth in production. Once each manager
has a clear understanding of the company’s expectations, the Human Resource Manager
and team will be able to move forward.

New Ideas for the Human Resource Department

The Human Resource Department is vital to this company’s success. It will drive
communication among the employees, offer employees clear expectations of their
changing responsibilities, ensure training and retraining are offered to each current
employee, provide a career development plan, offer incentives when growth is shown,
and establish a policy of reviewing goals. All employees are referred to as “partners” no
matter what job position they occupy. Each partner is eligible to receive health care and
are offered stock below the fair market value several times a year. Zilack employees can
also participate in a 401 (k) profit sharing plan (Brent Kembell, Starbuck Fever). As
economic conditions may worsen, Zilack will be counting more and more on their
employees to put forth their best effort to pull the organization through. Unless Zilack
pays special attention to the engagement of the workforce and to maintaining the type of
work environment in which employee engagement flourishes, fewer and fewer of the
employees will be willing to give their all to help the company to succeed. Career
development is one of the primary drivers of employee engagement. Almost all of the
engagement surveys and or employee exit interview data point out career development as
a key area of employee dissatisfaction. Underneath this dissatisfaction lie questions
around knowing what job opportunities are available to them; understanding the
requirements for career advancement into these potential opportunities (Farren, Tom,
2009); knowing how to effectively present themselves as viable candidates, and knowing
what resources – training, tuition assistance, development opportunities, are available to
them so if there is a gap; there is an avenue to enhance their skills and increase their
potential for these roles in the future. Especially now, faced with today’s challenging
environment, it is imperative that Zilack move swiftly to create a work environment that
fosters career growth through enrichment opportunities and development (Fareen, &
Karl, Reorganization, Restructuring, or Downsizing).
Career Development
Following are five such career development strategies that Zilack should consider
implementing during these changes and uncertain times.
1. Prepare the leaders and managers. Increase the interpersonal skills and
confidence of the managers to enable them to have effective and meaningful
career conversations with all employees.
2. Keep the best! Most important, don’t lose the best employees due to
uncertainty or inaction (Farren, Tom, 2009).
3. Prepare all employees before the change or as the changes are occurring. It is
important to remember that uncertainty leads to decreased productivity,
decreased employee engagement, decreased customer satisfaction, and
BUS3004 Proposal Page 10

ultimately a decrease in the bottom line – especially important to avoid in an

uncertain economy.
4. Ready employees who will be affected by the change. Give them tools and
resources to redeploy successfully to other more viable and growing areas of
the company that fit their professional aspirations.
5. Energize the survivors before, during, and after the change. Remember, these
are the people who will continue to make this company successful (Fareen, &
In recognition of the changing professional and personal development needs of
employees, the Human Resource Department should offer a wide variety of courses to
help develop new skills and enhance personal and career growth.
1. Courses should be offered in the areas of supervision, management,
organizational development, skill development, literacy, special interests,
wellness, work/family, diversity and others to be determined as the need
2. Zilack employees can participate in Training and Staff Development
programs. Most courses should be offered on work time at no cost to the
employee. Certificates of completion and recognition should be offered for
these courses. The Human Resource Department‘s task will be to regularly
publish a Training Catalog listing courses, times, and dates. (Reynolda
Educational Assistance for Employees
Human Resource Department must encourage and support the interests and efforts
of employees who wish to advance their personal and professional development. A
financial assistance benefit may be provided to employees for their educational
development. Education Assistance will be available for a maximum of two courses per
semester upon approval of the Human Resource Manager (Reynolda House).
Health Coverage
Human Resources must recognize the importance of a sound health program. As
a result medical health coverage will be provided through Blue Cross/Blue Shield of
Harrisburg network of physicians and hospitals. Zilack will pay 100% of Employee Only
Coverage. However, for coverage of dependents (spouse and children), the employees
will pay the full cost, less the Employee Only Premium. Premiums may be paid on a pre-
tax basis.
In order to meet the need for a sound oral health program, coverage will be
provided through Harrisburg’s two-tier dental plan: a high option plan and a low option
plan. Again Zilack will pay 100% of the cost of Employee Only Coverage. For
coverage of dependents (spouse and children), the employee will pay the full cost less the
Employee Only Premium. Premium may be paid on a pre-tax basis.
Worker’s Compensation
Accidents can be caused by carelessness and by failing to comply with safe work
practices. Training and retraining to ensure high safety standards will be offered. Injuries
can be costly in terms of financial loss and human suffering. For this reason employees
BUS3004 Proposal Page 11

are urged to work in a safe manner and to report unsafe conditions to their supervisor.
Should an employee be accidentally injured or become ill while working he/she may be
entitled to receive benefits as provided by the Pennsylvania Workers Compensation Act
(Reynolda House).
Goals for Performance Appraisals
Employee performance appraisals include details about how an employee
performed on his/hers job during the review and how he/she can improve performance in
the future. These evaluations are often linked to pay-raise decisions and may affect
eligibility for promotion. To properly appraise employee performance, Human Resource
will need to establish clear goals for the employees and hold them accountable for
achieving those goals. Depending on the type of employee, these goals can take different
1. Non Exempt Employees- work in the category of transactional tasks. They
perform repeated iterations of a specific task.
2. Exempt employees- who operate as independent contributors rather than
managers have different work requirements and different objectives than non-
exempt employees and management staff. These individuals may manage
projects, analyze business data or create technical documents.
3. Mangers – managers with direct reports are accountable not only for the work
they do but also for the performance of their teams (Heidi Wiesenfelder,
Examples of Goals for Performance Appraisals).

Human Resources Manager References

Cherrington, David J. (1995), The Management of Human Resource, Englewood Cliffs,

New Jersey; Prentice Hall, Retrieved May 30, 2010 from

Droege, Scott B. (2004), Line-and-Staff Organizations, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey;

Prentice Hall, Retrieved May 30, 2010 from

Fareen, Carl. Ph.D., Karl, Tom, (2009), Reorganization, Restructuring or Downsizing,

Mastery Works, Inc. Retrieved May 30, 2010 from,

Reynolda House (2009), Museum of American Art Employee Handbook, pg. 30,33,34,
Retrieved May 30, 2010 from,

Kembell, Brent (2002), Catching the Starbuck Fever, Missouri State University, Business
and Company Resource Center, Retrieved June 1, 2010 from,

Wiesenfelder, Heidi, (2002), Examples of Goals for Performance Appraisals, The New
York Times Company, Retrieved June 3, 2010 from,
BUS3004 Proposal Page 12

Functional area Plan: Marketing

By Shaneika Martin
Member of FMPP Corp.

Marketing Manager Composition

The Marketing department shall uphold and advance the integrity, honor and dignity of
the marketing department by:

• Being honest in serving consumers, clients, employees, suppliers, distributors, and

the public;
• Not knowingly participating in conflict of interest without prior notice to all
parties involved; and
• Establishing an open communication between the company and their customers
• Accept the responsibility of their activities
• Making every effort that their decisions satisfy the company and not themselves.
• prohibiting selling or fundraising under the guise of conducting research;
• maintaining research integrity by avoiding misrepresentation and omission of
pertinent research data;
• Treating outside clients and suppliers fairly.

Current issues affecting the Marketing Functional Area

• Lack of Communicating with the Marketplace- The Marketplace is the

potential area of customers, mainly what some call the company’s audience. It is
vital that the Marketing department connects to their customers on a regular basis
to maintain their current customers and to gain any future customers as well. If
there is any lack of communicating with the marketplace the company would be
setting themselves up for failure and the projected growth will not and cannot be
possibly reached. The lack of communication means that if there are no
advertisements being displayed to the public or if the company is not using any
media sources to communicate with the public customers. Communication should
be ongoing and persistent. There are two different types of communication, one
that should be used within the business and the other within the marketplace.

• External communication reaches out to the customer to make him or her aware
of your product or service and to give the customer a reason to buy. This type of
communication includes your brochures, various forms of advertising, contact
letters, telephone calls, Web sites and anything else that makes the public aware
of what you do.

Image is extremely important in external communication! Your logo should

represent who you are; your letterhead should be a selling tool; your telephone
message should reflect your professionalism.
BUS3004 Proposal Page 13

• Internal communication is essential to attracting and retaining a talented staff.

You must provide the direction for the company by consistently communicating
that message; you must motivate your staff through various forms of
communication, which can include awards, newsletters, meetings, telephone calls
and formal and informal discussions. (,2010)

In addition the communication should not just be through one avenue; there should be
different sources of communications that the company used to be promised a high
number of customers. Some types of communication tools are the landline phone, cell
phones, social networking sites, television, advertisements, and a host of other
communication tools.

Training the new employees and Retraining the current employees- With the
projected growth being aimed at 100%, it is inevitable that the old plans and old ways of
doing things in the marketing department must be thrown out. With that being said there
will be a lot of training taking place in the department. The issue at hand is making sure
that everyone stays on the right track. No time needs to be wasted nor does anyone need
to be slothful at learning and acquiring the skills needed to perform on an excellence
level in order to satisfy the projected growth. The issue of training the current employees
would be if they could adjust to change easily. Some people cannot adjust to change and
have a hard time keeping in step with others. Having employees who are not used to
changes will also put the company at risk for having to hire more employees if the current
employees are not catching on to the new area plans. This would mean that the company
would be spending more time hiring employees than training the ones that they have. So
to postpone this problem or if it would occur online seminar training will be available for
all of the employees.

How employees will benefit

• Understanding the Role of Marketing Acquire the basic marketing skills, tools and
techniques to identify, evaluate and solve marketing problems
• Understand the components that make up compelling marketing plans that
succeed in capturing customer value within a competitive environment
• Discover creative ways to apply marketing principles and practices to compete
successfully in today’s business environment
• Understand the “why’s” behind basic marketing practices
• Begin to think like a world-class marketer

What the seminars will cover

• Define what marketing is and how it fits into the organization

• Create a marketing system exchange map
• Learn why marketing-oriented companies typically outperform other companies
Using Market Research and Market Intelligence Information Systems
• Identify the types of information found in market research
• Define the six steps of the market research process
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• Explore models of consumer decision making

Leveraging Marketing Strategies
• Summarize strategic approaches to the planning process
• Compare mass marketing to segmentation marketing
• Classify ways to segment the market in both business-to-consumer and business-
to-business environments
• Analyze segments and the targeting process
• Construct a differentiated positioning strategy
Understanding and Aligning the Components of the Marketing Mix
• Learn the components of marketing tactics and how they align with one another
• Learn how to see products as a bundle of customer-desired benefits
• Explore various pricing objectives and strategies
• Compare and contrast various distribution options
• Discover the strengths and weaknesses of various promotional methods
Creating Customer Value, Satisfaction and Loyalty
• Analyze the benefits and rationale behind developing customer value, satisfaction
and loyalty
• Understand how marketing communication programs can cultivate strong
customer relationship efforts
• Look at the importance of CRM systems in supporting customer relation

New Ideas For updating the Marketing Functional Area

One idea for updating the Marketing Functional Area would be to create a plan that
contains objectives, strategies and tactics, budgets and timetables, and to go into detail of
the product that is being offered. If the marketing department were to create a detailed
descriptive plan that contains all of what has been mentioned it would create an organized
way of doing things. There would not be any room for confusion in this area because
everything would be addressed and written down, thus making it easier to be able to see
what is needed after the plan is created. The marketing plan would be somewhat similar
to this but will include much more details:

The financial goal for the company is aimed at 100% growth.

We will position the organization as a recognized brand that presents little risk, the
destination and centre of excellence for the Small Business sector and the single source of
skills training and business knowledge for manufacturing, large enterprise and municipal

We will implement an integrated turnaround program to become a market-driven

organization: establishing performance metrics, repositioning, reorganizing, upgrading
physical plant and equipment, creating strategic relationships, developing wanted and
BUS3004 Proposal Page 15

needed programs, adjusting pricing, attracting the best trainers and facilitators and
executing a marketing communications program.(,1996)

Another idea would be to find out the targeted audience (customer) for the product. This
would mean to define the targeted customers in demographic terms, lifestyle, or the
reason for needing or wanting the product. Updating the customer database would gain
the company the hope of growing as large as they expect to. Also the marketing
department should update their advertisements as well and reach out to other streams of
communication sources. There should not be a limited use of communication and there
should always be more ideas being brought to ensure that we are up to date with any new
communication that we do not have. We should use every outlet of advertising as
possible that we think would benefit the company. Coming up with a marketing
budgeting plan would also be a good idea. We have to stay mindful of our budget so that
we do not put ourselves in risk of spending more money than making more money. We
should also be mindful not to aim at the wrong customers because everyone is not going
to purchase what we are advertising, but if we aim at those specifically who we think will
buy the product, then there is no money wasted but gained. Our advertisements should
be very appealing and attractive to our audience. When thinking about our targeted
audience we should ask the following two questions:

1. Who will be likely to use our product?

1. Older age groups
2. Coaches
3. Secretaries
4. Teachers
5. Corporate businesses
2. What types of communication sources would attract these likely
1. Newspapers
2. Advertisement in the local news stations
3. Sports section
4. Postage mailed brochures

Marketing Manager References

Amer Management. Fundamentald of Marketing.(2003) Retrieved July 10,2010.

Marnell,Tom. The Difference between Marketing and The Marketing Department.

Retrieved July 06,2010.

My Own Business. Communication Tools. (2003-2010) Retrieved July 10, 2010.

Sample Marketing Plans. (1996) Retrieved July 10,2010.

BUS3004 Proposal Page 16

Functional area Plan: Production and Operations

By Christina Fedele
Member of FMPP Corp.

Production and Operations Manager Composition

With intentions to upgrade Zilack’s business model and improve the Production and
Operations Functional Areas there are goals that need to be met and standards that need
to be adhered to. These changes must meet the desired growth of 100% that Zilack
Corporation intends to accomplish. The business model as well as the functional areas
are outdated, changes within the organization must occur pertaining to several areas. In
Order to improve these areas communication and collaboration within the business and
functional areas is a must. A set of recognized and well developed concepts, tools, and
techniques belong within the framework considered operations (production)
management. Although the intentions within Zilack are good , the ability to apply a
necessary structure is lacked.

New Ideas to improve the Production and Operations Functional Areas

I would like to address a proposal for Zilack to update the Production and Operations
Functional Area for managers to encompass these multi-disciplinary areas:

.Supply Chain-managing all aspects of providing goods to a consumer from

extraction of raw materials to end-of-life disposal.

.Operation Management/Marketing Interface determining what the customer’s

value prior to product development.

.Operation Management/Financial Interface capital equiptment and inventories

comprise a sizable portion of many firms assets.

.Service Operations- coping with inherent service characteristics such as

simultaneous delivery/consumption, performance measurements etc.

.Operations strategy-consistent and aligned with firms functional strategies.

.Process design and improvements-managing the innovation process.

.Obtaining, training, and keeping qualified workers and managers.

.Reducing the development and manufacturing time for new goods and services.

.Achieving and sustaining high quality while controlling cost.

.Integrating new technologies and control systems into existing processes.

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.Working effectively with other functions of the business to accomplish the goals of
the firm.

.Integrating production and service activities at multiple sites in decentralized


.Working effectively with suppliers at being user- friendly for customers.

.Working effectively with new partners formed by strategic alliances.

Asserting these techniques within the Zilack Corporation will provide possibilities to
improve the Production and Operational Functions area and implement a technique to
update the business model .Delegating management responsibilities and implementing
new ideas is a must. The Functional Area of Zilack in regard to efficiency scheduling
labor, and making aggregate planning decisions needs to become a professional field as
well as an academic discipline so that the techniques incorporated into service build a
better sufficient business model.

Code of Ethics

Zilack will adhere to a code of ethics which conveys organizational values, work
conduct, insubordination, work performance, attendance, rules and regulations, a
commitment to standards and communicates a set of ideas. These standards are
reasonably necessary to promote, honest and ethical conduct, including the ethical
handling of actual or apparent conflicts of interest between personal or professional
relationships, full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosure in the periodic
reports required to be filed by the issuer and compliance with applicable governmental
rules and regulations.

Issues affecting the Production and Operations Functional Area

In order for a business to succeed all of the functional areas have to interact and work
together to assure that in all areas the operational organization flourishes. The
Productions and Operational Function focuses on the planning for the production and
operations to support Zilack’s business model of projected growth by applying effective
planning, scheduling, maximizing labor. If there are issues in these areas the functional
area of the production and operations area can’t run accordingly.

The Production and Operation Management is the planning, scheduling and control of the
activities that transform inputs (material and labor) into outputs (finished goods and
services). Zilack Corporation is in need of growth in several areas, strategies to
implement Zilack to promote this growth and build an updated business model were
overlooked as well as lack of communication with the functional area managers therefore
Zilacks business model and functional areas were outdated thus causing the Corporation
to not meet their objectives. The problem is initially in the outdated business model ,
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however Zilack is a medium sized manufacturing company with only 250 employees, not
only does the productivity need growth but the head count needs to increase as well. The
functional area managers need to collaborate and delegating management responsibilities
within the Corporation must happen. Zilack’s operation and production managers did not
have the knowledge relevant to their industry nor the interpersonal skills or knowledge of
the other functional areas within the firm. They did not have the ability to communicate
effectively, motivate other people, or manage projects and work on multidisciplinary

Mark Davis, Nicolas and Richard Chase (1999) have suggested that the major issues for
operations management today are but not limited to, reducing the development and
manufacturing time for goods and services, achieving and sustaining high quality while
controlling cost, integrating new technologies and control systems into existing
processes, obtaining , training and keeping qualified workers and managers, working
effectively with other functions of the business to accomplish the goals of the firm,
integrating production and service activities at multiple sites in decentralized
organizations, working effectively with the suppliers at being user-friendly for customers,
and working effectively with new partners by strategic alliance.

As one can see, these are critical issues to any firm. Operations Management is a
legitimate functional area within most organizations. Operations Management can no
longer focus on isolated tasks and processes but must be one of the architects of the firms
overall business model.

Production and Operations Manager References

Joshi, Rakesh, Mohan (2005) International Marketing/ Production, Oxford University

Press. New Delhi and New York 1SBN-019-5671236

Marketing Management, 12th ed. Pearson Prentice Hall. 2006. 1SBN 0-13-145757-8

Clancy, Kevin J, Peter C Kriegafsd (2000). Counterintuitive Marketing . The Free Press.
1SBN 0-684-85555-0.

Keller, Kevin Lane (2002). Strategic Brand Management, 2cnd ed. Prentice Hall. 1SBN

Porter, Michael (1998) Competitive Strategy (revised ed.) The FreePress 1SBN 0-684-

Patterson, Laura (2008). Marketing Metrics in ACTION: Creating a Performance- Driven

Marketing Organization. Racom Communications. Marketing Organizations.
Racom Communications. 1SBN 1933199156. Retrieved 2008-11-03.

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